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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2922377 No.2922377 [Reply] [Original]

What are yours?
I used to want git guud enough to be professional, then i started to consider that less of an option and am now looking for alternatives for a career.
Now i feel myself being less and less motivated to try.

>> No.2922382

fapworthy work and make some liquid

>> No.2922384

>fapworthy work
ive had the same idea too, wanted to make some doujins
>some liquids

>> No.2922389


>> No.2922410

To be better than 99% of /ic/.

>> No.2922424

make enough money to live and not have to have a "real" job

I have more than that but thats the main idea

>> No.2922426

is there any realistic chance of this? Is there security?
I dont want to be employeed by this for a few years then go bankrupt and homeless

>> No.2922428
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I saw the R Crumb documentary and him drawing freehand with such ease it made me want to git gud. But then I bought a book and saw his comics from when he was 12 and I just got depressed.

>> No.2922430
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Plan C is to become a highschool art teacher.

"Those that can't do, teach."

>> No.2922431

thats why I went to business school before pursuing art

>> No.2922436

i want to be able to support myself with art & good enough to make my passion projects.
art is stable insofar as there will always be some kind of work as long as you cast a wide enough net. if you want job security, getting into AAA or movies is probably a safer bet. i'm too autistic for that shit personally, i don't wanna work around other people

>> No.2922437

i thought business degrees were meme degrees
I have been thinking of learning to code and maybe working for video game companies, ideally i want to stay 2d so i dont know what my job prospects would be.

>> No.2922450

>is there any realistic chance of this?
Depends on what specifically you're going for.
>Is there security?
Studio jobs, yes. Freelance, no.
>I dont want to be employeed by this for a few years then go bankrupt and homeless
If you're good enough to be a pro you can always teach. Maybe not in an academic setting(unless you have a degree) but that's hardly the only teaching opportunities. There's also a bunch of art related jobs, like ADs and such, so if you have the skill you can probably find a job at least related to what you want to do.
From what I've heard they're looking more for 3D skills than 2D, but I'm not terribly interested in that industry, so if anyone has more info by all means please correct me.

>> No.2922454

what kind of studio jobs are there?
i was always taught the "no careers in art" meme and stayed pessimistic.

>> No.2922457

they are absolutely meme degrees and the school i went to was the worst of em, but itll get me a job over some one who doesnt have any degree. but im just talking back up plans

as far as art goes, its good to understand the business mind frame and how money works when you go in. and even though thats sort of intuitive, having gone through school I do have better understanding of it. I like to think I'll also have an easier time marketing myself and my style later on.

>> No.2922627

my end goal is to teach

being able to draw your ideas is useful, and since I like to imagine a lot of stuff while bored I though being able to show others what I imagine would be nice too

and depending on how a good time manager I will be, being a freelancer illustrator means I could work on whatever side projects I want, while having a source of income which does not make me a sclave to some dead end job

>> No.2922640

I just want to be happy with what I create. Showing it to someone else with pride and saying "I drew this!" Instead of the dread I feel when showing my 'art' right now.

Money - fame - meh. Just don't want to be 30 and still draw like a preschooler. ( Turning 30 in August - time is running out...)

>> No.2922652

I want to draw web comics to the artistic style of Miura if needed be with the panel layout of that of Togashi.

>> No.2922676

just really wanna attain mastery someday (hopefully relatively quickly!) and to be able to draw whatever i want well.

the pipe dream is to work in the gaming industry as an illustrator/even just freelance, but it's a pipe dream for a reason... i don't mind terribly if it never comes to fruition as long as i still get good along the way and have fun doing it. drawing's also the only way i can give back and make other people happy.

>> No.2922686
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To fulfill my childhood dream of working at Cartoon Network and creating the next big hit for the network.

Until then, I just use my free time drawing in the /ctg/ General every weekend, because why not?
It's fun, and the guys there are nice people to hang out with.

>> No.2922893

i dont want to do it for a living, i just want to be able to put my ideas on paper in a way that looks fine.

>> No.2923073



As a child though I loved animation and comic books, I always wanted to make a comic book or animated movie, but alas, I am shitty artist.

>> No.2923086
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You guys know that doing art for a living is going to kill your passion for art forever right? You'll be forced to draw the same boring shit over and over and over again, working with strict deadlines and without any form of creative thought involved on your part.

>> No.2923100

piss off to another field. fuck is with you morons

>> No.2923114

I've had a comic idea in my head for a long time that I wanna make. It doesn't have to be incredible artwork but it at least needs to be consistent with good anatomy/gestures for like 50-100pg. I'll likely never make any money off the comic and it'll only appeal to a niche audience but it would make me real happy if it existed.

>> No.2923175

I'm trying to get to a level where I can illustrate my own childrens book.
In the style of paddington and peter rabbit.

Just started getting into watercolor.

>> No.2923977

I want to get on a level where I'm free too illustrate what's on my mind using watercolor and ink and not suck.

I am a hobbist btw not trying to get a career.
I dont really plan to use any other medium at the moment, I just love using watercolors but my fundamentals suck.

>> No.2923979

did you mean: animation

>> No.2923986

i want to be nobuteru yuki, but better.

>> No.2923992

Meh, I thought that through art I could find some profound form of creative expression and storytelling.

Yeah, that's stuffs there, but what I've found is that about 80% of what's involved is just quiet straight forward labor.

It's a fulfilling thing in itself but not what I thought it would be. Anyway, my goal is just to get good to be able to tell stories with art. The artisanship of it is also nice but like I said there's really not much to say about it.

Like others here, I grew up with Cartoon Network so I'd like to give back to that and tell amazing stories. So many cartoons these days are either geared towards young children or to the familyguy crowd. I want make some thought provoking stuff that's more for a general audience and maybe bridge the gap between western campy cartoons and the range that japanese anime is able to have..

>> No.2924007

I wanted to be an animator working in one of the big studios. Took a short course years ago (I don't even know how I got in), stress nearly killed me, depression set in quickly after I was done with it. I was bad and my low self esteem made it worse. Never felt like I was trying hard enough, and when I did I never felt like the result was good enough. I quit drawing and didn't animate, got addicted to vidya and the internet, wasted years doing nothing.

Now I just want to get good to be proud of the shit I do, not for money, not as a job, but for myself. I want to enjoy it again. I didn't have fundamental knowledge back then and I don't have it now, but I want to have it, I want to end this year with this knowledge, and with pride of improvement. I'm not even thinking about animation right now, just basic art skills, perspective, form, rendering. If all goes well, I could focus on movement making less mistakes next year, or the one after.

>> No.2924051
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Good enough to do something like that

>> No.2925145


10 thousand hours.

>> No.2925711


i also really enjoy muscular men drawings/sculpture. fuck this over rated anime bullshit

>> No.2926015

To live from my art. Then run a school where I live.

>> No.2926058

>fapworthy works
That's my goal too.
I currently work as a software engineer.
If I was able to produce fappable work I could make my own lewd games, which would be:
-awesome (in my own opinion)
-a source of income

>> No.2926059
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I just want to fill requests in /v/ drawthreads. I don't know if I'll do commissions when I'm good enough because it's troublesome.

>> No.2926062

To draw the perfect 2D wife.

>> No.2926092

To get good enough to stop commissioning artists and make my own porn

>> No.2926097

I don't even know anymore. I just always want to be better than I currently am. Its working out alright though I guess.

>> No.2926155

My entire self-worth is based on me being an artist.
I've foolishly put all my eggs in the art basket.
I've got no friends and am a failure at everything in my life including art but art is the only thing I won't give up on for some reason.
Maybe I actually like it, even though it's almost always painful.
But it's been getting better. Every time I notice my gains is the only thing that makes me feel like I might have some worth to this planet.
If I can't be a great artist then I might as well be dead. But if I'm dead then I can't work to become a great artist.
So I'll keep trying, no matter how painful and no matter how long it takes because it's the only thing I care about.

I swear one day

>> No.2926175

Me too. Though I'm trying to specialize in young furry (cub) porn.