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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 23 KB, 592x178, XD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2921296 No.2921296 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2921301
File: 31 KB, 358x368, 1431296655484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good show.

>> No.2921303

Who this?

>> No.2921306

What's the context?

>> No.2921309

Pedophile piece of shit gets what he deserves.

Small wonder.

>> No.2921312

What happened? Can you give me a quick rundown?

>> No.2921321
File: 162 KB, 853x1000, R8QxZIi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4chan is for lolis

>> No.2921322

Depends. Do you know what Shadman does?

>> No.2921324
File: 152 KB, 1200x985, C8Hn369UwAAPw97.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional artist
>can't even draw squares and rectangles

>> No.2921326


Probably nothing to do with lolishit

Most likely copyright case

>> No.2921333

>Most likely copyright case
The fact that he gained the ire of that faggot Destiny who is known to DMCA everyone he disagrees with tells me it might be a copywright case.

>> No.2921338

Let's hope we neve see him again. I'm sure he deserves this.

>> No.2921344


How come you're aware of him posting that, OP, care to explain why you suscribed to his shit?

>> No.2921345

So then he becomes a martyr for youtube/newgrounds animators and gets exactly what he wants: attention.

>> No.2921347

Probably because of sleepycast.

>> No.2921355

Fucking KEK I hope it's something serious.

>> No.2921360

Word is was hired by Cartoon Network to animate a show. They asked him to stop the website.

>> No.2921362
File: 86 KB, 430x611, 1489651459236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draws porn of underage real people
>Destiny probably called the cops on him

Might be cool

>> No.2921363

Oh, okay.


>> No.2921365

>Cartoon Network reaching out to random internet creep when there are literally thousands of better applicants

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.2921367

>Destiny who is known to DMCA everyone he disagrees with
Assblasted Jontron/Sargon fanboy detected.

>> No.2921369

Whelp time to stop supporting him on Patreon. I'll take my $10back, I don't want to get dragged into this. I expect others to drop him as well.

>> No.2921370


>Word is [completely unbelievable bullshit]

>> No.2921371

bs anon, you don't support anyone on patreon, you are poor like me

>> No.2921372

>defending Destiny
>child of an illegal beaner who tries to fuck his underage fans, told his friend to kill himself (which he does), and says the US should militarily invade Mexico while also sending them billions in "aid".
Don't watch either of those two but Destiny is an indisputable retard.

>> No.2921373
File: 1.16 MB, 480x358, 1489873158232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supporting an actual pedo

>> No.2921374

My dad works on mtv, and he told me the same thing, apparently he will be the lead background artist for the new powerpuff girls

>> No.2921375
File: 15 KB, 185x243, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing this news just made my week.

>> No.2921377

>powerpuff girls
Oh shit, nothing of value was lost though.

>> No.2921378
File: 41 KB, 600x455, based goodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shadman getting in trouble legally

Thank you, I needed this.

>> No.2921379

he literally draws porn and harass real children. In one stream he show more explicit shots of "lolis" featuring ltcorbis. One guy call him on skype and humiliate him because of this. Shadman just spend an hour complaining about how he dont care.

he dont draw anything During the last years, he pay to 2 guys for sketch and then he draw over it, u can tell the difference when you see his "speedpaints". also he use a couple of tricks to "emulate" those speedpaints.

i see the screen cap. on fb

>> No.2921381
File: 1.66 MB, 480x270, 1488477724787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And if it's true... damn I am gonna be salty if that is true.

>> No.2921382

Is it true he said he doesn't care about his Patreon fans and just sees it as free money?

>> No.2921386

yes, thats the reason why he lost 50 patreons and he hide the amount of money he get monthly because he lost like 500-1k $

>> No.2921387

>child of an illegal beaner
Racism is indisputably retarded.

>> No.2921388
File: 797 KB, 200x150, 1379814560712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do bad things happen to good people?

>> No.2921391
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>> No.2921393

>the Twitter comments wishing him luck

What a world we live in. He most likely did something wrong or illegal and people are just wishing he'd draw porn ASAP while they cheer him on.

>> No.2921394

stop baiting you cunt. the majority of ic is retarded enough to believe it.

>> No.2921395

people on twitter dont care about the artist, just the art.

>> No.2921399

>Why do bad things happen to good people?
Seems that life is just a constant war between good and evil.

>> No.2921400
File: 553 KB, 777x555, 1450322365729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People tried to warn him.

Drawing porn of real chiIdren is legally considered a crime as big as real cp.

He didn't listen, despite this being the second time he is going to jail for drawing loli.

>> No.2921401

>shadman in legal trouble

tfw i have to live with a 5 day long erection now
truly the best timeline
i hope all of his edgy pedophile fans are bawling their eyes out

>> No.2921402

Wait he's been to jail?

>> No.2921403
File: 69 KB, 636x616, 1459346457540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these salty posts wishing him the worse


>> No.2921404

DMCA abuse is pure cancer. Everyone can send fake DMCA

>> No.2921406

Yes. When he lived in Yurop he got in trouble for loli too.

>> No.2921407

>Drawing porn of real chiIdren is legally considered a crime as big as real cp.

no it's not

>> No.2921409

>i see the screen cap. on fb


>> No.2921410

>mexicans are a race
>illegal immigrants are a race

>> No.2921411

Actually, it is.
It's a step above the run-of-the-mill grey area.

>> No.2921412

Depends on the state.


>> No.2921413

Yes it is

>> No.2921417

He wasn't in jail, he just got kicke out of school since shadbase was the site he gave the school as a portfolio. He served the army and fucked off to usa

>> No.2921418

That german loli VN got into trouble because of this, even mentioning the name on 4chan was bannable for a while.

>> No.2921419
File: 563 KB, 883x756, 1485402554906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically but he made one really great video
I don't like his shit art, but he doesn't looks like bad guy or retard

>> No.2921421

You mean that unter-whatever shit? I hope he rots in hell

>> No.2921425

We're not in fuckin' Germany though

>> No.2921431

>I tell people that I'm just a run of the mill freelance artist because explaining that I draw porn takes too much time... not that I'm ashamed or anything

He's a bad bullshitter

>> No.2921432

i cant really think of many other "artists" who i want to see crash and fail like him.

>le edgy "its just a mem im so edgy look i am a nazi skeleton" bullshit
>actual pedophile
>cries on stream because fucking memestar wants to sue him because of "look at me im edgy" lewd drawings of his little kid daughter
>actually untalented and undeserving of any public attention

>> No.2921434

>cries on stream because fucking memestar wants to sue him because of "look at me im edgy" lewd drawings of his little kid daughter
Gib link

>> No.2921438
File: 65 KB, 600x428, CadHgyRVIAAaFyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? It's logical choice. IRL communication works different. We don't live in Japan after all.

>> No.2921440
File: 23 KB, 152x167, (laughter stops).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about lolis
>on 4chan of all places
Where the fuck do you think you are? No, really, what the actual fuck is going through your head right now? Reconsider your life.

>> No.2921441

>actual pedophile

>> No.2921447

I come here to learn how to draw, not play nice with pedos. Get gassed.

>> No.2921451

>I come here to learn how to draw

>> No.2921452

Then why aren't you studying and instead autistically complaining about lolis on /ic/?

>> No.2921453

I bet you think people should accept weeb faggotry because muh weeb culture animay site too

>> No.2921454

Don't you dare foreget, not even for a second, that every board in this hell hole is made by weebs, for weebs. Go make a BBQ in the bathroom you normalfag piece of shit.

>> No.2921464

Strike a nerve?

>> No.2921465

>being proud of being the lowest caste of society
Go play some visual novels and listen to jpop lol

>> No.2921479
File: 198 KB, 600x811, ykcVYkt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2921484

If you really want to improve baiting on /ic/ isn't the way to go.

>> No.2921489

Procrastinator > pedophile

>> No.2921494

Some context please. Who is this guy and why should I care about his legal issues?

>> No.2921504

he pretty much admits it in that video where he tells he finds the concepts of his art arousing

>> No.2921519

>I come here to learn how to draw,
post work

>> No.2921528
File: 1.89 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-03-30-20-58-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you

>> No.2921561
File: 38 KB, 600x417, Im calling bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Word is was hired by Cartoon Network to animate a show.


>The Shadman

>The very Shadman who draws loli, rape, incest, and other disgusting fetish shit on his website and Patreon.

>Is hired by a big, well-known, mostly kid aimed company.

I'm hitting that doubt button really hard, anon.

>> No.2921569

man those laws are fucked up. it's a cartoon picture what the fuck

>> No.2921582

>known artist for pedo art
>get's hired to work on a show with little girls, aimed at kids

if they did it because of professional reasons, and didn't let what he does in his free time be a reason not to, then that's pretty good

shows some humans are not that stuck up their ass

>> No.2921584

inb4 April fools

>> No.2921590
File: 47 KB, 500x466, rebecca sugars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, CN would never hire some one who draws porn of underage characters.

>> No.2921592

>This is your brain on liberalism

>> No.2921644

i can't think of a single "professional" reason though. his draftsmanship? HAHAAAHAHAHAAHAAHA

>> No.2921656

Not gonna make it

>> No.2921690

Don't celebrate just yet, we don't know how this will go down and we don't even know why he's in trouble.

>> No.2921697

>we don't even know why he's in trouble

>> No.2921718

Please don't be an April Fools, please don't be an April Fools.

>> No.2921720


You just had to poke the beehive, you weird fuck.

>> No.2921806

Where does he live?

>> No.2921812


>> No.2921813

Then that guarantees it's not because of loli stuff.

>> No.2921819

There's a difference between weebshit and drawing pretty much child porn

>> No.2921830

He can probably still be sued by the parents of the children he depicted on his website.

>> No.2921851

^ this , fuck shad.

>> No.2921858

meh ive seen better ed ed eddy smut

>> No.2921869

yeah, but the point is that that smut was drawn but an artist working at CN

>> No.2921876


No is not, pedophiles are not welcomed anywhere.

>> No.2921882

yeah about that, it's just a silly doodle, a little wee bit different than an entire site and following based on porn of abusing, raping and beating up children

>> No.2921936
File: 347 KB, 599x510, IMG_4570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better not be a fucking April fool joke

>> No.2921943

Sugar was also 14 or something when she made that

>> No.2921949
File: 845 KB, 1022x768, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2921950

Hahahaha, oh my god

>> No.2921955

Anyone who equates 2D loli to was shad was drawing needs to get a fucking clue.
He was taking the likeliness of actual minors and drawing them getting a 18 inch long dick rammed up the shitbox.

>> No.2921967
File: 72 KB, 1280x960, jeremy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick rundown:


>> No.2921980


>> No.2921985

who...took the time to write this? Is this all that goes on in New Zealand

>> No.2921988

literally nothing: the article

>> No.2921992

Chances are it's Blizzard coming after him for drawing IP as underage little girls.


>> No.2922006

imagine being in a courtroom and having the people prosecuting you present your awful fetish art as evidence
imagine your family being there, watching you go on trial for drawing freaky porn
since it's shad I doubt he'd actually give a fuck, but goddamn

>> No.2922009

>yfw his Patreon increases becuase people will feel bad for him

It's going to happen.

>> No.2922012


>> No.2922016

What did she have to say about this?

>> No.2922018

normies make dumb legislation

he's being prosecuted for drawing and shitposting

>> No.2922021

this is what happens when you mess with peoples daughters. shit shad...you fucked up.

>> No.2922026

Should I stop supporting him on patreon?

>> No.2922035

To anyone they supports him on Patreon. You might wanna jump ship now becuase you get dragged into a legal affair if this is about CP

>> No.2922052

Spazkid just tweeted saying it's because of his site not recent content.

>> No.2922093

It's about his site not patreon

>> No.2922097

Why would you in the first place...

>> No.2922124

It is not and you know it. The amount of non-loli far out weights the loli on both of his sites, you're just witchhunting.

>> No.2922125
File: 992 KB, 250x250, 1476125830830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ya'll can't fuck with the irs

>> No.2922139


Supporting an autistic pedophile who also advocates military intervention against mexico is even more retarded, especially if you're doing it just because he shares some of your political views online. You're completely dense and contradictory.

>> No.2922144


LGBT and women get a pass though since they're high on the oppression scale. Sam Hyde got fired over rumors that linked him to nazism.

>> No.2922150
File: 524 KB, 1595x663, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the degenerates hear you. They'll throw a hissy-fit and say mean words!

>> No.2922248
File: 22 KB, 640x203, meem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its literally nothing you goofballs

>> No.2922257


>> No.2922276
File: 149 KB, 512x512, breh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw the Shad has been had

I thought he was untouchable

guess you can only outluck stupid for so long

>> No.2922280

Can I get a quick rundown? All I know about Shadman is that he drew hentai of his mom

>> No.2922289
File: 36 KB, 720x720, 1472848052848-ic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This probably isn't about lolishit, but I find it really weird that it actually could land you in prison. I don't like anything loli related but it shouldn't be possible to jail someone because of a drawing. We live in a strange society where killing/murder is depicted everywhere but if it's something sexual it's a big no no.

>> No.2922296

Playing telephone?

>> No.2922298


You know, changing facts with every new tweet about the same thing.

>> No.2922329
File: 19 KB, 720x407, DX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2922335
File: 17 KB, 256x308, tfwsmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick rundown:

>Shadman draws a non-pornographic, but slightly suggestive image of some YouTuber's daughter
>got into some shit over this but nothing serious
>soon after he draws softcore porn of LtCorbis, 11 year old YouTube girl
>drawing loads of other lolis as well
>draws hardcore porn of Tana Mongoloid or whatever her name is as a little girl
>pedophilia still going strong
>recently drawing lolis of the Overwatch females and lolis from various other franchises

The man has become lazier, more pedophilic, and completely stagnant in his content. Most of his fanbase is tired of his shit, he gets other people to do his sketches for him now, doesn't update as often, and mostly draws little girls now. Not much worse than the incest/bestiality/dickgirl stuff he used to draw, but when it involves pornographic depictions of actual minors, getting v&ed is a real possibility. Let's see what happens desu

>> No.2922345

um...that's normal. you're not some kind of pedophobe/ bigot are you?


>> No.2922366

April fools

>> No.2922432
File: 48 KB, 1068x427, Thisisthetruefaceofinmyopinion_7501695ee37154a534e8ad84059592bb-e1490933022596-1068x427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really Shadman? Shaddai Prejean?
So he's not actually Swiss German, he's a paki?
I guess that explains the pedophilia.

>> No.2922444

That's Lyle Mcdouchebag, not shad

>> No.2922451

God damn getting tricked by the fake news jews at dailystandard, Trump was right.

>> No.2922460
File: 616 KB, 960x540, shadface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2922461

are you even trying?

>> No.2922478
File: 25 KB, 720x407, roblox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the Roblox drawing he did.

>> No.2922526

Good riddance that guys a straight up paedophile. How he is allowed on twitch and YouTube is just retarded. He breaks all their rules, the only time I watched his twitch stream he was using an embeded element on his site to play the stream muted eg. Artificially inflating his viewcount. Plus the fact he was talking about women sucking dogs dicks

>> No.2922559

Go back to red dit you anti faggot.

Not really, no.

>> No.2922561

Kill yourself. Nobody will miss you.

>> No.2922578

That's not the point retard

>> No.2922588

I'm fucking dying here! Fucking Roblox!

>> No.2922597

But it is. The law isn't the same in both countries.

>> No.2922602

Whu dis nigga be?

>> No.2922788
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>> No.2922798


>> No.2922871

Rebecca Sugar is a capable cartoonist to some degree.

Can't say the same about shädshït

>> No.2922995
File: 8 KB, 774x59, ((())).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presumably nothing.

>> No.2923037
File: 40 KB, 636x382, article-0-156FBA58000005DC-427_636x382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's not European
>That's why he's a pedophile

>> No.2923080

Chinese whispers

>> No.2923081

All of you guys need to fuck off straight back to redit if you get upset about a man who draws lolis.

Let me repeat: this guy makes DRAWINGS from his IMAGINATION.
Every form of even the mildest abuse of actual children is far worse than that.
Not even one of you wimps would do anything if you saw a man giving his son a small hit to the head in public for not behaving properly.

And yes I am defending a pedophile here because at least he is not bothering other people with his opinion unlike you who cry "jail him jail him" like retards all the time.

I hope every little one of you idiots will experience that kind of injustice at least once in your life so you know that you have to use your brain next time before you misjudge harmless artists.

>> No.2923091

> so you know that you have to use your brain next time before you misjudge harmless artists.

Where do you think you are? Go back to your hugbox tumblr

>> No.2923092

I bet it was the loli Hillary drawing.

>> No.2923096

What's the fucking difference? between his site and his recent content, he'll get fucked either way.

>> No.2923101

>who cry "jail him jail him"
i just want him to go to jail so maybe he will improve his shitty art quality.

>> No.2923108

go back to /pol/

>> No.2923113

I just want him to stop drawing altogether.

>> No.2923116


>> No.2923199

i've met shadman
the meeting lasted all of three seconds and was literally "how's it going" from me to him and back again
he wears a mask with a skull on it in public (or at least when he's out where people might recognise him)
this was at an internet meetup in 2015

anyways his work doesn't interest me. seems like a one trick pony tbqh senpai

>> No.2923205

>actually liking Destiny

that's sad

>> No.2923215

I personally believe that drawing lolis should fall under free speech. However, if you're going to decide to draw lolis you better look up the legal status of what you're doing. Shadman obviously didn't do that and is now going to get shanked in prison. It's not an injustice considering he broke the law.

>> No.2923258

People don't hate him because of loli but because he's a smug edgelord who makes abhorrent art.

>> No.2923288

He should go to jail for his shitty art, not because he draws lolis.

>> No.2923295

If that's true then we all have the legal obligation to make posts to normie sites about CN hired a pedo artist to have him fired immediately

>> No.2923306

The problem is drawing child pornography, it's illegal and is very much frowned upon. About half the US would probably just shoot you if they found out you were into kiddie porn. You can draw whatever porn you want as long as it depicts adults.

>> No.2923626

I've supported Shad for years and donated money on Patreon for 7 months. I get to request high res images as part of the reward I pay $30 a month for. He hasn't answered any of my messages or requests back in 6 months. Yet I'm paying him extra every month for a reward I'm not getting.

Should I ask Patreon for a refund? Should I ask him for a refund? I'll happily donate a dollar to him but me donating more for was the rewards. If I'm not getting the rewards I pay for, what the hell is the point?

>> No.2923639

Why the fuck are people still debating about the legality of lolis? Loli isn't why Shad is in trouble, it's fucking ROBLOX

>> No.2923663

This is old news, he's been doing this for a long time.He says in streams he doesnt really care about Patreon.

>> No.2923675


>> No.2924157 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 512x384, IMG_4648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 5 years of running the site, this is the first time, my dedicated server has been confiscated by the hosting company, becaus certain content got reported.

Im trying to negotiate something with them to get my files back, so I can save shadbase. My plan is to let them go through everything and make them see for themselves that stuff may be questionable but not illegal.

I want to bring the website back, fully uncensored - If I have to start censoring shadbase, I think its best to quit the site and figure something else out.

Im fighting this and trying to figure out legal ways to keep shadbase up, however I dont know how long it will take and IF the site will be able to go live again.

In any case thanks for bearing with me. I will be having new content once this is solved. And if I cant solve it, I will keep drawing, but I will figure out how to run thins differently.

>> No.2924160
File: 312 KB, 512x384, IMG_4648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it had to happen sooner or later that shadbase gets into legal trouble.

Glad it took this long.

(The roblox things is obviously a meme)

After 5 years of running the site, this is the first time, my dedicated server has been confiscated by the hosting company, becaus certain content got reported.

Im trying to negotiate something with them to get my files back, so I can save shadbase. My plan is to let them go through everything and make them see for themselves that stuff may be questionable but not illegal.

I want to bring the website back, fully uncensored - If I have to start censoring shadbase, I think its best to quit the site and figure something else out.

Im fighting this and trying to figure out legal ways to keep shadbase up, however I dont know how long it will take and IF the site will be able to go live again.

In any case thanks for bearing with me. I will be having new content once this is solved. And if I cant solve it, I will keep drawing, but I will figure out how to run thins differently.

>> No.2924161

I hope you lose everything you shitty hack.

>> No.2924164

>My plan is to let them go through everything and make them see for themselves that stuff may be questionable but not illegal.
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.2924190

update : he's now on his way to philippines

>> No.2924198


>> No.2924206

Please please please please don't let this be an April Fool's joke.

>> No.2924231
File: 11 KB, 200x197, 1490346391493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where am i gonna get jlullaby's last part of the star comic

>> No.2924238

Better off giving up and actually learning how to draw.

>> No.2924307
File: 338 KB, 538x572, BAHAHAMS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2924324
File: 63 KB, 640x618, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other artists doing sketches for Shadman so he can be lazy
>now in deep legal trouble for lolis and borderline pedo stuff
>angry comments on Shadbase over JLulluby's crap art
>Patreon users saying they aren't getting messages back from Shad and not gettin rewards they paid for

He's lost 100+ supporters this week alone and has hidden how much he's making. It's getting pretty bad for him now.

>> No.2924428


>> No.2924460
File: 891 KB, 912x656, 1488093661560.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this wasn't an April Fools jab

>> No.2924475

>he literally draws porn and harass real children.
>harass real children.
lol nice lies there bro. How about just sticking with the loli story?

>> No.2924479
File: 856 KB, 1000x1644, 2032453%20-%20LtCorbis%20Shadman%20YouTube%20youtuber[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a prank, bro

>> No.2924483


I don't think Ltcorbis would mind, she probably bates to this stuff desu

>> No.2924525

You're trying too hard.

>> No.2924700

This wasn't an April Fools? Holy shit.

>> No.2924701

My fucking sides.

>> No.2924737

I kinda feel bad. All he did was draw a Lego person and he got in trouble.

>> No.2924790

Read >>2924160

>> No.2924822

He really didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.2924982

This screams censorship.

>> No.2925051

Yeah must really suck to draw underage girls to look like the real person.

>> No.2925061

Eh, I didn't even mean the loli part, just suing people over something dumb like a Roblox copyright violation?

Come on, everyone knows DMCAs are actually a gateway for censorship.

>> No.2925085

no fucking way someone would get in trouble for fanart

thats stupid

>> No.2925093

It is in yurop

>> No.2925094

Is she.. dare i say it... /ourgal/?

>> No.2925096

>just suing people over something dumb like a Roblox copyright violation

Are you blind? Did you even bother reading the thread? See >>2924160. It's clearly about the underage art.

>> No.2925107

You know just because I post something that a bunch of people don't like doesn't mean I'm baiting, I just really despise people who sexualize living children FOR SOME REASON, stop being autistic.

>> No.2925112

The fuck is your problem?

>> No.2925126

The fuck is your problem?

>> No.2925130

>The fuck is your problem?
The fuck is your problem?

>> No.2925133

>>The fuck is your problem?
>The fuck is your problem?
The fuck is your problem?

>> No.2925136
File: 7 KB, 569x94, The fuck is your problem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>The fuck is your problem?
>>The fuck is your problem?
>The fuck is your problem?
The fuck is your problem?

>> No.2925283

>My server has been confiscated because certain content got reported.
>My plan is to let them go through everything and make them see that stuff may be questionable but not illegal

this is real life equivalent of abusing the reporting system. hope somebody gets sued.

>> No.2925309
File: 37 KB, 500x492, 1467519256174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Call us from prison, see how it's like, Shaddyboy :^)

>> No.2925310

Yeah nothing wrong with drawing underage girls, nothing at all.

>> No.2925461


>> No.2925508
File: 5 KB, 247x251, 1335648725411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently as he's explained it in the stream.

His server provider has confiscated all of his content and has only cited "unacceptable content". He thinks it could be anything, from the loli's to the racist words used in some content/many comments

He also says that if he's forced to bring the website back but have to censor himself he'll outright shut it down.

Other things:
He is also being investigated by the IRS and thinks that may be related somehow.

He was banned from facebook for a month for posting a picture of an upsidown cross.

>> No.2925518
File: 2.62 MB, 413x233, 1459462882860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't be making stuff up, be honest here...is this real?

>> No.2925532

Just rewind the stream.

>at one point he throws thousands of dollars in hundred dollar bills at the screen to make his point about not caring about the money.

>> No.2925541
File: 587 KB, 719x532, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this man retarded?

>> No.2925546



>> No.2925557
File: 1.20 MB, 1361x549, shd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shadman name is Rommel. His actual problem isn't for draws or lolis. Shadman is actually being investigated because he literally steal people money via patreon.

>> No.2925560


welp someone is a racist.

>> No.2925562

>Shadman is actually being investigated because he literally steal people money via patreon

Please explain

>> No.2925569
File: 53 KB, 1349x520, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a bit funny, but patreon works in a weird way.

When a creator don't deliver a reward and avoid them, you can have your money back if you send a PM to the creator. the problem is that they aren't obligated to refund a cent.

Shadman abuse this sistem and he knows the normies still sending him money every month even if he laughs in their face.

Recently shad enter the "black list" of patreons, this means he is under investigation because half of his donations dont get what he rewards for the money the pay.

>> No.2925572

May I ask how you know all this?

>> No.2925574

because i work for patreon.

>> No.2925602

I dont believe this.

>> No.2925644
File: 880 KB, 370x330, 1490445227496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, there isn't.

>"hey man, y u in jail"
>"killed the president. U?"
>"I made some drawings with young girls in them"

>> No.2925652

Not an argument

>> No.2925660

What the fuck's the deal with your gif m8.

>> No.2925703


The money he makes from his Patreon wouldn't change anything desu.
he ran the site for years before ever having patreon after all.

if anything he'd go back to doing commissions if he really needed the $

>> No.2925750

Looks like he's "stealing" Patreon money from hsi fans. Not doing any of the rewards. Real dick move.

>> No.2925787

How can we take reward money and not do rewards? Are people not reporting him?

>> No.2925830

If /l/ were still around you'd get what you deserve.

>> No.2925845


Why would the racist worlds be a problem? Hate speech, or?

>> No.2925851

So basically the people who host his website suddenly got fissy at his content and he's not in any real trouble. This right?

>> No.2926421

Yeah im confused, cant he simply change host?

>> No.2926482


this is what faggots who think they're gonna "make it" by doing porn of copyrighted characters don't realize. You can (and should really) get fucked hard by the IP holders any day.

get your own ideas you non-creative leeches.

>> No.2926502

they confiscated all of his shit.

He has to go through their legal departments to even get access to his stuff back.

>> No.2926523

Fuck the hell off Pedo scum, you're not welcome here

>> No.2926542
File: 74 KB, 940x352, Please leave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2926562

I'm not familiar with owning a site but shouldn't you have a backup of your site in case something happens?

>> No.2926573

No fucking excuses. It doesn't matter if it was a silly doodle. It's still child porn bro!

>> No.2926577
File: 74 KB, 679x800, 1482645194154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that pic related cannot exist in the three dimensional form.

>> No.2926607

>Have a girl cosplay and put some bat wings on her
Really fires those neurons huh retard?

>> No.2926613

My dad works for Shadbase, he'll fucking get you

>> No.2926615

What about Nabokov's famous work? It's fiction. Enjoy it or don't but it's not real. I don't understand why you have such a need to persecute art that doesn't fit into your worldview. Not the same guy btw.

>> No.2926618

not a cute, perfect vampire loli so why bother.

>> No.2926619

A 3dpig is a 3dpig is a 3dpig is a 3dpig.

>> No.2926620

You're absolutely right, anon. This place is downing that cancerous tumblr kool-aid at a rate we can't compete!

>> No.2926650

is roblox /ourguy/?

>> No.2926770
File: 364 KB, 722x873, Terraformar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a fucking Terraformar

>> No.2926798

Thanks for the giggle.

>> No.2926902


/ic/ BTFO

>> No.2926918
File: 20 KB, 513x141, d6ec389f26428a6bcd9dbec5505cac0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was literally just about to post
say it wit me boiis
/ic/ : B T F O

>> No.2926940

how will /ic/ ever recover?

>> No.2926949

>makes a new thread telling /ic/ to btfo
>mods instantly delete it

fucking kek

>> No.2926959

Enjoy your honeypot, degenerates.

>> No.2926990
File: 924 KB, 960x640, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2926996

I deleted it do you wouldn't try and get it deleted cause you got btfo you shitposting samefaggot.

>> No.2926998


>> No.2927240

wew. that was fast.

but the relevant question is: will the responsible be punished? you've got to draw the line between shitposting and commiting perjury with monetary repercusions.

>> No.2927322

why do you guys love this guy his porn sucks and his anatomy skills are mediocre at best an cant draw expressions for shit. I cant believe people on /ic/ of all places worship this guy

>> No.2927324

He's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.2927329

dude acts like the obnoxious edge lords i'd have to deal with in high school. thats pretty fucking lame.

>> No.2927331

>I will not be charged.
>Nothing got censored.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.2927339


I think it's just a few vocal shitposters that don't even draw. Someone who actually knows how to draw will scoff at Shad's shitty porn.

>> No.2927343

This board shouldn't be called artwork and critique. This is just a board for beginners to bitch about artists they don't like.

>> No.2927347

dark times ahead, better to just check out the artbook threads and promotion threads and w/e threads you may find useful avoid all toxicity.

>> No.2927376

What on earth did I just watch?

>> No.2927567

I'm getting suicidal just watching this

>> No.2927582

Sleepycast hasn't existed for some time. Doesn't justify following the dude on Facebook

>> No.2927592

What about Sakimi-chan then? She should get sued too.

>> No.2927654
File: 942 KB, 1200x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2927662

>all crime that isnt murder isnt crime

>> No.2927882

How fucking new can you get? The ring ring gif has been around for years.

>> No.2927883

You can't delete your own threads, why are you lying?

>> No.2929489

Bump. Shad's still around lololololololol

>> No.2929538

>that gif

prime-o internet nostalgia right there

>> No.2929595

roblox pic is still fine

>> No.2929917

There's something I find incredibly obnoxious about his art.

>> No.2929919

It's the way he renders and his weird facial proportions. Also teeth.

>> No.2929921

>You can't delete your own threads
Is it summer already?

>> No.2930130

you can delete your thread within certain time limit

is it your first day here?

>> No.2930186


>> No.2930201

That's really hard to believe and sounds like bullshit. But I'll believe in it anyway.

>> No.2930206

>Giving a site full of weird fetish shit as a portfolio
>Gets told to fuck off
Gee, I wonder why that happened.

>> No.2930212

what the fuck

>> No.2930216

> Drawing lolis falls under fee speech
> But if it's illegal where he is, he deserves to be in jail
Pick one, Anon. If it's free speech he ought not to go to jail. If it's worthy of imprisonment, then it doesn't fall under free speech.

>> No.2930238

Look, it's getting quite annoying how you guys are constantly making threads about me. I get informed by my followers time and again about all the hate i'm receiving on this image board. I have decided to contact 4chan because this goes beyond freedom of speech, it's just downright hate speech. Thank you for all my loyal supporters, i'm going through a tough time in my life but i'll make it through.


>> No.2930261

post timestamp that its you

>> No.2930265

Hate speech he says. Lol fucking faggot

>> No.2930267

wow i cant believe shadman would come here and say such things i am so OUTRAGED! >:O

>> No.2930270

This is legit

>> No.2930289

I don't even like shadman and I agree with him. stop making threads about this faggot. Seriously, if you feel the need to talk about shadman just don't.

>> No.2930335
File: 33 KB, 640x418, 129837123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We should destroy his fucking life because he drew loli
I thought that I would never see the day when I would see a post like this in 4chan.
There are plenty of places were you can be an SWJ and also learn to draw.

>> No.2930535

fuck you, leave 4chan.

>> No.2930601

>Thank you for all my loyal supporters,
Don't post this line at a place where you have no fans. You look like you have a holyer-than-thou attitude

>> No.2930628

>he drew loli
You don't draw a real girl as loli that is Child porn.

>> No.2930644


>> No.2930695

It's still a drawing. At best you could sue him for calumny/infamy, but not for creating child porn.

>> No.2930704


So on the topic of legal trouble are there any other nsfw artists that do loli stuff that have had run ins with the authorities?

>> No.2930707


And I mean regular loli not based on real people

>> No.2930797

>races are gene pools
>behavior is partially genetic
>You would expect then for different races to exhibit, on average, different levels of certain behaviors, some negative and some positive
>It's normal to then assume that a member of a certain race will conform to the general average of their demographic until proven otherwise
>It is also normal to not want a large influx of people from a genetic background prone to criminal or otherwise distasteful behavior

At what point is this wrong.

>> No.2930814


>> No.2931204

Genetics do not work like that.

>> No.2931404
File: 338 KB, 1920x800, 1490737276804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like i care, he got what was coming for him

>> No.2932888
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1487990662340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Lolita wasn't a REAL GIRL you idiot she's strictly a fictional character