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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2920775 No.2920775 [Reply] [Original]

JESUS CHRIST I'm simply too retarded to understand Scott Robertson's approach to drawing hard surface forms. Just fucking end my life already.

>> No.2920777

Take your time anon

>> No.2920812

Post your work. Or do you expect the solution to your problems to come from heavens on a purple cloud or some shit?

>> No.2920830

Hi Anon, I know the book pretty well. Tell what you don't understand and I'll do what I can

>> No.2920839

Silly anons. OP doesn't want help. OP wants attention. Otherwise he would ask an actual question instead of whining.

OP deserves to be miserable.

>> No.2920865

Do all of drawabox.com first and then go into it

>> No.2920870

I am too. Don't worry though because it's not necessary to know unless you are doing industrial design or a very specific type of concept art.

>> No.2920882


What about it? You don't understand it, or is it just too tedious for you to go about doing it?

It's not that hard senpai, what don't you get?

>> No.2920886
File: 167 KB, 683x384, 1422029348189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still make it. Perspective is a meme.

>> No.2920889

I blame the language barrier

>> No.2920895

I know art is pretty competitive, but I think offering faggots at /ic/ bad advice it's a bit overkill.

>> No.2920896

what is the single most useful piece of knowledge about perspective? is there like a single plate or group of plates that you should always refer to? it's like math to me and I hate it

>> No.2920898


>Money is more important than knowledge

Why do you guys make perspective out to be this abstract fucking thing that only a handful few chosen by god xerself could ever hope to grasp?

What's your IQ?

>> No.2920904

Once you understand 3D space Perspective serves it's purpose as long as you don't get super serious about art.

But you want to get good though, you have to learn perspective the hard way.

>> No.2920917 [DELETED] 

so is scott robertson the next logical person to study after perspective made easy?

>> No.2920921

Yes, although I wouldn't recomend Perspective Made Easy to begin with.

>> No.2920928
File: 30 KB, 367x550, CqCy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The single most useful piece of advice is that perspective is a constant, it never stops existing and it changes according to the height of your eyes over the ground plane, tilt and yaw of the ''camera'' (eyes & brain). Real perspective, or the one that most accurately represents the way we see things has 5 points, and it is called curvaliniar perspective. This means that all lines recede to a vanishing point. For sake if simplification, we use 1, 2 and 3 depending on the subject and the angle it is being seeing in.

For example, for a 3/4 view of a car, you would use 2 point perspective. For a epic shot or religious shot you would use 1 point. A large building, probably 3 point. You also have to understand there's techniques to navigate yourself across 3D space, and model in 3D in a 2D canvas that allow you to accurately measure and depict objects. You can also use perspective to know how light will create form and it's cast shadow, reflection, mirroing..etc. Perspective plays heavily in so many other subjects of art, it literally is the CORE fundamental, if you don't get it, then that means you're just guessing around with the rest and you'll never speak art fluently until you master it, it's really that simple.
Basically, pick up a book and read you fucking nigger. Be humble and thankful you live in an era where literally any fucking retard can learn perspective if he wants to, unlike the artists that had to figure this shit out throughout an entire life style of failure and pain. You disgust me.

>> No.2920933

I read perspective made easy and did all the exercises, but I still don't feel confident in my perspective skills. I can gesture and anatomy all day but not perspective. would you have any other simple books on the subject? ty

>> No.2920938

I don't know of any books, but the only way I could get out of my perspective problem was by watching Erik Olson's perspective series.

>> No.2920951


Erick Olson has a great seminar and if you grind through the 80h's worth of lecture time, you'll have no issues understanding perspective. A lite version of it, would be Marshall Vandruff's The Mathematics of Art, which is pretty great too for most issues you'll encounter.

After doing any of the above, I recommend you pick up Scott Robertson's book and Dynamic sketching by Peter Han. Grind making insect and vehicles constructions non-stop until you can visualize entire landscapes in any perspective shot in your mind, clearly.

>> No.2920959

Scott Robertson: How to Draw

It's one of the few books recommended here that isn't a meme. I'm afraid people don't understand it because they don't follow it accurately and STAY on the chapter until they understand what it all means before going to the next.

When I went back and understood chapter 2 entirely it was really eye opening

>> No.2920962

I'd recomend Erik first and Robertson later.

Books usually move to fast when talking about perspective, don't get me wrong, How to Draw is amazing but for an absolute begginer it's going to be too confusing.

>> No.2920966


Yep, people just rush through the book thinking they can just read it without practicing the techniques, then crash their heads open against the cold, grey cement wall that is chapter 6. That's the point when they start crying, bitching and complaining that the book is a meme.

>> No.2921015

can't find the peter han book and I don't have money for the seminar, guess scott robertson will have to do

>> No.2921098

Is this even worth reading if all I want to do is draw anime girls?
I don't care about machines

>> No.2921102

Not really

Although your figure and anatomy will be beneficied by learning all the fundamentals.

>> No.2921104


The seminar for Perspective is available in CGPeers, as it is the seminar for Dynamic Sketching by Peter Han, which is not a book. If Perspective made easy gave you trouble, Scott's book will give you nightmares.

Go after Marshal Vandruff's seminar, or Erick Olson's. Doesn't matter much.

>> No.2921107

what the hell is that disgrace on the right?

>> No.2921109


Perspective applies to everything in life, organic forms might deceivingly look more complicate to depict in perspective, but it is a mere illusion. Once you grasp perspective, construction becomes very easy and wrapping lines around shape to create form, almost second nature.

So yeah, if you want to be a good weaboo artist, you have to put in the work.

>> No.2921110

no backgrounds? you are just refusing to push yourself. think of how cool your QT animu girls will be when you can put them in a scene!

>> No.2921113 [DELETED] 

Anyone going through olson want a buddy so we can work through this together? I'm almost done with chapter 1.

>> No.2921148
File: 248 KB, 850x1197, Goodnight Punpun - c022 (v02) - p173 [Hox].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking pictures of your neighbourhood and tracing them like every manga artist

>> No.2921163
File: 1.06 MB, 1053x1280, IMG_557052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in better animus

>> No.2921190

if you wanna draw fapbait you don't need fundamentals to begin with

>> No.2921194

>taking pictures
kek anon you give them too much credit
they buy premade screentones with backgrounds

>> No.2921272

Is a 90 hour video lecture really that important?

>> No.2921276


No, Olson is a meme.

t. other anon

>> No.2921282

Your fucking face is a meme, you stupid bitch.

No, don't go through it. In fact, just take as much shortcuts as possible. I want to be better than you and the idiot I replied to first.

>> No.2921290

Look, it's a 90 hour lecture, in that time I could draw countless things and keep improving

I'm asking if it's that essential because I started Robertson's book yesterday, not having any troubles so far, but I'm sure I will once I get to the "meat" of the book.

What benefit does it have over shorter video lectures and books? Keep in mind most of us aren't going to freehand an entire city.

>> No.2921295


No it's not essential that you're better than me. Does that answer your question?

>> No.2921299

No because you're just trolling. Let me know how his methods helped you.

>> No.2921323

You can't rush through perspective, it doesn't work like that. If you hit a wall and decide to continue anyway you will hit another one and another one and then you are going to finish the book. Since you probably can copy the exercise you are going to think that you learned perspective but once you try to apply it you won't be able to. That will lead you to into shitposting about how perspective is a meme.

If you aren't going to put in the work to learn perspective then don't waste your time and skip it.

>> No.2921329

Who said I'm skipping things? I spent hours yesterday trying to draw freehand ellipses so I could understand them later on in perspective, finding minor axis and so on. I don't jump ahead if I don't get something. At least, I'm not planning to. The question here is if the regular books and videos don't cover enough.

>> No.2921332
File: 34 KB, 460x324, heywakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the material but once I get to the x-y-z drawing and sculpting bit my drawings start imploding because of all the reflections in perspective I have to do, Any tips?

>> No.2921398

But most artists who do this apply perspective to fit these photos. They don't do it out of laziness or lack of knowledge, they do it because of lack of time. If they don't know perspective, it shows.

>> No.2921430
File: 38 KB, 600x465, 1421514910308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I learn perspective with my tablet or do I have to start on paper to properly understand it?

>> No.2921493


>> No.2921774


Ignore this guy, he is probably trying to kill competition.

>> No.2921789


Dude, are you the same guy who was asking this question 2 weeks ago?

>> No.2921822

Not me. I asked a few questions about Robertson's book in the past but this is the first time I'm posting about Olson.

If you still have that thread in your browsing history can you link it? (two week old posts can still be linked if I'm not mistaken). Or tell me what was roughtly discussed there, the benefit of his course?

>> No.2921884


I don't have the thread, but it was pretty much a copy & and paste of this one. There's no excuse not to do Olson, 80 hours is fucking nothing, and if you grind all of it, you won't have issues with perspective anymore.

>> No.2921989

I understand how linear perspective applies to forms, how they line up depending on the viewing angle. I also understand how wrapping lines change based on how far above/below the eye level the form is, and whether it's coming towards or receding from the viewer. I understand the basic primitive shapes and how they can be used to model more complex forms.

I don't really know any of the more complicated parts of perspective that Robertson teaches, though. I know how to draw boxes in perspective and place my forms in those boxes, which is useful for drawing people. How much do I need to know to be able to draw nice looking backgrounds?

>> No.2922003


You need to understand scale transfer and duplication technique. Mirroing curves, fillets and radi are definitely nice tools you can use as needed.

Making Orthos, or top views of your environment that you can later put in perspectve is incredible useful for thoughtful design, so you might want that too.
Basically, the entire book but vehicles, and airplanes.

>> No.2922031

I remember drawing that diagram on the left, took me several hours to understand what I was doing. It'll probably never even come in use to me though

>> No.2922237

>Studying art to get monies
>When there are much better alternatives
Kekk. Just do it for fun. And the fun is getting good and sense of accomplishment. Not cutting corners.

>> No.2922476

that cgpeers website says that it's closed and opens for 48 hours on the 1st? how does that work, do you just register and download the files?

>> No.2922680

Yup, you just register. you need to install a torrent to download the files JSYK