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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 11 KB, 233x216, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2917733 No.2917733 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, a major motivation to git gud is to get that hipster pussy

>> No.2917738


>> No.2917748

Not even as a bonus?

>> No.2917757

did she lose something?

>> No.2917759

I just want to get some goth pussy. Maybe some Indian pussy. And possibly some sweet virgin slav pussy

>> No.2917760

No. Hipster pussy is dirty and STD ridden. Degeneracy is disgusting and you should stop now OP.

>> No.2917761

>goth pussy
Indian pussy is top tier tho

>> No.2917764

if i didn't want to be a degenerate, i wouldn't be on 4chan

>> No.2917770

You honestly think a girl will wanna bang you because you're good at drawing? Are all you dudes genuinely this delusional?

>> No.2917779

>You honestly think a girl will wanna bang you because you're good at drawing?

>> No.2917787
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and then there's THIS faggot

>> No.2917791

They smell like fucking curry and wipe their ass with their hands. Why do you like them?

>> No.2917796
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Nope, but it will make a good conversation piece, and makes me a more interesting person. Which is a big help when I'm trying to get laid.

>> No.2917798


I like curry.

>> No.2917799
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Don't mix memes with reality, dear friend

>> No.2917801

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.2917809

I guess it's okay if she's at least a 3rd generation immigrant. They adopt western customs and diets; that will make them not smell like their curry and poo reeking native counterparts.

But dealing with her family still fucking sucks.

>> No.2917818


>> No.2917821

>interacting with a hookup's family
What did he mean by this?

>> No.2917826

You're not wrong that my main motivation is pussy

2D pussy

>> No.2917834

He means that Indian girls are only for hooking up.

>> No.2917841
File: 112 KB, 750x746, alexandra gaier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best type of art to impress girls?

A couple of qt girls once approached me and started a conversation with me when I was drawing a portrait in public. It was nice.

>> No.2917846

Bruh, drawing its like playing guitar or piano or singing:

It doesn't get you pussy. It just don't.

Do it because you love it.

OP is also a virgin faggot.


>> No.2917850

Portraits. Then you can offer to draw her sometime.

You better start working on your Loomis, anon.

>> No.2917853

>announcing a sage
Whoa easy there, tough guy

>> No.2917854

As long as you don't make her pose awkwardly.

Learn to draw people when they're relaxed; they move a little, but that's part of the challenge. Surprise her with a sketch that you have been discreetly drawing while making conversation with her.

>> No.2917865
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>caring about roasties
>wanting roasties who only like you if you have a profitable skill so they can show off to their friends while leeching your art money and ruining your gains

>> No.2917866

Surprising someone with a portrait could come off as creepy. Not recommend to those artists with the 'tism

>> No.2917869

>not exploiting your skills to pull the ol' pump n' dump
No one said you had to care about them

>> No.2917900

if a girl approaches an artist in public, believe me that the last thing she wants to do is hook up with him. unless you are physically attractive, it'll be "can you draw me?" and nothing else.

>> No.2917901

What makes you think so?

They were pretty flirty.

>> No.2917904

>What makes you think so?
i'm a girl

>They were pretty flirty.
are you attractive?

>> No.2917910

>i'm a girl
Explain further. What's in their minds?

Girls wouldn't be enthusiastically talking and flirting to me in the first place if I was some ugly greasy creep.

>> No.2917915

or maybe you're not attractive/creepy enough to be threatening
nothing girls do makes sense

>> No.2917925

you're essentially a street performer. you're entertaining and they chat to be friendly instead of staring at you in silence as you draw. they move on like you would if you stopped to listen to a dude playing guitar on the sidewalk.

>> No.2917928

Not that guy, but what about qts in my art classes? Why would they talk to me? Is it just to pass time in class?

>> No.2917931
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>thinking anybody likes you for who you are except mommy.

>> No.2917933

I'm not bothered by these possibilities at all. Who wouldn't want to talk to qt girls? Helps practice my conversation and social skills. Plus being surrounded by qts makes me look good to other qts.

>> No.2917934


my art rival is a 24 year old, 5 foot tall korean girl who cosplays lolita.
She's giving me oneitis and it's hurting my gains

>> No.2917938

yes. girls will talk to fill the dead air, not to get in your pants.
the fact that you call them qts only reinforces my belief that they don't see you in any sexual way whatsoever.

>> No.2917943

>i'm a girl
And i'm an ayy lamo dinosaur from Alpha-5

>> No.2917944


Never crossed my mind, and now that it did I still don't care for it. I can have women if I want, even if they came after me I would still refuse. I am here to git gud, and art is just one of my hobbies.

Pussy can wait.

>> No.2917945


Love, stop, you're crushing his dreams.

Let him believe what he wants to believe.

>> No.2917946


>Fucking woman that can't even poo in the loo

Might as well fuck a horse, probably smells better.

>> No.2917947

>drawing for women

Pathetic, grab a guittar instead, shitter.

>> No.2917948

Start a relationship with her as a means to distract her from her work. You would simultaneously get your dick wet and sabotage your competition

>> No.2917951
File: 16 KB, 400x599, 1489519998684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute artist gf to can draw together with

>> No.2917959

>wanting to live with your competition

>> No.2917972

if you cant be an interesting conversationist/person without knowing how to draw you will never be an interesting conversationist/person and will never get laid

>> No.2917973

> all that fluoride
I hope that guy fucks himself in the ass with taser

>> No.2917974

Seems like when people ask 'Am i too old to learn X at age Y?' what they really mean is 'can I git gud before I get too old to impress sluts with this skill?'

>> No.2917975

Can we stop this meme. Not everything in life is a competition.

>> No.2917976

I said drawing skills 'help you get laid,' not 'get you laid.'

Only a faggot will be dependent on his hobby when it comes to being an interesting conversationist

>> No.2917977

i've already done that. she's one of those top-tier artists who do nothing but sleep in, watch anime, and play shitty MMO games.

>> No.2917978

How tight is her cunny?

>> No.2917988
File: 243 KB, 720x900, 1479131793575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anyone like an artist bf
i'm taking applications

>> No.2917990
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pls show boi pucci

>> No.2917994

>not everything in life is a competition
Name 5 things, related to art, that isnt a competition

>> No.2917995


Why are weebs like this?

>> No.2917996

No father in the home.

>> No.2918008
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>> No.2918039
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Those threads make a lot more sense now

>> No.2918162

>Not everything in life is a competition
I'm sure I can stop using that meme faster than you!

>> No.2918240
File: 236 KB, 691x625, 1490341855526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck i need grills when i have Loomis?

>> No.2918244
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Actually, she inspires me to draw more and better myself as a person. When I told her that, she was really ecstatic and told me the feeling's mutual and was so jealous of my work habits that she started focusing more on her artwork too.

Her pussy is A+ material though, and I would let her sit on my face any time.

>> No.2918247

>Feeding innocent kids toothpaste
>in the guise of fucking oreo cookies

Upper percentile of faggotry

>> No.2918249

>go to life drawing
>cute hipster art student girl there
>she sees my work and I can tell is impressed with my art and is interested in me
>I ask to see her drawings of the poses we did already
>worse than beginner thread level
>instantly lose all interest in her
True story.

>> No.2918253

You guys could have more chances with chicks if you started lifting. Girls wouldn't even acknowledge your existence if you're an ugly fuck. Let alone find out if you're a good artist or not.

>> No.2918256

ive seen too many couples/married couples fight over dumb things and ruin their relationships including shit going down in my family. i dont have to for this shit only art FAGOOTS, GET ART OR GET OUT

>> No.2918257

Too busy drawing and studying. I go enough to keep myself toned and nothing more since I don't have a proper diet nor the time to maintain a decent sleep schedule. I tried.

Luckily I'm a 7/10 on a BAD day thanks to my genes. But snagging a QT isn't even on the list of priorities, but if it was, it'd be 2nd to art at every turn.

>> No.2918258

Congratulations. My post wasn't ment for you but to those guys up there who think girls will be interested in their dick because they can copy a picture.

>> No.2918259

what kind of people go to life-drawing classes

is it all just middle-aged housewives

i wanna meet someone

>> No.2918263

If I wanted to get laid, visual art wouldn't be the way I do it. Especially not my preferred subject matter (historical/fantasy shit).

Here's the thing that anons don't seem to get. If you're handsome, being artistic is sexy. If you're not handsome, it does very little to increase your sex appeal. Art won't get you laid, it'll just help if you're someone who can already get laid.

>> No.2918272

>not hitting on the model while you draw them
>make her laugh and then go
>aw no, now I need to redraw your mouth to get that cute smile in

>> No.2918274
File: 178 KB, 325x313, 435324533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then rest of the class kills me for disrupting the pose

>> No.2918275

your life drawing sessions are never 1 on 1? weird

>> No.2918276

i've never even been to a life-drawing class before

i just want to know what to expect

>> No.2918282

Even if you guys get a gf you are just going to end up like Noah Bradley. He ended up quitting twitter and all his social media because of depression.

His girlfriend cheated on him for a chad looking concept artist, who was even better than Bradley. If you go on his twitter you just see pictures of him groping Bradley ex girlfriend.

Girls are for the weak /ic/. The world is dog eat dog. All a girl will do is drag your artistic ability down. All you should do in life is focus on art.

>> No.2918285

>I draw because I want sex
oh ok.

>> No.2918285,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2918396

>trying to git gud while maintaining a relationship
"Not gonna make it"

>> No.2918401

everyone here is a narcisist
probably look fowards to talking down to lose big titty whores instead of fucking them

>> No.2918427

tfw, i'll probably die a virgin. Never had a gf in my life. Closest thing I've gotten to a women's warmth body was hugging on my mom after church on sunday.

>> No.2918431
File: 100 KB, 800x800, cVAYXJ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka.cosplay() is cute as a bag of dicks!!

>> No.2918453

Haha what
Thats easy as fuck my man even if you post in the beginner thread.
It honestly becomes annoying once "UNIQUE AND QUIRKY" #357 comes up to you when youre trying to draw and goes "ohmigawd thats so gooood can you like drawr meeeee?"
Fuck basic bitches, get gud

>> No.2918479
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>Virgin that has never had this happen to him.

>> No.2918485
File: 51 KB, 306x423, 1444367453976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to pick drawing or women, I'd pick drawing 100% of the time.

>> No.2918486

>getting laid is too easy! im so annoyed with these girls talking to me!
Shutup faggot, you've never even seen a pussy

>> No.2918491

Im sorry that this concept is so foreign to you that you automatically assume that im lying. Im sorry you guys dont get out much but if you want stinky hippie pussy, it really isnt difficult.

>> No.2918502

You watch to much anime if you think that your story was even remotely believable

>> No.2918507

Im kind of stunned right now, what i posted wasnt outlandish in the least. I dont watch anime, and if youre halfway decent at drawing at ALL, women will approach you.
I really think it speaks more about the reader that you guys are treating this like something completely unbelievable. """""Artsy"""""" girls are the easiest pulls.....

>> No.2918522
File: 44 KB, 418x529, low+impact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is a delicate flower and you cant talk about sex in front of her or she blushes and shuts down. its cute, but i sometimes wish i had married a stronger person who would help me improve myself.

>> No.2918626
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>it's an autist tries to convince everyone he gets laid episode

>> No.2918634
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>> No.2918690

I don't think so Tim

>> No.2918721
File: 7 KB, 231x218, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw name is actually Tim
Anyone else real spooked right now?

>> No.2918786

Just become a barista and flirt with all the female customers. Takes 1/10th of the skill.

>> No.2918864
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>tfw only irl vagina I've ever seen was during a nude drawing session

>> No.2918873
File: 495 KB, 642x1040, 1442374379160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and your mother's.

>> No.2919032

>wanting to interact with retarded immature millennials.

>> No.2919034

Being a /fit/ d/ic/k is patrician tier.

>> No.2919040

>not going /fit/, /ic/, and /fa/
Gains don't matter if you still dress like an autist

>> No.2919046

Lol interact with the older females then.

>> No.2919057

>not want sweet tight Gen-Z pussy.

>> No.2919321
File: 170 KB, 736x1717, da8ea30c858d2f56a5ae7b20560a4617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dumb tumblr "muh style" hipster trah girls,

You want cute and smart artist partners so you can help each others loomis and gestures

>> No.2919360


>> No.2919369
File: 19 KB, 375x363, 1478652853007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like these make me happy to be who I am. I almost never feel alone despite having zero irl friends and living in a pretty isolated area, spent most of my life learning and on the internet. The only thing I want in life is money, so I can pay for studies and hobbies.

The idea of having a gf that's suck off your time sounds like no fun, sure some affection and sex is nice but it would never beat the pleasure of fighting for one's dreams.

>> No.2919398

Holy shit are you me?

>> No.2919449

ew, go /mu/ they dress better.

>> No.2919473


Yeah, stop masturbating and keep grinding fundies. Also, start writing dreams on journals already faggot, I want to master lucid dreaming to get more fundies practice time while sleeping.

>> No.2919550

Actually a major motivation is that I can draw my own porn.

>> No.2919568

> I almost never feel alone despite having zero irl friends and living in a pretty isolated area
this is literally me, but I realize that I don't feel alone because I socialize a lot through the internet. posting and reading on 4chan somewhat keeps me sane.

>> No.2919684
File: 184 KB, 500x384, 1418244210189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you notice you haven't talked IRL in days but you feel like you've talked a lot because of how much you've chat on the internet

It's a mixed feel.

>> No.2919699

why is no reply this was funny

>> No.2919755

feels bad when you talk to people irl eventually though and your voice dies after half an hour because you use it so little

>> No.2919805

> voice dies after half an hour because you use it so little
oh shit, i know this too well.
it usually gets better after 3 days, but I rarely socialize longer than that, so after 3 days I'm always back in my apartment and dont leave for weeks. thus the cycle repeats.

>> No.2920224

Funny how as soon as you point out the elephant in the room to Trans, they scatter off to their safe spaces and the thread dies. Happens every time.

>> No.2920387

>tfw /fit/ d/ic/k /sci/entist + /mu/sician who also reads /lit/erature

Feels good to be an ubermensch

>> No.2920414

>tmw I am all of those but equally shit in all of them

>> No.2920417

>not drawing the two of you having sex
>not imbuing the piece with such passion, atmosphere and skill that her eyes dry up from her vagina explosively lubricating itself in anticipation of your dick
>not drawing such an impactful piece that she is left convinced she actually experienced the amazing scene instead of he lousy dicking you gave her
Do you even art?

>> No.2920424

and yet you suck ass at all of them

>> No.2920565


>> No.2920604

that tingly feeling of being a nude model and a cute grill actually draws you well :'}

>> No.2921513
File: 176 KB, 1440x810, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairy pussy
I'd rather have someone from stem.

>> No.2921670

>stem girls shave
Don't make me laugh

>> No.2922328

What kind of girls shave?

>> No.2922330

The girls that are in HR/marketing. Total sluts

>> No.2922332

my dude

>> No.2922828



>> No.2922885

>hugging on my mom

But ya, real one here, it's sad.
Actually, my e-girlfriend cheated on me with her pakistani penpal. it's hard for me to forgive her but I love her very much.

>> No.2923322

>nosebro is this fucking pathetic

>> No.2923460

Give me a chance dude, he's really articulate.