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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2912625 No.2912625 [Reply] [Original]

How do you develop patience and a love for the process that is necessary to become a good artist?

>> No.2912640

jus b u r self

>> No.2912641

Really valid question desu. Struggled w this in art college.

Make something and put a lot of yourself into it, then get real crits. Stow any ego and start reading the best art books daily, for a couple months, while still experimenting & getting better.

Out of habit, you'll keep finding ways to improve and new approaches to your art while making more stuff.

If no passion then, just go work at Wendy's.

>> No.2912643

Find/develop a process that you enjoy, and work on things that you like. Maybe this means developing your own passion project and then doing whatever it is you like the most--design, illustration, colour keys, whatever.

If you hate doing digital linework then figure out how to work with shapes. If you hate doing details then figure out how to efficiently hint at them or use photos, or do work that doesn't require details. Just figure out your preferences and work outwards from there.

Also I think a lot of people on this board like the idea of doing art more than actually doing art. Figure out if it's something you actually enjoy at all, because if it's not then it will not be worth the effort required to get to a high level.

>> No.2912676

why do you faggots think you can just "develop" stuff like this?

You won't. That's not how it fucking works lol.

>> No.2912678

It can be developed. Brad Rigney for example has talked of how he went from being impatient to happily spending 200 hours on a single piece. He says it's something you can train up.

>> No.2912705


Habit is the magic answer to almost all problems of motivation and patience. It doesn't matter what you're trying to train up, doing it regularly makes it less stressful and easier to get into a 'groove'.

>> No.2912738

>Ending a reply with lol
The easiest way todo spot someone unsure of their stance. I can say for a fact that the love for the process is something that can indeed be developed. I did it with art, so can you.

>> No.2912845

Did he go into more detail?

>> No.2913641

>why do you faggots think you can just "develop" stuff like this?
>"You will NEVER 'develop' genuine enjoyment from working out, it doesn't work that way!" T. a fat lazy fuck

>> No.2913647

Find the things you like, experiment a lot, see through your own bullshit, pursue intrigue with fervor.

>> No.2913655


Sit down with a pen and paper and write down your biography until now. After that, I want you to write your goals and wishes regarding art or anything else in life, and why they are important to you.

If you manage to do this, then you're ready to make a contract with yourself to make sure you grind everyday like this is the most important thing to you, because it is. This is not a meme.

It works.

>> No.2913694

Or you know, you could just get to work without being some kind of bargain bin self help reading twat.

>> No.2914466

>Or you know, you could just get to work without being some kind of bargain bin self help reading twat.
Because that worked for OP so far, hasn't it, you moron.

>> No.2914515

>you cant just develop muscles
>do you believe you can just work hard and expect results
fml senpai, when you get out of college and realize you have nothing to show for
mcdonalds will be waiting

>> No.2914895


It's not bargain bin. It's literally you using your neo-cortex to reign over your emotions and trace up a plan in space and time so you can balance your neurochemistry in just the way you need it to achieve your goals. This is not mumbo jumbo, it's literally just the human experience.

>> No.2914908

Buy a chair.
Sit your arse down on it.
Practice, practice, practice.

>> No.2916565


>> No.2917254

Recognize when you're complicating things.

Most concepts in art can be boiled down into simple tasks. Things like material properties, lighting conditions, form, AND position in 3D space are often conveyed in a single stroke.

Each step in the process is designed to make the subsequent tasks easier.
Why they say work dark to light, large to small, general to specific, etc,

>> No.2917288


Well defined goals and expectations are important to "just getting to work"

If you're just getting to work without a good idea of why you're working and what you're working for, you could be completely wasting your time.

>> No.2917314

>In his book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, Zen master Shunryu Suzuki approaches the question of fast and slow learners in terms of horses. "In our scriptures, it is said that there are four kinds of horses: excellent ones, good ones, poor ones, and bad ones. The best horse will run slow and fast, right and left, at the driver's will, before it sees the shadow of the whip; the second will run as well as the first one, just before the whip reaches its skin; the third one will run when it feels pain on its body; the fourth will run after the pain penetrates to the marrow of its bones. You can imagine how difficult it is for the fourth one to learn to run.

>When we hear this story, almost all of us want to be the best horse. If it is impossible to be the best one, we want to be the second best." But this is a mistake, Master Suzuki says. When you learn too easily, you're tempted not to work hard, not to penetrate to the marrow of a practice.

>"If you study calligraphy, you will find that those who are not so clever usually become the best calligraphers. Those who are very clever with their hands often encounter great difficulty after they have reached a certain stage. This is also true in art, and in life." The best horse, according to Suzuki, may be the worst horse. And the worst horse can be the best, for if it perseveres, it will have learned whatever it is practicing all the way to the marrow of its bones.

The first time I read this I actually had tears running down my eyes, because I knew I was the worst horse. I've been drawing on and off for 25 years now, without much (any) improvement, I'll be 38 next month. I don't, nor plan to, do art for a living, but lately, I decided to get serious. Took some time off work. Using techniques I picked up learning technical subjects and applying them to learning how to draw. Seeing some progress, but it is slow, but, maybe because I'm an old fart, I don't mind it. I wanna learn it to the marrow of my bones.

>> No.2918601

Make art to please yourself. For me, it beats drinking and doing drugs. I get lost in my own thoughts and become infatuated with my work.

>> No.2918943

Porst yo woork.