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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 238 KB, 940x563, cst support&drawfag edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2907236 No.2907236 [Reply] [Original]

Drawing tablet: Note 10.1 2014 edition (sm-p605) has wacom screen with 1020 pressure points (aka Bamboo/Surface 2-3)
Big Sketchbook with Pencils, rubbers, mechanical pencil and fillers. Faber-Castell since they were a gift from girlfriendo,
Phone: Idol 3 4.7
Watch: casio aq s800w
Xiaomi MI2 Band
Piston 3 earbuds
Glasses: Gunnar Cerberus Razer edition
Pigma Micron Drawing Pen
Random leather wristband, new rock keychain. And my lanyard with access cards for work. (Business Application Consultant at Google)
Did not include my Kindle 4 wifi cause I've dropped it as a distraction(rather spend that time reading, drawing instead)

>> No.2907238

Decide yourselves if you'd rather post only the art supplies/stuff you lug around, or all your EDC.

>> No.2907331

Could've been a cool thread if you kept it relevant instead of fishing for attention.

>> No.2907334

good god you're a pretentious homo, so of course you work at Jewgle

>> No.2907380

No one cares.

>> No.2907398

Why the fuck are you packing all these activities like a child going to nonna's house?

>> No.2907484

This must be the most selfsucking post i have seen in last few weeks

>> No.2907489

why are you guys so butthurt? How is this an attention post?

>> No.2907493
File: 96 KB, 1000x630, everydaycarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an artist posting on an art drawing board I feel like my everyday carry is very relevant to drawing and as such everything here is very useful and relevant to this board.

>> No.2907640

everything has a use except the floppy drive. Even when floppies were being used, its unclear how one would have needed to bring around a drive since every computer would have had one...

>> No.2907665

I have my phone, my wallet and my keys.

Seriously, what kind of degenerate faggot makes EDC threads to show off their shitty trinkets? You're like an attention whoring woman.

>> No.2907679

>an attention whoring woman
i find the attention whoring man to be more irritating. Men who attention who about their trinkets are usually faggots.

>> No.2907688


>he doesn't use a fridge magnet to manually encode his digital paintings in binary form in a hdd

>> No.2907692

True. I can almost visualize what the OP looks like. I mean, he's just a living, breathing stereotype who cares more about his image than what he actually does with his time. Aside from the attention whoring, you've got the hipster glasses, the animu wallpaper, the Google strap, using a watch as a fashion accessory and the man-purse.

>> No.2908003

Hello OP!

Just wanted to stop by and tell you that I hate you! If I knew my friend was spending this much money on useless shit instead of something with purpose, I would stop talking to him because I wouldn't want to be dragged into his autism!

No matter what kind of work you make, I will hate it because I know who you are and what you spend your money on, and it makes me hate you!!

Here's a funny idea: how much useless hipster Chinese crap did the masters carry around with them? Could you still do a nice drawing with only a chewed up pencil and a tatty old sketchbook, or would your life be devoid of meaning?

Can you and other anons resist the urge to spend your money on tat? There's a huge industry of funny little mechanical pencils and gadgets marketed directly at the weak and insecure faggots who need this shit to make themselves feel 'like a real artist'.

I still hate you!

>> No.2908019
File: 2.43 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my EDC for art. I use whatever sketchbook I can afford at the time. It's got everything I could need, and no more. Rulers and measuring tools are thrown in depending on what I will be drawing that day.

I keep colours at home, and just have the best cheap headphones, an old reliable smartphone and sometimes I'll bring a little wooden drawing board.

The feeling of not owning loads of hipster crap like Op is great. I like it clean and minimalist, because the value is on the page, not on my wrist or in my man purse.

>> No.2908033

Good pasta. Fresh? Al dente. Mmm, das amore. Wait. Bring the cannoli.

but really dude, take a good look at the picture. there's a reasonable amount of art stuff. One sketchbook, couple pens/pencils, kneaded erasers and leads.

You are the type of people keyboard warriors lie in wait for to wrongly accuse somebody, because your type is the only type that nobody feels remorse for crucifying.

>> No.2908042

edc threads are only ever relevant in /g/

>> No.2908044

OP why are your glasses in your daily carry? Don't you have to wear them? Or are you some monster faggot that wears them because you like the way they make you look?

Fuck you OP, why don't you post your shoes and shirt as well and make this an /fa/ thread.

Why do you have a fit bit looking wearable and a watch? Doesn't the Fitbit tell you what time it is? Why don't you use your phone or that fucking phablet looking thing to tell what time it is.

Fuck you and your collection of keys, who has keys that look like that? do you live in a treasure chest?

Where do you put all this shit? Why didn't you take a picture of yourself with all your shit so we can jerk off to your faggot selfie.

Only faggots wear a lanyard at work - are you from 1992? Nobody asked where you worked what the fuck is a business application consultant? Sounds like you push a bunch of papers and think that you are important because you work at Google.

>> No.2908046
File: 75 KB, 189x198, 1485404324375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*Teleports behind u*
>You are the type of people keyboard warriors lie in wait
>your type is the only type that nobody feels remorse for crucifying

Are you getting mad friendo? Maybe you'd feel better if you bought another piece of 'super exclusive' rare toys to accessorise with

>> No.2908051

i don't actually have any accessories other than my wallet keys and phone, just pointing out how hideous that post was.

>> No.2908052
File: 109 KB, 755x960, 1489102413027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, Op has been certified a faggot and is becoming enraged.

Just sell your little toys and get back to practising drawing, we could all do with getting rid of our unnecessary fancy hipster shit once in a while.


>> No.2908056

Actually I'm positive OP left a while ago and posted this onto /g/.

Same person? Witch hunts are fun huh?

>> No.2908059
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, 1489035105144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pffthahaha, another Joogle coffee fetching intern BTFO from /ic/.

I love this board because you guys only care about drawing on here.

>> No.2908066
File: 208 KB, 500x476, 1373925358734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, this retard clearly doesn't understand the board culture here.

Go back to wherever you came from because we won't put up with your faggotry here!

>> No.2908070
File: 26 KB, 640x604, 17155582_1178963885534299_1086568783673476135_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you share the only drawing board on 4chan with these cringelords

>> No.2908072
File: 254 KB, 618x412, t-levels-so-low-618x412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP just get the fuck out of here with the contents of your purse. Fucking "idol" on your oneplus, confirms your receding hairline and super skinny jeans. Numale pls go

>> No.2908073

Trolling artists is truly an art. Well played op.

>> No.2908074

You failed Op, try /fa/ or /g/.

>> No.2908075

Is malfag spamming another thread?

>> No.2908076
File: 2 KB, 244x226, 1348764844816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op pls go. Donut come back.

>> No.2908079

We really need a mod to prune these threads when they devolve to this point

Otherwise /ic/ will remain a board for shitposting about art, and nothing more

>> No.2908082

you do realize how obvious it is this is all one person

call me op all you want. i know your writing style and i'm onto your horrible behavior.

>> No.2908086
File: 73 KB, 1214x1140, 1489687078458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op what did I tell you, please go.

>> No.2908091

Well? I've yet to see Op's thread on /g/ as he claims, all I see is him desperately continuously trying to defend himself when ic has rejected his thread, instead of backing down. Sad.
These need to be pruned, shame the mods are sleepy on here.

>> No.2908092

Its ok to have a drawing tablet thread but not a EDC thread?

You know what it is. It's because OP put some effort into "looking like an artsy guy." And you guys have an instant gut reaction. This guy is a phony! He isn't a true artist! He doesn't know the struggle! And look at him with his nice ass gear and awesome job! I bet he's happy too! Fucking faggot.... Hey OP, post some drawings. You're probably better than half these fuckers too lol!

>> No.2908099

I assure you, any remnant of the OP is long gone. I'm the sole guy who has an intense hatred for people like you who is shitting up this thread.

>> No.2908101
File: 777 KB, 4096x2304, IMG_20170128_032420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do any digital media, or spend more than 4+ hours in-front of a screen I strongly suggest you buy one of those glasses. (there's also a version without yellow tint)
Business app consultant is basically customer support, I'll pick up if you call with issues about your G Suite.
Also It includes tech because it was made for /g/'s edc thread, but since some of my stuff is art related I reposted it here.
What's wrong with my keys? Safe locks anyone? These locks are way more secure than the standard ones (double sided and stuff)
I put all that shit in a draw string leather bag, which I carry on my back. It's quite lightweight.
The lanyard is a requirement as the cards include my photo and employee id, but as you're a neet, ofc you don't know why it'd be something common in office work.
Yeah I basically created the thread for shit and giggles and this is my first time posting afterwards. All the chinky stuff is basically memes from /g/'s /csg/ threads.
Basically a specialist currently buy hey, whatever rocks your socks.
The reason I bought the Idol is because it's a budget phone with a great display and okay performance, quite a good purchase imo, but hey lets read between the lines and make assumptions?
mods? in /ic/ ? hahaha

pic related, how you like my other tech? Jelly? <3

>> No.2908103

Based op. Nice gear

>> No.2908106
File: 178 KB, 900x676, vain-lamorna-a-study-for-lamia-john-william-waterhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's back again
There's plenty of drawing tablet threads because they directly relate to how you draw.

ic isn't about comparing your autistic phones and watches, it's about technique, hard work and the love of art. lmao, just cut your losses, leave this thread and go back to your 'girlfriendo' instead of samefagging, my man.

Please mods just delete this thread so Op can stop desperately trying to cling onto his ego.

>> No.2908107
File: 10 KB, 197x197, 1489633911952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2908112
File: 65 KB, 548x700, sandys14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ the samefagging on this thread, Op you have got to stop.
I've seen this single thread at the top of /ic/ for an hour now, just accept that no one wants to congratulate your great taste in toys, and move on. There's plenty of other fun threads for you to take part in.

>> No.2908119

Dude, it's over. Think me and you are the only one's bumping this thread. Think we both deserve permabans at this point.

>> No.2908122
File: 156 KB, 1085x691, IMG_20170128_015916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here, this is my third post, so basically it's you two spamming each other within my thread :D
I'd be glad if this gets saged as the NGMI syndrome is as strong as the rage for most of the comments.

>> No.2908127 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1066x1600, antique-3paint-3-17-7-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. In trying to protect my beloved board, I have become the thing I once swore to destroy. We must all be cleansed. (saged)

>> No.2908136
File: 31 KB, 319x331, IMG_2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what the fug is this trainwreck of a thread.

>posting non art related EDC on /ic/
Let this be a lesson to us all.

>> No.2908165

>as you're a neet, ofc you don't know why it'd be something common in office work
I'm no neet, I also work in tech, and everyone wears their IDs on a zip cord from their belt. The only faggots that use lanyards are vendors and old Asian dudes that can barely speak English.

>Business app consultant is basically customer support, I'll pick up if you call with issues about your G Suite
Your honesty is appreciated. You didn't sugar coat your job at all - my condolences.

>> No.2908172


>calling you a neet

Further proof Op needs to brag about his hipster toys online to compensate for something missing in his life, probably fulfilling work or relationships. It's okay Op, we understand.

>> No.2908179

well, it pays well for where I'm from, and honestly It's comfy as the requirements aren't that high.It was also my first job, but I've overstayed now, being more than a year already, I also draw as much as I can while waiting for calls so that's a plus. Working on portfolio now as there's a bunch of studios in my city.. Other than that I do paid side projects so hopefully GMI

My lanyard is usually a razer one, but recently had it washed, even my ID card is nowhere to be found, and I only have the one to access the work floor :D

>> No.2908183
File: 77 KB, 579x328, 14138938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's 4chin, most ppl here are neets, this is not supposed to be offensive, it's a way of living for the majority of shitposters as they've got nothing else to live for.

>> No.2908192
File: 59 KB, 625x417, 0a13a33738408963eec097b28bc9b4b4a5de4703f57e89c56565acdf0332bca4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2908253
File: 88 KB, 482x515, IMG_1646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only art supply you need is a daily dose of thicc, juicy ass

>> No.2908274
File: 114 KB, 326x326, 1447516719630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in this thread?