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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 250x318, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2906862 No.2906862[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Art is not worth doing as a career. It just isn't.

>> No.2906881


>> No.2906887

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2906912


Neither are you mate. Art is so disgusting hard to succeed in. An entire career, entire decades of thinking about nothing except outside the box. And I ain't even talking about the fucking paintings but the business side of it!

>> No.2906980

He's not wrong. Social media and the internet has made art completely disposable. Why pay for a print when you can google thousands of similar looking art for free. Why pay the upper end for a commission when the internet can get you ten other hungry artists competing for your money.

>> No.2906982

If anything the demand for art is really high at the moment, at least for commercial work. Your arguments are useless. It also allows you to get way more exposure than in the past.

>> No.2906983


You can't replace people with skills for furry deviant artists with zero fundamental skills besides being able to render perfect furry hair.

>> No.2906988

>Why pay for a print when you can google thousands of similar looking art for free.
Because people are willing pay good money for personal or unique art, rather than simply buying something everyone else has. For fuck's sake, how stupid do you have to be to not realize this?

>Why pay the upper end for a commission when the internet can get you ten other hungry artists competing for your money.
Because the upper end is where all the money is. If you're good at art, and have at least a basic ability to market yourself, the money will come pouring in. People throw money at good artist, as they are few and far between. Even mediocre artists can make a decent living if they cater to the right audience.

>> No.2907074

>The eternal numale strikes again

>> No.2907086


Why are you so sure of the things you are saying? You're not at the top, are you? Otherwise, what you are saying is only guesswork.

I get that you're trying to psych yourself up for an art career, but maybe it's not like that.

>> No.2907095

why are you so sure he's not correct?

>> No.2907138

how come this guy is blowing altrightists the fuck out?

>> No.2907631

who is this

>> No.2907646

>furry deviant artists with zero fundamental skills

There are plenty of great (furry) artists who work for 40$ a piece while shitting on artists who work in the industry because patreon exists.

>> No.2907676

the truth it really wouldn't be if we still had our manufacturing jobs.

>> No.2907700


If it encourages virtue-signalling liberal cucks to leave for good, then yeah, you should follow retarded streamer.

>> No.2907712


He cites outdated articles instead of peer-reviewed studies to prove his false narrative, the only individuals that he convinces are retards like you.

>> No.2907717
File: 35 KB, 500x500, le he man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at that numale pussy's featureless baby arms oh my god lmao

>> No.2907720

I'd rather die trying to make it work than spend the next half a century in a meaningless job.

>> No.2907724

>outing racists and bumbling idiots for being racists and bumbling idiots

ok bud.

>> No.2907728

kys. You mean "people I perceive as racist and stupid for disagreeing with me".

>> No.2907733

Nope i mean people who say they're afraid that immigrants might enter the "gene-pool" if we allow them to integrate.

>> No.2907738


No one is an idiot for citing statistics and being angered that there's a collective who commits crime and violence. You're not only idiot for being a liberal, but you're an idiot for not holding that collective to an equal standard as domestic society.


Are you arguing that foreigners do not change the gene pool? You guys are "pro-science" in name only, because you clearly don't know how biology works.

>> No.2907741

why do you want the immigrants in so badly though? So they can vote democrat?

>> No.2907744


>> No.2907745

>Are you arguing that foreigners do not change the gene pool?

i guess you don't get it? Maybe you should go watch the JonTron debate with destiny. He's, (keyword) afraid of them entering his idea of a "gene-pool" and will compromise his conception of a "white" race. It's short of flat out saying he's a racist.

>> No.2907749

Do you want to live in the third world? If not then don't vote in favor of policies that bring the third world to you. It's that fucking simple.

>> No.2907751
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, this is paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.

>> No.2907755

le gumballs man is love, le gumballs man is life



>> No.2907756

Do you? Immigration grows economies btw.

>> No.2907758


I can understand his PoV. It's more than skin-color. Even if our genetics were equal, our cultures are completely different to the point where assimilation takes over a decade. It can even lead into poverty status, look at african americans for instance.

>> No.2907762

>le spooky immigrants are everywhere guise!


>> No.2907766
File: 55 KB, 496x340, Employment Men vs Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For who? lmao

The workforce effectively doubled over the course of only a few decades organically with the introduction of women's rights movements encouraging them to become wage slaves instead of having children. You could get a blue collar job in the 70s and easily sustain a large family, nowadays because of the number of people competing for the same number of jobs wages have stagnated, expenses have increased and our overall quality of life has suffered and immigration only exacerbates this problem.


>> No.2907767

Yeah I guess that's why their countries of origin allow them to leave.

No retard. All it does is create more burden for the state.

>> No.2907768


I like how you defend the exploitation of third world immigrants for cheap labor.

>> No.2907778

>our cultures are completely different to the point where assimilation takes over a decade.

there's not some definitive singular culture within the USA. As long as they're being mindful of other people's sovereignty they're "assimilated". As for African American's, let's learn from the mistakes made there and avoid legislation that forces them into (cyclical) poverty?

>> No.2907781
File: 137 KB, 570x510, Business Closings vs. Startups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less businesses were created over that period which is important contextual information too, as more businesses are closing and downsizing here every day because of automation. We are heading for an economic disaster.

>sure our population doubled 20 years before I was born but I don't care if the entire world animorphs into a Brazilian Favela or Philippine slum in my lifetime as long as I can show others what a virtuous, effeminate moral beacon I am on facebook

Go wax your numale beard or something Chaz, the adults are talking.


>> No.2907782


>> No.2907797

>Social media

>> No.2907798

>there's not some definitive singular culture within the USA.

There doesn't have to be for there to be friction between people from the first world and the third world. And that's no reason to bring in low iq people from cultures that are shit. Especially when you have roaches that need to be educated on how consent is supposed to work in Europe.

>As for African American's, let's learn from the mistakes made there and avoid legislation that forces them into (cyclical) poverty?

Yeah. Blacks suck so hard all because of whitey. Couldn't possibly be because they come from the part of the world with the lowest mean iqs.

>> No.2907812

LOL no one is competing for menial labor jobs are you this retarded?

>> No.2907820

Sorry, i'm not a Marxist, cheap labor is the cornerstone of a good capitalist economy. The term "exploitation" is too vague, extremely poor work conditions is an issue, but cheap labor is paramount to our existence.

>> No.2907823


>there's not some definitive singular culture within the USA.

We have a specific language, politics,set of values, etc. that differs greatly from that other countries. You're aware of this yourself, as you're critical our system and compare it to other countries.

The language barrier is a tough bar to pass.
>As for African American's, let's learn from the mistakes made there and avoid legislation that forces them into (cyclical) poverty?

My main gripe is that legislation isn't hard enough towards African American gangs like they were with the Italian Mafia in the 60s and 80s. The Italian Mafia had all three-letter alphabet agencies working against them because there was no stigma of "racial discrimination".

>> No.2907832
File: 1.04 MB, 1640x1636, le sneaky sombrero face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're competing for EVERYTHING you stupid idiot retarded fuck, including work as paid artists. I used blue collar jobs as an example; something as simple as working in a small warehouse taping boxes shut was at one time enough for a man to afford a home, a housewife and provide for their 37 children. Nowadays you need to have a doctorate in computer engineering math science and a spouse working full-time as a nuclear brain surgeon to be able to afford a studio apartment and feed your gay ass cat, and this has everything to do with the fact that there's too many extraneous people fighting over the table scraps of those born in generations prior.

>inb4 my hyperbole goes over your dopey autistic head

>> No.2907834

What is redlining and vagrancy laws, what are poorly built houses, what are property taxes that fund "public" schools, i could go on. the first black kid in a white school is barley 60. If your only argument is "but IQ" and "that culture is shit" I just feel sorry for you m8.

>> No.2907851

>it's the inanimate buildings that are at fault, and the education system that's been relatively unchanged for generations and successful in countries across the world, not the people in them, they didn't even be doin' nothin'!



>> No.2907852

That image doesn't prove anything except that wages go up with an increase of labor, sorry. You're just extrapolating way too much and appending spooky immigrants to the purchasing power of the dollar.

>> No.2907865
File: 491 KB, 800x670, bwa-ha-ha!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average wage goes up up $.40 over the course of a year

>Thanks immigrants, I have no reason to assume that you're the reason this is the case and not the fact that the purchasing power of the dollar is lower than ever and the market is organically doing its best to compensate, but I'll say anything as long as it supports my open borders libertarian narrative.

>> No.2907871
File: 238 KB, 1009x712, screen shot 2013-12-03 at 5_29_16 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lead paint? Implicit bias in teachers?
>the education system that's been relatively unchanged for generations and successful in countries across the world
Are you fucking kidding me? High school graduates can't even write an essay.

>> No.2907874
File: 47 KB, 648x344, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2907877
File: 103 KB, 1280x544, Dotm-megatron-film-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the liberals keep believing their utopias of a perfect world without conflict, where everyone is equal and there's no innate differences between demographics. Sooner or later reality checks itself and you end up with in a bloodbath.

I welcome war, time for a purge.

>> No.2907878

You're right. That's why it's important that blacks all breed with the far more numerous asians, so what if they lose parts of their unique culture and attributes. Don't be racist.

>> No.2907880


Only a fucking cuck will gladly welcome the death of their own race, if you are white, you're a traitor to all your ancestors. The fire is rising in the west, this will not end well.

>> No.2907883
File: 774 KB, 1877x1913, fbi table 43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could before half of them weren't n-words, ESL spics etc. tbqph.

Yes that's exactly what that anon was doing in linking arbitrary population increases to increased wages while simultaneously ignoring the reduced purchasing power and overall quality of life, thanks.

>> No.2907888
File: 175 KB, 1921x1103, J2vlneR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The fire is rising in the west

one's already in the chamber alt-tards.

>> No.2907895
File: 32 KB, 512x512, _H7_oPNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw shit illustration
fucking unskilled retard, learn fundamentals
>draw 600 shit frames in a sequence
So much hard work anon, how did you manage to do this by yourself? That's some solid art right there.

Western 2D animators are cancer on the face of this Earth

>> No.2907899

>he think animation is easy

>> No.2907900 [DELETED] 

I mean you shouldn't, considering places like japan have an even worse economies that are flatlining whilst having very limited immigration. All while American and Germany have ones that are still trending upwards. xDDDDDD

>> No.2907903

I mean you shouldn't, considering places like Japan have even worse economies that are flat lining whilst having very limited immigration. All while the USA and Germany have ones that are still trending upwards. xDDDDDD

>> No.2907906
File: 23 KB, 403x403, le laughing white hispanic face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course one's already in the chamber, you only need one to kill yourself, baby dick twig boy

>holding your gun like this much of an autist

I wonder how many times he's gotten his stubby klinefelter syndrome fingers stuck in the ejector port lmao.

>> No.2907908
File: 1.84 MB, 480x337, 1c51ade907098ed833b8d87969cc9457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've watched pebbles draw on stream, it's like a 10yr old drawing. he struggles to draw simple shapes. there's nothing technically impressive about his animations that seems very difficult.

>> No.2907919
File: 107 KB, 1920x1080, 1411244450743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who he is. Why you cares or even watch his streams? How do you even know about his existence? Can you animate like him?
>Western 2D animators are cancer on the face of this Earth
And this is pretty big words. Seems like this guy is really hurt you

>> No.2907924

why do yuo all care so much about what a video game streamer says lmao
go practice. you're wasting time just like i'm wasting time posting this

>> No.2907931

I don't understand the call for immigrants. Based on birth rates the developed world has apparently decided it has reached population equilibrium. This should be a good thing. Better for the environment and for mental health to not force it into increasing. We need the developing world to also settle down now. This idea that we need more and more people or our economy will collapse is obviously not sustainable. We probably have far too many people in the world already. Ideally developed nations should stop feeding and vaccinating poor countries and artificially boosting their population. We boost the population of nations who cannot support themselves without foreign aid. We bomb the hell out of the middle east. It's like we are manufacturing reasons to have masses of people moving into the developed countries. For what? There's a shortage of jobs. What jobs there are are more and more likely to become automated. A shortage of housing in some countries. And ever increasing rents. Makes no sense.

>> No.2907951

>low birth rates = population equilibrium
Sorry but when i'm old i don't want to live in some ghost town with no services, except for a few select cities because kids have to follow the jobs, like Japan.

>> No.2907965

Are you really too stupid to look up interviews with successful artists?
Typical defeatist.

>> No.2907967


That happens in literally every country, specially on the country side. No matter how much you dislike it, humans are not meant to mix and multiculturalism is a joke, after living in London as an immigrant, it was clear for me to see. Everything is better when we are among those who share our identity and contribute to our community, and it helps newer generations have a sense of identity too, which is very important for the individual. Look at this generation, it's filled with lost souls given into nihilism, it's truly sad.

>> No.2907976

>mixing and multiculturalism is a joke
>United States, Largest Economy for more than 120 years
>Literally a country of immigrants


>> No.2907988


The US is not multicultural though, and their citizens have always had a strong sense of patriotism and tried their best to integrate. Unlike Europe, which instead of making immigrants integrate, they adapt to the foreigners and ignore and despite their own legacy. The US was 80% white not that long ago.

You also cannot merely focus on economic and ignore the rest of issues multiculturalism creates in a society. Specially immigrants that have no desire for integration, such as the refugees in Europe, you might very well spent 5 years in the country without learning the countries language while they leech off well-fare.

>> No.2907997

>b-b-but the usa is an exception
>they were white so their cultures were the same


>> No.2908007


Explain to me where in the US are the culture so different the majority of the population feels completely alienated between each other, so much they have to put laws in place to help them integrate and teach them to speak the language of the other.

I've lived in London for 7 years. One of the biggest multicultural cities in the world. You know what happens there? Every ethnicity divides itself, by their own will and live in districts where their people live, and completely change the landscape of it. People don't adapt to other cultures unless they are similar or part of their identity is in it. It was shocking to go around London and move from one District where everyone is Muslim, to one where there's only Indians, to one where all you can hear was Spanish. Why should the British people need to have their culture and city completely modified by outsiders? No one where in the world but the west would anyone see themselves having a Mayor of their capital be someone else that's not their race.

>> No.2908020
File: 62 KB, 1575x256, FPBP2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks iq doesn't matter

Also yeah there's going to be bias in teachers against niggers because teachers hate stupid kids. What's your point? You try making burger flipping money playing professional babysitter to a pack of incorrigible animals.

That success was built by mostly white immigrants.

>> No.2908025
File: 69 KB, 1280x866, thumb-1920-323545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am going to laugh so hard when Asians start dominating the academic world and high rank schools in the US. You liberals are going to have to accept IQ then, because you won't be able to discriminate against a minority with zero political power such as the Asians the same way you do with white people. What will you say then, I wonder?

>> No.2908028
File: 35 KB, 324x400, IMG_2347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is destiny such a cuck? Fuck poor people and steal from the rich? What a bellend. Do not trust this post: anyone can make money in art, the trick is to be as creative in selling your skills as you are in using them.

>> No.2908032

what a worthless post

>> No.2908035 [DELETED] 

Explain to me where in the US are the culture so different the majority of the population feels completely alienated between each other, so much they have to put laws in place to help them integrate and teach them to speak the language of the other.

I would expect places like Minnesota, where there's a huge Muslim population who happen to be new immigrants, but it isn't so my friend. And it's actually doing better than most other states economically. I'm sorry you're shaking because you have to hear some guy speaking spanish LOL.

It sounds like bad legislation and your own bias' at play.

>> No.2908037

>Explain to me where in the US are the culture so different the majority of the population feels completely alienated between each other, so much they have to put laws in place to help them integrate and teach them to speak the language of the other.

I would expect places like Minnesota, where there's a huge Muslim population who happen to be new immigrants, but it isn't so my friend. And it's actually doing better than most other states economically. I'm sorry you're literally shaking because you have to hear some guy speaking spanish LOL.

It sounds like bad legislation and your own bias' at play.

>> No.2908039


I don't shake at people speaking Spanish, I am a Spaniard myself. Not even white, if it matters. Regardless, this new movement of wishful thinking and ignore our nature and biology cannot end well. Most liberals who defend multiculturalism don't live in multicultural neighborhoods themselves, funnily enough. But it makes sense, because how could they be for multiculturalism if they had experience it first hand?

What's so evil about countries having a majority of natives, instead of being overun with immigrants? What's so good about this diversity? I cannot see it anywhere. Even in my own country I've seen how joining the EU has completely changed our cities. I remember back then, we could leave our doors open and our stuff nearby our houses without fear of them getting stolen, there was a strong sense of community which has completely dissipated now. Really sad to experience that.

>> No.2908094

It is the same way in the USA really. Retarded leftists will say otherwise but it is clear they live in a fantasy in their minds.

USA is the most successful example of multiculturalism but as you pointed out it is a sort of multiculturalism-lite. And even then it doesn't work all that well. Black Americans for example had their culture and history erased, which is sad sure, but ultimately beneficial for integration. They were made to speak English, they are overwhelmingly Christian, essentially had European culture implanted. But it's never 100% and they stuck together and evolved their own subculture. It's a garbage dumb poor peoples' culture. Nothing attractive about it. Add in a resentment towards whites that is amplified by retarded leftist whites and they have less incentive to integrate. Why "act white" when white people are the evil responsible for all the ills of the world? Why bother trying in school, when it is just a part of the racist white system. Etc. Not to mention the "crabs in a bucket" aspect of black culture and accusations of being a coon or uncle tom.

And you are also correct that the USA only relatively recently started to accept non-European immigrants. Don't know who thought that was a good idea, seeing as how we couldn't even properly integrate the blacks who have been here since nearly the start.

Europeans eventually seemed to accept each other though. At least in the cities I've lived in. They like to talk to each other about their ancestry sometimes but overall are just a solid mass of 'white people' now.

>> No.2908113

Yeah because it's a life style, not a job. You never stop looking at the world through the lebs of artists. Every glance you make you compose it like your taking a photo, every interesting color pallete you see you try to memorize, every interesting visual happening you learn from. If you think of art only as a job, you will gorever be tool for others.

>> No.2908125

This notion that our state's economy is "better than average" because we have a community of 25,000 somalis that keep to their ghettos only emerging to join ISIS or the welfare line is a riot.

Holy shit kid go back to your cuck shed already.


>> No.2908126
File: 30 KB, 482x348, 1391383555500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left my comfy decent paying 9-5 day job in a cafe last year to take on art full-time
>have been employed for 5 months, have work for the next 5
>constantly drawing, thinking about drawing, dreaming about drawing
>feel bad anytime I take time off work, can't ever properly relax
>constantly worried about next project and deadlines
>gf left me because work was so involving
>stopped going to concerts, hardly ever play games and get out
>all your insecurities come to the forefront when art is your job

Most of the time it's worth it and I'm glad I took the plunge. But then sometimes you have a shit spell / bad day of work and you wonder why you even bother

At least with a 9-5 you do the work as asked at set hours, come home and can safely relax for the night

>> No.2908299
File: 279 KB, 1000x825, nickedwardspopsurreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? You can get comissions from the internet without leaving your place, work any time you want. You can also try to get money on patreon if you are good.

Is it very hard to get comissions/patrons?

>> No.2908319

>Western 2D animators are cancer on the face of this Earth
Only the web animators(newgrounds/smut) from 2003-2008. Animators are pretty chill and nice people to be around apart from these clowns.

>> No.2908340

>And it's actually doing better than most other states economically.

lol. really? good thing those somalis came over here to show whitey how to do economics. so generous of them to help spread some of that famous somali wealth around. you know, I heard they actually came here because their own economy was TOO good

liberalism is a mental disorder.

>> No.2908348

>doing economics
how do you think this shit works?

>> No.2908390 [DELETED] 

Can you please read your own article? It's literally about Somalis who can't connect with their kids because the kid is too fucking assimilated and extremists targeting that child's angst. and of course we should take preventative measures. But if you're screeching because .00008% Somalis in Minnesota joined isis, and only 250 Americans have, then i think i'll continue being a libcuck and let the shitskins do menial work and continue to help the economy by doing so.

btw our GDP per capital is 12 (there's 50 states btw).

>> No.2908393

Can you please read your own article? It's literally about Somalis who can't connect with their kids because the kid is too fucking assimilated and extremists targeting that child's angst. and of course we should take preventative measures. But if you're screeching because .00008% Somalis in Minnesota joined isis, and only 250 Americans have, then i think i'll continue being a libcuck and let the shitskins do menial work and continue to help the economy by doing so.

btw our GDP per capital is ranked 12th (there's 50 states btw).

>> No.2908394

Yes, labor is a resource. By providing this they are generously spreading their wealth.

>> No.2908398

Parrot Joe Rogaine more, faggot. Can't think for yourself?

>> No.2908400
File: 200 KB, 433x461, copy copy copy that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they were assimilated why would they join an extremist muslim organization, lmao. It's like you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

>Somalis comprise a statistically insignificant proportion of the population so having to bribe them to not join ISIS isn't a problem
>they're also the reason the state is doing so well

>> No.2908409


>"Some time a father came to me and he said, 'I am a Somali and I have an American kid in my home. Yes I am an American citizen, but what I mean is we don't understand each other,' " Mohamud recalls. "The families who came to me say, for example, 'My kid doesn't talk to me. He is or she is closing his or her door immediately when they come to the house. I don't know what they do.' "

From your article.

>If they were assimilated why would they join an extremist muslim organization, lmao. It's like you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

Because kids are stupid, gullible, and emotional, these sites and phone calls literally pander to kids and teens. At least i'm critical enough to realize they're other perspectives than my own m8.

>Somalis comprise a statistically insignificant proportion of the population so having to bribe them to not join ISIS isn't a problem

they're being educated on how to take preventative measures so their kids don't get baited. education isn't bad, people are dumb. and again .00008%.

>they're also the reason the state is doing so well

extra labor is good, they're another moving part inside the machine.

>> No.2908412

What does society mean by "worth"?

>> No.2908420

relative to a career? revenue.

>> No.2908546
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>Implying it's the only sole way to increase an economy to justify bringing in 3rd worlders who refuse to integrate and modernize and change in their home countries (bu, bu, bu you are destroying their traditions, culture and people by modernizing them; well you are doing the same vice versa, except worse)

Look at the globalist and laugh.

>> No.2908550

>that chainmail

How the FUCK does someone even begin to paint that shit

>> No.2908561

>Implying it's the only sole way to increase an economy to justify bringing in 3rd worlders who refuse to integrate and modernize and change in their home countries (bu, bu, bu you are destroying their traditions, culture and people by modernizing them; well you are doing the same vice versa, except worse)

No mate you're implying that, but there's enough places that aren't just "white people" and doing pretty well (USA for one), never said there aren't other ways to grow an economy, automation is a pretty good means.

Also the only reason you're posting on this fucking site is because of globalization, and the advantages of a free market when globalized. I don't want to live in a place where services and goods cost too much and are too limited because a few idiots cry "muh culture" (Japan).

>> No.2908574

immigrants work all kinds of jobs, brainwashed mook.
and let's see your twig ass roof a house and come tell us how menial it was.
not to mention Right to Work laws, which undercut union laborers. ya know, unions, the thing that protects the middle class from the big bad corporations you pretend to be against?

you're a teenager posturing yourself as morally superior. come back when you're an adult.

>> No.2908577

do you actually believe that immigrants don't go to college?

>> No.2908581

>I can't afford to move out of my parents' house but at least banks are making money on the stock market

>> No.2908584

wages have stagnated since the 70's. they are not "trending upwards"

>> No.2908586

>I want to pay $7.50 for a gallon of gas because at least there are random dudes around huh

>> No.2908590

if i said manual labor would it have been better? Didn't mean to be derogatory.

Certainly they do but most work manual/menial labor.

>> No.2908591

>the US was 80% European as recently as 1980

>> No.2908597

yep. most immigrants from Europe were Christians.
meaning they shared most of the same ideas, beliefs, laws, and heritage.

>> No.2908602
File: 94 KB, 501x508, TheUsualIrishWayofDoingThings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except for the filthy Irish am i right? hheheh

>> No.2908606

>no one integrates, just burrows out their own part of the city and takes it from the native people
you must hate yourself to claim that your own people have nothing worth preserving.

>> No.2908615

phew. if there wasn't extra labor you might have to pay someone a decent wage.

>> No.2908616

assimilated soon enough. did they not?

>> No.2908618

Yep and you'd have to pay more for goods and services. fixed wage =/= purchasing power.

>> No.2908621

I'd rather have $100 in the bank with the *option* to spend it on pricier good than have $50 in the bank with the *option* to buy cheaper goods.

goods might be pricier but that doesn't mean you have to buy them.

>> No.2908626

purchasing power is how effective your dollar is essentially. If its poor you're not buying anything whether you have $100 or $50. LOL.

>> No.2908635

No one worth knowing. A smug dipshit asshole with a large head on a 12 year old body who thinks he knows everything.

>> No.2908685

>muh unchanging culture
post your work, alt right faggots

>> No.2908915
File: 102 KB, 700x476, 113529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European immigrants made us a superpower. The immigrants we're getting today are trash and cost us more than they're worth.

>> No.2908916

I like that artist as well.

>> No.2908923
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>> No.2908927

Not an argument

>> No.2908930
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Maybe not everything, but certainly more than you.

>> No.2908932
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>European immigrants made us a superpower. The immigrants we're getting today are trash and cost us more than they're worth.

Your conclusion doesn't follow your argument. Because we subsidize services and illegals take advantage of it, immigrants are costing us more than they're "worth". No one is defending illegal immigration here, nor have you proven immigrants are costing us more than they're worth. Public and subsidized services aren't always a negative.

>> No.2908944

pls more anti-irish stuff from that time period. What does the background say?

t. Irish-american with absolutely no sense of cultural identity. 5-6 generations in, so none of the ireland remains.

>> No.2909023


And how is the SPLC anymore credible? It's a fucking kike group. Kikes are always whining about "racism".


Of course they're costing us more than they're worth. All they're doing is flipping burgers and sending the money they make back to Mexico. Which means that money isn't going back into our economy.

This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.2909025

Take it to /pol/, man. I love /ic/ and you're just hurting me.

>> No.2909031
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Slay your dragons, face your fears. Sort yourself out, man.

>> No.2909045
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>when you blow libcucks out so hard they start crying and ask you to leave

Fuck dude maybe I should debate destiny hahaha

>> No.2909049

You two are so far down the memehole. I ain't a libcuck, just trying to keep this board on topic

>> No.2909050

if the anons here were to somehow integrate topics of art with their talk of politics, maybe this could be a good thread

>> No.2909066

I think I'm being reasonable in doubting that, as that hypothetical thread being anywhere close to 'good' would require proficiency in both politics and art...

>> No.2909145

Don't talk about my Yotam Perel like that ok?!?!?

>> No.2909175

I'm English. One grandmother was Irish.
It literally means I'm not Irish. Neither are you.

>> No.2909240

asians do dominate the academic world in the US
they dominate every category in fact. indians are both the most highly edcuated and highest earning ethnicity in the US, for example, followed by many other asian ethnicities. majority of whites are not really super high up there. this also explains asian propensity toward nazism (their high intelligence, you see)

>> No.2909271

The Indians that emigrate here have only arrived since the past couple of decades and they were all from the top 10% (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Americans#Statistics_on_Indians_in_the_U.S.).), they can only be counted as the "most successful" group because they were already from the upper crust of their society before they even arrived here with their H1B visas. The amount of them that were born, raised and educated here is likely minimal but you'll probably never see any of the self-fellating articles about them point that important piece of contextual information out.

>> No.2909307

>asian propensity toward nazism (their high intelligence, you see )

They are fucking social retards who still censor porn in current year and are basically robots who will die in less than 100 years if they do nothing to change their retarded culture

Weebs are beyond delusional lmao

>> No.2909311

>doesn't deny being inferior

>> No.2909314

jap culture is sick and badass my dear man. and not the way weebs perceive it, their view is clouded by their anime fantajii.
the real deal though. it's hardcore. they have their problems of course, their overpopulation has led to lame dudes and lame women, thus declining the birthrate, solving that problem. it'll all level out soon and be at peak cultural performance once more.

>> No.2909355


>High population is a priority

No, like everything in life. Quality over quantity.

>> No.2909360

This is your guy, /ic/

>> No.2909404

>social retards
You could say their women really "open up" to white guys.

>> No.2909405

That ain't true

>> No.2909411
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>> No.2909591

Yea, because cost of living, and sales tax, and service provided aren't a thing for immigrants. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD kys.

>> No.2909631
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>> No.2909654

oh, i bet you have fond memories of "the good old days" you 20-something millennial sponge brain.

>> No.2909655
File: 27 KB, 476x395, 17362847_1147222135404615_4411411143841636331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illegal immigrants rent out houses and turn them into barracks with dozens of people living therein. They may pay sales tax (hurr), but they dodge income tax (20+% for you or me) and because of that their cost of living is comparably negligible to someone that's trying to live a normal life, particularly one that doesn't have a network across the border where the $7 an hour they earn is the equivalent to $50.


>services provided

Yeah, uninsured illegal mexicans sure do receive plenty of services thanks to the income taxes of the people they're subsequently able to undercut at the hiring line


>> No.2909660
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>he doesnt want to draw all dayfor a decent living and invest in stocks while drifting a miata outside of work.

Single hobby fags need to die

>> No.2909661

>tfw stocks seem like luck to you
How the fuck does this shit work?

>> No.2909663
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10 percent observation
90 percent luck

>> No.2909673
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Damn straight, that's exactly my plan.

>> No.2909678

Yep, gonna take life advice from a livestreamer who debates politics with youtube comedians on a columbian quilt-knitting board.

>> No.2909680

Who would you rather take life advice from? A life advisor?

>> No.2909696

>Who would you rather take life advice from? A life advisor?

I don't know, maybe someone who actually does art for a living. Taking career advice from some whiny pissant who plays videogames and espouses dank memes for a living seems pretty counterproductive to the way I want to conduct myself as anyone with any kind of professional aspirations.

>> No.2909698

So what? Lots of people do it for fun and to build their skills

>> No.2909764

is this guy a failed artist or something?

>> No.2909788

Failed Artist, sucessful gamer, and master debater.

>> No.2909792

Gaming is not worth doing as a career. It just isn't.

>> No.2909796
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It is when you have two houses, and make $200k annually all before the age of 30.

>> No.2909800

Why are so sure anything exists?

what is life?

>> No.2909817
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Except it doesn't happen. Maybe to 3% of all the professional players. Players make dogshit money especially in the beginning. And i know that, because i've talked with snax and luq years ago. It's easier to work as an artist and make more money, especially since you don't have to be in the top of the world

>> No.2909837

Stop replying to them you idiot.

>> No.2909840

Just kill all the niggers and colored folk and be done with it.

>> No.2909962

Weeaboos have their vision of japan completely warped by anime.

>> No.2909974

You make more money as a streamer taking donations and subs than you ever will as a player. Which destiny is.

>> No.2909981

Are you seriously expecting any part of 4chan to appeal to your politically correct sensibilities? gtfo back to red dit you numale waste of oxygen

>> No.2911345

except all that free art is furry shit

>> No.2911420

Liberals often use libertarian talking points to try and push for a massive swamp of 3rd world immigration into first world countries, mostly arguing that cheap labor automatically is a positive to nearly everyone in society.
I'm not going to debate any of the economics since most right minded libertarians have already picked this apart.
Social capital is way more important to people than these open borders liberals advocate. With millions of foreigners coming in every year, your society will definitely change, culturally and racially. A lot of people don't want this and will gladly pay 40 cents more for an avocado if it means their formerly white American neighborhoods don't become barrios. Even rich anti-racist liberals will white-flight out of anywhere with too many immigrants and make sure their kids don't go to a majority-minority school.
I don't understand the snobbery involved. People segregate naturally and tensions arise with forced proximity. Marginal economic benefit won't change people's minds. And this is why you now how a resurgence of populism and nationalism, which was completely predictable.
Sage because Destiny is a retarded manlet.

>> No.2912870

I like Destiny's stream but when he started going on that retarded crusade against artists, I had to give it a nice breather for a few days.

>Dude, just become a digital animator 250K a year! easy!

>> No.2912874

>implying thats what he said
he said someone who has built a fanbase of around 1m subscribers should be able to make around 250k he never said it was easy but rather getting the followers was the hardest part and after that its mch easier

>> No.2912900

If you're superhuman to the point of making enough videos per month for that, yea maybe.

>> No.2913091
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>> No.2913093

>tfw been hearing this recently
2017 was a mistake

>> No.2913097

it's the other way around.
growing economies attract immigration btw.

>> No.2913104

>Immigration grows economies btw.
If that is true then why are the countries with the most people not automatically the richest?

>> No.2913107

Growth doesn't equal instant result obviously

>> No.2913108

Technically this is correct because population growth increases GDP. But if you're going to use GDP as a measure of wealth then India is one of the world's richest countries. GDP/capita is an actual indicator of wealth, however.

>> No.2913113

Well how long does it take? Why isn't Indonesia a global economic superpower like the US with the same standard of living despite having similar population sizes?

I thought liberals thought all people were interchangeable economic units and nothing more?
Maybe if we replaced the US population entirely with Indonesian immigrants they will finally be a superpower, because America has magic dirt.

>> No.2913126

It isn't worth pursuing if you aren't willing to be stressed for the rest of your life, art is probably the most cutthroat industry with an insane amount of competition. Unless you plant yourself with a company you just end up chasing jobs barely surviving. You can do well with serious e-fame, but even then that crowd is really only the fun quirky webcomic crap that gets super popular, and again that's something with a massive pool of people trying to do the same thing as you. For those of us with no self respect at least there'll always be a fetish art community to cater to.. <and even then you have to be good to even get a passing glance>
Art is better to be doing as a side thing than the basket you put all your eggs into.

>> No.2913361
File: 35 KB, 698x432, sdfasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets not strangle the middle class to keep a few shit-jobs for natives.


>> No.2913376
File: 200 KB, 1104x1520, 1489789164018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany (79-80mil) and France's (50-65mil) total population has been relatively stable for the past 47 years, yet their GDP has more or less increased at a similar trajectory to that of the U.S. whose population has increased by 60% in the same time period (200-320mil). You played yourself, you non-sequitur spewing retard.

>> No.2913404
File: 45 KB, 560x326, iBKpTFnFq9W2vOWQkFsCaXojIDbMU43_LFTgWb4Vgro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germany (79-80mil) and France's (50-65mil) total population has been relatively stable for the past 47 years,

again you're implying, that includes immigrants LOL. these countries have similar percentages of immigrants relative to their population (which are growing with some help from immigrants btw). Again kys.

>> No.2913449
File: 88 KB, 1400x1070, 56ca30696fda6dc72c7779e4fbecdf77da7c475b29227211c1e4c7b184004e91.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is happening is the uber rich upper class are profiting from extremely cheap labor. Not only are the outsourcing as many jobs as possible, immigrants are now basically an artificially imported underclass that do what foreign slave workers do but inside your country.

So yes, the GDP is increasing, but wealth inequality is also increasing alongside it. The liberal solution to this is more welfare, but it would be pretty difficult to part the uber rich from their wealth via taxes when they already know how to keep it (and bribe politicians to make sure).

Basically leftists are importing an underclass and trying to remedy the economic costs with the welfare state. Working and middle class whites are left with less purchasing power, less money, less jobs. They're also now forced to live around the diversity they never asked for, which leads to social tension and a complete breakdown of community cohesion. Despite the leftist dream of diversity=strength, it's just not a reality.

You're asking a hell of a lot of the white working/middle class for a (debatable) marginal economic benefit at the cost of a complete societal and economic reconstruction, which was never even broken in the first place. All for the sake of uplifting outsiders.

This is the utopian global diversity project, at the cost of middleamerica.

>> No.2913575

>china has the world's lowest population of migrants as a percentage of its population
>number one economy in the world with a per capita GDP that's increased by 600% in less than two decades
>many examples of countries with low migrant populations showing similar per capita growth to your asinine graph during the exact same time period, even places like Mexico ($670 in 1970, $9510 today .5% immigrant) or Brazil ($440 in 1970, 11,208 today, .9% immigrant)

Why, it's almost like chanting "OOGA BOOGA MUH GDP" and mindlessly attributing this inflation-unadjusted number you don't even understand to immigrants from third world shit holes and ignoring all evidence that runs contrary to your cherry-picked examples is absolutely retarded or something! I certainly don't expect you to stop being stupid on our account, though, do tell us more about how those 20 thousand unemployed Somalians have really turned Minnesota around.

>> No.2914045
File: 123 KB, 640x634, KvOfdN7Og467vcsdnZxUtFvKmTJu3isEgt8a_yN60wQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is doing this. faggots like you just want to cry "damn liberals" and argue one position. No one is arguing that immigration is some divine solution. But it helps when your birthrate is low, and there's a gap in labor that can't be fixed otherwise, or you just want to expand your businesses, if there's not a gap, limit your immigration, or even stop it altogether, pretty fucking simple. You're not gonna find immigrants from other 1st worlds to do shit jobs for you, but you need people to do those shit jobs.

>> No.2914092

>No one is doing this
Destiny is doing this.
>muh low birthrate
Maybe if the economy wasn't based off of intergenerational theft we wouldn't have to expand our population size until carrying capacity. And weren't western nations concerned with "overpopulation" just 10 years ago? I guess not now, since we apparently need more brown people for our jewish ponzi scheme.
>but you need people to do those shit jobs.
wtf I had no idea that America had no plumbers, construction workers, factory workers, sanitation workers, farmers, and tradesman before we let in all the beaners.

>> No.2914100

You realize the reason Minnesota is doing so well is because it's population is almost exclusively Scandinavian descendant white, right?
Oh but they're getting their Somali immigrants, that's for sure. Would love to see the welfare and unemployment statistics for that population group.

Socialist-like policies only work in a high trust high functioning society with strong group cohesion. Minnesota would not be the state it is today if it had more "diverse" demographics.

>> No.2914102

>But it helps when your birthrate is low
When does it end? You do realize all of these immigrants are going to get social security too, right? You also realize that most immigrants are already on some form of welfare/public assistance, right?
So when does it end? How many unskilled 3rd world welfare leeches do we need to bring into the country to make it worthwhile? Because it seems like all signs are pointing towards this being a very bad idea.

>> No.2914317

>But it helps when your birthrate is low
Of course the question of why the birth-rate is low is never adressed. The fact that both partners in a couple have to work and have a high level of debt is the reason why Europe has a low birth-rate. The solution is to bring in (non-European) immigrants to make up for this, then have them integrate to the society. Even if you're successful at integrating them (which Europe has been pretty bad at) you produce another generation with a low birth-rate. So you have to bring in more immigrants every generation. This is literally how a pyramid scheme works.

>You're not gonna find immigrants from other 1st worlds to do shit jobs for you
You realize that labor shortage drives up real wages right? If there was a huge demand for janitors because zero Americans wanted to work in that sector, the demand would drive up the wage for that job until it got to a level where Americans would consider it. It's not that people in 1st world countries don't want to do "shit jobs", it's that they don't want a shit wage for them.

>> No.2914417

>/ic/ - Artwork and Critique
Do your fucking jobs you retarded ass mod. Wtf does this shitty thread have to do with art?

>> No.2914428


This is how I imagine NoseBro must look like IRL.

>> No.2914473

hush now. I'm going to print this thread, hang it on a wall and sell it to some fool as art. It'll be meta when they reach my post after the purchase.

>> No.2914529


If this thread was about homosexuals and trannies you wouldn't be complaining, so shut the fuck up.

>> No.2914534

T. Not gonna make it
T. Gonna make it

>> No.2914940
File: 204 KB, 392x462, 1478730336047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ - Immigration and Customs

>> No.2914951


>You have to be a tranny to make it

The delusion is real

>> No.2916561


>> No.2916567


I agree actually. Doing commercial art is big suckage and not worth it at all. That's why I strive to become recognizable name and have my paintings eventually sold on auctions.

>> No.2917912

Haro, mai naimu isu Cletuso. Mai fart burn mai assole.

>> No.2917967


It's not the OPs fault stupid people devolved it into political squandering. The subject matter was clearly intended to be the validity of art as a career.

>> No.2919219

To be fair, if they're as far down the hole as you claim, you should've known asking them to leave like that would've elicited those types of responses.

>> No.2919235

this is true but he can write and his style is easy to replicate
just because you can animate complex figures doesn't make them fun to watch

>> No.2919691

Have you looked at Artstation? The amount of jobless people who are 20 times better than you or me is staggering. I wish those were all render monkeys, but sadly there are legitimately creative people in there and they're not successful.

>> No.2919715

Please name a few.

>> No.2921904

just look at how many artist have "open for opportunities" or similar phrases under their name.

>> No.2921918

ironically i look similar to the op picture of the last thread about me, ignoring the nose.

>> No.2921922
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>> No.2921970


/pol/ being insane as usual

>> No.2921974

That is if you have some viewers

>> No.2921987

That doesn't mean they're jobless.

>> No.2921994

Tl;dr jew

>> No.2922312

If you're still around and curious, the main reasons the irish were discriminated against was their Catholicism ( at least that was one of the excuses, the biggest reason is always labour competition).

America was founded on Protestant, Anglo-Saxon values, the declaration of independence has its ideological pedigree from the Glorious Revolution, so they were naturally a little paranoid about irish Catholics maintaining loyalty to the pope rather than the USA. Of course this sort of sectarianism gone out of fashion now. It's only popular in Northern Ireland and the central belt of Scotland to the best of my knowledge.

>> No.2924195
File: 1.19 MB, 3264x2448, 9b5af2ed02159d93b0e21f5e3a9c6b0a444ed07f14e5ed7353586edc0c466aab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather live in a ghost town than a fucking barrio/favela/ghetto/no-go zone all of the brown people create.
You people need to move away from the cities for a bit, a bit of peace and quiet will really make you appreciate how nice it is not to be crammed into overcrowded holes with people who hate your guts.

>> No.2924202

Whites are literally the only racial group that pay more in taxes than they take. (Not sure about asians since there are so few the numbers are negligible)
The average net worth of blacks and mexicans in the US is a negative number.
We're 20 trillion in debt and 10 trillion of that came in the past 8 years.
We're on a sharp decline and we're only relevant since we're running on the fumes of our past.

>> No.2924227

Ah yes.
You know, when people commission someone, they're looking for a certain style and reliability for that person.
I charge (for example) around $70 for one character and no background. I have 12 commissions currently.
Just to give you an idea behind the business side of things. I don't mean to gloat but I don't like you spreading lies.

>> No.2924261

Are you one of those idiots that thinks debt is inherently bad? You've already disqualified yourself.

>> No.2924263

>brown people create.

no, people in general create things called cities because it's necessary for first world countries to exist.

>> No.2925399

I don't even know what group they're claiming are "Racist" in that image, but seriously, they labeled Majiid Nawaz as an "anti-islamic extremist" recently. I don't know why anyone would take any of their shit seriously.

>> No.2925527

>The first world can't exist without mexican slums!
Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are almost completely ethnically homogeneous, their major cities are also ethnically homogeneous. They're first world countries.
I don't know why the fuck we need 3rd world welfare leeches to make our nations great, because it seems to be the opposite.

>> No.2925529

inb4 you claim Hong Kong isn't a country.
Yes I know it's been absorbed by the Chinese, but it's still first world.

>> No.2925534

>thinks debt is inherently bad?
>it's another Keynesian libertarian defends importing millions of 3rd world welfare leeches because we're all "individuwols" episode
Are you also a free inhabitant?

>> No.2925551 [DELETED] 

Yes because those places except for Japan don't really need the added labor. No one is arguing free unvetted immigration here. You're arguing with boogie men, and arguing for economic stagnation at best. Japan is also a terrible fucking example my God are I literally retarded my dude?

>> No.2925567

SIngapore ethnically homogeneous ?? have you even been there or just assuming base on ur americuck geographical knowledge

>> No.2925587

>Was in /ic/.
>Suddenly stepped into /pol/
>Cancer everywhere

>> No.2925589
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>> No.2925592

Immigration is to fill gaps in labor not a hard concept to follow. You're arguing for economic stagnation at best. Japan is also a terrible example my dudes. You're also just asserting immigrants are a drain and use up welfare when in fact most of them aren't even eligible and usually come here to simply work and end up paying more in services that aren't even available to them. So let's not collapse our society because ((((brown people)))) & ((((globalism)))).

Pretty good read here:


>> No.2925610

>Immigration is to fill gaps in labor
What gaps in labor are illegal immigrants filling exactly?

>> No.2925685
File: 2.71 MB, 5096x3452, 1464499605450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop, do not pool illegals with vetted immigrants, and we're not going to pool their offspring. Remember this, the economy is not zero-sum, it's continuously growing, and shit labor is expanding. No one reasonable argues for illegals immigration (though it's a common straw man), but they're an affordable option when a fixed wage isn't worth the cost of the labor. Most natives are more skilled than your average fruit picker and don't even need to bother with those shit jobs.

specifically they work farming, forestry, fishing, and low skilled service jobs.

Rethinking, maybe it's not a gap but a constant need for more work.

>> No.2925810

>most of them aren't even eligible
Why is it 70% of illegals are on welfare then?

>> No.2925828
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>> No.2925836

Most legal immigrants are here because of family reunification and chain migration, not because they are qualified workers.
>specifically they work farming, forestry, fishing, and low skilled service jobs.
We already did all that before we had millions of Mexicans flooded the country. You're just advocating for the disenfranchisement of the native population. There's not enough economic benefit that could convince most people that's a good idea. If I have to pay 80 cents more for tomatoes, I would do it if it means I keep my job and my community remains the same.

America doesn't need to become a third world nation. Your economic plan's end result is having a high-caste jew/white upper class elite and hordes of brown slaves. Middle and lower class whites think it's a terrible idea, for obvious reasons.
Of course your plans for having a divided nation with extreme wealth inequality and cultural schisms may presumably benefit the bottom line, but most people don't want to live in a country that's only concern is robotic economic efficiency at any cost. Culture, heritage, social cohesion, trust, and nationhood are more important than any by-the-numbers autistic libertarian gives them credit for. Unless those things have a dollar sign attached you callously turn your nose at people's concerns.

>> No.2925956

Again economics is not zero-sum the economy is trending upwards, there's a constant growth. Birth rates in first worlds are declining and/or negative. without immigration or fucking more the economy will stagnate. You're not just paying more for a tomato those tomatoes aren't even available. And regards to economic classes, cheap, effective labor means a decrease in the price of produces tenfold (modern globalization) which means the purchasing power of your dollar is tenfold. This just means the poor can afford more things.

>Your economic plan's end result is having a high-caste jew/white upper class elite and hordes of brown slaves.

Nope, globalization makes cheaper products and services for everyone. This even includes the possibility of entrepreneurship, better education for themselves and children, and other means to progress their status. The poor can essentially afford more and become comparatively richer than their ancestors. kinda funny considering you'd just completely disregard these people because they're brown, yet i'm the callous one.

You're really just straw manning to be fair.

>only concern is robotic economic efficiency at any cost.

I'll concede that it's important. But actually automation means more free-time, and better jobs (remember not a zero sum game), better services, better tech etc. You're even on this site is because of modern globalization and affordable cheap labor, and it's great, let's make more great things!

>Culture, heritage, social cohesion, trust, and nationhood are more important than any by-the-numbers autistic libertarian gives them credit for.

unfortunate they're not as important though, protectionism just doesn't work and actually fails hard. Also over time these things are normalized anyways (what's palatable at least). We are a nation of immigrants in the USA by the way, do you know what words are etched onto the base of the statue of liberty?

lol no.

>> No.2925977
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>must increase population. must increase consumption.

I wonder how long it is until the planet is so polluted and overpopulated that the entire system collapses.

>> No.2925994


probably never. i'm not arguing for an infinite amount of human labor, just what's necessary. It's pretty evident that technology and automation fills a lot of necessary work. Hopefully it will continue that way, and provide better lives regardless of our population. But keep whacking at it my dude.

>> No.2926000

You're a fucking moron bro. Have fun listing to a man that plays a shitty korean game and looks as if some one glued his head to a 6th graders body

>> No.2926019

>without immigration or fucking more the economy will stagnate. You're not just paying more for a tomato those tomatoes aren't even available
Oh no, without millions of Mexicans in America we'd all starve and die!
Japan is an aging society that isn't importing millions of foreigners to the point they'd become minorities, and yet they aren't dying in the streets living in abject poverty
Look if everything you said were true then China wouldn't be the absolute deracinated garbage heap as it is. Do you think the factory workers in China, Indonesia, India, and other 2nd world nations are benefiting from all of the cheap goods they produce? Because most can't afford it. Again, your economic policy is a race to the bottom for cheap goods while only a select few make exponential profits.
If you think that automation will solve all of our problems then why are we importing slave people to begin with?
>unfortunate they're not as important though
They are, and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. The more diverse a nation becomes the more segregated it becomes as well. If someone's formerly white hometown becomes a no-go zone they're supposed to rejoice since they can get shitty products for cheaper?
I'm assuming you live in a majority white neighborhood with people who share your sense of identity and culture. A lot of people no longer have the luxury of living among their own in a high-trust community, because of these globalist policies you advocate for. These people do not want immigration.
If you're so confident that culture, heritage, and nationhood isn't as popular as your lolberg free market globalist tripe, then we should be allowed to take a vote on it. You'd be shocked at how wrong you are. It' exactly why we NEVER got the option to vote on our own displacement, because the people in charge know it would be a resounding "hell no".

>> No.2926021

Finance student here. Please stop spewing /pol/bullshit you're so fucking wrong it's not even fun. Just neck yourself

>> No.2926024

>We are a nation of immigrants in the USA by the way, do you know what words are etched onto the base of the statue of liberty?
Immigrants who came primarily from western Europe with no access to a big fat welfare state.
An Englishman coming to the states hundreds of years ago to start his own family estate does not equal bobo the Nigerian monkey and his 7 children applying for foodstamps and section 8 housing.
You know they're starting this "nation of immigrants" bullshit in the UK and Scandinavia too? Seriously, that's the same excuse to mass-import muslims over there. Whenever I hear this phrase it's always as an excuse to bring in more slave people.
Also, the whole "nation of immigrants", "bring us your poor, tired, and huddled masses" was made up and propagated by the ADL and a jewess named Emma Lazarus. Their egalitarian 3rd world views have no reflection on the legitimate founding of America.

>> No.2926028

>finance student here
Oh wow, thanks for enlightening me. I want my nation to become full to the brim with minorities so we can reach maximum economic output and expansion until all the resources on earth are used up and we reach carrying capacity.
Fuck my culture, I want a consumerist globalist marketplace where countries are little more than pre-ordained economic zones.

>> No.2926035
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>he believes there is a consolidated sense of cultural heritage, moral values or even ethnicity within "white" """culture"""

>> No.2926036
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>lol no.

>> No.2926039

Yep. Arbitrary lines drawn across Africa pitting different tribes together... disaster. Arbitrary lines drawn across the middle east putting different people together... disaster. Yugoslavia... fractured. Hey I know! Lets make the whole fucking western world multiculti! It'll work this time because... reasons. Africans have been in USA since nearly the beginning yet live largely separated from Europeans still, both groups essentially vote against each other, and there is still flares of tension. And American blacks had their culture and religion wiped and replaced pretty much so it is not even true multiculturalism. Europe will be much worse off. Kosovos all over the place. I can't believe Europeans are so accepting of their leaders telling them they will "soon be a minority in their own land AND THAT'S A GOOD THING". Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.2926040
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They do, and any denial of this would mean that you either haven't experienced it, or are so inculcated in white culture you haven't noticed that other people behave differently on a fundamental level.
Even if you do not think that "white" culture isn't worth protecting, most people do. That's why you see people self-segregate and keep to their own. Even if whites had 0 culture (and were atomized consumerist individual units like libertarians pretend they are) they still have a fundamental right to their own future. They still shouldn't be subject to ethnic swamping and disgenic immigration policies that lead to their displacement.

>> No.2926050

Europeans don't understand the same way white liberals and yankees don't understand.
They haven't experienced it. They're trusting and are shown only positive things about immigrants and immigration. They assume that it's a good thing because of what they are taught and are befuddled by any oppositional views.
One of the main reasons southerners are always seen as racist. It's not because they are "stupid rednecks", like the media always paints them, it's because they actually have to live around black people. They don't have the luxury of being taught how to feel about blacks, they have to come to their own conclusions.
Never in my life have I ever actively hated any pigmys. Never in my life have I ever actively hated aboriginals.
But I don't live around them. Proximity+diversity=conflict.

>> No.2926053

stop missing my point, saying that white culture is a thing is like speaking of brown culture or asian culture,
there is no white culture, there is a set of european cultures fundamentally different from each other and belonging to varying ethnic groups albeit bearing similarities due to historical interaction, and the bigger the geographical distance the smaller the similarities, we are talking about groups whose history isnt the same, whose ethnicity the same, whose speech isnt the same, whose manners arent the same, even if you take a french southerner and a french northerner these people will have very little in common

>> No.2926054

and even their religion differs, so how do you define culture?

>> No.2926057
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>surface culture

>> No.2926061

I think my entire life is not worth living. Bye /ic/.

>> No.2926086

>french southerner and french northerner are very different
And yet they are still more compatible together than they would be with an African.
White people can share and exchange cultures easily, America being a prime example.
Blacks have lived in America for hundreds of years and sill are completely different and have not assimilated at all. Yet the Irish were slaves at the same time, treated as lower class, and still fundamentally assimilated where blacks could not.
Sub Saharan Africans never invented any form or writing or even the wheel, some African languages only have a few hundred words in their vocabulary. They evolved in a completely separate continent with completely different survival strategies. They are simply different down to their genes. It is much harder for them to comprehend and reciprocate western culture than it is among whites.
You can't brute force these differences away. And even if you did, it wouldn't be for anyone's benefit. Their culture is unique and shouldn't be forcibly changed on the whim of globalist liberals.

Yes I know that there are many different instances of cultures among European decedent peoples, but they are all very similar. You could say the same for any racial group.

>> No.2926087

>how do you define culture?
Well you could look at the image posted for starters.

>> No.2926105

Another interesting example of this is Greenland. The natives were still living in small fishing villages and maintaining some semblance of their tradition. The Danes decided they needed to relocate them to bigger towns with modernized infrastructure, hospitals, schools, churches, etc. The suicide rates skyrocketed. The Danes had thought they were improving the quality of life for the natives. Not so much. Culture matters.

>> No.2926109

you are talking about assimilation, assimilation to what? assimilation to white culture? what do you mean when you say assimilation, what are we assimilating to and in what ways?is assimilation "doing the same things white people do"? what does the vast majority of "white" people do that unifies all of them? even in one same country there will be different classes of white people with shockingly different education, income, religion, etc. even the differences in behaviour, talking, thinking (since we're talking about culture) between upper and lower middle class are very big. yes there is has been more time for a bigger variety of white social classes to appear because it happens throughout history, white people have been citizens for longer - i am not american but may i remind you the end of segregation (so, when "assimilation" was forbidden) happened in the past century, that is nothing on a historical scale. similarly in countries where whites arent the dominant ethnicity you will still find an intelligentsia alongside - or not, depending on the country - a middle class alongside the poor and uneducated. how these classes will behave and how exactly they are defined will vary from country to country. this is not to mention radicalisation in the middle east (so, no access to education and literacy) also dates from the past century. russians hate to admit it but there is less cultural difference between a russian and a kavkazi or a yakut than between a russian and an irishman or a spaniard. and whether russians or the irish are the same white as the english has been a very relevant debate up until very recently. so what white race? when the white nations have always been at war with each other?

>european cultures are less distant from each other than they are from african cultures so they are the same culture

>> No.2926110

yeah i did look at it, literally none and i mean none of whats mentioned in the image is unique to all of europe, what white culture now?

>> No.2926119

> Yes I know that there are many different instances of cultures among European decedent peoples, but they are all very similar
literally no.

>You could say the same for any racial group
LITERALLY no, take asia.

>> No.2926142

>so they are the same culture
I never said they were the same, I said they can more easily assimilate.
>none of whats mentioned in the image is unique to all of europe
It was never meant to be.

>> No.2926152

>so what white race?
Ok, look. I know what you're doing. You know exactly what "white" is.
You would never tell a black living in America not to defend his ethnic interests because black people came from different nations in Africa. You wouldn't tell him to define what his race was before he could identify as black.
A very similar situation can be found in South Africa. The whites there are mixed Dutch and Anglo, the blacks there are Bantu, San, Zulu etc, despite coming from ethnically distinct parts of Africa, they identify as black. Both racial groups are at ends with one another, and neither side is trying to deconstruct and re-categorize what it means to be "white" or "black".

Yes, there are different classes in all races and cultures. It doesn't mean that we should be importing millions of people from another race since there are rich and poor people here already. There is more solidarity among race than class. You will find that blacks in America have more kinship with black millionaires and celebrities than poor whites in the same living conditions.

>> No.2926569

Japan is an aging society that isn't importing millions of foreigners to the point they'd become minorities, and yet they aren't dying in the streets living in abject poverty.

Their economy is stagnating and trending down. There's a problem with ghost towns, young people fucking off to the two biggest cities, due to a lack of jobs elsewhere. There's a huge lack of services and goods outside of Tokyo and Osaka, this is creating problems with the elderly as they live in these ghost towns in mostly isolation. Remember a negative birthrate without immigration simply means a shrinking workforce that actually has to work harder to compensate. Also that doesn't even account for their happiness, Japan and Korea have unbelievably high suicide rates, and the elderly incarceration rates are abnormally high , but i'm just extrapolating. it's well off now, but have huge problems that need to be solved.

>Look if everything you said were true then China wouldn't be the absolute deracinated...

Hey man, i agree these places aren't ideal as of now, but they're comparatively better than the past due to globalization. there's not really an argument to be made whether or not they're benefiting, lol. It's not a race to the bottom, "cheap" is only relative to the purchasing power of your dollar. Cheap only describes the cost of something, in a perfect world a poor person could afford anything, with a little left over. It's more of a sprint to produce the most wealth possible.

>he more diverse a nation becomes the more segregated
California, New York etc. the most diverse country also the wealthiest. I've lived and worked in Minneapolis and Bloomington most of my life, pretty diverse, and wealthy. There's never been this huge segregation due to diversity, we've actually made a lot of strides to be more inclusive via arts and social services. And guess what it's working! As for voting, you're just speculating the populace voted for Obama he's brown, enough said.

>> No.2926803

Am I really in /ic/?

>> No.2927017

White males in America have a higher suicide rate than males in Japan.
You can look into "deaths of despair", many middle and lower class whites are killing themselves due to economic hopelessness. All other races' suicide rates are dropping, except whites, and they're rising at very alarming levels.

As for the other shit you said, simply put, nations are growing despite diversity, not because of it.

>> No.2927858

Articles says the opposite is true for other cities towards the bottom. i was drawing a correlation, it's not sound. I'm just saying it's really not that important if you account for poverty and social issues.

>deaths of despair

This is because they're losing jobs that aren't coming back, ever. Unfortunately Americans cost too much to do those type of jobs, or humans are too inefficient. It's a terrible side effect of a poor financial system, social service system, and probably the education system.

Extrapolating here, but in my experience white people isolate themselves more than non whites, even with their own family members. That can't be good if you're depressed my dude.

>> No.2927867


>> No.2927898
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>immigrants are to "fill gaps in labor"
>also people are simultaneously losing their jobs to immigrants, wages are stagnating or trending down vs. inflation because of increased competition for jobs created by immigrants and their remittance culture


>> No.2927921

Not a zero sum game, how do you not understand this? A growing economy needs to fill the jobs its producing. The competition isn't for low skilled labor, the jobs immigrants are doing. It's not a contradiction. Yes, it's a gap, or an expansion.

>> No.2927931



>> No.2927949
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What can you expect from "business" majors? They practically learn to regurgitate jewish propaganda. Then they graduate and subscribe to things like the Economist thinking it'll make them like the wealthy when it just brainwashes them into predictable players in the marketplace.