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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2905427 No.2905427 [Reply] [Original]

So are all you millennials internet artists this spoiled? Why would anyone say this?

>> No.2905433

>she doesn't think art is harder
Try harder or you're ngmi

>> No.2905436
File: 407 KB, 570x489, 1438547001534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing basic repetitive tasks is harder than creating something engaging and interesting enough while also advertising and networking to amass an audience willing to pay for said thing
I have worked some shitty menial job and I can attest that art is way harder.

>> No.2905440

i got a question for /ic/
if it is true that such works that involve repetitive tasks are not as hard as living off your art then why dont use that as your primary source of income while you draw as a hobby then?

>> No.2905441

Trying doing it for more than a fucking summer idiot.

>> No.2905451

oof so hard putting that pen to my tablet.

>> No.2905452
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He is right.

I have worked in construction, plumbing, cashier, code monkey, car maintenance and more. For over 2-3 years each job.

Nobody gives you clear work goals in art. There is no streamlined workflow. You cannot begin to understand how important that is.
Most jobs have clear methods and rules to follow. Rules so simple that a monkey can do them. And after completing them they go home with a paycheck and benefits.

There is no one to hold you hand in art. Even if there are rules and fundamentals, those have nothing to do with the market. Sometimes I made more money with shitty stylized cartoons for twitter profiles than with realistic paintings. There is no career path anymore. You must please a large audience to become popular.

You don't have to squeeze your brain and soul when changing a car's oil. Art will also take a toll in your body, probably more damage than physical work.

Even Feng Zhu has said that sometimes he wishes he could just flip burgers instead.

>> No.2905455

This guy arts.

>> No.2905456

hello destiny

>> No.2905459

can i see your blog

>> No.2905461

>reading comprehension
no wonder you work menial labor

>> No.2905463
File: 18 KB, 580x509, g73g678j87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Art will also take a toll in your body, probably more damage than physical work.

this is why people hate millennials.

>> No.2905466

I wish I was a millennial. I'm about to go into my 40's.

Sitting in a desk for 12 hours a day will destroy your body no matter precautions you take.

>> No.2905467

>take a toll on the body
this is why idiots shouldnt be allowed on computers

>> No.2905476
File: 10 KB, 433x370, xddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're sitting for 12 hours a day doing anything you're retarded.

Maybe if eye strain and papercuts were included as injuries i'd agree with you hehe

>> No.2905479

these mike rowe cocksucking faggots do have a point though. After you do it long enough you start gazing at your deteriorating body and how little time you have left for how much work you put in. And that can start weighing heavy on your person.

Creativity is different, but long term, so much more satisfying. That's just flat out the truth.

>> No.2905506

Experience is everything i guess, too hard to teach this to kids who go from mom's basement to YouTube stars.

>> No.2905521
File: 47 KB, 358x500, Disappearance_Diary_by_Hideo_Azuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This auto-bio mango confirms. He was much happier doing construction and plumbing.

>> No.2905523

Yeah, thats why their so salty towards people who don't choose to be expendable hard labor cucks.

5-10 years in and they usually hate life. I used to do menial labor work with an old vietnam vet. He would always tell me to go back to college so i dont wind up being a worn out broken pessimistic old man when im his age, but i still do labor intensive work and draw as a hobby.

I should probably take that advice to heart before its too late!

>> No.2905527

>didn't even work manual labor for the entire summary
So he had a vacation and pretended to be a blue collar construction worker

>> No.2905529

>taking a toll on the body
>work-related injuries
You are still missing the point by miles.He's talking about exhaustion, mainly mental exhaustion since art actually takes focus and creativity. But also the things artists do to "make it" including addiction, lack of sleep, and lots of overtime.
Sorry bud, you definitely won't make it with a sub 80 IQ

>> No.2905538


same here, started aluminum installation, now freelance digital art

latter is harder

>> No.2905542

Yeah, i've been doing construction for about 4 years and i honestly find it easier than the 2 years i was doing art 'professionally'. Grind through work all day, go home and relax. I wouldn't advertise this opinion though. It really triggers.

>> No.2905544

Nigga, I do manual labour in a factory for a living, shit is braindead. It's hell for the first two weeks because your feet are being crushed in your workboots, your nails are turning black and dying, you are seating to the point of dehydration, your muscles hurt and your hamstrings are so tight you're walking around like a fucking rodeo clown, but then you adapt and it's just annoying because you know you're wasting your life doing shit that should be left to robots and retards.

>> No.2905546

>But also the things artists do to "make it" including addiction, lack of sleep, and lots of overtime.

as if this is exclusive to (or even a part of) doing "art". last time i checked exhaustion was cured by a good nap, not a spinal tap when you've wasted your back on an actual difficult task.

>> No.2905607

Construction is mentally easy but physically deteriorating.
Code Monkey/Retail is not that cruel on your body but completely drains your mind.
Either way you're not drawing anything worth looking at when you go back home.

I used to be a garbage man for a couple years, it was really good money and it was super easy because my route was a rich neighborhood where everything was super tidy and safe. Then they pusehd me into a nigger hood and I had to pay so much fucking attention to not get prickled by thrown away needles or cut with the never-ending sharpneltrash I was coming home with nausea every day.
Nowadays I'm a "high-risk" fisherman. Working 5 months fighting giant crab in frozen hell gives me enough money to neet the remaining 7 months and save a bunch each year.

Point is, I guess, there are no idyllic jobs for the art autist. Pick your poison and enjoy it.

>> No.2905611

Are you telling me, it's not high-risk? How did you even get such a job and why in the first place?

>> No.2905613

>Nowadays I'm a "high-risk" fisherman. Working 5 months fighting giant crab in frozen hell gives me enough money to neet the remaining 7 months and save a bunch each year.
how does one get this job...

>> No.2905614

because its true?
dont gotta meet deadlines, dont gotta learn fundies, dont gotta problem solve for a shit client who cant decide on what the fuck he wants so u redo it over n over

but maybe ur overweight and think anything physically demanding = hard???

>> No.2905616

He worked for a part of a fucking summer and think art is harder. it's pretty obvious you've never had a real job.

>> No.2905617

>braindead repeated task is a real job

>> No.2905619

Trying really hard at any creative project literally feels like physical strain, except on your brain. Its that same sort of "I actually want to die right now, but I just have to keep going" feeling you get from working out or doing manual labor.

>> No.2905621

it's pretty obvious you haven't done anything creative

>> No.2905622

Yea, those jobs entitled spoiled people like yourself don't have to do. They are what people consider real jobs, and actually NEED to be done.

>> No.2905624

Both are difficult in their own way, obviously. I think people are confusing the difficulty of the actual work with the difficulty of the lifestyle. Obviously manual labor sucks dick and art is a nicer job to have.

I don't know why he thought it was a good idea to post that though. Obviously a bunch of people were going to get mad as fuck at that.

>> No.2905625

Labor cucks think anything not labor intensive is pussy work.

I think it helps them with how expendable, shitty, and repetitive their life is. Most construction workers i know get addicted to norco and drink alot. Barely have the energy to do things. Eventual treat their freinds and family like shit and watch tv to waste away the little free time they have. Usually have a kid in highschool or around the early twenties, possibly have a kid with more than one bitch and end up paying child support.
Complain about having kids and paying child support. Anger issues, get in fights here and there, legal troubles, more drug abuse, multiple jobs, getting fired/layed off and starting out at a new construction company, beleive in god but doesnt read the bible or practice the teachings of jesus, bad tattos, back problems, overweight as they get older, myriad of medical issues, shitty diets, and prejudice! Just to name a few things.

>> No.2905626

Okay now explain to me why white collar people don't appreciate art.

>> No.2905629

I have immense respect for a man who does what he's gotta do and takes jobs even though it's not necessarily enjoyable or glamorous. I've met so many guys who rather not work "because it's not my passion/what I got a degree for" yet they rather get handouts instead, whether it be from the government, parents, neighbors, or their own women. Man should have some self sufficiency and pride.

>> No.2905631

>Man should have some self sufficiency and pride.
That's honestly one of the reasons I was attracted to art as a career in the first place. I feel like having some sort of tangible skill that relies only on my own willpower is a much better way to make a living than just relying on some company not tossing you out the door.

>> No.2905640

I was attracted to freelancing for that reason too. Any person will never be 100% independent of others in a civilized society that uses currency, obviously, but a man should be in a position where he can walk out of a company, group, or a relationship without taking any bullshit.

To achieve this, he has to be competent and have a marketable skill, something that will either contribute to society or make money to provide for his people.

That said, there is always a job out there. It may not be your dream job, you might have to move or adjust your lifestyle, but it's a job. I wish this was a value taught to people our generation.

>> No.2905642

Teach us right now anon
Then we can put it in the sticky

>> No.2905645

>I think it helps them with how expendable, shitty, and repetitive their life is
>entire post reads as: "why I am not worse than physical workers"

>> No.2905646

Wagecuckery is bitch work, regardless of the profession.

>> No.2905651

You mean cubicle sheep? I think they have a weird skew of what art entails. considering artists can be "white collar" workers in cubicles, youre question is "off".

White collar workers in my opnion, think 99% of artists are the contemporary shit artists who are pretentious and cultish!
Every sitcom portrays artists as a douchey politically correct even more hipster than hipster fagg-O-matic who will talk condescendingly to anybody who doesnt drink starbucks and wear cardigans! Seems like white collar workers dont have time for art as they're "adulting" and art is for children or failures, they will also tell you to get a real job, "art is dead" type people!

>> No.2905653

I am a physical worker, the people i was talking about are friends or coworkers, you fucking retarded peice of shit!

I draw as a hobby, it doesnt pay the bills.

>> No.2905655

>jobs for people who couldn't complete high school are real jobs
Yeah, they need to be done. But they are not hard by any measure.
>bu-but i feel that its a real job so it must be

>> No.2905657

Not when you're shit, it doesn't.

>> No.2905658

I do roofing and install skylights and it's very difficult work. Requires know-how and expertise and any little thing can go wrong and cause a snag in the entire job. Days can end up going on twice or three times as long because of minute shit I couldn't have planned for.
I also have a creative industry job that I contract for (which I'm trying to make my real job.

There's no contest. The construction job is harder. Creativity takes a mental strain which you feel all over, but take that, and add to it getting sunburned, forgetting sunglasses and being snow blinded on a white roof and covered in sweat and filth, breathing in shit you're gonna feel 20 years down the line. Creativity has nothing on manual labor.

Plus, it feels more satisfying. Labor feels good because you're working and building, but it doesn't personality or (true) creativity, Art does.

If I had the choice of working a 60 week doing art/writing/music/whatever or doing literally any kind of labor, it would be the art 1000000% of the time.

>> No.2905659

Technically any job that that makes a liveable wage is a real job. The term "real job" reminds me of the term "punching nazis". Its just a way for people to feel superior or better about themselves. Typical brain dead propaganda, dividing the sheep like it fucking matters!

>> No.2905661

>jobs for people who couldn't complete high school are real jobs
What do you think manual labour is? Granted, I dropped out of uni to do art and am only working to pay the bills until I make it, but I work with multiple people with university degrees.
Labour isn't cheap, it's better paid than low-mid tier office wankery, this isn't burger flipping.

>> No.2905662

This chart ought to be enough to prove which job is harder, but noooo

>> No.2905668

I dont want to make money from my art. Atleast until i cant do physical labor shit anymore.

You're probably a shit artist, who likes shitting on people for no other reason then to feel slightly good about yourself. Then reality sets in and you realize youre a pathetic ass clown of a faggot with a nothing but the void to keep you company!

You must be a sad, lonely faggot!

>> No.2905669

>this job is the hardest because bricks can fall on your head or you can slip and fall off a building
Protip: this shit happens because people don't pay attention/ They don't pay attention because it's braindead work that you just try to get over with with as little thought as possible so you can go home and have a shower.
Just last week some retard in full gear managed to cut his wrist on a stationary glass panel at my work.

>> No.2905670

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.2905673

Stop hiring illegals then

>> No.2905675

Kek, hey everybody makes mistakes sometimes. Thats just the reality of working in those industries. granted ive never seriously injured myself, but ive got nicks and bruises, pulled muscles. Sometimes shit happens!

>> No.2905677

>being an american
not even once

>> No.2905683

A looootta negativity in this thread

>> No.2905685

this is /pol/ thread about "real jobs for real manly man", right?
not worth reading

>> No.2905688

this is newfag post blaming /pol/ for imagined things that aren't even happening, right?

not worth reading

>> No.2905690

Does /pol/ actually have threads like that? That's hilarious if so.

>> No.2905701

It is high risk, I've been fishing for seven seasons and have seen four people die and two lose a limb in my boat alone. It's just that it's not politically correct to call these jobs "high risk" any more, we're "seasonal agropecuary production workers" now.

And it's the kind of job you're mostly either born into, or invited into by a friend since most people don't say "yeah" when you ask them if they want a high chance of dying of hypothermia, drowning or bleeding out. From time to time lesser jobs in these industries show up at low skill job agencies. A friend of mine got a janitorial job in a bitiminous coal mine and ended up a miner himself because the people he was cleaning for helped him pass the MSHA test.

I was invited into my boat while fishing crawfish for fun at Baton Rogue.

>> No.2905704

twitter screenshot as OP is /v/ mostly

who gives a fuck about Egoraptor except memers and autists?

>> No.2905715

That's all great and all, but how did you get giant crabs while on a fishing boat with thumbless fishermen?

>> No.2905718

If there's an industry that doesn't desserve to be called a "real job", it's not manual labor.
STEM professionals are necessary.
Construction workers are necessary.
Agricultural workers are necessary.
Manufacturing workers are necessary.
Miners are necessary.
Educators are necessary.
Transporters are necessary.
Leisure, art and entertainment professionals are necessary.
Retail drones are necessary,
But why the fuck does every company need 40 tiers of micro-managing "administrative" assholes nowadays?
They don't.

>> No.2905720

>Leisure, art and entertainment professionals are necessary.
By definition, those are not necessary.

>> No.2905722

Every experiment that removes leisure time from a workforce ends up in neurotic, unproductive people and a stunted flow of assets.
Entertainment keeps people from realizing their life is worthless, and moves a shit fucking ton of cash. If anything it's the only industry that could survive post-scarcity.

>> No.2905725
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>> No.2905734

Ok, faggot, explain how that cave painting is necessary.

>Every experiment that removes leisure time
>leisure time
Except that's not what anyone is talking about.
The anon said
>Leisure, art and entertainment professionals are necessary.
People can have leisure time and entertainment without relying on professionals to deliver it.
You don't need a "leisure professional" to go spend your leisure time having playing baseball or whatever you like doing.

>> No.2905738

>Ok, faggot, explain how that cave painting is necessary.
Why it's exist? Who force you to create them? No one. It's part human life. You can't erase art. It will be rise again in different form. Like writing.

>> No.2905742 [DELETED] 

Are you actually retarded enough a cavemen art professional created that?

You are literally proving that art professionals aren't necessary, and art will just exist regardless.

>> No.2905743

Are you actually retarded enough to think a cavemen art professional created that?

You are literally proving that art professionals aren't necessary, and art will just exist regardless.

>> No.2905750

Well considering he probably has more experience with both of those things I would say his opinion means a whole lot more than yours.

Trying to appease people is much harder than making a guaranteed paycheck. People like to make fun of twitch streamers for having it easy but there is a reason that most people fail at doing it professionally, most people don't have the ability to be funny on camera.

>> No.2905751

>You don't need a "leisure professional" to go spend your leisure time having playing baseball or whatever you like doing.
What do you think creates those baseballs?

He's not talking about someone who helps you plan your leisure time. He's talking about all the factors that would contribute to that. If you walk around a park, then it's park maintenance. If you're indoors, then it's whoever is managing the upkeep of a specific location. It's the people who do work to produce movies, TV shows, stage plays, sports, etc.

Every single profession is a cog in a society, and the people who disregard that notion and say "that's not a real job. You don't know true pain unless you're a coal miner" are missing the point. Every job taxes you in specific ways and it's stupid to try and make it into a fucking pissing contest.

>> No.2905752

>and art will just exist regardless
And same for art professionals. Yeah, when your patron paid money for Sistine Chapel ceiling you're not professional right, retard?

>> No.2905758

this. being a work donkey and following instructions *is* easier than creating flash animations and being funny.

>> No.2905764

In any point of human history there is an art peroid that intertwines itself within.

These "professional" artists are basically all anybody cares about when talking about history. Its the art in engineering of great cathedrals and epic castles, the paintings lined on walls and on the walls themselves.its the tapestries woven with painstaking attention to detail. The history of ancient creativity and curiosity etched into stone and smeared inside caves. Each expanding upon itself with more complex and intricate techniques, which serve to push our creativity to its limits and keep pushing! People want great art, people want art that is better or different than ages before. It defines the zeitgeist! Its a human condition that will die only when mankind dies!

>> No.2905802
File: 57 KB, 247x236, 1389028609614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there a job that doesn't drain you mentally or physically?

>> No.2905805

The one you love.

>> No.2905807


>> No.2905822

Spinal taps are a diagnostic procedure, not a treatment for an injured spine.

>> No.2905834


No, and you can't go without a job or routine without going mentally ill either.

>> No.2905848
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>> No.2905853

what you said, but with allcaps instead of !


>> No.2905857
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>> No.2905872

Sitting around for 12 hours a day, being too poor too eat anything that isn't a hotdog or canned tuna, desperately swinging from vine to slippery vine - you find that you've become a disgusting, amorphous cave-creature with the social skills of an autistic child and an intense aversion to sunlight.

>> No.2905873
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>> No.2905874

hello pol

>> No.2905876

Can confirm

>> No.2905884


>> No.2905890

only of you're a woman, or gay.

>> No.2905894
File: 15 KB, 676x569, there is no need to be upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905905

egoraptor does art still? I thought he was a lets player now

>> No.2905911

why is destiny doing this

i hope he sees the irony in the fact that he sits around playing video games all day for work.

>> No.2905913
File: 21 KB, 267x439, ad4a4f63079811713299a68184981013751d5620_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, there is some information you are lacking. he is commenting on the recent jontron/destiny/sargon of akkad thing.
destiny said art was easy and that artists dont work hard or something. destiny is arguing from a SJW position. egoraptor is agreeing with destiny. his tweet is SARCASTIC.

>> No.2905916


Guess we all know you don't have a waiting career in writing.

That's the choice of the menial laborist. Trying to make art a career doesn't pay for itself at first and hopefully has dividends in the end.

Manual labor is a means to an end. It is what it is for your whole life, for the most part. There's no gamble in it.

That's why people choose those jobs. Security. There's no gamble in it. They want to fund something for themselves, maybe, but most of them just want consistent money for life.

Menial work is secure work. Art is not. Art is much harder because it is a boot strap industry.

The pay off work working in comfortable conditions creating what you want is the pay off of all early work.

People don't respect that until it makes you money. Then they don't respect it because it's "easier" once they see you've made it. You're not going to win.

That's how jealousy works.

>> No.2905917

>both hoo hoo art makes my brain hurt
Fucking faggots, working as an artist is the same as going to school for art. Thoroughly enjoyable and not half as much mind- and body-numbing work as manual labor or service industry. Just like in school when friends were grinding physics etc while I was painting in the studio

>> No.2905928
File: 20 KB, 306x306, fed up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I want to end my life every day, huh?

You know what's hard? Knowing the pain another human being has, that's why this thread exists in the first place. Artists will say it is harder to make art and cuckslaves will say it is harder to be a slave. Both are right, life is hell either way.

>> No.2905930

I think some people are confusing what is meant by "hard work". Art, at a professional industry level is highly qualified work that only few people can do. Manual labor and service jobs are obviously much more taxing, but they are also much easier to do in terms of skill and qualifications, which is why they are full of highschool dropouts, illegal immigrants and overall cheap labor.

That's kind of the same for almost any field. Hard to obtain skill = physically less demanding work with high pay
Easy to obtain skill = physically very demanding work with low pay.

A top tier plastic surgeon who does a handful of surgeries per week and makes a million $ a year clearly has a much better time at work than the average construction worker, but could the construction worker have gotten through med school and become a famous plastic surgeon? Highly unlikely. Meanwhile, the surgeon could easily have done construction work at any point in their life as long as they had a healthy body.

>> No.2906059

How do you deal with the mental exhaustion /ic/?

>> No.2906086


How is anything about that tweet spoiled?

It's a statement - "I've experienced both, I enjoyed both, in my opinion creativity is harder than manual labour"

It's not fucking complicated,

>> No.2906091

>Held a blue collar job and loved it
Confirmed for either lying or retarded.

>> No.2906095

Destiny, debating some alt-right figure, said people don't want to work construction willing (using construction as an idiom for low skilled labor), construction was poor wording as he was on a rant. Pebble responded, being a literalist, that in fact people do enjoy working Manuel labor jobs! Destiny proceeded to go on a tirade about psychicpebble's not having to ever work some shit hole job to pay ends meat (which he hasn't), and proceeded to pebble's YouTube, looked at his sub count, made the assumption he's making at least 250k with nearly 1million subs. Then the entire circle-jerk of animators equated this assumption of psychic's income to the average animator's wage. Everyone, psychic included, started crying and saying they only scrap by because YouTube isn't' fit for animation, but in reality psychic and that entire newgrounds group of internet celebs are poor businessmen and don't understand how to market themselves, and refuse to release content that isn't "muh handrawn frame-by-frame" animation.

>> No.2906107

some people like manual labor work, I know it's crazy isn't it? fag

>> No.2906112

You dumbass. If you're making an animation channel and you do work that doesn't involve animation, then you're not working as an animator. You're working as a Let's Player or just a "content creator".

Trying to make money on YouTube with animation is not worth your time, and idiots like Destiny are trying to make the assumption that it is. Animators responded against it and Destiny decided to mock them by trying to shit on them for even DARING to say "art is pretty difficult too man".

>> No.2906120

Yeah well some people are retarded.

If you have literally nothing in life the next best things seem like hobbies.

>> No.2906121

What a hilariously shit debate. Who counters will to work with "some people enjoy Manuel labor".

This is what happens when kids think debate is about identity politics/memes instead of actual issues.

>> No.2906130

Some people enjoy leaving a job fulfilled. Construction has the benefit of seeing everything come together in the end, for example.

Just because you think a job is shitty gives you no right to go "no one would ever want to do this". Some people like construction, cleaning, and manual labor.

>> No.2906132

Yeah well 0.2% of the population is retarded, and that's being quite generous.

There are people who enjoy dousing a towel in kerosine and lighting it on fire in their ass, and clearly they are the apotheosis of life. This is called a statistical fallacy.

>> No.2906134

He doesn't and is in fact now tweeting that what he does is hard. The fact that he refuses to let this drop tells me he either has ego problems or he's autistic

>> No.2906135

>blogging on your blog is bad

>> No.2906136

Man, you're the kind of person who probably shits on retail associates when they may not be 100% enthusiastic and ready to help your needs.

You also don't seem to enjoy your job. If you even have one. Maybe find one that you do.

>> No.2906137

Um.. No? He made the assumption that making money on YouTube with 1million subs is easy and worth your time. You're retarded.

>> No.2906138


>while you love what you do is ok
>every work exaust you mind/body because youre using energy
>some construc hard works exaust you physically some love it and they got their body prepared to do that everyday
>artwork exaust you mentally some peolpe love it

There are reports from miyasaki's workers who got ptsd and depression after a movie

>> No.2906139

What makes you think that? If anything I like retail associates who are dead on the inside. I usually help them bag. If i'm complaining about something, it won't be the employees not being happy campers.

>> No.2906140


I don't think he's lying: it's all about how many times you spend on it. Two months? Sure, doing a repetitive but easy task is ok. Yes, it's boring, but it's only for 2 months. For a lot of student, it feels ok because it isn't challenging or stressful compared to their studies/exams.

One year? Five years? It just sucks your soul away. On that I agree with Plato. I've been working in a Warehouse for 10+ years and it really mess with your mind. Also it fucks up your back.

Problem is that it's easier to stay than to make efforts and take the risk to do something else and fail. It's already there. People talk a lot about "comfort zone" but having a "meh" job is also a comfort zone of the worst kind. I'm afraid to leave it for nothing.


Fair enough. When I'm in the night shift, the demography is totally changed. For once, there are no women. Zero. And there are older, more hard working men than during the day.

Being a pro artists certainly cons, like working for months on a project you hate or not finding a new project for months after the last one ended.
People just romanticizes this kind of job, making it about "passion" but reality is different. I'm sure there are for example people on /r9k/ who would be happier in my night shift than they would be as an artist. It's quiet, for a starter and they don't need to talk with anyone but their Team Leader. To each his own.

>> No.2906141

It's not irony if you admit your job isn't hard. He's said on multiple occasions that his work isn't as difficult as some other jobs he's had, or shit hole jobs most people have to do.

>> No.2906142

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm saying he is still replying to every random tweet he gets about animators because his little man ego refuses to let him drop it. And now he's insinuating streaming video games isn't easy, making any argument he had about art and animation look stupid.

>> No.2906143

The worst part is the drama. In jobs you are expendable fodder to a company and they literally pay people just to find things to extort you with.

>> No.2906144

F-a-m we're not talking real animators here we're talking low brow YouTube animators that draw like children.

>> No.2906147

>He made the assumption that making money on YouTube with 1million subs is easy and worth your time.
To an animator.

Who doesn't want to use animation on YouTube because it's a volatile and shitty short term profit system that is heavily against the career he wants.

The issue is that the only way an animator can turn a profit on YouTube is to not animate for it, and is the main issue with saying anyone with that many subs should make bank regardless of the content they want to make.

>> No.2906149

>but in reality psychic and that entire newgrounds group of internet celebs are poor businessmen and don't understand how to market themselves, and refuse to release content that isn't "muh handrawn frame-by-frame" animation.
In reality, psychicpebbles has a patreon that makes in 3k a month, and made a podcast to be able to put out content regularly.
Any claims of psychicpebbles being a poor businessman are retarded and show that destiny hasn't done his fucking research.

Animation is not profitable on youtube unless you're willing to lower your standards on the content you produce.
He probably never noticed this because youtube caters to the type of content he produces. (2hr+ long videos with tons of ads.)
It really isn't a huge secret at this point and I don't get why destiny can't just admit that he was wrong with his assumption.

My guess is he just does this to stay relevant, and I fucking hope none of these people go on his stream to give him more exposure.
I remember he did this with Sky Williams a while back, and said something along the lines of
"we're all playing the game. I gain views from this, you gain views from this, we're all aware of how we benefit from discussing this"
He knows exactly what he's doing.

He's always done shit like this, but never stooped so low as to attack literally the least cost efficient form of content creation on youtube.

>> No.2906150

When is the last time Arin's even drawn anything? He's a lazy fuck and anyone that thinks art is waaah so hard just sucks.

>> No.2906151
File: 75 KB, 638x679, video games are so hard ;(.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like his opinion's changed.

>> No.2906152

Uhh, really, he used to be pretty passionate about his animations. They were pretty good too. Is it true that suzy cucked him and now he is her man-bitch?

>> No.2906153

>work construction
>Manuel labor jobs

>> No.2906154

>egoraptor is agreeing with destiny
What? No he isn't. Where on Earth do you see that?

>> No.2906155

>Who doesn't want to use animation on YouTube because it's a volatile and shitty short term profit system that is heavily against the career he want

Sounds like a bad choice to me. You shouldn't cry that you're poor when you're actually just a bad business person and have a fuckton of potential profits waiting for you. Honestly, it's childish. boohooo i have to make 10minute blogs to get paid 1/4th of a million dollars. ;_;

>> No.2906157

Its an all around subjective thing. For tje most part i like phusycal labor, but im 6'3" and not a scrawny fag. Art is hard af and takes a toll on me immediately, while manual labor takes a while before i start feeling it. Usually because i didnt get enough rest, overtime, workin on the weekends. Just about to start another menial job to save up some money for a tablet!

>> No.2906159

Why does anyone care what this random dumb fuck streamer has to say about anything? I wouldve just ignored the retard if I was an animator

>> No.2906161

Because he's BTFO'ing the alt-right community, that's been so prevalent here since moot brought pol back, and outing racists like JonTron.

>> No.2906162

It's not who, it's what he said that is triggered d/ic/ks.

>> No.2906165

go shill somewhere else

I still don't see why people care. Tweeting him and giving him attention is clearly what he wants

>> No.2906166

Jesus Christ, dude. This is the equivalent of only being able to profit as an artist by making shitty Minions fanart for Facebook to gobble up.

You certainly could do that, but the issue is that you want to make art as your business, not Minions fanart for the masses that barely turns a profit.

Not to mention YouTube changes the algorithm so often that you are doing yourself a disservice doing anything long form because it will inevitably go to shit.

Like playing video games on the internet for example.

>> No.2906168
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Kek, so true. Every animator worth a shit on youtube has vacant channel with people wondering where they went. They got hired as a cubicle sheep to make animations they have zero control over! Heu, thats what they wanted, right?... lol alot of those animators could have made a short every 3-6 months get some cash from the literal millions of views they get for each one, then approach netflix with an animation project. If bill burr can get a team of animators through netflix, imagine what a skilled animator could get from them, probably as lead designer too. Just handing off the backgrounds and inbetweening to some korean slaves who live to animate. Why has nobody done this yeat??

>> No.2906169

harder =/= hard. His entire rant about the difficulty of manual labor. I'm sure he would say streaming and debating is harder than painting pictures, any rational person would, especially when the artwork is YouTube animator tier or ShadBase tier. lol

>> No.2906172
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>> No.2906175

Anyone who thinks fucking streaming video games is harder than any career should be immediately dismissed

>> No.2906181

You gotta do things you don't want to do, you have to pay the bills? So he's just losing money, and possible future endeavors because "YouTube doesn't pay well for the content I WANT TO DO". You honestly don't sound like an adult. Not to mention 250k was a low ball and isn't just "barely turning a profit".

>> No.2906182

But debating and preparing yourself for said debates are. your point?

>> No.2906192

I don't see whats so hard about debating random fucks on twitch, especially when said debates have no stakes to them.

>> No.2906195

>You gotta do things you don't want to do, you have to pay the bills?
For a platform that has shown nothing but disregard towards content creators.

Youtube is a shitty system and has shown no signs of improving, but he's apparently gotta "play the game" to make the money as opposed to producing content he actually wants to create. As opposed to producing an animation for a platform that may actually turn a profit.

He built the subscriber count from making animations back when it was at the very least making basic dollars. If he doesn't want to use that sub count to make daily blog journals, content that his subscribers didn't sub for, then that's entirely up to him.

Just because he COULD make a profit from it doesn't mean he wants to, and just because it'd turn a profit NOW doesn't mean it will for the foreseeable future. Not everyone wants to be a Let's Player.

>> No.2906197

Except JonTron's Career xDDDDDD

>> No.2906199

Go defend your daddy streamer on twitter you faggot

>> No.2906205

So you concede he's a bad business person, and a child? "i dun make 250k destiny, because muh hand drawn frame-by-frame" is pretty much his argument.

>> No.2906208

Literally the whole point :

>get fans that like your artwork even if its shit
>get money from your fans your mom will be proof (impling :DD) and live a life full of satisfaction
>keep studying and drawing your aftwork sucks lol

>> No.2906210

His argument is that YouTube has and will continue to fuck him over so why attempt to continue being a battered housewife just because he doesn't want to play its game?

>> No.2906212

Is this a degenerate version of Sam Hyde? Rofl.

>> No.2906218

>he thinks lowering his standards is acceptable when it comes to art because muh shekels

haha wait why are you on /ic/? literally not an argument.
fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.2906220

Stop typing like a retard

>> No.2906223

I don't know where all of these dudes shills came from. Did he link here or something?

>> No.2906224
File: 1.58 MB, 600x360, china forklift.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying on the workplace

Literally only happens if you're fucking retarded

>big red sign saying
>retards still do an die

>> No.2906226

$250k for little work is the reason. do you still live with your parents by chance?

>> No.2906229
File: 251 KB, 346x427, 1489003672687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One could hardly call those debates. Just shitty squabbles over nothing in particular. No real rebuttal or debate format. That shit reminds me of sjw slam poetry, worthless, but i see how these "intellectual" youtube celebrities would fall for that crap "destiny" pulled. Fucking guy named himself after the most popular white trash stripper name! What a joke, but an egomaniacal punk has to make money somehow. He is a clever shekel hoarder, thats for sure. Baiting other egotists into a frenzy and making youtubes "skeptic" community look like a playground. Funny shit if you ask me. I wonder what youtuber will be his next victim! Kek.

>> No.2906237

Nah. He mentioned on a Give Grumps livestream (the one with Alex Hirsch, I think?) that there was too much pressure from fans and youtube, so he didn't find it fun anymore. He stated that he still does art, just doesn't post it or make it part of his brand.

>> No.2906243

So he is suzys man-bitch. Figures.

>> No.2906244

You seem to be someone who has business sense and totally doesn't live with his parents, so tell me. How do you make 250k a year on 900k subs who followed you based on animation that will only get you a sum of $1 for every 3300 views?

>> No.2906248

sure, they're more discussions but it's great seeing people like JonTron bumbling over themselves via the Socratic method, and seeing the fallout.

>> No.2906250

i'd start with posting more than one video every 3 months.

>> No.2906251


It's straight forward despite being physically demanding.

Art is unclear, but it's not as physically demanding.


You're a complete dumbass like Destiny. You don't make money from subscription count and views, but from how much content you release frequently.

>> No.2906258

>but from how much content you release frequently.

something pebbles is incapable of doing because he wants his channel to look pretty. he could literally stare into a camera for 10 minutes and make bank.

>> No.2906261

Did she die?

>> No.2906263


He only lost 100k and is regaining more than that through this controversy like Pewdiepie. If you think that he lost his career, then you're really dense like your favorite virtue signalling streamer.

>> No.2906264

It's harder mentally. The thing you have to remember about Egoraptor is that he's an animator.
Saying it's harder work though makes me want to strangle that womanly cunt. I'll take fiddling with drawings for hours over fucking roofing any goddamn day.

>> No.2906267


He got his high subscription count from not releasing vlogs in the first place. Folks are subscribe to his channel with the intention of seeing his animated content, not his vlogs. He's not a hack like you or your retarded streamer.

>> No.2906272

I see!

You have a smart business sense, akin to doing construction work for someone who will literally spit in your face as you do so.

>> No.2906275

Lets say he does one video a year and only half of his subscribers(400,000) watch it. It comes out too 121k, but most of those veiws come from the first month(300,000). Thats 90k. So that leaves 31k to trickle in throughout the year. Still more money than most people make in a year. How about if you extrapolate it to 3 videos a year plus updates and random content, to keep himself relevant. Lets say his update videos get 30,000 veiws at 2 updates between animations, which is 18k.lets say his random content vids get 5000 veiws at 4 per animation which is $1,500.

$396,000 is what hes looking at. And im being modest. Less than half his subscriber base, no new subscribers and no veiws from non subscribers! Seems like a very manageable task for that kind of money. No reason not to do it, besides personal reasons!

>> No.2906277


He doesn't prepare or debate at all, he just retorts with "wow just wow" and spontaneously googles information that proves him wrong like the Washington Post article he cited in the stream.

>> No.2906279

Its funny watching people get bullied in a faux debate by stripper boy. Yeah that is amusing!

>> No.2906281

is this good

>> No.2906285

Make me lmao

>> No.2906287

I forgot to add the random vid and updates between animations. It would be $435,000

>> No.2906289

Pretty sure he hasn't animated anything in the last ten years

>> No.2906293

You should go back to his twitch underage, you'll find people similar to you there

>> No.2906294


You're a moron who can't do any math, but that's not surprising from a person who admires a person like Density. If 400000 subscribers watched his video, and if it were 3300 view per $1, then he would make $121 dollars. Not 90k.

>> No.2906298

Fuck i really messed that up (ive been up for over 24 hours) thanks for correcting me. Im not stripper boys fan tho, i think hes a daft cunt

>> No.2906299

>No reason not to do it, besides personal reasons!
maybe because he wants to do what he enjoys,
you know, like 90% of all artists aspire to do, instead of churning out trash to exploit his subscriber count?

gee i wonder why.

>> No.2906300

>A man who was best friends with a Jewish couple
>A fucking Serb
The most "racist" thing about Jon is that his middle name is literally Aryan

>> No.2906303

I dunno, man. What are we considering careers?
>That chick who sold her used panties
At least if you stream video games you have to be a QT girl or slightly entertaining

>> No.2906307

Yeah i really fucked that math. I guess he would make around $435. I dont like stripper boy. Hes an egotistical bully.

>> No.2906316

Modeling is not easier than streaming video games mate. The other two maybe

>> No.2906317

Also i broke up the veiwing in my post so i knew the income would be 121, but i put 121k, i should probably sleep. Anyways he would make around $435 according to the way i calculated. Thanks again for correcting me!

>> No.2906319

Pewdiepie made a bad joke, JonTron is a literal racist and hasn't said a word since except for a tweet to a neo-nazi. Nah he's done.

>> No.2906324

Wtf i love Jontron now. Subscribed

>> No.2906328

That's a nice little pipe dream. Why don't animators upload on Youtube anymore if they could make THAT much money? Hell, why doesn't EVERYBODY do it?

I know you corrected yourself, but I just wanted to focus on this. Viewer retention is the main money maker on Youtube, not actual views. The $1 per 3300 views is a very, VERY loose figure.

Not to mention, that's LIFETIME views. There are some videos that only get a great reception months after it's released. If you release content that doesn't get popular for that week, then you're screwed.

And even then, with all that's been noted, some people have been said to get only $2000 per million views, which Youtube takes out 45 percent for. So $1100 to the creator per 1 million.

One million per video per month. That's $13200. That's just below minimum wage. You are essentially not getting paid living wage if, in one month, you don't get that 1 million. It's why some bigger Youtubers are utilizing promotions like Audible or Crunchyroll, because that's pure cash to them.

It's also why Patreon is super popular to Youtubers who do art-related stuff, because the amount of time put into stuff like that is not going to net profit if they simply do the art they want. They'd have to rely on content that has high viewer retention and focus entirely on marketability, which kind of dampens the point a lot of people follow them for.

People forget, animators don't usually get followed because of their personality. They're followed for their animations. Not everyone wants to, or can be, a Let's Player. If they can turn a profit in this environment, then that's good, but not everyone can. It's not a safe assumption to go "Oh yeah, ANYONE can make that much money."

>> No.2906331

That and the views he expounded in a debate with destiny.

>> No.2906333

>People forget, animators don't usually get followed because of their personality.

at this point psychicpebbles is more of a e-celeb than an animator.

>> No.2906350

>that's been so prevalent here since moot brought pol back
Hello Destiny, you're really demonstrating you're newfaggotry.

>> No.2906369

You're such a fucking idiot, holy shit. Destiny started autistically screeching on a stream about how Pebbles and animators in general get 250k a year and Pebbles tweeted at him claiming that he's wrong and a fucking idiot. Get your facts straight.

>> No.2906381

He was talking about Pebbles specifically that's why before the rant he checked pebble's YouTube and saw the subscriber count, THEN came to the $250k assumption. How about you watch more than a clip pinned on pebble's twitter feed?

>> No.2906389

>$250k assumption
Just because it was directed at one person doesn't suddenly make the assumption correct, man. He was incorrect about how much money an animator can make, then started to go on about how you could easily make money off of Youtube doing...something other than animation, which is the point.

Animators went defensive because he started to shit on the idea of animators having stressful jobs in general, like >>2905857 shows. He was acting like an uninformed idiot thinking he was correct.

>> No.2906490

Why the fuxk do you think are has so much more pay potential and only poor ppl do manual labour. Supply and demand dipshits

>> No.2906519
File: 445 KB, 500x281, asd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes me really sad.

What's the point of living if every choice you can make makes you unhappy?

>> No.2906524

you're taking 4chan posts too seriously. most people are generally happy on a day to day basis. 4chan gives you the illusion that if you're not a millionaire/famous person you can't be happy.

>> No.2906529

Every millennial makes me feel that no one is happy.

>> No.2906531


No, she is 100% fine, nothing serious happened.

>> No.2906733

A dude making balls in a factory is not a leisure professional, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2906734

>What's the point of living if every choice you can make makes you unhappy?

because adults and intellectuals have more obligations than "muh happiness". so many children in this thread.

>> No.2906774

Aaaaaand you missed the entire point of his post.

>> No.2906777

Im happy sometimes, content mostly and depressed occasionaly.

>> No.2906782

I didnt correct myself, dumbass. I was corrected by a dude who called me a moron. You dumb faggot, i still haven't slept. It puts you on edge without sleep, you know! Im just gonna get drunk and pass out!

>> No.2906783

Shut up, grandpa.

>> No.2906792

Thats because he is an egomaniacal sjw. Its like that age old saying "don't argue with idiots, they'll pull you down to their level and beat ypu with experience!"

Nice dubs

>> No.2906894
File: 5 KB, 200x175, stirnerrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being chained by spooks

>> No.2907207

Top Modeling may even be harder and more dangerous than construction working. You're forced to be unhealthy and frail for the fetishes of sume gay jew fucks, and put yourself in draining and dangerous settings with a bunch of strangers, most of whom want you to get fucked up in public for the sake of brief tabloid fame.

>> No.2907208

How do you know you're being happy if you're never sad, angry or hopeless?

>> No.2907248
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>> No.2907256

Because egoraptor is a fucking idiot.

>> No.2907259

At the end of the day , this.

>> No.2907263

How about he tries holding it for longer than a summer then see how he likes it. Of course he found it easy to begin with, it takes time for the injuries and dom's to settle in, imagine doing a labor job when you are old or injured. Fucking e-celebs are the scum of this earth

>> No.2907328

It's hardest in the beginning.
Also, being bad for your health doesn't make a job difficult or hard to do.

>> No.2907889
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>> No.2910776

you don't know much about animation, do you?

>> No.2910795

>without professional massages and circus acts we would all die of heart attacks
Really activates the old nougat

>> No.2910837

I've never met an active 60+ year old who did nothing but work. All of them have obvious hobbies and passions, a lot of which started when a kid saw a guy catch a ball or a bunch of guys made some pixels move on command.

>> No.2910851

what a shit

>> No.2910864

Without art entertainment and leisure we wouldnt have doctors. Theyre the most stressed out fuckers in the world, you think they just study to relax? People need relief, it is a necessity. People need to be happy to live productive lives

Accurate medical illustration is necessary as well

>> No.2910870

Low-level jobs are the easiest, it's just that the cushy higher level jobs has most of their difficulty frontloaded, maybe even as far as the ancestor level. Imagine a Kim who only can sit around watching movies because his grandfather was a ruthless war criminal, or the supermodel who only is so attractive because her parents genetics which were themselves won over in a struggle reaching back centuries if not millions of years. Even the laborer has an infinitely easier existence than the ugandan dirt farmer because of the thousands of years of development of his civilization. Of course, if the wageslave tried his hand at being a surgeon he would murder all his patients and be thrown into prison.

>> No.2910899

Yea, but YouTube animators and internet famous "artists" are just lazy, and bad. let's not compare it with surgery.