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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.70 MB, 210x155, 1421560153496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2903808 No.2903808 [Reply] [Original]

>"Do you wish to save?"
>press "no"

Can we have an art feels thread?

>> No.2903819

There is no save point though. It's just a one run game in which I managed to miss all the secret loot and can't go back because it's blocked off. So now I have to somehow find the new secret loot.

>> No.2903835

>file>save as
>the program is not responding

>> No.2903839

>mfw I just realized exporting a psd file as a png/jpeg is much faster than hitting 'save as'
Saved me a few seconds of time of not needing to type out the name every time

>> No.2903844
File: 2.50 MB, 1576x2622, Jacopo_Pontormo_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having feels over art
stop being a pussy and have people look at your art and critique you

or else this is the best you can hope to achieve

>> No.2903966
File: 876 KB, 1920x1080, killmenow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Paint Tool SAI has stopped responding."

>> No.2903972

I lost my shit because of a combination of this one day, uninstalled all of my art programs, went to traditional art, reinstalled Photoshop because I thought scanners in the year 2017 would at least be halfway decent but hey they still suck

anyway what I'm getting at is fuck digital art that shit is so frustrating

>> No.2903974

>using a scanner
You're supposed to use a camera, you idiot. Scanners aren't made for art.

>> No.2903983

the level of ignorance in your comment makes me wanna piss myself laughing

>> No.2904000

I'm the anon you're replying to, not >>2903983 but he basically said what I was going to. What the fuck are you on?

>> No.2904015
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All of that on top of Wacom drivers screwing with my Cintiq and its touch feature...

>> No.2904057

Iktf, I switched to Clip Studio Paint recently because SAI died on me and it's decent. You guys should prolly try it out.

>> No.2905615
File: 55 KB, 680x383, 1486077993048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now i can draw all the lewds i want without having to rely on drawfags
feels good, alternatively
>tons of sketches but no finished art

>> No.2905638

>dropping a kneaded eraser on the floor
>next to impossible to get all the hair and junk out

>> No.2905681
File: 39 KB, 634x471, 1467579200564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start on mood stabilizers/antidepressants
>findes out they destroys the working,short term and long term memory
>not gonna make it now

>> No.2905784

>put all eggs in the art basket
>realize far too late that not only does the basket have a hole in it, it's nothing but a fucking handle

>> No.2905794

>do a painting
>show friends or post online
>everyone replies "this is amazing! you should finish it!"

>> No.2905798

>tfw I work mostly traditional now and never saving is a thing of the past.

Feels good.

>> No.2905799

That reminds me of a time I was on the street and a friend told me to look left and looked right.

>> No.2905809

> Had a dream that an EMP burst fried our computers
> Find out irl we narrowly dodged a coronal mass ejection a few years ago
N-NASA is figuring out how to prevent this right?

>> No.2905812

Faraday cages & serge protectors.
Yeah, we got it figured out.

>> No.2905821

How about positive feels?

>Be down in the dumps
>Break out the nib pen and start doodling
>Get in the swing of things
>45 minutes pass
>Pages filled
>Rush of endorphins and happy thoughts

>> No.2905952

>tfw room has to be dark for digital painting
>keep accidentally shifting keyboard language, don't realize and think photoshop is just being a bitch

>tons of sketches but no finished art
too real

I also bought some paints a year ago I never used... I would just waste them.

>> No.2905960

at first i laughed but then i cried

>> No.2905975

Clean your floor you animal.

>> No.2906429
File: 273 KB, 960x895, 1482199823381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're drawing and you enter the art zone where every stroke is perfect

>> No.2906515
File: 116 KB, 489x423, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filling tax form
>$4 earned for the year
>feels more embarrassing than putting $0
>-$600 on supplies
>Only got the $4 thanks to having my art stolen

>> No.2906518

Should have dropped it on a cintiq

>> No.2906542

I messed up, spent it on 8 donuts

>> No.2906547

>tfw used to have a natural intuition for a fun and growth inducing drawing process
>stray from that, cause my frail and easily influenced teenage mind is intimidated by random people on the internet and their opinions
>be stuck in "study mode", lose sense of purpose, woe is me
everyday story

>> No.2906551

So what do you do now

>> No.2906559

browse /ic/

>> No.2906562

Go back to drawing cute anime girls anon

>> No.2906570
File: 16 KB, 450x450, 1477232233762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not developing a habitual compulsion to hit ctrl+s every 10 minutes or so

step it up

>> No.2906657

Programs don't 'die'. They don't break from over use or age like physicall tools.
Do you mean your free trial ran out...?

>> No.2906660


>> No.2906706

you know i use to worry about this, but now its like. you're actually giving yourself less credit to the stuff you make because you believe you cant recreate it. of course i can sympathize with drawings that have a lot of hours clocked, but still my point stands. if its that big of a deal for you to bitch about it, just do it again.

>> No.2906724
File: 124 KB, 261x218, 1489361711703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clip Studio Paint
>crashed while it was saving
>unsupported file format, all hope is lost
>find out it automatically saves backups in some hidden folder
not today

>> No.2906728

Yeah CSP is super based
Brushes are weird as fuck though

>> No.2906729
File: 5 KB, 249x249, 1489524830479s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing traditionally
>tries to correct a mistake doing crtl+z

>> No.2906746

see it as an opportunity to make the illustration even bettter than what originally was going to be

>> No.2906748

>start doodling randomly
>suddenly start making stylistic choices you've never done before and you haven't studied or even like

>tfw when some things that don't look particularly interesting are a lot of fun to draw and vice versa

>> No.2906823

>Drawing lewd comission
>Need Cock reference
>Also getting feedback from client
>Type 'gorgeous dick' into chat instead of search
>Press Enter
fuckin hell

>> No.2906833

thanks for the chuckle anon
so what did he respond? "I know, thanks."?

>> No.2906838

I find doodling shapes and squiggles and then repeating them as best as you can over and over, really helps with my linework.

>> No.2906841

Just '?' and I had to sheepishly explain.

>> No.2906843

I hope ur gay

>> No.2906856



>> No.2907063

that fucking got me, holy shit, actual tears

>> No.2907065
File: 94 KB, 640x495, gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can never forget to save because I draw in a sketchbook
>tfw never run out of undos because I own an eraser
>tfw the program can never crash because it's just a sheet of paper
How can digifags even compete?

>> No.2907080

>Brushes are weird as fuck though
ur knew to digital rnt u

>> No.2907083

owning anything traditional is like paying for a subscription to draw. in digital everything can be free, have an endless canvas. royal. free.

>> No.2907098
File: 149 KB, 600x401, horse_is_not_pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open PS
>all the tool windows open in on my 2nd monitor
>have to manually move each one back over

>> No.2907139

Story of my life

>> No.2907150

>Work on an illustration
>Save a copy in small resolution with all layers collapsed and send the image to client so he approves the advances.
>Turn pc down and go to sleep.
>Next day, read mail and see that the client approves the image.
>"Cool, better continue then".
>Realize that I also saved the PSD as a one layer image with shit resolution.
>Got to start almost from scratch again.

>> No.2907153

>Tfw getting back to traditional and have the constant urge to press Ctrl+s

>> No.2907157

Better yet, Photoshop has autosave, just set it up to save each 5 minutes.

>> No.2907160

My problem is precisely time (and the tedium that is drawing almost the exact same thing twice)

>> No.2907165

>tfw never run out of undos because I own an eraser
Bullshit, either the eraser ends up damaging the paper or the graphite is too "stuck" to the paper to properly erase it. That's the one thing digital is better at

>> No.2907168

Nib pens are a blessing, nothing gets me in a good mood more than drawing with nibs.

>> No.2907216
File: 392 KB, 1280x848, IMG_0531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing digitally
>perfect lines every time thanks to my traditional background

>> No.2907219

>what is electricity and obsoletion

>> No.2907432

>my mommy bought my computer and tablet so it's free

>> No.2907536

just correct it by saying your a nightwing fan

>> No.2907551

are you autistic friend?

>> No.2907567
File: 79 KB, 1200x692, 17358527_1350388871685423_6395879055391935541_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy a new sketch book
>tell myself that this is a sfw Sketch book that I can show anybody and bring with me in public
>First thing I draw in it is a naked anime girl

>> No.2907594


I'm all for digital, but going purely on a cost analysis it's a retarded argument. It would take fucking years for your 'pencil and paper' subscription to outcost an adequate tablet. And that's not including the potential of having to repair or replace your tablet / PC when one or the other breaks after a few years.

So let's say you get yourself an Intuos Draw for $80 and a budget PC for $300 (and that's assuming you don't want to upgrade either and get free software). And don't say "but you have a PC anyway!" because most people have paper and pencils anyway as well, and you're still going to need to replace that eventually. $380 will get you (at $23 for packs of 1500 sheets) over 41,700 sheets of paper. Or, alternatively, (at $15.99 for boxes of 144) over 3,400 pencils (you can probably get pens/markers for relatively competitive pricing). And that's just from me doing a quick amazon search, bet you could find a better deal with marginal effort. Let's just split both 50/50. That's over 20,000 pages of drawings. That's 52 pages on the dollar. You could pay less than a dollar a day on more pages than you'd probably fill. Even if we just cost the tablet that'd be over 4000 pages.

Digital has more utility, sure, but make that argument rather than the "being a cheap cunt who is stubbornly unwilling to invest even the most marginal amount of money into his craft" argument if you want it to be effective. Basic art supplies are -dirt- cheap. If you're so fucking cheap you can't spring for very basic traditional art supplies (but maintain the cognitive dissonance that buying a tablet doesn't count) you're ngmi.

>> No.2907609
File: 980 KB, 305x320, 1467390132666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't draw from shoulder because of intuos small

>> No.2907619

This has never happened to me, because I don't save by closing the file or program. I always save first, then close, because I'm not an idiot who wants to lose a ton of progress by misclicking.

Photoshop will always recover the last session if it crashes, so it's almost impossible to lose more than a few minutes of progress. I recently started using CSP, but I don't know if does the same, as it hasn't crashed on me yet.
I guess I'll find out one day.

>> No.2907623

>tfw you get into that perfect rhythm of drawing, erasing, changing brushes, adding layers, merging layers and flipping your canvas
>tfw you take a 5 min break, come back and then hate everything you had so fun drawing in that sweet rhythm of yours

>> No.2907644

Are you retarded? Do you have any idea how much it would cost to get all the ink types, paper types, paint types, paint colors, brushes, pens, pencils, erasers, canvases and so on to emulate everything you can do on a PC?
And no, the price of a PC does not count, because everyone who doesn't live in a remote African village will have one.

Also, if you want to share your traditional art, you're still going to need a scanner, a PC and Photoshop to make it look half decent. If you want to share anything bigger than a standard A4 page, you're also going to have to invest in a very expensive, specialized scanner.

>> No.2907649

thats a shitty argument too. youre comparing an entire unit that can do anything to just paper and pencil???? what about the other shit? paint tubes, color pencils, markers ect not to mention the hazardous conditions traditional equipment can make. you have to maintain the shit out of everything and your artwork too if you want to keep the colors by varnishing. hello??? wake up fucking retard

>> No.2907652

The folder is called CELSY.

>> No.2907653
File: 14 KB, 184x184, 1489528685175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy a new sketch book
>rip out every page I´m not 100% statisfied with

>> No.2907658


Read the post before shitposting. hello???

>Digital has more utility, sure, but make that argument rather than the "being a cheap cunt who is stubbornly unwilling to invest even the most marginal amount of money into his craft" argument if you want it to be effective.

My critique was that he was trying to suggest digital is cheaper. It isn't. If you're going to make arguments in favor of digital art, there are more valid arguments you can make than the cost analysis.

>> No.2907660


You should just invest in a binder and some hole punched paper, anon.

>> No.2907682

you got it backwards anon

you draw on copy paper, then cherry pick your best works and assemble them into a sketch book. You can get your copy paper bound together for like $4 when your stack reaches critical mass.

>> No.2907723

>My critique was that he was trying to suggest digital is cheaper. It isn't

>> No.2907928
File: 263 KB, 764x551, 1486877459263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now watch closely, as each anon steadily uses more and more question marks with each new post, to display an increasingly incredulous tone at the baffling idiocy, the confounding retardation, the sheer blatant STUPIDITY of their opponent. This argument technique is only utilized and mastered by those who can drag out such a debate into an entire thread-derailing saga of posts, with dazzling wit and riposte from both sides.

Truly, this board has greater minds than any lesser locations, such as pleb tier /his/ or the brainlet infested /sci/.

>> No.2908362
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1436694063484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you post your art but no one gives you any (you)s

>> No.2908372

That just means you're doing good, anon. They don't feel the need to critic you because you were going on the right path.

>> No.2908395

> trying to draw digitally
> cat crawls on top of my tablet and falls asleep
> gets mopey when I move him (and he crawls back again anyway) so I just go back to grinding on my sketchbook
> rinse and repeat 3x a day
What is my cat trying to tell me.

>> No.2908396

That a tablet is a really good place to sleep.

>> No.2908521
File: 192 KB, 706x720, 1489858288305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do art to take my mind of it

>> No.2908548


Lost many a files this way, I learned to save everything every 5 to 10 mins constantly.

>> No.2909073
File: 16 KB, 400x599, 1489519998684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize you've been drawing on the wrong layer for the past 30 minutes

>> No.2910213
File: 1.57 MB, 2198x1632, 20170322_133851_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing figures
>can't tell if i'm actually learning anything

>realize that there's no much i need to learn to be a successful artist
>still can't draw the human figure properly
i feel like dying every day

>> No.2910214

>not ctrl+s every time you have done a part.

You guys need to learn some basic proper computer attitude.

>> No.2910241


I did this so often that I basically made my workflow 2 layers, subject and background.

I lock the background when I'm not editing it.

>> No.2910456 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 210x110, 1384976427145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lower resolution
>Save as .PNG
>Merc_WIP already exists, replace?
>reflex press yes
>original .psd file overwritten

>> No.2912327
File: 35 KB, 543x306, download-2-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw
>but first have to masturbate
>afterwards try to get started drawing
>can't sit down and focus on the task at hand for even 5 minutes
>get frustrated and quit
>rinse and repeat
Every fucking time.

>> No.2912375


>> No.2913292

>tfw instinctively search out for the Ctrl+Z everytime I fuck up

>> No.2913295


>Smudge brush

>Photoshop not responding.


>> No.2913298

>cant run photoshop
>have to use fucking krita
>brush repeats itself without rotating


>> No.2913303

Doesn't mean you're not getting your art appreciated and contributing to the thread, Anon.

>> No.2913304

>not using a program with autosave and recovery
>Krita 4 life

>> No.2913306

too real
too close
in fact that is what's happening in me in this very moment

fucking ribcages

>> No.2913317

>sad af everyday
>can't go to dream school until next Jan
>all my friends already there, going to be a year behind
>stuck in academic limbo
>feel like i have no purpose
>pour feels into art
>love getting sucked into my work
>don't have to face being awake for an entire day
>hours fly by when i'm drawing, can just ignore how fucking sad i am
>cry while i shade

>> No.2913360

>number one motivation rn for learning anatomy is so I can draw better lewds of my favorite character
It's the weirdest feeling. Also, probably never going to post them anywhere (at least publicly) though.

>> No.2913368

>ctrl z in photoshop
>work for a while
>it was on the layer thanks to photoshop swapping layers when your ctrl z your first action after a layer change


>> No.2913379

Krita is shit my dude

>> No.2913382

On the bright side, you're going to your dream school. You'll still get to hang out with your friends next year. You'll make a new set of friends in your year. It's an opportunity. You'll have an extra year of brain development and practice that'll probably help you do better with your work. One gap year doesn't mean you have no purpose. If you're depressed or lonely, you might try taking a workshop or joining some activity so that you get out of the house.

>> No.2913521
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>tfw beginner
>get very stressed out about making mistakes on anything
>get intense nausea when trying to do something for the first time
>have to lay down and take an hour nap for it to go away

this is stupid

>> No.2913524

if you were doing linework you could still salvage it with channels.

if you're being literal that doesn't sound normal anon and maybe you should see a professional about it.

>> No.2913528
File: 30 KB, 474x595, 1452800810570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the autism is just 2 strong it hurts on the physical level

>> No.2913531

I think you have PTSD or something close to it.

>> No.2913536

Underrated post.

>> No.2913538


>> No.2913550
File: 30 KB, 455x628, 1472782357395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy a Cintiq 22HD for 1500€
>The driver is worse than the already shitty Intuos2 driver

>> No.2913759

Thats not normal.
Like at all. You seriously should get checked out for that.

>> No.2913783
File: 170 KB, 720x540, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pen breaks on my old ass Bamboo tablet
>Got to amazon to buy a new Wacom Intuos
>Place order on the 18th
>Will be here by the 28th at the latest


>> No.2913786

wow, how long did you study loomis?

>> No.2913816

>make a scultpure
>it's decent but I see so many flaws
>deadline is in, client tells me it's perfect
>still feel sad because of glaring mistakes
>can't fix them anymore because it's already in the client hands and he paid

This frustrates me so much

>> No.2913886

>it was on the layer thanks to photoshop swapping layers when your ctrl z your first action after a layer change
This fucked up my shit so often I switched to Krita.

>> No.2914637

Thanks man,

>> No.2914707
File: 34 KB, 535x535, 16730186_1232161590215387_8608919756530722737_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in my computer
>i start to draw something in sai
>hey, thats pretty good.jpg
>i try to save it
>computer freezes and forces me to shut it down

>> No.2914726
File: 1023 KB, 500x361, lupinlaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. digicuck trying to deny his inferiority
Have fun with your ~$600 tablet that you're not even that good with, just make sure you don't drop it anytime soon

>> No.2914762

>get into the zone
>spend about 8 hours just drawing and never going back to redo shit because its fucking perfect
>get interupted
>comeback, zone is gone.

>> No.2914764

>tfw Reily method actually works
Surprising really.

>> No.2914789

I fucking know this hell brother, you are not alone. I realized my autism cannot be contained and now carry a small razor in my bag so i dont tear them at least

>> No.2915152

I had a really good day yesterday

>Feeling artistically disillusioned for years
>See thread on /ic/ about coloring lineart with dyes
>Decide I'll make an example for OP
>Draw a quick bit of Dragon Ball fanart
>Break out the paints and start working
>Get into it
>Aside from a few technical flubs it goes smoothly
>End up with a fully modeled drawing
>It's the best looking thing I've ever painted
>Feels good man
>Hook scanner up to computer
>Try to scan
>Doesn't work
>Drivers incompatible with Windows 10
>Start researching scanners
>Find a decent all-in-one that scans and prints 11x17" art
>The possibilities this could open up are endless
>Not only could I get high quality scans of my 9x12" drawings, which is a bitch on an 8.5x11" flatbed, I can print blue lines to practice inking
>It's on sale, $70 off retail
>I actually have the money to pay for it, because this week I actually worked a real job for the first time
>Starting to get really excited really fast about art
>Think about other stuff
>Been planning on buying a gridded notebook for doing extensive perspective studies
>Erik Olsen's NMA course
>I've had the videos for a while and done some exercises but never got deep
>Only thing impeding me is my pens
>I can only write with a smooth pen
>Remember I have a Platinum Preppy in my drawer
>Dried out, probably clogged
>But six months ago I bought a Platinum converter and a bottle of Carbon Black ink for my brush pen
>Put the converter in the Preppy and load up
>It works perfectly
>Now have an awesome pen for writing and drawing
>Walk over to Staples
>Buy a gridded notebook
>Take a look around the store
>They have a Staedler leadholder for a competitive price
>My Koh-I-Noor leadholder went to Fucksville months ago and never came back
>Buy that too
>See a nice clamping desk lamp
>Buy that too
>Now I have good lighting at my drafting table
>Everything is looking up

>> No.2916608


>> No.2916613


>> No.2916656

Good news
>FINALLY finished picture I was working on for 2 months, at a rate of half an hour per day, due to illness
>Happy for a bit

Bad news
>will take 2.3 years to finish my overall project at this rate. 14 pictures are done, 14 left to go
>slight terror of becoming trapped in body but still conscious and unable to draw before I can finish said project. Race against time
>became obsessed with idea of tablet that would let me draw more from my bed and improve quality of life. Asked parents, and they said I wouldn't have the energy to use it if I had one anyway.
>what if it's true

>> No.2916661

Better start getting those comps ready for other people to draw it for you.

>> No.2916681

I don't have the money to hire someone. I thought about asking a friend to kickstarter it to hire a replacement in the event something happened to me, but I realized that's too much to ask. Even though it'd be my greatest regret to put it out unfinished, I should at least have the sketches for everything/ ty for reminding me.

>> No.2917069

Create layer on SAI, solid fill, new layer, multiply, shade, clip. New layer. Solid fill. New layer. Multiply. Clip.

Repeat a hundred times.


256 layer limit reached.

>> No.2917267

what the fuck are you doing that you need to repeat this a hundred times...

>> No.2917913

Same. Feel bad about skipping stretches though. Already have a repetitive motion injury from this. Take care of yourself.

>> No.2917940

My coloring process is slow and inefficient.

I'll make a layer for the skin, fill it with a flat color, then make a layer above it and clip it, make it multiply, shade, but only with a hard edge brush, then another multiply layer for shading that I use a soft airbrush instead, then above all those layers I make a light for light spots that I set put on luminosity.

Then I repeat this process for every single color in a drawing. Sometimes I use fewer layers, but often I use more layers since I like putting hue in a different layer instead of changing the base flat color layer.

So if there are 80 things I need to color in a drawing, It'd require 240 layers. This way it's actually very easy to hit 256.

>> No.2918022

How do your drawings turn out?

>> No.2918250
File: 1.72 MB, 425x500, 1k5qHTI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>some friends get really disappointed when i put off plans because i need to keep my daily drawing schedule
>They think it's something i do just to ditch them.


>Friends playing a game
>Hurry up and draw your daily shit
>When you're done, everyone's already gone.

I just want to discipline myself because i know once i start taking days off, everything is lost. Some people are actually really weirded out when i talk about drawing daily. They just can't seem to understand how is it so important to me to not miss a day.

>> No.2918262

how long do you even draw for. 2 hours, 3 maybe? theres absolutely no point to drawing longer than those hours.

>> No.2918265


>> No.2918312

>get an idea
>immediately realize you have no idea how to draw it

>pencil breaks
>you forget a sharpener

>> No.2918315

>start drawing in sketchbook
>it's too fucking big for the page

>> No.2918338

>I'll start tomorrow this time for sure.

>> No.2918344


>> No.2918358

>you forget a sharpener
>not carrying a knife

>> No.2918359

>not carrying a shiv

>> No.2918387

Carrying a knife would most likely increase the chance of me being arrested for some bullshit so I'd rather not.

>> No.2918403

>have a sweet fragile art friend
>has been drawing shit art for years
>no improvement at all
>wants to be an artist as a job
>tfw you don't have it in you to say the truth

>> No.2918406


Anon, are you being frisked regularly enough that the possible chance that a police officer will find a knife in your pocket is a concern?

>> No.2918411
File: 70 KB, 640x480, autostop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not carrying an old Panasonic electric sharpener with faux wood grain that needs a wall outlet.

>> No.2918412


Well anon, you don't need to tell them they suck to offer some constructive advice. Just avoid doing it /ic/ style and being a cunt about it, and sugarcoat your critique a little.

>> No.2918419

I've never gotten frisked but let's just say that there are various variables that increase the chance of frisking and I have about half. And the variables for the increase of jail time is also about half. So I'd rather not carry anything that might be seen as dangerous.

>> No.2918421

Please tell me how to sugarcoat critque to someone who literally draws like Chris chan. I have no way to approach it in a nice way.

>> No.2918432
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x1840, 0327171329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gotta keep at it, man. I've been working on figure shit too.

>> No.2918445

>Drama queen
>Anime reaction picture

There is the joke

>> No.2918529
File: 76 KB, 364x300, 12oz-Mouse-Fitz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've made legitimate and substantial improvement with my art in the past few years and I feel genuinely more capable of realizing my ideas and attaining my goals and feel more motivated than ever but a series of foolish decisions and an overall poor self image have given me the unshakable notion that I've condemned myself as a person which causes me to waste the skill I've developed by procrastinating and even though I can probably fake it for the time being and mentally put this shit on hold I always have this horrible feeling looming over me that even if I do make it and become successful and happy there's always the possibility that people will eventually see what a piece of shit loser I am and think less of my art for it

>> No.2919003
File: 1.26 MB, 394x297, 1490256270406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing is seemingly coming out far better than expected
>flip image horizontally

>> No.2919548

every fucking time

>> No.2919557

tap the brush off canvas 3 times before you actually start painting, that way even if you ctrl+z a little extra you'll still be on the right layer
there's a plug-in that fixes the issue, but Ive done the autistic clicking off canvas for so long now that I can't stop

>> No.2919566


>> No.2919573

are you the anon I talked to before about getting an ipad to help with your quality of life?
PLEASE send an email to the guy who was buying wishlist things, this is the new thread

they've bought things like a cintiq for people who needed help, I'm sure an ipad or something when you're stuck in bed and can't sit up too long and stuff would be perfect
their email is deadchild.jpg@gmail.com, if you tell them a little but about yourself and situation, and some pictures of your work, then you could get something that helps
really hope things go well for you anon

>> No.2919585

Yeah, same person. Thanks for before. I know about wishlist anon, but I had a feeling he was suicidal from the beginning, so I didn't ask him for anything. I hope he gets better. Thanks for the well wishes, anon.

>> No.2919601
File: 69 KB, 359x359, rats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop taking ur meds

>> No.2919828
File: 46 KB, 450x331, gsp-punching-power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend multiple hours on painting
> hey that's pretty good
>post on drawthread
>¨you're joking right?¨
>¨is this abstract?¨
every time

>> No.2919830

Legitimately awful, to be honest. I'm very shitty as an artist.

>> No.2920674

Keep trying man. If your drawings look abstract, it's probably an issue with needing more defined forms and edges. Can try to give you better feedback if you post your work.

>> No.2920679
File: 56 KB, 640x360, pstd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put pencil to paper
>going to draw an animu grill, it's going to be great, she's gonna have cute braids and a pretty little dress
>suddenly it all comes back
>some folks are born, made to wave the flag
>ooh, they're red white and blue

>> No.2920684

> sketching in pen
> tfw straight parallel lines are pr decent but can't draw proper curves for life
Looks like I gotta grind ellipses...

>> No.2920848
File: 101 KB, 900x270, 1991-11-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing every fucking day for a month
>feeling good, man
>doing exercises with my dog, eating well and sleeping well
>some day a negro decides to say shit about me and my dog while I walk him
>live in a shithole so everyone around has guns and do drugs
>have to give dog away soon
>no money to move out
>can't draw ever since

>> No.2921065

Those things are no joke. I don't have an autostop but those old beige and woodgrain Panasonic pencil sharpeners will sharpen you an atom splittingly sharp pencil in no time at all. And durable as all fuck too, mine is older than I am and works as well as it did 20 years ago.

>> No.2921100

thanks a lot man, i really appreciate it.
I'm kinda done with said painting, tryna to move on so i don't get stuck polishing turds as they say

>> No.2921416

>someone talked to me so now i can't draw

>> No.2921529

>shitty chink tablet
>the input is bent 90 degrees but still works
>pressure sensitivity turns off at a moment's notice, have to replug, enable tablet support, turn off tablet support, restart photoshop, tablet not working, rinse and repeat
>work for an hour
>end up getting distracted
>Free time is over, back to reality

>> No.2921530

Wtf just draw. That makes no goddamn sense.

>> No.2921928


A fucking drugdealer wants me and my dog dead.

>> No.2921932

>walking somehow makes someone want to kill you

>> No.2921940

Welcome to my life.

>> No.2921999

>i can kinda draw and im sure alot of people would be jelous of my sweet ass skills but...... i just cant draw how i want to draw.........

>> No.2922028

>Try and draw cute anime girls
>Ugly cant draw hands eyes look retarded

>Resort to using anime refrences >My art is still shit Im never gonna make it

>> No.2922071

>>Resort to using anime refrences >My art is still shit
Take a break. It helps me, when I have similar problems.

>> No.2922085

I carry a single-edged razor blade taped inside a book of matches in my wallet. Works fine for sharpening pencils and there's no chance of it being considered a weapon.

>> No.2922501


>1 in 10 feedback comments are valuable, the other 9 are kill yourself kind of posts

>Makes me feel bad, gives me anxiety and perform worse

>"This time I'm going to quit /ic/"

>Realize that here is the only place where i receive any critical feedback, others just praise me

-Gets back to /ic/

>> No.2922711



Staples cancelled my order because they didn't like my credit card and they won't let me reorder at the sale price so I have to order the scanner from Amazon for $30 more than I anticipated

Fuck life.