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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 705 KB, 789x459, e382b9e382afe383aae383bce383b3e382b7e383a7e38383e38388efbc882011-05-19-15-49-51efbc89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2895750 No.2895750 [Reply] [Original]

Graffiti artists of /ic/,
What advice do you have for someone starting their first large-scale (mural size) project, supplies and logistics-wise?

Also - Graffiti / Spraypaint General

>> No.2895763
File: 85 KB, 768x573, Container_01_KMJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specifically, I'm being commissioned by the owner of one of these lovely 40-ft containers (pic related) to cover it with a huge mural. I am wondering if there is a particular brand of paint that works best on this kind of metal, or can endure water and sun really well ( it happens to be in Florida )

>> No.2895782

i used to write..i keep wanting to do it again. help me resist.

writing on stuff is such a good feeling. awwee it's so risky...hnnnggggggg

>> No.2895832
File: 1.31 MB, 1452x867, bomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my art /ic

>> No.2895838


>> No.2895859

Got anything more conceptual? Lol

I like shits like these

>> No.2895875
File: 1.58 MB, 1452x867, bombin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yea i can come up with some pretty conceptual pieces.

>> No.2895930

More of a question. Is there any other motivating factor beyond some anarchistic desire to give the finger to the system and anybody who follow it's conformity? 'cause if there is then I'm not seeing it in the ocean of shitty tags and over painted train windows.

>> No.2895943

It can be competitive, if your looking to get in an occasional fight and or killed go to war with a wriiter, a good amount of them are psychopaths. I'm not even trying to sound edgy, some people specifically get into it to stab people.

>> No.2895964

I think it's like anything, there is always gonna be a flood of shitty thrillseekers wannabes and autistic teenagers to any generically common interest you can think of.

Just like how 4chan's reputation goes to the shitfests that are /b/ and /pol/, but there are normal people on this site if you know where to look for them :^)

>> No.2896105

Yea met a few of them. Just dont let anybody kno who u are and wut u write and youll be safe.

>> No.2896112

Writing on something is not always driven by anarchist mentality. It literally just a fun thing to do. Espectially a biring commute on the train. Its just like reading a book. Playing a mobile game. Wut ever. Its just amusing thing to do ocationally.

>> No.2896129


>> No.2896198
File: 407 KB, 900x537, yik.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graffiti taught me one thing in life. don't trust anybody. don't get cuck'd by two faced friends.

>> No.2899168

learning graffiti is easy?

>> No.2899531
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Fucking vandals. Graffity, more like Grashitty.

>> No.2900038
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>> No.2900090


embrace it. it's not going anywhere. i actually enjoy some of it when i'm on the freeway. it's better than boring grey walls.

>> No.2900093

it's easy to copy someones style.

developing your own letter structure/style takes a bit of practice.

>> No.2900094


You do understand that that is a very anarchistic mentality?
"I do something because it's fun and don't care if it's legal or not"

>> No.2900098


I never said I don't care. I do care. I care a lot. I realize somebody with be payed to clean it off someday. it makes me content to know i have given somebody a job. a job that pays pretty good too. also nothing wrong with having a bit of fun m8

>> No.2900111

Fun to paint? It's really a very fundamental way to approach painting that is fairly similar to graphic prints and /gd/.
I've got friends who are fairly good at it and only paint legally, and you can clearly see how it's affected their other works in very interesting ways. So I've been trying to learn myself (legally, I am way to boring to walk around train yards in the middle of the night and running from five-o).
But shit's hard. Very different to how most people approach making art since you usually base it on layers.

I read somewhere that one of the first people who tags in the traditional sense were some paperboy who did it to show where he had been. Almost like a mapper. I find that quite romantic, and very different from a bunch of cool kids who wants to mark their turf or pretend that they totally aren't part of society.

>> No.2900115

>nothing wrong with having a bit of fun m8
Fucking anarchists on MY 4chan

>> No.2900116


Embrace for impact, more like. If I see a vandal writing in my walls again the only paint they'll be using is red, to trail their way back home.

>> No.2900119


>Having fun at the expensive of others
>He thinks breaking stuff is a good way to give someone a job
>Doesn't realize that money the cleaner will be getting paid for is tax money

Liberals man, they can't grasp simple economics.

>> No.2900121
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>I'm giving someone a job
fucking commies

>> No.2900130
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>He thinks breaking stuff is a good way to give someone a job
*happy Reagan*
>Doesn't realize that money the cleaner will be getting paid for is tax money
*angry Reagan*

>> No.2900132
File: 214 KB, 1228x708, yhfgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love or hate.

i'm not going anywhere.

wip. did this is 60 seconds.

>> No.2900134 [DELETED] 

city workers get payed good wages mang.

>> No.2900135


Had a friend who has into graffiti, the retard ended up slicing his hand trying to jump over a wire fence so he could sneak up and paint some trains. He fucked himself so badly, he lost mobility in his hand and now goes around like one of those potato disabled kids with their hands all cramped up. It's kinda funny.

>> No.2900138

good for him.

i painted a few trains. never had to hop any fences to paint them.

birds of a shit feather flock together. thanks for the story retard.

>> No.2900143

yes, from other peoples taxes, money that could have been spent on something else. If you think this is such a great idea, why don't we use taxes to pay a bunch of guys to dig holes and then use more taxes to pay another bunch of guys to fill the holes back in again - we could take unemployment down to 0%.

>> No.2900151


Meh, you'll end up getting beaten by police or the owners sooner or later. That's what you get for being a selfish piece of shit. You buy a sketchbook if you want to express yourself so badly, fucking vandal.

>> No.2900152


that's why I quit years ago m8. I don't do it anymore.

I post online more often.

>> No.2900154


Good on you, good man.

>> No.2900167

nah jk I still do it.

u still mad at me bro?

>> No.2900168

Who fucking cares if you paint a train you bootlicker. Those things have all of 0 aesthetic value when produced and purchased anyway

But be courteous and don't cover and trainyard labeling because that shit's important.

>> No.2900171

Sounds like the problem here is taxes and not graffiti

>> No.2900188


Lying is a show of weak character, I feel only pity for you. Keep down that road and you won't be able to trust yourself anymore to deal with the harshness on life, down the line.


Trains definitely have more aesthetic value that some grashitty gang words, which is about all you're ever going to be able to produce because you lack the respect and discipline to do anything else with your life.

>> No.2900190


If you remove taxes, then there's someone who is privately having to pay the full price of cleaning out of his/her pocket. Which is even more directly harmful. There's no other word for you but vandal, truly.

What if someone painted your car or your house? I doubt you'll be so happy then.

>> No.2900194
File: 409 KB, 1228x708, dtghf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


naaahhhhhh i'm jk again.

go fuck yourself ya gay horse fuckin knight faggot.

>> No.2900196

Homes and vehicles are both produced and purchased with aesthetic value in mind. Train crates are 100% utility.

>Rusty old boxes have more aesthetic value than painted rusty old boxes.


>> No.2900200

It's funny how people care more about some brick walls and don't lift an eye or even contribute to drawings of pedophilia and bestiality baka kys

>> No.2900206



graffiti art is hated more than furry bs and loli anime autism. fack

>> No.2900211
File: 69 KB, 1280x866, thumb-1920-323545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i'm jk again.

I know, you're entire life is a joke.


If that were true, military vehicles could never be found aesthetic since they are 100% utilitarian, which I think you'll agree is completely bullcrap. Aesthetics is not some hooky pooky concept of faint nature, Aesthetics rise on utility and in our recognition of what works, what functions, on a subconscious level. There's a ton of aesthetic looking trains.

Some random gang words with no meaning, and no message do have zero aesthetic value.

>> No.2900217


>Other people do retarded shit
>Therefore is ok if I do retarded shit

Nope, I hate pedophiles and furries alike. You're no better.

>> No.2900224

how did u do that!!!?

>you're life is a joke
so you come on 4chan too

fuck off idiot

>> No.2900228


Because I've spent 5 hours drawing boxes in perspective and doing gestures, now I get to shitpost and banter with liberals with zero knowledge of economics for fun.

>> No.2900236

no not that.

why did u just post a picture of a jet.

wtf man. stop being so passive aggressive. obviously u kno

>> No.2900240


exactly. now wtf qare u doing here!!!!!!!

>> No.2900245


I posted a picture of a jet to prove military vehicles, which are 100% utilitarian can be aesthetic. Also you asked ''How did I do that'' not ''Why did I post that''


Why do you write English like a 9 year old?

>> No.2900250

becuz it's a forum u cunt not an email.

>pride into replies

fucking autist.

>> No.2900254


Yeah, you're right. This is getting stale, I am back to drawing boxes in Perspective. Way more fulfilling than shitposting with a soon to be crippled commie.

Sayonara, komrade

>> No.2900259


thanks jimmY!

don't give up!

>> No.2900262

i'm gonna keep drawing what I love. graffiti art.

have fun drawing boxes. dumb ass.

>> No.2900301

so you hate yourself?

you have trouble with self respect? is that why you come here to validate your selfish opinions?

you're full of hypocrisy.

>> No.2900379

>If that were true, military vehicles could never be found aesthetic since they are 100% utilitarian, which I think you'll agree is completely bullcrap.

Tampering with the exterior surface of military gear could compromise its utility, though. You don't go spray painting a stealth bomber for example, because the color/material is for a purpose and putting something over it tampers with radar deflection etc.

>> No.2900395
File: 35 KB, 700x340, P40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't put gang words on a P40 Warhawk either, you get a proper artist to draw you something cool as fuck to boost Squad morale. Regardless, you're changing the goalposts because you claimed utilitarian vehicles could not be aesthetically appealing, not whether painting them affects their function.

>> No.2900402

>you claimed utilitarian vehicles could not be aesthetically appealing, not whether painting them affects their function.

I didn't say that. I said the aesthetics of a train cart aren't a part of their utility, and I've expressed my opinion of hindering utility already (by saying don't cover trainyard labels).

>> No.2900409


>Who fucking cares if you paint a train you bootlicker. Those things have all of 0 aesthetic value when produced and purchased anyway
>Those things have all of 0 aesthetic value when produced and purchased anyway


>> No.2900413

Yes, because they aren't designed in a manner that means paint interferes with their ability to be giant boxes. I don't see how that makes your point.

>But be courteous and don't cover and trainyard labeling because that shit's important.

Or did you forget how to read a whole post?

>> No.2900425
File: 72 KB, 640x638, 1456371006384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So? That doesn't mean Trains cannot be aesthetic. Stop going in circles, jesus.

>Or did you forget how to read a whole post?

Yes, yes. Very nice of you of caring about labels and warnings. When are you going to start caring about some egotistical kids trying to show off their dicks to everyone and having citizens spend tax money on cleaning up their ejaculate?

>> No.2900448

I Didn't say trains can't be aesthetic. I said the aesthetics aren't being considered in its production or purchase, and it isn't. If I need 10000 boxes for a fleet that get retired after however many hundred thousand miles and scrapped anyway, I'm not looking into designer options. I recall watching some documentary on train graffiti and the major gripe was that it covers the markings the train yard puts down for legitimate reasons. Not even the train owners care as much as you do about this, given you don't fuck with the labeling.

>> No.2900457


What's your argument for defending vandalism of public property?

>> No.2900466

It looks shitty and I don't like it. I get the dislike of that more than I get the dislike of train tagging. Most public buildings were purchased with the intent to look a certain way, anyway.

>> No.2900478


>I get the dislike of that more than I get the dislike of train tagging

I like trains

>> No.2900486

I do, too. Well, in the autistic steam engines way.

>> No.2900493


The best way.

>> No.2900536

Did you know?

Nothing illegal matters. If you're not caught. You guys can put the politics to rest.

I'll probably tag my name for the remainder of my life. Nobody will ever know who I am. Real writers do it because they're just bored and it's fun.

Gator gon gate

>> No.2900555

It's kinda like giving society a stimulus package and art work at the same time while making sure tax payers money goes to good use and helps society.

>> No.2900560

Only the shittest of shit cunts just draw in sketchbooks.

At least paint some trains or put your work in an art gallery.

Then again I am probably talking to a manga "artist" who sucks and thinks all modern art is crap.

>> No.2900562


I do it legally and then the city takes photographs of it and uses to promote the tourism to my city on their official website,

Few months before I did that without going through the red tape and I was bashed by cops who lied on the paper work waying I assaulted them.

Doesn't even make sense, tourists love to take photos in front of my art and it makes the city better but scum bags with no respect for me or other members of society love tax payers money being spent destroying shit.

I'm just making the city a better place.

>> No.2900594

Does anybody have any real stories of police getting pissed? if so where?

I live in shitty, depressed, new england. I don't think anybody here gives a flying fuck if someone paints pretty spraypaint on some depressed gray wall.

>> No.2901212
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, 1489338745912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nothing illegal matters
>It's cool to kill your mother as long as you're not caught

This is why Trump won.

>> No.2901217


I have videos of Graffity artists getting a bloody nose by the owner of the property they were vandalizing. Not so tough when they get caught. Typical teenage anarchist, no respect for society because they haven't work hard for anything in their lives.


And this last one, my personal favourite. A realistic representation of daily life for a graffity artists.


>> No.2901219


Nah, you're just a pretentious cunt.

>> No.2901375 [DELETED] 
File: 2.71 MB, 4928x3168, bread_tag4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typically why is graffiti marketed as such a hip hop trend?

they're like gangster faggots trying to be edgy and shit and bad. wtf?

i sometimes tag and i'm like the nerdiest person geeky fag you'll ever meet. i hate they market it

>> No.2901380 [DELETED] 

this is fake hahaha

and he didn't even vandalize anything. its not illegal to carry paint around if you're 17 and older. these guys are just actors.

>> No.2901397

that liveleak one is pretty rough. made my stomach turn a little. i know what happened. that guy who got kicked went over the graffiti piece those skaters probably did. resulting in a beating. way too far.

>> No.2901796

yep, you thank me as well ;)

>> No.2901832

Why do people give a fuck about muh cities and muh property?

>> No.2901838

I would rather be an anarchist than a conservative soccer mom like the anti-graffiti faggots ITT

>> No.2901843


>I either have to be a retard or a retard

Wew lad, you live in a world full of possibilities, don't you?

>> No.2901846


People who own property usually care about their property. Civilized people also care for others and their community and respect the laws set in place. You'll understand one day, when you snap out of your angsty teenage phase and get to own something you wouldn't want vandalized.

>> No.2901848

Just look at this way. If something exists, then there's gonna be someone who cares about it. If you take it out of existence, you'll incite their wrath.

>> No.2901849


It's good to see reality for what it is, it makes you strong and prepares you to deal with the world.

>> No.2901852

Real man is a barbarian. This isnt angst or a phase.

>> No.2901856
File: 25 KB, 412x430, 1487481519678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is it hard for anyone to understand why people wouldn't want their fucking property painted over with some shitty graffities, dude? What are you, literal communists or some treehugger hippies? I mean even Anarchists understand the concept of property.

Jesus christ, man.

>> No.2901859


Well, if you want to act like a Barbarian, expect to be treated as one.

>> No.2902289
File: 226 KB, 1059x794, IMG_20170313_125647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK writer here.
if you got a big budget you should go with montana or european cans. if in your florida you should be able to find some low pressure cans.
these are easier to control without shit going everywhere and dripping.
on shipping containers its gonna be really hard to do detail work without any experiance because the surface isnt fully flat.
if you cant afford good expensive paint at least get some rustoleum gloss. gloss shows up better on metal.
also get some rustoleum female adapaters with some skinny caps
ask me anything

pic related

>> No.2902294

its literally why anyone gets into art.
progression dude.
you should understand this but you dont because you are probably shitty at art to begin with

>> No.2902304

if you wanna get into molyneux philosophy if you the state steals property from you is it rightfully theirs?

>> No.2902701


You don't need to vandalise property to progress in art. Your statement is peculiarly dire when in fact, most graffiti ''art'' are simple words with no meaning or appeal.

>> No.2902702


Try rewording that because it's unintelligible.

>> No.2902830

beheadings or traffic gore etc don't bother me. but for some reason kicks to the head to someone whos already down gets me every time. it's just weak. and that dude was already drunk af lol

>> No.2902853

I don not fo into your house and destroy your art and complain how much momey it cost to destroy it.

So do not encourage people to destroy the art on my public proerty for your own selfiesh enjoyment.

>> No.2902855


Yeah, it's inhumane as fuck.

>> No.2902858


Public property belongs to everyone, meaning, you don't get to decide what you can put in there unless the majority agrees to it. I hate violence, but I sincerely believe that sometimes all you fucking anarchist need is a goold ol' smack to put you back on Earth.

>> No.2902859

People normally pay me to paint on there cars and houses so there goes your whole retarded argument.

While you are drawing on a computer I'm creating murals for cafes and kids bedrooms and actually getting paid with the skills I learned from being a "selfish vandal"

I also do graphic design too... While you will never get anywhere with your shitty anime drawings.

>> No.2902863

Graffito art has nothing to do with gangs you retard.

There is a difference between hood strike ups and style writing.

>> No.2902869

Exactly design and artwork os appliead to millartary vehicles to make them look cool the same way artists steal public space back on trains from advertisers telling you to eat unhealthy food and buy clothes made in sweatshops.

>> No.2902870


All the graffity art in my city are gang words every fucking where. It looks shitty as fuck. Proper professionals have agreements with the mayor so they only draw in certain places where it would actually look cool, not just where you feel and specially not on other people's private or public property.


I don't draw anime, I am into design. I've never complained about pros getting paid to do art. I complain about anarcho-teens fucking cities up with their shitty names everywhere.

>> No.2902871

Just look at the design work on the fin.

How is that any different to graffiti except no idiots want to waste tax money removing it?

Also it doesn't have the same freedom of expression graffiti does because of government red tape.

>> No.2902873


Military vehicles are not made to look cool, they are made wth functionality in mind first. They looking cool as fuck is a side effect of good engineering and understanding of physics. You making tax payers waste money on cleaning your propaganda cartels because you've got some angst against the world is not fucking cool.

Get a gallery place, or ask the mayor for a place where you can paint freely. Most of the propaganda graffiti artists do is retarded stereotypical shit like feminism, illuminate or or evil fascists. Wishy washy thinking at best, never seen something deep at all.

>> No.2902874

>I complain about anarcho-teens fucking cities up with their shitty names everywhere.

Another way of saying that is you like to complain about artists adding art to the city eithout the being commisoned or dealing with the large Mounts of red tape.

>> No.2902876


That's a vertical stabilizer, that also holds a rudder in place to control Yaw. It's different because that serves a purpose of identification between pilots and also boosts squad morale.

Very fucking different than painting public property for the lolz, also putting money on military aircraft is not wasted money. The military in general is very important for a country, despite what you anarcho-commmunists hippies might think.

>> No.2902877

You're the fucking one encouraging tax payers to waste money destroying art when it could go towarsds hospitals.

I don't know why people like you enjoy destroying art work in public spaces and wasting tax payers money. I don't destory the art in your house.

Also look at a kittyhawk plane.. It has art on it.

Do you want the tax payers money to go towards removing the artwork off kittyhawks too you selfish care nothing for the rest of society art hating prick.

>> No.2902879


My city looks one hundred times between without graffiti gang words everywhere making it look like Detroit. Good artists don't do that shit anyway, as I said earlier the Mayor allows them a big mural in different parts to make cool art.

I don't care if you don't get paid for vandalising stuff, why would I? Lmao

>> No.2902880

Yes ot belongs to me and other people meaning its very selfish for people like you to decide it should be the way you want it to look at the tax payers expense you selfishcultureless dumb fuck.

>> No.2902881


Here's a tip, draw art in your fucking house. Many public building were paid to look a certain way, and no one fucking asked you to paint them. Basically, keep your cock in your pants unless asked to.

Tax payers don't need to spent money if you don't vandalise shit to begin with, no one wants your shitty art, specially when they didn't ask for it. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

>> No.2902882


Get a movement going with your Mayor and ask to survey the people, see what they think about it. You're the one commuting an act, you're the selfish one here.

>> No.2902884

Tommorow another former graffiti artist and I are creating a mural in a public park with kids from a lower socioeconomic area and teaching them to take pride in their community.

I guess you arseholes want that destroyed to.

>but it's legal...

So if we did the same kind if thing at night without the government paying us and instead at our own expense it would need to be painted over?

If we did it without the government paying us and nobody painted over the mural it would cost society nothing and actually benefit everybody.

But no it had to be painted over because of red tape.

>> No.2902885

The majority of people like it except dumb cunts and people who like to flush tax payer money down the drain.

Anyone who dislikes art is an idiot anyway.

They may aswell go into state galleries and destroy everything in there too.

>> No.2902890

For example we get paid to go into public schools and write things in graffiti letters like "it's cool to go to school"...

Getting paid by the government to do the exact same kinda shit that gets kids arrested.

Does this make sense to you?

>> No.2902897

Or should it be washed off?

I meam it's almost the exact same shit as illegal graffiti.

But it's legal and we got paid to do it so nobody wants to bin tax dollars removing it.

>> No.2902898

Man, graffity artists must be on the lowest hierarchy of the IQ scale, because it feels like I am talking with potatoes.


Unless you're telling them to stay in school, work hard, get married and not have children out of wedlock, you're not helping them one bit.

>> No.2902901


No one likes gang words, no fucking body. The only people I've meet who like are graffiti artists, skaters and teenagers.

>Hurr durr if you don't like my art is because you're a conservative faggot who only draws anume gurls

No. Stop shoving your cock everywhere unless asked you. Get pro practicing in your home and then offer your services around, stop fucking the city landscape with retarded stuff that lacks fundamentals and having us tax payers pay for your street canvas.

>> No.2902902

If i could encourage you to learn about modern art and stop drawing manga i would be helping you.

It must be so hard for art teachers to put upwith manga kids like you.

>> No.2902905


I am self taught, and interested in CONCEPT DESIGN, not weaboo shit. You have no argument for the shit you do, zero.

You're a vandal, and you'll continue to be treated as one.

>> No.2902907

I dont even paint illegaly any more.

Insteadi get permission and apply for government funding and people now celebrate the exact sa,e thing I used to get arrested for..

Which doesn't make sense if you really think about it.

>> No.2902909


It makes sense because they are fucking paying you to do it, they want you to do it. In specific areas parts, for a specific reason. How is this fucking simple thing so hard for you to understand, man? You think the concept of property is not real, I guess?

Good on you for not being a vandal anymore.

>> No.2902913

Stopped being a vandal years ago.

Now I guess I am kind of a legal vandal.

I mean i do art now and get paid for it...

The city took me to court and the police bashed me when i did it for free.

I'm still costing tax payers dollars too because I get payed by the government to do it.

>> No.2902915

Because art is of great importance.

You would realise this if you took greater interest in it.

You do the occasional manga drawing at home.

I have a backhround in graffiti, graphic design and public art.

Just think about it.

>> No.2902917


You're not a vandal because you're not fucking breaking the law, there's no such thing as a fucking legal vandal. What the fuck are you smoking. The police bashed you because they are supposed to, you don't get to violate private or public property just because you feel like it. Now, they want you to do it, and instead of wasting a shit lot of money cleaning the shit they didn't ask for, they are paying a much lesser amount for commissions THEY DO WANT.

The logic is very simple man. It really is.

>> No.2902919


All I can think off is that you must be mentally challenge if after two times of telling you I don't draw manga, you still didn't get the fucking message. I think sniffing all the spray paint as left you brain dead.

>> No.2902920

Public proerty eh for the public.

There is no difference between painting public property legally or illegally except one involves lots or red tape and the other involves the risk of getting arrested.

You can't even deny that. It's a fact.

Coversation over.

>> No.2902922


It's like you're a parody of yourself. Lmao

>> No.2902925
File: 2.15 MB, 320x240, 1478352244715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There's no different between an illegal act or a legal act
>It's the same as long as you don't get caught
I guess it's cool to rape as long as I don't get caught, lel. Time for some surprise buttsecks.

>> No.2902926

Art is vandalism..

According to people who hate graffiti.

No permission = vandalism...

Permission = not vanadlism

Why can't you just see it as art?

What is the fucking difference if it was legal or not?

They both make things look nicer, they both broghten up the community..

Whats the fucking difference?

Think about it.

Graffiti is just public art that gets destroyed because they didn't go through the red tape.

It's not vandalism, just non commisined public art that needs to be destroyed for no reason.

>> No.2902928

graffiti art is good for people and is respectful and polite.

Rape doesn't consider the feelings of others.

Just like how people don't consider the feelings of others when they destroy graffiti.

>> No.2902930


>Whats the fucking difference?

You said it yourself, one instance is you putting whatever you feel like drawing on someone else's property, or the property of the public whether the want it there or not, and the other instance is the owners of said property willfully paying you to use your skills to create something they want.

Art doesn't hold any special privileges. If people want art in their property, they'll pay you for it. Stop shoving your cock down everyone's throat and them asking them to thank you for it.

If people are not paying you to do it, or they didn't ask you to do it. It's vandalism. You can't argue with reality.

>> No.2902936


You don't consider the feelings of the people whose property you're vandalising. I guess they don't matter because they are just evul capitalists pigs, aren't they?


>> No.2902938

One difference is i something on public property and the city pays to have it removed.

The other difference is do the same thing except I get paid to put it ther.

I am just giving public property back to the public.

It's pretty much the same as getting paid to vandalise now.

Graphic designers are bigger vandals than graffiti writers.

I feel more like I am hurting people with the design work I do then whatever I have done graffiti wise.

>> No.2902941

I only ever painted public property in places away from peoples homes and inside building due to be demolished so there goes another one of you idiotic ideas.

Graffiti is okay so long as it's done on public property and not someone elses.

>> No.2902942
File: 44 KB, 520x780, MuTG7py.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think you're some kind of Robinhood or something, you deluded fuck? Jesus christ man, I am off to grind fundamentals I can't stand this level of retardation and I refuse to waste more time with someone with the logic skills of a fucking potato.

Unbelievable, kek.

>> No.2902945

Just because what I say is not the way you have been taught to think doesn't mean it's incorrect.

There are people who believe there is an invisble sky fairy becaus they have been taught that is something that makes sense to believe in from a young age. You fall i to the sa,e category as they do.

And yes graffiti artists are like modern day robin hoods. Writingbtheir names on things to make a statememt that public space belongs to the public and not whoever can afford to slap ugly advertising on it.

>> No.2903252
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>> No.2904312

i stopped doing graffiti last spring.

started when I was 12 and stopped at 24.

i don't know why now, but looking back i'm kinda ashamed of how into that "culture" i was. i got no friends out of it only enemies.

if only i got into concept art at the age of 12 instead of graffiti my style would not be as shitty.

stop doing graffiti-vandalism.

>> No.2905150

You would probably be shit no matter what you did.

>> No.2905181


He'll definitely be better than you, as you're a worthless human being that spends his entire day deceiving people to make them feel about about themselves. You wish you had a quarter of the passion and talent any artists here has, even more soul an 1/8th of their soul and humanity. Shoo, you fucking vampire.

>> No.2905207

Lol "artists" here draw manga on a computer while I work with children and create murals in public spaces.

Think about it.

>> No.2905214


lol ''trolls'' here spent weeks shitposting on a computer while I work at fundamentals and progress towards making it.

Think about it.

>> No.2905332

ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao

>> No.2905831

Graffiti art when it's just plain old shirts nonsense makes me cringe, this is the equivalent of children's crayon scribbles on walls except this is about a million times worse to look at. I'm not saying there can't be good art. Just that this art form is the most annoying to look at cause its just words and complete nonsense words or letters at that. And it gives people the sense that they are good at something that just looks like garbage to me. I guess I don't appreciate it like some sort of teenager that feels outraged at the shitty life that they and they feel the need to rebel in this way. There are good Manga and anime style artist that create some great work and then they're are those Manga artists that just choose to draw the same generic big eyed girls, just as there are some great Graffiti artist that blow your mind and the scum that thing their unreadable scribble is art. It makes me vomit in my mouth to think that there are people who risk getting mugged or killed to express themselves in this way.

>> No.2905962

most of the successful graff artists have all been arrested. they work for task forces and help them expose the sub culture so they can arrest more vandals. they're undercover fags who get their fame but in return help the police.

i honestly can't wait for the bubble to pop. graffiti is so fucking cringe. and at one point it never existed!!! it was only in the 70's it exploded and now it's total main stream. i hope one day the trend dies out. it's cringe. i can't help but laugh that some monkey went up onto that rooftop to spray his "name"

>> No.2905995


/Ic/ How does it feel to be pedo autists who draw animu all day. Trying to virtue signal by shaming graffiti artists.

You are all sick fucks and should kys!








>> No.2905997

Are you talking about sofles and cope2?

I don't think theres any proof.

Especially in sofles case.. I've met sofles a few times. I don't know him personally but friends of friends do.

>> No.2906007

I wish more people would ask, im not into graffiti, but i like the art and expression. I had some friends who used to do graffiti. One of them started doing legal-ffiti, and cops still harassed him. Its bullshit and all the autist pedo furries here have obviously never been outside their moms basement. This shit makes me question why i come here. Probably better if i stopped!

>> No.2906010


So what happens if I am someone who shames both pedos, furries and Graffiti artists?

>> No.2906020

I stopped coming here regularly.
As a former graffiti guy who has a background in fine art I find the smount of dumb grossly misionformed opinions here about things such as modern art and graffiti very frustrating.

I mean it's okay not to know things but it is never okay to not want to learn things.

>> No.2906023

I mean even if you are into manga illustration and not graffiti or fine art, it's still important to have that understanding of visual culture.

It helps you understand how what you are creatng relates to the world around you.

>> No.2906025

A virtue signalling smug prick, who probaly has anxiety when talking to normal people. You sound like some creep psycho just trying to hide some fucked fetish or mental instability!

>> No.2906029
File: 100 KB, 624x416, 1unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You realize no one here has complained about good graffiti art right? What angers people is teenagers doing scribbles that are akin to a 5 year old learning to draw, and these anarchist thinking they are entitled to use tax payer money for the street canvases. It's very good that you're an artist, want to improve and have a need to express yourself, but you need to be respectful of the laws and the people that live with you.

Why can't graffiti artists draw on canvas with spray paint until they are decent enough to make pretty artworks not even the police will want to take down? You can't complain your shit is getting removed when it's all stuff like pic related....

>> No.2906034


I don't virtue signal much, I just like my city walls not being filled with random ugly ass letters that have no meaning and cost money to remove, neither do I like pedophiles fucking up children for life or guys who abuse animals.

>You don't like degenerates
>Therefore you must be a closet degenerate with even weirder fetishes

Yeah, nah.

>> No.2906051

yea do some research...

especially those two.

>> No.2906057

It doesnt work like that, alot kids who start graffiti are not from good homes and are just trying to find an outlet in a fucked up spot. You cant proficiently paractice graffiti on a canvas its the wrong medium! Its not like buildings or trains and rocks, the medium is organic. It takes skill to use spray paint the way good graffiti artists do. It sucks that taggers are pricks and people start turf wars, but like i said, these people arent usually in good neighborhoods, nor do they usually have good influences!

I dont partake in the practice myself, but i have friends who do and my older brother did in san francisco in the early eighties. Ive heard crazy stories and seen some questionable shit myself. You dont know what youre talkin about. Most of the time good graffitti is on broken down buildings, old trains, abandoned factories that the government doesnt give a fuck about. Theres always going to be an asshole tagging shit or gang signs on unwanted spaces, that doesnt mean all graffiti artists do!

>> No.2906062

Thats why youre on 4chan right. If you were such a goody two shoes faggot you wouldnt be here. Nice try! You just as much of a degenerate as we are, but you def wouldn't be talkin this shit in real life! You wouldnt even be around these types of people. You would get your teeth kicked in trying to talk to these motherfuckers like that, swallowing teeth as you cry and try and apologize with a face rekt like a bitch. A true keyboard warrior safe and sound in ur moms basement!

>> No.2906071

People here complain anout graffiti, Surrealism, impressionism, cubism, constructibism.

Basically anything that's not anime drawinhs and too hard to understand.

Come here regularly and you will see this.

>> No.2906074

Sofles is fine.

Maybe not cope2.

>> No.2906078

Sofles is from the most prestigous private school in all of Brisbane and his dad is an eccentric old engineer who loves Volkswagens.

Everyone in brisbane knows sofles is a private school kid.

>> No.2906081

Im not from Australia, and can only speak about personal experiences. Its cool that hes a rich fag, more power to him. That has nothing to do with what im talking about, which is regular people dealing with real life situations in a not so happy place!

>> No.2906092


I think the main problem here is that there's a shit ton of graffiti that just looks terrible and is usually done without permission.

Not all graffiti makes things look nicer, only the good ones.

Whilst that is subjective I think that most can agree someone's shitty tag/name done poorly with no artistic sense is bad graffiti/art.

>> No.2906098

Ok, that is a problem, but all the graffiti artists on this thread have stopped "vandalizing" and used their skills to create better places in their communities. The hate still rattles on.

>> No.2906099

I have respect for this opinion.

>> No.2906100

I don't know of ALL, but yes that is a faor point.

>> No.2906105

ex graff writer here.

graffiti IS vandalism. it doesn't matter how good it is. you're writing on somebodies property. they own, maintain, it's their business. graffiti is problem just like a plumbing problem in your house. it's a pest. it doesn't look as good as you think it does.graffiti writers especially the older ones(autism?) need to try and respect their community. realize how retarded graffiti actually looks. murals on the other hand are beautiful.

>> No.2906108


Can i ask why you started in the first place, and also what catalyst made you stop?

>> No.2906127


I got into graffiti through a friend at school. we both skateboarded a lot. it just grew on me form there.

i went to school. now i have a solid career. why risk losing a good career over graffiti? plus my friends and i all grew up and i started to realize how silly it was. graff writers are either bums who have lost direction in life or teens just getting into it. kinda sad to see it happen. it's like a wave. crime wave after crime wave. new writers new kids making the same mistakes as I did. oh well.

>> No.2906146

Yeah, my friends who used to stopped because as they got older it just seemed "dumb" and "disrespectful" ( their words not mine). One of my friends does murals for people and tags up mattress' in his backyard, lol. I always thought it was weird that taggers just tag over anybodys art, in a strange, but beatifully disrespectful way. It was like a really slow evolution of tags and other shit compounding upon itself, but it pissed off people too!

>> No.2906170

no sofles worked with task forces to help them understand the mindset of a graffiti-vandalist.

he opened the curtain. shed light onto the sub culture. it's no secret. now he pretty much sold out to pay his fines he was charged for 37 counts of vandalism. had to pay back 20g's

>> No.2906318


Thanks for confirming Graffiti artists are vandals prone to violence.

>> No.2906581

Man u are butthurt. You got btfo. Live with it.

>> No.2906909


Nah, it's cool.

>> No.2907364

You friends are not really artists though.

>> No.2907365

I don't blame him if he dobbed in a few grubs though.

Most of them probably deserved it.

>> No.2907366

Stop false flagging.