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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 503 KB, 1070x1600, 1442639197202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2894249 No.2894249 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever wish you were female so your work could get 10x it's due attention?


>> No.2894252

You say it like I still don't think some artists are female just because their avatar is a loli. If you can talk cute and draw cute then you can be a female in my eyes.

>> No.2894255
File: 68 KB, 675x264, 09GUERRILLASJP2-master675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2894260

How did they not show that ad to the test groups and be met with a resounding "no shit"

>> No.2894263

Also: the metropolitan is mostly historical artwork. Historically there weren't a lot of prominent female artists in the time periods being represented. That'd be like saying the chapters for female leaders in history books should be longer cause there were fewer of them.

>> No.2894272

>tfw whenever I post my work to /r9k/ I don't even get a single (You) even tho it's better than 99% of the stuff there
The only good artist there is some anon who paints traditionally. He's breddy gud imo.

>> No.2894281

>Historically there weren't a lot of prominent female artists in the time periods being represented
In the modern era? you must be joking

>> No.2894285

You could always chop your dick off and get 100x your due attention.

>> No.2894288

Post yer werk robot

>> No.2894299

Compared to 1900-2017? No there weren't. Don't be ridiculous. 5% of them being women makes sense to me. Any more and they'd probably just be doing it to meet a quota

>> No.2894302

The modern art movement was from the 1860's to 1970's. So a good chunk of that was a time when women weren't even allowed in most art schools, and pretty much all that time would have had women sidelined to the men in terms of recognition even if they were producing work on the same level.

>> No.2894383

>tfw when you're a fucking human-shaped amoeba who never picked up a history book or read a wikipedia entry

>> No.2894401

Stop bragging. Not everyone can afford a blow up doll.

>> No.2894840
File: 569 KB, 1113x1170, 1488549791268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I never wished I could be a female. I like being a man, I like working for my stuff. I got shit served in a platter just because of my genitals I would be pretty angry, to be honest. Then again, I draw because I enjoy the process itself, not because I want to get famous.

>> No.2894866
File: 1.79 MB, 264x161, 1387750891471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the artist in your OP has fundie chops and is regularly in galleries. i think this thread is more about you. lots of narcissists come post "i drew this" threads on /ic/ and it annoys everyone else. sorry you're so salty because your frequent board is /r9k/, you bacteria.

>> No.2894870

I just want to be a qt female in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.2894884
File: 86 KB, 460x640, 1488521268898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well... you really chose the wrong picture to explain your point because that painting is fucking brilliant. Whoever did that deserves a shit ton of attention regardless of their gender. I'm a classical fag who kinda hates modern and interpretative art, even I can see the appeal to the background chaos. He/she picked their colors well, gave a wonderful sense of texture, and then juxtaposed it with the smoothness of the subject's skin.

>> No.2894900


>> No.2894905
File: 44 KB, 520x780, MuTG7py.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll never be a real woman, so don't even try.

>> No.2894906

What is real anyways but a sense of perception of the mind?

>> No.2894907
File: 89 KB, 919x720, 1422749922991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you ever wish you were female

All the time

>> No.2894916

don't worry anon, i'd rather be a real one than an abomination.

>> No.2894923
File: 1.52 MB, 540x540, 1487987855522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people ITT who will never know the glory of being an owner of a Penis

We hit the Sex lottery lads, be proud of it no matter what size.

>> No.2894926

I would feel horrible if the responses given to my work had to do with my gender, even more so if they were positive. If I were to be offered a job because I was female in a situation in which a male was turned down who happened to be more qualified for the said job, I would turn it down in favor of the male. I don't personally see any distinction between genders, only between qualities of work. I would like to enrich whatever projects I lend myself to. I am a perfectionist, so I couldn't take a job in which I would hold back a project due to ineptitude.
That's why I've been working rather hard to become adept.

>> No.2894930

>If I were to be offered a job because I was female in a situation in which a male was turned down who happened to be more qualified for the said job, I would turn it down in favor of the male.
I sure hope you ain't a female, cause this is the dumbest shit I've read all day.

>> No.2894932


Why would it matter what's real besides the perception of the mind if you process all your information through said perception and you cannot escape it? You can't think yourself into becoming a attractive female, so don't start throwing philosophic mumble jumbo around to justify your mental illness.

>> No.2894936

No. The only times I have fantasized about being female it has been sex related.

>> No.2894937

>sex related.
I get it, nice pun!

>> No.2894940

accidental pun though. Not sure how else to say it. "Lust" perhaps? Well basically when you think about how to make a woman come it leads to the next step in that line of thinking. I assume it helps making better porn too.

>> No.2894964

>tfw have a small dick and testicles
y-yeah haha, I'm so proud.

>> No.2895017

On the early days of social media I did make the experiment and the same pictures in my female profile would always have 30x the reactions of the ones in my male profile. When people noticed and tried to get my male profile banned for stealing "her" art I dropped the mask and let the bunch of thirsty betas know they weren't getting any good boy points for their whiteknight faggotry.

>> No.2895020

No. I draw because I enjoy it, not because I want normies' attention.

>> No.2895023

it only works if you're a pretty/cute girl tho

>> No.2895086

i think "lewd" is the word. like i wish i was a beautiful girl for lewd reasons.

>> No.2895102

>why am I not succesful yet, I hardly finish a single painting and spend most of my time shitposting about other people on /ic/ but still

>> No.2895104

you know most artists are female, right?

>> No.2895108

Why do you think female artist can get 10x more attention?
Because they are rare.
And why is that? Because a female brain is wired for multitasking and emotions. Good for a hobby and a tumblr-tier art blog, but that's about it. Be proud of who you are.

>> No.2895119

So does this mean a female artist can't git gud or what?

>> No.2895125

>My art is shit and gets no attention so i'm gonna take any excuse i can


>> No.2895128

just because you don't like tumblr stuff it doesn't make them any less of an artist

girls are very good at using colors and making cute and expressive characters

>> No.2895130
File: 252 KB, 480x480, 1488712327291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I wish I was a male all the time. When you are a woman people never take you seriously because those dumb cunts called feminists think they speak for all women when in reality they are just preaching their victimist bullshit. Also, there are A LOT of vapid, self entitled in the world.

When it comes to art, you grow up learning about all those amazing artists like Michelangelo, Caravaggio, etc and you realize they're all male, which forms that little voice in the back of your head which continously tells you you can't make it because you're not a man.

>> No.2895132

*self entitled women in the world

>> No.2895134

meant for >>2895130 , Jesus christ

>> No.2895143

> they speak for all women when in reality they are just preaching their victimist bullshit
Oh the irony.

>> No.2895148


>Oh the irony.

What do you mean?

>> No.2895190
File: 133 KB, 900x900, riley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always put on a wig and use some make-up to get even more victim points than girls. No excuses!

>> No.2895195

but would that actually work? Could faking trans actually be a smart business move?

>> No.2895201
File: 5 KB, 116x150, 1485354340833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. No one likes trans people, because they automatically mean gender politics, which no one likes talking about. Also, the fear of offending them and causing a shitstorm. It's like working with a bomb that can explode in any minute. That's my personal experience, at least.

>> No.2895202

It's definitely a considerable plus, especially when you try to promote yourself on social media. You will get more attention and even be interesting for small media. Don't forget that there are government funded shows that exhibit works made by minorities. It's definitely a way to kickstart your career, but I couldn't stand the embarrassment infront of family and friends.

>> No.2895205

I'd like to have people genuinely liking my work for its colors/technique/atmosphere/etc. rather than liking it just because I'm a girl.

>> No.2895207


Definitely not for big studios, for online drama. Maybe.

>> No.2895212

Yeah, sometimes, but being a woman sounds like shit, I would hate having the fear of being raped all the time and people just being nice to me because they wanna fuck my flesh hole.

>> No.2895213

>people just being nice to fuck your flesh hole
that's why you take advantage of them

>> No.2895234
File: 255 KB, 414x500, 1360952107102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do women have to be naked...
They should. If they dare to thread into museum without male supervision.

>> No.2895251

then you're a man, my son

>> No.2895252

echo chambers out the box

>> No.2895260

Soey Milk is an amazing tumblrette

>> No.2895297
File: 136 KB, 1500x1000, seulgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she wasn't a kqt she'd only get a fraction of the attention, that isn't to say she's bad, dumbasses, just that it's nothing special, and is thematically shallow and bland.

>> No.2895308
File: 1.07 MB, 300x225, 1351193061061.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to get even more victim points
>victim points

It is more about sexual drive than victim points.
Victim points are going thru massive inflation. While sex drive is intrinsic.

>> No.2895310
File: 283 KB, 500x423, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2895311

post male artists whose work is good and they dont get a fraction of the attention that they deserve in your opinion k

>> No.2895337


far superior and barely known

>> No.2895348
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, 1480248181872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you're mistaken. Her artwork was actually high quality so she got attention. kolorfull paintings of girls is just mass appeal imo. Just look at Loish, Krenz, or Kuvshinov. I think once people figure out you're a qt they start thinking that you literally were just ordained by god and destiny to be amazing at everything. Just look at bara like Wes Burt or Miles Johnston.

It seems more like insecurity signaling teabeeonnest

>> No.2895349
File: 153 KB, 1300x866, 098765432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely known

>> No.2895368

I think she would have been popular anyways from her good technical skills and her subject matter which as you said is shallow so has mass appeal. Her good looks probably help some too, as does the fact she is banging/dating one of the most popular and famous fine artists around.

>> No.2895372

>b-but muh chinese digital god who paints like a ripoff of schmid deserves more followers! it's not fair!

>> No.2895374

Kim Jung Gi?

>> No.2895377

>obviously oils
>is both a craven white knight and a retard

>> No.2895386

>obviously oils
me sides anon

>> No.2895393

There are girls who only paints Dragon Ball stuff and everyone go apeshit for her just because "omg1!1 a nerd girl who draws Goku omg!!1".
It's pretty shit desu.

>> No.2895401

>I got shit served in a platter just because of my genitals I would be pretty angry
haha, if only you knew

>> No.2895409


Oh please, do tell.

>> No.2895411

out of the anglosphere, you can't say he's not popular among the chinese speaking portion of the internet

>> No.2895417

Wouldn't know, I can only find his artstation and nothing else, never heard/seen him anywhere else, not even /ic/.

>> No.2895421

There's at least like 3 chinese guys with that exact same style and then a handful more that are quite similar. One of them at least is super popular on fb but he uses a different name there than on his artstation if I remember correctly. Also a lot of chinese blogs and things don't come up very well in google searches. Anyways, he's pretty well known on artstation.

>> No.2895422

Mind telling me who these chinese guys are? Curious to see their work. It's hard to come across these types of artists.

>> No.2895430

Honestly I don't pay much attention to them so can't recall them all. I do remember Wangjie Li:

This guy is a bit different but definitely has some similarities: https://www.artstation.com/artist/rourou

They're basicalyl using the mixer brush in a specific way to get a certain look, and idolizing a small handful of the same oil painters (Richard Schmid, Sargent, probably more contemporary guys like Lipking or Casey Baugh etc).

>> No.2895432
File: 588 KB, 1056x1500, yizheng-ke-2017-3-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's half a mirrion. Nothing noteworthy.

Is it digital btw? honestly can't tell.

>> No.2895436

It is digital. Check around the comments and says photoshop.

>> No.2895437

Forgot to mention that I've seen a ton of them with similar styles but less skill, and therefore they are basically invisible. Like this guy is trying to do the same thing but not nearly their level so only has 67 followers: https://www.artstation.com/artist/lost1933

I don't speak chinese or go on chinese sites, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some online school or forum where they are teaching each other to paint in the same way. Like Lin Ran teaches other people to copy photos and things in his style, HGJ runs a school, Lixin Yin does, pretty much all the top chinese painters do. Even Ruan Jia livestreams for people. Most of their students never post on any english sites though, but you see them pop up now and then. And a lot of their students have way less skill, but you do get guys who get equally as good but you never hear about them really.

>> No.2895438

It's also obviously photoshop just by looking at it. He's using the mixer brush, and sampling from a source with multiple colours, possibly even a scanned masterpainting.

>> No.2895440
File: 545 KB, 900x1200, yizheng-ke-2017-3-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but some do look really oily, not a digital guy so I find it hard to tell.

>> No.2895442

Well he's trying his best to mimic oils. I guess if you don't paint digitally then it would be harder to tell, but if you are experienced in digital you know the small little things that give it away pretty easily.

>> No.2895459

Being a woman is awful, it feels as if the only reason I can get any "attention" is because of my genitalia, and it's incredibly degrading. I want to be respected for my work, but the only way I'll really make it is to parade my gender and feed others with what they want to see with their perception of my gender. I hate being a woman, I will never be truly respected for my skill or mind. Women were consistently eradicated from history unless their impact was connected to a man. My art class this year is the first one I've been in where the teacher highlighted artists of both genders, and I was talking to her about it the other day. She even said that she feels bad because she has to actively research female artists because she can only think of men when planning lessons off the top of her head. Most of the people in all of my art classes have been WOMEN THOUGH SO WHY I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Alright, I'm done sperging.

>> No.2895468

Is this bait? The fact of the matter is that there are almost no important women in art history. It's mostly due to women not being allowed to paint, but that doesn't change the fact that there were not that many that were important historically. Trying to teach an equal number of women and men in art history classes is actively going against history and is bringing in modern biases on what "should" have been the case.

Right now women outnumber men in arts colleges, but this is the first time in history that it's been the case. Many contemporary fine artists who are very famous are women. Stop getting your panties in a bunch over this.

Also if you don't want the fact that being a woman changes how people view your work, then you can use a gender neutral pseudonym and try to distance your work from your selfies.

>> No.2895473
File: 132 KB, 1200x510, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banging/dating one of the most popular and famous fine artists around.
holy kek this changes everything

>> No.2895485
File: 10 KB, 274x184, 1482112961223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why caint i be a dade
Just get good ffs then it won't matter

Women always want recognition but they do a shitty job.
If you do an amazing job people will not give a fuuuuuuuuuuuck REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2895488

>Women always want recognition but they do a shitty job.
>tfw a guy does this, they're just called lazy

>> No.2895490
File: 264 KB, 854x480, fuckingleaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely terrible business move, no one wants to hire a mentally ill person, and gender issues aside, they tend to have issues with depression/self esteem etc that make them less stable than normal people, and that's even before taking pills that fuck with their mood.

Plus you'd get associated with people like this.

>> No.2895491

>women outnumber men in arts colleges

I think this has been the case for quite some time, like half a century maybe? The gender divide is like 2/3 grills in any class I've been, often more.

>> No.2895492


No, we call them pathetic losers. They don't get an easy treatment because they don't have a vagina in between their legs.

>> No.2895494

>implying men want recognition for being lazy

>> No.2895497


>Waaaah waaah men have it better waaaah


Get fucked, you stupid whore.

>> No.2895498

Lmao Soey Milk is a thousand times better than you will ever be. AND shes qt as fuck. Would easily drop ecstacy with her and fuck her brains out and let her teach me fundies afterwards.

>> No.2895500

I'm not sure if it's been 50 years, at least for visual arts programs. Even if it is though, art history stretches back thousands of years, and large institutions teaching it stretches back hundreds. To have women outnumbering men in them is a very modern phenomenon.

>> No.2895502


50% suicide attempt rate. Imagine how mentally fucked these people are.

>> No.2895512
File: 252 KB, 1000x1351, 1486402250362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being an attention seeking tranny like this will get you attention for sure, but not the kind you're after.

>> No.2895513

That's the dumbest conversation, I've ever seen.

>> No.2895517
File: 4 KB, 281x269, 1486402828034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the "thinking" pose is retarded

>> No.2895518

put your grasses on

>> No.2895523


It's both funny and sad to see him try to act out like a female, but being clueless he completely fails and makes it look like a parody.

>> No.2895547

who grips their eyebrow like that

>> No.2895555
File: 177 KB, 750x1061, 1486402400666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confused cis gender people

>> No.2895559

his body is trying to snap his neck from behind, while the mind is caught off-guard.

>> No.2895585

Jesus christ what the actual fuck is wrong with this person.

>> No.2895617

How do you people let this kind of trash thrive. I don't get it. How do your genes not make you curbstomp a person like that to death instantly. Disgusting.

>> No.2895630

>Fall in line you cunt. Female supremacy! Don't forget to defend Islam and support the import of massive amounts of single young Muslim men into Europe.

>> No.2895646

have you tried being attractive?

>> No.2895850

I sorta wish I was a woman but then I read about all the shit that happens to them.

>> No.2895990
File: 624 KB, 1536x2048, 25ab4967c18c9765bf90008ca6fda7fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's dating Kent Williams. Kim Jung Gi would never be considered a fine artist by any stretch. It's clear how his style has rubbed off on her.

She also used to date this one illustrator named Wayne Johnson back in her Art Center days. He claims to be making less than $10k a year despite his skills.

>> No.2896092

Is that axe a real tool? Why is it so enormous and double headed? Wouldn't the force from one swing of such a heavy thing really fuck up the wielder?
I browse /out/ occasionally and I have never seen them discussing lumber axes anywhere near this size

>> No.2896098
File: 42 KB, 466x411, IMG_0595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I would be such a fucking overbearing father when it came to these topics of 'self identification' that this kind of degeneracy would either be completely crushed in my children or would blow up and be far more exaggerated in later years thanks to its repression.
More than likely the first, as most dads who simply refuse to accept their trans or gay kid's identity end up with a child who thanks them for not allowing themselves to fuck up their lives at a young age, once they're past that phase. Which must be an amazing feeling as a dad.

>> No.2896118
File: 93 KB, 600x580, Buddysystem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI the trans community thinks those comics are shit too. As a matter of fact there is a good business opportunity for anyone looking to make a buck over here. Make some actually GOOD transcomics and you will make some serious bank!

here is a whole thread of shitty cringe comics >>>/lgbt/7860482

If you really want to learn more about "thing being easier" for women or trans women head on over. >>>/lgbt/catalog

Also I am a lesbian trans woman and trying to get better at art too.


>> No.2896134

>He claims to be making less than $10k a year despite his skills.
Where does he claim this? Is it some tax evasion shit? I looked up his art and it is very very solid.

>> No.2896149

>Yeah, she's dating Kent Williams
I always found this creepy. He's literally over double her age, like he's old enough to be her dad.

>> No.2896156

>lesbian trans woman
moar like autoginephile

>> No.2896165

AGP is just a meme.

"All transwomen have AGP hur dur." Also a meme.

Just about any time you make a statement "**ALL** X is Y." you are setting yourself up for failure. There only needs to be one case where it doesn't hold true to invalidate the whole statement.

>> No.2896201

Women are generally garbage so no. I would not want to be one just to get attention on social media.

Fact is if you want the best ability to succeed, you are smart to be a man. When you are a man you are not bogged down by all the female nonsense.

Why is the industry mostly men? Because women do no have what it takes to get good. They are too busy trying to maximize every god damn inch of their life because they are told to do so.
Men don't give a shit. They disappear for 8 years and reemerge a master at whatever they were doing, be it art or shitposting on /ic/.

Be smart, be a man!

>> No.2896210

>Im not rich, I barely make 10k a year.
The epitome of a starving artist. I literally have eaten in 1 meal in 3 days.


She was also his student back when she was still in ACCD.

>> No.2896213

that foreshortening is a bit fucky desu desu

>> No.2896236
File: 243 KB, 535x766, 1487643599356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you really want to learn more about "thing being easier" for women or trans women head on over.

What, life's hard for "trans women" because people treat you like the mentally ill degenerates that you are? People refuse to call you "she" even though you're the exact same manly figure and face you were before, just now with clumsy make-up and longer hair?
/pol/ is a containment board, /lgbt/ should be a fucking asylum for anyone posting in the tranny threads, which are of course 90% of that poor board

>> No.2896258

>being this bigoted

>> No.2896261

Because you're useless and live in a fantasy world.
Women are retarded. For starters you actually believe men wouldn't kill each other to advance their own careers if it was socially acceptable to do so.

You're not a fucking goddess, you're either a prize, an asset or competition. Exactly the same as everyone else. And if it's attention you crave you have two options, go live with the bottom feeders that fake affection for affection, or you can go kill yourself now. At the peak, nobody speaks fondly of the living.

>> No.2896270

I was really into dolls when I was a kid, thankfully my dad noticed that was a mechanical interest in anatomical construction and got me into sculpting classes. Nowadays I'd get my dick cut out and forced to take estrogen because apparently "gender identity is a social construct" but at the same time a man having the most minimum interest in "feminine" things means he's trans.

>> No.2896304

If I was a gril I'd play with my tits all the time and try sticking stuff in my cooter and I'd get even less work done. My wacom pens would prolly smell a little fishy. Might be fun to be a super sexy chick with a dick though. I'd go hang out in lezbo bars and see if I could dick some gay girls.

>> No.2896306

I imagine you get bored of it within a few days

>> No.2896338
File: 189 KB, 750x1334, 1486937824836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah all trans women look like men right? Here is a picture from one of the passing threads. They don't all look like that bra. The thing about the passing transwomen is they tend to go stealth (or only post anonymously) and people like to think they can spot any trans women out in public.

Bad news for you is some of them DO pass. And do so so well that you will never know they are trans unless you are dating them personally.

Especially with media attention and education, people will transition younger and younger and get better and better results. The unpassing transwoman is a inter-generational thing that will soon be largely a thing of history.

And all this is saying nothing of trans men who pretty much all pass flawlessly.

>> No.2896340

looks like a bloke, look at the jaw and the brow bone

>> No.2896347

it's actually rather hard to find your own vagina

>> No.2896353

holy shit anon, holy shit

i love how every time someone posts the guerrilla girls the responses are almost always from people who have no idea who they are or someone who misses the point harder than chucking the basketball into your opponents goal

if you want to drastically increase the chances that you'll be targeted for random violence and general housing/work discrimination, sure, go ahead, i 100% encourage you with all my heart to try and fake it for attention

>> No.2896366


>> No.2896411


So if I managed to pass as a bear it means I am no longer mentally ill for believing myself to be one, and asking everyone who meets me to use the pronoun bear-self. Right?

>> No.2896412

hell no man.

women anint shit and will never be taken serious for that reason to.

>> No.2896420
File: 5 KB, 249x223, No homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lesbian trans woman

Ah what? You mean a heterosexual man who has a fetish for role playing as a woman?

>> No.2896425

they only pass because they look like ugly woman wtf do you expect
>hey ugly lady are you a man lol
>hey fat lady are you pregnant lol

>> No.2896537

>And all this is saying nothing of trans men who pretty much all pass flawlessly.
Except they can't lift worth a shit, are an emotional rollercoaster and have an eternal chip in their shoulder. Not even the faggiest numale is as fragile as the average transman.

>> No.2896548
File: 943 KB, 500x264, 8-Full-Metal-Jacket-quotes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to beat it to death with a shovel, but it looks like hes taking his own road there

>> No.2896665

What are you talking about? That's 100% not the case.

>> No.2896897
File: 13 KB, 319x320, 1481086714332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey heres a thought
if everybody (society) believes you to belong to (x group) that means your social status is that of (x group) because social status = what society classifies you as

>> No.2896898

believes that you belong*

>> No.2897050
File: 337 KB, 738x571, vetyr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's 100% not the case.

>> No.2897380

>tfw trans
No, half the people don't even want to meet me.
Just like with most things, it's all a popularity contest, and being trans only makes you popular in trans dominated industries, where tehre's shit tons of trans people and then the usual rules apply. (money, conections, looks, etc)

>> No.2897384

>can't lift worth a shit, are an emotional rollercoaster and have an eternal chip in their shoulder.
what? its this true? all transmen I know are nothing like this

>> No.2897388

what do you think of this one?

>> No.2897556
File: 81 KB, 1024x678, cuttlefish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, if everyone collectively decides that I am a bear and I must be refer to as such, then yes. I will be classified as a bear by said society. That doesn't mean I am a bear, though.

>> No.2897826

I'm an orthopedist and pretty much 100% of my clientele under 50yo is high performance athletes, handicapped children, and transmen.
There is a study being conducted right now about HRT and the higher risk of developing osteoporosis in FTM compared to high test women who haven't taken HRT and low test men who haven't taken HRT. Unfortunatedly, it is not politically correct to study the negative effects of HRT and health is secondary to the populace's fee fees as evidenced by the state of mental health.
At least my dad's been making it big lately, he's a plastic surgeon.

>> No.2897847

Chinks like the white cock, no matter how wrinkly it may be.

>> No.2897857
File: 110 KB, 720x899, IMG_2797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl and I get attention but no more than a guy would for a shitty 1 minute sketch such as this one??? I usually try to keep my gender anonymous online

>> No.2898299

I wish i was a girl just to destroy my pussy everyday

>> No.2898315

Lol there's no such thing as female supremacy.

>> No.2898334

That's just something that got a lot of notes on tumblr because people like to reblog it since it looks pretty and simple and it's donuts. Jesus christ, at least 90% of the people who liked that picture for sure didn't even know nor care about the artist's gender. So, terrible example.

>> No.2898353

honestly i kinda wish all people who regularly browse r9k would just get fucking shot
you are lowlife scum and proud of it
you are probably even worse than the fucking 14 year old tumblr loonies
at least you are supposed to act like adults and yet decide to be useless, stupid pieces of utter shit

kill yourself.

>> No.2898402

I feel like this makes sense, I've always thought there's something about calcium and bones and people with vaginas. Whenever they stop producing estrogen, or they begin producing testosterone it hits, like the body can no longer breastfeed a kid so it shut downs it's calcium? idk

>> No.2898411

>is female
>tried to remain neutral to not get more attention due to being perceived as either gender
I might regret it.

>> No.2899593

horee crap. just checked her out - she good senpai.

>> No.2899599

She actually seems better than him....

>> No.2899609

Maybe sociopaths like you would.
If you think anybody would kill for such miniscule reasons then your the one who's retarded. Maybe your a piece of shit willing to do it, not all men are.

>> No.2899643

No, I wish I was female because I'm probably a trans.

>> No.2899654

Because it's socially unacceptable to do so.
The very word you used, "sociopath", denotes the authority behind your lack of willingness to remove others for your own advancement. Not logic or nature, but society's backlash..

>> No.2899657


>> No.2899659

Of course not, stop talking shit, but yeah, the more sociopatics and agressive ones would do that, bacause they are unable to feel empathy.

I hope it is not your case, but if you can't feel empathy easily you are probably a sociopath.

>> No.2899672

By the way, I'm not the anon you were talking to, but if I were you I'd look for a psychiatrist, at least to try to control you sociopathic behavior.

It is impossible to cure it, but at least try to control that shit instead of talk shit on internet, the very idea to kill someone for such small thing brings terror to a complete functional mind.

>> No.2899757

I don't think removing others to advance myself is viable because it's not necessary and because it is not logical. You don't think removing others to advance yourself is "right" because muh fee fees.

Ironically I wouldn't kill people because there is no need and they don't desserve any damage, but you wouldn't because you'd feel bad about it, which makes me the inherently better person.

You need to find a better reason not to hurt others than "I'd feel bad about it" or "society would shun me". "Violence invites violence" would be a good start.

>> No.2899768

if you're in the US many planned parenthoods offer informed consent HRT (aka you don't have to go through half a year or so of screening to prove you're "really trans")

goodrx and similar sites can help with prescription prices since insurance probably won't cover (or you might not even have insurance, especially in the future with the current way things are trending)

nah there's more to it than that, the sociopath lacks empathy, aka the lil strings of emotional pull in the back of your head that make you think and, most importantly, care about the well being and emotional state of others. it's the ability to look at someone and identify with/see yourself in them (not the best way to convey it but it's hard if not impossible to do it justice with words and the best analog for someone who only sees the self as what matters is... their self)

>> No.2899785
File: 66 KB, 1023x514, a82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what you're saying is that you're a full grown adult who never grew past the mental state of a child who had to be told "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?
congratulations, you're an anomaly in a society that is only able to function because the vast majority of people don't think like you. you're like if a cancer cell was smart enough to not recklessly multiply

>> No.2899786


>He thinks only sociopaths can be ''evil''


>> No.2899796

Again, I go for common good, you go for fear of retribution.
I don't need possitive feedback or the fear of negative consequences to respect the life of others, why do you?

>> No.2899797

>Wanting to be a weak, sensible and chaotic entity enslaved to bloody hormonal fluctuations that fuck up with your ability to be productive

>> No.2899813

You're both wrong btw, sociopaths are not born that way way, their brains are just the same as normal people, but life experiences made them uncaring and unsympathetic, but still very emotional, maybe moreso.

Psychopaths have quite different brain chemistry to normal people and are - literally - incapable of emotions like empathy. They're often highly intelligent, while sociopaths not as much. See guys like Ted Bundy, women get wet for guys like this because they have that killer instinct.

>> No.2899823
File: 111 KB, 674x960, 1489552922774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ITT: Why does my niche work not have mass appeal?

>> No.2899840

Yeah, you rationalize all that stuff because you don't feel empathy. Once you feel it you will know, but that will never happen, unless they find a way to cure your brain's amygdala. You are fucked in the brain, that must be pretty shit.

Yes, I wouldn't because I'd feel bad about it, because I feel empathy, lol.

And yeah, there are people that deserves damage, that's why we lock them up in prison, even though it doesn't feel good.

What you are saying is like "Oh, you don't touch that fire only because "muh pains" LOL".

It is natural for human beings to live in society and to not destroy our own race. Only sociopaths/psycopaths think otherwise, because their brains are fucked up. And that's probably your case, at least try to control your fucked up behavior.

No it doesn't make you better person, you brain is fucked.

>> No.2899848


You have no idea what you're talking about, literally zero. I advise you to do some exploration into psychology and evolutionary biology before spouting your non-sense everywhere.

>> No.2899885

never said that.

>> No.2899888

It is different, the brain amygdala is fucked up, some have scars, others are underdeveloped. But I think it can be caused by the way a person lives too.

>> No.2899894

Which nonsense?

That sociopaths/psycipaths have brain damage?

Or that the fact of having empathy would stop almost health humans to kill each other?

>> No.2899904

Did a girl reject you or something? You sound bitter anon

>> No.2899928

>10x it's due attention
You mean YOU get attention not cus of your work but cus you're a woman? You might think that's the best thing ever but there's a darker side to it.

People will more likely see you as an object to be owned by them not a human being.

How much attention is """due"""" to your work depends on what kind of subcultre or group you're looking for.

It's risky to target people in general as their interests are more likely to change and you'll have no way of knowing.

Pick a niche market and be the best at that specific group and you're more likely to get stable attention. I THINK, I'M NOT SURE ABOUT ANY OF THIS. MY PERSONAL OPINION.

>> No.2899953

No because nobody really respects them.

if your trying to compare artists now to artists then you can just fuck right off.

>> No.2899955

I'm female, a qt, and a decent artist. I'm going to test this theory and see if I can make some coins. I'll report back in a few months.

Any suggestions? Should I just exclusively draw porn or what?

>> No.2899958

who hurt you, anon?

>> No.2899966
File: 1.05 MB, 1199x621, 1470856932596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This perfectly crafted bait

Made me reply, but if you want the gist of it Women just need to be fucked, otherwise you will end up with attention whoring and making you miserable hence these feminists because you didn't do your duty!

If every woman on earth was fucked we wouldn't have these issues!

>> No.2899973

too bad women were given free will and want chad instead of anon the depressed neet artist

>> No.2899976

Find a depressed neet grill that got rejected by Chad and is actively frogposting :^)

>> No.2900012

you do realize there's more to being a good person than just not killing people, right?

i always thought the DSM threw them both under APD where the delineations between the two were fuzzy, if not just colloquial terms representing the scale of severity (wherein psychopath is considered the more severe form of sociopathy)?

>> No.2900053

Do you like LARPing as a woman, malfag?

>> No.2900063



Empathy doesn't stop anyone from killing anyone, as a matter of fact empathy is a gateway to conflict. An easy example would be the empathy a mother feels towards her children, enough to kill, silence or smear anyone who she might perceive to be a threat. The world doesn't work like you think it does, empathy alone doesn't make the world function.

>> No.2900074


Use Google about the brain stuff, really, Google is your friend.

I never said empathy alone can stop anyone.

>having empathy would stop almost health humans to kill each other

>stop almost health humans


>> No.2900095

you should have stayed on /r9k/

>> No.2900144


But it's not true. And you need people with little empathy for a proper functioning society. You can't have some beta cuck leading people you know? Neither is he able to make tough decisions like sacrificing 20 people to save 200.

>> No.2900455
File: 600 KB, 1600x1373, IMG_1415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are saying she's a great painter but I've always found something really off about the anatomy of this piece. The woman in this piece would have an abnormally short torso if you were to measure out the proportion of the thorax compared to her stomach. She's great at rendering but sometimes her drawing is very off.

>> No.2900467

nah, the heads just really big.

>> No.2900472

actually I agree about the short torso too. looks like she has scoliosis.

>> No.2900582

the lower back looks way too small compared to the upper back and hips/upper thighs, and isn't deforming the pillow as much as it should given all the weight being put on it. not an artist though take it with a lump of salt

>> No.2901181

Stop this bullshit.

>> No.2901222


Don't like the truth much, huh?

>> No.2901289

Like anyone would take someone who says that would kill other people for nothing seriously.