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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2883709 No.2883709 [Reply] [Original]

this place is fueled by jealous angry nerds. and it makes me sad to see famous or otherwise well known artists come back here just to say hello. disgusting.

>> No.2883722

It is a terrible place where people lacking knowledge give awful critics, and mistake shitting all over someone as "harsh criticism".

There are some good resources shared, that's the only point of coming here.

>> No.2883723

I agree, this place is pretty cancerous.

>> No.2883728

I feel like half of /ic/ are just people who want to get gud

and the other half are shitposters who draw once in a blue moon

>> No.2883729


>t. butthurt snowflakes

>> No.2883734

>There are some good resources shared
that, and i give too.

/co/ is shitty, stylization thread is shitty, no place for comic book artists here.

>> No.2883743


You occasionally find some good artists on /co/ but they usually fuck off for different reasons. Being a known figure on an anonymous board is not a good look in general.

/ic/ sucks for learning how to style. They take the suggestions you'd give absolute beginners (don't fuck around with style until you learn the basics first) and apply it wholesale and to retarded extremes (don't fuck around with style until you mastered hyper realism). To be it's another case of trolls pushing shit and idiots eating it up.

>> No.2883746

Found the cancer

>> No.2883748

problem is /co/ is fuul of retards voting for who is the sexiest marvel char. It's 1lvl over /mlp/. and here we only see basic-tier manga stylization for whom the advice "fundamentals first" is valid.

where are the good anons enjoying American European and Japanese comics ?

>> No.2883749
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I like /ic/ a lot

>> No.2884672
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Yeah, but you have to read through the hate and pessimism.

Sometimes, they are genuinely giving you important advice even if it seems like a shitpost critique, idk.

>> No.2884678

>t. People who will never make it

>> No.2884683

people who post on /ic/ sign a contract prior to posting agreeing they will never to make it. so i guess u made it? wuts it like anon? u must be rich af man

>> No.2884686

10% /ic/oldfags
20%dedicated artists
15%skilled newcomers who havent been driven away by the...
55% whining spiteful cancerous trash who cant draw for shit brought in from summer,/ic/,and deviantart

Thats how its been for the past few years anyway

>> No.2884687


>> No.2884692

well-known artists come here?

>> No.2884720



>> No.2884757

They come in every once in awhile, probably only when people make threads about them.
Dave Rapoza and Dan Warren have talked about coming to /ic/ in their streams.

>> No.2884761

>Dave Rapoza and Dan Warren have talked about coming to /ic/ in their streams.

>> No.2884842

I never claimed that i made it. The reason those guys wont make it is they always focus on how shitty /ic/ is. Instead of seeing that there are some decent people who say solid stuff between all the shitposters.

If you stop being an autist cunt and actually start to read and think before quoting, you'll make it as well
The problem with /co/ is, their "work on your art" thread (AKA batman thread) has been dead for a long time and it isnt fully resurrected yet. There aren't enough crit's (atleast not as much as late 2014/early 2015)

>> No.2884843

/ic/ probably has the most boring repetitive taste in art I've ever seen. First off the only artists ever talked about are Kim Jung Gi, Ruan Jia, Craig Mullins and Feng Zhu.

It's such a tiny world here. They talk a big game of being harsh and honest yet most people here never produce work of any value (worse than any of the sites they love to bitch about)

The work made by anons here is just boring anime shit most of the time.

Even on this one thread showcasing the best work on /ic/ nothing was really impressive.

This site holds everyone to impossible standards they can't even scratch the surface of themselves and probably never will.

They only reason I come here is to get resources but even the critique most be taken with a grain of salt because no one here has improved in any substantial manner.

(Hypocrisy warning) I really wish people here would spend more time working and being useful rather than making threads complaining about other artists or how they lack motivation, or how depressed they are or something. It's infuriating and pathetic.

>> No.2884847

Correction on my statement:
This guy has big chance of making it

>> No.2884858

>/ic/ is one person and I know better than him

>> No.2885008

Their streams are up on youtube / twitch, I dont remember the exact stream.
They just talked about how Dave got criticized here around when his bog witch tutorial came out, and he accepted the criticism but they thought everyone here were retarded for thinking they had control over the art industry and could black list people from getting jobs if they didn't agree with them.

>> No.2885014

>It is a terrible place where people lacking knowledge give awful critics

Most of the critiques I read here are very good and the ones I received were very helpful, even if indeed harsh. Maybe it's you who is suffering from the dunning kruger effect?

>> No.2885019

>All of these asshurt replies

I only made on post on this thread holy shit why are you guys so mad?

>> No.2885033


the people who make it are those who go to high end art schools. I never went to art school. I don't need to. I'm 100% self taught and i'm equally the same as 4th year graduates. I already know i'll never make it- career doing art.That is why I come and here. I'm the biggest loser just like yourself. Colleges will only cater to those who are willing to go into large amounts of debt just to make a name for themselves in the industry. it's as simple as that.

>> No.2885037



>> No.2885040

Saying that you are wrong does not mean that I'm mad at you.

Honestly, i can now see why you think this is a "terrible place" with "awful advice". You get emotional and pretend to be a victim when people disagree with you.

>> No.2885053

>black list

is this a thing? You would have to be somebody they already knew to get black listed. how do they do it?

>> No.2885076

>don't fuck around with style until you mastered hyper realism

>> No.2885078

Return to reddit.

>> No.2885080

Kill yourself.

>> No.2885095

>(Hypocrisy warning) I really wish people here would spend more time working and being useful rather than making threads complaining about other artists or how they lack motivation, or how depressed they are or something. It's infuriating and pathetic.

You're projecting.

>> No.2885112


There isn't a formal blacklist, but people won't connect with you if they think you are bad on a technical or subjective level.

>> No.2885167
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Hey, at least MLP has active Draw improvement threads of their own and people coming here for more advanced techniques. Something I dont see happening on CO

>> No.2885192

they dont contribute anything to the discussion and make it about their imaginary brands or drop a cringy Q&A, i hate wannabe celebrities like that

you wanna talk shit just do it like the rest of us and dont fucking advertise unless you need feedback, scumbag

>> No.2885214



>> No.2885316

so if /ic/ is trash, where can I go to get anonymous art criticism? This place is better than nothing, and it certainly has helped me. If there is somewhere better, I would go, but I don't know of anywhere else.

>> No.2885368

>lol u guys r jus mad lol


>> No.2886923

I'm here to bump your relevant thread. Hope it will grant me some followers.

>> No.2888522

Believe me when I say this, this is an improvement over /ic/ ten years ago.