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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 281 KB, 500x563, CwvB041UUAAydBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2882350 No.2882350 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your latest accomplishments or things you're proud of. Got a new well paying commission? Complete a difficult piece? Post it here so we can circlejerk

>> No.2882352

Here you go.

>> No.2882357
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with it, it's just a WIP for now. Thoughts?

>> No.2882363

I picked up my pen after 3 months of not drawing anything and I'm getting back into it

>> No.2882365


>> No.2882376

its pretty satisfying just to do stuff again right

>> No.2882382

My accomplishments get crushed pretty fast

>wow that coloring I did a week ago is a little better than the one I did two weeks ago, kinda proud of myself! I even got faster!
>check the drawing again after sleeping for a bit
>plenty of errors
>hate it

>try to start with perspective
>huh it wasn't that difficult after all, I think I can get this stuff over quickly and move onto forms to make my drawings better
>try exercises
>stumble hard

Only thing I'm proud of is actually doing it. Even if it's just stupid drawings for fun, at least I'm actually drawing. I just want to get to the point of enjoying the grind, damn it. Studies annoy me

>> No.2882383
File: 95 KB, 929x540, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my latest. I can't draw animu like yours for now, but time will come.

>> No.2882402

not the way I draw

seriously infuriates me

>> No.2882423

oh it's not mine. it's just very attention catching

>> No.2882425

got done doing a short doujin commission recently

feels good man i want to do more now

>> No.2882428

what a nasty habit anon. dont plz.
If your intentions are to be making it or getting good, it will not happen in the next 10 to 15 years, but if you just enjoy drawing, power to you, but if you're serious about it then good luck anons....

been doing that on and off for 4 years since i started... not seeing any progress since i stopped with the (copy and pasting) of anime pictures.

>> No.2882443

>January's payment: $28,579

I love royalties

>> No.2882456
File: 27 KB, 360x480, 17092348_1753283664984356_733308782_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this one i guess

>> No.2882459
File: 39 KB, 960x960, someshitidrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an old drawing but im still very proud of it

>> No.2882478
File: 1.45 MB, 2040x1368, Project 4_20170301212604148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2882492

Join LAS! :D

>> No.2882562

I went to an atelier and after just three weeks I drew a nice piece, it's full of errors but it look fine

Still I'm more depressed than ever, I just know I won't do it, I'm a lazy piece of shit and I hope I get cancer

>> No.2882567

I hate my art I wouldn't last a week

>> No.2882629

>17 + 2000
>not knowing about merc_wip meme

>> No.2882659

i don't know about it

>> No.2882673

I have nothing to be proud of. I'm a worthless slug.

>> No.2882686

If you feel proud of your work you're never gonna make it.

>> No.2882717

>3 months
Same here mate! It feels good to generate content instead of just consuming it.

It's a little depressing to see that I have regressed, but the first step to improving is being able to see your faults.

>> No.2882731

>not knowing about blog? meme

>> No.2882771

I'm not proud of my work but kudos op

>> No.2882776

i dont give a fuck about being good or making it, all you faggots do is suck all fun out of everything without ever being best at anything
work harder and talk softer its not our fault you failed as an artist

>> No.2882780

It's all your fault

>> No.2883227

I didn't kill myself today.

>> No.2883236

Congrats anon
Hope to see your tomorrow too

>> No.2883239

My patreon reached its $850 per month goal

>> No.2883240

Are you that anon that drew huge tits?

>> No.2883266


>> No.2883278

I thought I could do this for today but now as the day is ending and I realize I'm going to die alone, cold and with nobody to love me I think I might not reach your success

>> No.2883280

Keep me in your mind.
You'll make it.

>> No.2883283

betting $100 you live in a first world country with no real strife.

>> No.2883300

>implying that having said advantage doesn't make me an even bigger worthless piece of shit for being an unsuccessful artist and a worthless human being

fuck you

>> No.2883306

It's hard for me to feel sympathy for people who act like a victim for even having opportunities open to them.

>> No.2883313

You live in a third world country? You think opportunities just fall into our laps?

>> No.2883391

>You think opportunities just fall into our laps?

Sometimes they do, and sometimes they require not being lazy and inept to get them.

you don't have real issues or problems like the rest of the world, so you've chosen "die alone" and "not successful artist" to focus on? and it makes you want to kill yourself? just wow. gain some perspective for your sake

>> No.2883411

Fuck off with your "you aren't starving in Africa so your problems don't matter" meme. Feelings of loneliness and isolation are hard to deal with and more prevalent in places that aren't shitholes because a single person can more easily take care of their own material needs. Humans are hard-wired for social interaction to the point that we use solitary confinement to punish misbehaving prisoners. Not having an adequate social outlet won't kill you on the same timescale as starvation or dehydration, but it has been shown to significantly shorten your lifespan. If someone doesn't know how to find that outlet in this society or is unable to do so for whatever reason, every day can feel like torture even in the absence of acute unmet physical needs.

>> No.2883417

>Not having an adequate social outlet won't kill you on the same timescale as starvation or dehydration, but it has been shown to significantly shorten your lifespan. If someone doesn't know how to find that outlet in this society or is unable to do so for whatever reason, every day can feel like torture even in the absence of acute unmet physical needs.
This explains so much, how many years am I in for though and can I regain them?

>> No.2883426
File: 72 KB, 795x618, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is ic think of my art?

>> No.2883435

Both your problems are solvable, though. there's nothing in your society actually holding you back unlike many places on this earth where you're doomed to live a substandard way of life by default. sorry but i can't feel even an ounce of sympathy for you and your "problems".

>> No.2883438

I did a few paintings for a dude I've been a fan of for like 10 years, helping him out with a game he's working on.

>> No.2883440

what kind of game anon? that sounds pretty cool.

>> No.2883447


Don't be an idiot and believe what any random fool on 4chan tells you. Correlation does not imply causation. What can potentially shorten your lifespam is prolonged depression and other mental illnesses that can be side effects of loneliness. Life isn't some weird RPG where you can replenish your health bar by talking to people and if you don't talk to enough, it goes down.

>> No.2883481

I learned how to sculpt and 3D model my concepts (with textures and fitting envrionments). It's way faster than painting and you save all that time on painting (which is essentially calculating how light falls on materials and their surfaces).
Learning how to draw and paint is essential first though, it's not a magical bullet.
My 2D portfolio was manily a no go but they were hugely interested in my basic knowledge of industry softwares so I started learning those. Feels good!

>> No.2883593

>emotion-based delusion as "rational realization"

>> No.2883595

epik ironies bubby !!

>> No.2883613

Congrats! What programs are you using?

>> No.2884105

Sold my first painting for a hundred bucks, I didn't even frame it.

>> No.2884131

pic of painting?

>> No.2884135
File: 248 KB, 900x600, beserkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what style is this?

>> No.2884170

does it matter what style it is?

>> No.2884177

A shitty one

>> No.2884187

you have a way to go skill-wise before your habits may be considered to be a style.
of course, the answer that you want is "cartoon," so here's me saying that it's a cartoony style.

>> No.2884266
File: 654 KB, 900x773, hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job, lets do the same again tomorrow

>> No.2884277


k thnx. fuk never gonna get gud

>> No.2884308

Just bee yourself, am I right? :^)

>> No.2884311

Yeah you are

>> No.2884408

I reached 1700+ notes on tumblr on a pic I did, so that´s something

> tfw there is more people seeing my bad porn than playing battleborn, and I am a literal fucking nobody.

bad part is that was a month ago and I went back to the regular 200/300 of always, welp, it was good while it lasted, also, I want money and I am terrifuckingbad at commissions

>> No.2884486

i cleaned my room

>> No.2884508

why are you terribad?

>> No.2884755
File: 90 KB, 500x301, aardwolfsign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Official copy of merc_wip:

Secret PROTIP: The official name is actually Future Soldier, and it's not a WIP.

>> No.2884961

comissions frustrate me too much, I never think it´s good enought for people to be paying me.

I feel bad about "underperforming" while still charging.

but its just a confidence issue, I will work this out with experience.

>> No.2884962

if they're unhappy with it offer a refund

>> No.2884965

what is a good refund policy?

I ask because I draw rather slowly, I take a week to draw, but two days to full color and line a picture.

I usually offer the initial sketch for free, and under payment I complete the coloring and shading.

I started thinking about taking 10USD sketch commissions, but I don´t know how I will charge doing only sketches.

>> No.2884974

I've reached about 8 months into Aguri's fundamental's guide, along with keeping up with my Japanese language studies so I can read more specialized resources for my interests, like Toshi's reference tanks I bought a while back, and to find clip studio paint resources easier. Probably never would have been able to do it if I didn't drop gaming completely, and cut down masturbation to once a week.

>> No.2885016

What are your results from the guide? You don't have to post art I just want your opinion.

>> No.2885047

Managed to complete 5 drawings for my mini artbook. I'm planning to do at least 20 pages. I've always wanted to come up with my own artbook and sell them at an anime con or online. A bit worried that people wouldn't be interested in it at all though and that I'm wasting my time. But goddamnit! I'm just gonna power through it so that I won't regret it later in life!

>> No.2885083
File: 1.51 MB, 1898x1898, Squid Kid Brush Showcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally drew a decent looking Inkling using a splatoon brush i made

>> No.2885152

I found having a sense of direction very habit instilling, something that I desperately needed.

If you're a complete beginner I think you'd need Keys to Drawing before Erik Olsen's lessons. (I did, never drew in my life beforehand.)

If you plan to follow the guide digitally, take a day or two acquainting yourself with each program before diving in, I wasted a lot of time figuring out PS at the start during the lessons instead of my own personal "freedrawing" sessions.

Browse ahead and glance over all the material and make a schedule, cgpeers had most of it. It may be harder to find other material in the future, like the CGMA 2011 workshops, might want to collect everything at the start.

Free drawing from imagination daily on my own time was probably the best thing to do. Don't just do the work for the day. It really showed me how many concepts stuck with me as time passed on. Saved everything to compare them, and revised them on a new layer on occasion looking back at them. You may see you're also missing a concept not listed in the guide that you want to incorporate into your art too, just look for a resource to supplement it.

The time allotted is pretty sparing, says 8 weeks for most terms, even with the 3-4 recommended hours a day I'd say you can cut that time with full attention on studying.

All and all It's very bare bones, but correctly lists concepts you need in an order that builds upon each other, in my opinion at least, It ensures you don't self study and become a person that decently renders a mess, accidental masterpiece, etc because they wanted to learn rendering first. Learning certain concepts of art first will let you absorb new concepts easier, plain and simple.

>> No.2885216

Ah right, my actual results though, I don't think it'll vary much between person to person in terms of the concepts, if I have a problem with my art I can point myself in the right direction, I'm no longer lost because of how many issues arise, I can also keep the good aspects because I know the principles behind them, instead of leaving it to chance (oh that looks good, time to work the whole piece around it kinda thing.)

Perspective isn't a "how" anymore, it's just a matter of time it takes, I can generally eyeball it, but in something I want to look perfect I can use perspective rulers in CSP. I'm supplementing a book for extreme perspective though, because I like that sort of thing and it wasn't covered a lot.

Color theory and workflow have shifted the time I waste to a minimum. I've trained my arm and wrist enough to where each line isn't sacred, so sketching is also faster. I can't name an arbitrary color on the wheel, again, I just can eyeball it and understand what will work well from the information I learned. (still learning rendering in term 6 atm)

Biggest part was being able to create almost any pose or form I wish for a human, animal, or imaginary creature I made. Aside from extreme perspective in which I'd probably need a ref if I didn't want to waste an hour with trial and error.

TL;DR I have the baseline to focus on the important part of art, creating a style. Whether realistic or anime, etc. What's appealing to my eye and others, what separates an artist from another. I have the technical skill in my head, it's not holding me back from creating, the defining factor is can my shitty head think of something appealing to put onto the canvas.

>> No.2885243
File: 163 KB, 706x1000, mmaeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for taking the time to write all that. I've seen a guy in las using the guide and made some progress. But I have taken the time to write my own schedule so I'll go with my own. Short blog...

I know the only thing that's holding me back from making progress is perspective form drawing so I'll just do the parts for perspective and figure out a schedule from there. My goal is pic related, cute girl and mechanical object. I've spent the beginning of the year foundling around confused on where I want to take art, losing sight of a "goal". But my enemy has been in front of me this whole time, perspective. So I'm going to spend as much time to learn everything on it as priority 1 now that I know what I want.

Not worried about color since I see kiddies on youtube pick color and don't know how it works but make really appealing works. There is a guy named n*f (don't want to give you archive masturbation) in las who seems to have picked up color quickly so that's another motivation to not go straight into it.

But anyway thanks for your insight.

>> No.2885348

amazing artists for perspective refs
Gorobots and udon0531 on twitter are decent too. The mechanical objects, Scott Robertson already drilled into me. As long as you don't want to do extreme perspective you'll be decent in no time.

>> No.2885426

Today I finished my first semester as a digital painting teacher :)

>> No.2885430

How was it? What's your curriculum?

I've seen a digital painting class have people do texture spheres, movie frames in value, still lifes, and such. Seems like just getting your foot in there and actually doing some work instead of doing nothing is useful for students.

>> No.2885459
File: 113 KB, 1746x1229, Photoshop_2017-03-05_23-03-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since it was the first semester then main focus was on the tools, and basics.
The assignments were very illustration heavy I had them do a landscape, landscape with a character and a portrait.
I should note, that I did all the assignments with them so they could understand workflow better.
The painting part was focus on analyzing what makes image great and I broke down professional paintings to show how they were done and what logic was used in terms of colour composition etc. Ohh and I made shiton of slides :D

considering it was my first time teaching Id like to think it was okay, students looked pleased at least.

pic one of the slides explaining the use of light and color in shadows.

>> No.2885773

Just who is this guy? That's the largest number I've ever seen for an artist.

>> No.2885794
File: 490 KB, 1600x912, IMG_20170303_205841_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a thing

>> No.2886374

fate stay night artist i guess. go figure, that series is huge in japan.

>> No.2886378


>> No.2886511

3 pieces in a semester, dude, that's not how learning works, it's more about hoarding all kinds of mistakes/failures while being guided ahead of them so there's quick progress, to put it simple, they may step to the real world and make similar assignements in less than a week

masterclasses don't teach art better than a good book for fuck shake

if analyzing someone else's paintings builded the shigtless form of skills, to study art history would give some sort of advantage and it simply doesn't

I'm don't want do doubt of your skills, but your approach spooks me

>> No.2886512
File: 3.07 MB, 4032x3024, 20170306_081622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started doing sketches and everything. This is my favorite thing I've done so far

>> No.2886541

I started drawing

>> No.2886543

Good job anon and good luck

>> No.2886558
File: 293 KB, 736x835, 20160402_08571401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff, shoes were my personal favorite when I first started Keys to Drawing last year.

>> No.2886621
File: 326 KB, 700x1000, 648j2N0_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This portrait. I made it a few weeks ago while reading and working my way through Maughan's Drawing the Head book. My problem is usually that I overthink the proportions and placements. When I don't "think" I place the features more right than when I do. Since I want to force myself to understand what I'm doing the result is usually worse than when I follow my instincts. But this piece turned out nicely and was fun to draw with two colors and tinted background.

>> No.2886657
File: 536 KB, 1371x910, 20170227 light and shadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently decided i should probs work on shading + colours
this one i think turned out alright, though every time i see it i remember i forgot to shade the temples on the left side and it's driving me nuts

>> No.2886658

that looks really nice, man

>> No.2886800

Yeah but it's not a hardcore place where I teach. the semester was 6 x 90 minute lessons + independent work. You simply cant pump out more than 3 works in that time when you simultaneously study photoshop from scratch.

My essential goal during that time was to help them take the first step and give them a foundation to build upon. And I tried to show them that it is not all witchcraft and magic.

Essentially when you do "studies" you need to know how and what to look instead of just mindlessly copy things, and due to the lack of time I decided to go the analyzing approach.

In terms of art history giving you an advantage in art, it sure did me. After learning about impressionism and its features, my own paintings color improved tremendously.

But yeah, after finishing it there are a lot of things that I am going to improve upon when If I should give another semester.

>> No.2886931


>> No.2888138
File: 1.04 MB, 1700x2338, scarlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not as proud of it as I was when I first made it (About 3 or 4 days ago), but I still like it a good bit.

Roast me familia.

>> No.2888199

S'not bad.

Your anatomy is basic, but is clearly coming along. The most glaring issues for this one are the very very thin wrists and the foreshortening of his left arm.

The blur for the lights of the city make me want to gouge my eyes out; you'd be better off just doing a soft gradient from the horizon line instead of the edges of the buildings.

Keep studying and working, you're doing well.

>> No.2888328

Good luck, are you going to post stuff on here when it's done? I'd be interested to see what you make

>> No.2888345
File: 139 KB, 764x748, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting hyped for drawing stuff that I'd like to be drawing instead of shitty commissions

Is it something you liked drawing at least? I mean most pieces that get attention on tumblr are fanarts

>> No.2888561
File: 1.11 MB, 3266x2839, dfssfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first ever post here. I just waste my time on drawpile and sketch stuff i can never use in portfolios. Oc deomon girl i like. Feel free to say whatever.

>> No.2888819


>> No.2888822
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent shit

>> No.2888825

Breasts lower, feet should be about the size of the face. Hands too. Left shoulder is pulled out too far. Nice designs though, really like the helmet, suit and holster.

>> No.2888831

Thanks man, really appreciate it

>> No.2888896

try working on proportions some and drawing figures from websites like quickposes

>> No.2889066
File: 423 KB, 1000x588, smallversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was having fun.

>> No.2889533

eating and cooking look the best coz she's actually doing something

your heads are stuck in the same 3/4 profile pose which is noticeable and awkward in some of the poses where she isn't doing anything. you tried to depart from old in mid left pic but it didn't really succeed. don't get discouraged of that. try doing head construction practices a la loomis or preston blaire.

some of the poses remind of me when i hadn't studied construction or real life. for example nurse leaning on her hand is a good guess from imagination but doesn't really work in practice. i recommend googling 'figure drawing' and practicing on some real poses they have there to get it more natural.

>> No.2889995

thanks man really helpful. ill be sure to put more effort into actual life studies and figures in the future

>> No.2891452

ur art is gay

>> No.2891622

I only ever get notes on fanart, my OC is lucky to get 5-6 which is mostly from close friends who like all my posts but my fanart usually gets 200+

>> No.2891633

I'm like you except I don't do fanart.

>> No.2892842

This latest album garnered a fair amount of attention, whereas the other albums I published did not. Sorry for the potato quality of capturing the drawings.


Which tells me that:

1) Larger images are far better

2) Pencil drawings garner more attention

3) Does matter how many nipples or vag you show its more about how well you can draw it.

I still have lots to work on to get better, but I thought why not just share it. Whats the worst that could happen.

>> No.2892980
File: 48 KB, 255x396, cheeto drunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not very good at drawing but i do like these two things ive made before. will post other in a second

>> No.2892983
File: 91 KB, 649x410, mrcheeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2893146
File: 329 KB, 391x423, bun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's pretty cute t b h

>your heads are stuck in the same 3/4 profile pose
>tfw your art is suffering from the same thing

>> No.2893156

Nice bun - got more?

>> No.2894891

Holy shit this has to be a meme

>> No.2895345
File: 932 KB, 2448x3059, Polis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil Pastels

>> No.2895373
File: 120 KB, 720x720, jackink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started to push myself to use more wet media in sketching, inks and watercolors. It's been something that's been holding me back for a long time now, getting color and depth into my work in a rough format.

>> No.2895382
File: 209 KB, 716x549, 1455834019995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw porn.
>Realize than people MASTURBATE and have ORGASMS to my art.
>I -knew- it, but I never truly internalized it.
>Realize that I'm having proxy sex via drawings.
>Realize that I have control over the cocks of countless Anons.

>> No.2895384

Control your power well anon. For if it were to go out of hand.

>> No.2895725
File: 1.31 MB, 2448x3264, Possibly not gonna make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a WIP and I'm getting really upset that things are not going as expected (The eyes and ears especially). Long story short, fellow /k/ommando wants me to personify his bullpup jew blaster

>> No.2895880
File: 1.18 MB, 1884x1277, meme partycolor - med res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some habits fanart for /trash/ and got a lot of (you)s

>> No.2895911
File: 430 KB, 565x539, toolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can do you one better
>do survey of my demographics
>33% are female
>tfw horny lesbians and questionable straight women are rubbing off to your drawings

>> No.2895934
File: 212 KB, 360x314, 1481932039971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are all transgender
>Demographic is 100% dicks

>> No.2895935

yes, at the level I am, 300 with fanart seems the norm, my goal is to up it to 600 as I improve.

also I decided to open commissions and it´s less bad than I though, doing colored sketches is relatively stress free and my clients seem to be liking the results.

>your heads are stuck in the same 3/4 profile pose
>tfw your art is suffering from the same thing

same here, jfmsufam

>> No.2896214
File: 320 KB, 768x1474, IMG_3114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just opened up a sketch I never finished from months ago and even though the anatomy is all wonky and the coloring is still a WIP, I just gave him duck shorts and I love them

>> No.2896257

2nding this.

>> No.2896272

Sorry for this.
But this image makes me remember my ex-girlfriend.
I remember when she took my hand and drive it to her bubbie, and kiss me.
Sorry for my sad reaction, but it was a moment that I'll never forget. :')

>> No.2896274
File: 134 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing all weekend and now my hand hurts... I watched Houstons three hour lesson on heads and I think it helped me a bit... these three pieces are the ones I managed to finish but I also sketch out three comic pages... so it was a good weekend and tumblr even liked my stuff (300 likes on one picture is rather seldom for me...)
So no money, but a tiny bit of confidence to get me through the week. It's something right?

>> No.2896299

Finally made a ref sheet on my oc

>> No.2896335

Still women fuck nut. Also many would still have vaginas.

Also the fuck is with this hard core teeth knocked out stuff. Straight girls are more likely to be into rape than lesbians.

>> No.2896355
File: 265 KB, 549x583, yretyuwrdtfgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time seriously trying to paint something in digital and without outlines

>> No.2896358

looks awesome

>> No.2896362

That's pretty awesome
I can feel the intensity

>> No.2896517

Kudos for the fast shitposting

>> No.2896573
File: 290 KB, 1202x1968, anatomy sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally caved in and dropped out of school yesterday. I left home four years ago to transfer to this school, they promised me that I could improve my digital painting. It was okay at first, my credits didn't go through so they had me start with the fundamentals, but I got good feedback and practice in during that time. I was patient.
I told my professors that my deepest interest was in character design, concept art, because I knew the struggle of wanting to express an idea in a visual manner and I wanted to help others with that struggle.They recommended that I take an animation major, and while I was skeptical about it, it sounded like the closest thing I could get towards digital painting.
But it never really came to that, and those promises were always kept out of reach. I insisted that they let me practice photoshop, at least then I could apply some personal practice into my assignments. Eventually we moved from traditional to Maya, and the time it took to learn everything became tenfold. There would be no time to draw anymore, no time to paint, only modeling, rigging, scripts, materials, etc...
But they told me it'd be the best means of getting myself into the industry, and so I tried to learn all that I could about Maya.
3 years of toiling away at that program day and night, and it finally started to stick, but I wasn't happy. Nothing about learning this brought me any joy, the projects I made felt empty, rushed, and I sensed that all my previous efforts towards improving my art were becoming squandered. I didn't have the time to practice anymore, it all had to be dedicated to the school assignments. Unlike other animation courses, I found that their program requires that every student works individually. The end result being that you had to do the jobs of what would normally be meant for a team of animators, and our projects lasted only the semester. None of the work ever looked decent, or finished even. I could continue, but I'm out of space.

>> No.2896729

Good for you. Do what makes you happy. But don't forget reality, paying bills and all.

>> No.2896741
File: 66 KB, 550x469, 1018-britney-spears-shaved-head-x17online-article-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still women fuck nut. Also many would still have vaginas.

>> No.2896773

In their heads they are

>> No.2896783

What exactly do you mean by "extreme perspective"? things like curvilinear perspective or extreme foreshortening?