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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2878605 No.2878605 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have your own webcomic? Does it have any fans?

>> No.2878612

Yes, it is named one punch man.

>> No.2878955
File: 16 KB, 376x260, ௵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but no
Because it's still just words stuck on the pages of my notebook

>> No.2879080

i run one that's essentially a series of shitty gag strips. it's pretty unfulfilling, i want to do more. if only the smallest percentage of followers read the comic im planning thatll be fine with me

>> No.2879098

>Do you have your own webcomic?

Does it have any fans?
It might one day. It's gonna be sci-fi, spacey-firefly-with-more-than-cowboys, and have aliens. Plus a lot of NSFW.

>> No.2879122

gief blog.

Personally I'm making one where the genre sort of evolves into different settings.

Starts of as slice of life then proceeds to a battle royale then to a shounen esque journey then to a multiple protagonist pov drama with some fighting still left in.

I always wanted to create a comic where the story evolves as it went on. (but always have some fighting in it.)

Oh yeah with full blown nsfw scenes, I always wanted a fulfilling relationship between characters go beyond the norm of holding hands and kissing at the very end.

>> No.2879129

I have a fancomic going on I'd say I have around 200-300 active readers on different plattforms... though watcher count is around 1k.

So basically I'm failing on the most basic level of artwork ( fandome exploitation). No wait the most basic level is probably rule 34 pandering.... but... close 2nd.

>> No.2879130

Soooo... how far are you?

>> No.2879136

Just start it. You'll never get anywhere if you don't start. Shia LaBeouf that shit.

>> No.2879159

Small webcomic on tapastic that got me a few Patrons and attention
It's a porn webcomic so it's hard going on there.

>> No.2879276


I'm still in the process of planning mine. I've mostly spent my time forming the world building elements like the lore, races, and such. I've got a few lightly established characters, but I don't have the full idea of what their roles will be. Honestly, I just have a ton of trouble trying to organizing everything into a coherent plot.

I don't know if it'll have any fans. All I can do now is my market research, develop my idea into something fresh and new, and work on improving my artistic skills.

>> No.2879277

I imagine if I did, it would be a doujinshi kind of thing and it would probably get at least 200 fans.

>> No.2879331
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only about 7 pages in and having scanner issues, but hey, at least it's happening?

>> No.2879867

That reminds me

Can any of you guys remember what happened to that weird comic guy?
Like his comic began as a stream of consciousness thing and was actually really good. I remember /ic/ eating it up and the hype built to high levels.

The main character was like a bird man, and a supporting character was his vomit. Then there was an evil guy who kills a tribesman.

Is he still around here? Or does anyone know what hos website is?

>> No.2879939
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I really like the colors used in Ava's Demon, they really do set the mood.

>> No.2879945

yes and last time i cheked it had around 21 followers and im only on page 70 of it.
im planning on shilling it pretty hard all over the web once i get a better internet conection after that ill get a better website and afterthat ill figure out how to link pay pal to my credit card and get a patreon.

but that is all for later, as of right now im just focusing on doing the comic so new reader can have a nice amount of pages to read when they find it.

>> No.2879956

op is from avas demon btw

>> No.2879960

How did you get so many?!

>> No.2879980


Not yet. Working on that. Maybe by the end of the year. Maybe.

But fans? No. I doubt anyone will give a shit. Which is fine. I just want to be good enough to make the thing I'd like to make.

>> No.2879991

assuming it's not sarcasm, ill give you some honest advice.
shill your comic. show it to people, post it on forums, show it to your friends and ask them to share it, marketing marketing marketing.
i have been posting it on this website and was lucky that people responded well to it.
obviously the trick is to be aware of context and how apropiate it is to do it, for example im not linking it here because im not seeing any one else do it. follow ettiquete and be ready to take advantage of any chance you find.
so far it has worked well enough for me, considering i havent even started going at it full blast because, as i said, my internet conection is lousy

>> No.2879992

Take notes and make sure you don't repeat his mistakes.

>> No.2879994

what's your advice then?

>> No.2880046

I like how the art in the OP accurately criticizes itself.

>> No.2880310
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Yes sir Shia sir

>> No.2880314

kek I have several planned webcomics with all sorts of backstory and lore but no art skill to draw them with lol so I just fantasize about it all the time haha

>> No.2880329

Planning one to start in early summer. Semi-intentionally, this summer is the fiftieth anniversary of when the comic takes place.

It's more of a mixed media thing than anything; similar to MSPA in form yet absolutely different in tone. Lots of animated gifs. A few videos.

Don't really care if anyone reads it because I'm just making it to present when I apply for animation internships in a year. Nobody will read it anyway because it's in black and white and isn't quirky outer space zelda video game shit like 99% of webcomics.

>> No.2880339

he posted recently

>> No.2880341

you could do youtube videos and streams of your progress

>> No.2880366

that's hard because i do my comic 100% traditional, not digital and i dont have a camera

>> No.2880393
File: 1.03 MB, 940x1497, 12-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I post here regularly, Crowface lost steam though. Not sure when I'll be working on it again. You can find all the pages on Tapastic under the title Crowface.

>> No.2880504

I'm working on two different ones with two different friends but both are hung up on them right now. One got arrested recently and realized he needed to go back to AA and turn his life around (I support him obviously and encouraged him to put his health first since i mean, it'll work better in the long run if he can focus instead of being drunk every night).

The other just found out her dad had cancer so she just can't bring herself to really talk or think about anything right now.

So sadly both projects are a little stalled right now so I've just been working on character design.

I want to do something in the meantime and have been thinking of a glorified comic of how my husband and I met and kinda having the idea of having them printed for our wedding (We're not officially married yet so yeah fiance. whatever.) but it involves a lot of drugs so maybe not.

>> No.2880775

I just wanted to ask you about how you structured your story. Not just that story but anything else you've done.
What do you find most important with storytelling? How do you make sure the story makes sense/is somewhat cohesive?

I ask because I'm slowly putting a story together that I want to illustrate. I ask you specifically because Crowface is the closest comic in terms of 'feeling'
In Crowface, we're thrown into the story and we're just as clueless as Crowface. But it seems like everyone else in the story already has a sense of the world.
I'm trying to achieve this same feeling, but I'm scared i might lose people because no one would care about anyone.

Interested in not only the artist's advice, but anyone else who wants to weigh in.

>> No.2880790

One of my favorite comic artists! Your stuff is dreamlike without getting me bored or confused, and even if I am confused, it's still interesting so I keep reading.


>How do you make sure the story makes sense/is somewhat cohesive?

1. Give the hero(es) a goal or a challenge, whether the hero knows it or not.
2. Figure out how you want the story to end. Then, figure out how the story will go from the intro and lead to that end.
3. Keep it simple and succinct. Don't add any characters or scenes who don't serve a purpose to the story or give the story a sense of direction. I am surprised by how many writers actually do this and it distracts from the story.

I outline my story first and see what the key parts are, so even if I decide to change it a little in the future, it still makes sense.

btw what's your story about?

>> No.2881283
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>btw what's your story about?

Well, to be honest, this would be my first time writing my own story. I'm learning the ropes and taking it quite slowly so I can say/show everything that needs to be said/shown correctly. I don't really have a "Story," I just have some ideas of what I want to say.

So I have a simple logline:
An illustrated journey where each character/environments represent aspects of feelings or emotions. The Main Character is kind of like the "mind" or "body" that usually endures these emotions in our daily life.

It kind of mixes Inside Out, Wizard of Oz, and the Hobbit, with a kind of grit that none of those have.

I came up with the phrase, "Silence ushers the wandering mind." Basically saying that silence is a "guide" of the mind, as it allows you to explore your inner thoughts. In contrast to being in a loud place where sometimes it's hard to concentrate.

I think that the most "set in stone" idea I have is that Silence is represented as a mute guide character that visits the MC in sporadic visions from time to time.
At the end, I was playing around the idea that Silence turns into Truth and the MC must either defeat Truth and leave this world, or sacrifice himself to let Truth move on from this world.

Been also toying with a "It was all a mind experiment" ending where the MC would find like a computer with recorded logs of each triumphant victory over an emotion. But that seems kinda overdone to todays standards.

I'm open to all kinds of advice or critiques, hate it, like it, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.2881297


Like the other anon stated, the comic began as a stream of consciousness work, so I don't really have much experience with consciously building a plot.

To achieve the "feeling" I think the most important element is a healthy dose of mystery. Don't try to overexplain what is happening, where the setting is, etc. The key to keeping the viewer interested is giving just enough information that they're curious, but not enough that you're spelling everything out. When the protagonist is placed in this situation it definitely helps keep the viewer interested, as they are learning about the world with the protagonist. I find that it's harder to relate to main characters that are a major source of exposition or explicit information regarding the universe they are in.

This anon is definitely giving out some solid pointers >>288079. I'm glad you like the comic, very glad you got the sense of the world being "dreamlike," that was definitely the intent.

>> No.2881998
File: 496 KB, 960x1199, IMG_2899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My webcomic. It's got some frequent readers and a few fans.

>> No.2882053

I have one that I made on paint, the art it's ok. But people that read it like it and they wait for more (mostly friends and some few online users). It's about people getting bizarre powers like fighting with semen, dildos, etc.

>> No.2882062

>Furry web comic

At least it's drawn relatively decently.

I'm happy to see there's an ok artist ITT.

>> No.2882303

I want to draw a couple short stories but I've never ever been a writefag and it's only pictures and a story in my head

I seriously find it difficult to write things and even writing replies here takes time and they end up sucking anyway

>> No.2882639

ive seen you on /co/
are are is ok but your characters are ugly as sin. different tastes i guess

>> No.2882640

your art is ok*

>> No.2882643

gimme some links anons. i want to see your comics!

eyyy crowface. nice to see youre still alive

>> No.2882649

I remember reading some pages. It's pretty nice.
Good to see you're still working on it, I'll make sure to keep reading it.

>> No.2882650

I have like 60 pages sketched of a webcomic but it takes a ton of work to do the actual lineart and color so I haven't gotten very much done.

Also I'm shit at drawing from imagination so it's really good practice for that.

>> No.2882652


I like your snake lady.

>> No.2882656



>> No.2882657

I had one that I was getting a page per week done for. It was a funny zombies horror parody thing. It had a pretty solid fan base that was beginning to form with people who were interested in the characters and world. Heck someone even started a fanart group for it on deviantart hahah...Some collaborative projects that didn't pan out took my attention away from it and I never went back to it unfortunately.
I started working on a different comic concept that I wanted to develop though but I haven't started it yet.

>> No.2882660

can I have your old fans?

>> No.2882661

What's with this anthropomorphic characters are all furries meme?
Are Ren and Stimpy furry? It Rocko? It Courage?
That's sorta the vein this dudes art seems to run in.

>> No.2882664

If I could I would

>> No.2882669

your comic is cute but the black haired guy is hard to look at
keep it up!

>> No.2882684

any advice on how to draw anime. i gave up but really want to learn. did you learn basics first then went to anime or?

>> No.2882694


Two thirds of the people here can't even draw. Don't take their opinions on art seriously.

>> No.2882774

I was learning both at the same time I guess. I loved drawing as a kiddo and was also a minor weeb, so at the same time that I was trying to git gud I was also drawing shitty japanese cartoons for fun

>> No.2882795

ornggh I love the colors

>> No.2883307

I don't have one but I'd really love to get into the community, I read plenty of comics myself and it's all very interesting to me. I don't believe I have the talent story wise to make my own comic, and very barely have the art talent to do it either, but on the other hand I've the technical know-how to get a site built for it and I've been searching for someone who'd like to get a webcomic up and running. As of yet I've not found anyone interested sadly.

>> No.2883419
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>> No.2883546
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Soon, very soon

>> No.2884716
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I tried putting in forums on my website a year or so ago to generate traffic. I am a regular reader of the Order of the Stick, and I dream of having a following that would dissect every strip for debate of its significance to the overall canon in threads that run dozens of pages,and to earn a living from merchandising the IP. But it was not meant to be. The only traffic I recieved bypassed the front page entirely, ignoring the comic,and went to the forums,and the only posts by registered members were to advertise South American Viagra knockoffs and similar rubbish. Who would buy such stuff because they saw a post about it at a webcomic forum? The illogic of it was galling,and the reality of no one wanting to read what I do regularly, or at least wanting to talk about it,was depressing. So I ripped out the forums by the roots and although I average 1400 visitors per month,I cannot tell if they are humans nor even if they give a damn about what I do.
Most visits are direct inquiries, but no one bothers to put up a link back to my site to share. I may be alone in appreciating my own work. Sad.

>> No.2885001

I feel for you anon.

I hope you have better luck in the future, maybe mature your project a little bit more and try again?

>> No.2885060
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I still get 1400 people arriving at my site through clicking on a direct link to my unique URL. I'm just not sure why. Recently I have encountered webcomic hosting sites that have attached forums,but my enthusiasm dropped when I dug a little and saw most posts were several years old. Maybe my fellow space travellers can point out a site that is at least current. I tried pointing people to my Devientart page since they have places for comments,but no takers so far. My site has been active since December of 2013,and the storyline I have been pursuing is at 158 pages. All I want is feedback,and people to ponder What Happens Next along with me.

Too much to ask?

>> No.2885304

Question: I have an idea for a comic but suck at drawing. Should I start on the comic and at the same time continue studying and improve, or to just wait until I'm somewhat decent then start on it?

>> No.2885374

I'm in the design phase right now and every time i start drawing Panels my autism hits that every Panel should say something just by composition and angle.

If some of you have already startet a web comic i have a question, where should i upload it? Or should i create a website for it?

>> No.2885395
File: 53 KB, 550x317, Burning Semen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of my art being ok, and the story being something that a lot of people can't handle I just have a few fans. so I upload them on Imgur so they can read them. Maybe I should try Tumblr to reach more people.

In your case I feel that you can try here : https://tapastic.com/ maybe others have better ideas thought.

>> No.2886910

I fucking hate this "art" ""style"" so much, generic tumblr shit where everyone has an ugly-ass nose, everything is unlikeable and every single person has this look on their face where they look like they want to take a shit really badly.

>> No.2886917

wow, you must be really naive

>> No.2886924

Pretty much how I feel about anime.

>> No.2887258
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I 've seen comics based on screenshots from videogame engine characters posed in Garry's mod and Poser,with word balloons added afterwards. The pic is from Second Life with avatars I designed:a group of 6 goblins young mature and old of both sexes with that aim in mind. If you lack drawing skill,that may be a route worth investigating,especially with SL,where props and avatars are available by the cartload for free.

>> No.2887263

Would like to make a comic someday, but I have absolutely nothing worth writing about.

>> No.2887264
File: 23 KB, 800x600, IMAG006 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here are all the characters with descriptions...custom skins clothes and shapes. A project that kept me sane through a difficult time.


>> No.2887267

>Not drawn
>Also gonna be a failure
What was the point of this post?

>> No.2887281
File: 133 KB, 900x444, creating_ourselves_zzz_by_jeremeyprickles-d6pxgel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define Failure.

To Try is a Win. Mistakes are learning experiences and the fact that you did something to make one is important. You need not impress anyone but yourself and trying is impressive enough. Few have a Gift,yet fewer still ever try to do anything with it. Its a Calling,the grunting caveman spitting toxic paint over his hand to prove to the Ages I WAS HERE!

Every Line a Lesson, Every Breath a Parable, senpai.

>> No.2887290

>Should I start on the comic and at the same time continue studying and improve, or to just wait until I'm somewhat decent then start on it?
If you somewhat have some bases in drawing, you could always start now. Doing a comic is, imo, one of the best project to start improving. You'll be forced to draw angles, povs and things you would've probably never even tried if it wasn't for that. Source: I did many comics for different small magazines. All shit to /ic/'s standards for sure, but it helped me greatly to improve.

>> No.2887665

Thank you! Did you save/upload any of those comics you made?

>> No.2887679

Don't be dense, I obviously meant the comic being a comercial failure.

>> No.2887683

>tfw the author of your favourite webcomic ruins the experience by favouring awful characters and putting (period, trans, and piss) fetish scenes in every 5 pages
please dont do this anons

>> No.2888118

nice dubs

are you me?

my genre shift/progression plan isn't exact but it's pretty similar, down to the desire for nsfw scenes.

good luck in your endeavors, anon.

>> No.2888161

lel @ the poses

>> No.2888885
File: 170 KB, 902x1194, aasdoqwrsdfpqweisdf2ewfo2e1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is obvious.

And the point of my post was to inspire those without talent to try their hand at webcomics by other means. Two of the most successful are drawn with STICK FIGURES, Order of the Stick pictured here and Cyanide and Happiness. In fact,OotS is what I aspire to be:popular with a dedicated interested involved fanbase,and well merchandised so its Creator can keep producing it,instead of running every night to work and being half asleep with pen in hand afterwards.

And most artists never taste their fame while living. Should they NOT try? And by not trying never improve? As long as something makes it out of the head and into tangible media there is a chance at Fame. Otherwise the Dream stays a dream,unfulfilled.

>> No.2888940
File: 2.16 MB, 1877x2741, Indications page eight final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i do have one... I'm not 100% sure it has any fan, but i have some good feedback from time to time, also i have a minimum of 6 votes every time i set up polls to decide what will happen next. I guess that's something...

If you are interested on checking it out and give some critique, i'll be glad to read you all.
Here's the link: http://arkanothadventures.tumblr.com/post/153015494575/1-to-learn-a-bit-about-the-characters-here-you

>> No.2889842
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I'm thinking about making one.
It's going to be very funny.
Here is a test one I made not long ago.

>> No.2890969

If there's something I've learned it's to just start and do it. I have one. I started visiting this board every once in a while to try to learn to not suck so bad no more.

Y'all are much better than me. I'm kinda lucky because I have a niche market and what I draw about is pretty relevant to a very small number of people, but I know my following is dwarfed by a huge amount of people.

About 4.5K followers on facebook.

Just give it a shot man, the most important part is if you have fun.

>> No.2891009
File: 778 KB, 1114x1644, 2017-03-09-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured i'd pitch it here and look for advice##

-except- enter running gag=
in andrea's world, everyone see's animu as fine art,because people are anime style, and fine art as "muh style"

everyone "tolerates" her style, and looks up to ugguu animu as the pinnacle of art. thrown in would be obvious stabs at art school but hopefully some eye opening stuffs about not taking the actual journey of art so seriously.

i cant write;; i mean jesus can you see how i am typing? shorrible!

ps it would be digital too but i figured i'd just start with a sketch for now

>> No.2891018

I make mystery webcomic and it has few active readers who leave comments on tapastic, line or to my twitter. Still very small but makes me happy to see people care of the characters.

>> No.2891028

I've been posting a web comic since August 2016, sadly it takes too much time to finish and it's only got 13 pages.
How can I speed up the process? Quicker shading? Less focus on backgrounds?

>> No.2891031

Toss up a strip and I am sure others here will offer Critique. Have a grain of salt and strong liquor handy.

>> No.2891039

able to draw a nice comic, and would like to do so, i even have a couple of characters designed. but my writing skill level isn't enough even for some slice-of-life strip. i think it's not about the skill tho, it's more like i don't have a feel for stories, i rarely find one i enjoy, maybe i can't relate much to anything.
even in films i enjoy designs, aesthetic more, static beauty with no beginning and no end.

>> No.2891053
File: 3.96 MB, 2149x3035, Mega_Man:_Mystical_Lands_-_Chapter_1_Page_12_by_aquapaulo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes I know, a fan comic. But I get to keep the followers and I want the story to go somewhere good.

>> No.2891054


>> No.2891089

Try to consider what you look at and what makes a comic work for you while you go through some of the ones you like yourself. It's going to differ slightly for everyone, I suppose, but I've found that once the art is at a basic serviceable level, color not required, it really stops being a huge contributor to whether I like a comic or not. The story is as much the focus as the art.

Yeah, Cpt. Obvious here, but just consider it. You don't need to be Ruan Jia v2 to run a decent comic. You don't need to pour 100 hours into each page. If the story is good and you've got a cool, simple black & white style going, that can very easily be enough.

I'm not trying to turn it into a business calculation of minimum effort for most reward, or anything. The art and story are entwined in a comic, it's not the art telling the whole story on its own. Just consider that. You don't need to pour everything you've got into it.

Of course, this is all said without having seen your art.

>> No.2891097

Thank you a lot for your opinion, I posted one of my pages as a reply here:


But what you said applies to it, I put too much work into a single page!
When it comes to art, I tend to either give up or polish it too much, to the point that I get bored and procrastinate.

>> No.2894132

Try using cheap drawing pads and rough out several pages of strips at one go,and I do mean Rough. Forget about details completely: you want to concentrate on panel construction, character and prop placement,and a vague idea of dialogue. Figuring out what new elements look like in detail is something to work out with "good" sketchbooks, and once you pencil in your final versions of pages,you will be ahead of the game.

>> No.2894343

I will have that in mind, gotta practice comic layouts more.

>> No.2894385

I'll never find the style I want to work with in comics. I start up, never go far, never submit anything.


>> No.2896609
File: 479 KB, 800x1118, YEA BOI_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a lot of buffer, but haven't released anything yet. It's really just a one shot of 50 pages, and I've only done around 15 pages so far (kill me). I'll probably post it one day.

>> No.2896637

anyone have any tips when it comes to organizing pre-production stuff? Like scripts, thumbnails or just anything in general?

>> No.2896651

look like good shit anon

>> No.2896668

good luck son, I believe in you

>> No.2896686

First panel could do with a little cleanup, but otherwise my inner weeb wants to cheer on the manga aesthetic you're rocking. Godspeed Anon.

>> No.2896697
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>mfw people still make webcomics

Unless you're doing three/four panel horizontal strips on par with fucking Heathcliff, don't.

>> No.2896700

Tell us more, anon.

>> No.2896701

I lol'd when I read the concept. Go for it anon! You got a blog or something?

>> No.2896715


Look through this thread, every single person in here has some kind of high-concept idea that they want to draw.

Not a simple comic strip like Heathcliff, The Peanuts, Dilbert, etc.

I am going to tell you right now -- doing anything else doesn't work, and is bad for you as an artist.

There is effectively only a few different types of webcomics.

Newspaper style.

This is a comic that ranges from usually one to eight different panels, and is generally humorous or meant to be thought provoking. Usually these are episodic, and have no greater story than what we're presented with. These are pretty rare because they often morph into the next category that I'm about to describe.

Long-format Humor:

NeoTokyo, Penny Arcade, CTRL+ALT+DELETE, etc. These are daily, weekly, biweekly (whatever) comics that operate around high churn, like the previous category, but are usually more long-form and formatted vertically as opposed to horizontally. Often there's a background narrative, or active narrative that ties one submission to another. These are bad, and sadly make up the majority of most webcomics, and here is why they are bad:

- They usually aren't jointly produced.
- They usually follow no official standard format.
- They usually focus on Flanderization.

The high churn rate demands that you simplify your art-style as much as possible. This isn't necessarily bad, no one (for instance) would say that The Peanuts or C&H is aesthetically displeasing, however a lot of people could easily argue that CAD, or Questionable Content look like they were drawn by imbeciles with no training of any kind.

The sad thing is that often these sorts of webcomics force a reversal in talent on their artists because they draw the same shit over and over again, and sometimes don't draw at all (in the case of CAD). They just draw and drop pre-made pieces to form a strip, and then doodle in a background. All for the sake of trying to streamline their workflow pipeline.

>> No.2896730


Long-format Action:

These are things like KSBD, Ava's Demon, Unsounded, etc. These stories, and this format, has some of the same problems as their humorous counterparts, but there's a clear divergence between the two.

The humor (if any) takes a backseat to the drama and action. There's a clear story being told, it progresses actively. There's a focus on trying to produce quality art, relative to the other two categories. Usually this means "realistic" and not "cartoony".

KSBD is completely paranormal fantasy, but it's got a realistic aesthetic that in no way matches the odd, stripped down style of a lot of comics like Penny Arcade. Both draw people (kinda), but one draws them as a caricature of what people look like versus trying to actually draw people.

As for the problems with these:

- They usually aren't jointly produced.
- They usually follow no official standard format.
- They are slow to post.

I am going to go after KSBD, not because its bad, but because its legitimately one of the few webcomics that could find publication with an actual comic book publisher.

Since you aren't working with anyone else on your comic, you are setting the pace for how fast each page (or amalgamation of pages) is produced. Rather than waiting for a writer to develop a script, then giving it to you to do the lines for, and then handing off those lines to a colorist, etc. The factory system works for a reason.

No one would ever accept a single page being produced once every two weeks, or a month in the comic book industry. Not even cover artists are that slow.

What I am trying to illustrate here is that by doing all of this work by yourself, you aren't learning how to work with a group, and you aren't learning how to streamline your production cycle. You are focusing too much on too many things.

Then there's the other problem. Since you never followed the industry set standards (like 11" x 17"), you cannot actually reprint what you drew.

>> No.2896744


Finally, all webcomics have a lot of inherent flaws in being (for the most part) sole-creator works.

You aren't accountable to anyone, you are capable of going up your own ass and disappearing, and you actually don't want the story to end.

If a webcomic becomes popular, it will destroy you. If you are making a webcomic that has you posting a new submission every day, or week, you have to do that. You don't get to come up with any ideas on what to do with other collaborators. It's all on you baby, and I hate to tell you this, but there's a reason why the Big Two move writers and artists around so much. They become burned out.

As you become burned out, you start putting in less effort, and as you put in less effort, you quality of art (to say nothing of the story) begins to fade. It doesn't matter if you've got a massive readership. Look at fuckin' Jeph Jaques at Questionable Content.

His stupid, nu-male ass may make 10k a month off that pile of shit, but do you think he actually wants to make it? Nope.

And there-in lies the rub.

If you stop working on this project, you suddenly have to try and recapture your audience with a new one. This is notoriously difficult.

This is why people who hate whoever is writing or doing the art for, say... a Wolverine book for instance, will keep buying it. They care less about the people making it, and more about the character (or characters) as a brand. They might become excited if a certain artist or writer joins the book, like say Jonathan Hickman or Esad Ribic, but they aren't going to suddenly drop the book just because those guys left.

The only time you see a big drop in readership is when you haven't built up your audience in the first place. Garbage like Penny Arcade can literally go on forever because it's a brand now.

And they can't ever stop, it has to go on forever. Just like Wolverine.

>> No.2896770

So give up then? Shill to an indie company/marvel/dc? Get a sense of humor? Wat do?

>> No.2896776


You can honestly do any of those.

However, if you insist on making a webcomic don't make it your primary outlet. If you do that, you aren't going to get anywhere.

I know a guy who made a black and white, action based webcomic that ran for over 300 pages. He even stuck to 11"x17" standardization in case any interest in it was ever thrown his way, it didn't go anywhere. And, I should point out, his art style is easily decent enough for him to do lines for really any publisher. He definitely isn't amazing, but he's also better than a lot of guys out there who actually work in the comic book industry.

He doesn't like talking about the webcomic because of how much time he feels he wasted on it as a project, and admittedly, I can see why he thinks that. It was roughly three years of work that got him literally one short-term gig.

Anyway, if you think you actually have an idea for a webcomic, and it isn't a silly strip based work? Drop it.

Drop it now. Don't even think about it.

If you want to actually make your high-concept idea into something? Find a writer. Be willing to make compromises with that guy, bounce ideas off each other, keep one another accountable, find more people to work on the project, shop it around.

At the end of the day, if what you're working on gets picked up, even for a little while, you now have a real bibliography. Something you can say, "I worked on this for x number of issues with these people, and it got published by this company."

That's a big deal.

You know what isn't a big deal?

That you've made 1,200 posts to your webcomic.

>> No.2896809

I'm thinking about making a 4koma comic about American history. Just debating on whether to make everyone cute girls based on the original figures, or just do the original figures

>> No.2896861

Hey! It's Jeremy! I have your site favorited! I don't do DA or any of that shit - I suggest Tumblr.

>> No.2897433

What about trying to crowdfund yourself via Patreon rather than hoping to be picked up by a company? A page a week may seem pitiful by industry standards, but I've also heard it's the ideal pace for a webcomic because everyone's apparently casual readers.

>> No.2898258

>Do you have any webcomics

I've got three ongoing.

>does it have any fans

My first I started about two years ago. It's a sci fi/space opera adventure comic. It has about 70 followers over several hosting sites. I think it has quite a few readers than that but they're not actively subscribed. Admittedly, my art was very poor when I started, and despite improving, it's bad enough that most I think overlook it.

The second is a furry underage porn comic I started a few months ago. I very quickly got a couple thousand followers on the original hosting site and is still growing. People are uploading it to other comic hosting sites. Hundreds of downloads. Storyingtiming it, etc. It's gotten a lot of positive feedback on the writing.

The third is an experimental human/loli shota comic I'm only a few pages into. Lack of hosting sites have left me to post it on my pixiv, which is not well suited to comics. It seems to be getting decent feedback, but it's hard to tell what's because of the comic itself, and just my pixiv account in general. It also has poor art in the beginning, as I spent no time on character design, but it's slowly improving too.

>> No.2898372
File: 28 KB, 300x250, ZgMMFOr3A6-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn these posts really fucked me up.
I have a high-concept story I want to tell, and I'm learning to draw specifically because I think it would work best as a comic.

Now I don't even know if it'd be worth the effort. I thought I wanted to do it to tell the story, but now I just don't know.

>> No.2898394

What should I do if I don't want to give up on the story I want to tell? Tell it through a different medium?

>> No.2898428

Hmmmm, kzx?

>> No.2898475

I can't into art but I do have an extremely in-depth autism-fueled multiverse already written for which would be the single largest story ever told by mankind.

Each storyline intertwines perfectly with the others while standing on its own as well. Each storyline seems to have its own genre while also tying in with the main themes of the story. Everything makes sense within the confines of this multiverse (Eg no time travel, as that never makes sense.) And rather than dissapearing for thousands of pages, characters are brought together or killed off -- everything is layed out in a non-chronological order with the reader in mind. The story is not complex for the sake of befuddling its reader, it is complex with the goal to let its reader see and understand everything, with a little critical thinking readers can wrap their heads around the complicated chronology and natures of existence that make up the story.

It's pottery, really.

>> No.2898603

he did mention working with others.

>> No.2898619

kek, you're a fucking moron. Print media is literally dying as we speak. Even Marvel and DC barely make a profit off of their comics anymore and yet you somehow think working in this underpaid, dying industry is actually DESIRABLE and should be your goal if you want to create comics? Are you fucking stupid? The trend goes the exact opposite direction, with professional comic book artists looking towards self-publishing and patreon as a far more lucrative alternative than working for peanuts in a dying industry.

>> No.2898621

You might want to check this out...


Its a 2d animation program,but very powerful and versatile. I am sure a static panel screenshot based story can be told using it if you lack all artistic ability.

And although you "could" work with someone else,finding a compatibly enthusiastic collaborator will be hard,and relying on others to germinate your artistic vision is a nightmare.

>> No.2898624

Write a fucking book. If all you want is narrative, then literally nothing exceeds literature as a medium to use.

>> No.2898629

>What should I do if I don't want to give up on the story I want to tell?

Don't listen to some random idiot on 4chan and tell your fucking story? I mean, I assume you aren't planning on using your story as a portfolio to land a job at a comic book publisher, so why does any of the shit that anon wrote even matter to you at all? For amateur artists who just want to tell a story, webcomics will always be the easiest and most accessible medium to reach an audience

>> No.2898630
File: 273 KB, 539x522, Just end me right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have your own webcomic?

No, but I did consider it at one point. Now I'm trying to make my graphic novel. But I'm still working on the cover for it and I restarted four fucking times already. And heres the best part, I might start over again for the fifth fucking time. Kill me already

>> No.2898704

I suggest more planning.

Use the cheap drawing pads to construct a layout of the major elements of the scene,sketchbooks to design the details of them,and then produce the final page.

>> No.2898713
File: 149 KB, 1024x756, IMAG006 (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making my day!

When every page is a struggle and you wonder if you are the only one in the world who gives a damn about them,its nice to know someone else gives a damn too. And doubly when they ain't dealing in South American Viagra too!

>> No.2899087


>> No.2899094

>all this autism

Most normal people make comics for fun

You know

As a way of creative expression

>> No.2899276

Fuck mayte yer gud

>> No.2899381

>What about trying to crowdfund yourself via Patreon rather than hoping to be picked up by a company?

See the example I gave in my last post (>>2896776).

You need to grow a following, and that's ridiculously difficult to pull off. There's a reason why I can name a hundred "literally who?" comics that I've read online over the past twenty years, but only a dozen or so that you /might/ be familiar with. And that's just what I've read, I haven't read everything by a long shot. So imagine how massive the number of failed projects really is.

As for trying to just go full Patreon, if you try this from the onset you're gonna fail. I am willing to bet (no offense to you), that you don't have a following on any media platform. So attempting to ask people you don't know for money is a terrible idea, especially when you just started out.

If you can create a comic regularly for over a year, and then pull the most common trick in the book: "Sorry guys, it's really hard to say this but I can't justify making this anymore because..." Then some dolt will go: "MAKE UH PATREON!" At that point, and only at that point, do you make a Patreon.

Of course though, making a Patreon opens up a whole Pandora's Box of issues. You have to be interactive with the people who are giving you money. Which may not seem like a bad thing, but once you activate the Patreon model you basically become a subscription based service. I've worked for newspapers, if you don't have an editor who actively responds to the incoming letters (and even more than the ones that they put in print), you are going to have a fucking bad time.

>> No.2899393


People naturally want to generate a connection with those that they are... patrons of. Get it? You go to a restaurant a lot, you might have favorite server. You go to the same bar often, and you might have a favorite bartender. Communication is a key, but it's just one key. You need to have multiple hooks on top of this so people feel justified in giving you cash. Further, you want to integrate true vertical growth. You don't want to spite the people who cough up $1 or $5 dollars every month, but you also want to make it seem like a good idea that they maybe jump up to $10-15, etc. Your entire business (because that's what this is) subsists on how many people you can turn from "casual visitors" to "regular visitors" that will come back time and time again. This is just how the business works.


You're dumb as hell and don't know what you're talking about. Comics =/= Newspapers. Have you seen the number of pulls the industry does every month? I don't think you have. Further, the print media sector may sell less than it has previously (no shit), but it makes a staggering amount of money because of inflation.

Starting rates for a line artist at IDW, Image, etc. is about $200 dollars a page. This is for an artist that has next to no credentials, and no pull with their audience. These rates are multiplicative. A line artist with a big following, and a good pedigree can demand several times this amount, simply because them working on a book is what makes those issues sell in the first place. These rates are also for the independent companies, not the Big Two (Marvel and DC).

Do you know how much Alex Ross gets paid to shit out a cover? $5,000 minimum.

The industry as a whole (merchandising, cross-promotion, adaptions, etc.) hasn't done this well since the late 80's and early 90's. There's been an expansion of the number of titles being put out, not a contraction.

>> No.2899708

On one hand, I wish I had such autism powers, but on the other hand, I don't think much of this is actually put down as a comic or a novel.

>> No.2899881

thank you Scott McCloud for all the pseudoacademic insight

>> No.2899988

Can you provide any sources to prove that? Currently Google is telling me that you're a liar

>> No.2899992

I have a question for people who draw comics / webcomics. I'm trying to draw a porn manga and there's something I really got to ask.

Are 40 pages a lot?

If it were you, how long would you take to draw a 40 page comic? Lineart + gray tones, not necessarily in color.

I ask this because I keep trying to draw a porn comic, but every time I start doing a rough draft of the panels/story I fantasize too much and it goes on a slippery slope and before I noticed it has like multiple parts and a climax of epic proportions. Then I think it's too much work and try to make a draft of a smaller, ~8 page comic, and end up with over 30 again. etc.

I ask this because I want to know if it's really too difficult to draw ~40 pages or it's actually just me being lazy sack of shit.

>> No.2899997

Keep at it anyway. Webcomics might not be the best medium for it, but that doesn't mean you should give up what you're passionate about.

I would suggest practicing with shorter stories first.

>> No.2900005
File: 24 KB, 302x216, 1470056774389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work.

>> No.2900017

The hell is the point of posting their work? The discussion is about the comic / webcomic industry, not their artistic skill.

>> No.2900019

If they haven't done webcomics themselves what's the point of lecturing others? Obviously they know stuff, but how much can you take it to heart?

>> No.2900024

Post your work first.

>> No.2900032
File: 34 KB, 300x447, my-mom-sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needs proof to listen to anon advice in anon board
>challenges anon instead of contributing or doing own research
Pic related. It's my work.

>> No.2901008
File: 1.19 MB, 856x1266, knowledge_slappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell, I really like your art - You should drawfag on /tg/, draw some RPG characters and maybe use that as a way to get some kind of exposure? I think DA is kinda like yelling, "Here I am" in a crowd of millions. I recall some character sheets you did on your site - so give drawfagging a try! I'll be watching for ya... peace, Mr. Prickles.

>> No.2901030

Reminds of those gay neo-nazi porn comics

>> No.2901089


I'm making a comic to improve at drawing

>> No.2901346
File: 313 KB, 908x880, pg12_pnl1_by_jeremeyprickles-d6iwfoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay...let me ask a simple question,to see if I am succeeding in my task at telling this story...

"What is the current series of strips ,The SnowGlobe,about? What do you as a reader,think is going on?"

Doesn't have to be a long answer,or a thorough one. Just curious. Feel free to go back and review, too. I can use the traffic! Order of the Stick has been going on 10 years on the one story,so I am clocking in on 3. I have no feedback,and would apperciate someone else's perspective. Thanks...

>> No.2901389


40 pages is long-format territory for the West, I don't know enough about the East.

If you are trying to keep it a single "issue" self-contained story then 40 pages is fine. If you plan on just running it for some unspecified time as a weekly or monthly serialization then the page count doesn't matter.

If you want to do 5 or more issues try to keep the page count down around 24-26. This is the standard for Western comics.

>> No.2902625

From what I know about manga, 40 pages would not be unreasonable as a one-off. 40 pages about the length of a chapter of a monthly manga, and around the length of the first chapter of a weekly series. Subsequent chapters are 20 pages tops.
Dunno about webcomics, there's too many variables. Maybe you could try matching the pagecount of a Sinner comics chapter for a porn webcomic.
Ofc, if you've never done it before, 40 will feel like a lot. You can always try cutting down and editing your drafts, but if you never start, you're not getting anywhere.

>> No.2903745
File: 318 KB, 1791x640, IMAG006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I will get back to this storyline. Spoiler alert:

The chest contains a remote control to the WarBot the Goblin king is using as a throne. It wakes up and runs off back to where it is,folloeed by the king's angry army.

>> No.2906245
File: 843 KB, 1618x2180, IMAG008 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumperoonie loonie skip roonie cartoonee

>> No.2907057
File: 171 KB, 800x700, 1489832816283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On a side note, what has happened to the degradation and death of the "How's Your Webcomic" threads on /co/, I dropped them long ago because of the constant shit posting, and, he who must not be spoken of, and a few others in that same "do not speak of their names" category?

>> No.2907100

I once posted to a Promote Your Webcomic thread with a link to my site. And I was banned for 2 weeks for advertising. So I am damn careful about attempting to post anything now. And I stay the hell out of /co/ .

>> No.2907109
File: 96 KB, 986x553, 1477816611747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen it happen a few times, people being banned for shilling, odd though, since Morbi spams his comic all over /co/ and /trash/ constantly in the form of "Poppy O Possum" general threads and doesn't get shit for it. Even though you can clearly tell it's him posting in there.

I still sorta lurk, and a big emphasis on the word "lurk" on "HYWC" threads on /co/, but it's now only shit posting by repeat offenders, and all the good people have left.

Notably the chick who made the viking Peter Pan re-imagined story, Carrion Girls and that frog knight guy, also, I don't know if you know what happened to the anon who made the Trouble in the Tropics comic, or whatever it's called.

On top of that there is really no good advice anymore, or if there even was any to begin with.

>> No.2907112


Not the best, but it has it's own charm, and toon chars. don't need to be perfect or the art hyper good to be a good webcomic.

>> No.2907174
File: 3.00 MB, 5312x2988, 20170319_231124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just recently started drawing so realistically I won't get close to making one in a while.

Although it is my dream to create a comic that people would love to read

>> No.2907319

Pull a ONE and just do it.

>> No.2907827
File: 434 KB, 989x450, 1217717fb5d043bd9ce9da5e1b349bd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a comic idea stuck in my head since I was like 13. I never thought myself good enough to start it. Also I have an issue with finishing my work (pic related: this is stuff I consider "finished")
If I start posting it, would the fact that its messy be a big problem?
And, is it a huge commitment/stress on those of you who have one?

>> No.2907830

Same anon, Also, You would NEED a consistent style to make it work, right?

>> No.2907839

Do you have a blog?

>> No.2907854

No, I don't post my art anywhere.

>> No.2907879

If you have a problem doing the entire portrait, have you considered just creating whatever's your limit within the frames.

>> No.2907915


>> No.2907932
File: 21 KB, 850x900, blinking-improved-windol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got most of the world building and major plot points written out, now I'm just finishing up dialogue and subplots.

I'm drawing a few pages already to start out the prologue of the story, i'm pooling them up so I can do a weekly release kind of thing.



Yeah man I think genre shifting and progression is the future of story telling. Good luck back to you anon, we're all going to make it brah.

>> No.2908468
File: 371 KB, 594x3196, sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more interested in writing a story, but I started to illustrate some moments (sketches really, but I want a grungy style) to help with writer's block. It's helped my flow and I almost want to do the whole thing. But that's likely never gonna happen.

I should probably try to illustrates a few pages worth of actually consecutive scenes -- you know, like how stories are supposed to be. It's gonna be a challenge converting it from prose to comic format. Is that a thing that people do regularly? Or are comics always written initially as comics?

>> No.2909744

90% of the appeal in comics is the writing (even tho comics are written like shit usually), your first comic is likely going to suck so my advice is to make a plan from A to B and draw it, make so that it's finished.

The era where you could start a crudely drawn comic and eventually make it big as your art gets better is over, now you gotta deliver a finished publishable thing from the start

>> No.2910024

>female protagonist
>her bf tries to rape her the first thing in the comic

Is this the most SJW comic on the planet?

>> No.2910046

The style being a bit messy isn't a problem to me, as long as it is expressive and relatively tidy, which yours appears to be based on what you posted. And remember that a comic page consists of many panels and the small size of each panel will help "disguise" the messyness a bit. Just post your pages at about 800x1132 pixels and it will look fine.

I have recently started doing my own (fan)comic and is about 20 pages in and I can tell you.... it is a huge commitment/stress at times, but I think one of the smartest things you can do is not having set days for updates. When I started posting, I let my followers know that I'd be posting about 1 page a week on average, but there was no set days for updates. This gives me some opportunities to take it a bit slower if real-life gets busy. I work full time and have a hint of a social life, so I don't want a comic to ruin my sleep or make me turn down a cup of coffee with a mate. I also took a longer break after finishing the first chapter, just to reload and draw some other stuff. It's still a bit stressful, but more fun. My "fans" are being quite responsive and nice and keeping it a pleasant experience, which also matters a lot.

>> No.2910049

Forgot to add: Go for it! If it catches on and you get a handful of fans, it'll be really fun and you'll get some serious drawing training in the process.

>> No.2910056

I think they are mostly written in the form of movie/play-scripts, that's more how comics work. I'm lucky enough to have a writer who does the script for me and they are writing it in a typical fic-style. It's what they are used to writing, so I let them, but it DOES at times make it harder for me to translate it in to comic form, I can assure! How ever they are pretty chill about it and let me tweak things when ever I need to. But yes, all the narration makes it harder to draw some scenes.

>> No.2910085


>> No.2910106


Or he could do the intelligent thing and find a writer.

Writers write things guys, I know, crazy.

>> No.2910285

I like it, keep going son

>> No.2910329

I don't know if it gets better with time, but so far literally every character is a piece of shit and the 60/40 ratio of known vs unknown is more like 10/90.
Fuckin' bullshit.

Eh, pander to liberals, get more money, simple shit.
I do appreciate the color keys and character design. Every creature is original, has a beautiful rhythm and a readable silhouette.

>> No.2910405
File: 730 KB, 768x432, 1464658878272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody except Shakespeare is allowed to give lectures on Shakespeare plays

>> No.2910937

Why do people act like this is easy at all? You know only have to find a good writer, a reliable one, one who wants to work with you, one who will pay well, you also have to like their story enough to want to draw it.

>> No.2910939

What? It wasn't rape dumbass, it was her first time