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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 508 KB, 1165x835, 6f043e0c47e3557297127228b30b191f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2877698 No.2877698 [Reply] [Original]

New here. What is /ic/'s opinion on furry art in general? I am genuinely interested to know.

Art not by me.

>> No.2877704

If it's done tastefully and is well drawn I don't care. The problem is the word 'furry' refers to an aesthetic that is fuck ugly like your pic.

>> No.2877709
File: 517 KB, 1239x964, BLACKSAD_04_crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only with taste.

>> No.2877710

I like it. I'm not a furry but I would gladly fuck one right in their horsepussy, dogpussy, catpussy etc. Heterosexual and sapphic furry porn is good clean harmless fun. Gay furry shit should be rejected for the degeneracy it is, however.

>> No.2877715
File: 138 KB, 1280x827, ztiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the fetish and most of it is filled with shit art and massive autism, but there's a few good things out there too.
Mostly Disney fanart because the base characters are already well-designed, but I'm sure there are at least a few good artists that know how to pull it off. All I know that furries pay out the ass for their degenerate fetishes.

>> No.2877727
File: 237 KB, 1280x600, guarnido-blacksad-1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, instead of fanart you can have someone who actually worked for disney and is now making "noir" comics.


me nether, Nerver understood the fetish. but love blacksad.

>> No.2877794


Like all boards on this neckbeard website, if its considered stupid/gay/different. They will attack furry art, like attacking anime or anything that isn't whatever the fuck social norms this community thinks is normal. Which is nothing.

I personally don't understand the hate towards furries. It's just a childish thing to attack something that has ZERO affect on you or anyone else.

I been following the furry art stuff since 1995. I didn't see what the big deal was when more and more losers started to attack it. I'm assuming cause of the sexual art or the 5 or 6 loud mouths who fuck their dog or fucking inn there fur costumes getting media attention.

( Not like weebos and other nerd groups don't draw porn, fuck in various clothing or gear. )

But it's easy to attack furries cause most won't attack back. ( The smart ones anyway. ) So since people are mindless zombies that server their masters and chose not to think for themselves. They attack, attack and attack. Their pathetic excuse of a life is so meaningless they attack a group of people just having fun, creating shit to artwork that puts most too shame. ( Like any other art community. )

Sex, porn whatever. Is more common than most these slaves will admit too. Who gives a fuck. Except for the no lifers being followers and not leaders and thinking for themselves. It's basically that.

If furries where left alone, cause another group showed up ( And likely will. ) You will see these nobodies go attack and cry and shit their pants over whatever next "it's cool to attack this" fad. And that's just how it will always be.


TL;DR Furry art easily exceeds most of the 24/7 cry babies on /ic/ Cause they hate themselves so much. They fall into the "I can't think for myself so I'll follow the masses over the cliff types."

There's plenty of amazing art communities and genres. Furries is merely one of them. ( Though hated more vocally. Stupid people. )

>> No.2877796

post (or link to) good examples?

>> No.2877799

Is this the same Doom the Wolf that did interactive pregnancy transformation fetish flash artwork 10 years ago? If so, it's great to see he's improved.

>> No.2877808

I draw lots of it.
Posting it on /ic/ could get you banned tho, thanks to the outdated site rules.

>> No.2877810

If you identify yourself as a furry then the odds are high that the stuff you are talking about will gross most people out.

isn't furry stuff IMO. Those are just anthropomorphic character. Furry is when there's a Disney-fication going on to sexualize animalistic traits.

>> No.2877812

a furry is a anthropomorphic character

>> No.2877813

furries are and will always be fucking disgusting
just like footfags
you all need to be fucking holocausted tbqh

>> No.2877816

Furry is a sexual fetish. Anthropomorphic characters are used in many context where the goal is not to appeal to that fetish.

>> No.2877817

for some reason i've never gotten banned for posting furry porn (keyword: porn) on /ic/ even tho i've seen others in the same threads get their posts deleted

otherwise, non explicit anthro art seems to be accepted without the fear of removal

>> No.2877818

furry art has the capacity for cool character design and appealing style, but the vast majority of the community is comprised of fetishists with absolutely no social skills. It's fucking unbearable. Pun intended.

>> No.2877819

Everything outside of real life sex with the opposite gender can be considered fucking disgusting.

>> No.2877821

furry is just a loose blanket term for people who like anthropomorphic animal character designs as well as a slang descriptor for characters that fall within that definition

ah, i see furry and /ic/ aren't so different after all

>> No.2877824

I use to fucking HATE all furry art until I saw some of the stuff bronies were drawing.

>> No.2877825

I think you belong to a minority with that definition and for your own good you should be aware of that in case you someday want to share a passion for non-sexual anthropomorphic character designs.

"furry" generally provokes some hostile responses and it's not because people dislike anthropomorphic characters.

It sounds like some furry who have tried to do some damage control with that redefinition.

>> No.2877827

so you have shit taste

>> No.2877833


mlp faggots are not furries, they are their own sub culture or fans into pony and girl cartoons about ponies.


Furry is not a sexual fetish its a word, you fucking imbecile. It's like saying all artist are homosexuals and poor.


Same too you, I've seen worse fetish shit drawn by generic big dick bimbo drawings by western artist.

How any of you are even remotely into art, drawing, writing, watching. And can't figure out basic things is an embarrassment to everyone who creates. You should just stick to your circle jerking about kid gaming and talking about how high you are, while you post memes.

>> No.2877837

>Furry is not a sexual fetish its a word, you fucking imbecile. It's like saying all artist are homosexuals and poor.

Hey retard. Go ask /pol/ what they think about furries to check your theory.

>> No.2877838

you can be a fan of anthro character designs without being 'a Furry'. The key difference is whether you identify as an anthro character or not

the fandom has a scant few artists who are actually pretty decent on the rare occasion they make non-pony art. Though if you're heavily biased against mlp you'll never agree

found the furry

>> No.2877840

who cares, i want to fuck a lot of stuff

>> No.2877853


Sad truth. You can't draw / create anthropomorphic characters without some insecure little keyboard warrior attacking you from the safety of the internet.

I've told plenty of people ( when it was asked or brought out. Which is rare. ) About being into "Furry" art. Not one said shit too me if they didn't like it. Most don't know what it is and like most things in life. Don't care.

I value a clean organized home, good credit and reading at least one book a week. But. I don't go around slamming those personal ideals into peoples faces 24/7.

"Furries" tend to push their shit around ( some times anyway. ) Since no lifers and pathetic people who have nothing worth while to do but boil their inner butthurt to nuclear levels waste away online. They will attack. But none of them would do shit in person. People are cowardly unless its behind a wall of like minded stupidity. Much like how black people will gang up on one white / none white person. ( knock out games and other ape behavior. ) It's basically like that.

I don't know what else too say. /ic/ is shit when it comes to anything but talking about none important popular porn artist.

>> No.2877856


How'd you guess?

Was it this post? >>2877794
Line: "I been following the furry art stuff since 1995"

Or was it only >>2877833 post cause I called out the retards trying so hard to act like the trash you are.

lel "look at me I call him a furry" +fav/link FB / tumblr / reddit :^)

That's you.

No go back to drawing shitty stick figures and blaming others better than you will ever be cause your fat ass doesn't have "the spark."

>> No.2877862

anon who posted the two blacksad pics here.

Didn't know the diff meanings. Like sais above furry is a word. nothing more.

Anthropomorphic animals, and anthropomorhic animals PORN, are two different things.

if you only draw or lurk the second.. well you are part of a sexual minority, fucking act like it.

>> No.2877867

You sound like some furry autist who refuse to accept reality.

>> No.2877876
File: 20 KB, 640x400, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2877877

i mean, as someone who for all intents and purposes is probably considered part of the "furry fandom" that's what the majority of "us" consider the term to mean, and at no point did i exclude the sexualized aspects, merely i intended to expand the rectangle you drew, but then again the complexities of ingroup vs outgroup in this relation is daunting

>"furry" generally provokes some hostile responses and it's not because people dislike anthropomorphic characters.
only in people who drink the chan culture kool-aid, pretty much everyone else in the world either has no idea what it means or even if they see it only as a weird fetish thing responds with an "oh, okay" cause they're an adult, not that i bring it up at all in social groups i don't know cause either they're well meaning yet ask tons of dumb questions or worse there's one person who's unironically anti-furry and makes everyone else in the group uncomfortable cause they won't drop it

>> No.2877882

I consider myself a furry because I like anthro characters, sexual themes or otherwise.

As I understand, furry pretty much means this. People who are into furry art for one reason or an other. You don't have to have a fursona, ocs, or be into the fetish stuff, own a fursuit to fall in to the category.

>> No.2877889


>only in people who drink the chan culture kool-aid, pretty much everyone else in the world either has


Rank 175 in the USA.

And I doubt it's just 4chan.

>> No.2877902

maybe it was cause i used a metaphor/pop culture reference but here, i'll clarify what that means

people who ironically shit on furries anonymously online/say stupid shit to get a reaction they can laugh at =/= equal true believers who will do this shit in real life because they actually think furries wanna fuck animals

people who go on 4chan to be empty contrarian husks for shits n giggles are the majority

>> No.2877905

this tbqh

>> No.2877908


Hey there fellow swede, please make more webcomics and animations. I love them.

>> No.2877923

No you are right in that most people probably don't care but wrong in that the "4chan" definition shouldn't be the generally accepted one among those who don't care since they should at least had come across it a few times. If we look at 4chan the /b/ and /pol/ gets the most traffic by far.

An American documentary I saw a few years ago about an encounter between a football team and a furry convention at a convention center also comes to mind.

>> No.2877935

It doesn't bother me at all what people do. If I saw someone dressed as a furry, I'd probably just appreciate the color/surprise it added to my day. In art, I don't care at all what the subject of one's work is. If it's unskilled, it won't really register with me, but if it's made with skill, I'd appreciate it, whether it's a tree or furry porn. I've known furries who were very educated people, and brilliant painters of realism. I've also known friendly people who drew furries with skill levels from all over the spectrum. So pretty much to me, they're just people, and their art's just art, to be judged on its own merits.

>> No.2877943


you don't clarify what the "4chan" definition is, /b/ and /pol/ being the most popular boards is neither in favor nor against any of the things either of us have argued, and you mention a documentary yet neither link it nor explain what happens in said documentary, you are making statements but then going nowhere with them.

even if you what you meant by ""4chan" definition was "furry is a fetish and only a fetish"" as i've said earlier the intricacies of ingroup vs outgroup in regards to the term "furry" are very complex

>> No.2877963

>you don't clarify what the "4chan" definition is
I shouldn't need to. It's obvious I'm talking about the majority of the traffic. Now you are just being pedantic.

Nobody cares if it is complex. Well at least not the ones who have only encountered the word associated with images that grossed them out. Feel free to feel persecuted/misunderstood though but I doubt that's gonna lead to anything productive.

I described the documentary. That should be enough if you really cared. I don't. I mean I can literally not be arsed to google it because it is not relevant for the argument.

This discussion is a waste of time.

>> No.2877969

lol at thinking any discussion on this website is ever not a waste of time

>> No.2877974

If you think everything on this website is wasting your time then you are the stupid one for hanging out here.

>> No.2877993

you really like taking the words i say and then adding on to them with what you want to think i said, but then again that's probably mean of me or something seeing as i've seen some things in your posts that lead me to believe english isn't your native language (still, you're just some asshole on 4chan (just like me) so whatever)

but even tho it's sometimes fun to just waste time, discussion isn't the only thing that happens on this site now is it. tons of threads that are just ref dumps or even just pretty picture. on top of that i give constructive crit, i receive constructive crit, but that's not really back and forth discussion like we have in this thread either, that's more just posting an image and seeing what people think is wrong with it and then doing with that information what you will, anything else is usually derailing the thread.

also no, you didn't describe what happened in the doc at least not in any useful way, you said football team meets furries without any elaboration upon what happens after that point as if i should fill it in with whatever preconceived notions i want to shove in there

>> No.2877995

also i may or may not be trapped on the toilet waiting for my roommate to get home with more toilet paper

>> No.2878000


>> No.2878082

10% good, the other 90% is garbage or meh. Kinda like everything else in existence.

>> No.2878234

The porn creeps me out sometimes but it honestly depends on the artist no matter what you're talking about.

If the art style is nice, I'll probably like anything they draw even cringey fetish things.
I even like some people who make fursuits for a living because I mean, objectively, the effort and crazy amount of work they put into them does often make for some really neat suits. But I get creeped out when I find out someone's fucked in that particular suit or the person i'm following has.

I try to separate the art from the community since any community can have a shitty side (I mean deviantart has some amazing artists on it but it has a reputation for being teenybopper city yknow?

That said I used to draw on there in high school, used to get at least $20 a month drawing for furries (I wasn't very good so im grateful for the ones who did buy from me) and met some nice people.

But I also met a lot of people who only had sex on the mind even if i was drawing something cute or completely void of sex and after an ex got really into my furry art while we were dating I kinda stopped finding a lot of charm in it.

I'd probably still draw em for money.

>> No.2878237
File: 548 KB, 1000x1000, 1485956430322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are talking about anthrophomorphic animal conceps and not the same fucking dog everyfucking time, then there's people that makes some amazing stuff.
Regardless i can't stand their hell tier fetishes.

>> No.2878261 [DELETED] 


>> No.2878271

incest is the single form of degeneracy

>> No.2878320

Incest is the second-purest kind of love

>> No.2878330
File: 446 KB, 658x700, zephyrue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a more personal gudge towards furries because as a teen I was among the communities that drew cartoony canine characters and stuff (wolfaboos?) which rubbed up against the furry community on DeviantArt a lot. I didn't like the human form or drawing it so wasn't a fan of anthropomorphic characters. Had to put up with the hordes of obnoxious balto-styled furry characters that were often sexualised. I'm also a bit of a nerd when it comes to animals so I found it personally offensive to learn that NONE of them seem to know dick about the animals they draw. And the ANATOMY. Seriously, if you're going to have a biped version of a quadruped, WHY just slap its head on a human body? Surely if they evolved to be bipedal they would not look exactly the same as humans?? SURELY a bird would not have breasts????
(i'm talking mostly those that are trying to be more realistic than looney tunes-tier silliness)

Seriously though, why always the balto-like art styles? Why always the sameface red fox character with nearly the same markings as all the others sameface red fox characters? Where are all the cool and creative animal hybrids and character types?

As for fursuits... I can appreciate some.

>> No.2878332
File: 57 KB, 591x510, 1393707617958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furry is such a vague term, I prefer simply calling it shitty fetish art.

>> No.2878334
File: 37 KB, 400x511, C2T_a5_VEAEpqFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the porn's great, but people who treat this shit as a lifestyle should be shot

>> No.2878340

>I'm a fur faggot
the post
>So since people are mindless zombies that server their masters and chose not to think for themselves
Ever thought of the fact that you might actually be degenerates and most people see that?
Course not, could never be you right? it's everybody else that's retarded :^)
this >>2877794

>> No.2878343

I like anthrophomorphic animals, but 99% of furries are just interested in them to sexualize them and make snowflake oc's. So imo 99% of furry art is a steaming pile of shit. Such a shame plenty of rly good artists do furry porn only, so much wasted potential.

>> No.2878348

it's the easiest way to make money

it's like when people see a video of lady gaga playing classic piano in college and are like "aaaw, why does she have to do that pop crap?". the pop crap got her to the fucking superbowl halftime show

>> No.2878353


>> No.2878360

>WHY just slap its head on a human body?
If it is meant to be sexualised, there needs to be a good ballance of human features, otherwise it will lose appeal and go into zoosexual territory.

In my experience avian and dragon characters tend to be more unique and with more interesting bodies.

>> No.2878361

>"aaaw, why does she have to do that pop crap?". the pop crap got her to the fucking superbowl halftime show

>> No.2878373

There is no good furry art. If you draw animals in a sexualised way you are a fucking degenerate and you should be shot and killed instantly on the spot. What the fuck is wrong with you disgusting creatures. jesus christ

>> No.2878376

they are more like people at this point unless we talk about feral with hanging dog titties and fortune cookies

>> No.2878424 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1000x817, c2d873b7ba3cfe3d4f6df397e319056f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad for you then since gay furry artists are the best ones around

>> No.2878426


>> No.2878455

Sindoll is literally the only good furfag artist

>> No.2878464

that's not how you spell Spookeedoo

>> No.2878467

Don't tell me you wouldn't fuck that tiger hot damn, that's a sexy ass tiger.

>> No.2878484

Gas yourself

>> No.2878928
File: 893 KB, 1080x1920, 1471528977952-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite artistic content desu.

I'm actually surprised so few people like it. I mean, I find it so superior to other kind of art.

I don't know why I like it, or maybe the real question is, why would someone not like talking animals??

>> No.2878956

cause its a meme you dip

>> No.2878982

Is this Ilya?

>> No.2878993 [DELETED] 

nullghost is twice the artist Ilya will ever be

>> No.2879025

furry art = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

>> No.2879369

You = $$

>> No.2879422
File: 658 KB, 931x1260, 1486698682.tacklebox_bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Furry is just a subject matter for art, and like any other subject matter can have its fair share of bad art, aswell as good whether its pornographic or not. The thing that makes furry looked down upon is usually the community and long standing memes of disapproval. At the end of the day its hust art, and people who draw the subject matter, usually also draw nudity and sometimes porn of it (not unlike anything else that gets drawn). The real issue are the people who are obscenely offended over the mere mention and existence of it, and the people who forcibly shove it into others faces. I don't think Ive seen furry art spammed/used trollingly on this board in forever, and yet you'll still see the occasional "burn in hell furfag" or "kys" if somethings posted, despite no provocation to cause such a reaction.


Eh, furry art like anything else really only gets commission traffic if youre willing to do nsfw, or youre incredibly good. I don't ever think Ive seen someone who's doing furry art just for the money, you have to have actual interest or else it will show that you don't know what makes it appealing.

>> No.2879524

you're pulling those definitions outta your ass senpai

real life sex can be pretty disgusting
sex with the opposite gender can be disgusting if you're gay

it's all just a matter of opinion

>> No.2879709

Furry porn is easy money

>> No.2879716

let's see you whip up an ass like jmgn

>> No.2879750

It's quick money, not easy money.
Vanilla porn of people's favorite characters makes waaaay more money than furry porn.

Proof? Fuckin' open up internet.

>> No.2879795
File: 58 KB, 600x900, 1375400267.veramundis_websterfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What some folks gotta realize is that it's a subject matter. Sure, there's the whole commission/YCH/comic culture to it, but just like animu, or cars, or merc wips, furry art is something that some folks like and think is so bomb, they want to draw it too.

Gonna post one of my favorite artists to try and show that there's definitely skill involved to some degree, even if not pornographic.

>> No.2879807

I admire this artist but what's it with omitting the nipples? That creeps me out. These are mammal characters after all.

>> No.2879861

she's wearing a shirt dude

>> No.2879868

Okay I actualy see it now on her arms, now that's some vacuum wrapped shirt!

I had an other piece of this artist with a topless dog girl that also had no nipples tho.

>> No.2879877

They do so to make the pic SFW while still being essentially naked.

>> No.2879887
File: 964 KB, 1300x924, 1365132524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he (artist) would consider himself and his characters furries. Me neither - it's a word associated with many things lowly and disgraceful.


>> No.2879924

Draws furry porn, faves furry porn. It's pretty clear where he stands.

>> No.2879929

It's not pornography in a way a nude study by Michelangelo isn't pornography.

>>2878424 this is pornography, it has a clear intention of arousing someone, and serves no other purpose.

>> No.2879948

No matter what fetish you're into, if you build your entire outward personality around your sexuality, chances are you're just a boring piece of shit.

>> No.2879983

Shut the fuck up. We all know why they draw animals. FUCKING CANCER FAGGOTS GAS YOURSELVES

>> No.2879988

most people fall into this category..
>does drawing get me women?
>does being an asshole get me women?
>why dont women like me bwaa bwaa

>> No.2879996

Wanting to draw cute furries was the whole reason I picked up art.

Porn aside, I am finding it fun and am glad I picked up a creative hobby.
Before, I was just slowing rotting away in my apathy. Now it has me running around and trying all kinds of fun new things. Art can be a lot of fun, frustrating at times, but still fun. I like to do my best to encourage others as well.

>> No.2880010

post your cute furries

>> No.2880016

Sorry to hijack thread, but I was wondering about this.

I need to make $1000 by June. Do yall think it would be possible to do it with furry commissions as an absolute nobody if I made myself available to draw the most depraved shit possible (barring illegalities)? How do you guerilla advertise, make shit-tons of money, then drop off the face of the earth in 3 months? As a follow-up, would I have to declare any of these earnings on my taxes? Just wondering.

>> No.2880023

Get a job dude.

>> No.2880037

Lol, no.

>> No.2880038

Looks symbillicaly drawn

>> No.2880044

I have a full-time job lined up and a shitty job atm. But I need a thousand extra bucks to tide me over in between the transition period.

>> No.2880055


Uhhhhh as far as 'guerilla advertising,' you could try and throw your art on the following: FurAffinity, Weasly, Inkbunny, Tumblr, and maybe posting in some /fur threads on /b/, which believe it or not, has gotten me commissions.

Here's the hard part, anon. If you're not known, you'd need to get known. Spamming art on any of these places is the norm for everybody, so it comes down to you standing out with quality. Knowing your fundies is cool and all, but tbqh, furfags don't care. Make the best sparkledogs/massive tit traps/loli fuckers that you can, and have them reasonably priced. (Say like $30 for a flat color without bg.)

If you fuck around and make fanart of whatever is popular rn, so STILL Overwatch, For Honor, Marvel shit, whatever's good in pop culture, I can guarantee folks on Tumblr will look at your blog. But you run the risk of.... being on Tumblr, where drama is a very normal thing.

Fetishes that don't normally get drawn/drawn well definitely go for higher prices, but with very niche, usually autistic fucks that are gonna want you to redraw the piece n+2 times. Do it well, and you'd be the go-to artist for vore/expansion/inflation/whatever in the hell you fell comfortable with.

No you don't put this shit on your taxes, you're making money off a hobby for 3 months, not being freelance.

Hope this gives you an idea.

>> No.2880060

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. Now I just have to find a way to explain to my gf where the money came from.

>> No.2880062

It's infuriating when an otherwise good artist does furry shit. They could have used their powers for good.

>> No.2880063

Fuck off the whole reason they got good is because they wanted to do better furry porn.

>> No.2880065


1000 in 3 months is nothing, and I doubt even with pandering you'll make it. Not being known drops you off the face of the earth, even if you're willing to do whatever.


>otherwise good artist does furry shit

They're probably good because they wanted to draw furry. There is no "powers for good", art is art. That's the same as calling out an amazing anime artist for their subject, if they weren't drawing what they wanted, they wouldn't be drawing at all.

>> No.2880139

YCH auctions and spam reminders. Just all day over and over. You don't care about annoying watchers since you'll be gone anyway. Someone will bite eventually.

>> No.2880156

Does anyone think that Sindoll's work used to be great but has become kind of grotesque lately?

>> No.2881748

>$1000 by June.

fanart and Furry porn can get you this in no time

>> No.2881750

>Does anyone think that Sindoll's work used to be great but has become kind of grotesque lately?

Show examples

>> No.2881785
File: 109 KB, 750x1030, Srth-opera-kranz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not a furfag but i find kemono very appealing in a not-sexual way.

west is disgusting tho.

>> No.2881967
File: 820 KB, 1920x1080, Voltron.Legendary.Defender.S01E05.Tears.Of.The.Balmera.1080p.NF.WEBRip.DD5.1.x264-NTb.mkv_snapshot_20.35_[2016.06.18_02.37.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like a lot of the furry style that seems common in the community, the sort of Disney-esque style I suppose you could call it? But anthro art can be good, if done right.

I tend to prefer anthro type art to look largely human, with a few animal type features though, instead of the cartoony animal heads on human bodies style the community likes.

I suppose a good example for me would be the Galra in the new Voltron series. Technically, it's xeno, but they do the sort of animal features right to me. They give them ears, and fur or other aspects, but the proportions are very human-like overall.

>> No.2882020

I draw a lot of "furry" stuff, but I detest the furry community. Bunch of immature, overly-sentimental, sex-obsessed, degenerates.

The best "furry" artists are the ones who draw a lot of non-furry stuff as well.

>> No.2882169

What was that website that gave a brief description on human anatomy then dove into animal anatomy followed by how to combine them?

>> No.2882862

I want to know too

>> No.2883292

Anthropomorphic characters can work very well, the problem is that most furry artist draw in some childish disney-rip-off style which gets boring almost immediately. Furries being a bunch of autistic weirdos may be a reason why
This is gud

>> No.2883436

Found it but can't link it for some reason. Something Hippie Eunicorn.

>> No.2883437

jay naylors stuff is alright.

>> No.2883750

> you could try and throw your art on the following: FurAffinity, Weasly, Inkbunny, Tumblr, and maybe posting in some /fur threads on /b/, which believe it or not, has gotten me commissions.

just a question, isn´t this form of self shilling frowned upon on the threads? as in, posting my own art and stuff? do the most known artists really do that?

>> No.2883753

I'd add /trash draw thread to that lish too, I've seen people asking artists for comissions based on their work there.

>> No.2883766

I have reservations about that.

he draws nice butts but the gigantic eyes and flat bodies are unappealing imo.

>> No.2884342

>Furry is not a sexual fetish its a word, you fucking imbecile. It's like saying all artist are homosexuals and poor.

>> No.2884347
File: 22 KB, 500x300, 11206186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because flat devitalized figure drawing is so hot

>> No.2884521
File: 24 KB, 500x375, neko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)04:21:28 No.2878373▶>>2878376
>There is no good furry art. If you draw animals in a sexualised way you are a fucking degenerate and you should be shot and killed instantly on the spot. What the fuck is wrong with you disgusting creatures. jesus christ
> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)04:27:36 No.2878376▶
>they are more like people at this point unless we talk about feral with hanging dog titties and fortune cookies

I guess a lot of things I do enjoy could technically count as furry (cute/sexy girls with ears and tails and shit) but when I hear furry I associate with a particular style with gross snouts and shit that to be honest I just find off-putting.

>> No.2886666

Not if it's actually good y'know.

>> No.2886705

welp fuck, it´s worth a try then.

>> No.2887240

So its like anime

>> No.2890057

I like anthropomorphic animals. There are artists, some identified as furries, that I found inspirational. I'm not a furry though, not really interested. I'm not opposed to it in animation. I've always felt the disney type wide/slanted eyes like OP look best with drawings intended to be, I don't know, actual animals since it's hard to convey expression in an animal's face.

Furries and anthropomorphic animals aren't the same as drawing an animal or creature. Even Disney's Robin Hood doesn't use that particular eye shape. I think that's why stuff like >>2881785 holds more appeal because it too has a more human eye shape.

>> No.2890375

i know how to segregate my tasteful artwork from the shit i doodle when i'm jacking off because i am not autistic. there are lots of people that don't because they are.

>> No.2890380


>> No.2890690
File: 3.23 MB, 2397x1694, EmelieTidFugPSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the artist

i only really like cyancapsule, maybe slugbox

>> No.2890699

Thank you, although this one's a different site I'll hold on to it.
The one I was referring to was
"Yet Another Anthro Art Tutorial"

>> No.2890717

yes i to like slugbox , dunno who the other person is though.

>> No.2890719

i meant his comics . i dont know what he does today.

>> No.2890795
File: 191 KB, 1280x918, tumblr_oj4qnstUTX1t7xyrqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cyancapsule makes some pretty interesting designs
mostly draws that one pig girl tho

>> No.2893187
File: 49 KB, 573x335, car is asckin u 'wtf are u doing'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pig girl
>one of the closest animals to humans in skin tones
>draws it fucking neon magenta

>> No.2893192

Most people don't have the creativity to make interesting animal/human hybrids anon. I agree with your post tho

>> No.2893295
File: 3.10 MB, 2191x2749, 2017_01_1_doodleColobis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's drawn some smut, I bet he's just wanting to keep it kinda safe.

>> No.2893416
File: 64 KB, 720x380, eyes of the wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking surreal dude

>> No.2893624

It's her style.

>> No.2893626

See, this is why furry artists shouldn't draw realistic shit. The uncanny valley.

>> No.2893662

Furry is anthro, though. As in humanoid creatures with animal traits. If they're just normal animals then it's zoophilia.

>> No.2893676

I dont get it and it bewilders me. I dont get why adults are obsessed with any of this, weither it be horses, cartoon girls or furry

>> No.2893713 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 3500x4000, birdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I dont get why adults are obsessed with any of this, weither it be horses, cartoon girls or furry

yea same

>> No.2893716
File: 511 KB, 539x678, birdysmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I dont get why adults are obsessed with any of this, weither it be horses, cartoon girls or furry

yea same

>> No.2893727

You need to seek help, dude.

>> No.2893767
File: 421 KB, 1280x1118, 1470348425.evilart_cham-sasha-kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely love it if its done well. Unfortunately furry art is VERY hit and miss. Also looking for good resources on how to draw seems to be lacking. You'll get your run of the mill deviantart shitty tutorials but that's about it. That's why I wish Bernal did more tutorials like this vid.


>> No.2893784


Geek material is pretty immature in general when you think about it. No one will look highly at you for drawing goblins, robots, or elves.

>> No.2893790

except for the vast amount of geeks, normies into that stuff, and anyone looking for cards/comic type art.

>> No.2893808

Are you the same guy who made the "painfully generic art" thread while posting an image of an orc?

>> No.2893833

why slugbox? they're everything wrong with furries with their same faced characters, horrible anatomy and shit perspective

>> No.2893837

I still find it fucked up that people want to fuck animals. I don't mind the ones that have a human face though. But I just can't see an animal face a,d go like "i find this sexually attractive!"

>> No.2893861


White collar workers, especially those who work in software development or most STEM fields, give it a pass. But those are the same places that have bronies, furfags, and anime fans as employees. There's no normie who collects fantasy cards or several issues of comics, they're geeks. Nothing wrong with that.

From what I noticed, law enforcement or any type of blue collar worker might think that geek culture is silly as it's not mostly grounded in reality. They do give a pass to IPs like The Terminator, but they think that IPs DnD and Ghost in the Shell are dorky. They're into grounded media involving sports, gun culture, or mma.


I haven't posted a thread in this board at all. I just remembered Dave Rapoza's line about it being silly to expect people to respect you for drawing different types of geek subject matter as they think that geek culture is silly in generally. (I'm paraphrasing here)

>> No.2893868

>They're into grounded media involving sports, gun culture, or mma.

It's a struggle connecting with people when you're into that and geek stuff and furries

>> No.2893879
File: 375 KB, 840x960, tumblr_nvfxp0geuj1rhwcn3o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw mildly successful furry artist with a decent fanbase and commissions whenever i need them

tfw the amount of money i make is simply up to how much i draw

tfw fanbase is constantly growing faster and faster, able to raise prices, able to draw more interesting characters

feels good man

>> No.2893909

How can I just get sketch or flat commissions but do a shitload of them? Seems like people only want to buy expensive fully-rendered stuff, which would take me way longer at my current skill level. I just wanna make 1000 bucks in 3 months.

>> No.2893929


Damn it, it's you again.

Part of the plague of the fandom is the YCH - the 'your character here.' They are lazy, stupid bases already set in a pose that you say, "hey, pay me money to complete this with your character drawn in it!"

If you're popular, you'll sell these. If you're not, you wont.

Another goddamn destructive piece of fandom are adoptables. Basically, throw 4 or more recolored one-off flats, or if you'd like some variety, different species on a canvas and say6, "hey, see these? Buy these!"

If you're popular, it'll sell. If you're not, they won't.

Get lit with followers, then worry about how you'll make your money.

>> No.2893993

How do I get followers though (besides 'git gud', and furthermore, how good is 'gud' enough)? My tumblr strategy has been entirely unsuccessful and my furaffinity run has only been marginally better (a couple of watchers and a handful of favs, only 50-60 views on the better of my pieces (which is pathetic)). I guess I'll start branching out into inkbunny and the other ones mentioned above, but due to my limited (read: non-NEET) time available, I want to optimally use my drawing time to amass followers as quickly as possible and get selling quickly as well. I guess I should post some of my work to be assessed, but it's shameful at this point. I'll try to complete a good representative piece by the end of the weekend.

>> No.2894027


Post what you've put up, you fag.

You get followers by whoring.
Make fanart of popular stuff, like I told you last time, and here's a new strat: you see those popular characters? Like Zoe, or Artica, or whoever else? Put some real work into something that stands out as a good piece, then send it to their artists/owners and call it gift art. You're piece will end up being seen by the shit ton of followers on those accounts, and if you indeed got the git gud, you'll get some kickback.

Draw Krystal, or Renamon, or pinup Pokemon, or whatever you fancy. If it's popular, use it as a subject to make a cool looking piece/smut that's worth a damn.

As for speed, you have to post OFTEN. Hell, on tumblr, post what you're sketching. I know plenty of folks that have a decent camera on their phone and just snap something and post it.

>> No.2894031

make "friends"
pander to a fetish
commission/trade with other people in your skill level/fetish

>> No.2894177


My way is not for the weak willed. But. I'm not interested in making cash, as I'm set for many lives, sucks I only live one.

( Believe it or don't. )

Anyway. I am in the process of making several animated hand-drawn and 3D animated cartoons. All sexual in natures, cause why would I draw boring PG-13 shit?

Also making several comics, characters I hope will appeal to people to want to watch, which in-turn will lead to comics, animations what have you.

One day, I will just flood FA and other sites with all these things. And wait and see what happens. If it fails, I don't honestly care. But the last time I saw waves of characters, comics appear on other furry websites now gone. Some of them became very popular and still are. From Max Black Rabbit, Meesh, Wolfy-Nail to others who didn't hold onto the popular train as they made art they enjoyed and didn't sell out making pony trash and latest fad shit.

That all seems to work. But. Question is your patience. Clearly, you gave none expecting 200840593 artist over a few shitty drawings you've made.

Good luck.

>> No.2894191


Nah anon, flooding like thyat occurs everyday by folks whose sheer amount of quantity can be unrelenting, those whose lives revolves around the furry market.
Thing is, they do it just about every other day. You do your one happening, then stop? I can already tell you you won't get anything more than 'moar plz.'

>> No.2894201

slugbox makes his characters cute, and they have funny dialog. i think thats what it is.

>> No.2894214
File: 258 KB, 848x635, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only put up some sketches, but fuck it, here it is anyway (I know it's all bad, and furthermore that I jumped the gun on the commissions post -- I just want to be able to work with it SOMEHOW).


Here's something I did just now (not lewd). I guess I really just need to do fanart and gift art like you're saying and bring works to completion more. Fuck.

>> No.2894257

This may be a stupid question, but do furries ever buy non-lewd art like in >>2893879 ? Or is there no market for that?

>> No.2894304

Oh, all the time. They may not be as consistent of a pay day as the repeat customers looking for porn but yes, there is a market.

>> No.2894307

>only post garbage chickenscratching


>> No.2894310

the most common would be various drawings or designs of their original characters

>> No.2894330

Make it clean, make it rendered and you might stand a chance.

Look at some fulltime fur artists like Ruaidri, their stuff is well made and worth the money.

Furbait might be an easy buck, but not a completely effortless one.

>> No.2894331

Fair point.

>> No.2894333

I kind of like your sketches, but you need to finish work so people have something to comission you for. Also advertise that you do comissions, watchhow other fur friends do it.

>> No.2894357
File: 84 KB, 744x992, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my original character. It's Copywrited.

>> No.2894362

seconding the other anons on that you need to actually finish your work to be able to build a following. doesn't matter the content type, generally people just aren't going to care about unfinished sketches

>> No.2894409


Thanks for the encouragement/kick in the ass that I needed. I'll clean up and render what I've got so far and see how that goes.

>> No.2894415

i think even if it is just flat colors if the lineart is being cleaned up it will look at least somewhat professional

so far your stuff looks liek something you would do for your own fun

>> No.2894445
File: 157 KB, 1073x667, a009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So something like this would be better to upload than those sketches? This is the only one that really has semi-clean linework

>> No.2894471

Hmm. Care to show some of your not furry work? You could totally post non-furry art on FA. Try posting some of your usual polished work to show what you can do.

Also as an odd critique, I notice that the head and faces seem to have a much more cartoony look than the rather well constructed anatomy.
My advice would be to either simplify and cartoonify the bodies, or tinker with the heads to match.
Just my 2 cents, take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.2894475


Yeah, the faces are quite different from the bodies I guess. My stylization of bodies is not exactly top-notch, so I'll have to work on that.

As far as non-furry/polished stuff, mostly everything I've done in the past few years (that's on this computer) hasn't been rendered or polished much at all since I usually burn out by that stage in the drawing. It's just something I'll have to work at.

>> No.2894477

>2 cents

>> No.2894483

No idea who that is.
It's a pretty common idiom.

>> No.2894501

Well your sense of anatomy is pretty great in my opinion.
If you have trouble stylizing it, then I would recommend practicing with anthropomorphic faces until you find a style that meshes well with the body.
You could try using more animalistic features to match the more realistic anatomy. If that feels weird, (it probably will), then experimenting with non sexualized images, highlighting the more savage appeal of the fandom. There are a lot of them that just like the badass wolfman type characters.
Again, I'm just throwing out ideas, I might be wrong so do with it what you will.

>> No.2894545
File: 103 KB, 788x710, a012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just whipped this up. How does this do on the more cute furry (sharky) side of things? Do you think they would respond better to this?

>> No.2894595

Yeah, I think that might be on the right track.
I'm kind of a tutorial whore so I would be remiss if I didn't suggest looking up a few tutorials on any aspect of art your looking to improve.
Could also try finding some artists that appeal to you and study how they pull it off.

>> No.2894600

teach me famm
I will be your apprentice

>> No.2894604

Thanks for the tips man. I'll look for some tuts that match this style and try to push my shit in this direction.

>> No.2894619
File: 52 KB, 315x420, pogo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw anthromorphs as part of my webcomic. I don't get the sexual attraction to them,and the people in my world generally don't either,and its considered weird and off putting by the bulk of the population,although you get relationships that transcend the species boundaries.

Once at a sci fi convention,I saw a Furry Fandom party advertised,so I dragged my sketchbooks there in the hopes of interacting with fellow artists. And after looking around,I dragged my ass right out again! Everyone thete,and it was Everyone who was drawing anything was doing furry porn as if tits were part of an arms race. Too embarassing. Ran for the hills.

>> No.2894625
File: 18 KB, 480x762, received_1980486372176008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't footfags like one of the largest fetish groups? That is one optimistic genocide!

>> No.2894627


I'm cool with more please... desu I draw and such for myself. If, someone likes what I've made there is a lot already to enjoy, if not. I'm not losing any sleep.

>> No.2894754


>> No.2894826


>> No.2894827


You're not going to get a following with this stuff simply because it's just bland and bad art, in all directions. No real style, subject matter/situations are uninspired, knowledge of anatomy, structure, forms, proportion, are off and boring.

If you want to amass a following, get good. Study people who are good, read books, learn anatomy, and draw well first, and then when you can draw something that looks competent then people will follow you. Until then nobody wants this stuff. I'm not trying to be mean, just real. "Pandering to furries" still requires you to be good with general drawing principals and you're not. There's people years beyond you in skill that don't even amass that much of a following.

tl;dr, you're not going to get commissions or followers if you're a bad uninspired artist. Do stuff you like and pick some interesting subject matters/settings. Put effort in and render and such. Be intelligent when drawing, don't just chickenscratch shit.

>> No.2894920

This is an inspiring. Thanks senpai, will frame this post.

>> No.2894925
File: 1.18 MB, 1278x987, b79d3c56d14cb122b389d4fee422f922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool.
They're often better than me, so I mean, fuck me, right?

>> No.2894950

literally just learn to draw, there's nothing to teach.
read michael hampton, read loomis, read robertson, gitgud
there's a market for it but it's much much easier to get commissions and a following if you draw porn. You have to be REALLY FUCKING GOOD at art to sell purely sfw furry commissions, while being a porn artist you only have to be mildly good.

>> No.2894955

>read michael hampton

cannot stress this enough when being introduced to basic anatomy shapes.

>> No.2895133

>hampton, robertson, loomis
those are for fundamentals of figure and perspective but will not make your art appealing on their own

imo the most important thing is developing a style, work a lot on stylisation, appealing shapes, proportions

>> No.2895145

So where should you be posting your art?


>> No.2895188

You have to know the anatomy to create appealing shapes otherwise it will look wrong and ugly dumb fuck

>> No.2895199
File: 375 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_og69i3GYYL1qcsc7lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are good furry art like pic related, I'm not a furry person but I really dig ovopack's work. I like drawing animals tho, but oversexualized furry art disgusts me.

>> No.2895204

you need to know it that's why I said figure fundamentals but learning appealing stylisation will also take years and purposeful effort

you can spend lifetimes drawing figures and still not make one single fuckable anthro drawing

>> No.2895209
File: 232 KB, 704x880, barakemono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also you can have a completely flat yet appealing character based on shape design

pic related is not something you learn from academic figure drawing

>> No.2895229
File: 399 KB, 2000x1331, Tykris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy drawing and viewing anthropomorphic art, particularly from a character design front. I think it opens up a lot of variation in that area.

Pic related was a commission, I don't consider myself a good artist yet but if I focused on this stuff I might just be able to cover rent at some point. Even as a mediocre artist I get commissions as soon as I open them, it's fairly easy money.

I am not into the sexual/fetish aspects, personally- to each their own, I guess.

>> No.2895232

That's pretty damn good, man.

>> No.2895247


You don't have to do requests. Just post regularly in color and people will be bound to commission you. Non-artists aren't huge fans of sketches unless if it happens to be an animation.

>> No.2895258

Don't be so lazy! Doing furry stuff isn't an excuse to be meh with your work, and your potential followers won't be interested if you're not gonna bother putting some effort in to what you're posting. Tossing out a bunch of sketches and flats every once in a while is fine, but you gotta keep your focus on more rendered stuff, where you put some time and effort in to it and show your future commission-clients your potential and your willingness to improve and put time in to things.

>> No.2895261

That's a pretty nice style and it's obvious you put some time and effort in to your drawings, so I can totally understand why people would want to commission you.

>> No.2895264

ovopack is considered a furry artist? Are there any others who are more mainstream like that but are furry artists?

>> No.2895331
File: 896 KB, 800x1154, postyourquirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're fapping to anything fake it's no different them fapping to something specific that's fake. Same thing goes for drawing things that don't exist (some are better than others both in quality and subject matter).
Having a desire to go in a fursuit to a con is honestly no different than going to a comic con dressed as your favorite superhero or an anime con dressed as your waifu. The only difference is that one fandom appeals to a broader audience and more children more so people tend to overlook their bad rep...because they're part of it in some way.
That and for some reason humans have a soft spot for animals so there is a massive misunderstanding of context and people automatically assume that a sexualized human like animal is bestiality. The furry community is every single fandoms fallguy, even bronies think that they're above them when in actuality it's all the same crap.

>> No.2895340

>If you're fapping to anything fake it's no different them fapping to something specific that's fake.
Why don't you go shove those logical fallacies up your asshole?

>The furry community is every single fandoms fallguy, even bronies think that they're above them when in actuality it's all the same crap.
No. Furries are disgusting degenerates and have historically been at the bottom of the barrel in terms of online communities. However, bronies somehow managed to lower the bar.

>> No.2895347

he's definitely a furry artist, you should see his porn account
he also has an FA but he doesnt use it anymore

>> No.2895461
File: 446 KB, 1155x893, 1455651575190-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely like a lot of it, there are a lot of good artists in the furry fandom. I wish there weren't such a stigma against it or I'd probably be drawing more of it.

>> No.2895466

Where did his neck go?

>> No.2895475

DA has a large furry population and is focused more on SFW art than the fetish stuff so I'd recommend that if you aren't put off by all the kids there.

>> No.2896024


>> No.2896032

in real life sure, but pretty sure pigs are pink in most drawings

>> No.2896283

>Opposite sex

>> No.2896287

Same, Sao Sotaru's stuff from the GATE series is appealing, along with his other kemono works

>> No.2896297

FA, twitter, tumblr is the holy trinity for being popufur

>> No.2896467

wtf im literally shaking now

>> No.2896561

ITT: Furries who want to pretend being a furry is not a sexual fetish.

>> No.2896604
File: 282 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m15mhyCZCG1qajnfno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is pic related fetish art?

>> No.2896643

you don't have to be a furry to like that

>> No.2896650
File: 1014 KB, 900x647, 1325121623.louvelex_lance2011_colorsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

Just have a look at this piece of high impact sexual violence made by a degenerate furfag.

Saved directly from their sickening furaffinity account.

>> No.2896652
File: 81 KB, 721x1108, judy_hopps_by_fellixxx777-days2fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2896667
File: 223 KB, 800x694, hh Grandma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2896678

>not drawing something you want to because of stigma
You disappoint me, anon.

>> No.2896923
File: 18 KB, 409x393, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> ovopack

> porn account

now you fucking with me motherfucker, is this shit true?

>> No.2896946

Just draw it man.
Maybe you will change people's attitudes, that there's more to this aesthetic than gay sparking dogs with neon dongs.

>> No.2897096

Everybody who like disney movies isn't a furry. Stop lying to yourself. There are plenty of examples of anthropomorphic designs in entertainment. Appreciating the artistic qualities and symbolism in that image have nothing to do with your fetish. Furries are the ones who sexualize it and then come up with stupid excuses about how that's the same as a kid enjoying a Donald Duck or Winnie the Poo movie.

>> No.2897117

I often draw furry art. Often I just find the different forms more appealing than drawing human after human.

One of the common criticisms of furry art is the number of wolf characters out there. Everybody's OC is a wolf. When they draw other animals, they end up looking like wolves, etc. There's a clear lack of originality.

Well that's how I feel about drawing humans all the time.

>> No.2897118

I draw a lot of porn and most of it is underage, so Inkbunny's the only real option. I've got a pixiv account for human stuff but they've started making me censor now so I'm using that less.

>> No.2897272

Didn't answer my question.

>> No.2897301

Posts like these reek of insecurity. Just because furry as a subculture has its cringe and social stigmas doesn't mean you should redefine what "furry" means to feel less triggered.

>> No.2897328

I did you shithead.
>Appreciating the artistic qualities and symbolism in that image have nothing to do with your fetish.
Did you see red before you reached that part?

Stop projecting. As somebody said above, go ask normal people what a furry is and you will have the meaning of the word. You are doing SJW tier damage control.

There's a reason your subculture is detested and judging from your reaction you two are likely a part of the problem

>> No.2897334

I loathe it. It's utterly disgusting and contemptible.
Anthropomorphic art I tend to only dislike. It has it's place when removed from the fetish shit.

I'm tempted to completely sell out and try to get furry commissions 'cause I could use the money... but I don't want to have any contact with the community and I heard that's necessary.

>> No.2897351

you dont have to involve yourself with the community, and most furries arent that bad to deal with when doing commissions.

you might find that being a "too cool for school" fag about it makes it less fun though. It's just porn with animal characters, literally nothing to get all HEH.. DISGUSTING AND CONTEMPTIBLE on it.

Just draw some furry smut and have fun, stop being a pussy. You can have fun drawing in the fandom if you stop being so pessimistic about it.

>> No.2897353

Why do you draw underage porn? Are you a paedophile? Why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.2897354

Yeah you're probably right. I'll ease myself in with drawing regular gay porn first.

>> No.2897355

yeah fuck off leave the furry art to people who respect their costumers and actualy like the art

>> No.2897356



>> No.2897362

The few "normal people" who has the slightest idea about what furry is will tell they are people dressing up as animals. It's just basement dwellers such as you who obsess over the sexual parts as per usual.

>> No.2897369

Most normies don't know what furry is. You can reject the word on an individual basis for whatever reason you want. However, this doesn't magically mean it's not a widely accepted umbrella term that refers to anthro art.

>> No.2897371

I'm just being honest. Most of the artists selling that shit hate it deep down.

>> No.2897374

>b-but they don't know us. we are a secret club only people deep in da intraweb kno 'bout

You guys are delusional on multiple levels. But at least you coordinate your worldview among yourself.

This is the second time two replies to me got posted 4 min apart in this slow moving thread. I already suspected a samefag but meh. As mentioned it doesn't make much difference.

>> No.2897382

>two people disagree with me about something contentious, better call samefag

Real convincing argument, I'm sure we'll all default to your definition from now on.

>> No.2897394

All succesful furry artists are into it.
Maybe there are a few fools who just do it for money but I never saw one.

>> No.2897405

>Looking like a major fool so better ignore everything else and focus on the derail. At least then I can pretend I won my internet warrior battle anyway.

I'm sure you got it all rehearsed from previous arguments.

>b-but only 4chan and similar site know about us
Btw do you have any idea of the amount of traffic this place gets? We are talking top on the global scale for 4chan alone. /b/ and /pol/ gets the most. So even if by some magic that only 4chan made fun of furries that would still be years of people learning it and then moving on. Statistically that would still qualify for a lot more people than what hangs out on online furry communities.

So your argument is stupid on so many levels

Question: Do you post in your fursuit?

>> No.2897414


I've yet to read or hear a rational and well explained point on why it's cool or funny to mock / insult or attack the furry community. Especially, as a whole.

The common low IQ post are: kys / fur fag / git gud / loser / virgin / animal fucker / cause it's gay / cause it's zooshit / all artist suck / cause everyone else says it, so I follow the "normal," meme, think as a mass, not for myself types.

All of which are simply baseless, broad scoping one group, with immature pathetic attacks and insults.

The positives from my own point of view is: Creative Community ( Drawing / 3D Modeling / 2D animation / Writing / Music Creation / Sculpting / Costume Making / Social Interactions around cartoon animal people. With plenty of acceptable porn that if otherwise replaced with boring ass humans instead of ( more often than not ) creative creatures, ignoring sparkle dogs and wolves everywhere. No one really has any argument.

Bandwagon hate, is as stupid as politics DESU. Grow up and do something besides cry on a random image porn website 24/7.

>> No.2897435

In here we got some furfags who are getting their knots in the wrong losing their shit because somebody disagree with that "furry" should include anybody who have enjoyed entertainment or art with anthropomorphic characters and not just cover sexual deviants. Despite the fact that the only ones who identify as furries do so with a base in something sexual. Fuck, it's a community you only seek out if you got those sexual fetishes in the first place.

Ironically as the furfag above have partly noticed, the word "furry" wouldn't even be known to normal people if it wasn't for all the negative drama they cause.

Most of the time you see hate towards furfags it has been triggered by the furfags own behavior.

Fuck, at this point /pol/ hate furries more than pedophiles, judging by the backlashes.

>> No.2897440

I'm the fool for pointing out that a term that's existed since the early 80s isn't going to be changed by some literally shaking autist on 4chan?

This was my third response. Accusations may bring you comfort, but the reality is there's just a lot of furfags on /ic/. It's not 2006 anymore.

>> No.2897443

I like it all even the turbo autismo stuff because I'm a massive furfag.

>> No.2897444

>existed since the early 80s
to normal people? No it didn't.

And no normal parent have ever thought "oh boy how our kid love those cartoons, must be a furry". If it wasn't for the negative press then it would still be a mostly unknown word outside some fetish communities.

>> No.2897449

As I said before, you're not forced to self-identify as a furry. On the flip side, you can't arbitrarily decide what is or isn't furry based on your own personal preferences. That's both futile and stupid.

>> No.2897454

he makes it look so easy

>> No.2897458

>Surely if they evolved to be bipedal they would not look exactly the same as humans??

Yeah, that makes sense-

>SURELY a bird would not have breasts????

You lost me

>> No.2897459

I'm pretty sure that the majority of the people you would identify as furries then wouldn't want to be associated with the word. Words are defined by their usage. Not by some furfag autist who want to redefine one to counter some negative press. That's also why the definitions in dictionaries change yearly based on word usage.

>> No.2897464


A lot of them do it because you chew bait easily. I get that you hate inaccurate generalizations and assumptions aimed at you, everyone does. It's why /b/ and /pol/ has contempt towards journalists and federal agents.

However, this is not the type of community that you should expect respect from. Even if people sincerely hate or annoyed by you, you won't gain their respect regardless of what you do. Work on fixing yourself and bettering your craft instead of arguing with the lowest common denominator of individuals who want to drag you down. If you don't like those stereotypes, then avoid them.

>> No.2897470

I don't think you understand why people visit a place like /pol/. It's exactly so they get into an argument.

>> No.2897492

>words are defined by their usage

Exactly. What you're claiming about the word contradicts what it is overwhelmingly used to convey. That's been my point this whole time. The cognitive dissonance you're displaying is almost impressive.

>> No.2897503
File: 177 KB, 1238x645, setchheadshots7_by_reykat-da6b0f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NONE of them seem to know dick about the animals they draw
You said it, mang
I swear, people have no idea what a heckin wolf looks like. They just draw some generic, poorly stylized creature and slap on some fitting ears. It's not just furries who can't draw animals, though

It seems like there are furries who have cringy, 'muh style' art, and then there are the ones who block out all that shit and draw it their own way while studying anatomy.

>> No.2897526

Maybe it's because I'm a noob but that middle one doesn't look terrible.

>> No.2897546

I think it's kind of like, you can listen to some metal music without identifying as a metal head.

And you can be a metalhead without liking all genres of metal.

>> No.2897878

It means everybody, shithead. Reality isn't made up of a closed group of 27 furfags even if that make up your whole world.

Well that's true. Things just get weirder when we are dealing with people who majorly finds discomfort in the human body and idealize anthropomorphic features that might creep others out. It's on the level where some are just instinctively turned off (Like it is the case with other sexual fetishes). The furfags who want to try and normalize their fetish is really ruining it for the rest of them and themselves by extension as furfags who know how to interact normally and might even have social lives that depend on it don't want to be associated with the community.

>> No.2897906
File: 103 KB, 337x728, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can be good sometimes

>> No.2897912
File: 76 KB, 640x640, d9dfd1cf7387e871e1e4257147cde157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one barely qualifies though.

>> No.2897915
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>> No.2897916
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>> No.2897917
File: 199 KB, 521x319, humanpighybrid3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2897918
File: 244 KB, 600x246, smallchimera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human animal hybrids...

>> No.2897923
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>draw extremely davinci-tier great realism
>10$ a month through patreon
>meanwhile furfags drawing extremely bad receive 3k a week from patreon

>> No.2897944
File: 36 KB, 700x581, 97edad85a4b9e0ff9576b628b5a5149c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'de be hard pressed to find a single furry artist of any respectable caliber that's not into it. Like any other job it gets tiring or regrettable, but they love it. Nobody just does this stuff for the money, if that was the case there's easier ways to do such things, even with art if you're at a good enough skill level.



Lol. I think people forget when opening up a patreon or trying to get a following that subject matter is important, almost moreso than quality. If you're just doing high quality renders, sure they show technical skill but general people who would be willing to send money gain nothing from your work. Nobody wants that shit, they want comics, or art that evokes emotion or they recognize, not your life studies.

Furry art on the other hand outright has a subject matter, and pertains to attracting a certain group, so it makes up for alot. That being said I'de be surprised to find a furry artist making even close to that amount without a semblance of quality or style.


>not the queen of "furry" sculptures

I'de post the kissing goats but I like the rabbit better.

>> No.2898211


Your linework isn't tight in the slightest. If you're not drawing on a bigger canvas, I recommend at the bare minimum 2100x3200 type shit, at 600dpi. Your pen width for lineart should be around 4-5 for smaller lines, no more than 15-20 for heavier line weight.
Learn more fundies, perspective is something I'd recommend, just on the stuff you posted. Also anatomy that isn't as exaggerated should be your practice, then break from that to do a piece.
The style you have for faces is rudimentary, it's kinda maybe cute, but they don't stand out to me on a level that I would pay for, and I'm pretty layman. Spend some time doing iterative drawing of heads for various species, drawing different eye styles that you've seen by other artists, maybe other facial structures too. Get a feel for the stylistic choices made by those you want to emulate, and adapt it to how you want your style to be.
Other than that, learn how to do some actual painting, you can charge more. Additionally, cel shading is popular.
Thanks for posting, you're now maybe 40% on your way to making money.
One last thing, learn to make more than solo pieces, you can charge more per character.

>> No.2898213

>at that level
isn't that a pretty brutal overkill?

>> No.2898217

What even is marketing.

>> No.2898219


What, you want your shit to look like such? When resized, it looks a bit better to me. Less scratch if there was any. Though, I learned how to stop scratching with my lineart eons ago.

>> No.2898221

Yeah but 200dpi or 300dpi would be sufficient imo

>> No.2898252

Why do you play violent video games? Are you a school shooter? Why don't you get better bait.

>> No.2898256

>Fuck, it's a community you only seek out if you got those sexual fetishes in the first place

Mmm, nah. There's lots of people into it for no sexual reasons whatsoever. Probably the minority, but they're just as much furries.

>triggered by the furfags own behavior

This is pretty absurd. "Yiff in hell furfag" has been memetic for the last decade, with people spouting it off for the lamest of reasons. Like Barneyfag seeing anything even slightly related to MLP. The anti-furfags are more autistic than the furfags.

>> No.2898264

>There's lots of people into it for no sexual reasons whatsoever.

into what exactly? The furry community doesn't seem to be about anything other than lewd stuff and then people who feel that they are in the wrong body, which in general tends to be about what turns them on and how they would like to be viewed and eventually fucked.

>> No.2898266

Dressing up in fursuits. Role playing as their OCs. Drawing sfw art. Writing sfw fics. All the same thing the sexual furries do, just without the sex.

Do you actually know anything about the furry "community" besides what you've been told on /v/?

>> No.2898275

I don't really care about the furry community and don't want to spend time investigating it. I do know what the general opinion about it is and many self proclaimed furrries I have encountered have seemed borderline creepy.

>> No.2898279

You sound hopelessly naive and underage. Which isn't any of my business, just don't go around pontificating about shit you don't understand, because the people that do understand will know.

>> No.2898283

You are the naive one here. I understand what I see and I don't need to hear excuses for creepy behavior. Creepy is creepy.

>> No.2898286

>feel they are in the wrong body
Those are called otherkin. And even with how excepting of everyone the furry community is, even they are tired of their shit.

>> No.2898310

>I understand something I refuse to investigate
some swell logic right there

>> No.2898354

My weird fetish is so important that random people should be obligated to investigate it. You sound like you are trying to sell a religion. It's not my job to investigate you lifestyle. You can hopefully justify it in a conversation without me having to help you. Stop being so deluded about your own snowflake importance.

>> No.2898366

If you don't care about a topic, why come discussing it?
Furfriend is right, if you are going to shit all over something it doesn't hurt to know what you shit all over.

>> No.2898400

>if you see somebody bring up a question about a social group on an art forum why do you comment on it

How stupid are you. It's normal social behavior. Well forgot I was talking to a furfag for a sec there. The amount of mindwrapping you guys do to feel like victims for not being accepted is astonishing.

>> No.2898442
File: 229 KB, 1200x1200, a011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who drew the shitty picture you responded to. Thanks for the advice, I sincerely appreciate it.

I lined it yesterday and did flats earlier today. The lines aren't very good still but moving forward I'll take what you said into consideration for sure. 40% is encouraging!

P.S. My canvases generally start out at 3000x3000 at 300 dpi, but I'll experment with how high I can go without having my laptop wheezing. I had scaled down what I posted for FA since they take 1200px.

>> No.2898462

Another thing, when you change colors on the fur, make it look more natural, as opposed to the 'MS paint look.' I see it all the time.

Take a brush, lower the opacity by 20%, smooth it into the fur it needs to be, not just sharp angles.

To help, do some texture studies/ref from your fav artists.

>> No.2898470
File: 193 KB, 700x1063, e47b9898d7d7e75edd150dfe71661346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him, but why are you still even discussing? Your opinion is that furry is a term that only applies to deviancy correct? Although this is a demonstrably false statement. Furry is a blanket term that can fit for a multitude of media.

The negative stigma is purely from the same type of basis that gives people like Trekkies, and D&Ders back in the day their negative stigma. Media and trolls just going to perpetuate the same garbage whether true or not and dig up stuff from conventions and online forums for these groups and shove it where it doesn't belong. Obviously it's going to be cringe to see the more heavily obsessed fans, but they're not doing it for your approval. These groups are ultimately harmless, keep to themselves, and none of them deserve demonizing. I'm not even fully disagreeing with your statements either, dislike what you want, just don't attribute the notion of hate to the groups provocation, anytime I ever see cringe furry shit it's usually someone who's not a furry linking stuff from someones youtube, FA, DA or some account, not the creator themselves.


You could learn a thing or two about a lot, but if you're focusing on lines, it would help you to vary lineweight.

>> No.2898471

I'll try that. I didn't want to start doing that with the "flats" stage, but I will in the shading/render stage (otherwise it's like mixels). Will do fur texture studies and apply to the rendering

>> No.2898517

>Not him, trust me

Must be important to give the argument weight that I think that... No, seriously. If you type and argue like the previous post then I don't care if you really are a different person.

>why are you still even discussing?
If you are smart then you should be able to deduct why I replied just by reading the exchanges. I'm not going to analyze it for you.

Furfags are never going to lose their stigma and I don't think Trekkies and D&D had anything that compare (At least outside some religious communities). The area it cover is just too extreme for that. Even if it should happen that it gained popularity through some prime time tv show exposure and started attracting people who just like the aesthetic of some of the art then a new term would be made to describe those most today refer to as furries.

Closed communities tend to influence each others behavior and fans like that tend to become fanatical when isolated. Sure, there may have been furries in the past but the internet have really let some of them isolate themselves into the furry world, like it's the case with other subgroups.

>> No.2898518

>Furfags are never going to lose their stigma
What this guy said.

I love a lot of furry art but holy shit that community tho. I can see why people hate it.

>> No.2898528

>Furfags are never going to lose their stigma
Good, let's keep the normies out. They ruin everything.

>> No.2898657

but why would you go on some dunning-kruger "listen up, this is how it is"-tirade on a subject you yourself admit you neither understand nor want to understand fully? lecturing people on something you're not invested into seems pretty disingenuous

>> No.2898946

leave it to sasha to ruin my nofap....again

>> No.2899135


>furries are never going to lose their stigma

Eh, probably not, at least not anytime soon. Like >>2898518 said, the furry community can be pretty bad, and usually you only get to meet people who are worth talking to or not awful if they're some form of artist or creator, even if it's porn.

I don't think the term would change though. I'de imagine even if it became mainstream in some fashion it would still be called "furry", but that's an entirely different subject.

>> No.2900609
File: 326 KB, 1200x1015, a011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to render this today in an hour and a half. I still need to do a lot on the kid and quite a bit of overall polish. Would anybody mind giving some feedback?

>> No.2900656

Man, you are at the level of people who ask for comissions for their ocs, not at the level of one who delivers.

>> No.2900681

Yeah, I'm realizing that more and more every day. How would you improve this piece?

* Fix the crossed leg in its size and orientation
* Fix the fox's face and the glasses
* Fix perspective on the kid (feet specifically)
* Do something to the shitty bench
* Stylize the anatomy more
* Texture the fur

What else would you do?

>> No.2900693

I would finish the bench, then call the piece finished, and save it for a future redraw.

>> No.2900740

Thanks, thats what I'll do.

>> No.2902980

never gonna make it

>> No.2904602
File: 202 KB, 643x868, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the reason I want to get good. I want to draw all my favorite Pokemon.

>> No.2905934
File: 209 KB, 287x464, you can get mad but you cannot run from the truth anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love how everybody say that furries are a extreme fetishase fandom wen in reality webbs are ,just think for a moment there is a manga for every fetish out there,
they are probably more japanese comics that include bestialaty /pokephilia and cat-girls/monster-girls then all the furry comics sfw and nsfw combine

>> No.2905948

Can be done well, and in such cases I appreciate it.
I like Sindoll and guoh's art, for example, which I believe many would categorize as furry.

>> No.2905964 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 1240x652, 900 h in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2905966
File: 622 KB, 911x453, 900 h in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2908104

Anime is way to broad of a term to apply the same rules to it. Something can be anime but feature furry creatures. So you cant really compare the two

>> No.2908998

The furry community would be better if it was centered around porn. No more fursonas or cons or other autistic shit.

>> No.2909578
File: 61 KB, 678x678, 1481173105189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Implying masturbating to cartoons isn't autistic