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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 107 KB, 1095x868, imalittleteacockshortand....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2866647 No.2866647 [Reply] [Original]

Don't know where to start? We have multiple stickies >>1579290 and https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj please read them as most of your common woes are here.

Want to build a habit drawing? Check out Last Artist Standing: >>2866554

Want to draw cute underage girls? Check out the anime* thread: >>2865633

General draw thread >>2859555

Beginner thread (use this if you're brand new to /ic/) >>2865665

Please refrain from making your threads if you only have a single question.

>> No.2866649

How do I draw cute anime girls like the OP?

>> No.2866655


Becoming cute yourself is the 1st step in such a conquest.

>> No.2866660

Okay, I'm cute now. What's the next step?

>> No.2866667


I don't believe you. Pics?

>> No.2866671
File: 146 KB, 442x800, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2866679

My advice is you should just get into child gravure and forget art.

>> No.2866824

People here who've actually gotten somewhere.
How do you keep things fun on your training road?
Quite simply I know I'll burn out and give up if I go the full /ic/ route and focus only on gitting gud. I need something to keep me interested if I'm going to me self training. What did you guys do to keep yourself motivated on the long road with no end in sight?

And note I'd rather someone who's got gud's advice simply because the advice of someone who just started is rather pointless on this topic.

>> No.2867495


>> No.2867543

Is this guide any good?

>> No.2867565

Holy shit I never thought that id see a video from Volen on this board r

>> No.2867599

While this is good advice, its one of those things thats easy to say, much harder to apply to real life.

I'd suggest combining it with something enjoyable as well. i.e. if you're figure drawing eat some nice food you really like. your brain subconsciously connects the 2.
or maybe pull gestures off anime you enjoy. basically connecting 2 things and you'll begin to enjoy the second as much as the first.

>> No.2867681
File: 82 KB, 689x362, fruit loops man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody post the image of a painting where, I think, two women and one man sit at a table and look reproachfully at the viewer? Oh, and I'm pretty sure there's a cat also and it too judges the viewer.

>> No.2867715
File: 209 KB, 717x716, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's you approach to cleaning up sketches drawing digitally?

Do you draw on top in a separate layer, lightly erase and firm up the lines? Maybe aother way I haven't thought of?

>> No.2868051

Do the drawabox and scot robertson how to draw exercises have to be freehand? I've been practicing for a week and still can't draw a proper straight line.

>> No.2868081

Next question

>> No.2868085

Flats under it, lower opacity, collapse, paint

>> No.2868138
File: 143 KB, 776x1030, ctenophorae_by_ecmajor-d4todj9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys, how can I learn to beautifully render organic forms like in pic related?

>> No.2868215

Hey guys, I am new to the concept of light and color and just started reading James Gurney Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter book.

It seems very info heavy and I am not sure how to approach applying the knowledge taught in it. Any advice?

>> No.2868217

Play with light and color and don't just read.

>> No.2868228


Alright, makes sense

>> No.2868350
File: 4 KB, 229x238, 1453843041023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do high-level/studio employers generally think of tame smut when hiring an artist?
Is managing a split persona really necessary?

>> No.2868357

They probably don't care if you do really good shit. Everyone loves Frazetta and he's about as smut as you can get.

>> No.2868840

Don't risk it. It's not worth it, and it's not that difficult to manage different accounts. Do you really want to miss out on a job opportunity because you were lazy?

>> No.2868907

How to come up with interesting poses?

>> No.2868943

Was about to ask how I'm supposed to enjoy studies when all I end up doing is sketching anime shit improving at snail pace but this was quite helpful, thank you

I just need to remind myself the things he was talking about and actually push harder to get out of the comfort zone and enjoy my mistakes

>> No.2868977

How to get job?

>> No.2869056


>> No.2869185

so ive downloaded Hampton and Han's courses from CGMA

any other highly recommended ones? just working on fundamentals.

>> No.2869205

Just do those, those two last you like 2 months.

>> No.2869220


I can tell you it's not a meme, since the resources it mentions aren't memes. Except for Hampton, maybe.

>> No.2869237


Oh, heah. I read Josh Waitzkin's "The talent code". It's a fucking must if you want to git gud.

Also "Deep Work" by Daniel Coyle.

Read those and you'll know how to git gud.

>> No.2869240

ok senpai

>> No.2869241

Can't get my head around making up proper clothes folds from imagination, any recommendations on some good resources on the subject?

>> No.2869246


"The art of learning" By Josh Waitzkin.

I don't know where did I get the talent code one.

>> No.2869248


>> No.2869249


... And "Deep Work" is by Cal Newport....

>> No.2869251

anyone know where to get references of women sitting "indian style"?

>> No.2869255

Kinky stuff

>> No.2869262
File: 342 KB, 1600x1300, 1481341078257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the verdict on using reference to draw something?
like using reference to draw a pose, but slightly alter it (from changing a limb to the perspective of the pose)

is it still considered bad as tracing/looked down on?

>> No.2869265

It's what every artist does

>> No.2869270

yeah i saw that, and it helped me not to be totally clueless about it, but i feel like i need to educate myself more on the subject
also it especially falls apart when i try to render those fuckers

>> No.2869292

its not bad in any way

>> No.2869304
File: 234 KB, 599x848, 1458225299419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked this last thread (>>2855125) and didn't get an answer, will ask again here:

>I've been slowly getting through Erik Olson's perspective serie and have a hit a slight snag. Lecture 6, video 12 cuts off suddenly in the middle of him teaching something. Can anyone refer me to what method he was trying to do? I'll keep watching it in case he repeats it, as he often does, but thought I'd ask here on the off chance I find the answer sooner rather than later.

He didn't repeat the method unfortunately. So is there no one here with good perspective knowledge and a CGPeers account that can go back, watch the 2 minute video, infer what he was trying to do, and point me in a direction where the same method is taught? I know I'm probably asking a lot when the question can't' be answered by common sense/sticky but I'm desperate here.

Hogarth's Dynamic Drapery, there is none better.

>> No.2869317

nanu is so hot goddamn

>> No.2869334


I actually have all the missing olson videos downloaded. I have perspective 12, I'll upload shortly.

>> No.2869346
File: 1.85 MB, 500x352, 07af7e1e76ce04ccc9b8d2d0205279b8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This version should not cut off if this is what you're talking about. Go ahead and download-- I swear it's totally not dolphin porno (-:

>> No.2869348

How do I learn to animate like this?

>> No.2869357

be a jap

>> No.2869359

Thank you very much, this will be a great help.

>> No.2869590
File: 1.33 MB, 912x1056, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so I would really like to draw in a style similar to this. Unfortunately, I don't know what it's called. Can someone give me some tips on what style this is, and how I can find more?

I mainly like the lines. They're chaotic and well placed at the same time. In addition, I like the high contrast and coloring techniques.

>> No.2869688

Try to simulate it

>> No.2869700

Thanks! Yeah, I'm certainly trying. However, I cannot find the name of the style and I only have these two pictures. Search terms and such would be very appreciated.

>> No.2869715

/beg/ here, when should i start to add shading/values? right now i am only drawing the fundamental shapes with line but no shading, so it's hard to imagine a sphere just with line (obviously using contour lines to give the illusion of a 3d object helps)

>> No.2869730
File: 36 KB, 193x194, blues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one is the cool/warm blue? i personally think ultramarine is warmer but a lot of discussion online says it's the opposite. what is the truth?

>> No.2869733

I would recommend using three tones of shading. Have a core, highlight and shadow and using that now will make it easier to transition to real rendering when you're already decent at mapping out these values.

>> No.2869742

Are you blind? Phthalo blue is warmer than ultramarine. Phthalo has a warm undertone while ultramarine has a cool one. Also if so many people say this why ask?

>> No.2869750

because ultramarine is closer to red and phthalo is closer to green? i'm not the only one who thinks this, it's in some watercolor books.

>> No.2869756

neither, they're the same in temperature. cobalt is the coolest and both sit next to it.

>> No.2869757

If my end goal is digital art, should I still do exercises on paper or only digital?

>> No.2869758
File: 18 KB, 370x310, cw7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phthalo blue is almost like cyan, which is about the coolest you can go on the color wheel. So yes, ultramarine is technically the warmer blue.

>> No.2869760

I just started a tumblr for the first time in an attempt to start putting my stuff out there, but it seems neither of my posts are showing up in searches. Has anyone else ever had this issue before?

Apparently I have to wait and actually go around liking things or something, but I fucking hate this stupid piece of shit website

>> No.2869761

try "tumblr.com/tagged/yourtaghere"
"tumblr.com/search/yourtag" only brings up posts that are already popular.
your posts will be seen by people who track those particular tags and you'll gain momentum if they choose to reblog your stuff. your number of likes literally doesn't matter.

>> No.2869765

still nothing
I've even had my friends verify for me earlier

>> No.2869771

did you save it as a draft before posting?

>> No.2869772
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, 1486782952425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried that if I try and draw every day with no direction it is time spent just as well as not drawing.
How should I go about finding direction when drawing each day?

>> No.2869774


>> No.2869776

not sure what you mean by this desu

>> No.2869787
File: 15 KB, 204x208, draft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you posted it privately? anyway tumblr code is garbage so don't take it personally. just keep posting and promote your tumblr in other places if you have to.

>> No.2869791

Should i buy clip studio paint? is on sale right now.

>> No.2869793

Absolutely yes. I dropped photoshop and sai for csp and haven't looked back.

>> No.2869794

when drawing from life and trying to draw what i see and not what i know, should i draw stuff through construction or through careful observation of the outline? it always confuses me how to go about drawing something from life

>> No.2869796

If you're interested in comics, then for sure.

Even if not, it's a really nice program that you might want to use anyway.

(I'm sad that the upgrade price isn't also discounted. I don't /need/ the upgrade, but I'd actually spring for it if it was lowered too.)

>> No.2869812

How exactly do you render like the pic in the OP? It looks like a watercolor brush, but whenever I use those the tips end up too bulky and then it gets all smudgey and gross looking

Basically, how do I use my brushes to make the rendering precise and pointed like?

>> No.2869850
File: 71 KB, 600x672, CCXVvaBUkAAQC4v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people do these things? Do they
1) sketch
2) paint the base colors under the sketch
3) paint over the sketch again to clean everything?

>> No.2869880

they draw???? you fucking dumb m8?

>> No.2869885

anyone got some good resources on drawing fat people?

>> No.2869997


>> No.2870001


Fat people are pretty gross, dude.

>> No.2870034

your stuff won't pop out on search until you reach a certain criteria of either you posted X amount or you liked 100 post or reblog.

>> No.2870044
File: 9 KB, 325x300, horizon_folding_drawing_table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok please help me guys
I'm not sure if I should go to /diy/ or shit like that but I thought I might ask here first.

So, I have a drafting table.
It's awesome and works great, except I can't work with it tilted upwards past like 20 degrees. Otherwise shit will fall off. Pic related, but not exactly.
How could I mod this baby so it could hold a few tools as well as hold my paper up?
Am I supposed to tape the page to the table?
What if I want to work in a sketchbook/pad?
What about painting? I guess I could use a table easel.

>> No.2870113

Not him but as an artist you must be able to drawn people no matter their weight/height/body type. Not everyone wants to draw the same anime bodies over and over again.
you really can't do much except real life drawing

>> No.2870206

>. I need something to keep me interested if I'm going to me self training.
Draw shit that you enjoy, make art you want to see. It's not fucking difficult to understand.

>> No.2870222 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 563x1000, 1458717513027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 3 of drawabox. gonna give the rotated boxes one a try tomorrow

>> No.2870281

>Am I supposed to tape the page to the table?
Yes, with tape that comes of cleanly like masking tape. The school I went to stocked little circles of tape called drafting dots for this purpose. You can just leave your T-square hanging from the top and leave the tools you're using sitting in the lip on the bottom. For pads/sketchbooks you can clip them at the top/sides with binder clips. I suppose you could get a thin rubber mat to give a sketchbook something to stick to.

>> No.2870295

What kind of mindset should one have while doing a photo study? And what are you supposed to learn?

>> No.2870301

Would /ic/ mind I make a thread to document me working through this guide? I'm no beginner but I'm not particularly good, either. That or use LAS...but I don't like las.

>> No.2870302

Depends on what you want to learn from it.

You can get a bigger visual library from studing photos. For example: human form, vechicals, nature, sceneries.

From studying objects or humans you can train yourself to see the depth in the object. I advise you look at real life for this though.

You can study composition and value from professional photos.

Pretty sure there are more things you can study from photos which I cant think of now. Use your logic and try to find other benefits yourself.

>> No.2870307

Do it

>> No.2870313

It used to be really hard for me to motivate myself to draw.

But I made a post on r/Artbuddy and found myself multiple artbuddies. These people also want to get good and we set up studies for eachother with a deadline.

Example: finish chapter one of 'this book' by the end of this week. Design a creature in a certain environment. Draw 10 gesture drawings in x period of time. Ofcourse we also critique eachother's artwork and give feedback when asked.

Now studying is much more fun and motivating.

>> No.2870316

>tfw no art buddies
Did you git gud?

>> No.2870328


I'll give it some thought and might do it tonight. Olson alone is a test of discipline.

>> No.2870329
File: 49 KB, 908x539, le progressive pajama man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lift weights for the first time in a year, maybe more
>triceps are actually, ACTUALLY killing me and it's going on two days now
>can't draw worth shit because of it
>don't want to stop working out again and let myself degenerate further

What can I do to mitigate this problem, fambinos?

>> No.2870335

Take a break, your gains aren't gonna go anywhere. You're shit anyways.

>> No.2870340

>Quite simply I know I'll burn out and give up if I go the full /ic/ route and focus only on gitting gud.

You won't know that until you start. I'm doing that route right now and I actually find myself enjoying the challenge of drawing and studying.

You have to start somewhere to understand how your work flow will be like and to understand just what your drawing interests are. How do you know what's fun to draw if you don't jump into practicing?

>> No.2870342

On second thought I might just rejoin las and do it instead.

>> No.2870343
File: 666 KB, 1680x1077, new year fit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna know how i know u dont even lift

>> No.2870357

on 3rd thought I'll just use /ic/ as las isn't a form of public shaming enough if I quit

>> No.2870358

Use /ic/ and tumblr.

>> No.2870478
File: 3.43 MB, 600x6667, 1475155175988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2870480

you could add a sort of lip to the bottom of the table, or some sort of rubber grip or magnets. idk. bulldog clips?

>> No.2870489
File: 20 KB, 567x149, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find brown Copic Liners or something similar that won't take a 1-2 months delivery or cost 40 bucks? The places that have these only have them in black.

>> No.2870513

Just checked jetpens.com and they have them in stock.

>> No.2870538

>reilly head construction
where can i find a good guide for it?

>> No.2870545

Thanks, anon. I was considering seeing if hobby lobby had brown Faber Castel pens in stock, but I was worried it was too dark for one I wanted.

>> No.2870754

Why can't I upload images anymore?

>> No.2870755

You have committed sin, I assume.

>> No.2870761

What's that mean?

>> No.2870762

how do you avoid samefacing? It's something I've noticed even kim jung gi does with his females.

>> No.2870763

By experimenting. Loomis tells you though in like the first five pages or so.

>> No.2870764

I know I have to do anatomy studies and draw body parts, but I just can't stop fapping to the models, and I'm serious. Whenever I load a page with poses for drawing, I get hard as fuck from seeing all them ladies. Nudity is an instant turn-on for me, and I really want to be able to draw nudes without immediately thinking about fucking the girls I'm trying to draw. For the record, I don't really plan on becoming a porn artist or anything like that, I'm actually doing it to become better at drawing the human body (things like poses and arm positions are a nightmare for me).
What do you do? What should I do?

>> No.2870767

You draw and and see the world for what it is. Line, instead of as a symbol of sexuality.

>> No.2870770

alright, it's a global 4chan issue

>> No.2870785

you could make model sheets with different characters. or when you draw your standard face, go from there and look how you can tweak and push things around to make it different. maybe analyze what characteristics you keep emphasizing and try to delibaretaly go the other way (eg you usually draw pronounced cheekbones, now deliberetaly draw someone with flat cheeks). use different models.

all that aside though, I don't think sameface is a bad thing, really. It's only a problem when you have several characters that need to be distinguished (again, for this you can make sheets for reference). So I guess it depends on the kind of work you do. I couldn't think of an artist that hasn't a standard face for drawing though. and for a lot of them it's even a good thing, that makes people recognize their work. It's something ingrained by sensibilities and repitition. changing it up requires deliberation.

>> No.2870810

I thought of getting a wooden ruler
Then mounting it at both ends with vicegrips

The table doesn't have a lip sadly
But thanks for the other suggestions!

>> No.2870814

do caricature

>> No.2870816

You sound like a good artist, anon. Do you create model sheets often? I would like to see one.

>> No.2870821

Should i always be painting with a full value scalle (Light to dark grey) when drawing portraits? Or should i use more subtle value differences? I see a lot of popular arts, and they never seem to shadow face planes too significantly. It confuses me when comparing to shit like the asaro head.

>> No.2870823

It always depends, typically starting off, you just do the whole range.

>> No.2870955

I made a tumblr, but I have no idea what to post. Should I wait for inspiration to strike so my first post is something good and finished or just post whatever?

>> No.2870990

What's the reading order of loomis books?

>> No.2871007
File: 117 KB, 736x1103, 1481807653870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw for approximately 8 hours a day, recently I've been getting paid work so I've ramped it up to 10 on some days.

Problem is my drawing wrist is starting to ache. It's not really painful, but definitely noticeable. Should I give it a break or am I worrying about nothing?

Also have a nice statue ref

>> No.2871009

>8 hours a day
nice you fell for a shitty meme

>> No.2871018

Drawing is what I live for, I have to force myself to do stuff that ISN'T drawing.

Sorry you have motivational problems anon, you'll get there one day.

>> No.2871025

>I have to force myself to do stuff that ISN'T drawing
except theres no point to that. I bet youre that one faggot that gloats about "I dont play vidya games cus im too busy drawing" type of guy.

>> No.2871028 [DELETED] 

also if you have to force yourself to do it, then YOUR the one whos having motivational problems bud.

>> No.2871030

also if you have to force yourself to do it, then YOURE the one whos having motivational problems bud.

>> No.2871031

Because drawing is a lot of fun for me, when I get stressed about it I stop but that rarely happens as long as I keep a level head. And I do play video games sometimes, because you have to appreciate good art to make good art. I just do it sparingly because ultimately drawing is more fulfilling.

>> No.2871047

I'd say take a break, better not to risk it if you're drawing that much. Doing simple everyday things like opening doors with your other hand might help take some additional strain off, too.

>> No.2871060

>trying this hard to convince people drawing a lot is a meme
y r u so salty?

>> No.2871070

because i fell for the meme too. ive improved a lot more on the little time ive given myself instead of a gargantuan amount of time WASTED. thankfully im a faster learner and stopped with the whole 8 hours a day bullshit

>> No.2871085

While I copy the reference I tend to put the arm a little higher than in the reference, or the leg a little lower. Is it normal? Or it's because I'm measuring/constructing the figure wrong? I can't copy anything 100% accurate and I'm worried.

>> No.2871095

thanks for the answer anon. My client is expecting a sketch by the end of today, should I just tell them the truth?

whatever works for you, works for you and that's fine. Don't expect everyone to be the same though.

>> No.2871148

fun with the penis>sucsexful drawing>figure drawing for all it's not worth>head and hands>eye of the tiger

arguably head and hands before fdfaw

>> No.2871151
File: 78 KB, 600x848, gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a site like http://www.posemaniacs.com/ for couple/pairing poses?

Or just a big library of couple poses? My visual library is shit.

>> No.2871167
File: 33 KB, 350x200, schoolism logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've subscribed to schoolism and made myself a plan of the lessons I'll take and in conjunction with them study relevant books.
Where could I post some of the work from there? Danybody know of a place I can post to get some critique? Should I make a blog or something?

>> No.2871173

I found quite the opposite for myself. I too am a fast learner, but I also have mileage and better work ethic thanks to this system. You do you anon but don't pass this shit as facts.

>> No.2871183
File: 87 KB, 533x800, 188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hyperangle 4 - Man & Woman"
cant remember where I downloaded it from but it has a ton of couple poses

>> No.2871189

Are there any torrents for photoshop plugins like Coolorus? I don't want to pay just for a color wheel

>> No.2871190


Really it's HOW you learn that affects your improvement, rather than how much you put in. Going for mileage does work, especially when it comes to the really mechanical stuff. ESPECIALLY for the shit that the scrub-lords over in /beg/ need to do.

You get a lot of people here who stress shit like anatomy and perspective so much that they think "okay i'm done with reading Loomis's stuff, let's see what Hampton has to say about this" when really you just need to draw, fuck up, see what you fucked up, and use the vast tools around you to help you unfuck it. This is where self teaching yourself fails versus going to a (good) art school, as in its so easy to lose direction.

>> No.2871200


>> No.2871205

Thank you, it's great. If there's more collections you guys are aware of let me know. You can't never have enough references.

>> No.2871221
File: 275 KB, 1411x756, Concept_art_bottle_st_thug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you create model sheets often?
not really, I just thought about what you could do.
basically just establishing a character on an extra sheet for reference, so everytime you draw the character it looks in line.
pic is for 3d modelers, you could also look at some disney char sheets, they include expression.
but yeah, to come up with various faces to begin with, I second what the other anons said and looking at reference ofc. so images of faces and how other artist draw them.
also maybe check out this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EOtplAVTs8
this is just one approach one could use, just as an example.

>> No.2871264

Not the anon you are replying to but check out art models collection.

>> No.2871279

I like how it's a different character from a sideview

>> No.2871292
File: 60 KB, 500x350, makesyouthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it better to do one drawing right, or do many different drawings?

>> No.2871296

situational. depends on what your trying to improve.

>> No.2871307

Watch sycra's iterative drawing video although I'd adjust his advise a tad bit.

>> No.2871309

so you suggest I rather firuge out what I'm doing wrong rather than waste time with multiple books on same subject?

>> No.2871312

>arm a little higher than in the reference, or the leg a little lower
Then fucking fix it until it's like the ref if copying it 100% is your goal. What are you even asking?

>> No.2871347

I'm asking if it's normal. I keep making these mistakes no matter the pose.

>> No.2871501


>> No.2871541
File: 26 KB, 1040x693, pl-720-lcd-tablet-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what other wacom devices if any the pens for the PL-521 and PL-720 are compatible with? They only have 512 levels of pressure but you can find them extremely cheap.

>> No.2871702

so your asking if it's normal to do something wrongly? ok.

>> No.2871945

What are some art podcasts or youtube channels that you guys listen to?

I know of Feng Zhu and recently found Swatches. I'm looking for others, basically anyone who talks about learning art, improving, and so on.

>> No.2871946

Will Terry

>> No.2871996

guise help im desperate

>> No.2872114
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Going through Scott Robertsons book, on page 35 it says talks about drawing Mirrored rotated tilted planes and I was wondering what kinda form it was exactly asking for.
From what I guess it means like a box with slants?

>> No.2872336

ron lemen dvds. it's on cgpeers.

>> No.2872556


>> No.2872557

Just draw what you see in your mind onto the paper and fix it until it's right. I use abstract Legos to achieve this in paper since mental Lego thinking helps in understanding space.

>> No.2872564

what software can replicate the feel of pencils the best?
im using krita and a wacom intuos 5, but cant get the same "feel"

>> No.2872566

Nothing, what you're talking about is medium. Clip Studio is great for line work though.

>> No.2872578
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I want to try mechanical pencils for drawing, give recommendations pls

>> No.2872581

Imo corel painter but you still have to adjust settings for authentic feel. Otherwise it'll look like "oh, that brush this guy is using".

>> No.2872585

And csp is good, too. So is sai.

>> No.2872677

Can you recommend me some good porn artists that have simplistic style and draw appealing faces?
I'm looking for materials to study from.

>> No.2872806

Starting from absolute zero how good should I be after one year? How good after two?
How to make more gainz?

>> No.2872821
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depends on what you do to improve, how much, how often...what 'zero' really means...what instruction you follow, areas you focus on...

and then there's just individual aptitude/talent.

answer is almost irrelevant, just try hard consistently.

>> No.2872833

How do I get better at painting environments digitally? I'm practicing landscapes for almost 2 weeks now and don't see any improvement. They always look like shit. Is there a secret?

I'm good at sketching them, but totally suck at painting them.

>> No.2872847

5 years

>> No.2872851

just do 10000 hours (focused) and you'll be good.

>> No.2872852

That's like saying just draw the owl

>> No.2872878

How would learn anything if they weren't free hand? Yes, it's OK to use tools, but if you want to get anywhere near good, you have to practice feehand. The tools will still be there when you're better. Even Scott Robertson uses rulers and ellipse tools. Go to his YouTube channel, he has some good stuff on there. Not much tho

>> No.2872891

Does anyone here do marker work?

>> No.2872895
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I'm looking for ways to construct and draw figures in perspective.
My plan right now is to go through Scott Robertsons how to draw and then apply that to Krenz tutorials, does this seem like a good idea?

>> No.2872898

What's so hard about just putting blocks in space anon? Just do it.

>> No.2872903
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Putting blocks in space and drawing figures rigid in a T-pose is whatever but I choke whenever it involves a dynamic figure that's twisting, leaning or interacting with other figures I just choke and it looks all fucked up.

>> No.2872907

Means you just got to practice more because you misunderstand how perspective works since there's so many different angles and you can only draw them two dimensionally. You think in three dimensional too probably, but you have to be able to convey that depth within a two dimensional canvas.

>> No.2872919
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Well is there anything wrong with that plan of going through Scott Robertsons stuff and then Krenz?

>> No.2872921

Uh yeah, I just told you. Just do the actual drawing. Reading about it and looking at it is essentially useless. You already have all the information you need in your mind. You just need to draw and fix it accordingly. It's something where understanding comes with doing rather than consuming more information.

>> No.2872939

Pace yourself retard. You don't have to be ultimate muscle. If u researched at all, you would know people do different workouts on different days. Upper body, leg day, cardio, etc...

>> No.2872952

It's not

>> No.2872954

But /fit/ said to do full body work outs every time

>> No.2872958

>my drawing wrist is starting to ache
Maybe go see a doctor? worst case scenario, you are developing carpal tunnel, in which case you'll want to start treating it asap.
Not trying to scare you or anything

>> No.2872960

>Sorry you have motivational problems anon, you'll get there one day.
what a condescending bitch holy crap

>> No.2873043


>> No.2873175

What happened to the sticky image?

>> No.2873178

It's gone. Image shortage got reset.

>> No.2873213

What was that 80 hour long video perspective course called again?

>> No.2873215

Erik Olson

>> No.2873251

that's a top tier tutorial tho. 1 tutorial to rule them all

>> No.2873280

I let it rest for a day, it feels a lot better now. I'll just make sure not to overdo it in the future, carpal tunnel would suck major ass

I'd rather be a condescending bitch than someone who can't motivate themselves to draw multiple hours a day.

>> No.2873320

wut up qt3.14 u want sum fuk?

>> No.2873520

How do you guys hold your pencil?

I know that overhead grip is preferred over the tripod (writing) grip. It feels better to use for when I'm drawing on large paper on an elevated surface.

Right now, I'm drawing on a flat table surface on printer paper. I feel like the paper is too small and the surface too flat to use the overhead grip. Should I still try? Is it just a matter of getting used to it?

>> No.2873781
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Can anything go wrong if I use leads from a different brand to refill my lead holder if the size is right? I have a Staedtler holder, but Faber-Castell leads are a few bucks cheaper.

Both are 2mm leads, but I fear that there may be some jew tricks in play that make them just not fit for each other or something like that.

>> No.2873919

how do i go best about applying my perspective knowledge to construction of the figure?

>> No.2873931

If I want to eventually publish my own drawn comic books or design card art for games like magic the gathering, what would you recomend I begin practicing? Should i take some concept art courses or character design courses?

>> No.2873981

Take all that you can

>> No.2873983


Start making comics.

>> No.2874110

What's some good sites for finding anime/comic figures for references?

>> No.2874117


any dedicated booru

>> No.2874118

Check the buyfag thread on /a/

>> No.2874141

whats the best way to befriend fellow artists? its literally impossible

>> No.2874144

friend them while they are still not popular and learning but show promise to improve

>> No.2874145
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>I start getting drawing fatigue after 5 min of drawing

I just started and now I feel like quitting. Will my stamina improve as I go on?

>> No.2874154

Email them, PM them, basically talk to them and get noticed. Also shoot your art once in a while to get some help.

>> No.2874189

it will but it takes a long time to get over it

youre using a lot of brain power and its gonna suck balls for a while but it gets better

its gradual so dont expect it to just click overnight

>> No.2874226

yeah, it will then you will be getting annoyed from not doing like 4 hours, then 6 until youre finally managing it.

>> No.2874230

my plan is to go through

>Keys to Drawing
>Dynamic Sketching


>Perspective Made Easy
>Analytical Figure Drawing + Fig. Drawing: Design and Invention

good or should i replace/add/get rid of something?

what should I do after?

>> No.2874233

You should just finish those books and then figure it out when you're done because you'll know when you're done. Those books take months to finish.

>> No.2874239


>> No.2874334

should i read hampton to learn the planes of the face?

>> No.2874339

Sure, if you want. Whatever helps you. There's tons of people who teach the planes of the face.

>> No.2874515

Should I get the new intuos pro or the 2013 model? The new one costs about 150 bucks more and has some issues judging by the reviews.

>> No.2874517

Reviews aren't to be trusted, but it really depends on how good you are already or how serious you are. If you are, then get the more expensive one, it pays off in the long run. There's nothing wrong with either though.

>> No.2874536

It's not about the price (which is 400 and 550), it's about the fact that almost no one reviewed it yet. I was wondering if any of the anons here bought it and can say whether the reviews are justified or not.

>> No.2874539

Anon, there are some things you have to learn in this world and that's not to trust reviews 100% because there's a bias to them that people don't notice. There are people who buy things and then there's people who buy AND review. Unfortunately, there's way more of the former than the latter. And typically the ones who do a review are usually people who want to complain, so the ratings are dragged down like hell by these people, while people who are content, don't need to review. It's obvious it would be good, it's wacom. Let someone else do the 5 star review.

>> No.2874559

You're right, anon, but I was looking for a comparison from someone who owned both of the tablets at some point. I wouldn't immediately trust it, but just to have a vague idea, I would like to hear it not on amazon or from someone who has their name attached to their review.

>> No.2874947

Anyone read "Vanishing Point: Perspective for Comics from the Ground Up" by Jason Cheeseman-Meyer?

How was it?

>> No.2874980

How do I into seeing color? I feel like a fucking monkey that pokes randomly praying that the color will end up not shit (not sure if monkeys pray though). Or is it about putting down anything and then fucking around with a slider until what you see doesn't make you throw up? My alternative ideas are taking other's pallets and adjusting them and using programs that help with picking a color.


Use fapping as a reward for drawing, people that talk about habit formation say that giving yourself rewards for the stuff that you want to make a habit is one of the essential things for habit formation.

>> No.2874987

Well if you are working digitally look up "how to hold a stylus" or whatever, sorry couldn't find the link, but basically this chick talks about how you should keep your wrist relaxed and when you want more pressure instead of tightening your grip you push the weight of your hand into stylus.

Also this may sound strange but consider drawing with your non drawing hand little by little, most of your training is in your head, not your hand anyway.

In any case try to make your grip more relaxed, also google wrist gymnastics: pro gamers say it works.

Also do this


(the last one isn't mandatory but you will look cool doing it)

>> No.2875137

So I estabilished that I can draw 90 minutes every day, first thing in the morning without burning out. Is there anyway to stretch that time? I tried taking a 15 minute break and going back to drawing but I can't. Thanks in advance.

>> No.2875154
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Here's what helped me. Do still life studies based on a color theme like pic related. Later you can move on to colored light, like in the red color rimlight example. You will improve in time. Simplify, isolate and concentrate on one problem and you will improve in time. That's what helped me, although I still have a long way to go.

>> No.2875176

HELP ME /ic/
my older brother just saw me drawing stuff from croquis cafe and probably told the rest of my family. my family are normie religious people btw. how the fuck do I tell them it's to learn to draw???

>> No.2875180

Maybe try saying some flowery bullshit about how you're just learning how to accurately portray the human form in all its beauty and assure them it's not pornographical in nature.

>> No.2875181

How old is your brother?

>> No.2875182


>> No.2875193

Try doing it with your mouth

alternatively in a letter

alternatively show them your work

>> No.2875719

Do you guys have any alternatives to Proko and Glen Vilppu for learning figure drawing?

>> No.2875721

Loomis and Hampton

>> No.2875725

Any with video tutorials perhaps?

>> No.2875737

Hampton does come with videos.

>> No.2875763

Your local community college.

>> No.2875776

Proko and Vilppu complement eachother in the way they teach very well, you'd be hard pressed to find something better than Glen's book + Proko's videos.

>> No.2875845

What are some tips on drawing foliage? I just hate looking at leaves trying to figure out the texture, gives me a headache.

I'm only using a pencil though, I guess this is much easier with a brush and paint.

>> No.2875846

The headache is your brain trying to understand the texture, embrace it and draw how you see. There is no other advice. Draw what the world is showing you. You think the old masters had the word of god tell them some tips? No, so go out there and draw.

>> No.2875863

I just feel so defeated drawing a tree and I end up with a bunch of scribbles for leaves

>> No.2875868

It's difficult for the brain to go against its owner's beliefs. Just give it some time and you'll eventually be able to do it. Does it get easier you ask? No, it does not. But keep it up anyways.

>> No.2875874

Thanks anon

>> No.2875931


Grinding Scott Robertson's book is an excellent idea, it'll teach you the techniques necessary to navigate in 3D space without getting lost.

Don't listen to that other dude because he is clearly fucking clueless.


Any box with a plane that's not vertical, basically. I imagine you must have figured this out by now though.

>> No.2875978

When drawing a figure should you start with the head or the body? I've been starting with the head because you can use it for measuring the rest of the body but I suppose starting with the torso might make the pose look more solid?

>> No.2875992

Starting anywhere is fine, but the key is to not spend too much time on one area before getting the whole figure down. Many people start with a line of action, but I personally don't.

Try to simplify and block in before adding details, if studying from either life or a photo (which I highly recommend if you aren't already) blurring your vision helps in seeing the tones.

Patience is a learned skill that takes diligence, the more you force yourself to do it, the easier it becomes. Breaks are important though, spending time away from your piece helps in seeing the mistakes when you start working again.

>> No.2876179

If I divide my focus on
-game dev
how will my art look like in about 2 years?

>> No.2876203

What does it look like now?

>> No.2876303

what's the best approach (to learn) for figure drawing

>> No.2876316

Where do I find the scratch disk settings for clip studio? I don't want it fucking up my SSD.

>> No.2876332

how do i find the imagination to draw cartoons and anime? is it a simple process of studying other artists like anything else?

>> No.2876338

Ive bought copies of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Keys to Drawing and Perspective Made Easy. They haven't been delivered yet, but I was just wondering how easy they are to follow and if they're actually any good or whether the sticky has just meme'd me

>> No.2876356

To draw figures

You look deep into yourself and create it. No, it's not a simple process of studying other artists like anything else, but it may help you, who knows.

They are books for people who don't even draw. They are the low of the low. If you can't follow those books, you might actually be mentally deficient.

>> No.2876410

Do you guys lightbox sketches alot? Feels like I'm wasting my time cleaning and nitpick erasing my pencil drawings.

I mean I technically scan them and clean them in photoshop but eh. I don't really ink since I prefer finished pencils.

>> No.2876414

No, who's got time for that? That's even more tedious than cleaning and erasing pencil drawings.

>> No.2876430

I figure going all out and not having to erase all the time would be faster. And people usually ink their drawings, so tracing them(swiftly and easily) could be like a substitute.

>> No.2876467
File: 192 KB, 690x1600, 46874387667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw too many heads and faces, so I figure it's time I start drawing full body sketches.

But the thing is I don't know how I can get started, and always worry/give up when I try and feel disappointed with the results.

What's a good way to start understanding how torsos, pelvises and the like are drawn?

>> No.2876471

So this is the power of the bean bag. I thought it was a meme. I'm jealous of how well this person draws as well.

Anyways, back to your question.

>don't know how I can get start
>always worry
>give up
>feel disappointed with the results
Just draw a human body in a certain pose. Don't over complicate this because of your fears and disappointment. Bring out all of that disappointment and make it work so you can be proud of your result. Hate yourself, hate your art and make it better than anything you even knew you were capable of.

A good way to start understanding how torsos, pelvises and the like are drawn are by drawing them.

If you don't draw, you can't understand how it's drawn.

>> No.2877298

What are some good tutorial videos for Clip Studio?

>> No.2877366


Draw with the bisel of the tip keep the same you dont have to rotate the pencil

>> No.2877370

Yeah, you will improve anon. Try to get breaks, do other shit like watching tv for 6 mins. Its not like the brain is dizzy.

>> No.2877372

holy shit, bean bag isnt a fucking meme.

>> No.2877572
File: 53 KB, 480x577, IMG_20170221_184952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i find great stuff to read on the phone while i'm not drawing?
My phone is shitty as fuck so i can't read pdf.

>> No.2877573


The ones on the official site. Honestly there is a book on CGP (search manga studio) that is better. Just read like 25-50 pages per day and you'll have a knack on the software in 2 weeks. But that's just me, I think books on software are more in depth.

>> No.2877678

Which one? There's like 4 different tutorials for it on CGpeers.

>> No.2877699

I'm afraid to start drawing. It seems like the most uphill struggle in terms of learning a creative outlet. What should I do?

>> No.2877700


>> No.2877702

What type of sketchbook should I get starting out? Will any type of pencil do?

>> No.2877776
File: 63 KB, 500x373, tumblr_inline_ms7vlkme631qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy, anatomy, anatomy. Dumb question, I know, but what if you already had a thorough knowledge of anatomy before trying to draw? For example, would a surgeon already have a huge advantage while trying to draw the human figure from memory?

>> No.2877779

We don't often draw from memory, we draw from understanding how something works. A surgeon wouldn't know how perspective and foreshortening works, so they would probably fuck up anyways.

>> No.2878243

If I already own DOTRSOTB, would it be a bad idea to buy the supplies off of the book's website?

>> No.2878244


>> No.2878247

That's what I thought. It just seems like it would be a pain in the ass to have to go find all the supplies and build the special tools.

>> No.2878415

good drawin program on linux?
i installed krita but its kinda buggy

>> No.2878420
File: 2.05 MB, 1726x1000, studied_Jan-Feb_collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is a day late reply but I hope some anon can evaluate

I'm a junior programmer, 6 months ago I decided get serious with art and stop wasting my time playing vidya all night. Although I went into programming with the intent of becoming a game designer, that dream kinda died when I started my job. But with the announcement of Construct3 I started playing around in Construct2 and the dream resurfaced.

I have never tried animation aside from a shitty stickman walk cycle in a old notebook so I'm a total beginner to animation.

I'd say my current art is also beginner tier, I've been drawing at least 2 hour every night since December. The 16, 12, 8 hours meme sound like a dream. I think there's nothing more fun than just drawing the whole day but that's impossible with my schedule. I think I could barely do 4 hours a day if traffic didn't exist.

And what if I do a total career shift and become an artist for a game or movie studio? How long will that take?

>> No.2878428

try mypaint

>installed krita
Did you install it from your distro's package repository? I recommend using the krita appimage from krita.org, it's probably more up to date and less buggy than whatever version of krita your distro's package repo offers, for example the Debian Stable repo only offers krita 2.8, even though krita 3.1 is available off of krita.org.

>> No.2878438

Is $10 for 2 designs a good deal?
this is the first time I've been given an offer. I already have a job and I just post my art on on social media

>> No.2878440

I also want to add I've never done any commissions or freelance before. Art is just a hobby, I don't know the rates

>> No.2878519

The hubpages site won't work on my phone. What do I do?

>> No.2878520

Use the google doc

>> No.2878576

>$10 for 2 designs a good deal?
define designs and maybe post a picture

>> No.2878590

How do I force myself to practice?
I either get frustrated by it because results are awful, or I'm fucking bored of it like there's no tomorrow. Did like 50 boxes in perspective, lines, circles - nearly fell asleep after the 30th. Tried to do a picture study - changed it into stylized abomination.

In both situations I find myself reverting into my comfort zone. What do?

>> No.2878598

Drawing is not for you.

>> No.2878639

Should I buy a sketchbook and special pencils or can I start with just a. Mechanical pencil and printer paper?

>> No.2878663

Printer paper is alright.

>> No.2878666

is /ic/ the best place to take advice?

>> No.2878983
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>look at drawing
>know exactly why it looks like shit
>still can't fix it

>> No.2878984

What's exactly the question here?

>> No.2878987

What is best in life?

>> No.2879000

That's for you to figure out and decide anon.

If I did it for you, it wouldn't feel best.

>> No.2879001

wow this is a really COOl post my man really good post I'm reading it I read it 5 times by now oops I read it 7 now hahaha I can't stop reading your post I want to marry this post now that I think about it really GOOD post I'm just kind of not even sure how to proceed from here ahaha I'm a little nervous sorry

>> No.2879004

Thanks, that actually motivated me to finish my session and draw more cubes and shit.

>> No.2879018

Maybe I'm retarded, but I've been reading perspective is easy and I get the concept where if you place vanishing points too close then the image gets warped but how do you place them if not on the page? I cant just estimate where they are, it screws up my drawing.

>> No.2879022

Does it take you only an hour to do? Only take commisions if they pay as much as a job would

>> No.2879023

Easy, you use more paper and tape them to the sides of your current one. Draw the VP on the other pieces of paper.

>> No.2879069
File: 83 KB, 1280x960, muscular_arms_sculpted_by_ram_by_ramstudios1-d8i69jf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: I'm currently learning anatomy and heavily struggling with the anatomy of the arm and especially the forearm. I want to be able to draw (pic related) muscular arms from imagination, not just drumsticks. The arm can be lifted, supinated, pronated, the hand can be flexed in and out and every time it's shape changes, much moreso on a muscular person. How should I go about about learning it's underlying anatomy? Are there any good videos? Any advice is welcome.

>> No.2879072

Is that it? Does there ever come a point where you can just do it?

>> No.2879075

Get a couple anatomy books. Get one that is more scientific and shows each muscle and hte attachments accurately, and get one that is more artistic. I like Bridgman for forearms as he breaks it down into supinators, pronators, flexors, and extensors. He does a really good job of showing how the four different group interact and how to draw them and what their forms are.

>> No.2879076

That's like asking if it's possible to draw from memory or imagination. There's nothing stopping you if you want to do it if you want. It's not so much about doing it a lot as much as it is about understanding how it works. Once you know that, it's relatively simpler.

>> No.2879119

I've only used a scientific one, to use it together with an artistic one sounds like good advice, thank you.

>> No.2879294

All these perspective tutorials talk a lot about the horizon. The horizon is only meaningful when talking about objects aligned with the ground though, right? If you have a cube sitting on the ground, obviously the horizontal lines are going to be parallel with the ground so they all go off towards the same vanishing point (the ground would essentially be an infinite plane, so the vanishing point becomes something like a vanishing line I guess).

As soon as you tilt the cube, the horizon becomes meaningless, right? Nothing's parallel to the ground anymore.

>> No.2879296

The horizon is also called the eye level, that of which you know can change as you jump or bend your knees. It also acts as a camera. But no, look into 3, 4, 5 and 6 point. Horizon line has to be there for those to work.

>> No.2879299

That doesn't make much sense. If you just have a hypothetical cube rotated arbitrarily in space, its vanishing points wouldn't be aligned with any kind of horizon that doesn't share any parallel lines with it. Even if you say 3+ point perspective, the horizon is only meaningful because those are usually only applied to large structures like buildings which are obviously aligned with the ground.

>> No.2879317

Alright thanks. Not to push my luck or anything, but do you know of any resources besides PME that will help me get this concept down?

>> No.2879334
File: 68 KB, 838x543, 028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the thread for this so sorry in advance if that's the case. I keep getting this zig zag pattern when I draw straight lines. I don't think restarting PS helps at all. It'll happen frequently for a minute or so then go away. Has anyone had this before?

>> No.2879338

Skull girls lead artist draws porn all day
Nier devs actually want porn of 2B

You're fine senpai

>> No.2879339

I currently have two monitors set up with tablet on tabletop with keyboard and mouse on keyboard tray.

Mostly just wondering, do you guys have any recommendations for this setup or tips having operated with dual monitors yourselves? I feel like sometimes I get sensory overload, even though part of why I got this setup was to have something for art on the side so I can practice.

>> No.2879381
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Kienan Lafferty takes a break every 20-45 minutes when working. (He's a professional concept artist.) I've learned a lot of handy advice from his YouTube vids

>> No.2879640

I hope some anon can evaluate and answer my question

>> No.2879676

Do you have autosave activated? This happens to me when I draw while photoshop or Krita is autosaving, for a split second it's not reading any input and then tries to catch up, badly.

Set autosave to every 10 or 20 minutes and when it occasionally still happens just ctr-z...

>> No.2879679

>And what if I do a total career shift and become an artist for a game or movie studio? How long will that take?

No one can answer that, but you.

>> No.2879687

but based on my current studies with drawing 2 hours a day, how will my art look in 2-5 years?

>> No.2879699

>with drawing 2 hours a day

I think you would improve much faster by making simple. short and specific drawing exercises daily instead of just drawing. And by studying, of course.

For example draw an S curve on a paper and then redraw over it 10 times, try to find the right speed where you have maximum control without being affected by a naturally shacky hand. Try to line it up as best as you can, especially the ends.

Do the same with lines that go from on side of the paper to the other, draw with the whole arm to make a straight line.

And do the same with circles which is the hardest. Your linework will get much better much faster that way.

That is a fast exercise you can possibly also easily do at work at launch or something and that will help a lot.

Your face and body proportions look good. You do not seem to have any gestures, your mannequin looks very stiff. Try gesture drawing (search it up on youtube) and try to capture a pose in a few minutes, doing that daily will make your drawing look less "stiff" and the time limit in gesture drawing means that you will produce much more images in short time which means much more exercise in a short amount of time.

I suppose you also must learn anatomy since you do not have any full body images.

>how will my art look in 2-5 years?

If you exercise and study the right things on a daily basis it could look vastly better in just a year.

>> No.2879706

I find it really comfortable painting by constantly changing the brushe's opacity. Am I retarded and is there a "proper" way?

>> No.2879708


>> No.2879714

can u elaborate?

>> No.2879717

Try using software that features brushes that can mix color in a natural way depending on pen pressure, like krita or sketchbook. to constantly change opacity sounds inefficient and annoying.

>> No.2879720

Thanks for the response anon. Those are the same exercises on drawabox, right?

I did do those exercise once but it'd be more fun to draw still lifes. Although it does improve your strokes and I could do these in the office. I just doodle helmets at work.

I did do 30 minutes gesture sessions before, but stopped cause I wanted more time for still lifes. My proportions are still bad, I do draw full body but they suck and I'd rather not post them.

>> No.2879722

>I did do
didn't realize I typed that twice

>> No.2879744

I used opacity brushes and the way they work forbids me to go over the same area if it's not the absolute darkest allowed, effectively darkening shit I don't want it to if I accidentaly touch it, same in Krita.

>> No.2879859

You can adjust that behavior by changing the flow setting of your brush. If your painting I think it's a good thing if you can see individual brushes. If your inking comics or something like that and don't want individual brush strokes to be visibile, adjust the flow setting or better yet don't use opacity.

>> No.2879876

I'm not sure that's it. I have it set to 10 minutes already but it still happens. And when it does happen it lasts for a minute. I can ctrl z yeah, but the lines keep messing up for the next minute regardless. I'll set it to 20 and see what happens though, and ty for the suggestion.

>> No.2879897

That's not usual. Try updating or reinstalling drivers.
Also if you are using a windows OS and a wacom tablet, one thing that sometimes fixes stuff is this:

copy paste this:

net stop "Wacom Professional Service"
net start "Wacom Professional Service"

into a text file and save it as "fixwacom.cmd", then run that as an administrator. It restarts your wacom driver.

>> No.2879935

Any routine I should follow as a complete newbie?

Right now I'm reading Keys to Drawing and practice the beginner exercises from drawabox. But they state that you should only do those in short bursts. What should I do during the rest of my time? Draw objects from real life?

>> No.2880041
File: 37 KB, 936x460, 2017-03-02-004432_936x460_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im using krita and idk why my lines look like this

>> No.2880054

How the fuck do I hold my arm if I want to draw from my shoulder? As soon as it is even a little bit bent I unconciously start using my elbow. Do I have to sit really far away or what?

>> No.2880119

Also, is a tilted surface better for drawing or does it create problems with the perspective?

>> No.2880211
File: 16 KB, 300x300, CC6C6FE8-FCD2-4E79-9714-B3F182E3CA0C-808-0000015898F6B430_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to draw in the Renaissance Style?

I would say I'm intermediate at art but nowhere good enough (or confident) to display my work anywhere.

I've visited Italy many times and have always had a deep love of it.

Where is somewhere I can find resources, guides, or anything to teach me the style?

I understand this isn't something that would come to me in a year with moderate practice (it's art) but where can I start?

>> No.2880962

Thank you I will try. It's just that I'm an autist when it comes to rendering and the brush think is killing me

>> No.2880963

Lying flat on the table skewes your perspective.

>> No.2881055

What's the point of greyscaling if you are going to paint over it afterwards? It may even fuck up one's draw by appearing grey-ish if not rendered properly

>> No.2881139

Nobody says you have to, it's just one of the ways. People do it so they are sure their values are gud. I tried it and didn't like it. So I just make a saturation layer on top and turn it on every once in a while to check values.

>> No.2881139,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys. Do you know where i can find ron lemen analytical figure drawing? Could u share? Thanks