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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2862514 No.2862514 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it?

>> No.2862818

I wouldn't know cause im a poor pleb with an intuos draw

>> No.2863029
File: 59 KB, 800x536, ipad_pro_apple_pencil_800b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you have a shit ton of money to blow, and find yourself in situations where you will actually be sitting around long enough to use one of those.

Ideally, something like that would be nice to have if you are waiting on the subway, bus or train or just waiting for long periods of time in general while away from home. Although from what I hear, the Ipad pro puts it to fucking shame. Its less expensive by comparison, has more uses than just a drawing tablet, better digitizers and less bugs. It has been so well received that Wacom panicked and started scrambling to compete by rushing out a sequel to the Cintiq companion.
That's what happens when you have a monoply over digital artists for such a long time and when competition actually comes around, they are so deep in shit they can barely make anything to give consumers a reason to deal with their sub par products any more.

>> No.2863121
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is this the new tablet thread, I want to ask what people think about the yiynova models of 19 and 22 inches, I've been thinking about buying one for quite some time, they're worth less than a third of a cintiq 22.

>> No.2863126

After trying chinese, ms surface, and wacom, honestly just save up for a cintiq.

The sheer feeling of drawing is second to none, the jitter problems and general jankiness of other technologies really drag them down.

>> No.2863132 [DELETED] 
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i love tablet art

>> No.2863388

Source? I really want for what you're saying to be true, because blowing 3k on subpar monopolized shit doesn't seem too appealing.

>> No.2863398

>sub par
I don't think it means what you think it means.
Wacom still has, HANDS DOWN, the best technology and quality available on the market.
They are overpriced, yeah, but this doesn't change this FACT.

>> No.2863402

19 user here since 4 years.

Never used a cintiq but compared to the cheaper wacom tablets I've used it works well. It gives me nice lines with no noticeable jitter even after brutalizing the pen several times. Jesus that pen is sturdy as fuck.

However in some programs there might be compatibility issues. Not so much on my old windows 7 but switching to windows 10 has been a bitch.

But I see they have a new driver update in beta right now so maybe some them will be taken care of.

>> No.2863415

Praying the day comes someone knocks them off their throne. They have terrible consumer service, look at their facebook page. But assuming you get a working product (99.9%), it's the best you'd possibly getting yourself, and it'd last you forever.

>> No.2863458

I was speaking more about their efforts in making portable drawing devices, which have been pretty underwhelming considering how much they cost.
This guy sums it up pretty well, and he's not the only digital artist that shares a similar opinion.

>> No.2863630
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Honestly, I want to know if these Huion tablets are worthwhile, like are they at least on par with Wacom Intuos pro?

>> No.2863747
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>About to go into debt for a Cintiq
>Try the iPad pro
>No lag
>No parallax
>No retardedly huge bezels
>Better screen

Just kill wacom already.

>> No.2863869

aspect ratio on the ipad looks much better

>> No.2863938

Isn't that like a fifth of the wacom intuos pro's price?
The fuck you expect, man. If you compare prize : performance ratio, the huion is much better tho. My advice, unless you gonna move it around, go for the huion giano. The extra inches are extra comfy.

>> No.2863958

I'm thinking about buying the 16 inch mobile studio pro and I do 2d animation and illustration professionally.
Is it useful to ho full i7 512gb 16gb ram for 3200 or is i5 8gb 256 ram for 2600 enough?

>> No.2863989
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Is Ugee any good? It's apparently about 53 bucks on Amazon

>> No.2864163

They are good IF you get a functioning one.

The thing is that a lot of them are factory defective. I had to return 3 until I got a working one.

>> No.2864370

If I had a choice between another product and wacom but the other did the same thing I wanted but better for a fraction of the cost, im not going with the wacom product you shill.

>> No.2864405

Buy a medium Wacom One instead

>> No.2864432

Whew lad, buy your shitposting machine with shitty mobile games while we pros use the only decent machine for drawing, that is companion 2 and studio pro

>> No.2864482

>intuos draw
They've gone up in price a bit to compare to the new models.

>> No.2864797

you aren't fooling any one wacom shill.
Your time is coming

>> No.2865327

thanks, I will remember this.

>> No.2865359

Why would anyone choose to use these instead of a dumb old tablet other than portability?

Pros of no screen tablets
>Better posture since you are looking at the pc monitor, wont fuck up your neck and back
>More productivity since you can use one hand on the pen and one hand on the keyboard at all times.
Frankly software like photoshop is almost impossible to use at a proper speed without keyboard shortcuts. If you hold the portable tablet in your hand you cant have a hand on your keyboard. Onscreen shortcuts are also slower.
>No multiscreen setup in most models
>Much more powerful rig available at a fraction of the cost

Pros of tablets with screen
>Eye hand coordination, which is something that could be trained to ignore with regular tablets

Im not even memeing. Just buy a regular no screen shit for your desktop PC, and a cheap ipad pro/surface pro for portability...if you ever leave your house.

>> No.2865364

So much this.

we've had a cintiq at work for a good year now.
I tried getting used to it multiple times, I cant bear it. I need to look at a proper screen instead.

Also, the hand-eye coordination is a hoax, atleast for me. Your pen nib is still 1/3cm off the actual stroke. Hate that the most.

>> No.2865435

I have the Huion Giano in my cart. Is it shit?

>> No.2865483

I'm just really glad to hear I'm not alone in feeling this... I mean, yeah I can understand that peeps are different and some probably have a harder time with the whole hand-not-where-your-eye-is thing. But for me, drawing on a regular tablet is just the most comfy thing.

>> No.2865631

Because the portability is its key selling point you retard.

>> No.2865748

Portability at the expense of productivity is retarded. If you are going to dismiss productivity might as well buy a cheap ipad pro or a surface.

I swear wacom shills are rabid these days

>> No.2865758

>be home
>work on tablet
>be not home
>work on tablet pc


>be home
>work on tablet
>be not home
>don't work

gee, which is more productive

>> No.2865771

I think calling them overpriced is a little undeserved. It can be expensive sure but I have never, once, heard someone say "I broke my wacom". The shit works and it's very hard to break, you buy a tablet you have that tablet for life. It's a one time payment and frankly the cheaper options come with more headaches as a trade off.

>> No.2865780

Is picking up an Intuos worth it if I want to learn digital art without learning traditional art first?

If so, should I get a small or a medium?

>> No.2865789

You can learn with a small but you'll have to upgrade to a medium if you want to do serious work.

>> No.2865798

Id seriously be fine with buying an Ipad Pro over the cintiq based on what reviews.
Most pros would just use the Desk ver of the Cintiq for work, and do other shit on an Ipad

>> No.2865799

>You can learn with a small
You can learn horrible habits and fuck up your wrist, yeah.

What you can't learn is how to draw like a normal person.

Get a pen and paper, you dumb faggot.
There's no "learning digital art" before you can actually draw.

>> No.2865801

I tried it and the ipad is fucking great as far as the actual drawing goes, my concern is more with file management and such.

Also, supposedly the next line is coming out in march including a magnetized pencil, and maybe a 9 inch version with no bezels (so 10 inches). If they cram 4 gb of ram in it, I'm sold

>> No.2865809
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What the fuck.

You can even connect the iPad to a Mac and use it like a Cintiq, pressure sensitivity and all. There is LESS lag than in a Cintiq.


Considering the price/performace, there are zero (0) reasons to buy a Cintiq.

>> No.2865863

That's a good option i guess. but think about it
a decent mac = around 2k + apple ipad with pen = 1k
that's 3k.

now you have to rely on an app and you have two thing you have to charge and cary etc.. + is apples tech is ussualy better enhanced for its software. ie 4gb of ram on a mac feels like 8gb of ram on a pc.

However you get a 16inch 4k with i7 and 15gb of ram and industry standard wacom tech for the same price in a slim design that can also work as a standalone cintiq,

so if i had the money and i wasn't a fan boy i would go for the mobile studio pro.

Of course 99.5 percent of /ic/ are amatuers and either of this tech will be going to waste on them.

I suggest a basic computer and a $50 bamboo tablet unless you are a working pro.

apx PC= 300

bamboo = $50-30

or paper pencils / under 20. you need this more anyways.

stop spending daddys money on stupid shit or

>> No.2865872

>I suggest a basic computer and a $50 bamboo tablet unless you are a working pro.
full retard

>stop spending daddys money
muh projecting
some of us have jobs, basement-kun

>> No.2865901

Its harder to learn how to draw in digital, doesn't feel right and you can't use your arm. Get good with traditional.

>> No.2866149

>Better posture since you are looking at the pc monitor, wont fuck up your neck and back
I draw at the same angle as I have been in traditional medium for years. I have nbo issues, l2posture
>More productivity since you can use one hand on the pen and one hand on the keyboard at all times

All the rest I don't know about since your talking about the pc tablets only. You can always get a normal cintiq familia.

>> No.2866227

so all I need to do now is buy a mac pc, an iPad and the pencil.
This is ok for a mac fag, but a non-apple shitter should just buy a cintiq cuz it's way less expensive.
kys :)

>> No.2866230

Literally why when there's BIGGER and better versions for under 100$. Your just spewing shit at this point since nobody in their right mind would recommend a fucking bamboo in this day and age to anybody, even beginners. Are you just projecting because you had to use a shitty bamboo?

>> No.2866265

The new intuos line is basically the same thing as the bamboos.

Yes i did start with a bamboo for the first 3 years or so. Guess who else did and kept using theres well into there pro career? Brad Rigney and countless others.
but if spending $2900+ is going to make you a leet artist working pro in Hollywood or Vidyagam3r than go for it.

If your not a pro don't buy pro tools. simple as that. Hardcore hobbyist though you say? going to be pro soon so you need it? Maybe your just crazy anon and have a knack for spending 3%of 100k on a tool you are not even qualified to use or need for that matter considering they have much cheaper options for hobbyist and students.

Of course after handing all this free advice and wisdom to you your still not going to listen and use your credit or savings to buy it anyways aren't you? Sigh, maybe if i charged you 100 dollars a month on squarelearn you would have listened.

Even the lower end pros shouldn't by this only the 1% should get this guys working on AAA stuff.

>> No.2866400

I'm able to get a Cintiq 13HD for 599

Should I go for it? I only have a Intuos 5 touch.

>> No.2868485
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Anyone have any experiences with Huions? I'm looking at the Giano mentioned by >>2863938

I'm in the market for a new one. My ceiling started leaking and just my luck, it landed right on top of my fucking Intuos 4 while I was away at work.

What are the fucking odds?

>> No.2868502
File: 26 KB, 600x450, doing it right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm just now getting back into drawing after graduating and I never used a tablet, or computer based art stuff in general. I have access to an old bamboo tablet but the lack of a screen to see where I'm putting the stylus without looking at the computer annoys the hell out of me. Is it worth it to get used to this, I feel just getting some app for an ordinary ipad or android tablet would be more pleasant than not seeing the stylus tip and the image at the same time even without all the bells and whistles of a proper drawing tablet.

>> No.2869328

if you have the money, an ipad pro with SBP is decent.

Alternatively, get an old tablet pc that has wacom tech ($200-$300).

>> No.2869407

>the lack of a screen to see where I'm putting the stylus without looking at the computer annoys the hell out of me
What? Why?
Have you used a mouse before? A trackpad? It's the same deal.

>> No.2869419

its not the same, especially when you need to use a ruler to connect 2 points

>> No.2869422

Has anyone used the Ugee 2150? I'm thinking about picking it up with part of my tax return.

>> No.2869490

As I thought. Projection the post. There's bigger and better tablets for under 100 bucks both fromw acom and other manufacturers. Stop spewing shit because your salty for having to use a bamboo

>> No.2869810

I wouldn't want to draw using a mouse either. It removes quite a bit of control and I usually move the tip of my pencil to gauge distances before drawing lines.

>> No.2869818

Okay so I've bought the 16 inch mobile studio pro

any recommendations for a good stand? putting down 100 dollar for a special wacom stand is just crazy

>> No.2869831

i'd buy it if i had the money

>> No.2870060

get a desk easel

>> No.2870204

you're brilliant!
I also bought two of these

>> No.2870289
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Still trying to get an artist opinion on this, i guess the fact that no one has an opinion or experience with it is a bad sign, i just really wana like it. Im talking bout the android lenova yoga not the windows one

>> No.2870346
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get the windows one, you basically get a laptop with integrated bamboo
and I've tested the pen, works with my Samsung note 10.1, so it's a wacom pen, with 1020 pressure points.
If you get the android one, better get sm-p605, it's basically a poor man's cintiq companion

Pic related, something I did on Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition (sm-p605) in around 2 hours

>> No.2870397

Everyone says the windows one has major issues, my phones a note 3 but i really want to try to break into digital art in a more serious way. $500 is alot i just wanna be sure that its a good investment, and if not whats a better start? Im working on a comic but have a full time job so i dont draw 8hrs a day (never gonna make it) but i wana produce polished works and start to really study color and shit

>> No.2870433

Then just get a bamboo/intuos, medium size.

>> No.2870476

i kinda want it to have a screen, plus my laptop is kinad shit, im talkin old ass dell with an intel pentium.
looking for the cheepest option, either i get a new rig and a cheep tablet and some software, or a tablet and some cheep ass app

>> No.2870484
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>Implying you leave your home.
>Implying you work anyways, home or not.

>> No.2870668

i own one and have tried the bigger older cintiq models. the screen resolution on the mobile studio pro is really nice in comparison, and i have tried the ipad pro in the stores although i feel like the ipad is actually laggy in comparison and really despise the feel of the pen. ask me anything

>> No.2870787

>Implying you leave your home.
I do, though.

>Implying you work anyways, home or not.
I do work.
Not on my art, but I work.

>> No.2870820


I've got H610, on Windows works well but on GNU/Linux not really, not every kernel will be able to work, I've tried for example 4.4 kernel version on Xubuntu and it works, it's just like raffle cose I have got also Debian (the latest stable version, I mean 8.7) and older kernels sometimes works good. I think Wacoms have much more support straight from OS developers

>> No.2870891

I agree. what kind of accessories do you use with it?

>> No.2871000
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How is the holder that comes with the mobile studio supposed to work?

I've turned it in the kensington lock but won't stay stable

>> No.2871048

not an argument

>> No.2871177

get rig, buy decent tablet, pirate software.

>> No.2871713

Any merit in buying one of the late companion models vs the mobile studio? I'd rather pick up something comparable than put down 3 grand.

>> No.2872525
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Does anyone here actually have an Ipad Pro?

If so would you mind testing out Pixiv Sketch on it and Drawr as well for me pls...? I'd do it myself but no money....
Tell us what it's like

>> No.2872733

Fans are apparently loud, screen and pen quality are lower and of course a less up to date computer, heavier and thicker

>> No.2873663


I'll download and try out pixiv sketch for you! But drawr just looks really bad. Will post my thoughts soon!

>> No.2873666


Just downloaded and tried out the painting features. Really basic, only has 3 brushes, none of which are particularly good. I would recommend just getting Procreate unless you really want the convenience of being able to upload to pixiv easily.

>> No.2874747
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>Bought a Surface Pro 4
It's a great overall device but the shittiness of the Surface Pen has made me want to avoid doing any art on it, which was the main reason I got a tablet over a laptop.

Is the iPad Pro really that good? Can we expect a second gen Pencil from Apple?

>> No.2874752

make webms!

>> No.2874784

google the studio one they just made, you'll weep

>> No.2874789

the surface studio? that has the same n-trig jitter problems, right?

>> No.2874982

Yeah exact same thing but bigger. If only they stuck with wacom.

ipad pro can't do finished work without photoshop and the like. Great for sketching though.

>> No.2876116

thanks alot

>> No.2876120

I've been looking for a good second hand cintiq (or alternative) for a while, and I
realized that maybe the best thing to do would be to just settle for what I've already got, an Intuos 2.
Is a non screened tablet ok to just keep working with? I don't want to mess up my style by not being able to
see my hand, and then switch to a screened tablet or just paper and be all out of wack.

>> No.2876148

is n-trigger jitter really that bad? thinking of gitting huion giano

>> No.2876162

Switching between doesn't matter, drawing skill is drawing skill.

>> No.2877067

I have one and it's fucking great, very easy and can't notice any differences from wacum, comes in sexy packaging too, awesome for the price. I have a surface Pro 3 i5 8gb +256ssd now for $600 with the surface Pro 4's keyboard I bought as open-box used and it's great for a screen if you have 600 and want a screen + full windows with photoshop

>> No.2877070

>using a 2 grand gadget out in public anywhere..

>> No.2877072

Everyday I'm visiting r/surface hoping ms would announce the sp5

>> No.2877106
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I've been sketching in autodesk sketchbook with it while I was traveling, it works pretty well

>> No.2877209

I'm the guy you replied to.
To be fair, I find n-trig to be fine for painting, since you're usually making short fast strokes.

I use Clip Studio Paint, which has some stabilisation feature that I imagine is similar to Lazy Nezumi, but I still find when I try to draw, I get enough jitter to be annoyed by it.

The other issue with n-trig is the activation force; the lightest physical touch won't actually register a stroke on the screen the way it does with Wacom, you have to apply just a bit of pressure, which feels slightly unnatural. If you're dedicated, you can adjust to it, but it raises the issue of what you should expect for what you're paying.

>> No.2880225

>shitty 16:9 ratio
Or you could get a Wacom Penabled PC for as low as $90-$300. It's basically same as a fucking wacom bamboo/intuos and a laptop/PC but you can take it with you and do FREE life studies outside like a real artist although your problem is reflecting screen or bad battery. Find laptops with matte screen and strong LED backlight.

Get a refurbished Tablet PC laptop and make sure the screen color is calibrated (if old TFT monitor) or buy a screen color callibrator or if you're like me try calibrating it by eye through a grayscale image. Get IPS monitor if possible to skip this.

Best screen ratio is 16:10 or 4:3/5:4 and resolution greater than 800p (kill urself if you got 720/768p). 'Retina screens' or high PPI screens are a meme since you'll end up making your lines appear bigger than expected unless you know how to really use 'DPI' stuff. As much as possible get lower PPI screen or large screen with large resolution (like 1080p@18").

Look for:
Thinkpad tablets (comes with i7 if luck)
Fujitsu (lifebook) (ultrabook)
dynabook (atom)
toshiba (hard to find)
HP (pavilion tablets tho they GPU are fucked unless they've been re-soldered)

>> No.2880338

Thank you, but I want to use it for more then just outside lifesketching.

I've tested both surface studio and mobile studio and the mobile is definitely win for me.

Mobile studio drawing feels soft and fluent and natural and the screen perfect quality and my graphic programs run smoothly

The surface has a heavy pen and a reflective screen and feels chunkier when drawing

>> No.2882520

I don't see the issue unless you live in a shithole full of crime.
If that's the case, then I suggest you take that 2 grand and invest it into moving somewhere else

>> No.2882528
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is it worth it?

>> No.2882548

the metal pin you stick in can get loose sometimes and rotate when you turn it, I know mine did. You have to keep it pressed in very hard when you turn the plastic bit or it'll just rotate around the metal pin.

>> No.2882555


overpriced, overrated. Just use a rock on a cave wall.

>> No.2882557

Buy a surface pro 4 or an ipad pro, both are better than the shitshow wacom has become

>> No.2882597
File: 352 KB, 2500x2500, wacom_cintiq13wx_cintiq_13hd_13_interactive_945191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth to buy 13" or save money for 22"?

13" is like A4 sheet so I guess it will be ok

or not?

>> No.2882619

the 13'' seems tiny
save for the 22''

>> No.2882698
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>have the money for a 22" Cintiq
>don't have the desk space for one

I could fit it, but I'd probably have to unplug and move it when I'm not drawing.
I'm also nervous spending that much right off the bat.

>> No.2882707

Get an ergo arm for it. It can be floating off your desk when not in use.

I'd hold off on buying the larger models since they just came out with a new 13 and 16 with the updated pen. I'd estimate larger models within a year (maybe 2).

>> No.2882725

Does anyone here have experience with the XP-pen tablets? The 22 inch ones especially. I never hear anything about them from here, but it seems like other reviews are very positive and they're not too expensive either. so I'm thinking of saving up a bit and getting one.

>> No.2882815

Just looked up the new Cintiq Pro 13" and 16".
Man, the 16 would be a perfect size for me. But that fucking price tag.
And the USB-C only on both kind of sucks but isn't a deal breaker for me.
I'm tempted to go for the Pro 13" because its cheaper and the almost no parallax seems like a huge bonus compared to the old 13" HD.
It seems like there's a lot of other trade-offs as well.
Pro 13 and 13 HD seem similarly price though.

>> No.2882821

>Pro 13 and 13 HD seem similarly price though.
And from that I'd guess whenever they release a pro 22-26? it'll be similarly priced to existing cintiqs of the same size.

>> No.2883209

I want to get one, but I never had a tablet and new to drawing, so spending 3k sounds ridiculous.

>> No.2883217
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Bit the bullet.
I probably won't be able to get it until next Friday though. Because of my work schedule.

I'll drop a review here when I get it.

>> No.2883923

Does anyone have like a spreadsheet of every drawing drawing tablet for comparison?

>> No.2884485
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How is the huion h610? It is the same price as the entry level wacoms (intuos draw) but is bigger, has round corners and apparently its surface is less hard. The thing is that lately I've been less than satisfied with chinese no name stuff but the wacoms at this price don't look that hot either, the bigger ones costing 100 more. Is the huion good enough? Is the size of the tablet that important? I'd doodle a little bit and ink and color parer drawn scanned stuff mostly (being good for 3d modeling and linux compatibility would be good pluses)

>> No.2884510

wtf, they actually trolled you into buying a 13inch

>> No.2884571

Just get a used intuos3 it's superior in almost every regard