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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2862504 No.2862504 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/

I've been working on a webcomic as a past-time, and since the Hows Your Webcomic threads on /co/ are usually just three people talking to one another and ignoring everyone else, I thought I'd ask opinions here.

I'll post the whole thing here, but if you want to check if out yourself:


Note: there are no ads or anything on the comic so this is not spam or data-mining. I'd also like your opinion on the web design if you have any suggestions.

>> No.2862506
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>> No.2862511
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>> No.2862512
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>> No.2862513
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>> No.2862517
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>> No.2862519
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and thats it. Now to let this thread die just like my hopes and dreams.

>> No.2862573

it's shit

>> No.2862602

Hywc is useless and full of autistic people
>join our speshul elit discord
I joined it. You're better off on your own, but you're also shit

>> No.2862613
File: 2.65 MB, 3509x2550, Napch2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, I'm ok with being shit. I've never taken classes on this, I'm just a self taught autist with too mush free time. But, could you tell me How I'm shit? Just so I can try not to be shit in the future.

Have a fucking bear

>> No.2862615

It's really awful, and a shame there's not a comic community on 4ch where people take shit seriously. Because hyw is on /co/ it's filled with toddlers and manchildren with DA tier drawings and poorly cobbled together tropes derived from their favorite shows.

>> No.2862622

I got a smattering of advice about using solid blacks and how much I suck. But being told you suck is the first step to not sucking.

>> No.2862625

You open with a heavily art oriented sequence without the necessary skills in dynamism, perspective, or understanding of anatomical proportions to engage the readers. That aside, even if they were to look past the weak opening, they're met with more bland art in a very uninspired greyscale. Look at that bonfire scene, looks like you gave up halfway and thought "good enough". And that's being nice, this comic won't take off or get any fans. For what you're trying to do with your current skill level, it's too much. Try a more story/joke oriented comic if you want a possible hit, or treat this as practice and move on to the next pages.

Font is also scraggly and very hard to read.

>> No.2862629
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thanks for the input. Its not about getting fans or anything, its a personal project to try and get better at things.

The stuff I posted there is from about 2 years ago when I started, this is a newer update, Can you see any improvement?

>> No.2862631

Being told you suck is step 0. Understanding that your own work is bad is the first step.
Step 2 is to learn more about art so you understand what's bad and can practice to fix it.
You're tackling too many things right now, try to tone it back a little. Once you've done some research into fundamentals you're gonna start noticing a lot of your errors and ways to improve them.
Or you can stay shit, but choosing to be bad at something is probably one of the dumbest decisions anyone has ever made.

>> No.2862632

Minor improvements in dynamism, composition, and line control. Still weak, but your biggest weakness is your inability to bind everything together - make the world seem alive. If you want to do B/W comic, you need to study on hatching, line weight, and tones. It's hard for readers to get iengaged when the world looks half drawn, for example look at those bushes. There is a quick way to give them some more shape with blacks/hatching, but you need to find the balance yourself so it compliments your style.

>> No.2862640

Simply by the virtue of lacking art fundamentals, your comic fails to catch interest. Like beauty, good art is what catches people's eyes. Like a person with good substance and an interesting life, a good plot is what makes people stay to finish your comic.

There's way too many things to tell you to work on, so my suggestion is to just keep drawing and study your fundamentals in any way possible - shades and values, perspective, anatomy, etc.

>> No.2862653

I honestly believe theres a crab mentality in there. There has to be. You try to improve and they all parrot "it's good enough" at your stinking shit. You try to criticize people with actual advice and you either get 1 of the following
>"dude lmao he's good enough"
>ignored because you didnt suck cock instead
>muh feelings
I still remember it like yesterday
>keep trying to fix even the smallest details and keep asking for critics
>"wow why do you do that, this place is not for professional webcomics. It's just for chilling out artist bro"
>finally receive a very long criticism and keep talking to that person while keeping tab of all my errors
>thread went "someone's a sycophant"

>> No.2862660

In addition to the commonplace tips that serve to all, study/improve the anatomy perspective etc.

storytelling is set as a manga in these pages.

Most easy is to improve the readability/storytelling helps the reader to the direction of reading with the drawings and the lettering.

>> No.2862782


>laid back thread for hanging out, commiserating, motivating each other, and sharing simple practical tips

Don't worry, you aren't missed.

>> No.2862790

stay in your containment thread retard

>> No.2863194

I think that everyone ITT is talking shit. Good art doesn't make a good story. Your art could be god-tier and your story still be shit. Work on your story first, then improve on your art.

>> No.2865111

Basically this.

On another note, you comic does have some charm, look up some black and white Thorgal comics and see what you could learn from those, your artstyle kind of reminded me of Thorgal

>> No.2865121


color scheme/texture reminds me of that fun link to the past manga from 1991ish; bright and engaging. So, the color palette you picked is not a bad one imo.

But the problem is that despite that, you seem to have no ability to actually apply colors correctly. You draw shadows by drawing the colors darker -- why not use a complementary color to mix in the shadows? In many places things look totally flat, and you ignore form altogether. The texture of the coloring (pencils I assume? I'm unsure if it's blended colored pencils or mediocre gouache) looks rustic and very old-school, but because you don't really emphasize form or apply the colors well, it ends up looking like a little kid took an okish-black and white comic and colored it in as part of a coloring book. It really adds up to make it very amateurish. You need a lot of work in that department. You have confident lines, which I can appreciate, but confident lines and amateur coloring REALLY make it look like something you'd find on a stay at home mom's fridge, where the mom is happy that timmy finally kinda sorta colored within the lines of his Boy's Life magazine coloring challenge for once.


the style in this one looks significantly and jarringly different. Hand/forearm anatomy is really lacking even as a simplified cartoony version. Also why is his nose a penis in the third or fourth panel?

Why are the faces all drawn with varying levels of quality and care? It looks sloppy.

The panels are kinda busy and the characters don't usually pop out well. It's way too busy, especially if the format is supposed to be vertical.

Story-wise, pretty uninteresting so far. I think it's a big cliche for comics to begin with characters staring at each other in order to "set the scene" whereas in reality it just looks like you can't actually capture any of the human spirit and have to resolve to faking it by having them give each other facial expressions.

>> No.2865201

This. /biz/ and /ic/ could be so much more, /lit/ and /his/ SHOULD be.

>> No.2865220

They aren't gonna be doing any surviving if they treat living in the middle ages like a camping trip. And anybody that's on their own will also have a spear if they have a bow. Against a single enemy you'd be firing the bow shot from 1-2 meters, not 30 yards.

>> No.2865320

I've actually been thinking of starting a Comics General here. I'm a professionally published artist myself and I feel there's a lot to be discussed and shared that the Webcomics general doesn't cover or consider.

What resources and links would you guys like to see? Eisner's guides, Framed Ink, How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way, Understanding Comics to name a few books

>> No.2865335

Just start your own general. I wanna shit on kids writing.

>> No.2865421

dog is cute

>> No.2865493

do it man, all those resources would be great. it'd be nice to see some actual comics from creators who aren't mentally stunted neckbeards who draw like grade school arts and crafts, and who have a serious desire in improving.

>> No.2865521

The threads would definitely be different enough to warrant it. No serious content producer would post their work in that shithole, mainly because the "advice" you'd get is from literal retards who can't even hold a pen steady. Just scroll through the thread, the average comic there is absolute dogshit not even worthy of being posted on the cringiest parts of DA. And these are the "peers" you'd be consorting with if you post there, these are the people who'd be sharing ideas with you.

Side note, didn't an anon do a site wide poll and found that /co/ had the lowest average age and IQ?

>> No.2865586

I thought it was /x/ that had the lowest IQ, but /co/ was definitely in the bottom 5. Given that it was just a poll, I wouldn't put much faith in it.

>> No.2865609

I would love this. I've been drawing comics for 10 years now. A more serious place to specifically talk about comic art would be great ... /icco/ or so... there are some threads about comics around here but having stickies only for that would be great and all.

>> No.2865628
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>> No.2865737
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your website has a lot of flaws and design mistakes.

-t. web programmer who unfortunatly doesn't have time to give further advice

good luck on your studies

>> No.2865742
File: 13 KB, 180x184, landonpriceicon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your comic is mediocre but at least you're kinda cute