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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2860881 No.2860881 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or are most artists just really fucking stupid. Of course there are some that aren't but if I had a nickel for every retarded furry artist I've met, or someone that dropped out of school because they couldn't pass basic courses and would rather spend their time drawing anime porn id be a rich man.

>> No.2860883

Is this why you sound like a moron?

>> No.2860884

It's just you.

>> No.2860885

how so?

>> No.2860892

There are three types of art students:

1. People who want to doodle instead of becoming responsible, contributing members of society.

2. People who are too lazy or dumb to succeed in anything else.

3. People who want to git gud.

People who fall into the first 2 categories also often tend to be iq deficient.

>> No.2860893

Nah, I doubt it

>> No.2860896

nah. maybe not the best at math but that doesn't make ya a retard.

>> No.2860901

furries and bronies are retarded. the rest are creative average intellectuals. you really think leanardo was fucking stupid?

>> No.2860903

What are you then if you bounce between 1 and 3?

>> No.2860909

just round down.

>> No.2860926

it's just you.

>> No.2860928
File: 162 KB, 704x600, 1486523431714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contributing members of society
Commies get out

>> No.2860938
File: 85 KB, 720x540, 1409277856531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm the three types
I'm not dumb though, just extremely lazy. If it weren't for my father I'd be living under a bridge.

>> No.2860939

Furrfags / bronies are particularly retarded when it comes to politics.

>> No.2860971

I can only speak from my experience, but it's not artists that are stupid, it's art students that in general are stupid. These fucking art students that should drop out stay in the degree program and are the shitters that fuck up the employment stats of art graduates. The quality of work is actually better on /ic/, I kid you not. Art schools, at least state school art programs, will take your money and graduate you even if you draw like you have Aspergers. Compare this to something like computer science or chemistry where people are naturally sorted out due to their more rigorous programs. It's a damn hugbox in an art program.

Really acclaimed artists tend to be pretty smart though, at least enough to get very good in their field. They may not care about much else aside from art though. Really passionate artists will not really know much because they spend 95% of their waking time creating.

>> No.2861009


I wouldn't claim that they're stupid. They're just non-questioning idealists who are stuck in their bubble of reading news articles. If they were informed that dihydrogen monoxide killed people, then I wouldn't be surprised if they refused to drink it.

>> No.2862392

struck a nerve it seems

>> No.2862416

Lars Ulrich looks pissed.

>> No.2862456

fuck you then
i never wanted to be unable to drive a car or having trouble keeping any job

>> No.2862469

this is a comfy picture

>> No.2862525

1) being a full time art student is more useless than not going to art school at all. Take foundations, understand the basics, then take occasional classes so you can get pro input and keep reminding yourself of the basics. People that are full time art students for more than 3 years are either going to be stagnant or were horrible at art to begin with. If you are good at art, you don't need art school. Only people that don't know how to art need an art degree.

2) If you are good enough at art to not need school for it, then why continue to go to college? So you can be told the same shit you were taught in highschool for 300 times the price and get a degree you won't use? You would be more idiotic for paying someone to help spoon feed you information in college when you could use good research tactics to instead learn things yourself when needed... for the small price of paying for internet access.

3) Most artists I know that made/are making money from drawing porn don't do so because they want to or don't/can't draw anything else ... porn pays the bills while you build professional connections for an actual art career. You know who else pays a lot of money to artists? Furries. I'm not a furry but I'll pretend to be one when they pay me 10 times what some normie would pay me to draw them fucking their favorite comic book character.

The people you are describing aren't dumb ... unless wanting/needing money is dumb ... in which case I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.2862655
File: 75 KB, 1163x1165, david.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) being a full time art student is more useless than not going to art school at all. Take foundations, understand the basics, then take occasional classes so you can get pro input and keep reminding yourself of the basics. People that are full time art students for more than 3 years are either going to be stagnant or were horrible at art to begin with. If you are good at art, you don't need art school. Only people that don't know how to art need an art degree.

a majority of people don't end up in careers related to their degree, it's not just art. plus when you look at all the people who lead in concept art and make the videos/books everyone loves to pirate around here, most of them did attend some sort of art school.

if art school is a total waste and everyone who studied on their own with shit they got from cgpeers is better, then why do so many people on /ic/, permanoobs, CA.org, crimson daggers, etc etc. suck?

>> No.2862807

Im not saying never attend art classes. But being a full time art student is a waste of time and money. Foundations sucked but it was necessary, but after 2 years of useful foundations type classes, it was the same bullshit over and over again. I'm not even going to go into upper level art classes just being glorified circle jerks to validate the art instructors art is superior.... even though they couldn't manage to sell it in a way that makes them money so they have to teach instead.

Take art classes ... don't get an art degree. It will cost you more money then using those few years to prep your own career.

>> No.2862815

Is crimson daggers a meme? I keep hearing about it.

>> No.2862880

I can't look at pictures like like these without thinking they are set up propaganda.

>> No.2862913

This is actually kind of true. I honestly wanted to get fuck out of my state university art program after my foundations finished, but I got a full-ride scholarship for art around that time, so it would piss my parents and family off to high-hell to drop out. But, I'm still learning a lot in my elective classes. I talk a lot with my professors about art and I've honestly grown a lot as an artist because of it. I've been exposed to books and ideas I never would have found on my own. I started drawing seriously when I was 15 and had no artistic role-models in my life, so I personally need this exposure I'm getting.

If art school isn't a total waste of time, why are there people on permanoobs and /ic/ that kick the shit out of art students?

Art is incredibly difficult and being part of an institution can not force you to learn how to be an artist, the same with art videos, they can't force you to learn. Being part of an artschool is 'aided discovery', i.e. the teachers are helping you discover how to draw and be an artist, but you still need to figure it out yourself. People who don't go to an artschool need to read books and expose themselves to artists and teachers through something that is more like unaided discovery. It's not the fault of the system that they still suck, it's the fault of the person using the system, like every shitty art graduate ever. It's not the fault of the system, it's the fault of the user.

I would recommend people get some form of real art training at an atelier, because studio-drawing settings have a very powerful effects on the brain, there have been studies with brain scans that demonstrate this. Life-drawing classes is probably the closest thing to an art elixir, almost all acclaimed illustrators in the 19-20th century went through that sort of training.

>> No.2862965

>if I had a nickel

no you wouldn't. that would take way too many nickels. you'd have to have seen 10 million dumb artists just to get $500,000, and that's, like, the bare minimum of rich.

>> No.2863092

Its just an expression you classic faggot.

>> No.2863094

It really isn't an expression, it's meant to be literal.

>> No.2863102

>I would recommend people get some form of real art training at an atelier, because studio-drawing settings have a very powerful effects on the brain, there have been studies with brain scans that demonstrate this

As an atelier student I would like to read one of these studies.

The atelier system goes back further still - 16th century if not before.

Somewhere along the way we found /ic/, but we lost the art.

>> No.2863106

The art got lost like only 7 years or so ago. It was still bright, but nowadays, it's somehow, different. Because of social media.

>> No.2863177

painting and drawing is a niche skill. learning and practicing art doesn't require any of the education that's even considered rudimentary that you'd need to pass for even community college or a trade school. things like mechanical knowledge, math, reading comprehension etc. you don't need any of that. if you can get good at creating a product and make a living off it that's all most people want. so it's safe to assume that artists that are making a living young are less educated than "the average" but that doesn't make them less intelligent.

>> No.2863209

No its not, you're just autistic

>> No.2863225

Use sci-hub.cc to view the articles

I may have exaggerated the effects by saying they are powerful, but there is definitely something going on here I think and I'd think everybody should be exposed to a drawing-intensive course at least once if they want to improve at drawing.

>> No.2863427

>If art school isn't a total waste of time, why are there people on permanoobs and /ic/ that kick the shit out of art students?

list me all the working professionals with successful projects in their CVs who talk about hanging out at permanoobs and /ic/

>> No.2863495

If you see everyone else as being a retard, the one being the biggest retard is propably yourself.

>> No.2863987

Someone hasn't read adam smith.

>> No.2864039

Nobody talks about /ic/ because it's stigmatized and most people end up leaving when they become good.

Most people stop using forums when they get good as well, i.e. Miles Johnston, Tehmeh, Dave Rapoza, algenpfleger(who even stopped posting on his own forum), and Mike Azevedo(he went to a brazilian university for game design, and game design universities are trash. He got good through his own efforts, guaranteed). KJKallio used to browse /ic/, and is self-taught. Catbib is literally one of the best examples of the 'artist's artist' and used to post here.

Even professionals who still use conceptart.org like Mike Butkus, with a fucking MASSIVE cv, don't mention the forum they go to. So what's your point?

>> No.2864078
File: 110 KB, 759x847, 1485419174455078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody talks about /ic/ because it's stigmatized and most people end up leaving when they become good.

cool story bro

>> No.2864081

yah, it's true though

>> No.2864320

Thanks for this anon. While the "high rated" art example in there was questionable due to proportion and shape issues, over all it got the point across.