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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.47 MB, 1777x2999, 475b33gy1fcozv0x7eoj21dd2bbhdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2859151 No.2859151 [Reply] [Original]

Praise Ruan Jia!

>> No.2859152

does he use a sharpening filter on parts of his paintings..?

>> No.2859160

I think he just scribble shades.

>> No.2859162
File: 44 KB, 843x719, 3213213213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only

>> No.2859164

he use a lot of blur

>> No.2859170

probably sharpen tool, so it's used like a brush

>> No.2859180


>> No.2859187

I dislike that he has no imagination

>> No.2859198
File: 1.18 MB, 1554x1074, 434343434343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is one of the best cg-artists...

art is dead.

we need a new renaissance.

>> No.2859208

>stiff af

>> No.2859222

The head doesn't look like it belongs on that body. Not to mention, the mechanical hand is way too small.

>> No.2859226

Yeah. He kind of overused it in the OP pic. Maybe on a smaller resolution it looks better.

>> No.2859239
File: 436 KB, 200x150, 3126306-o97g1_s-200x150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>art is dead

not gonna make it

>> No.2859249

His rendering is kinda nuts, but a lot of his paintings are honestly pretty ugly. I think the few landscapes I've seen him do are my favorites.

>> No.2859258

Just because she isn't in a contrappost pose doesn't mean she is stiff, her shoulders a pretty relaxed.

>>2859222your first sentence makes zero sense and her mechanical index finger is almost as longer as her face so if anything it might be too big

Holy fuck guys, it's funny how many posts I see where you guys think your being smart but really you aren't fooling anyone and all I read is, I'm not good at art so I'm going to make up for it by pretending I know the subject.

>> No.2859263

baby hands
long nose

>> No.2859265

>I'm not good at art so I'm going to make up for it by pretending I know the subject.
Nice projection there, you illiterate faggot.

>> No.2859267

I can admit I'm not that good but I'm not the one who tries to bring down professionals to make myself feel better.

The fact that you resorted to calling me a faggot means I struck a nerve.

>> No.2859283

i wonder how many months this took.

>> No.2859291

No, you're just a retard who's using idiotic stereotypes to try to explain things you're too stupid to undertand.

Your argument is basically the same as beliebers use if you criticize Justin Bieber.
"If you don't like Justin Bieber, you're just jealous and wish you could be like him."

>> No.2859303

Your just mad because you suck man and you are trying to take it out on everyone.

Your briber analogy doesn't apply because I don't care if you like Ruan or not, but trying support your distaste with false claims to give your opinion worth just makes you look thirsty and gives away your novice.

But you can keep calling me names if that helps you like your drawings better.

>> No.2859308

Is this old? Looks like shit compared to his Legend of the Cryptids armor dudes.

>> No.2859313

yeah i was about to say his edge control took a nose dive

>> No.2859315

Anyone got an album of hq Ruan Jia works?

>> No.2859339 [DELETED] 

What's it like to have the mentality of a young teenage girl, who gets upset when people disagree with her? You really are a believer to the very core of your infantile being.

I don't even dislike Ruan Jia. I'm a fan of rendering, and he's one of very few contemporary digital artists who's managed to pull of a unique style. However, in this particular picture, I think he fucked up the proportions.

But you can't deal with that, can you? If anyone criticizes someone you're a fan of, you automatically go for the ad hominem attacks. You're basically the worst kind of delusional fanboy, and people like you are a festering cancer that just rot away any community you attach yourself to.

>> No.2859342

What's it like to have the mentality of a young teenage girl, who gets upset when people disagree with her? You really are a belieber to the very core of your infantile being.

I don't even dislike Ruan Jia. I'm a fan of rendering, and he's one of very few contemporary digital artists who's managed to pull of a unique style. However, in this particular picture, I think he fucked up the proportions.

But you can't deal with that, can you? If anyone criticizes someone you're a fan of, you automatically go for the ad hominem attacks. You're basically the worst kind of delusional fanboy, and people like you are a festering cancer that just rot away any community you attach yourself to.

>> No.2859345

same desu

>> No.2859347

kys my man

>> No.2859357

>I got BTFO
You sure did.

>> No.2859359

I don't know, what is it like anon? You are the one who is upset for being disagreed with, as soon as I called you guys out you resorted to name calling.

Because I'm not playing along with your guys delusion I must just be a fan right? It's the industry who is wrong and doesn't know real art like you guys right? If they opened their eyes you all might get discovered right?

>> No.2859360

kek was it really worth deleting your post to make that tiny change

>> No.2859364

>You are the one who is upset for being disagreed with.
How retarded are you to try to change the narrative? People can just look at your post. It's right up there.
This has nothing to do with disagreeing about the picture. I mentioned what I thought was wrong with the picture, and you were personally offended by it and started acting like a generic belieber. You faggots are a staple on /ic/, and every time someone criticizes a popular artist, you come out of the woodwork like the rabid teenage fanboys that you are.
Again, what kind of insecure, pathetic rat acts like this, getting offended at other people's expense?

Was it really worth going into the archive to look up what I changed, then post about it here?

>> No.2859376

You seem more personally offended than me but keep using the fanboy defense it's really putting yourself over professionals and validating your "critique".

About the insecure part, let's see, it's funny how in these types of threads no one posts their work to defend their criticisms of the popular artists they are scrutinizing.

>> No.2859385

Dude you sound pretty jealous of Justin Bieber
Did you know he's rich and a pretty good musician?

>> No.2859388

>You seem more personally offended
Well, no. You're offended because someone has an opinion that you don't agree with, and jump through endless hoops and make up bizarre claims in order to justify your bullshit.
My responses are entirely aimed at your childish, baseless attacks.

>it's really putting yourself over professionals and validating your "critique".
What's with the paranoid delusions? You think having an opinion about something, means that person is putting themselves above what they're having an opinion about? I can criticize a boxer with a poor jab or a movie with poor cinematography, without claiming that I would do a better job.
Seriously, have you had absolutely zero interaction with people? Do you always turn into a hysterical, paranoid idiot when someone criticizes something you like?

>it's funny how in these types of threads no one posts their work to defend their criticisms of the popular artists they are scrutinizing.
Ok, so you really are a fucking idiot, and you've actually resorted to using one of the oldest logical fallcies in the book. Is this your first time on the internet?

>> No.2859389

Yeah, I love some of his paintings while I don't really like some of the others. I don't get why /ic/ feels the need to constantly argue over him though.

>> No.2859391

People see a few mistakes and want to show off, so they point out the mistakes while ignoring why people praise him, which is his really skillful and interesting rendering,

>> No.2859407

Nice projection, you delusional faggot.

>> No.2859410

what's the name of this piece? google gives me nothing

where can you find the rest of his stuff?

>> No.2859412

He posted it on facebook.

>> No.2859415


You are the one who is jumping through hoops trying to pass off a couple of negative comments as valid criticism. You can criticize all you want, no one is arguing that, if you can actually make one.

On a side note I thought these two statements were hilarious
>Seriously, have you had absolutely zero interaction with people?

>Is this your first time on the internet?

You can't even place a consistent negative label on me

>> No.2859416
File: 643 KB, 1880x751, delet-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 I didn't have to go to the archive or anything, maybe it's just 4chan X but I can see deleted posts right next to the new ones.

>> No.2859417

Nah, some people just decide to post their opinion, and the rest just gets offended for no reason, and then the /ic/ shitposting cycle begins.

>> No.2859420

Lol like the other guy who replied to me, good point

>> No.2859425

>You can't even place a consistent negative label on me
How dumb can you get? They both imply a lack of interaction with other human beings, whether it's online or in real life.
You're basically using arguments that young, inexperienced teenagers use. Anyone who's used these arguments in any creative community will get shut down immediately and learn to stop using them.

Your idiocy basically boils down to these two infantile arguments:

- You can't criticize someone without being better than the one you're criticizing.
- If you criticize someone popular, it means you're jealous.

>> No.2859426

No, he's referring to you, you fucking idiot.

>> No.2859435

Only those aren't my arguments lol, I'm saying your "criticisms" are so bad and grasping only a jealous person who sucks would say them.

>> No.2859437

>Those aren't my arguments, but they really are
Nice consistency there, imbecile.

>> No.2859444

>baby hands
it exists
>long nose
so what, that's just a choice.

>> No.2859445

T-thank you.

>> No.2859458

But you don't have any valid critisisms for me to even have that argument...

Damn you guys went through a lot of hoops to justify shitting on an artist you are no where near in skill level.

>> No.2859466

fact: her whole right arm is too small

>> No.2859471

Is there anything other than the few vids of ruan jia on youtube? Are there more things on his process out there?

>> No.2859472

why is the every time this guy's art get posted on /ic/, the armchair art critics come out the woodwork?

>> No.2859473

Because they can't take the truth that they can't draw for shit and try to downplay a real artist to make themselves feel better

>> No.2859480

the entire point of this board is for "armchair art critics" to give critique...
i don't really think it has anything to do with ego. just because someone criticizes something, even if the crit is off, doesn't mean they are trying to feel better about themselves. it doesn't even mean they dislike what they are criticizing.
i mean for real, what's the big deal with pointing out something that looks weird to you? why is this worth arguing over or even mentioning?

>> No.2859538

Why would you bash another artist who is clearly better than you if you don't have some kind of ego

>> No.2859546

everyone's got an ego here.
but that doesn't mean criticism is always maliciously governed by ego.
her hand/arm looks kind of small! he's still better than me, but that's just something i notice, like some other anons have.
just because he's better than me or someone else doesn't mean he completely lacks bad habits or doesn't make mistakes.
i think it's a big jump to say criticism of someone more skilled than you means you're crazy jelly of them
and anyhow, better observation comes before better drawing, so those who criticize may have sufficient observation skills, while their drawing skills have yet to catch up

>> No.2859553


>I'm not good at art so I'm going to make up for it by pretending other people don't know the subject
Nice projection there, you illiterate faggot.

>> No.2859571

people seem to care a lot more when it's Ruan Jia art compared to most other artists.

>> No.2859589
File: 19 KB, 87x70, wtfdidyoujustsayaboutmeyoulittlebitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2859636

Did he aplied blur over merged image and then erased some parts from it? I thought he controls the edges as he paints, but this makes more sense.

>> No.2859857

everytime he paints hair, it looks like it would feel like thick, hard straw if touched it.

>> No.2859929
File: 96 KB, 802x719, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this?

>> No.2859950

you are the only one who cares. It's not in the vocal point, wouldn't have mattered much even if he threw a blur on top.

>> No.2859953

that effect around the head is cos he paints at like 10000px tall and then resizes it. Just try making a few brush strokes on a huge canvas then size it down and you'll see what I mean

>> No.2859957

*focal point, but you are right

>> No.2859967
File: 3.29 MB, 1777x2999, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still needs more loomis

>> No.2859973

actually the proportions were fine on the face, you just made it super generic, boring.

>> No.2859975

lolwat if the girls aren't generic large eyed loish characters they're anatomically incorrect?

>> No.2859979

holy fuck why did you make the ear so much bigger

>> No.2859982

just realized RJ paints ears as if they have some horrible infection

>> No.2859984

Is it a hump on the forehead?
This painting is motivating, it looks like a pushed Brian artwork.

>> No.2859996

lmao they werent fine
didnt even touch the eyes kek
cause it was tiny
yea it reminds of boxers
idk i didnt touch it either

>> No.2860006

Imperfect proportions aren't the same as anatomical inaccuracies.

>> No.2860022

fuck off with your retarded loomis meme.
Loomis doesn't mean that every single female face needs to have the same fucking ideal proportions of 60's pinup girl.
It's about fucking construction, which is more than fine in this piece.
Fucking dunning-kruger.

>> No.2860036

The original looks better.

>> No.2860069
File: 503 KB, 900x1200, 1408038971193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy has been memed into godhood on /ic/ so there's no way he could make bad choices in his paintings

Bro. He's just a guy. Artists make mistakes.

>> No.2860074

You know what, sure, you improved it. You need to study ears though.

>> No.2860094

Everyone is getting good.
The only one who managed to get worse as time passes is Sycra.

>> No.2860103

something like that looks like it would take a couple of days

>> No.2860104

What changed?
Did you make the nose smaller

>> No.2860107
File: 3.67 MB, 1777x2999, AijNauR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this? Didn't just up contrast.

>> No.2860108
File: 543 KB, 592x999, fix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2860180
File: 230 KB, 1024x772, mtg__stoneforge_mystic_by_algenpfleger-d9j9cm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspenberger clearly stopped giving a fuck about the quality of his art years ago.

You can't compare that abomination of tangents and wonky perspective to the OP image.

>> No.2860188


disgusting paintovers f a m

>> No.2860190

There are a few unpleasant shadows there now like on the scabbard, between the thighs, on the loincloth, underneath her left forearm, her right upper arm.

You also erased the vibrant colours in the background. It's not a good idea to make these sorts of alterations to a professional piece of work unless you really know what you're doing

>> No.2860228
File: 130 KB, 1297x854, Снимок.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she looks like Neytiri from avatar

>> No.2860251

your taste is disgusting

>> No.2860254

Why are you people painting over Ruanjia's image? Is anyone here seriously suffering so much from Dunning Kruger syndrome that they actually believe they could improve it?

>> No.2860259

atleast i can draw unlike you

>> No.2860263


>> No.2860266

ooo you wanna fight bruh?
come on post your work lad

>> No.2860284

Damn people here are still trying to find ways to bash this Ruan peice, do you suck that much that you have to find mistakes in other artists to justify your lack of fundimentals?

>> No.2860289

It's funposting

>> No.2860297

>I am autistic
Good for you.

>> No.2860307

ITT people doing paintovers but can't even make anything close to the original image. Your paintovers mean literally nothing.

>> No.2860310

/ic/ at its finest

>> No.2860311

I'm not the one doing shitty paint overs

>> No.2860319
File: 580 KB, 800x903, 1486239042288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that agony is your triumph

>> No.2860324

you first m8

>> No.2860328


>> No.2860349

ladies first

>> No.2860354

He used the photoshop sharpening tool. That's EXACTLY what it looks like.

>> No.2860356

The anatomy of the large girl is fucking potato and he really dropped the ball on the sword.

HOWEVER this was a very ambitious shot, and if he improves from here out he'd be god tier.

>> No.2860359

Yeah we can, because the OP image is 1/8th as ambitious.

>> No.2860362
File: 647 KB, 750x1053, _haze__black_flame_caller_knight_by_ruanjia-d6j76p1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives a very good first impression, but falls apart the more you look at it

Still his best figure painting so far, a nice improvement from shit like pic related

>> No.2860367

Shit you can't even do

>> No.2860374

I think that painting is much better than the OP. It's much more dynamic and engaging. OP is too stiff for my tastes

>> No.2860376

What the hell is ambitious about that piece?`It's 100% Algen's usual comfort zone. Angel women standing in a very simple, natural landscape, surrounded by fluffy clouds using a perspective shot he's used dozens of times before.

>> No.2860385

You can't even draw that good so why does it even matter

>> No.2860387

i insist, you have the honors.

>> No.2860392

Threads like these make me regret not signing up to become a janitor.

>> No.2860394

Really? a small insignificant set of meaningless conversations have a life changing effect on you?

>> No.2860396

What kind of autistic retard thinks regretting something is the same as "having a life changing effect"?

And this board is filled with constant shitposting and bait thread. All it would really take to fix this place is one dedicated janitor doing his job.

>> No.2860397

What does however good I can draw have to do with anything you fucking moron?

>> No.2860415

Ugly and boring.

>> No.2860419

so do i

>> No.2860420

ikr thasts why i fixed it

>> No.2860423

>You need to study ears though.
nope not me, run jia does tho

>> No.2860435

nope you do too.

>> No.2860437

nope my ears are great, they are terrific. good!

>> No.2860447

If you can't even draw you don't even know what your talking about

>> No.2860457

>they are terrific
more like terrible

>> No.2860458

i'm going to go to a great, great university and I will have my parents pay for it.
>We are not paying that fucking mortage.

>> No.2860479

c`mon guys don`t be so jelly
maybe if you work hard enough you can also be at my level :)

>> No.2860692

Having a blast aren't we?

>> No.2860742

You fucked up the placement of the features on her face, the only one who needs loomis is you

>> No.2860850

Not her but how did she fuck them up?

>> No.2860854
File: 128 KB, 929x540, coffeewithredstripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u guys. seriously.

>> No.2861094

I'm kinda missing that "RUAN JIA IM COMING AT YOU CUNT" anon.

>> No.2861268

i dont want to go lower, im happy at how higher skilled i am than you

>> No.2861345

the nose is no longer centered on the face, it's too far to the right

>> No.2861351

Probably broke his spine and died.

>> No.2861597

i'm always here in the shadows, grinding fundamentals, the quest has yet just started...

>> No.2861766

good luck anon, would be cool if you achieve his level.

>> No.2861775


>> No.2861784

Just watch out for that spine.

>> No.2861826

can someone pls explain to a noob what's so great about him?
The human figure is looks great and very close to lifelike so I see great skill here. I also like his rendering. But the color choice is not that gr8 and the his overall subject matters are boring af. I mistook his stuff for a random generic artist before I knew it was Ruan. Why does ic worship him like a good? because of skill with anatomy/rendering?

>> No.2861850

ive followed a lot of people on artstation and other sites, and nothing really comes close to the rendering complexity of ruan. i cant give a legit answer but i like his stuff because he doesn't work in your typical digital painting way, like craig mullins. he will make a drawing gray scale to color without layers.

>> No.2861946
File: 35 KB, 604x403, DJxtGi2Qt3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2863544
File: 2.58 MB, 1457x2064, WrongValues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So his gimmick is that he uses too light values?

>> No.2863570

fug, those values look great.

>> No.2863576

Not really. The organic parts look too flat.

>> No.2863735

retarded bait

>> No.2864323
File: 68 KB, 400x534, 6b7d5e90e4a9b4f2d7b631d2b43281f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the retarded one if you think the image in the OP got a normal value range.

>> No.2864332

>doesn't use the op image
>thinks he's better than a professional
>baits in a garbage thread

>> No.2864333

That is literally a cut from OP's image with the saturation turned down, you retard.

>> No.2864334

no it's the shitty "loomis" retard's version with the saturation turned down, you retard

You're not gonna make it if you can't see the difference

>> No.2864336

Holy shit, you're stupid.

Download an image software and copy the OP image into it. Find the tonal correction for hue/saturation/luminosity and check for yourself.

Do you even paint? Considering your shitty understanding of how values work.

>> No.2864396
File: 43 KB, 620x423, 1395798593430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fix was to hourglass morph her?
fetishy and creepy vibes, anon.

>> No.2864397


>> No.2864406
File: 241 KB, 931x1200, 87b7a1015997be2b4a02b935dcaeb2a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called visual contrast, roasties.

>> No.2864408

Why did Frank like to draw animals and women so much and why is he famous for this unlike anime artists who do the same thing

>> No.2864415

I was pointing out how that person used the wrong image because he was so eager to call out a skilled artist on something

now for your retardation

I checked them and the values are fine.
If you weren't such a cocksucking retard you'd understand that not every form has to have hard contrast to read, and that part of what makes ruan and any skilled painter good is subtle value control that allows them to turn forms without assblasting their shadow shapes with super dark values
get good you forum dwelling fur fag

>> No.2864466

Holy shit, you are a lost cause.

>> No.2864473

because he did it first

>> No.2864476
File: 768 KB, 1494x995, ruanvalues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruan's recent stuff is meh. Maybe because he said he moved to a studio surrounded by girls instead of being a chinese render monkey on his own. Pic related have great values.

>> No.2864477

>I have no abilities but continually try to bait people on /ic/ with empty posts about imaginary errors

>> No.2864487

Do cute Chinese female artists even exist

>> No.2864489

>My opinion is that the values are too flat. Here's a desaturated filter to show what I mean

>THAT's NOT OP's IMAGE (it is)

>> No.2864504

you guys can't even do half the shit he does lmfao

>> No.2864510
File: 1.19 MB, 875x1300, rgi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THAT's NOT OP's IMAGE (it is)

Different anon here but the desaturated image posted in >>2863544 is the loomis'd version, which is the point OP poster was making.
You can call them too stupid to use photoshop but at least they can see the difference between the original and edited versions straight away.

It's irrelevant since the edit only liquified and moved things around, didn't change any values, but here's comparison between the loomis one in grey which was posted, and the actual OP pic in grey.

>> No.2864512

you didn't convert to gray using the proper method,

>> No.2864522

When did he said that? At THU he said he completely switched to the freelance.

>> No.2864524

At some point he talks about going to a studio surrounded by girls, which is when he started doing these pink haired paintings

>> No.2864528

women are just naturally better painters

>> No.2864529

Lol you just made it worse.
>''lemme make dat left booty larger'' like what you would see on a 3D posemaker viewed at a single point camera at a fixed distance and at another fixed distance across my monitor which is a flat plane
>didn't even notice that the horizon is at the crotch and not at what you would see on a generic 3D posemaker simulation from imagination where your generic boobs wouldn't foreshorten
You'll never reach artistic exaltation with half baked knowledge.
>doesn't know how eyes focus
>''loomis lelelel lemme ready that deform tool!''
she looks like a smirking western pig with the waist disproportionate to the neck

>> No.2864535

>pink hair
>armor with no protection
>no bags / containers
>no food / water supplies?
>no gloves
>retarded thing on the head
>what is the purpose of the strap on the righ leg?
>what is the purpose of the shit on her left shoulder?


>> No.2864543 [DELETED] 
File: 1.81 MB, 1457x1032, ComparisonForTheBlindIdiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the loomis'd version
Oh, you idiot.

Here. Compare it with
and the OP's image
to see how stupid you are.

>> No.2864546

The loomised version didn't change the value range. What point are you even trying to make?

>> No.2864551
File: 179 KB, 883x1024, conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Frazetta is better at composition and design than anime artists, or most artists period. While several artists around the same time did the same subject matter (Boris, Krenkel, Williamson), a Frazetta will stick out immediately due to Frank's design sense and storytelling.

>> No.2864553

Nah women are just better at color because they can notice more chromas.

>> No.2864556

It's like that in the original, retard.

>> No.2864560

Do you make that stuff up yourself or are being taught it somewhere? In any case I would like to remind you that men got more brain cells on average compared to women. That's why men are smarter.

>> No.2864563

Nah, men are very stupid.

>> No.2864564

But even then women are more stupid.

>> No.2864565

It's a generic chinese mobile game character or not so you gotta show some skin

>> No.2864571

>proper method
How would you convert an image to greyscale then if not by just adjusting the saturation bar? It's a trick question btw

>> No.2864573

>too light values
>what is color

>> No.2864575 [DELETED] 

>>what is color
"too light" makes it about saturation.

>> No.2864578
File: 436 KB, 1316x808, 1434505222817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is correct.

>> No.2864582

This comparison just made me realize Ruan Jia made her face look more idealized and better.

>> No.2864583

There is saturation hue and value
By adjusting the saturation to grey scale the errors in value become apparent. Hue is what people normally think about as color.

Adjusting saturation a very simple learning method from a digital tool like photoshop that traditional artists are completely missing out on.

>> No.2864593
File: 46 KB, 654x804, 90-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still better than you

>> No.2864599

>Apert syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face. In addition, a varied number of fingers and toes are fused together (syndactyly).

It's a chromosome 10 error. It leads to eyes being too far apart. It also leads to fingers and toes being fused together.


That is basically the anime beauty standard. Retardation. Perhaps a side effect of nuclear radiation.

>> No.2864609

>Still using the "Oh, I'd like to see you do better" argument


>> No.2864617

literally what?

>> No.2864624

we could have had a nice thread. shame.

>> No.2864645

You'd rather we suck Ruan Jia off for 300 posts?

>> No.2864667
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here mate, this has everything you are looking for

>> No.2864669

Is this photobashed? Also can someone greyscale this?

>> No.2864685
File: 1.05 MB, 320x240, 2IvWmO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


without further interruption, let's celebrate and suck his dick

>> No.2864689
File: 711 KB, 776x1118, New canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not.

>> No.2864692
File: 524 KB, 700x477, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing a study.

>> No.2864698

be sure to use 200 layers and work on it for 3 months like jia does

>> No.2864802

yet all I hear is women manipulating men to get what they want and men falling for it every single time. Too bad those brain cells don't work when dick is involved

>> No.2864803

you call that a fix? make it more anime? top kek m8

>> No.2864806

We can't comment on what memes you hear and fall for, anon. Women like to be told they are smart and argue if they don't get enough attention and if men want sex from them they will often play along. No matter the culture, when men meet it is always something they can agree and joke about.

>> No.2864816
File: 102 KB, 736x1104, 1db05e0e57517f0507e4df32a0ec1d7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shifting a little towards Drew Barrymore

>> No.2865199

Do you actually think that ruans image is flat?

>> No.2865486

Can you read?
>It's irrelevant since the edit only liquified and moved things around, didn't change any values
The point I made was to stop the two anons pointlessly fighting over whether the desaturated image was the OP or the edited one, that's all.

>> No.2865515

Better than indulging people's dunning kruger syndrome

>> No.2865528

>when men meet it is always something they can agree and joke about.
You really don't meet much people, then.

>> No.2865545

Y'know, I go on the draw threads and self promotion threads, and I never see any work that as even reached an employable level.

Now I see here, random anons trying to pick apart a professional illustration yet they lack the same skills to at least draft a good image

This doesn't mean there are not good painters here, but none of the work is on the same level

WIth that being said, why should I trust that the corrections made to the image are actually correct when most work here is of a low to intermediate quality?

I'll just, for now take it on faith that the anon who warped the image to "correct" it is incompetent at best and delusional at worst.

>> No.2865561

>Y'know, I go on the draw threads and self promotion threads, and I never see any work that as even reached an employable level.
There's a very small handful of pros that post in those threads on occasion, and a still small but slightly larger handful of pros who lurk and don't bother posting their work.

>This doesn't mean there are not good painters here, but none of the work is on the same level
Ruanjia is one of the best digital painters on the planet though, so you won't find many people near his level obviously.

>WIth that being said, why should I trust that the corrections made to the image are actually correct when most work here is of a low to intermediate quality?
>I'll just, for now take it on faith that the anon who warped the image to "correct" it is incompetent at best and delusional at worst.
How about you use your eyes to judge it, rather than relying on someone's reputation/name for determining the quality.

>> No.2865591

>Y'know, I go on the draw threads and self promotion threads, and I never see any work that as even reached an employable level.

The art that is considered professional nowadays are shit-tier photobashes.

>> No.2865602
File: 154 KB, 929x400, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2865732

>There's a very small handful of pros that post in those threads on occasion, and a still small but slightly larger handful of pros who lurk and don't bother posting their work.

And how could you, or anyone else tell if they're pros or not? Because they say so?

>How about you use your eyes to judge it, rather than relying on someone's reputation/name for determining the quality.

Because I lack the proper training to have an eye for what is correct or not. Someone's reputation, portfolio, or name is a reliable source as they are better than me hence the good reputation thus I'll give them more authority over some alleged "pro" who won't even most work when asked

>> No.2865880

The post you quoted wasn't fighting about that, you dumbass.

>> No.2865900

Are you new here? Do you know how to look through earlier replies, or is two posts the maximum you can handle without forgetting not to drool?

The posts I respond to here are people arguing about if the greyscaled image is the OP or not.

This post >>2864546 is talking about the value range, which I didn't talk about at all, I literally only posted to stop those two dumbasses arguing pointlessly about what was the OP image and what wasn't since it's so obvious, I wasn't making any point about the values at all, even said in that post that they don't change.

Maybe you should learn how to use message boards you fucking retard, or practice keeping more than two posts in your head at once.

>> No.2865943

What the fuck is wrong with you. I made both >>2863544 and >>2863544

>>2863544 was to illustrate a point to another poster about the value.

>>2863544 was to point out that loomis version or not, it wasn't relevant to the point made in >>2863544

You are literally trying to bitch about a none existent drama by making a drama yourself.

>> No.2865947

>You really haven't met my SJW hug group then.

Sounds like you are in for some redpills that come with age and experience.

>> No.2865963

You didn't prove me wrong. Wojtek, Shaddy, Zeng, Algenpfleger, etc are all "professional level" artists who put out complete shit.

>> No.2865990

>Wojtek, Shaddy, Zeng, Algenpfleger, etc are all "professional level" artists who put out complete shit.

Not him but other than Wojtek, no, not really. Your idea of "complete shit" is inflated because you don't want to admit that there are literally hundreds of thousands of artists who are FAR better than you who aren't that good themselves. Especially Shaddy and Algen are a thousand times more skilled artists than you will ever be, even if they didn't lose their ability to create crap every once in a while. No idea who Zeng is, but if this was a spelling error and you actually meant Feng then you are even more delusional than I first thought.

>> No.2866007

Dude the fuck you talkin about, the post I shit you was the one was talkin about the shit bid for dem over dat

>> No.2866020

take your meds.

>> No.2866055

She looks stiff. Unpleasant to look at.

>> No.2866057

You made her far hand bigger than her near hand, you fucking moron.

>> No.2866070

thats cause its a robohand duh

>> No.2866117

>pulling the 'ur a SJW xd' card because I disagreed with you
Sounds like you need to grow up yourself.

>> No.2866117,1 [INTERNAL] 

you didn't have to draw a fat bitch tho
i mean for real, are you blind