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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 116 KB, 750x800, IMG_4386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2854758 No.2854758 [Reply] [Original]

We talked last week about Shad's payments sharply and plummeting decline.

He's now turned off the money feature. He must be in a lot of trouble. I'm guessing under $1500 a month now.

>> No.2854759

What was it at it's peak?

>> No.2854775

Something like

>> No.2854777

Nice, good for him.

>> No.2854811

Why did he turn it off?

>> No.2854838

Probably to prevent threads like this

>> No.2854841

Why the decline?

>> No.2854868

People are beginning to realize how shit of an artist he is. The poor rendering, the stiff, generic expressions in almost every one of his pieces, the overuse of 3/4 face view, and the fact that he never improves all compounds to the net loss. There has also become an increasing commodity of high-rendering porn artists in the recent years. This decline will probably continue if he doesn't adapt.

>> No.2854883

How does he made this money @_@

>> No.2854891


I don't buy that, seems like you're just making shit up on a vague notion. Source?

>> No.2854898

I can't wait for the day porn is banned from patreon.

>> No.2854904

Looks like even Shad is feeling the effects of that bug in Patreons website that lets non-patrons view hidden artwork without paying for anything

>> No.2854917

How does one source a clear observation, this isn't reddit you shitter.

>> No.2854920


Not to invalidate your skepticism, but a lot of estimation of art trends' change online isn't really studied or quantifiable. The other anon's guess isn't 100% substantiated by facts, but it makes a lot of sense. Art is accessible to enter as ever, and with such a big demand for porn, it's inevitable for more and more artists to exclusively focus on that niche. The more artists = more skilled artist pool.

Shad monopolized a portion of the fapping machine with his futa, speed, and general edginess. But now you've got SaltyIceCream, Incase, Ellowas, that guy who does bestiality 3DCG shit, and others with goddamn animation, rendering, or other higher level skills taking over the market.

It's a hypothesis, but it makes sense for people to move onto better artists when Shad's 5 years behind in skill (and arguably, tastes).

>> No.2854963

Not likely. Probably has more to do with the cp guy he keeps spamming the site with

>> No.2854987

I didn't even know this was a thing.

>> No.2854989

Also to touch on this, everyone else Shad hasn't posted to his site in a week? He's basically handed the site over to a guy that draws CP and BLACKED.

I think people are jumping ship.

>> No.2855008

is porn this volatile? the whole art industry is extremely fastbpaced, but i was always under the impression that adult stuff generally builds a loyal fanbase. no?

>> No.2855010

> porn

It only goes degenerate below ecchi

>> No.2855013

Hell no boi.
If incase's quality ever noticably dropped for more than 2 ish chapters, I'd prolly just drop the comic for a while.

>> No.2855046

People's taste and fetishes can change on a dime. I used to like girls until one day I was giving my art teacher a blowjob after class for good grades.

>> No.2855060

True, but I couldn't find a better word for porn trends or kinks. The emo/goth thing he does feels like I'm looking at a time capsule from 2011 or something.

>> No.2855061

Because he started drawing too much loli lately.

>> No.2855076

>I think people are jumping ship.
That's what I figure.
Shadman's edgy drawings of little girls are all fun and games, but when you hand over your site to a dude that draws babies fucked by niggers...

It's almost like he's actively trying to find his audience's breaking point or something.

>> No.2855085

most of his loyal followers are edgy libshits and many bailed on him after he started showing support to the alt right.

>> No.2855453

I think it has more to do with the CP and black men fucking the girls. It's creepy.

>> No.2855478

can people please stop refereing to loli as cp? its triggering thanns

>> No.2855495


That's exactly what it is.

>> No.2855502

and furry is zoophilia? ok??

>> No.2855515


No, because furries jack of to DRAWN anthropomorphic animals, no DRAWN animals.

>> No.2855521

This isn't even little girls, it's straight up babies, nigga.

No, because zoophilia is attraction to animals, not fucking werewolves and shit. Drawn bestiality is zoophilia.

>> No.2855543

how to use this bug anon

>> No.2855546

>sentient animals are the same as anthropomorphic sentient and sapient beings that don't even exist
It's not the same thing.

>> No.2855553

I think toddlercon is fucked up and I'm not personally into loli but unless the drawn art is blatantly traced off actual cheese pizza you shouldn't be so quick to label it as CP.

There's also the question of why a child is being used as a subject. Does it imply a confident, clearly mature character that just looks like a kid (4000 year old dragons/succubus/semen demon etc etc) or does it revolve around abusing and taking advantage of someone who is too young to understand (actual pedophilia)?

Same goes for feral furry art - is it about using an exotic subject or is it about abusing a species that doesn't come off a sapient or sexually mature and doesn't understand?

>> No.2855556

Also note I've never looked at shadman's art when it wasn't posted on here and have no concept of what exactly his friend is drawing so I don't actually know how vile and disgusting it is.

>> No.2855801
File: 444 KB, 850x1131, 2017-02-11-tana-mongeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His new piece is fucking disgusting. The art is so horrible.

What the hell is this from.

>> No.2855812

This pisses me off.
I swear to God, Shadman is like a desparate, filthy whore with no morals that will suck any dick she can get her hands on and be satisfied with whatever pocket change if any the guy happened to have.

>> No.2855845

There's still a superior japanese counterpart to patreon, which allows porn including loli and everything else of course. It already has way more way better illustrators than fucking patreon.

>> No.2855847

I honestly have no idea what's going on in this image.

>> No.2855852



you don't really believe that do you

>> No.2855853
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1416590400587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am mad, and jelly.

The thread.

>If I am not a desperate filthy whore with no morals that would suck any dick I can get my hands on and be satisfied with whatever pocket change, no one else can!

The amount of butthurt is legendary in this post.

>> No.2855885


>> No.2855894

Fuck you.

>> No.2855902


>> No.2855906

Fucking really? Shad is over 30 years old and he's drawing YouTube Drama? Wow.

>> No.2855907

Fucking hell that's hilarious

>> No.2855912

He's running out of ideas to attract attention to his work. Jumping on the YouTube drama bandwagon is his only pathetic hope left.

>> No.2855915
File: 678 KB, 480x320, 1478659262114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So? If you guys could channel your hatred and envy into refining fundamentals and learning how to market your shit, you'll be making money too.

>> No.2855918

>Soiling your family's and close friend's social life so you can make chump change from art

Hahahaahaha! Ca$h Monay, right bro? XD

>> No.2855924


You bet, capitalism rocks. Enjoy envying the bourgeois all your life while you choke on imaginary ramen noodles and wipe your ass with Karl Marx's biography.

>> No.2855925

He should count his blessings that he managed to make that much dosh over the years for just making degenerate porn

>> No.2855926

Don't have to, I'm more rich than Shadman.

>> No.2855928


Maybe, but certainly not a better artist if you spent your time shitting on him in here

>> No.2855929

>I'm more rich than Shadman.

I highly suggest you be smart and invest in Ceru, muh nigga.

>> No.2855933

Nah, my art is better than his. Sorry.

>> No.2855937

Since you're so good, you shouldn't have any shame posting your work.

>> No.2855948

Not that guy but I sincerely believe almost anyone on here can draw more appealing than Shadman could; the only thing I like about him is that he is not afraid to make money and is shameless about it.

>> No.2855949


What are you sorry about?

>> No.2855952

I'm not posting my past work here. I'll do you one better... Give me a really complex request, I'll gladly blow your mind. After this is done, you'll forget all about Shadman and I'll be your new God now.

>> No.2855957

Just draw a cute anime girl in an appealing pose along with some nice shiny sparkles around her. Render it too, don't skimp out with a minor sketch.

>> No.2855960

>don't skimp out with a minor sketch
Wasn't planning to.

I'm on it.

>> No.2855961

draw 30 figures emerging out of the walls of the strasbourg please.

>> No.2855968


> I'll be your new God now.

I bow to no one, and even less to a loser wasting his life hating on successfuly people on a japanese ant farm radio ham operation room

>> No.2855973

>I bow to no one
Yet you come to Shadmans rescue everytime someone creates a thread about him. Are you his friend, family memeber, or etc?

>> No.2855979


No, I don't even like his art style, target audience or even his character. I didn't come to anyone's rescue, I am just pointing out you're wasting your time shitting on a successful guy instead learning what made him successful in the first place.

Which is really fucking sad

>> No.2855985

Dude even if the character is 1000 and looks five you're still jacking off to the five year old image which makes you a pedophile.

>> No.2855987

>what made him successful in the first place
Drawing controversial images that only egdelords would find amusing. When that didn't work, he pushed the limit to real children to attract more attention to himself.

>successful guy
Hes losing money and was called out by people 5x more successful then him. He's a degenerate.

>really fucking sad
Possibly, but not as sad as defending someone on the internet as if they're going to reward you and/or be your friend. You can't let the guy fight his own battles? From what I can see, he WANTS the attention, why are you wasting your time defending someone that most likely wouldn't even give you the time of day?

>No, I don't even like his art style
I shit you not, this is the exact response Shadman fans give me when I call them out on their bullshit. Stop lying.

>> No.2855991


>You can't let the guy fight his own battles?
Didn't know Shadman was here, wow.

>All the rest

Keep drawing that masterpiece of shut your whore mouth already. You talk too much.

>> No.2855994

>Anon prepares to btfo /ic/

I want to believe.

>> No.2855997

>Didn't know Shadman was here, wow.
It's a known fact he visits threads about him, whether they're still open or archived. He lurked in these threads for years, this isn't news.

>You talk too much
Too bad. Use an extension and hide my posts if it bothers you so much.

>> No.2855998

New anon to all this with no clue who he is but I can see the appeal in his art work the same way I can see.the appeal in other popular artists here but I also see the flaws in the work from a mile away. You can like something while still admitting it's shit (like a guilty pleasure movie).

I don't like this guy based on what I'm reading about him in this thread (drawing kids is just disgusting plain and simple.) But if he were to draw normal shit I wouldn't mind seeing them pop up once in awhile.

>> No.2856026


Aha, good night.

I'll check the thread when I wake up to see your masterpiece.

>> No.2856071

but are you jacking off to a 5 year old brain or a 1000 year old brain? the former is pedophilia, the latter is not

>> No.2856180

Never really cared for his art style and 90% of the stuff he produces. Every now and then he makes an attractive picture I like but it's not enough to make me want to give him money.

I prefer to give most my money to the non-jew Japanese artists because there is no way I can see their stuff uncensored otherwise.

>> No.2856651

what is it?

>> No.2856689

it looks good, the joke is there. there isnt a problem with this?

>> No.2856750
File: 19 KB, 375x363, 1478652853007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, where is the masterpiece?

>> No.2857476

>non-jew Japanese artists

>> No.2857480

>adult stuff generally builds a loyal fanbase. no?
Still does but the real challenge is maintaining

>> No.2857486


t. offended noseman

>> No.2857541

When a mediocre, popular artist with good marketing can't make good dosh anymore, we'd all better just find real jobs.

>> No.2857543

>"real" jobs
Art is the most real kind of job there is.

>> No.2857553


>> No.2857630

Jobs are meant to sustain you. If you work a lot but can't pay shit it's called slavery.

>> No.2858448

What does that even mean?

>> No.2858821

Hint pls. Inspect Element and the thumbnail redirect are fixed.

>> No.2858884


(((you))) are with (((them)))

>> No.2858895

Human paraquat

>> No.2858899

Troll or mental illness, you wanna defend your disgusting fetish. Nobody cares!

>> No.2858907

Not hood enough troll. Cut out the brain and Jack it to that. Or Google search brains. Nobody Jacks it to brains. Your dumb for trying

>> No.2858921

who unironically uses the world troll post-2013?

>> No.2858922
File: 455 KB, 274x200, 11312313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about porn artists
>aspiring to be porn artists

Kill yourselves.

Lowest filth there is. Can't make it in the regular industry because you are talentless trash so you have to become a shit-eating bottom-feeder.

>> No.2858925

What do you want to use? Fisherman?

>> No.2858934


I got interested in drawing because I wanted to draw porn to start off, not my fault you suck so much even porn artists are better than you.

>> No.2858946

I have a friend that is 1,49 meters tall and she is 21 years old, and it doesn't make her a little girl
It's just a drawing, imo if the drawing doesn't have age it's not cp

>> No.2858947
File: 424 KB, 119x152, 18906263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh dragons a-and low fantasy and Blomkampian space marines and zombies are still relevant and interesting, guys ;-;

>> No.2858954
File: 12 KB, 249x225, 1484857036213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>m-maybe if I draw 2 furries eating shit I will get paid!!

how's it feel being so pathetic you can't even tell people what your "job" is?

>> No.2858959
File: 200 KB, 547x402, ancap-meme-generator[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drawing dragon and low fantasy and Blomkampian space marine and zombie porn

>> No.2858960
File: 420 KB, 613x586, 1485137515260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demonstrate production in an image-based format.

>> No.2858967
File: 298 KB, 379x329, 05506129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a hobbyist with a full time job, I already know drawing for money is fucking retarded

>> No.2858970


t. someone who isn't talented enough to make it so he has to fallback on a dead-end "safe" career

you just get more and more pathetic with each new post

>> No.2858971
File: 20 KB, 500x221, 1485833604221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how's it feel being so pathetic you can't even tell people what your "job" is?

I am already working in something I can tell other people about. I never got into drawing porn for the buckaroos either, I just plain like it and I want to contribute to my community.

>> No.2858982

>hi i am a teenager trying to give people life advice

ok bro

>> No.2858995

So that turned you gay not bi?-_-

>> No.2858998

The unspoken rule.

>> No.2859004


>Japanese genres
>Not degenerate
Hahahaha, I swear two bombs weren't enough.

>> No.2859028

it also doesn't help that he makes too much futa porn and characters of questionable age.

>> No.2859036

I am so sorry you have such shit taste, the problem with Shad is that he does not know how to properly execute an appeal.

>> No.2859039

sorry i don't find tranies and elementary school kids attractive.

>> No.2859042


>Likes girls with penises


>> No.2859048

>called out by people 5x more successful then him
Who were the five people to call him out?

>> No.2859061

I think people are outraged about him doing lolis of youtubers kids... you can be as big an ass as you want as long as you are willing to lose all your friends.

>> No.2859071

Wait, what? The only lolis I heard about were Hilloli (which was just fucking hilarious) and him Lolifying Idubbbz.
Or has Idubbbz somehow managed to reproduce, in spite of looking and acting like a cross between Wagamama and Dylan Roof?

>> No.2859135

Why do people hate Shad? His art is pretty good.

>> No.2859136

it sure is better than 99% of /ic/. These are the merc_wip posters who talk shit and hide that they themselves cant draw for shit.

I think they're jelly

>> No.2859137

idgi, stop hating and go draw, faggots

>> No.2859282

He made porn of Lt.Corbis, a real little youtuber girl

>> No.2859294

>his audience's breaking point

>implying there's a breaking point
How naive. They just don't wanna get in trouble, people are disgusting.

>> No.2859301

Wow, what a sack of shit.
Wonder if he'll get vanned some day. I'm sure those shower masters would teach him everything he's lacking in human anatomy.

>> No.2859316

>it sure is better than 99% of /ic/
What a dumb meme. You probably only stick around in the anime and beginner threads.

>> No.2859377

Shad is a cuck and so are his fans

>> No.2859406

Post work

>> No.2859409

According to his latest post he'd been too bust for art and playing more video games.

>> No.2859431
File: 23 KB, 341x230, Consider the Following....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli: Underage girls getting fucked/sexualized by older men. The age of the girls can range from 16 to fucking babies.
>Omg guys, pls stop calling loli CP!11!1! Its very triggering!11!

Quit playing with yourself, anon.

>> No.2859454
File: 896 KB, 1920x1080, 1484776085130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>range from 16 to babies
>from 16

>this all implying that cartoons are people and trying to link it to something that victimizes actual people
Oh say can you SEEEE~

>> No.2859459


t. pedophile

>> No.2859496


>> No.2859513

i dont care

>> No.2859514

Nothing wrong by default with being pedophile.

>> No.2859532

If you're defining fucking 16 as being an age that falls into the pedophile range, you're purposely trying to confangle natural sexual attraction with something that's a different animal entirely. If you tell someone else, "hey, that guy's a pedophile," they aren't going to think that he's into fucking 16 year-old chicks.

There are two camps of people who trend towards this, bible-thumping Baptists who have way more of a say in American politics than they ought to, and contrarian virgin.

>> No.2859548


>> No.2859564

me and a friend agreed with how ass shad is with his comfy zone. its gonna bite him in the ass.
im okay with it. seems like the guy got more popular thought the animators of youtubers like oneyng and spazkid and pebbles and sleepycast.
i feel spazkid can over pass him if he wanted to

>> No.2859578

I like it how people are saying that lolicon and shit is child porn. It's not.

There are actual kids that exist, you know. Living, breathing kids, not those drawn anime girls on the Internet.

If someone were to take one of those kids and do something sexual to them, and film or photograph or sketch or write about it, then that'd be child pornography.

If someone were to draw or render or write about one, from imagination, then that's not child pornography. That's just a pedophile making something for themselves and others.

Both are basically for the same purposes: To arouse pedos. But I find that calling lolicon (and whatever other -cons exist) child porn is very remiss (Am I using the right word?). I feel like there should be some nuance here; let them have their lolicon - as long as they stay in their basements and are not watching actual CP, then I don't give a fuck. I'll have a problem and give a fuck if it's real or derives from the real thing, though.

inb4 I'm called a pedo or pedo enabler.

>> No.2859580

i have always thought shad was shit . would never pay for that garbage.

>> No.2859603

>drawings of dudes fucking isn't gay porn guys!
>they're not real gays!
>fapping to imaginary gay characters doesn't mean you're gay!
>the disclaimer clearly states it's a woman in a man's body, you're fapping to a female brain!

>> No.2859611

it's gay to the viewer. Not males having sex, not gay males having sex. It's depicted, by the viewer, to be considered gay porn. It's not real, therefor doesn't count. Drawings are not people.

Actually read his damn post shithead. A pedo is still a pedo, but child porn is child porn, when it's in relation to real children. Depicted child-like images having sex/in sexual acts, by the viewer, can consider it child porn. But no real child is in the act, it doesn't count. Drawings aren't people.

>> No.2859649

>you don't understand, this isn't porn, it is just made to be considered porn by the viewer, but it's just drawings, so it doesn't count!
>what do you mean, public indecency?
>but they're not real people!
>it doesn't count!
>no, get away from me!
>attica! attica!

>> No.2859654

A photo of people havin sex isn't actually people having sex, it's just a two dimensional representation of the aforementioned act.
Perception and intention matter, and it is his intention to depict children engaging in sex acts regardless of whether or not it is real children.
It certainly is less serious than videos or photos of real children engaged in sex, but it doesn't make it not pedophilic.

>> No.2859678

>intention matter
Why? Why care about the pedophile faggot instead of caring about the raped child? This is what all you fags always do; "What makes child porn bad isn't the "forced into sexual acts" child, it's that asshole that started it." Even when it's not actually committed onto said child by said asshole, the thought that the asshole even had the "intention" to do so is what's more important. No. No it's not. You do not act on what doesn't happen. That's blasphemy. You take precaution on what might occur, not full on invade on a "possibility".

And "A photo of people having sex isn't actually people having sex" line isn't the same as what I said. A drawing isn't a person. A picture, by objectification, isn't a person, but it's a window in time to what DID happen in real life, just like if a person glanced this moment happening in real time for just a sec. It occurred, therefore, it happened. A drawing doesn't depict real time events. It can only imply, as you did when you used the word "perception". It perceives real life events, not depicts.

>> No.2859780

Let me quote myself:

> Both are basically for the same purposes: To arouse pedos.

I never said that it wasn't pedophilic, I was just saying that one was actual child porn, while the other one was a fictional depiction.

There's a difference. Like the anon that actually read my post said:

> Drawings aren't people.

>> No.2859794

You are making an arbitrary decision to define cp as something that includes real children when porn is not any less porn if the actors are not real people.

Pornography in its original, basic form is fictional and does not involve actual persons.

CP is pornography depicting children.

Calling it like they do in my chinese cartoons does not make it any less cp.

Proceed to kill yourself.

>> No.2859871

And Because he supports Hillary:^)

>> No.2859939

>the overuse of 3/4 face view
Oh shit I just realized I do the same I'll rectify it.

>> No.2859983

>it sure is better than 99% of /ic/.
I see this quote everyday since I came here and everytime it got me

>> No.2859990

it gets you because it's true. do you see any good original art being posted on this shit poser board?

>> No.2859992

well, certainly a lot better art than what Shad creates. You'd have to be incredibly butthurt and biased to disagree with that.

>> No.2860113

>You are making an arbitrary decision to define cp as something that includes real children

It is implicitly understood that when we're talking about CP here we're mostly referong to pornography depicting real children. If that wasn't the case then lolicon wouldn't be such a legal greyzone.

I am just saying that there needs to be some nuance here.

When you say CP, people aren't going to picture chimnese cartoons, they're gonna picture actual children.

>> No.2860129

I wish Incase would fix his faces. None of his characters have a chin.

>> No.2860232

The dude and all who support his Patreon are pedophiles.

>> No.2860236

Do you have any idea how rude it is to pedophiles to compare them to Shadman and his fans?

>> No.2860261
File: 16 KB, 540x489, vr4739o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the original poster to >>2859431

First, calm the fuck down everyone.

Second. Okay yeah, I can see the points of people defending the "16 years-old" bit. In fact, there are some states in the U.S. that legalize that age. So, I'll lower it down to 14/13. But my point still stands.

>> No.2860276

>such a legal greyzone
It's only a grey zone in the asshole of the anglosphere. It's straight up illegal in actual first world countries.

>> No.2860283

You got that backwards. Only the most retarded thought police states punish for fictional drawings and it's legal in every civilized country.

>> No.2860327

Any countries with laws against thought crime should be straight up nuked

>> No.2860377


>> No.2860383

So the first world isn't so "first world" at all, right?
A man should be free to fap and draw whatever he likes

>> No.2860450

>source: fucking bullshit

>> No.2860494

>what is google
Don't know about Canada, but in aus and nz it is illegal, and knowing the uk , I'd bet it is there as well

Did you get shot today, BTW?

>> No.2860524

Irrelevant, they are the USfags in eternal hell. They have no rights.

You made no post with any proof, literally just assumptions.

>>It's straight up illegal in actual first world countries.

Aussies aren't just one. Post all "first worlds" and all of them must abide to your "facts".

>> No.2860530
File: 162 KB, 636x439, stralians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2860615


t. pedophile

>> No.2860631

Have you ever felt 16 yr old boobs? Supple AF

>> No.2860636


Have you ever felt 13 yr old vulva? Concise as AF

>> No.2860837

Its a secret club kind of thing like how to get around sad panda, except alot more well kept secret.
Go lurk around big furry forums or generals on /trash/ and see if they will tell you, because Im sure as fuck not going to spill the beans here.

>> No.2862184
File: 36 KB, 649x394, C4uQCSpVMAAj5kL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ will find a way to hate this

>> No.2862198

>Yesssssss goyim, keep giving me your views! oh and don't forget to donate goyim! You wouldn't want other people to think you don't support (((artists))) by donating to me now would you? Heheheh good goy.

>> No.2862201

>people stop supporting him on patreon
>"shit guys, maybe i have to put my site with premium memberships to keep the server goin lol"

>> No.2862204

awww. how touching. almost makes me forget hes a pedophile who draws child porn.

>> No.2862238

He doesn't know how to use commas.

>> No.2862241

It's like there's a cosmic compensation for him being such a notorious nigger that he gets to be the nicest nigga as a person.

>> No.2862385

He forgot to mention how expensive his server is.

>> No.2862495

Shadman is actually pretty cool if you knew him personally. You'd have to be a jealous faggot to hate on someone who only wants to make cool shit for everyone to enjoy and asks for a little cash to make it happen.

>> No.2863025

How did he turn off how much money he's making? How do I do that?

>> No.2863028

Sakimichan please, you don't need to. I know you show off your money for a reason.

>> No.2863243

I've said this before and I'll say it again: pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children.

Some of the cases she talks about here are not incidents of pedophilia but rather hebephilia or ephebophilia (an attraction to children on the cusp of/in the midst of puberty and attraction to children just out of puberty). In some cases, it's even teleiophilia (attraction to sexually mature children - ie: 16/17 year olds).

It actually makes biological sense to be an ephebophile or a teleiophile. You would want to have the youngest sexually mature mate possible in order to ensure the success of your genes. There is no biological justification for pedophilia.

The point I'm trying to make is that there's a huge difference between having sex with a 4 year old and a 17 year old. Should we really be lumping these two groups of people together? Neither one of them is right by any societal standards, but I'd argue that one of them at least has a biological and evolutionary basis.

Edit: And yes, I know that she's not making an argument about age - but it's bound to come up in discussion and it's a very important distinction to recognize the difference between a true mental illness and not realizing that she was actually 17 instead of 18. The media (news especially) is constantly mislabeling these people.

>> No.2864805

> I'm sure those shower masters would teach him everything he's lacking in human anatomy
topest of keks