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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 142 KB, 1094x873, software.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2853121 No.2853121 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss art software, news, features and gripes in this ITT thread (instead of the thread you were thinking of shitting up with it)

>> No.2853124

Why is opencanvas, corel painter, firealpaca, and mypaint left off of there? Are you some kind of racist?

>> No.2853138
File: 29 KB, 652x494, le painterly confused man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I ain't got all day! Just because it's not in my bait pic doesn't mean you can't talk about it.

I'll start this thread with some gripes I have with software from my own experience. Maybe if we all bitch loud and often enough someone will come along with the perfect software eventually.


-Can only "undo" (ctrl-z) once

"stepping back" (ctrl-shift-z) not only undoes the previous action, but undoes everything else you may have done between strokes, too. Did you switch between tools, change your brush shape and/or make a new layer before laying down a stroke you aren't particularly proud of? Well you better erase it manually or remember to hit ctrl+Z which is practically worthless in every other context faggot, or else it's back to square one.

-Pressing "delete" deletes the entire layer instead of just its content

-Animation tools are retarded


-Tons of brushes
-They're all shit
-Requires a super computer to run (poorly)
-Crashes (constantly)
-Probably autosaves after every stroke or something
-Muh "120.12385 pixel" brush (fuck off)


-The drawing tools that were bad 15 years ago...today!
-Graphic symbols are functionally identical to MovieClips except they can't have filters applied to them. What the fuck is the point of them even existing?


-If you use a texture brush for sketching you won't be able to see your onion skin layers worth dick

That's about all I've got, but I wanna hear niggas talkin' mad shit about software up in this b*tch, gnomesaiyan?

>> No.2853145


Oh -_- it's YOU again. Funny how I have a sneaking suspicion. Get a tripcode, onegai.


Bullshit, have to optimize it so brush doesn't lag.
-shit at lineart
-monthly sub$cription, leg locked in Adojews embrace
>my paint
infinite canvas (cool), great for gesture drawing
shit for everything else
>corel painter
bugs when zooming
no vector support/pain in the butt to preform a simple vector action like stroke
cannot transform until you make it a layer
selection is cumbersome
layer property is gay / auto change to gelmode for certain tools when gelmode makes the appearance of some brushes look worse
+great blending
+great painting capability
+one of the best brush engine
-limited modes
-no perspective tools
+great, lightweight simple painting program
+supported by weebs/plenty of documentation if you know where to look (and know Japanese)
-shit alone without photoshop's support for final touches
>clip studio paint
complex UI but intuitive for interactive touch displays, ideal when you get over learning curve
+great perspective tools
+brush engine comparable to painters if not probably almost better (maybe? yeah?)
+downloadable content from community without paying unlike Adojew and Corel
+one time purchase update 4 lyfe
+superior painting, sai replacement
-lacking PS features like filters
-text can be somewhat shit than PS
superior sketching program better than anything I've ever used for 1px drawings how will the rest ever compete?

>> No.2853147

>superior sketching program better than anything I've ever used for 1px drawings how will the rest ever compete?

I've heard good things about Graphics Gale but I've never used it myself.

>> No.2853151

never heard of it...
>cnet downloads
yeah nope

>> No.2853152

-Can't remap keys to numpad for some reason. For a leftie, that's quite bad.

>> No.2853161

Really? Damn, I've used photosop for years and I never knew.

>> No.2853162

>Graphic symbols are functionally identical to MovieClips
For optimisation purposes symbols are better. So if you creating complex project you should use them as often as you can instead of clips. If you do not need clips functionality of course.

>> No.2853165
File: 10 KB, 212x336, mat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to CSP pls no bully

How do I use them materials as brushes? it says they're to be used as brush tip but dragging it to the brush menu doesn't work, and I don't see anything in brush properties to change that

I'm probably missing something really simple

>> No.2853166

I might be behind on this, but the last time I tried, you were not allowed to reassign any hotkeys without ctrl+ or other modifier either.

>> No.2853167


You change the whatever function (circle lets say) to "material" in brush tip then go down the list.

>> No.2853168

What's the difference? I would have to imagine it's a fraction of a kilobyte but I guess I don't know. Nonetheless I suppose that's something I guess.

>> No.2853169

is that actually sai's logo? I have to stop using this shit now jesus christ

>> No.2853171

are you clinically stupid?

>> No.2853175

What's wrong with SAI?

>> No.2853178

Nothing. I just hate furries

>> No.2853179
File: 42 KB, 600x451, GOT 'EM!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bait u lol

>> No.2853180


haha epic trolle anonymouse :-)

>> No.2853186

It is more for a games, and main optimisation is in processing power and rendering, not storage. Meaning higher fps. Although currently if you need quality optimisation(especially for mobile) you should use rasterization and spritemap techniques.

You can go without optimisation for cartoons, but if you targeting web, i would advise you to minimize usage of filters, because they are huge detriment to fps. Using less movieclips helps, but not that much.

But you should focus on functionality or visuals first, and only if you unsatisfied with performance, should you worry about optimisation. Because you can bog down in technical stuff.

Best wishes.

>> No.2853188
File: 5 KB, 446x270, KeQB00t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they ever finish SAI 2?

>> No.2853190


>> No.2853191

The preview version is updated each month. It-s pretty stable.

>> No.2853194

Thank you for the very erudite explanation anon

>main optimisation is in processing power and rendering, not storage

Yeah I felt pretty dumb about that post the instant I submitted it-I figured as much. Cheers

>> No.2853196

Medibang Guys? Anyone?

>> No.2853200


Medibang? More like Me did bang your mom lol !

>> No.2853202


Yup, Medibang is great for a free software thats actually decent. Comes with a lot of hang system layouts and features.

I use Photoshop primarily for classes and medibang to assist in detailing.

>> No.2853208
File: 3.66 MB, 640x360, modern-day philosophers engaged in a spirited debate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2853214

Sometimes storage optimisation is more important. Like for example it was for banner production (damn I hate those cancerous animated ads). So your assumption was pretty rational.

>> No.2853215

>-Can only "undo" (ctrl-z) once
Wait, what? I'm confused. You're saying you can't press it more than twice to go back multiple strokes? No way.

>> No.2853225

I always looked like a chuuni doing a weird pose when drawing on my lap with my left hand and my right hand on ctrl z

>> No.2853226

You press ctrl z to undo whatever you just did, if you press it again you 'undo the undo'

>> No.2853230


You can, like, set step backward to ctrl+z instead, like, have you thought of that?

>> No.2853235


+ industry standard
- you can't reassign half of hotkeys
nuff said

>Paintstorm studio

+ awesome brush engine
+ flexible and customizable UI
- minimum other functions (like SAI)


+ very good brush engine (a few actually)
+ a lots of functions, tools and filters
+ a ton of little handy things
+ good animation tools (? I'm don't use it so I'm not sure)
+ pretty good at line art (but again I'm not sure)
+ free and work on linux
+ pretty fast development
- lack of tutorials
- complex and sometimes confusing UI at first time
- lags if you draw with HUGE brushes (but most of the time you don't and there is also Instant preview)
Also a lot of good things under development like stacked brushes (better version of double brushes), python scripting, better vector tools, more animation tools, etc.

>They're all shit
There is a couple good ones

>Requires a super computer to run (poorly)
Big and complex brushes are slow but there is Instant preview if you want to paint BIG.

>Crashes (constantly)
What the fuck are you doing with it. It runs super stable for me, crashes maybe once per month and I never lose more than 10min of work.

>> No.2853236

Step backwards is tedious, although you can use Alt Gr + Z for it.

My hunch is that the single undo-redo thing was for photo manipulation, to quickly check the effect of a change you made (like color adjustments). And it's a vestige in these days of adjustment layers and such.
Kinda related did they finally discover the middle mouse on the mouse and put pan in it?

>> No.2853238

Tedious how? You are remapping the key to the one you want.

>> No.2853244

There's a principle in software development to provide good defaults, so it's not the first step of the user after install to change it.

>> No.2853250 [DELETED] 


I actually just tested it out and for some reason it seems like I don't have the problem I was referring to in theis post >>2853138 on my work copy of PS CS5 as I do at home. Could be a setting discrepancy or I perhaps more likely I've been mistaken all along-but I swear that I would say, make two strokes on a new layer, "step backwards" twice to try and start over and it would delete the layer I created as well. I'll have to look into it.


I mean, I don't like having to hold alt either but it's not that big of a deal-I might just be having brain problems as far as what my real beef with step backwards is.

>> No.2853252


I actually just tested it out and for some reason it seems like I don't have the problem I was referring to in theis post >>2853138 on my work copy of PS CS5 as I do at home. Could be a setting discrepancy or perhaps more likely I've been mistaken all along-but I swear that I would say, make two strokes on a new layer, "step backwards" twice to try and start over and it would delete the layer I created as well which is a nuisance. I'll have to look into it.


I mean, I don't like having to hold alt either but it's not that big of a deal-I might just be having brain problems as far as what my real beef with step backwards is.

>> No.2853264

I personally really dislike, when I have to reach for alt with my pen-holding (left) hand. That's why I was glad that you can actually use Alt Gr + Z.
But now I realized, that my non-us keyboard has Z and Y swapped, so it is quite a finger-yoga to execute a ctrl+alt+z. Yeah, it's quite less tiresome, if you have your Z right above alt.

>> No.2853273

Also, my usual leftie setup in Krita:
7,8 - Undo, redo
9 - Eraser
4,6 - Rotate canvas, 5 - reset rotation
1,2 - Brush size +-
3 - Swap FG/BG color
Ins - Select layer
Enter: Pan
* - Isolate layer
/ - Show color picker
+- - Zoom

ctrl+Ins - New layer
ctrl+del - Delete layer
pgUP, pgDwn - Move up/down among the layers
ctrl+pgUP, pgDwn - Move the layer up-down
ctlr+Enter - Rename layer

I kept these as they were:
ctrl + LMB/Pen - pick color
alt Gr + LMB/Pen - Pick color from current layer
shift+LMB - brush size
RMB - quick menu

I played around with them for a while, but in the end the nice thing is that I can do most things with these, without having to refocus much on the UI during painting.

>> No.2853284

If I were you I'd use free rotation mode to save one button and use that button for swap to previous preset.

>> No.2853286

It's ctrl + alt + z

>> No.2853290

Might try it, but I would most likely put different commands there. I rarely use the preset switching keys, I tend to pick my brushes from the quick menu, visually.

>> No.2853336
File: 12 KB, 334x325, 1248623630766_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are the differences between Clip Studio Paint Pro and EX? Am I missing out on much if I just use Pro?

>> No.2853360

tfw no one here actually knows when it comes to differentiating programs, s m h t b h f a m

>> No.2853362


>> No.2853365

>writing an essay for free


>> No.2853369

Doesn't it say on the website tho?

>> No.2853378

Why bother bringing it up then?

>> No.2853397

Yes, but I'm asking people with personal experience what their takes on it are.

Reading off a list of specs doesn't always give you a vivid image.

>> No.2853408


bullet points are faster to convey condensed information

>> No.2853415

Okay? What are good defaults for Photoshop? For a novice user they're fine because they're mapped to keys in a mnemonic way. For advanced users they're shit because they're too far apart, you're better off remapping them into an arbitrary numpad-like configuration where everything you use is in the same region of the keyboard.

One is good, so is the other, just for different people.

Here's a principle for you: if you use a configurable tool enough that its default configuration is a bother to you the problem is with you for not reconfiguring it. Duh.

>> No.2853438

Having one step undo instead of step backwards on ctrl+Z in Photoshop isn't a good default these days in my opinion, since most operations that would really need comparison can be done in non-destructive ways.
Especially if you count in that all other Adobe programs have proper undo on ctrl + Z. And in like all other software that has undo. Hell, even Windows Explorer uses it.

Sure, I usually customize keyboard shortcuts in some programs, but also I don't want to do it if I can help it. But you are right, I should have already remapped it, but whatever, I try to avoid PS if I can for my work, because lots of tiny things like this.

>> No.2853443

>shit for everything else
that is a bit harsh, sure it doesn't offer as many tools as photoshop does but I have used it for a long time now for both sketches and finished illustrations, I really like how simple the UI looks and how the brush engine works. mypaint is a great program if you give it a chance.

>> No.2853598

ctrl+alt+z is replaced ctrl+z in ps

>> No.2853612

I highly doubt that Sai actually has a pony for a mascot and logo.

>> No.2854475

Redpill me on FireAlpaca

>> No.2854535


>> No.2854615
File: 56 KB, 450x450, le hands-up grimacing man face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad supported

>> No.2854639

same shit as medibang

>> No.2854645

>Paintstorm studio
How is this the first time I've heard about this, it looks like a software combining Krita and Clip Studio together and their demo reel gave me a solid erection. It's a shame it doesn't support Linux.

>> No.2855036

shit, went to their site. its cheap to, at least compared to clip

>> No.2855095

Do you only use the numpad side of your keyboard for shortcuts?

>> No.2855103

holy fuck my art boner. that gap fill thing and those combined brushes are just a godsend

this is like the best mixbreed of SAI and medibang (hot damn that snap to perspective affecting the custom brushes)

>> No.2855467

Does it have animation tho?

>> No.2855473

Adobe PS:
+ industry standard
- eats up RAM like crazy

Sai: Haven't installed this in a while
+ lightweight
+ rotate tool
- Last time I used it, there was a canvas limit

Adobe Animate:
- Actionscript 2.0 is obsolete forcing me to relearn everything

>> No.2857783


What's with the pony in the Sai Icon? Did the bronies take over the software or what?

>> No.2857791

>Wasting time worrying over different software instead of cramming in more fundie hours

Totally not good

>> No.2858673

This doesn't surprise me in the slightest, Bronies are contemporary renaissance men and the curvaceous rump of the cartoon equine is both their canvas and muse.

All of the greatest artists, musicians and writers active today in their early 20s and younger have that unrequited yearning for extra-dimensional horsepussy in common. This tragically impossible romance guides their every action on their path towards mastery in their chosen craft, and emboldens them to take risks and push themselves to improve. I've seen a pony's ass rendered with such exquisite artistic sensitivity and attention to detail that it would make Rembrandt weep.

the Brony fandom is a cultural phenomenon that won't soon be repeated. Since Twilight Sparkle first trotted her way into Ponyville 6 years and 4 months ago there has never been an individual intellectual property that's garnered as much support from creative young people.

You might be quick to judge a man for wanting nothing more in his heart than to have an abnormally small, colorful horse to sit square on his face and wiggle around a little, but that's why so many bronies have made it to an abnormally high level at such a young age while you're still struggling in vain to draw misshapen anime titties.

>> No.2858675

fucking this holy shit

>> No.2858680

Call me a pleb but some of those features like the auto perspective resizing of the brush and the glimmer effects of the shooting stars just feels like cheating to me. Might check it out though.

>> No.2858681

Does anyone use gimp to draw here?

>> No.2858720

FireAlpaca is pretty comfy and light, but I still need to learn how to use it better.
At the moment I'm in love with CSP for all it's convenient stuff, like the vector layers, and those nice blenders.

>> No.2858728
File: 32 KB, 288x339, 1440730303887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw to become good at art I have to self myself out and paint cartoon pastel horsy pussy

I don't want this

>> No.2859089

>you might be quick to judge a man for wanting nothing more in his heart than to have an abnormally small, colorful horse to sit square on his face and wiggle around a little

Almost nobody wants that, that's why it's such a goldmine, dummy.
Millions of artists draw heterosexual vanilla porn, if that's what you want as well, you'll have to compete with all of them for customers.

>> No.2859277 [DELETED] 
File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, For Honor 02.12.2017 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2859490

I got a new CS2 cd in a storage I bought, if I install it will it run fine on windows 8 and an intuous 4 or will adobe's jewery fuck me over with incompatible drivers and shit?

>> No.2859579

Thanks for this Anon. Time to say bye bye to SAI.

>> No.2859689
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1448587705717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been using SAI for basically all art for the past 5 years
>know exactly how it works, it's easy as fuck to use
>most of the main features i need
>R E N D E R I N G

i have CS6 but it don't like the interface at all for some reason. probably autism. i also hate the lack of a built-in stabilizer and none of the lazy nezumi cracks ive tried have worked.

i'm really shit at figuring out programs like photoshop because they feel a lot more technical and clunky than the straight-forward interface of sai.

i have krita and firealpaca but haven't used either, how do they compare to sai?

>> No.2859692

photoshop can do a lot but the trade off is you have to learn how to use it.

>> No.2859705
File: 493 KB, 1200x1200, rottteeeeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point i'm probably just going to have to start watching photoshop tutorial videos. i don't really want to abandon sai completely though.

also, another thing i've been wanting to learn is how to put text over a finished image (sort of like pic related). i have a lot of ideas and want to make templates for reference sheets which photoshop would obviously be good for but i don't know where to start. is there a good tutorial for the more technical aspects of photoshop somewhere?

>> No.2859736
File: 169 KB, 1883x1078, uwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-no perspective tools

>> No.2859754

Mirroring question from the animation thread.
Suggestions for ipad pro? I'm using it as a budget cintiq.

>> No.2859766

wow thats an impressive 2 point perspective building, never seen that b4 woooooooow

>> No.2859769

dat sai pony
the only thing I can agree with you is the animations tools in photoshop, the rest are things that you can easily fix, edit with a few minutes of google research.

>> No.2859833

That looks pretty good for only 20 dollary-doos.

I'm in the same boat as you, but I want to get better before I leave SAI. I've seen some pretty great shit made with it, and I've told myself I'm not leaving until I can also do great shit in SAI.

>> No.2860024

no idea man, whenever i want to do something i google how to do it and use whatever tutorial is out there. I'm not really a digital artist I just use Photoshop because I used it before to do basic photo edits so I'm used to the more basic features.

>> No.2860079

so far it feels nice enough, but uses twice as much memory as SAI, not sure how stable it'll be if you like to use shitton of layers

>> No.2860084

Mostly, at least for painting. I'm left handed, so everything on the left side of the keyboard is inconvenient, that's why I mapped the most used stuff to the numpad area.

Admittedly I'm a bit of an exception, since I use the mouse with my right hand (can't even use it with my left really), so for non-painting stuff, I'm quite comfortable with the other shortcuts.

>> No.2860088

>Can only "undo" (ctrl-z) once
this is fucking false what the fuck

>> No.2860192

Nice. It took them a while.
Did they finaly discover the middle mouse button?

>> No.2860964

Is there a hotkey to return to the previously used tool in CSP? If there is I can't find it.

>> No.2861007

New SAI UI looks fat as fuck.

I really want to replace SAI with something else. It sucks massively. Specially how it handles brushes/pressure.

But it has like one single function with I love: it lets me set the B key on a pencil the V key on an eraser and so I can just toggle between the two of them instantly.

Every other fucking drawing program has some retarded hotkey for that like CTRL+SHIFT+123 and ALT+SHIFT+123 to save brush like wtf. And their massively retarded cockgagging brush editors don't fucking have a lightweight pallete.

It takes a fucking second just to see the brushes because every fucking brush has to have its own fucking icon. Organizing them is a hassle, can't set hotkeys, over-encumbered lag. It feels like every fucking program does this EXCEPT sai.

wtf is wrong /ic/? Am I wrong to want a hotkey for my eraser brush? And just move them around the palette to change what brush is what hotkay? Or do people actually use only one single hotkey for one single brush always, limitted to 10 hotkeys applciation-wide? OR WORSE DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY USE A KEY THAT DOES "ERASER" MODE OR SOME SHIT SO YOU HAVE A PENCIL THAT ERASES PENCIL???

help me

>> No.2861083

In CPS you just press C to turn your current tool into an eraser version of itself, press C again to return to color.

>> No.2861811

how the fuck do you install sai 2 brushes

>> No.2861824

nevermind I'm retarded

>> No.2861835

Holy shit, thanks! Never knew that and it'll be incredibly helpful

>> No.2862136

Ive been using corel painter for over a year and maybe Im just retarded, but why does watercolour dry slower when you let go of the brush? I know I can go into layer commands and make it dry instantly, but that skips having the paint seep into the canvas and spread out.

>> No.2862165


The "real" watercolor in painter is a meme. Actually anything with "real" attached to the variant is a meme and inferior to the digital counterpart.

>> No.2862178
File: 183 KB, 540x468, IMG_Valen_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sai 2 includes many needed tools, such as text and perspective tools
>40% of the screen is dedicated to the toolbars, making it look really crowded and annoying
The only reason why I haven't made the jump from Sai to Sai2 desu

>> No.2862180


get better resolution monitor

>> No.2862472

Is sketchbook pro actually good?

>> No.2862485


The best perspective tools out of any program ever and the easiest program to pick up if going digital for the first time. It's great to use if you have a tablet or any input device with a screen, otherwise you're gay and using it wrong. The name sketchbook in pro implies digital sketchbook and should mimic and treat it as such.

>> No.2862488

You mean for it to be great I'll have to dish out dosh for a cintiq or alternatives?

>> No.2862526


It's great without one but it feels more natural to have a screen tablet for it in my experience. The feeling of running your hand on the rulers over the canvas like a real ruler and able to scale feels more natural. Without a cintiq like tablet it kinda feels meh, but that's just me.

>> No.2862528

I see. Hopefully I'll save for one for next year then.

>> No.2865095

opencanvas is the best for me.

+ultra fast and lightweight
+perspective tool
+not overcomplicated
+infinite undo
+speedpaint playback (entire history from blank canvas)
no shit
-not for people who's madly in love with their texture brushes
-not for people who bitch about features they never even use

>> No.2865098

+ Brushes lot of brushes
+ Standard interface
- huge as fuuark
- can redo only once

+ light
+ Handy
+ good at line work
- i don't know

csp is tool for me

>> No.2865129

>- can redo only once

Step back and step forward.

>> No.2865134

>can redo only once

Did you at least try to find information about it?
It's Ctrl+Alt+Z. If you don't like it, you can open history tab and undo mistakes.

>> No.2865143
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1484325435965s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shiet why i didn't figure out that..

>> No.2865147

not only that but you can go into the perfomance tab and change the amount of times you can undo like up to 30 - 50

>> No.2865152
File: 21 KB, 328x104, history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm you can make it even higher, but it takes up a bit of ram tho

>> No.2865227
File: 59 KB, 1368x736, azpainter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now I don't use any program to paint on computer, I just use the ancient photofiltre 7 to adjust contrast/saturation/etc of my scanned drawings.

But when I get a tablet I plan on using azpainter. azpainter is a free light program that run on any toaster, the lines are great (as good or better than sai), comes with screentones as default (which I personally love) and it has soft light layer that I haven't seen in any program besides PS.

I would suggest everyone that owns a toaster that run photoshop poorly to give this program a chance. The only bad thing about it is that as far I know you can't make custom brushes with textures and such (maybe in your point of view isn't a problem).

>> No.2865230

What does /ic/ think of walkingmelon's art? I love the way she draws and paints and her blending is just amazing, I love how she takes so many colors and makes them blend seamlessly. She uses adobe elements 11.


Example, yes its undertale, just ignore the content of the image.

>> No.2865232

This, also, if you use "E" for eraser and "B" for brush you should bind Ctrl+Alt+Z to "F1"

>> No.2865238

Can I open psd files in this?

>> No.2865249
File: 119 KB, 1368x736, az2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded a very random psd file just to test and the answer is yes. I picked a "light" file, I don't know if it will work with a "big" file. The program is light and you can easily download it. Give a try with your PSDs. Hope it works for you.

>> No.2865263
File: 491 KB, 1364x714, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update: I found a painting file and tried to open it on azpainter and it looks fine.

Original pic: http://juhupainting.deviantart.com/art/Shroomscape-418538702

>> No.2865266

Nice. I'll try it, because sometimes I want to draw something and use screentones, it's seems fun.

>> No.2865621

What version you use?

>> No.2866202

If your software can't mix blue and yellow on the canvas to get green, then it's not worth shit.

>> No.2866348

I appreciate the containment thread, op

>> No.2866473
File: 5 KB, 100x100, 1psdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help a beginner of digital painting, if you will. what do you guys prefer, artrage 5 or manga studio 5 (aka clip studio paint)? pros and cons of each? im looking for a painterly feel, and my art is stylized so im not exactly aiming for super realistic coloring, if that helps.

>> No.2866524

or corel painter, might i add

>> No.2866566

Just try out the free trials and see which one you like.

I have tried artrage and it's probably not what you want. I know Sinix uses painter and he uses some pretty cool brushed

>> No.2867730

you're literally retarded. every art program has bindable keys to brush and erase. how you missed this is because you're literally retarded.

B - Brush
E - eraser

B - Brush
N - Eraser

B - Brush
E - Turns brush into eraser mode

A monkey could have figured all of this shit out by pressing the keys and seeing what happens, but I guess you're literally retarded.

>> No.2867742
File: 1.49 MB, 1483x758, walkingwannabe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love eating shit
>generic low quality Deviant Art trash
she draws like shit, she paints like shit,her blending is shit, her rendering is shit.

She only has a basic grasp on art, and only ever shits out bad speedpaints that ive seen someone under 30 mins do better in Daily Spit Paint. Try someone who isn't off a website thats full to the brim with praising mediocrity.
The only reason shes popular is because she panders to whats trendy for underage DA faggots. There's many better artists on gumroad and pixv.

>> No.2867744

Proof mypaint is superior:
E - TOGGLE eraser
E- Brush (when on erase mode)

>> No.2868084

Krita's eraser key is also a toggle.