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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 478 KB, 932x422, leprogressiveartman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2850836 No.2850836 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that the industry is a regressive cesspool.
If you want a career doing anything other than porn, keep a low fucking profile and don't have a opinion unless it's "Trump is literally Hitler!"

>> No.2850843
File: 457 KB, 1920x1241, Hayao-Miyazaki-Caterpillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan wins yet again.
Holy fuck, just listening to this guy lay into political propaganda in media and America's cartoon industry gets me rock fucking hard. This fucker can't tolerate Otakus, and they're fairly self-contained individuals. Imagine him getting first hand experience with an SJW.

>> No.2850861
File: 1.33 MB, 1000x559, Sam Hyde New Africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I remember when everyone thought there were no funny right wingers, now we have the internet where you don't have to kneel before Zog to get on and would you look at that...

These "progressives" still haven't registered the fact that the culture is leaving them behind. They're going to be the old men and women wondering what happened to their countries and it's going to be beautiful to watch them die confused and hated.

>> No.2850867

honestly if i was an art director i wouldn't want to work with someone spouting political ideology all the time. also not sure how being misogynistic/racist is going to get you ahead anywhere, you don't have to be a sjw but at least you should be respectful :^)

>> No.2850870

>Implying what they claim is "misogynistic" and "racist" is actually misogynistic and racist

Where have you been the past 7 years?

>> No.2850872

But Sam Hyde is trash.

>> No.2850874

Tell me what you think is funny. Please, I'm sure it's not uber safe cliche trash :^)

>> No.2850875

>spouting political ideology all the time

The problem is not being political or even being it all the time, it's having the wrong political opinions. You can be political all the time if you write some cookie cutter outrage about Trump being the next Hitler or how men need to stop rape or some other bullcrap.

>> No.2850888

Bill Burr
The Peep Show

>> No.2850891


Lol. Who is this faggot? "Some of the best artists you will work under are women." Lol.

It's definitely not a good idea to go throwing your politics around at the workplace as a rule, left or right, but the game industry as a whole is not a SJW safespace. Lol at the idea that artists are getting blacklisted for using the term "white knight." In this jackoff's dreams maybe.

Is that slimey pos who's fucking Noah Bradley's ex?

>> No.2850899


Yep, him

>> No.2850902


Name? I want to blacklist him.

>> No.2850904

This. What he's saying applies to pretty much any professional field. Don't spout politics and treat everyone with respect regardless of race or sex. And also tailor your portfolio to suit your employers needs, obviously Nintendo isn't gonna hire you if all you do is draw space marines.

>> No.2850910


see >>2850870

>> No.2850914

Serious question, is there space for a heterosexual Christian male like me in the industry? Feels weird to ask that, I know Craig Mullins has made beautiful paintings of Christ and has published them... hopefully I am overthinking things.

>> No.2850915

>many of the best artists [...] are women

>> No.2850923


If you're really fucking good at art I don't think you're going to run into much trouble unless you post things like "remember, God hates fags" everyday on social media

>> No.2850924

Dude should spend less time virtue signaling and more time working on his art. His new girl is better than him. Bet this metrosexual doof has never even read Loomis or Herr Hogarth.

>> No.2850927

Kek then I was definitely overthinking things, thanks.

>> No.2850932
File: 9 KB, 160x160, be3663efef4ecaba05ce9d337c0b56a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet artists who spam my facebook feed about how America is a new apartheid state and equal to Nazi Germany don't seem to have any trouble finding jobs. Everyone seems to love diversity as long as it isn't diversity of opinions.

>> No.2850934

>if you like drawing tits don't expect yo be hired by x
>he actually thinks companies don't want tits in their products
Tits = money

>> No.2850936


> unless you post things like "remember, God hates fags" everyday

I dunno. The world is a-changin'. Given the choice between hiring a SJW who is liable to sue your company because someone in the programming department made a dongle joke or hiring the white male cis scum... I suspect a lot of employers will prefer the white guy.

>> No.2850939


hahaha, when I got hired at my last job, the whole studio was laughing because my sketchblog was full of tits. I think it was honestly one of the reasons they hired me.

This fag is clueless. The art profession and glorious "misogynistic" paintings of sexy women are inseparable.

>> No.2850940

It sounds to me like you guys are afraid of some imaginary boogeyman. Give me an example of something you think someone would get in trouble for? No competent company would fire someone for dumb sjw bullshit, in fact a lot of the artists that I like actually have pretty crude humor. The only instance of sjw bullshit affecting a PROFESSIONAL artist I can think of is the Marko Djordjevic thing that happened at comic con but even then, the company stood up for him and told all the fans to fuck off and stop bitching. The only way you'll actually get in trouble is if you're spouting legit /pol/ tier shit like "Gas the kikes, race war now!"

>> No.2850946


What was the Marko thing?

>> No.2850971

Fuck I tweaked. It wasn't necessarily sjw stuff but he was on stage during a marvel event and being super crude. Then he started shit talking marvel and how they don't give him creative freedom and how they're art direction sucks, etc. He was kinda half joking half serious but then it really blew up for a little bit and a lot of Marvel fans got super angry at him. Then Marvel came out and said that it was just a joke and they're good friends with Marko. I think they still work with him today.

Not exactly related to sjw but the point is that if you do quality work and consistently deliver, most employers wont give a shit about what you say. I think Marko also said that they wouldn't let him do sexual or politically incorrect stuff for his Marvel work but they had no problem with him doing all that stuff for other people or his own personal work.

>> No.2851054

I don't see the problem.

He's not saying not to draw titties in bikini armor if that's your thing, just don't expect to get hired everywhere because that sort of thing isn't as in style as it used to be. And terms like "SJW" and "white knight" are pretty much exclusively used on the internet, and usually by teenagers. It's probably fine to hold different views from liberals, but you would have to sound like an educated adult in doing so, rather than spouting off buzzwords like an autist.

>> No.2851069

Manveer Heir is a retarded SJW. It's a legit term.

>> No.2851078


>It's probably fine to hold different views from liberals, but you would have to sound like an educated adult in doing so, rather than spouting off buzzwords like an autist.

well that's not what he's saying, though, is it? he's doing a combination of virtue signaling and declaring that you have to have the right opinions and be "pretty damn progressive" or you will literally be blacklisted. Which isn't actually true. The game industry and software development in general is still very much a boys club, making games marketed to those same teenagers on the Internet. That's the market and those are the people are largely the people who are going into the field.

I don't know who this person is, but I would bet a significant sum that if I've never even heard of him that he's not in the industry in any signicant capacity. And I'd be willing to bet that his art stinks, too.

>> No.2851099

That's Noah Bradley's wife's son's father

>> No.2851110
File: 126 KB, 600x338, worthless.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyazaki is a full-fledged neo-reactionary and luddite at this point.

>> No.2851112

>movies about "strong female leads"
>not an SJW
aight homie chill with your weab tendencies

>> No.2851121

>Not exactly related to sjw but the point is that if you do quality work and consistently deliver, most employers wont give a shit about what you say.

Those were different times. The comic industry these days is by far the worst when it comes to throwing their employees under the bus at the first sign of online outrage.

>> No.2851412
File: 1.93 MB, 281x250, 1f56c7258148ed8574d1a2884f3c8c19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wotc don't hire you
When does wizards became such faggots?
Or is he talking about Women Opressing their Clits?

>> No.2851418

>steal more hip-hop

>> No.2851422

>you don't have to be a sjw
But better if you do. Right?

>> No.2851427
File: 245 KB, 1800x1311, 1353737353496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you like to draw naked woman chest no respectable company will hire you.
Is that what he saying?

>> No.2851436

Most artistic thing that got into their heads was my dick.

>> No.2851445
File: 549 KB, 768x1023, 5o2gzFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you would have to sound like an educated adult in doing so, rather than spouting off buzzwords like an autist.
"artist" from op picture is one spouting off buzzwords like an autist.

>> No.2851446
File: 154 KB, 620x473, sf153_basandra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wizards has been bowing to the "progressive" left for some time.
And it's funny because I remember their MtG angels had a lot of babes with bikini armor and wings.

>> No.2851458
File: 162 KB, 1024x554, sophie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're strong in a character sense though, not an angry bulldyke sense.
San's the closest thing, and even she got some luvin.
He's an old man. What were you expecting?
I do feel bad for those students though. They probably chose to program something for a medium they love as a phd project, and a little old Japanese man squatted down to shit on it.

>> No.2851470
File: 34 KB, 599x372, 8b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't mean it in a bad way. I think Miyazaki is justified in his disgust for modern society.

>> No.2851489

holy shit it's Candice the Cuckslayer

>> No.2851507

Give me his name.

>> No.2851527

Jean Giraud

>> No.2851532


They loathe your type if you claim that you are one, so they'll do anything to take you down at your early stages unless if you lie about being a "kosher"/liberal Christian.


They don't go for right-wingers though, they hire H1B employees from conservative countries and make them work overtime in the name of diversity. Despite them supposedly loving minorities, they got pissed at Trump recently because he passed an executive order that doubled the minimum wage of H1B workers.

>> No.2851536


They're mother figures who guide their peers and learn from mentors instead of being stubborn promiscuous dykes who open their legs.

>> No.2851540
File: 134 KB, 630x850, imaginefx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single Imagine FX cover has a chick with big tits and exposed cleavage yet I doubt any of the artists who do covers for the magazine have been blacklisted for it. If anything it probably got them more jobs.

>> No.2851542

>opening their legs
Gr8 jest m8y

>> No.2851579

>Christians on 4chan
Toppest of keks

>> No.2851586
File: 13 KB, 320x386, 1355859392237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You beter belive it.

>> No.2851599

>tfw all you like to draw are dickgirls, butts and more dickgirls.

I guess I just fucked up any chance of working at an actual company... Unless.. I come up with another name. Since when did artists get so self-righteous and judgmental about drawing porn? Out of all the career paths, I thought this one was suppose to the the most liberating in the way that you can say whatever and do whatever you want if it's for the sake of expressing yourself. Fuck this system mannn *rolls up alcohol doobie*

>> No.2851602

It's easy to say shit and ruin a medium when you're old, did your time and have money. The only shitty thing is that he was so god-damn good, that his influence means a lot.

>> No.2851907

This idiot is talking out of his ass.

He's also young, and has no career. He'll learn one day that in the upper echelons of the creative industries, especially gaming, advertising, etc no-one gives a shit as long as you produce. Advertising especially is full of jaded /pol/-level redpilled misanthropes.

>> No.2852138

There's been an influx cause of /pol/. It's considered cool now.

>> No.2852167
File: 69 KB, 1000x563, psc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get hired, or be as good as me
>it's totally fine to photobash (especially if you can't make anything without it)

Advice utterly disregarded.

>> No.2852215


They've always been there. It just wasn't discussed.

>> No.2852249

That's absolutely professional-tier work, idk what you were trying to prove by posting it.

>> No.2852280
File: 137 KB, 1000x563, terminator_by_abigbat-d7o2x22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude he can paint the terminator from memory. Look at that fucking visual library in action, inspiring stuff

>> No.2852282

This guy sounds like a faggot but that's pretty good

>> No.2852285


Intermediate at best, hardly advanced. I've seen better stuff in drawthreads here desu desu

>> No.2852290
File: 5 KB, 202x277, f4FPVxm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon pls

>> No.2852291
File: 81 KB, 889x499, 1478992540728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take to reach this level?

>> No.2852297

4chan's only lasting trait is crudeness and contrarianism. Hop on the ironic Islam train before it leaves the station, kaffir. The new caliphate of 4chan doesn't look kindly on those that cling to the past.

>> No.2852367

>Look at that fucking visual library in action, inspiring stuff

are you joking. hard to tell. that pic is not good at all. no idea why you're saying it's the terminator.

>> No.2852469

Full of shit. Plenty of artists draw pin up or sexy female figures and have no problem. Art (and most professions) is still a man's domain contrary to what your multicultural indoctrination proctor told you at uni.

>> No.2852478

top quality bait

>> No.2852543

Not that guy but this guy's stuff isn't exactly what you'd call impressive. There are definitely artists who are way better on /ic/, or who used to post like Catbib or Long.

>> No.2852549

Yeah he's garbage. The company he used to work for is garbage too. The babbling in the pic in OP is probably virtue signaling intended to woo ADs, a lot of them in the biz are women.

>> No.2852686
File: 13 KB, 220x200, pp,220x200-pad,220x200,ffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he asked niggers for permission to speak?

>> No.2852688

>Implying he doesn't identify as a black guy

>> No.2852696

I'm fuckedup good. Next time ill check my privilege more thorough.

>> No.2852703

This. Yes, it's generally considered unprofessional to be political at work, but nowadays everyone is a leftist extremist and posts tabloid propaganda shit on their twitter, but that's okay?

>> No.2852708

Japan has their own set of problems when it comes to artistic expression, some of which is even worse than anything SJWs have pushed for

For instance, genitalia have to be censored
also those loomis pdfs?you guys all have in your hard drives? That's piracy, and if you were in Japan, say hello to a few years in jail

also, the Japanese have their own set of sensibilities as well

>> No.2852714 [DELETED] 

Paul Scott Canavan

>> No.2852733

> secret to a successful art career is to not act like an autistic chimp
Sounds reasonable. What's the issue here? :^)

>> No.2852735

>For instance, genitalia have to be censored
That was Murica's fault btw
> The more you know

>> No.2852739

> Sam Hyde
> Funny right-winger
> Funny at all

>> No.2852768

>also, the Japanese have their own set of sensibilities as well

Care to tell more? Curious

>> No.2853000

>For instance, genitalia have to be censored
The thing is that I am actually more hopeful about something like this than a country with a large, extremely loud and violent population of suburbanite nitwits who are screaming for that level of censorship. Genitalia isn't censored in Japan because the people in Japan want it to be censored. It's censored because
>think of the children!
Is an easy way for the government to get people to kinda roll over and resign themselves to it, but that's something that can be "fixed". What the fuck are we going to do about all of these revolting window lickers?

>also those loomis pdfs?you guys all have in your hard drives? That's piracy, and if you were in Japan, say hello to a few years in jail
I thought Loomis was public domain. The guy's been dead for more than 60 fucking years, but apparently this is still 11 years off.
Guess I see your point....not that I ever illegally downloaded anything by Andrew Loomis or any copyrighted material, NSA!

>> No.2853010

>not being able to draw genitals is bad
You are a degenerate.

>> No.2853014

>tfw can't ever move to Japan or else won't be able to torrent anymore

>> No.2853019

This won't be true in the future. We're taking over!

>> No.2853025

Hugs and kyses to you too.

>> No.2853026
File: 367 KB, 459x604, macro-fuck-the-police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not that I ever illegally downloaded anything by Andrew Loomis or any copyrighted material, NSA!
No one has.

We just like to pretend that we are rebels and criminals. 99,9% of us do not even know what torrent is.

Piracy is myth created by edgy teens.

>4 terrabytes storage

>> No.2853042

what's "torrent"? :^)

>> No.2853088

But why do you want to work in the "industry" again? you can easily live by yourself doing commissions (from people who probably already follow your work and are into the same kind of stuff that you are) and taking freelance jobs, what's so good about working on cartoons with shitty generic styles that never try something different? or working with teams that makes things like this? >>2851445

>> No.2853089

It's safer and you get insurance. Also maybe stocks.

>> No.2853212

>opening up about politics on your art-pages on social media


>> No.2853218

I bet he secretly loves drawing babes with their tits out.

And real life male genitalia.

>> No.2853375

Actually I think that's Noah Bradley in the photo

Unless I'm wrong someone correct me, but it looks like Noah and he's known as someone who teaches/mentors aspiring artists through his courses so it'd make sense that he'd publish a list like this

>> No.2853414

A storm

>> No.2853422
File: 536 KB, 2729x1819, noah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was noah too

>> No.2853442

Because most leftists nowadays are sanctimonious cunts.

>> No.2853602

Leesha cucked Noah awhile back with this guy.


He is the OP picture.

>> No.2853695

Miyazaki is a massive SJW

>> No.2853726


How does he have the gall to boast about being featured in Spectrum and at the same time shame fellow artists for drawing tits? It doesn't make sense

>> No.2853768

>half his twitter feed full of retweets of anti trump or brexit stuff

>> No.2853772


Never could have guessed in a million years

>> No.2853831

Noah is going to MGTOW for a while, red pill the fuck up then come back and cuck this guy back.

He already went monk from the internet.

>> No.2853834
File: 517 KB, 932x816, shepersisted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, they are fucking everywhere. Some publisher of franco-belgian comic books shared this anti Trump hashtag. "We don't normally do politics..." yeah, well for a good reason.

>> No.2853906


I seriously hope Reddit makes a r/christianity that becomes viral, so being christian ends being associated with numale beta cucks and niggers like you quit the internet.

>> No.2854133
File: 23 KB, 212x255, 1464995333372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Release comics at 75% of their original size
>Remove exposed breasts and blood
>write shit like this on social media
fuck you cinebook

>> No.2854213

This, cinebook can off themselves.

>> No.2855709


>> No.2855714

ffffffffuuuuck. i hate these fucking role madel artists!!!

>noah bradley
>this guy

a real bunch of twat waffles. fuck them go get a real job noah u cunt

>> No.2855930

whats wrong with Bill Burr and Peep Show?