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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2849937 No.2849937 [Reply] [Original]

What do you use, which one is better

Photoshop, SaiPaint or something else

Post your Pros and Cons

>> No.2849939

Pro: Free
Con: There are none

>> No.2849945

Pro: easy to use for idiots like me and has lots of tools
Cons: Laggy af

>> No.2850289

i draw, paint, comics sometimes, nothing fancy

- heavy, no blending, can't flip canvas like sai, i can't just hold ctrl+z, have to press every time again; can't assign hotkey for each brush, need to save a brush if you change its settings else you lose it, can't make really hard brush, doesn't read .sai, doesn't preview .psd (inb4: don't name files like a retard)
+ each brush can be the eraser, tilt sensitivity, textured brushes, plugins

- max brush size restricted to 500 px, no straight lines holding shift
+ luminance to transparency, nice blending, reads .psd

Clip Studio:
+ perspective grid!
- everything else

>> No.2850292

you can flip canvas in photoshop.

>> No.2850294

Use all of them you dumbass. That's what the pros do.

>> No.2850298

It's not that. SAI just reverses it somehow not changing the file itself.

>> No.2850312

Photoshop: (Under the bias of CS6)

Pros: Industry standard, learning curve is perfect, the more you work it, the more it'll give you (talkin bout the filters, puppet modes, all that jazz,) easier to import brushes, the gradienbt tool is better than SAI's or Krita's. Any image format can be loaded in.

Cons: Heavy for a shit comp, learning curve does start steeply, Ctrl+Alt+Z is a bitch when Ctrl+Z is just two fingers, no native stroke stabilizer, harder ti flip canvas, sometimes, the blening modes will make you think you can do stuff you cannot. There's a lot of them.


Pros: Native stroke stabilizer, blends colors super easy, the newest update has simple text and gradient tools. Mentioning it to weebs will start conversations if they draw.

Cons: Not as feature heavy, text and gradient tools are *simple* af, sometimes bugs.


Pros: Free and open source, nerds like it.

Cons: PS is better in every way. Get over it.


Pros: Free and Open source, new animation software, acts like SAI.

Cons: Buggy, but thats all i remember. I fucked off back to PS.

Anybody into Painter or Illustrator?

>> No.2850314

>the blening modes will make you think you can do stuff you cannot
What did he mean by this

>> No.2850321


There's like an unnecessary amount of blending modes, and i see (and am guilty of) using some like the overlay mode to do highlights and shit when i could have done it on a normal layer. The modes have to do with code and how the program reacts to the color you're using in X situation, so without having them explained, it's a bit like getting a bunch of shiny new gadgets that CAN help you, but not until you've learned how.

>> No.2850322

>Pros: It draws (pixelly)
>Cons: Everything. Bloatware, greedy creators, brushes that lag and are only good for those that go heavy on realistic textures.

>Pros: Lightweight, crisp lines, blending
>Cons: Heavy lack of features, engrish, never updated anymore

Clip Studio Paint Pro:
>Pros: All the good shit from the previous two plus adapts to high res screens and automatic paper layer so I don't have to delete my drawing after I forget to make a new layer every time I draw a new thing fuck you photoshop
>Cons: Currently haven't found any

>> No.2850412

There is blending tools.

>> No.2850419



If you're going to pirate something, pirate CSP.

>> No.2850424
File: 12 KB, 274x222, IMG_2075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't happen to have a link to a pirated version do you...?

>> No.2850450

Photoshop was, as the name says, primarily a tool created for photographers to modify photos. Therefore a lot of the basic tools you find are geared towards that.
This means that blending colours, as if it were real paint, is limited. However, you can create nice painterly effects by using the Smudge Tool. There are some nice free brushes available for that. Also, Photoshop CC has the Mixer Brush, which is meant for more painterly effects.

You can't have 'a really hard brush', since those very crisp brushes are actually vector brushes (if you zoom in they will stay sharp) instead of pixel brushes. Photoshop isn't made for that. Such brushes you will find in Illustrator, for example.

- Photoshop shows preview of image files. Maybe not all, but I can see of psd, png, jpg, tiff for example.
- If you do not like a shortcut, change it, or map it to a button on your tablet.
- As long as your file isn't 500Mb, I see no problem flipping the canvas in Photoshop. I have it mapped on my tablet, so I can flip a layer or canvas at a push of a button.
- It's true that, if you change the size of a brush, or some other setting, it will revert to the saved setting if you switch to another tool or another brush.
However, in Photoshop CC the last used brushes are saved, and you can click them to continue to use them.
Also, if you want, you can lock various brush options so that they stay active even if you switch brushes. And finally, in practical every day usage, once you've made a brush that's comfortable to work with, you only change
settings in rare situations.

Photoshop Pros:

- scripts
- actions
- filters
- plugins
- extensions
- layer styles
- smart objects
- file linking/placing
- texture painting on 3d objects (though buggy sometimes)

Photoshop Cons:
- no native mirror painting tool
- no native tiled image painting mode

>> No.2851035

Pro: Good program, the more updates they put out the more friendly it becomes for digital artists and not just photo manipulators, good compatibility with many other programs out there so even if you work in X program, if you can convert it to a .psd you can share the file (Good for professionals who need a standard file to work with)
Also good compatibility with other adobe products (obviously) like illustrator, after effects, etc
Industry standard in most fields

Cons: Expensive if you don't pirate it (Just pirate it i don't think there's any way for people to know. I used a pirated version for class and group projects for a year before I finally was able to use my student version. No one noticed a difference).
If you've never used it before the learning curve is a bit to conquer
Bogs down some computers (Remember when macs were at one point a standard for artists because they ran the programs better? Not so much anymore)

Lightweight, easy to find free, cheap if you decide to buy it, smooth lines, great to sketch in
Less compatibility, pirated versions break easily (In my experience anyway. Using it fine for a couple years then one day opening it and all of my saved files being locked because of an expired trial sucks. Pirating it again didn't fix it nor did buying it. sucked.)
It's my least favourite program, coloring looks strange in it, hard to get good blending

It's good for cartoony work and sketching imo

Works beautifully with blending color
tablet intuitive
cute ass mascot
basically photoshop but free, and not gimp which lives up to its name now when comparing all three (gimped)

Cons: So slow at times but hopefully this will be fixed in the future. I power through it.
Out of all of them I use photoshop the most now and hate sai a lot.

>> No.2851070


I use Illustrator, but I use it explicitly for /gd/ related work. (Particularly, logos, light layout stuff, etc.)

I personally find it a bit clunky in terms of workflow, and I wouldn't use it for much unless it's for an extremely stylized logo illustrations.

I've also used a bit of Painter, but I currently don't have a copy. Some of its features were ok, but kinda "eh" otherwise.

>> No.2851109

Krita is best girl

>> No.2851124

>i can't just hold ctrl+z

freaking digitalfags i swear..

>> No.2851156

Post ur work

>> No.2851207

CSP never looked back at adobes bull shit.

>> No.2851218

I used to say the same

but now I have 2 monitors and freaking krita doesn't work with mouse mod tablet

currently using medibang, but I am more of a traditionalfag so I have yet to find it's general cons and pros

>> No.2851251

I use photoshop, it's literally the ultimate tool that works for everything, maybe except for traditional looking paintings, I use corel painter for that. Before that Ive used sai but I kinda dislike its brushes. Overall both are really good, and sai you can get really cheap, along with version 2 thats coming out really soon

>> No.2852754

Pencil and paper

No lag
Isn't digital
Doesnt use a fucking battery
Can look manly as Fuck when sharpening it with a fucking bowie knife
Had training with pencils since grade school
No ctrl+z

>> No.2853110

photoshop will force you to learn how to blend

>> No.2853193

if Ctrl+Alt+Z is to much for you just change it to crtrl + Z like I did

>> No.2853213

>Ctrl+Alt+Z is a bitch when Ctrl+Z is just two fingers

Nobody uses the tablet buttons for undo?

>> No.2853275

Can someone give me a photoshop download link for the Mac?

>> No.2853279

I do both traditional and digital and make less mistakes on traditional to be honest.

>> No.2853282
File: 78 KB, 780x545, rotateview-01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can paint with a tilted image in photoshop

>> No.2853289


*tiled*, not tilted.

>> No.2853405

I use manga studio 5.0

>> No.2854568


I got mangastudio 5 ex from 1337 x.

Check on cgpeers too.

>> No.2855592

Sai straight line:
hold Shift, click, 2nd click.
Straight line between the two.

>> No.2855733


>> No.2856370


>> No.2856411

I should have migrated to PS from SAI a long time ago if it werent for the pen sensitivity issues. For some reasons, no matter how I change settings and options, my lines all appear rigid, thick and uncontrolled. Like when a tablet is acting up and you have to plug it off for like 10 minutes. But working in PS really must feel nice.

>> No.2856458

I use primarily Clip Paint Studio/ formerly known as Manga Studio. Sorta like PS and Sai fucked and had a real stunner kid?? if you prefer to buy legally after trying out pirating it, it often goes on sale for dirt ass cheap.

>> No.2856501

and you're mailing your comment to 4chan headquarters too, right?

>> No.2857158

Photoshop and Sai don't have metric sizes for their brushes. Only CSP tells you how big your line is in real mm units.

>> No.2857207
