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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.94 MB, 1440x1440, delet this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2848511 No.2848511 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, there is a question thread for that.


>screenshot the image and post that instead (I recommend ShareX)

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your original works as well if you're trash.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

OLD THREAD: >>2845985

>> No.2848512
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>> No.2848513
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>> No.2848514
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>> No.2848515
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>> No.2848517
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>> No.2848518
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>> No.2848520
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>> No.2848521
File: 155 KB, 810x1080, e21431be153f39706e7686676fc00998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2848522
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>> No.2848540
File: 248 KB, 750x1000, Tenty face 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea son

>> No.2848541
File: 817 KB, 1260x598, sai_2017-02-06_21-56-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any crucial mistakes?

>> No.2848548
File: 631 KB, 1260x598, 1486407426895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

focus on negative spaces - it may appear to be a big deal here or whatever but in things like figure studies it'll be more apparant. aka less guessing and more going back to your ref and measuring

>> No.2848558
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 20170206_201334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~25 mins, eyes ?

>> No.2848560

Oh, thank you , will focus on this more.

>> No.2848567


sorry but the whole thing. i mean i like your drawing but its not a good copy. your circles arent circles and they arent the right size.

>> No.2848573


>Made it to the thread cover...

>Major motivation boost achieved.

>You guys are awesome.

>> No.2848577
File: 3.30 MB, 1440x1440, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just remember that it's not always a good thing

>> No.2848581


>I'm doing the rest of her today.

>> No.2848582

Someone better be saving all these, some of them are hilarious.

>> No.2848583
File: 299 KB, 500x373, squidward laffin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of fucking mary, holy shit

>> No.2848584 [DELETED] 


Didn't automatically assume it was, just seeing something of mine reposted is motivating, for it's flaws and its strengths. I know there's a really long way to go.

>> No.2848586


Didn't assume it was, just motivating to see something of mine reposted... It has flaws and strengths, and there's a long way to go yet.

>> No.2848605
File: 40 KB, 474x466, 1486411529811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After doing some studying, I think I've improved a little.

>> No.2848608

It's now my goal to get into the OP.

>> No.2848610

Then let's see the studies you did.

>> No.2848626
File: 2.42 MB, 1936x2592, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to lie head in perspective,hard as hell.

>> No.2848630
File: 62 KB, 488x659, beg 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still work in progress

>> No.2848631
File: 1.57 MB, 1857x2493, anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also tried to recover anatomy from memory, doesn't work either

>> No.2848635

something as complex as the human figure (from imagination, out of all things) should not be the priority here

>> No.2848636
File: 2.37 MB, 1936x2592, head2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, after a little practice I got to the point where head looks much real and "right". Time to practice figures

>> No.2848639

also, since you're not super familiar with perspective, get an actual strait edge and build the perspective instead of guessing it.

>> No.2848648

Perspective distorts pretty fucking badly when your point of perspective is close, aka inside the paper.

>> No.2848661
File: 1.13 MB, 687x682, sai_2017-02-06_23-34-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on paper and then scanning/taking a photo of it doesn't work out for me, so I guess I'd rather buy something like Wacom Cintiq and start to work directly digitaly. Maybe will find a freelance work as an artist after. Anyway, this is my work today, will sleep and start to draw again.

>> No.2848693
File: 154 KB, 562x1000, 20170206_215056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, at least i tried i guess

the more i pay attention to value, the more i make mistake on them damn (and lineart is getting more and more awful dammit)...

>> No.2848726
File: 804 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20170206_220034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very proud

>> No.2848731

why not? I'd be somewhat content to draw that well

>> No.2848734
File: 45 KB, 480x762, 16559306_10212196841701336_823791150_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An attempt was made.jpg

>> No.2848735


Values on head and neck are very good.

>> No.2848736

aw, but it's fairly nice
you're trying

>> No.2848737

The form definitely reads (aside from a couple places like the side of the head where values that should be separated get a little bit blended together) but you simply didn't capture the likeness. Like at all. The most prominent features are thick eyebrows and somewhat big eyes that weren't depicted in yours. I don't know what to say other than notice what makes a person unique - don't necessarily exaggerate those things but keep them in mind more. Nice one tho!

have better taste (i.e. not /beg/)

>> No.2848741

Ok, looking at the thumbnail I realized I made his face way too thin.
Looks like spending most of my time drawing qt grills has fucked up my perception.

>> No.2848748

Don't even think about getting a Cintiq, that would just be a huge waste of money. Plus a Cintiq won't make any better, in fact it will probably make you worse because you are just no used to it..for now just do your exercises on Paper.
You are improving, just do what /ic/ tells you and what books we recommend and you will be good in no time, and after you got over the basic..you can than invest in a Medium Sized, or even just a Small Tablet.

>> No.2848760

Looks great, but as the other anon said you didn't capture the likeness. It looks much younger

>> No.2848767
File: 23 KB, 480x432, 16650216_10212197018385753_47012705_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this is as far as I'll take this turd.

>> No.2848792

I want to draw but I'm too scared that I'll do a bad job. How do I get over this crippling fear of drawing?

>> No.2848794

by drawing

>> No.2848807

>scared of doing a bad job
>crippling fear
Shit man, maybe sign up for counseling sessions to work on that PTSD?

>> No.2848823

By not caring about the result. Allow yourself to make mistakes. You dont have a reputation to live up to.

>> No.2848831
File: 160 KB, 566x422, HELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2848857

He better draw good or I'll fucking break his jaw

>> No.2848863

i was always so jealous that he got to fuck that russian chick.

>> No.2848866
File: 451 KB, 1014x715, re3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are my biggest noob errors in construction please?

>> No.2848868
File: 109 KB, 825x563, 153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would push it further to be more accurate, but going to call it done for now.

>> No.2848900
File: 219 KB, 1000x1478, wip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a major WIP.... 1/3

Fine details are very difficult on small scale, and errors are amplified significantly.

I can't keep a point sharp enough to distinguish the features.

Just basic construction. No references this time.

>> No.2848902
File: 383 KB, 1000x1528, wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2848904
File: 243 KB, 1000x1462, wip3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Still a major WIP... Stuck, taking a break.

About 40 minutes in.

Slow going. Not good at this yet.

Input appreciated.

I need to do many many more of these.

And a harder pencil.

>> No.2848906


The fucked up eye on the right is the light reflecting off the graphite...

>> No.2848987
File: 50 KB, 465x747, IMG_20170206_191751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I tried and it's a fucking turd and I hate myself for trying. Holy shit I can't stop symbol drawing, spent a shitty hour learning nothing

>> No.2848988

Try two more hours

>> No.2848990

2 more hours of drawing other shit, or 2 hours polishing that turd?

>> No.2848993


>> No.2849011

dont polish, he's trolling you.
if you really want to do it properly. do an hour of loomis head construction, a few minutes each.
then try some more heads from reference, 10 mins each.

>> No.2849047
File: 162 KB, 960x649, exercise_dissection4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of struggle to see the benefit of this particular exercise.

>> No.2849048

Loomis is too advanced for me. I can't draw good enough circles and my bloops or whatever they're called are awful. Should I do KtD first?

>> No.2849053

You should fix your one drawing. Quality over quantity. 100 hours spent on drawing is better than 100 hour spent on 100 drawings.

>> No.2849062

this is fucking awful advice. stop trolling the beginners, they might not understand you are joking.

idk what bloops mean, KTD is a fine read. use a compass if you need to for now. you should be able to do loomis heads before portraits.

>> No.2849085

I remember you from last thread. Where are your new and varied head drawings, anon?

Or did you not want to improve?

>> No.2849087

I'm not sure if your paper is just super thicc or your scanner is amazing.

>> No.2849097

>skin has impurities that don't allow for smooth rendering
How the hell am I suppose to do this then? Do I need to go in and put them myself or just leave it smooth?

>> No.2849105

You can do whatever the fuck you want, it's your drawing.

>> No.2849107

Are there are no fucking rules to this?

>> No.2849110

As long as you're happy with what you've made, no, it's fucking art you dumbass.
Unless you're going for hyper realism or something.

>> No.2849115
File: 74 KB, 552x845, IMG_20170206_194455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i polished it for another hour. what now? more polishing?

>> No.2849120

Good, you catch on quick. Keep at it.

>> No.2849135

I thought /ic/ wanted you to go full blown hyper realism all the time, every time or else you won't learn.

>> No.2849141

how much time am I supposed to be spending studying/drawing a single model? I'm going through the line of action site doing ten minute exercises, but when I try to go through the whole process of measuring, gesture, construction, and then modeling planes, I run out of time, get anxious, and then it comes out like shit

>> No.2849145

As much time as it takes for it to not come out like shit. Quality over quantity.

>> No.2849155

fucking end yourself.
dont bring that shit here.
there are honest beginners who honestly want to work hard and improve. this isnt the place for your infantile games

>> No.2849156

Hyper realism is unnecessary, as long as you can show a good understanding of form and light in your studies you're good enough to leave this place and start pursuing whatever appeals to your tastes.
For example, your aim could be being able to draw something similar the image on the right in >>2848868 and that would be perfectly acceptable.

>> No.2849160

Also, it's a fucking study m8, just focus on what you're trying to learn.

>> No.2849166

Isnt this that one hot chick from misfits?

>> No.2849170

whoa, not even him, but this seems like a huge overreaction. What did he even say that was so terrible?

>> No.2849174

Don't use a "foliage" brush. It's so fuckin notacble. Study some landscape painting.

>> No.2849177


Warning, I'm a beginner too, but I'm happy with my rate of progress and I'm not stuck in a rut yet.

Start small, both in scope and scale.

I started with 20-minute drawings. Study them hard, find your mistakes, move on.

When you can't finish in your allotted time anymore, double it and keep working.

Don't spend hours polishing turds to a mirror sheen.

Depends on what you want to draw.

20, 40, 90 is enough for my stylized cartoon shit, but you might need less or more depending on what you're chasing.

I picked my initial 20-minute limit by timing a scibbly drawing straight out of a tutorial to 80% completion.

>> No.2849183

That shoulder is way dislocated, the backpack straps look like they cut into her armpits. The legs are ok but that torso/hip is super elongated.

Also those arms are way to fat to be hers.

On the bright side... I can tell it's a women!

>> No.2849237
File: 46 KB, 437x752, IMG_20170206_212335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried still life drawing of a vase. I'm not sure how to render something clear though, any tips?

>> No.2849243


Fair, thanks. I see it.

Trouble with the shoulder is it moves with the arm...along some sort of arc... and I don't know how to locate it properly. I pushed both of them out too far...? I think....? The arms ended up huge but shrinking any dimension makes them look... Wrong... Which means they don't attach in the right place... I think...

They're not backpack straps, they're the straps for the unfinished shoulder holster there... Which would be clear... If I had actually finished it. Still, the top edges are not right...

>> No.2849246





>> No.2849249
File: 48 KB, 490x490, 1466113220497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2849262

Shade the glossy texture of the vase and use a kneaded eraser for the highlight to make it more 3D.

>> No.2849286
File: 76 KB, 373x983, IMG_20170206_221353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.2849289

Not close.

>> No.2849295
File: 544 KB, 687x573, head4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how horrifying

>> No.2849301
File: 209 KB, 980x735, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2849302

how horrifying it is not to read the sticky

>> No.2849304

Your figure drawing is pretty good looking but those portraits are fucking disgusting

>> No.2849307


>> No.2849317
File: 152 KB, 1000x1414, 1486439034301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some quick sketches.

>> No.2849320

Beginners shouldn't be doing quick sketches and posting them. Quality over quantity.

>> No.2849328


>> No.2849330

is there a good building/vehicle database?

>> No.2849331

>quick sketches

>> No.2849334

they took ten min each anon the skull is there it's just very bad

>> No.2849337

>Ten mins on those POSs

You're rushing too much, do some studies instead of wasting time drawing ugly shit.

>> No.2849341

what he needs to do is loomis

>> No.2849342

The top half of her body looks like its about to break off from the bottom half, pay attention to center of balance when constructing

>> No.2849349

>tfw you're literally too retarded to learn how to use Photoshop

>> No.2849350

Yeah I was like that a week ago too anon, then I hovered over all the tools and now I know which one is the brush. I even know the shortcut for brush. And I all use is the brush. But before that I had to google how to use photoshop, took me like ten minutes. If you don't know, google.

>> No.2849355

Is there anything I need to know before attempting a color study?

If not, I'm just going to eye it and maybe color pick when I really need to.

>> No.2849365

First you must be able to accurately draw in gray scale.

>> No.2849369

Define "accurately"

>> No.2849371

You can pick the right values

>> No.2849372
File: 89 KB, 706x998, 1486440544746(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Loomis and it's been helping my proportions, but do these look right?

>> No.2849377

Holy fuck this sucks, you need some Keys to Drawing before jumping to Loomis m8.

>> No.2849378

I'm impressed you've already found your style anon. I never fail to know it's you because of your lines. Those do not look right, but you're close enough, so who cares. Close Loomis and get to drawing figures. There's no time to be comfort zoning for weeks, get to the real stuff.

>> No.2849382

Thanks for the reply Anon. I'll start figure drawing right away.

>> No.2849383

Depends on the lighting. So probably? How does that relate to color anyways?

>> No.2849393

its flat and the proportions are bollocks. keep at it though, nice lines, its a good start

>> No.2849395
File: 2.43 MB, 4160x2340, 20170206_214504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good infographics/reference materials on drawing realistic faces?

>> No.2849396
File: 278 KB, 1600x1200, 1485241409813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for the silliest question ever, but it's been awhile since i've last used photoshop, and it seems I was using a brush I liked a lot but I don't remember which one it was

When I right click with the brush it shows the list of my brushes but it doesn't highlight the one I'm using

How can I tell which one from the list is the one I'm using?

>> No.2849398

The sticky has a whole section on references. Check it out. Also, looking at youtube and tutorials. There's tons of them, just look for them. Looking at life is good too. Use a mirror and do your own face. The most important part to getting a face to look real is the eyes. They capture the essence of a person's face.

>> No.2849402

The brush likely has a texture and shape, just match it up, anon. How hard can that be?

>> No.2849403

Thanks mate.

>> No.2849406

there's this book called 'drawing on the right side of the brain'

>> No.2849408

This book is really good, the author supplies an example in the beginning in which normal people were taught how to draw a good portrait within 3 days by going through her workshop and learning how to draw.

>> No.2849415
File: 125 KB, 640x941, IMG_1409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick little sketch. https://youtu.be/WFx7VqYuGhc
>tfw Shia has lost his fucking mind
>arrested for attacking someone who supports him

>> No.2849467

hmm, just for uhh, sciences sake, is the one from the last beginner thread in the good or bad category?

>> No.2849472

that just represents "beginner effort"

>> No.2849479

you would be great at sketching for the police.

>> No.2849486
File: 105 KB, 407x493, ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long after you stopped doing anime and tried realism did you realize that you were never going to make it?

Pic related.

>> No.2849491

please dont ever draw spaghetti scribbles for hair. lol. also learn about asaro heads it will help u

try it out and see if you benefit. it's to be able to draw freeform/distinguish between interior and exterior and draw along the contours/indicate texture and materials along the contours. im pretty sure its about drawing through a basic shape which a lot of people seriously lack

you are symbol drawing like crazy, lol . do you think that features lay flat on the face? have you ever seen a face look like that? you're drawing a circle, not a sphere for your construction, try drawing basic shapes and stuff just to get a sense of how volumes work

>> No.2849493
File: 55 KB, 1534x532, 154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2849494

I recommend you move on from still lifes and start doing value studies of actual things like people, vehicles, etc.

>> No.2849498

Make sure you've got your brush window open so you can hover your cursor over the different brush options and you can read their names. You can also go to your preset manager to your brushes then reorder them. I only use 5 brushes because it's too hard to remember all of them and I'm still getting used to PS myself.

Is that Denise Milani btw? I used to love her, I have yellow fever these days though.

>> No.2849502

I alternate drawing both.

>> No.2849504

Thank you, this was going to be my last basic form study before going to more complex things. I was really aiming for darker values because I kept lacking those in previous attempts.

Thanks to the anon that recommended I learn about ambient occlusion, it helped a lot and made organizing values really easy.

>> No.2849506

Like a minute after I tried to draw anime using realism principles and realized they're completely different and you have to go study stylization.

>> No.2849508

>Thanks to the anon that recommended I learn about ambient occlusion, it helped a lot and made organizing values really easy.
What did you learn?

>> No.2849512

To keep midtones on a separate layer from the darker values. It was a headache trying to juggle both, because I would lay in a dark then mess it up and make it lighter/ruin the edge to the shadow shape and had to keep refining. When on separate layers they are much less of a hassle to deal with, they were a lot less time consuming this time because of it.

>> No.2849518

I think it was a good effort. Needs work obviously but isn't a joke picture.

>> No.2849538

Anyone got some tips for keeping proportions when painting? When I block it, it always feels too big, but other wise it will feel too small if I decrease my brush size. Should I just leave it small because maybe my eyes are messing with me?

>> No.2849542

Oh! I'll do them today; thanks for reminding me to go in that direction

>> No.2849545

Scanner is amazing

>> No.2849546

I'm having a mental breakdown trying to make a good enough circle for a Loomis head. Why am I so retarded?

>> No.2849547

Stay zoomed out and look at your navigator from time to time, make sure to flip your canvas once you feel you're used to the image and don't forget to measure the body in head units. Always have references, too, but that pretty much goes without saying. Are you constructing the body with lines or are you going in starting with brush strokes? The latter is more for someone very experienced with a good foundation.

>> No.2849548

It's not you, it's Loomis. I got stuck at that dumb draw a circle shit too. Fuck it and go actually draw from photos. Fuck Loomis.

>> No.2849549

>Lol im litterally going CRAzy trying to draw a circle :3...XD why is art so HARD?! >.<;---------

just draw a circle it doesn't matter. If you're feeling to insecure, use a compass

>> No.2849550

Just practice straight lines in different directions to strengthen your drawing muscles and then curve the lines then try again.

Helps if you lock your wrist and move your arm to draw, wrist drawing is only for writing and details.

>> No.2849551

it doesn't need to be perfect, he states so in his books. You can get a compass or trace a bottle cap if you're too OCD about it. I personally draw the circle then refine it until it's good enough if I didn't get it right the first time. I draw with my shoulder btw.

>> No.2849555

I do a general outline then block in. It's just quicker to block in after that point.

>> No.2849586
File: 208 KB, 750x963, 07022017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if I should post this in the sketchbook thread. I didn't really do any studies today. Just doodled and drew from imagination. I think my head construction is getting better though. What do you guys think?

>> No.2849590

Definitely better. Keep going at it.

>> No.2849610
File: 653 KB, 826x589, arms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think i get it

>> No.2849611

i dont really have a lot of experience mixing skin colors with goauche. is it worth going forward with this one? there either too much orange or too much red as is

>> No.2849612
File: 116 KB, 1055x757, 0207170042-1-1055x757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.2849613

Keep going, keep refining. Push as far as you can. It's not like you can't recover.

>> No.2849617

ok ill do that then thanks

>> No.2849619 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 681x908, IMG_4941[404].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im studying with vilppu videos but i need much more anatomy knowledge yet
im open to advice bros

>> No.2849620

Holy shit, how are you so good? Teach me your ways senpai.

>> No.2849640

This shit here is why I don't share my art.
I'm far too scared of the bullying that will come when I post it.

>> No.2849641
File: 162 KB, 681x908, IMG_4941[404].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advice, bros? :c

>> No.2849642
File: 53 KB, 728x843, 1481434084395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you admitting that you're afraid of critique?

I was in that thread. Not only is he an outlier of what it means to be a beginner, but people actually helped him since it didn't seem that he was messing around or baiting. Some guy even redlined him and explained why measuring is important. No matter what skill level you are, you're always going to be able to improve. Are you against improvement? Are you a terrorist? The people poking fun are probably /beg/ as well so why not say fuck it and piss into a sea of piss?

At the end of the day you'll be forgotten until you post something else anyway.

>> No.2849650

>Are you admitting that you're afraid of critique?
Yes. How do I get over this?

>> No.2849651

By posting your work and getting it called shit and accepting that's the truth.

>> No.2849653
File: 386 KB, 2560x1920, q8zafZ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's the composition?

>> No.2849654


>> No.2849656


>> No.2849657
File: 60 KB, 526x960, draw_character_suicide_squad_oc__new_generation__by_hinata1232-day6p1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wanna go down the path of improvement or go down this path while people tell you you're so le talented

>> No.2849663
File: 253 KB, 549x800, loonis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I Loomis yet?

>> No.2849669

Much more creative than when I was doing Loomis

>> No.2849675
File: 30 KB, 320x240, 1472557920870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Those noses tho! Keep at it!

I like you, kid!

>> No.2849689
File: 630 KB, 1000x895, tmp_20325-_20170207_112309607753383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrightfriends. This is my first post in /ic/
Tell me what ya think. Drapery is so hard to draw. Any tips?

>> No.2849690
File: 1.20 MB, 1271x7339, 1460607043043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not much to critique since it's pretty bottom of the barrel. Literally everything is symbol drawn, but that's to be expected. Since you're on day 1 drapery shouldn't even be at the top of your list.

I'm not sure how seriously you take art, but in any case, the way to go from here is to give the sticky a read and absorb what it tells you. After doing that and giving things like Keys to Drawing (or possibly Drawabox) a go-through, you'll really know if drawing is what you want to do or not. The art grind is hellish and unforgiving at times, so there's no better time to get started than now. Godspeed.

>> No.2849694

fucking niggers, tell me its shit

>> No.2849701

I don't share my art cause I know it's crap

>> No.2849702

not /beg/

>> No.2849703

Your drawing's shit but your smiles made me feel good

>> No.2849704

Above the wing the composition is fine, below it it feels like you were just desperate to fill it. Did you do the bottom side second?

>> No.2849709
File: 443 KB, 799x557, dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't possibly be worse than me anon

>> No.2849716

Please remember to eat healthy and diversively to help you concentrate on your studies!

>> No.2849717

lower your eyes in general so that the noses are shorter and the forehead is taller

>> No.2849721
File: 236 KB, 720x1280, desenho8anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first OC

>> No.2849730

i know everyone is hating on you but I am a big fan of your art and legitimately believe the others are simply not at a level to grasp your skill.

I im not saying this ironically either. Just keep going I legitimately believe theres is a breakthrough very close to your reach.

>> No.2849731

It looks like a wet suit sticking to his skin, think about the thickness and material of your armor. Draw even what you don't see, in exemple draw the full ellipse for is collar so that you will note it's not possible. Same for almost all your ellipses.
Trim this cowlick which is not battle friendly.

>> No.2849766
File: 205 KB, 1608x1000, ygritte-1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when I've gotten worse

>> No.2849772

You haven't gotten worse, you just never stopped symbol drawing.

Practice drawing and shading 3D forms at many angles (sphere, cone, cylinder, cubes). After that you really need to start thinking of everything you draw that way. Your work will improve.

>> No.2849774
File: 285 KB, 574x900, part2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More loomis.
Holy shit there's a jump in the difficulty when he get's more realistic/into more detailed construction,

>> No.2849776
File: 144 KB, 809x900, part 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2849780

i think you've done enough to move on

>> No.2849790
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1600, Tenty face 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall got any more of those uhhhhhh... Crits

>> No.2849801


>> No.2849803
File: 3.44 MB, 4032x3024, 20170207_053120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on anatomy and dynamic gesture. What do you think?

>> No.2849805
File: 524 KB, 1000x458, tmp_4258-Milarepa_case_study-354725862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it
You are right I was symbol drawing. I read your pic and then started drawing pic related.
I feel like I fucked up the anatomy, but overall feels good. I also used my imagination on some parts.
Haha yhea man. I got that photo as a desktop wallpaper and their smiles was the main reason I wanted to draw them.
I think the mouths was actually the best parts of that drawing. Not because it looks good or is accurate at all, but because it looks so silly that it makes me burst out in laughter and become happy.

I am considering giving pic related to my Guru as a present(he is a Tibetan monk); good or bad idea?

>> No.2849808

it's the effort that counts at the end of the day

>> No.2849834

Is learning to draw on a tablet instead of on paper acceptable, or are there significant drawbacks to doing so?

>> No.2849835

Your main mistake with those heads is the direction of the brow line isn't aligned with the direction the jaw is pointing at, take the sketch in the middle as an example, the brow line is tilted slightly upwards while the jaw is pointing downwards, that's why your faces look so long.

>> No.2849837

I think that you shouldn't be working on those.
Try learning to draw a straight line first. Then you might be ready to learn how to draw a sphere and a box. You might think it's dumb, but really, progressing slowly is faster.

>> No.2849841

is it just my photoshop or is anyone else getting "not genuine" message all of a sudden? It's been happening to me for the past few days and now today I've been getting deliberate watermarks pasted to the image and color changes to the strokes every time the message comes up every 10 mins or so. I thought I blocked Adojew in my hosts but it seems they figured a way to get past it or something? If this keeps happening I actually have to hand them over my credit card.

>> No.2849852

You should give him the pic of the smiling dudes

>> No.2849872

Just pay them, you sound rich.

>> No.2849876

How do I get better at drawing with line instead of with rendering? It pains me to not be able to draw as well as I render.

>> No.2849877


$2k/month isn't rich, anon. Then again I live with mommy so I only have to pay 22% of my check to rent and no other responsibilities.

>> No.2849878

no, first actually, i'm that bad

>> No.2850049

>Doing keys
>Having a hard time understanding measuring with a pencil.

How can i stop being Retarded? I feel like i gotta start from the start of the chapter in order to get it.

>> No.2850071

Art can be so shit it doesn't even merit a crit. I'll just give you the ol', "learn http://is2.4chan.org/ic/1486442269927.jpgto stop symbol drawing and read Loomis."

>> No.2850161

i'll get on it!

>> No.2850172

I have the opposite problem, I have ok line drawings but I can't block in or render for shit always end up with an overblurry mess.

>> No.2850180
File: 159 KB, 701x991, 1485217363541(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any problems that stand out in this one?

>> No.2850192
File: 56 KB, 640x480, choking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look alright

>> No.2850193
File: 184 KB, 426x426, grip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand is symbol drawn.

>> No.2850208
File: 1.28 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than how I started, just eh, don't be like me and make sure to study other things than cartooning ugly guys

>> No.2850216

That's a great face dude!

>> No.2850225

just don't put your name in the pic, your anonymous, why even care?

>> No.2850239

How do I get over my drawing block? I can't decide what I want to draw, so I've been sitting here staring at the page for an hour.

>> No.2850249

Have you done loomis?

>> No.2850262

I tried fun with a pencil but it wasn't very fun so I assumed it was too advanced for me. should I try again?

>> No.2850265

well, you might wanna try keys to drawing. And you should try again, like Loomis says, to start you only need to know how to draw a lopsided circle.

>> No.2850267

>I can't decide what I want to draw

If in doubt, the answer is always "cute anime girls". This should be your main motivation, source of inspiration, and end goal.

>> No.2850271
File: 355 KB, 741x743, pj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to move towards Chris Bourassa's art style, one picture at a time. What do you think, is this the right approach? I started drawing this year, so I know there's a lot to improve. But I hope at least the direction is right.

>> No.2850273
File: 259 KB, 760x570, HERE IN MY TRASH CAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute anime girls

>> No.2850277

Yes good

>> No.2850280

What can I draw on my break at work that won't embarrass me if my coworkers see?

>> No.2850281

Whatever you see around you

>> No.2850284


see >>2850267

>> No.2850304

nice bait

>> No.2850306

>get tablet
>suddenly can barely draw straight lines any more

holy HECK

How long does it take to adapt to this new way of drawing? Drawing in one place and having the picture somewhere else is pretty wacky.

>> No.2850309

Takes like a day, maybe a week if you're slow.

>> No.2850317
File: 261 KB, 1000x800, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this shit anons? I tried experimenting with photoshop and painting but the a lot of people gave it a 0.

>> No.2850332

either you are baiting or you genuinely are attempting to draw like kron
not sure which is worse tbqhfamalam
kron is never a good starting point

>> No.2850334
File: 124 KB, 661x935, 1486503428857(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw this together as proportion practice, thoughts?

>> No.2850335

Better than what I can do, but I know I've got you beat in realism. mind explaining your process?

>> No.2850340

It's pretty good, nowhere near a 0, more like a 7.5, you just need to learn head proporsions (the face is ok but the rest of the head is not accurate at all) and how to draw hair properly.

>> No.2850342

What kind of photoshop brush is that?

>> No.2850346

I'd argue drawabox is one of the most underated drawing guides online today.

Its a mixture of peter han, scott Robertson, and some other stuff he learned at CDA.

He may not be the best artist. But his shit works.

>> No.2850347
File: 344 KB, 500x283, 1481250779732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again, the left eye is also bigger than the right eye which is incorrect if following that perspective.

>> No.2850352

Where do you suggest I start then? I do like baiting but not when it comes to art.
Sure, I sketch out an anime-ish girly head, (learned this from Ahmed's tutorials.) I turn that layer's opacity down to like.. 20 percent. Next I sketch some line art over and add color layers beneath that one. When painting I use a lot of the pre-made brushes because I don't know how to use my own. Mess with the levels and other tools photoshop uses and it's done.
I honestly have have no clue how to digitally paint hair.
A lot of pre-made ones that comes with the program, I don't know them by name, just pick out ones that look neat.

>> No.2850356

sorry for bad english, I'm Russian.

>> No.2850357

Did a young Illya get sent into the future?

>> No.2850368

I don't understand the reference. Isn't that a manga?

>> No.2850372

Hey fellas. I've been doing a lot of practice on 3d shapes and I think I have the general gist of them to the point of moving them around in 3d space and whatnot. I think I'm ready to start applying value to my shapes and take the next step. I've been following drawabox.com so most of my exercises are with pens.

TL;DR - Should I use pencils to study value or can I study it with ink? Are they seperate techniques or if I learn one I learn for both mediums?

Thanks for the help!

>> No.2850373

I love you fro trying. Keep at it.

>> No.2850375


Separate technique. Same concept.

>> No.2850405
File: 450 KB, 2912x1400, aaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I engage weeaboo mode yet?

I want to learn just enough basics to be able to draw acceptable animu grills

>> No.2850410
File: 58 KB, 600x737, HELP ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to learn just enough basics to be able to draw acceptable animu grills
>I want to learn how to walk just enough so I can break my legs

>> No.2850420
File: 163 KB, 580x516, Seay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't do many of them today, but I will do more tomorrow. I'm applying my studies to females now, too.

Skills of studying from life are very lacking; I manage to reduce the complexity on the face too much and it looks very, very strange. One of these is referenced from this thread; if you can tell who it is: I might be able to recognise that my job was done semi-successfully.

>> No.2850421


I see what you guys mean. Thank you.

>> No.2850470 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1944x1944, IMG_20170207_171412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just discovered this board existed today and I'm really happy. What did i fuck up here

>> No.2850473

What were you trying to do? Like: were you trying to improve your sketchbook flow?

What I can tell you is that you should hatch directional, as if an object was moving across all of the shadows. It will support the form and make it look 3d.

>> No.2850474 [DELETED] 

Thats somethibg that I've been strugling with in most of my work, I'll try it out on my next piece and see how it turns out

>> No.2850475

>What did i fuck up here
being here

>> No.2850483

I would like to know what people think about the facial structure

>> No.2850490


you seem like a nice enough guy

leave /ic/ before your fee fees get hurt, trust me

>> No.2850491

Yes, go for it.

>> No.2850543
File: 668 KB, 890x1173, 20170207_191803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to render with pencil is annoying

>> No.2850546

What the fuck? So good.

>> No.2850548

Nah it's always blurry in the beginning, all you got to do is make finer transitions between your edges.

>> No.2850549
File: 201 KB, 1080x1080, noname2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally took the time to implement some anons advice, rather than trying to eye everything i slowed down to do some construction work before going to do the actual drawing.

I didn't plan it as well as i had hoped and had to do a lot of improvising to fix it though. them hands are mega fucked however.

>> No.2850553

Slowed down? You call this slowed down? This is better than anything I can draw.

>> No.2850556

Mind sharing your process?

What exactly do you mean by construction work?

>> No.2850561

I was going to insult you for drawing her eyes pointing in different directions, but then I looked at the reference.

>> No.2850566
File: 255 KB, 1080x1080, nonameC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have attention span issues and often i have a hard time slowing down long enough to do things properly.

Often i just draw the eyes or something and draw the rest of the picture around that. I'm ass backwards majority of the time.

>Pic related

Like i said i slowed down this time often i just do lazy half assed stuff every time and it produces weird results. But this is what i did this time
>Draw circle
>line through at 1/3rd from bottom
>Draw line along the side of the ball to the top and mark that off with line across
>Look at distance between top of the ball where i marked off and the first line i put down
>Make a line at the bottom now so the first line i drew is now roughly in the middle
>If angled enough draw a line looping down from the top of the skull down to the jaw
>mark off nose at half way on bottom half
>Mouth somewhere in between beneath the nose and the bottom line
>Draw nose in structured manner
>Draw eyes in place
>Block off the rest of it so it has form
>Make corrections as i go along

>> No.2850569
File: 2.34 MB, 4961x7016, Did i do good co.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this kind of drawing be considered a beginner because I was never trained?

>> No.2850570

You can be a beginner if you want anon! There's no need to be shy.

>> No.2850572
File: 329 KB, 720x1280, Sketch72114726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this what level am I /ic/?

>> No.2850574

Honestly you're better than most people in this thread.

>> No.2850578

Please tell me what I need to work on I want to created a manga but I dont think im good enough yet.

>> No.2850581

You are good enough to do manga, just go for it.

>> No.2850585

Practice some gestures to make more interesting poses.

>> No.2850586

Can i just take a picture of my self and use those instead?

>> No.2850588

No, you must understand the gestures, don't half ass it, anon.

>> No.2850590

Thanks buddy will use.

>> No.2850591


You can use this to practice, try to draw something like 10x30secs, 10x1min and 10x2mins a day and you'll eventually begin to understand how poses work, and your drawings will look noticeably more interesting.

>> No.2850595

Crazy what you observe when you try to get over symbol drawing

>> No.2850596

Also thanks.

>> No.2850597

>Reading through fun with a pencil.
>Having an easy time with the head constructions.
>Get to the part where he starts drawing realistic heads.
>Pulls out incredibly nice looking portraits while giving you some quick explanation on construction.
>Feel like I'm fucking retarded for not getting it.
>"That was easy wasn't it?"
>Let's now put it on a body

So yeah, now I'm grinding heads trying to reach a semi decent level on it before moving on to the body constructions. Is this a good plan or should I just move on and learn it all before doing some serious grinding?

>> No.2850603
File: 244 KB, 517x468, itjbIpB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see this before. Thanks for your kind words, Anon.

>> No.2850605
File: 78 KB, 1000x428, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're discussing figure drawings can somebody help me "feel it"?

I've seen Vilppu and Proko's videos in the past but no matter how often I've tried I can never feel the rhythm of the body in the 30 seconds ones, I do better with longer times but that's because I kinda cheat and do light constructing.

People hunched over in a kinda C shape is easier for me but anything with people standing I just can't find the places to start with the line.

>> No.2850607

Yeah, I think when you look past the bridge of your nose one eye just goes "Nothing to see over there, I'm not turning any more!"
It seems weird but there you go.

>> No.2850608

Try drawing on paper.

>> No.2850610

Grind now I suggest, at least for a little while. You need to somewhat be able to construct a simpler object before constructing a more difficult object, and the human body is harder than just the head.

>> No.2850612

if you want to draw faces realistically, you'll have to do studies of each individual facial feature, you should look up "Proko nose," "Proko eye," etc. on youtube. Then you need to learn proportion to learn where to place the facial features "Huston head construction" on youtube for this. Even then, you'd need to study the skull to make sure you learn why the jaw and cheeks, for example, look the way they do. Sounds complex, but all you need to do is be positive and keep practicing and you'll get it all eventually.

>> No.2850633

>Muh fine arts

>> No.2850653
File: 115 KB, 1062x800, mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have found some websites full of art models.

What should i be concentrating on when drawing them?

Should I draw in pen and try to avoid chicken scathing or is pencil fine?

Should i Be aiming for gesture over likeness?

What else should I consider to get the most out of this?

>> No.2850655

Hey thats pretty good advice thanks anon

>> No.2850656

depends on your goal

>> No.2850658

the bat is too small

the arm holding the bat should be flexing out, try making the same pose as her while holding an imaginary bat, you'll understand what im saying.

the cap isn't correctly placed and looks too small for her head

hope it helps.

>> No.2850660

jezza, havent seen you in a while mate. are you still here?

>> No.2850672

>evaluate work
>either become highly arrogant or insanely depressed depending on the quality, both of those states hinder progress.

do i just not evaluate my work given that im clearly an emotional invalid

>> No.2850676

Self-analysis is critical to improving

stop letting your shitty little ego get in the way and understand that you need to appreciate what you excelled at and your faults and improve on the next drawing

>> No.2850684
File: 275 KB, 1912x1084, How intofur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys how into fur, halp

>> No.2850689

i think my problem is that i've never really drawn a proper piece. i've been only grinding exercises and training for the past 6 months. yesterday i tried a creative project and experienced what i mentioned in the post above. not sure how to proceed. i dont think its viable to attempt projects with any semblance of completion without using digital. however im not sure im at the stage where im good enough to move to digital yet. so i decided to complain on /beg/.

>> No.2850695


>You can't be good good without being arrogant?
>You can't be bad and humble

>> No.2850709
File: 81 KB, 671x949, 1486524088634(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried drawing realism as /ic/ suggested, it still looks stylized. Any tips?

>> No.2850712
File: 600 KB, 1280x1723, tumblr_nltz4k4JBQ1qctyjdo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference used.

>> No.2850719

go learn loomis and stop the symbols before you do that though

>> No.2850725


It looks stylized because you don't know how to observe properly while drawing. You've invented shapes that you think accurately represent what you're seeing instead of visually measuring and copying the shapes as they exist.

Work through Keys to Drawing

>> No.2850748


jej did you use a circle tool for the iris?

You're symbol drawing, instead of drawing what you see you're drawing representations of what you see. You haven't constructed her face properly either, did you construct at all?

>> No.2850759


You've been training for 6 months, I can guarantee everything you do is fairly shitty and that's fine. Drop the ego, it's what causes most 'artists' to flounder and end up in the cringe threads. You don't need to use digital at all, you're looking for a mental crutch because you've put too much of your ego into your work.

Just fucking chill out. It's fine if you suck, it's perfectly natural. If every single piece you do is this huge emotional conflict you will never get anywhere. You need to just plow into the work and realize how transient each effort is. Don't worry about making some great finished piece of art. Just push yourself to do something, see where it goes, and move on when you stop getting returns from it. Post your art for critique, and don't be a big baby. At this point the skills you're developing are the focus, not what you end up with. Worry about how bad your work is when you need to sell it, for now as long as you're pushing yourself to grow and learn that's what counts.

>> No.2850772


Good advice, Anon. One's gotta leave the ego at the door before stepping into the drawing room.

>> No.2850795



>> No.2850800
File: 52 KB, 369x1061, 1-E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on project 1-E of Keys to Drawing and I still can't stop symbol drawing.
Send help.

>> No.2850804


I've always like pen because as based peter Han said. "with ink you cannot hide your mistakes. It shows them to us and allows us to fix them."

>> No.2850806


Put the reference upside down and draw it

>> No.2850810


The most important thing is that you have strong rendering of the form as a base. Don't worry about fur or texture until you've got the whole range of values nicely rendered out on a single layer. Smooth and hard edges where you need them. Use a hard round brush and keep opacity maxed out. The way you have this, there isn't much to the rendering, it's very flat and ambiguous. You need definition and contrast to make the basic visual read well. The transparency of the strokes is not good, it makes for a muddy, messy visual. I know when you're starting out the first instinct is to make a bunch of strokes because you think it's like putting a bunch of hair on, but it doesn't work that way. Less is definitely more in art, the more simple and direct your process, the more likely your work is to avoid mistakes. You can get into rendering so that it looks like very realistic hair, but I'm sure that's a complicated and time consuming layering process you would need to find specific instruction for. Just study how fur and hair is 'indicated'. Give the impression of fur by simplifying the effect light has on it, and indicate it more realistically in areas where the shape of the fur is more clearly defined.

>> No.2850819
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since I got back to practicing and I really have gotten rusty but hopefully I can find time to get back to it

>> No.2850821

dude wtf have you ever looked at an animal before. do you really think you can just slap down fur brushes and it will look okay? NO, fur is directional and has volume to it. start by trying to draw the shadows out and bunch the fur together, also your value and drawing are wack. please add a wide range of values to the nose, the inside of the ear, underneath the head, the eye is not reflective at all either and the pure black surrounding it really flattens it. honestly it was a good attempt but there's tons of issues and maybe you should focus on drawing rather than trying to render.

>> No.2850826


Slow down and draw what you see. Slow way the fuck down. Take a few cracks at it, try and see where you got it right or wrong on each attempt. Something really important is just getting clean strokes. I know it's tough at the start, but even if your lines end up a little wobbly, try not to make a big mess of them. Line it up, ghost over it without touching the paper, try to get the motion, use your shoulder, and give it one light stroke. Erase it if you mess up. Don't worry about text and small details on the label right now because that's always a pain in the ass. Just get the general shapes and forms of the bottle. Try drawing through the form too, see if you can get those cylindrical shapes in there. It might be tough to do the ellipses because you're still learning to do strokes, but it's good practice.

Try the peter han stuff too, the dynamic drawing stuff where you practice lines and ellipses.

If it makes you feel better the first time I did that exercise was a trainwreck.

>> No.2850828


Thank you very much for your time Anons, I am going to follow your advice and get better proper form and values before going into texture.

>> No.2850886

Thanks for the help, I've been kinda lazy as of late and I really want to break out of that. Seriously, it does mean a lot that you are responding. Thank you.

>> No.2850887



