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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 149 KB, 568x1268, 1486353581902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2847599 No.2847599 [Reply] [Original]

Artist showdown.

>> No.2847602
File: 699 KB, 457x825, q_sycrafied_by_sycra-da3iwxs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2847611

Do you realize Sycra has over a decade of drawing with tutors and all the jazz.

Firez started on 2013 at 27/28, all by himself and barely has any time to draw, on top of living in a shithole

>> No.2847615

If I had to choose between them and kill one, I'd kill Sycra and put him out of his fucking misery.

>> No.2847625

Where is he from?

>> No.2847626

I'm not asking who's been drawing longer, retard, i'm asking who's better
Again, that's not what I asked. Do you simpletons have trouble answering simple questions

>> No.2847628

fuck off sycra

>> No.2847633

Kill yourself Sycra.

>> No.2847635

scyra is better obv

>> No.2847643

firez just cause his faces don't make me question the artists sanity.

>> No.2847644
File: 1016 KB, 800x1420, plant_based_character_by_firez_da-d9x8hr8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least make a more similar comparison.

>> No.2847647

Is this new? Never seen this from Firez

>> No.2847649


Neither. And this thread sucks.

Your art is shit either way. Dragging internet notables in the mud won't change that.

>> No.2847668
File: 1.81 MB, 400x400, ayy lmao2.0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing hands?
>miss me with that shit

>> No.2847678
File: 37 KB, 298x288, 1464027299081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sycra far better
They're both shit tho so in the end it doesn't matter

>> No.2847684

Honestly, Firez.

>> No.2847702

>that design
>no hands
>that pose
>those muddy colors
>those proportions
how is this good?

>> No.2847732

You haven't seen my art. Is your art shit?

>> No.2847733

Just like in the other pic, missing limbs is something firez does sometimes.

>> No.2847784

because he cant draw anything in perspective

>> No.2847862

As the other anon said I'm not sure this is a proper comparison, Sycra has waaay more experience, he is a pro, etc... That said I'm surprised some people prefer my stuff maybe their opinion comes from a point of appeal and not skill, not saying my stuff has more appeal is just that appeal is way more subjective ofc

Honduras, the only country in America that had a coup d'etat in plein 21st century

From last year, I've been drawing since Nov 2012 so yeah there are some pieces that you will probably have not seen if you only catch up with me here.

Op wasn't me and yes my art is shit, I'm quite tired of saying it

>> No.2847877


Sycra it's a professional, I'm not fan of his artwork, but the big problem about him is the style, looks like he forced himself desperately to have unique look, but ended awful.

>> No.2847885

They're both so far beneath my level that I don't even bother distinguishing between them. In my mind, they're just part of the amalgamation of lesser artists whom I contemptuously regard as, "those lacking The Spark."

>> No.2847910

*constitutional succession

>> No.2847911

post work

>> No.2847951


Firez just because I can sympathize with him and his cause to create some stuff for himself before dying of poverty, he is relatively old fuck like me and just makes nice stuff that was born out of the need to make it.

Sycra on the other hand is mentally ill hack seriously burned-out with the whole thing and he seems to hate painting/drawing despite him saying otherwise.

>> No.2848049
File: 1.27 MB, 1600x900, 7-9-15 edit .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2848053

Kek what is up with all the dunning krugers lately. First that dude who thinks he can sketch better than ruan and now you. Your muddy mess isn't better than firez or sycra. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that that's not your art and you're just shitposting.

>> No.2848068

>advantage F1rez

they both kinda suck though

at least they don't trace like Kr0n

>> No.2848094 [DELETED] 

FIREZ, why the fuck would you call your art shit? I like your art, are you telling me I have shit taste? Before you go around demeaning your work, keep in mind that by doing so, you're also undermining the people who like your stuff.

>> No.2848126

its a year old by reverse bing bing go search posted only on ic.

>> No.2848161

Sycra would be way better if he didn't force his retarded style.

>> No.2848194

Okok lets do a more even match


>> No.2848198

Except we were talking about artists, anon. Well, one artist, sycra doesn't count as one
>Implying he has ever done a good painting
Show me 1 (one) work of his you consider as good, without his retarded style.

>> No.2848201


>> No.2848213

I just realized Firez got a Daily Deviation today. Has he now officially made it?

>> No.2848312

Sorry anon that wasn't my intention, on the contrary thanks a lot for liking my stuff. I always have had a humble approach towards what I do while striving to do my best at that moment, so I don't know why some of these people mean by painting me like I was full of myself.

I thought you were joking, I don't usually check my dA, However I'm a bit disappointed it was that Ygritte piece (it has so many flaws now that I look at it after several months) Heck, the sketches I did of Sansa hold much better to this day.

We are going to make it bro <3

>> No.2848322

Look an other
>i haveno presentable work so i just meme about other, actualy productive artists

>> No.2848327


Sycra is such a talented artist yet he insists on intentionally drawing like shit for the sake of "style"

>> No.2848328


That design is cancer

>> No.2848337

Forgot to address this, the thing is that no matter how you call it, objectively it caused a lot of damage to the country even to this day, I agree that letting Mel continue would have made us Venezuela II but that's why there is a due process to remove a President, unfortunately no one involved cared about it.

It's like you can't read or you just like to repeat yourself

>> No.2848394

>Sycra is such a talented artist

Talented at what specifically? Not even trying to talk shit about the guy, he's competent and better than 69.3% of /ic/, but I don't see anything in his art that stands out even when ignoring his ugly stylistic choices.

>> No.2848433

that's ic's secret anon. we're always shitposting.

>> No.2848452

>itt people actually think that sycra is good.
>itt there are people that think that sycra's current state after 10 years of trying to git gud is not suicide worthy
>itt a fag from 4chan who has studied 4 years, and is doing musical shit on the side is better than someone who has devoted a decade to improving and has nothing to show for it
>itt dude is too humble to admit he curb stomps a youtube celeb
>itt people call sycra professional without a hint of irony, forgetting the time he crashed and de-railed a stream on youtube from one of his friends by drawing futa porn

I feel a new wave of memes coming on where we compare namefags to shitty youtube celebs. Who here is better than jazza?

>> No.2848454
File: 294 KB, 676x529, 1485540445278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck isn't better than Jazza. It should be, who is better than proko at drawing with no reference. wait, fuck, that's also everyone here. Why are YouTubers so full of lies?

>> No.2848456

The thing is, Firez isn't bad at all and browses /ic/ constantly, and 90% of /ic/ doesn't want to admit that other anons are better than them. So it's better to ironically praise Sycra than to admit Firez has a lot of potential.

>> No.2848474

my only criticism towards you is that you draw too many girls
you need some variety

>> No.2848483 [DELETED] 

Not Firez, but I don't get this whole variety crap. I mean it's one thing to study your fundamentals but if someone likes drawing girls why should they draw subject matters that disinterests them just for the sake of being diverse? That doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.2848484
File: 108 KB, 615x1279, 00206076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's a boring third worlder with no sense or taste who wouldn't shut the fuck up and stop spamming and now everyone knows him for it and berates him the second anyone catches wind of his presence. And he's been known to either samefag or collude with his clique of buddies off site to fuck with the board

That's why anons hate the fuck out of him

>> No.2848488

>Not Firez, but I don't get this whole variety crap.
Just my personal opinion. There can be variety within the same subject.

>> No.2848498

what country is he from actually?

>> No.2848500


>> No.2848506

So I wasn't far from the truth, people criticize him not for his skills, but out of hatred.

>> No.2848657

I've found myself browsing the same websites as FireZ these past couple years because of common interests (although never directly spoke to him) and only ever praised him on /ic/ once and it was a few days ago. He never stroke me as having a lot of friends so I highly doubt he's "bringing his clique to shitpost on /ic/", especially when said so websites were full of fragile SJW girls people who wouldn't put one foot on /ic/ even if paid to.

Looks to me like you're just spouting fallacies, whether you believe in what you're saying or not is a mystery though. Not that it's surprising since /ic/ loves to antagonize anyone showing little promises.

>> No.2848667

When his drawings are good, they're really good, is all. Some of his sketchbooks are really good.

>> No.2848670

What. It's an ugly design. So is the sycra example.

>> No.2848677

Both have no temper. Sycra is not the worst.

>> No.2848683

I've been on /ic/ for a relatively short time but this guy seems to get a ton of hate despite acting completely normal both on the board and social media.

>> No.2849004

I believe it's merely jealousy from inferior artists.

>> No.2849009

>Firez has a lot of potential
wtf does that mean, I was off /ic/ for a year and when I came back he's only slightly better at polishing his turds.

>> No.2849416


You'd understand if you weren't newfags obviously

>> No.2849420


more interesting than the dead, cloudy eyed dolls firez likes to draw so much

>> No.2849423

why does that girl have a disconnected ribcage

>> No.2849424

Because no one pointed it out early enough.

>> No.2849453

This. Drawing rugged middle aged men for a while would do wonders for firez

>> No.2849552

he's actually from Honduras dude, it says right on his tumblr

>> No.2849568

Well, kinda. He did spam more than chunbum for a while
. Which speaks for itself, but he's drastically improved (unlike chunbum). I don't hate firez, but I can see how the sad fucks of /ic/ do!

>> No.2849597

both are mediocre

>> No.2849600

>Artist showdown
Post all the /ic/ artists and rank them, include artwork when necessary to justify ranking

>> No.2849605

What counts as an "/ic/ artist" though

>> No.2849614

someone who at any point in their life posted 1 or more images on /ic/. That way we can continue to claim Tehmeh, Catbib, Mohrbacher, Long and co.

>> No.2849615

Anons who have posted regularly enough to get a nickname or have been bold enough to give themselves a trip

>> No.2849659

Use a dictionary and you'll understand what potential means and why it doesn't mean guaranteed steady improvements.

>> No.2849660

I guess only newfags know how to read the rules of the board.

>> No.2849693

literally kys. do something with your life instead of opening such retarded threads, autismo.

>> No.2849747


he's #1

>> No.2849853


This board's traffic would disappear completely if the rules were taken seriously or enforced

>> No.2849855

Mohrbacher was on /ic/ at one point?

>> No.2849860


known as Dot, if you ever hear anyone talk about Dot it was Mohrbacher

>> No.2849863

thank fucking god. I'm 100% positive a lot of better artists would start posting again.

>> No.2849867

Considering he's a pro in comparison to everyone, I don't know if it's fair.

>> No.2849895 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, the names Matt. Anyway, my goal is to be a professional manga artist, maybe move to japan and created my own animated series. I had this dream since I was a kid but life got in the way. I am now a 32 year old married guy with 2 kids. I also work fulltime. I can manage maybe 1 hour a day drawing maybe 2 hours at night. I'm wondering if it's possible to still become a pro in a few years or if I'm wasting my time. Thanks.

>> No.2849904

hating firez is a meme of this board

>> No.2849905 [DELETED] 

32? You've long passed the golden years. At this point, your neuroplasticity has stiffen to the point where you can only make little to no progress. Moreover, you are unable to put in sufficient job because unlike the rest of us, you have a life. Don't waste your time with art, go back to your normie life, art is for depressed fucks who are boderline suicide.

>> No.2849910

It's possible, but only if you really want it.

>> No.2850000

lol what the fuck is this post

>> No.2852807


why the hell sycra is famous anyway?

sycra is just good at being proactive