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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.58 MB, 2141x5303, we're all gonna make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2825435 No.2825435 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2818429

>> No.2825436

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2825440

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi

Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


>> No.2825456

You're a good man Thready

Keep it up LASsies

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2825457

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.2825486
File: 261 KB, 900x900, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2825501

he's kinda cool...

>> No.2825505

How are you not in this one pepe-san?

>> No.2825507


>> No.2825520
File: 1.30 MB, 425x481, devil pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I though?

>> No.2825522

end of the line, he got you.

>> No.2825523
File: 93 KB, 500x422, I AM BECOME REEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off impostor!

>> No.2825528

so are you in it or not?

>> No.2825532
File: 20 KB, 306x306, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2825533

We'll you'll never get in if you don't even submit anything

>> No.2825551

Anyone got any interesting challenge ideas?

>> No.2825554

Pump out 30 designs of a mech per day.

>> No.2825558

>30 designs a day
that's a bit much anon...

>> No.2825584

I liked my previous drawing to this one, but you are going to do these collages when I draw something terrible, right?

>> No.2825599

Challenge idea: Art collab for valentine day. Those who join will be matched randomly into a duo. They will have to draw two people doing cute things (handholding, hugging, kissing, cuddling). The first week of February, the first lassie will submit the first character. The second lassie will draw the second character to the same submisson the next week.

>> No.2825604

>perspective anon's seeming all good witih his slick table and chais
>to the bottom right is advanced perspective
Damn, that level gap is insane.

>> No.2825655
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>> No.2825657

I HATE him.

>> No.2825658


>> No.2825724

I like the idea anon
There's big level gaps in las though and a lot of people were too shy or whatever to join secret santa, so idk what participation would be

You could have an overall theme too maybe, like beauty and the beast, someone draws the qt waifu of the couple, the other draws the ugly troll or fierce beast

>> No.2825727

This is why you must do your best every day anon kun

>> No.2825729

sounds cute

>> No.2825737

Louse, nice tits, what is the more constraining between the handcuffs and her armor ?

Mintkat, cool drunken glance on the second page, it remember me Prince of Condé sculpture. Iris doesn't fallow the curve of the eyeball, it's almost a straight line.

Soroneir, i feel a lot of pain in this drawing. Suck more clowns, less gothics.

Jbrenan, is it a progress ? yes, it is. Now, draw perspective lines to see your flaws. You need the draw a head in a cube exercise (the one Mintkat does some days ago).

Stripypanda, amusing as per usual. When are you going full HD?

Jozu, Pretty bird. Have a look at Si Scott so you have an idea of how to enhance this kind of drawing.

Raiko, supply the magnifying glass please.

>> No.2825811

Cutest thing i've ever read on /ic/, thats a great idea anon.

>> No.2825815
File: 270 KB, 962x986, tracer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2825854

pls do this I'm in

>> No.2825856

I want to do this, as a matter of fact I already draw every day like everyone should.
But I only draw on paper or scrap paper and cardboard and getting my wasteful sketching on the web is such a hassle.

>> No.2825858

Choose a tutorial, stick to it, don't post until you are complete and satisfied. Uneless you want generic critics. Enjoy.

>> No.2825867

that's not tracer, that's the guy who says "I worked hard on that"

>> No.2825877

>stealing my joke from the last thread
shameless desu

>> No.2825886

Just do a picture with your phone.

>> No.2825925

LAS has shit standards, tracing and copying artists without crediting them is allowed. Choob is such a shiftless, lackadaisical sloth.

>> No.2825929

T-threadward y-you good chap

Thanks for adding the drive bud

>> No.2826015

Anyone know of a good place to look at different hairstyles?

>> No.2826024

Does this look okay, anon?

>> No.2826026

Pinterest comes to mind, lots of people make blogs/boards? specifically for hairstyles

>> No.2826050

Both good places thanks for that

>> No.2826064


I didn't even know. We had the same thought.

>> No.2826121
File: 546 KB, 256x192, 1311786242877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dare you stealing that joke from an anonymous poster for using that joke anonymously!

>> No.2826199

I bet you're a filthy reaper main anon

>> No.2826287

I just reported it, not sure what good it'll do though.

>> No.2826332

Wait, how do you know Choob traced it?

What makes you think it's a trace instead of a study?

And what makes you think that tracing has ever been against LAS' rules?

>> No.2826342

Really makes you think
Time to trace 30 minutes of work then just get back to actually drawing

>> No.2826351

>fist time in OP
>shit compared to others who have been here earlier.

>> No.2826363

it is against LAS rules and he didn't credit the original artist.

>> No.2826370

So its basically like he skipped a day, did he really use that as a LAS submission?

>> No.2826373

>it is against LAS rules
Point out where it says tracing is against LAS' rules.

This isn't the first time tracing has been brought up, and if I recall correctly it never went anywhere because it wasn't actually against the rules.

>> No.2826434

Si Scotts stuff is really interesting, thanks for the crit and recommendation

He didn't trace it, its very well done but you can see some differences

>> No.2826498

did he fucking study anime

>> No.2826502

Copying/breaking down stylized art is a valid form of studying.

>> No.2826514
File: 39 KB, 854x854, 1481902250406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2826518

Do the topics still count?

>> No.2826525

There are still topics but they have no effect.

>> No.2826530

I think spidey is trying to get the symbiote off him still

>> No.2826569

They don't count for anything yet, it was planned to but since Lava's fucked off development will likely never continue.

>> No.2826572

what do you think you're doing aimai

>> No.2826644

wtf I REALLY hate choob now

>> No.2826701
File: 48 KB, 992x595, Zazu2345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm joining LAS today mostly because it will motivate me to actually fucking scan my drawings.

>> No.2826705

as long as you credit the original artist...and tracing kinda defeats the purpose.

>> No.2826707

Yeah, it definitely put pressure one me then when I lost, no one made fun of me. It was disheartening.

>> No.2826715

A mega-hires photo featuring (literally) thousands of faces for facial diversity and candid poses for anyone interested in a big study reference:

You'll get there, anon! Just keep at it!
I agree on both points, but there's enough discrepancies to show that Choob didn't trace.

Also, Choob, I hope you added credit to the original artist, and as much as I enjoy your painting, I think you should've approached this study with more contour work or harder shadow edges (you might've been short on time, though--I understand). The original artist's 3D form got lost in your study.

>> No.2826740 [DELETED] 

its a trace, the discrepancies are only from the blockiness of the brush.

Choob gimme that token.

>> No.2826744
File: 566 KB, 927x1311, choob_is_a_fraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a trace, the discrepancies are only from the blockiness of the brush.

Choob gimme that token.

>> No.2826746


somebody update the photo, we lost a week 1er.

>> No.2826747
File: 2.47 MB, 1682x794, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the expressions on some of these guys are hilarious.

>> No.2826751

Holy shit Aimai lost a token? Pls don't tell me you're gonna leave mang.
He only lost a token so he's still in w1. If he doesn't submit by the next deadline, then he'll be out.

>> No.2826760

I already consider Choob eliminated, he can keep submitting but his record is forever tainted. Now we have to take a second look at all of his previous submissions.

>> No.2826771

He's lost his token a few times before so it should be ok

>> No.2826777 [DELETED] 

but this time its for being a tracing plagiarist.

>> No.2826794

I'm on it.

>> No.2826823

all crit senseis fall eventually, it's fengs curse

>> No.2826858

I don't understand how you can sleep at night choob. Sad!

>> No.2826868
File: 493 KB, 700x730, tawb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup lassies, someone told me in the discord about the thread so I'm breaking silence, sorry if this encourages choobposting more but I've looked at this and the last thread and it looks like being away for ages didn't change anything anyway. Some of you deliberately baited them by pretending to be me though so what do you expect.


The fashionable torbjorn is ofc a study, like most things I post for submissions, as a shitposter loves reminding you. Normally I credit the artist or at least ramble about how I love their colours or whatever reason I'm studying them for, like in the submission literally the day before where I attempted painting Ayran's lighting and nice values.

I didn't link this artists page though because I'm pretty sure I was submitting like 10 minutes before deadline and I don't know the artist's name or blog as well as I do Ayran's, Datura's, Ruan, Sorolla etc. All I remembered is I got the pic either from twitter or pixiv and I have legit thousands of likes and bookmarks on those, so I just typed some shit so the post wasn't empty, submitted, and got back to work. I can find the artist now though and edit in a link to their blog, guy had some noice fashion/fabric work, though a lot of it was too weeby for me.

As for "tracing!!" a couple of anon's have pointed out the differences already, but maybe your sight measuring is even worse than mine so you can't see them in the side by side. 50% opacity overlaying will make any half decent study look suspect though and get more (you)s, if you actually flicked layers on and off then you could have shown people how my measuring and colours are still off after a year of grinding observation and even a month of focusing just on faces. See attached gif.


>> No.2826880
File: 175 KB, 466x810, chat shit get banged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also keep all my psds despite my harddrive hating me for it, so I can make more gifs anytime to prove how I'm still not gud enough to correctly paint something even right in front of me.

And I don't remember how early on you started shitposting, but I used to stream along with poon and neko and such before the streams (and they :[) died, so lassies have watched me work and know I don't trace. I even did like 4-5hr long streams doing still lifes, which I wish I could cheat somehow because my brain and eyes just can't into the right temperatures or perspective.

Most likely though is this is just you trying to stop me from posting yet again. Maybe you've realised by now that I'll only stop when I forget about the deadline or the internet goes down or something, like most lassies did. You can't influence that by saying mean things or spamming the thread and ruining it for the people who still use it, and so meming all my submissions, past and future, as DISQUALIFIED seems a good way to steal my sweet, virgin token.

If you want to waste your time in the threads then go ahead. Like I said a few months ago when I stopped coming/posting, if you want to actually ask me something, talk to me or insult me to my face 1v1 if you're brave enough then you know my blog. Alternatively people can find me on the discord most days annoying finnish people.

I'm sorry for posting at all, even more so for these being autistically long, toothpaste-tube style walls of text no one cares about, but I don't want tracer to join the list of memes alongside nazi, neet, and all the other made up ones.

>> No.2826885

Found the original artist's sites and I'll edit them into the post, sure.

I was short on time with that one but yeah, I don't know how to render clothes at all. Yet another thing on the to do list. Thanks for the feedback.


>> No.2826919
File: 1.27 MB, 320x180, yooajiho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm gonna read all that
Nah, but I'm glad you're continuing on, Choob. I still hold an optimistic view of LAS and nothing would disappoint me more than shitposting or stamping a Lassie out of art.

Have you tried copying/studying Datura or Cushart or other similar artists' more painterly animu? I think it'd be more conducive to your painting skills, vs. the artist you studied yesterday, who utilizes lineart as their drawing's foundation.

Also, just in case you're planning to do future studies/copies of non-masters, you could try uploading the study as a private image on Tumblr, then paste the image url to LAS.

>> No.2827008

Tracing is not and has never been against LAS' rules anyway, even if you never did it, anyone that may have traced isn't breaking any rules, I've yet to see anyone point out where it states that Tracing, in and of itself, breaks the rules. Don't know what all these autistic newfags are huffing but it all seems like it's only the latest ruse to ruffle Choob's jimmies (probably cause of Trump becoming President lately and shit like that).

>> No.2827056

How can we have other topics ?

>> No.2827063
File: 913 KB, 1920x1700, notgonna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not.

>> No.2827102


>> No.2827355

I tried to create the Valentine's Day Community Challenge but after I clicked Create it didn't seem to be working. ;_;

>> No.2827366

>Lava will never come back to do anything with the website

>> No.2827405

Try again! Or summon Lordslump.

>> No.2827408

Some things dont have to be said, I think its pretty obvious that you shouldn't trace another artists work and try to pass it off as your own.

>> No.2827416

nope I redid it many times, it's just reload the Create Challenge page.

>> No.2827421

*it just reloaded

>> No.2827426
File: 118 KB, 609x608, 315b33c84ec4a6b6bb88a8ab09776ea6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the rules if anyone could help me create it:
The participants can join in two ways, register as a duo on the /las/ thread or join individually, the individual ones will be randomly matched with other individuals (they will be matched randomly at the end of January).
- You will draw two people doing cute/romantic things (handholding/hugging/kissing/cuddling/teasing/dating/flirting,...)
- First lassie will draw the first character and submit (the deadline will be the 7th of February)
- The second lassie will draw the second character onto the first lassie's submission.
- You can draw any kind of characters and relationship as long as each lassie draws one character. <3

>> No.2827441

can someone please repost the blue alien pic?
looks really cool, but it's not in the 2 previous threads.
And if not, should I keep digging, or am I blind?

>> No.2827448

Help yourself, it's Towerpractice on tumblr.

>> No.2827460

Thanks, I'll keep going until I mess up and miss the deadline.
I have studied Datura before since their colours are fantastic, their work is pretty dense though so maybe I'd learn more from doing a section of the painting rather than the whole piece. I've not studied Krenz but I like his edges and method so I'll give it a go, and I have some other painterly weeb artists I quite like.

There's also a guy called Sung-Choul Ham or something and I love his lines, but just can't get close to drawing like that myself.

>> No.2827470

Upload a video of you not tracing that same image, you did it once it shouldn't be hard to do it again, until then you traced it.

Also send an apology to the artist you didnt credit.

>> No.2827474

Fuck off.

>> No.2827508

kill yourself

>> No.2827515

quit samefagging Choob you fucking plagiarist. As a member of CA.org, Permanoobs, Crimson Daggers Deviant Art etc etc you should know what you did was a bannable offense, people have been outed on each of those boards for doing far less than what you did.

>> No.2827523

No one except your autistic ass gives a shit, piss off.

>> No.2827531

I'm talking with a few people who care, update soon.

>> No.2827550

Literal autism. End your miserable existence.

>> No.2827555

work on that apology.

>> No.2827576

This a chinese email chain. Chinese allowed copying centurie ago. Made in China!

>> No.2827584

Im not affiliated with choob.inc or any other retards here, but I have to say that you are just the weirdest fucking person. Do people laugh at you behind your back if and when you go out? I mean, your lack of social skills is comparable to Lava. You are just plain strange. Do you get depressed alot, do you have social anxiety? I mean, there has to be something really really wrong with you. Maybe get a brain scan, nigga you might have a tumor

>> No.2827585

Work on blowing your brains out.

>> No.2827586

Lol, I love it. Choob is triggered.

>> No.2827591

>this is going to keep on going for 19 more years
hitting levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.2827597

No, but I am

>> No.2827603

Hows the apology coming along?

>> No.2827604

2 pages already. How many time left ?

>> No.2827610

That should be fine, just make sure they're your own words.

>> No.2827623
File: 203 KB, 790x684, butIdidNothingRong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2827628

>yfw he steals other people's words as well to make a statement

>> No.2827629

I've been inspired by wikipedia and bondagefairy gave me some answers. Should i credit them?

>> No.2827650

man i hate bullies

>> No.2827653

who the fuck are you talking to you retard

>> No.2827655

welcome to /b/ /r9k/

>> No.2827691

Choobposter you should start namefagging, it would make it easier to filter your posts.

>> No.2827712


Please don't bait choobposter, unless this is just an effort to hit 1000 posts again in which case go ahead I guess.

I really don't get how you can stalk someone for a year and still not recognise their writing, or memorise their sleep and posting schedules. But then I also don't get why you care about me when I'm so irrelevant on LAS and literally no one cares about what I post, the better artists can do a page of sketches and get 3x the views my long boring paintings do.

Bannable offense for what, studying? Maybe you weren't around but people on CA studied other artists all the time, including guys like Miles and appleflinger etc. Sargent was #1 most studied because of Mullins advising it, but people studied whatever paintings they liked to try learn from them. Could probably find my ancient sketchbook threads where people say they like whatever pic and I go, thanks, it's a study after X, they have the best edges/comps/whatever.

As you've said over and over before, I post studies all the damn time, and I've never tried to pass someone else's work off as my own. Do you think whenever I post a study after a god like Ruan or Sargent or Sorolla that I'm trying to use it for my portfolio or something too? My LAS blog is clearly a daily learning/practice blog, just like the CA sketchbook threads used to be. I don't try to take credit for shit, I didn't expect any "Oh my god it's a STUDY" posts considering that's what 90% of my shit has been all year, but no doubt you're being deliberately retarded to meme me as guilty of plagiarism now as well as nazi, tracer, shitposter, etc. The torbjorn artist was featured all over the place on kotaku etc, but maybe people don't look at those sites and so wanted me to edit in a link to their blog, which I've done.

What do you expect from someone who used to post
>drumpf will never win! choob so dumb!
I can understand if they're upset.

>> No.2827751
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, doki-nichijou-24-1280x720-h264-aac-efde20ec-mkv_snapshot_19-56_2011-09-27_18-22-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you flip shit when he studied Leyendecker just someday before and only stir up drama when he studies a random Overwatch fanart piece?

please stop choobposting and samefagging for the sake of LAS

>> No.2827754

This is like the most fun LAS has had in weeks though. We need more events like this.

>> No.2827760

What is your favorite gossip blog /las/ ?

>> No.2827763


>> No.2827764

The difference is pretty obvious, you cant compare studying from recognizable masters to tracing somebodies video game fanart. Quit playing the victim, and stop trying to shoehorn your bizarre Trump obsession into the argument.

You wouldn't have edited the post if you weren't in the wrong.

>> No.2827765

>you wouldn't have anything to worry about unless you're hiding something meme

>> No.2827779


>> No.2827795

I really want to know which /las/ser the choobposter is for all the shit they talk.

>> No.2827799

When were you under the impression it's one person?

>> No.2827802

When were you under the impression it wasn't?

>> No.2827803

They linked to a draw thread once but didn't say who they were
Probably scared that some autist will stalk and shitpost them forever, what a horrible fate

>> No.2827809


>> No.2827831
File: 269 KB, 624x480, vlcsnap-2016-08-29-18h56m08s234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do you want it to start? when exactly should it end, valentines day or the day after or something? will we choose for lassies which of the two draws first, or let them decide amongst each other?

just need to know that then ill try to make it

>> No.2827838

I hate this time of year, so ronery.

>> No.2827846

Me too. Wanna be my sweetie pie?

>> No.2827850 [DELETED] 

no, u ugly.

>> No.2827856

No. U ugleh.

>> No.2827887

Anybody know of a good tracker for Comic Books? I'm looking for the Blame series.

>> No.2827982

you could start right now and end 1 day after valentine's day.
They can decide who draws first themselves.

>> No.2828000

and if we end with an odd number of people?

>> No.2828002

As IRL. You stay alone.
Threesome is also an option.

>> No.2828015
File: 201 KB, 624x480, vlcsnap-2016-08-29-18h56m19s758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay tell me if i should add anything. I set the dates so that each person should get 10 days to work on their half

>> No.2828028

Neat, you actually add the threesome thing. Thanks!
Will you announce the pairing here or elsewhere?

>> No.2828040

ill post it in the thread and add a link to the challenge description

>> No.2828080

thank you based lordslump

>> No.2828112 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 720x450, 99551425-donald-trump-large_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqeo_i_u9APj8RuoebjoAHt0k9u7HhRJvuo-ZLenGRumA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2828133

Chums :/

>> No.2828136

Lul the Washington Post sometimes makes brilliant observations.

>> No.2828138
File: 54 KB, 1484x673, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2828148

cute pixels, Whizzard.

>> No.2828161

>Forza making a comeback
proud of you lassies

>> No.2828171


Huh, thanks.
This is my first time trying to do pixel art. I really felt that i needed a change from all the painting because my motivation really hasn't been the best lately.

>> No.2828178
File: 133 KB, 990x758, Q5QJNWJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seffy and stripypanda register as a drawcouples for Valentine's Challenge ^w^

>> No.2828179


>> No.2828189

This bitch is fecking brilliant


>> No.2828211

How the fuck do I draw heads and portraits properly? I've been trying for like the past 5 months. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHGHH

>> No.2828214

>how the fuck do I draw x

>> No.2828230

keep drawing shitty ones until they don't look shitty anymore. Theres no avoiding the shit phase, unless you cheat.

>> No.2828232


>> No.2828243

How do I properly study heads? Maybe I've been doing it wrong this whole time.
That's what I've been doing, and that's what I'm gonna keep doing.

>> No.2828246

>How do I properly study heads? Maybe I've been doing it wrong this whole time.
You've probably been doing all features at once
Try breaking the head down into head shape, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and their placements on the head
important is that you give them proper shape, they shouldn't look like you pinned them onto the head but that they're part of the head and face, much like a sculpture

>> No.2828254

Shut the fuck up people stop complaining about your peers do you see Anon313 complaining about people?
Don't you have better things to do such as drawing

>> No.2828258

choob choob choob

>> No.2828261

I miss anon1313, hope they are doin well

>> No.2828263

>do you see Anon313 complaining about people?
who are you to say he doesn't
doesn't strike me as they guy to trip or namefag like a nigger

>> No.2828277

LAS is a competition dipshit. No cheating allowed.

>> No.2828278
File: 357 KB, 540x780, 1467330484554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont see anon313 doing anything anymore desu

>> No.2828345
File: 55 KB, 672x514, check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

study stream

>> No.2828472

Pls tell me how to git gud naf. Much thank.

>> No.2828521

Draw your own pantheon on of gods. 14 days given to draw at the very least 12 Gods.

>> No.2828660

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2828706

Don't fuck you Lava

>> No.2828842

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2828904

Hey, I just said the opposite! D:<

>> No.2828906


>> No.2828922
File: 401 KB, 1600x1200, V5untMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you guys don't give a fuck by now but there's no fucking way Soroneir took at least 30 minutes to do this.

>> No.2828924

Are these vaginas?

>> No.2828925

masculine pussies*

>> No.2828931

Ask that while you REPORT

>> No.2828933

>tfw after all this time the remnants of the 30 min gestapo are still alive
n-no, this can't be happening D:

>> No.2828937
File: 400 KB, 1024x768, 2829706704_7b7177bc8e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are here for your own good

>> No.2828939

Wait, wait, it's not the end of the day yet, this is still today's submission so they COULD update their submission before the 24 hours is up and still be totally legit, yo

>> No.2828940

I know.
Let's just wait...

>> No.2828942

Nice Lassie omen Krysiis. She took the redpill and is with morpheus?

>> No.2828984

Cheating is allowed in Trumps America.

>> No.2829040

only if you get away with it

>> No.2829221

fuck man shit dog

>> No.2829244
File: 264 KB, 637x256, 1479522751975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Soroneir isn't going to draw more today.


>> No.2829250

n-no! we've got 4 more hours please have mercy D':

>> No.2829251

I-is the gestapo back?

>> No.2829252

Fortunately the tribunal is still open and so is the pool.

>> No.2829260

Things have changed for the autistic kid who needs to be coddled, nothing is considered cheating anymore people, and everybody is going to make it.

>> No.2829261


>> No.2829265

W-who drew the Kiibo?

>> No.2829277

Same weeb as usual. This one is a real piece of work by candycone.

>> No.2829283

Okay lassies be honest. If you got bullied as much as choob would you quit las? I think I might've or at least I'd stop coming to the threads

>> No.2829284

>If you got bullied as much as choob would you quit las?
just the threads, not that I come by often to begin with

>> No.2829287


>> No.2829288
File: 119 KB, 839x782, kiibu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2829294

All equal.
Wall of shame! When ?

>> No.2829298

Have you taken a look at Choob's Twitter? I think Choob likes the attention even if its negative, at least somebody is paying attention to him.

>> No.2829301

Yeah he tweets about Trump 50x a day.

>> No.2829309

He has a twitter? What is it?

>> No.2829310

I thought Choob was a Brit or some shit, where are you from Chewb?

>> No.2829311

Jus saw it. Holy shit, why is he so into us politics when he lives in Scotland?

>> No.2829312

I'm from Boston, Texas.

>> No.2829316


>> No.2829317

bondage fairy has improved a lot in one year, hot damn. nice render studies you wuss. the hell are you doing to move forward so quickly? do you fight koalas and giant spiders when you draw?

>> No.2829320

jerry and lava are still the biggest punching bags here but thats because:
1 jerry wont stop with his self pity
2 lava wont come back and talk about new patches.
choob has it easy, i dare say he likes the attention.

>> No.2829322
File: 352 KB, 1280x1046, selfportrait65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate please.

>> No.2829325

uhhh..I don't think I care much for Choob anymore.

>> No.2829335

Thank you friends

>> No.2829346

hes gotten a little better but he NEEDS to put more effort, if this is all you're gonna drop jerry you will NEVER make it in time that it can be profitable.

>> No.2829350


>> No.2829354

more like 1.5 after a whole year.

>> No.2829361

still have problems with shapes and lazy/unskilled rendering. not like i can do any better.

>> No.2829373

Thanks for your remarks. I'll do my best, which will be, like, a 2.

>> No.2829382
File: 69 KB, 500x500, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im keeping to myself.
Stop it.
Im trying...ill do it.
....what are you doing now...

>> No.2829389
File: 863 KB, 540x304, 1439671334026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let these bullies bother you, Jerry, keep drawing, you have gotten better and you will got even better.

>> No.2829397

Is it anonymous REPORT?
I don't want to be known as Viktor the quisling (or traitor, if you like rhymes).

>> No.2829400


>> No.2829402

Why the blue gear icon in the top-right corner of "this" page is grey ?

Even, the captcha asks me to trace something.

>> No.2829404

only lava will know.

>> No.2829409

the fucking faggot

>> No.2829414

Hi. I have problem to push my values without being dirty. Any advice?

>> No.2829420

nigger this is an imageboard

>> No.2829426

...choose a file genius..

>> No.2829429

Please be week one!

>> No.2829431

>trying to boost your views with such a crude method
you filthy pig

>> No.2829483
File: 652 KB, 1280x1004, digitricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've worked a bit more. Do not report me.

>> No.2829485

Kek. Suddenly Choob is trying to mix up his tweeting habits.

>> No.2829500
File: 1.90 MB, 350x197, 1482610960860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too late. you must die for the lulz
go away

>> No.2829505

>tfw no one comments on my progress

>> No.2829510

You have progressed Nelli, but your should think to provide more than pieces of bodies or at least do a crime scene.

>> No.2829518

you dont want to be noticed.

>> No.2829520

D: not me

>> No.2829523

Same. I couldn't even draw a proper box at the start of the year and I feel like I've come a long way. I think people only notice if you do finished pieces or post in the discord tho.

>> No.2829531

That's pretty true, do finished pieces.
Servaline produces great sketches, apart from jaws.

>> No.2829536


>> No.2829540
File: 79 KB, 645x773, bucket on head feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad enough already that I can't finish a single piece lately, I'll try harder from here on out wherever I can
how do you folks outside topic hell go about your submissions?
I fear that if I dropped out I'd end up even more directionless than I am currently

>> No.2829545

Meh, don't drop out Maestro. Those are pretty cool designs you have.
Post WIP so you can do your drawing in 3 days or more.

>> No.2829548

>Meh, don't drop out Maestro
don't plan to, I meant if I left topic hell I'd have no idea what to do

>Post WIP so you can do your drawing in 3 days or more
That's the deal with topic hell, that don't flow
you can see in my stuff that I rely a lot on real life reference and whenever I pull things strictly from my head only it's sobering to see the difference to say the least
I'm hoping for this year to greatly improve my basics for drawing from imagination, which is obviously easier said than done

>> No.2829551
File: 327 KB, 780x970, tumblr_ok9ammaJYb1tuv7d6o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2829554

cut out gaming.

>> No.2829561
File: 24 KB, 534x443, 1336787240690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly if gaming is your only "downtime" habit, i wouldn't recommend dropping it. Or atleast if you instantly just stop doing it, the whole thing can backfire pretty badly.

If you really feel like that the gaming is weighing you down and you get the same satisfaction from drawing, then drop it instantly.

>> No.2829562

you are progressing anon
but you could be getting gud faster

>> No.2829568

If you want to git-gud you literally have to draw all the time, if you have time for gaming you aint gonna make it. That's the harsh truth.

>> No.2829570


>> No.2829571


Yeah but hanging yourself because of too much work and depression isn't really grand either.

>> No.2829574

Sorry, you dont know what it means to work hard.

>> No.2829581
File: 247 KB, 1920x1358, BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick the first topic of the week and turn around for the other six days. On long term you don't have time to produce quality drawing or you will not make progress with a routine of one finished work a day.
To my mind you should focus on lighting more. To do so, use pure white for light, pure black for shadow. Then blend with a textured brush.
>pic related

>> No.2829589

After spending the last 20 minutes going through Choobs Twitter I actually feel a bit guilty for "critiquing" him over the past few months. What a sad, sad man the Choobmeister is.

>> No.2829625

How do I draw out a tree this seems like the most time consuming thing to do because of the weird shape they get thanks to the leaves

>> No.2829628


You're completely right, I need to obtain more focus and do scenes.

>> No.2829631

tree branches don't just go left and right, but they go towards and away from you as well
think in a room rather than in 2D
with that part of the leaves are in front of other leaves
rather than detailing out all leaves focus on the ones superimposed over the others

>> No.2829666

yuckaroonie Choob.

>> No.2829675

Says the guy who just wasted 20 minutes creeping on someone's twitter instead of drawing

>> No.2829685

Are you implying that scrolling through thousands of tweets about Trump is a waste of time?

>> No.2829700

Do you guys think we'd be free from this hell if trump lost?

>> No.2829701


>> No.2829706

would Choob suddenly know how to draw if he lost?

>> No.2829716

nah, they'd have just spent the next 20 years being smug and taunting every day instead of being bitter and butthurt like now

>> No.2829733

Choobpostee said he'd quit but he's an autist so he was probably lying
He'd probably just kill himself instead
I meant the choobposting not liberals vs conservatives

>> No.2829736

I meant choobposter too

>> No.2829739

Ah my fault. That's probably true tho, the man has to channel his autism somewhere, unfortunately for choob its at him.

>> No.2829756

>tfw will never be that age and have my head screwed on that well ever again.

>> No.2829814

Has Lava deleted his blog???

>> No.2829815

I don't think so

>> No.2829818

it's still here, in all its autistic glory http://lavaflake.com/blog/

>> No.2829893

How do we save las?

>> No.2829894
File: 31 KB, 750x91, turnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think any of the gud lassies will come back after being away so long?

>> No.2829897
File: 79 KB, 315x383, worry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw that link and got scared for a second that someone was stealing and reposting my shit art on tumblr, thank god it's empty.

>> No.2829898

>Stella comes back to laugh at all the lassies who are still here and haven't made it
I think I would prefer it if they never came back.

>> No.2829899

Usurp Lava, he's doing nothing to save LAS.

>> No.2829916


>> No.2829918

good night

>> No.2829919

it's midnight you cuck. Don't you ever disrupt my wife's son's sleep ever again or I'll shoot you in the kneecap you imbecile.

>> No.2829929

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2829930
File: 2 KB, 256x148, sleepin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn anon

>> No.2829940

Runnerman what is this? You tugging at my heartstrings you fuck? You trying to get autismoflake to come back?

>> No.2829943

>yfw the only way to get LavaFuck to come back is to make an alternate website and scare him back

>> No.2829945

It worked last time. Why don't we get dubya to put his site back up and see what happens with the flakey bastard.

>> No.2829950

That wasn't even what happened though.
It was more like someone messaged him on his blog which no one ever does, so he came back.

>> No.2829954

I don't believe that. People are always messaging him and leaving comments. maybe the messages were part of it but I think the new site was also a catalyst.

>> No.2829967

We've messaged him plenty of times to "please come back" and he hasn't responded nor come back.

>> No.2829999

I told him about how everybody was mad at him or thinking he left us and that's why he came back, a simple "please come back" from time to time didn't have any effect.
He was happy about being an inspiration for the other site, didn't care about "stealing his idea" or something like that.

I think what we should do is spam his blog, his twitter, everything, as many as we can. Sometimes we say "let's all comment on this entry" but only one or two people do it.
Also, he eliminated the approval system for comments, now he doesn't have to read them, so we should really do something big.

But you are all lazy fuckers so he'll never came back.

>> No.2830006



nice get m80, but in all seriousness, why does it matter if Lava comes back? All he was gonna add to the site was cosmetic things like badges of I remember correctly. Last time he came back people just jumped on em after his first post and then his next couple posts were just ignored by most people. I feel like the "pls come back Lava" and the "fuck you lava" things are just memes. No one truly cares if he comes or goes as long as the site stays up. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.2830025


>> No.2830061
File: 33 KB, 383x423, 36a6c50a62908e48664b3a17449d0230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2830079

SkeletalJelly made some improvements since 2016, it's obviously because it do differents exercices while cycling them.
Raiko, posted a normal scaled image, he deserve a badge. Make it happend.
Who care ? Not Lava. Runnerman1 is on the way to make a reboot of /las/.

All hail to Runnerman1.

>> No.2830086

Did you have a stroke?

>> No.2830093

Yes, i hate winter. Eat apples, anon.

>> No.2830160

>Who care ? Not Lava. Runnerman1 is on the way to make a reboot of /las/.
>All hail to Runnerman1.
Good, LAS is being squandered by Lava, glad someone's doing something.

>> No.2830231

Choob, what is a 3D pen?

>> No.2830295
File: 50 KB, 588x644, CFCafrhWoAANCnD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everybody! I'm Mr Peniston and I'm here to comment your stuff!
I'm sorry, but I was a little bit nervous for my first day and I commented the submissions of 2017-01-22 instead of yesterday, won't happen again! As my first day I'll comment on everybody!

Echo, amazing as always, It's a shame you always post last, you are one of the best artist on LAS.

SkeletonJelly, even if you are stylizing I think those legs are way too long

Digitixe, the helmet is crooked, you haven't got the head's center right, but I'm sure you can.

Cute, fluffable!

stupido, beautiful shadows! you have chosen a very nice color

gottagitgud, crooked faces, keep grinding!

that wizard is very funny, Tom

Choob, your studies always look blurry, but in this case I guess is intentional

Munch, those faces are not constructed at all

Seems like you have deleted your submission, imvisitingearth

Aimai, don't know what's happening here, guess I'll just wait until you keep working on it

Very nice faces, Louse!

Kirikae, so this is for the topic "crime"? I had to read that to know the girl was going to steal the safe

jerrybreem, looks like the face features are minuscule, like one of those photoshoped images to make the person look retarded, measure the proportions!

Interesting design, Blarghu, looks like somebody I don't wanna get him angry with me

runnerman1, I like what you are doing! sadly I wouldn't consider this a drawing, today's submission too.

Nice, Aestro

Headake, I seriously doubt this took you more than 30 minutes...

what can I say, Grach, your style is always nice

Great work, Hxcl! keep inking like that!

Malifica, the right leg doesn't look good, seems broken

boygivingup, come on man, no wonder the 30 minute gestapo is back

alm0nde, the end of the nose match the line of the face, you have to avoid these kind of things

Ketkro, don't know what to say, keep drawing

very good gestures, TekkyJSKURT!

goji, come on man, look at those heads, construct!

>> No.2830300

Sorry, Webbeva, but this looks very bad, keep grinding anatomy and don't be afraid of using references

Hman. Soft. Brush. Stop. Please.

Bunny, well done, I can see how those silhouettes work, still in process, though?

Your style is always recognizable, lordslump

looks like you have stretched the face with the hands like it was made of clay, tabascoshrimp

Viktor, dude...

Good work, Lokki.

I'm sure you can do more than that, Hoby.

Don't thing this is 30 minutes, Tsuku...

Same with you, Oneironaut.

FinlayHeathi, what's wrong with your scaner?

Amazing as always, Naf.

What's happening here, Detail? I should know just by the thumbnails

great, iinaa

nice shadows, Rhydwyn!

looks cross-eyed, Seffy

Eddcer, good as always, but why don't you try something new?

very good, wkovarik

that's kinda comfy, stripypanda

link broken, Dataizm

Those eyes don't look good to me, CraniumOverLord

Sasori, as always your imagination is interesting

Lavaflake! oh, why bother

Love how this is turning out, vsock

Both characters are super stiff, Whizzard

You can do better than that, tripfag, still recognizable as one of your drawings

very, very nice, coinhero! great atmosphere!

Good chiaroscuro, Cath.

>> No.2830302

This is just great, Nyra, incredible!

I like this one a lot, rorg, great feeling

Good, Jeremias, good, keep grinding

There's almost no form, jbrennan

mintkat, you sure this is 30 minutes?

Good work, HumanBean! shame about all those sketchy lines though

Unninteresting composition, BobbyWinter, sorry.

Don't know what this is, Soroneir, but it looks interesting.

Come on, looks like another low effort for the day, Raiko.

invalidavid, wow! creepy!

I don't know the character, CandyCone, so maybe he is some kind of rigid robot, but the face doesn't show a lot of feeling.

Amazing ass, BondageFairy, terrific rendering!!

Know what foreshortening is, Goose? that leg definitely needs it.

bobabitch, another low effort for the day, tsk tsk...

Yes, CRT, more study

I love your submissions, Servaline, wonderful Hippos!!

needs better construction, Jozu.

Saucy, haha, what.

Those arms are loooong, Chimerya, you have to measure!!

THAT'S ALL! I have to say I'm a little sad, my friends, too many of you should receive a low effort warning! but I'm sure you'll work more, right?

>> No.2830308

O boi, that's kind of motivating. Thanks

>> No.2830309
File: 456 KB, 600x573, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss spidey

>> No.2830337

>Interesting design, Blarghu, looks like somebody I don't wanna get him angry with me
Oh gosh, someone actually looked at it. Yeah, I was trying to make him seem a little bit threatening but he ended up being a lot threatening instead. I guess I'll have to dial it back a bit if I want anyone to be surprised.

>> No.2830357

The grind will never stop.thanks for being such a cool dude.

The good always die too young.

>> No.2830363

Hxcl here, thanks!

>> No.2830385

appreciate the effort
but drop the persona on don't be so gay

>> No.2830394

are these good pencils?


>> No.2830395

yet another crit keeper for the feng zhu grinder

>> No.2830400
File: 15 KB, 410x278, confused slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they leave graphite residue on a paper?
Yes: yes.
No: no.

>> No.2830401

No. Buy crayola.

>> No.2830408

> Anonymous 01/24/17(Tue)10:47:29 No.2830395▶
they're good but they run darker than normal, so if you want an hb get a 2h for example.

>> No.2830410


>> No.2830412
File: 34 KB, 500x385, awshitniggerwhathefuckyoudoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2830424

>Unninteresting composition, BobbyWinter, sorry.

Expect worse from me in the future. I'm not good at this whole art thing, I'm just trying to get better.

>> No.2830436

Wait, I thought you were calling the previous submission to the one you mentioned uninteresting. Yeah, expect total fucking garbage from me if you thought that was too boring.

>> No.2830475

Thanks family

>> No.2830488

>You trying to get autismoflake to come back?

No I don't care if he is coming back. I'm just making my own LAS 2.0 ...once i learn how to code.

>> No.2830490

>...once i learn how to code.
oh dear we're gonna be here for another year

>> No.2830491

Jesus you fucking faggot getting everyones hopes up

>> No.2830496

Kek hype train derailed. Good luck tho

>> No.2830526

I'm gonna hire one. He's gonna get it running, then over time I'm gonna take over, or maybe I'll partner up.

>> No.2830529

what makes you think people want your non cripple site you disabledphobe?

>> No.2830530

Hire one ? A programmer and dude to host?

>> No.2830536

There are plenty of freelance web developers that I can hire to write the site. As for domain and host I have that covered.

>> No.2830538

Seems like a lot of work just for a little 4chan thing. Are you sure you wanna hire someone and pay money out of your own pocket just for another las site?

>> No.2830540

okay, get my hopes up :)

hope it ain't one of those "web designers" that make kack web 2.0 reddit-tier bloated buzzword buzzword websites

>> No.2830542

>As for domain and host I have that covered.
You just need the code, why don't you just use W's code?

>> No.2830547

i hope this new site has badgers

and blackjack and hookers

>> No.2830548
File: 85 KB, 700x400, nichijou-9-loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give w a 2nd chance by letting runnerman use his code to host new LAS
sound like a good plan

>> No.2830551

everyone deserves a 2nd chance y'know :^))

>> No.2830559

Gonna be upfront and say I don't really plan on keeping it "small". LAS has a lot of potential, and I like to see it grow outside of 4chan.

I won't be, that's the last thing I want it to be. Here is what I got so far, nothing is final. https://imgur.com/a/KNup1

Also the website will always have the core functions of LAS, but is going to expand to other hobbies such as cooking, literature, photography, music etc. It also won't have a public comment systems like deviantart, but I might have a critique section that is available to account that have certain achievements and trusted ranks.

W's code is good for some sections but my website is going to be different. Maybe W can help me out if he wants to though.

>> No.2830561

not w. hes a faggot and should kill himself

>> No.2830563

Ive been saying this shit for a long time. You could easily make a living off of LAS. Unfortunately Lava is braindead, and would rather scribble away his crippled life

>> No.2830565

>tfw the half-empty toothpaste tube has been squandering away the opportunity of a lifetime to make autistic blog posts

>> No.2830568

Why the hate?

>> No.2830571

Careful about making it too broad, I'm pretty sure another website exists which basically lets anyone setup their own daily challenge thing (mini-LAS) people can submit in, and yours may end up becoming just like that.

Can't remember the name of the website though, and google isn't being helpful, so who knows :( Anyone recall what I'm talking about?

>> No.2830572

Because hes a faggot and a traitor

>> No.2830586

I've had this idea in the back of my head for a while. Posted >>/ic/thread/S2801603#p2802208 a little bit ago, but in retrospect I think it's too big of a concept to launch with. Community will be too shallow and it'll die. Best to have for example draw every day to begin with, and then launch cook every day after the site is steady and have a sizable following. I'd be very reluctant to do the draw X every day where everyone can make any category though, I don't think it'll last since every category would need to be maintained somehow and it's done by randoms and not a developer actively improving one specific category like LAS.

Making cool features is incredibly hard in a general solutions website. Making cook every day and draw every day in one system though can be done very easily in DED because of how the data structure is set up. You're free to use any of it should you want to use laravel/angular. That being said, it's not not a difficult system and you can reproduce it in any language you like with little problem I should think.

Glad to see I'm still a fan favorite here.

>> No.2830596

I don't like you, but I agree with you.

>> No.2830630
File: 27 KB, 320x289, 1453728470469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd a lot

>> No.2830640

is really hard for you to focus on the site while having to submit 1 las drawing a day.

I suggest giving up 1 of them.

>> No.2830645

>2 hrs to upload
>just sent sp4 in for warranty claim and my desktop's monitor stopped working (again) so would have to upload on partner's mac


>> No.2830647


>> No.2830648

dog fuck shit dog

>> No.2830652

Fuck you Lava

>> No.2830662

Well don't be a waste of oxygen then you sandnigger.

>> No.2830670

I want a story. Explain pls

>> No.2830675

bless you penisman

>> No.2830679

once upon a time there was a w, he was a massive peen, the end.

>> No.2830689
File: 17 KB, 455x406, 1482345471676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Proko drew this? I always thought it was a LAS inside joke making fun of Choob.

>> No.2830692

>I thought
there was your mistake, stop that, newfriend

>> No.2830694

Proko drew it.

>> No.2830707

1. Lava left us
2 W remade LAS and updated
3. Lava magically reappears saying he sorry for leaving
4. W removes his site.
5 Lava disappears again.

>> No.2830711

4a. "Accidentally" nuked the database.
4b. Couldn't be asked to put website back up, citing, he would "rather play videogames".

>> No.2830719
File: 145 KB, 960x885, 1448804339936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Networking anon here.

Honestly i wouldn't put up a website for you guys on my servers.

I bet even if i set everything up correctly this thread would be still full of bitching.

>> No.2830727

I've got a spare server not doing anything and I'm half a mind to host an alternate website if this situation remains the same, maybe using W's code since I'm too busy to program my own, if it's just hosting then I can do it, but I've no time to develop.

>> No.2830730
File: 157 KB, 405x412, 5mqbQ2FG1qh6g5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could've handled this better.

But anyways; The database fuck up really rustled me. What happened was I was making an edit to the structure, trying to fix a bug, so constantly nuking the database locally so that it gets the new structure and I can check if I fixed the bug. At one point I wanted to check how the original structure was, so I opened up a new tab with the production database and was switching back and forth. When it came to emptying the database again, I was in the wrong tab and production data is kill. I've never really felt the need of regular backups, so I hadn't bothered setting it up yet - lesson learned.

Nobody asked for the site to be put back up again either.

>Owning servers in the year of 2017 when amazon droplets cost nothing.
That being said DED ran on my old laptop sitting on my coach. LAS stats ran in amazon. Had I ran DED in amazon I probably would've had backups.

Just hosting feels kinda pointless if it's not gonna be maintained and updated anyways.

>> No.2830734
File: 126 KB, 1334x750, i see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're right
Fuck you W. You autistic faggot

>> No.2830736

>Nobody asked for the site to be put back up again either.
Pretty sure that is a flat out lie, no one wanted you to take it down and plenty hated you for doing so, stating you should have kept it up despite the data loss >>/ic/thread/S2715200#p2715263 the backlash you've gotten is plenty justified.

I guess when you pull shit like >>/ic/thread/S2704986#p2710085 no wonder people hate you, Lava pops back and you capitulate, and guess what, Lava fucks off again, congratulations, you should have just kept the website up and never faltered.

>> No.2830743

Guess I overreacted a little to the data loss.

>> No.2830761
File: 69 KB, 520x678, 1463450956093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAS's archive man scares me.

>> No.2830763

Choob whats with all the Trump retweets?

>> No.2830768

If you open a patreon or whatever for server costs once the website's up and shit I'll donate.

>> No.2830795

Kek. I remember when all the DED fags got btfo.

>> No.2830815



>> No.2830829

>You can't vote if you're not an active participant in the LAS

I can't even vote

>> No.2830832

>trying to vote when you're not an active participant

>> No.2830888

now this, this is a man.

>> No.2830890

Hey look Cath, someone made a thread with your pic.


I guess you've finally made it.

>> No.2830900

Choob why the insane dropoff in photo-study accuracy?

>> No.2830909

The bullying finally got to the lad. I think he may pull a Sycra now.

>> No.2830911

choob had a rough life

>> No.2830914

w-why did you use the past tense anon?

>> No.2830916
File: 79 KB, 1024x620, 1428531421700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2830926

that's not a photo study anon

>> No.2830939

what is it then Anon?

>> No.2830944

it says right there it's "after lomykin"
normally if a painting is after X then X is the original artist

>> No.2830945

its still a photo study.

>> No.2830978

your mom's a photo study of the moon

>> No.2830980

No she isnt.

>> No.2830981

tonight on : Is He Really Retarded or Just Pretending?

>> No.2830986


>> No.2831090

Lava read this
You're wasting your time

>> No.2831105

this kills the lemur

>> No.2831211
File: 191 KB, 480x270, glassesnopoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 tribunal case
>1 challenge
LAS is back?

>> No.2831218

It's a shame Soroneir will have to die for it but it's a worthy sacrifice. I'll miss you chum.

>> No.2831259

I just saw it! I'm proud of that drawing

>> No.2831262

Low Effort Punishments are just token losses, so he should still be alive, I don't recall him losing a token recently. (If he actually doesn't have a token when the Punishment gets processed THEN he'll be eliminated)

>> No.2831317

No, low effort punishments are just a warning for the first time.

>> No.2831413

is this the best drawing Cath has done?

>> No.2831540
File: 412 KB, 544x777, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2831541

Soroneir has made an effort

>> No.2831542

Yeah, my bad, eitherway, he is not dead.

>> No.2831684

Hi Choob.

>> No.2831698

Rorg here, about to join the challenge, if no one else does before it closes and the number of entrants stays at 13 then I'll volunteer for doing 2 pairings so that no one has to do extra work on account of me. I can do the first character for one pairing and the second character for the other so I'm not splitting my effort too much. Or something.

>> No.2831707

Fairplay! You are right, better have 2 blind dates than one. Haachan is ready too, it keep moving in and out of the challenge.

>> No.2831721
File: 230 KB, 624x480, vlcsnap-2016-08-29-18h55m48s700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last day to enter the valentines day challenge, join now or forever hold your peace

>> No.2831763

how cute, a simpsons image.

>> No.2831842

>Those arms are loooong, Chimerya, you have to measure!!
thanks for the crit. He canonically has pretty long arms but it probably looks weird because I didn't draw the torso proportionally long

>> No.2832014

Which one of you chums is choobposting in my thread?


>> No.2832030

doooog fuck man shit

>> No.2832034

Lava fuck YOU

>> No.2832038
File: 68 KB, 800x535, dog days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my thread

>> No.2832105

twenty ierz.

>> No.2832113

Haachan=Lokki ?

>> No.2832140

>memes failing so hard choobposter has to spam elsewhere

>> No.2832152

you sucking isnt a meme.

>> No.2832154

Stripypanda you haven't posted for a whole year now. What happened ?

>> No.2832227
File: 611 KB, 797x1200, tumblr_okathnJXYh1v4cbmwo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Peniston here! I'm in the mood for some comments!

invalidavid, those hands look flat, gotta work that foreshortening!

Lokki, I don't know what to say! you have captured all my essence!

Gotta work that construction, Rorg! left arm looks smaller, specially the hand.

vsock, when I saw this I thought you were trapped in the topic challenge, glad you are not!

Excellent monster, wkovarik!

That's nice, Seffy, but you will do even better!

Soo nice Esclachier! great imagination!

I wish I render as good as you, imvisitingearth. Anyway, why putting the hand in front of the chest was a problem?

Yes, stupido, why not this time? don't be discouraged if the first one came bad though

Stunning piece, PerspectivelyIn

Keep drawing everyone! I believe in you!

>> No.2832244

Thank you for your effort!

>> No.2832249

You'll die too, just like all the crit keepers before you.

>> No.2832261

Soroneir got puncished :(

>> No.2832269

Question time:
What kind of submissions do you like best, lassies? With just one subject or many different sketches scattered out the page?
Do you prefer quality over quantity or vice-versa?

>> No.2832282

W-we were supposed to make it lads...


>> No.2832285

oh I remember this, lol

>> No.2832307
File: 17 KB, 709x233, valentineteams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for volunteering to do two rorg, everyone make sure you figure out whose submitting first

id like to go second if thats cool haachan

>> No.2832315

cute /las/ses

>> No.2832326

>tfw still too shit to join collaborative challenges
First the christmas one and now this. I think LAS and all of civilization will probably collapse before I git gud

>> No.2832401


Hi, that's fine I can go first.

>> No.2832462
File: 50 KB, 600x836, shiba-inu-photos-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok Seffy here. stripypanda suddenly disappears and I can't contact her. I hope she doesn't get arrested again.
Just in case that happen, I could replace rorg so he doesn't have to draw twice. I'm sure stripy wouldn't mind.

>> No.2832471

>. I hope she doesn't get arrested again.

>> No.2832482

>I hope she doesn't get arrested again.

>> No.2832514

oh so THAT's why the sudden jump in followers today even though my blog's just messy wips atm
thanks for the free advertising I guess

lassies a cute

>> No.2832552

hey rorg1 u can go first if u dont mind and thanks for your extra effort

>> No.2832559

Hey, no problem, I will go first in rorg1 and second in rorg2 then if that's alright with Louse

>> No.2832571

Adding to that if stripypanda can't do theirs then Seffy can replace me at rorg2

>> No.2832627

I can replace rorg2 if it's okay.


>> No.2832640
File: 141 KB, 500x500, happy glen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2832663

Done. We just have make sure Louse knows somehow so you can decide who will do which parts. I'll just do my pairing with jozu.

>> No.2832678
File: 351 KB, 1200x900, 1468295544790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathias, is it okay if I go first? You're too tough of an act to follow.

>> No.2832736

As a watcher I prefer to see finished drawings and studies, obviously, but this is LAS so don't mind this, draw what you need to draw to get better.

>> No.2832747





>> No.2833403

My scanner's very good; I just correct the fading