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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 17 KB, 455x406, 1484733121838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2821415 No.2821415 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand all this obsession with drawing from imagination when you can literally find reference for almost anything online. I can understand learning your fundamentals but drawing from imagination is a completely waste of time. At the end of the day, nobody gives a shit if you used no reference, 1 reference, or 10 references, as long as the image looks visually appealing and is fundamentally correct, then that's all the viewer cares about.

>> No.2821422

Hi Proko

>> No.2821423


>> No.2821425

What's the point of drawing things from reference when you can just take a photo.

>> No.2821426

I'm not Proko, why would you think Proko would waste his time coming on here? The guy has a life, a wife and an art career, can't say the same about you shitposters and butthurted neanderthall artists

>> No.2821427
File: 129 KB, 1033x797, PLS DELET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2821429

I don't draw to draw pretty pictures, I could just copy a already pretty one if I wanted

I picked up drawing because I want to be able to draw what I imagine, and searching for refs is flow disturbing

and so I have to train my memory drawing, not academy drawing

>> No.2821430

>drawing from imagination is a completely waste of time
drawing from imagination is waaaay quicker tho ? nice one boi keep sucking dicks

>> No.2821432

That's a stupid argument. You can't go outside and take pictures of dragons but at the same time you don't need to draw dragons from imagination, when there are literally millions of references on the internet that you can utilize to create your original design.

>> No.2821434
File: 26 KB, 433x380, 1458778752502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dragon reference images
Where do those come from?

>> No.2821440

There's nothing wrong with using references. Even your own mind uses images in your brain as references when it imagines things.

>> No.2821442
File: 166 KB, 1024x683, Satanic Leaf tailed gecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reptiles, bats, birds and aquatic animals

>> No.2821447

why are you taking bait?

>> No.2821451
File: 362 KB, 700x700, 1458778718625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you use animals as design reference you'll still end up drawing it from imagination.

>> No.2821456

Drawing from imagination/memory means you use MENTAL reference.

Sure using any kind of reference will have some imagination incorporate due to stylistic reasons, maybe you're exaggerating the gesture, maybe you're editing a few things but that's not what people mean when they say drawing from imagination.

Using your logic, any type of drawing can be considered imaginative. For example, if I'm copying a figure in life drawing, at some point i have to stop looking at the model and look at the paper, that in itself can be considered imagination since for a brief moment i am not looking at the model and working from memory.

>> No.2821459

It's important if you want to develop your own visual language, which is important if you want to
stand out, which is important if you want to make
a living.

>> No.2821471

Drawing from imagination is not just memorizing detail that you could easily look up on google images, but also the ability to imagine a scene in 3D space in general. If you can't do that, then it doesn't matter how much reference you look at, your work will always be inferior than that of an artist who can.

Also, there is a psychological aspect to it as well. You are generally more creative when sketching something you at least vaguely understand how it looks and then you can always look up reference later to get the details right. However If you don't know how something is supposed to look at all, chances are your first impulse won't be to look up reference, but to subconsciously simply avoid drawing it in your personal work. That means, the better your visual library, the less subconscious mental blocks you have when sketching stuff and the more creative you can be.

>> No.2821473

>Lel you don't need to draw from imagination
Never had a commercial art job interview/internship, the thread.

>> No.2821474

can someone explain this meme to me? I assume it relates to Proko?

>> No.2821475

Proko did a livestream where he drew from imagination.

>> No.2821477

He tried to draw a dog from imagination.

>> No.2821483


>> No.2821522


>> No.2821526


>> No.2821528

>this vid is still up

>> No.2821538

>Thing from OP is supposed to be a kangaroo
I thought it was some crab man.

>> No.2821539
File: 37 KB, 664x559, 12345235346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, what was he trying to draw here? I always thought from seeing the OP version, it was supposed to be the silhouette of a kangaroo but clearly it is supposed to be something humanoid.

>> No.2821540

pretty sure it really was supposed to be a kangaroo. thats the joke.

>> No.2821541



>> No.2821552

The fact that it's unlisted makes me crack up

>> No.2821554
File: 20 KB, 272x264, wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was this thing he drew before the orange thing

>> No.2821555

depression summed up in one image
poor proko

>> No.2821577
File: 1.18 MB, 2238x1638, 177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Proko-chan.

>> No.2821578

How do I git as gud as Yoshinari?

>> No.2821581
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1467515164170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2821582

You don't

>> No.2821587

He said "fundamentals, fundamentals and fundamentals". But yeah, you can't. You don't live in Japan for example. You can't start career as animator and grind skills.

>> No.2821588

Genuinely enjoy drawing, have a vivid imagination, constantly sketch figures acting and doing stuff all the while studying and gitting gud at the fundamentals. But always prioritize the former over the latter

>> No.2821590

Not gonna make it. Yoshinari level skills are definitely achievable, I feel like I'm 70% there myself, and no I wont post my work before you ask just trust me my dude :^)

>> No.2821594
File: 199 KB, 1075x935, 1234325436456546465464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a big problem dude. Look at this

>> No.2821596
File: 159 KB, 1182x740, 123143253654654646464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And ask yourself. Can you right now stand up from your chair and become inbetween low tier animator? In Japan you can. Even with zero skills.

>> No.2821598

Obviously you won't ever be a carbon copy of Yoshinari and you'll never have his animation skills, but that's probably not what that guy meant when he asked how to get to that level of skill. Chances are the guy isn't even interested in animation and just really likes Yoshinari's shape design and dynamic, gestural figures.

>> No.2821599

I would actually love to do that even though I know the pay will be shit. The art gains I will make would be worth it

>> No.2821604

>In Japan you can. Even with zero skills.

Kek, no you can't. The reason why animators in japan can be worked to the bones at minimum wage is because there are so fucking many that the industry is completely oversaturated and studios can get away with treating them like slave labor. Why would they ever consider hiring someone with zero skill when there are literally thousands of highly skilled animators applying for the same low tier in-betweener job?

>> No.2821624

Check studio sites. They're still looking for animators of all sorts and skills

>> No.2821631

Can you link any examples? I can barely speak japanese so navigating their sites is hard even with google translate. Also I'm guessing they likely wouldn't hire a foreigner who with a 10 word vocabulary, right?

>> No.2821636

What studios
Time to get into KyoAni

>> No.2821644
File: 96 KB, 761x698, 326543654765757575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver Link.

>> No.2821645

>tfw will never get to work on Illya

>> No.2821646
File: 98 KB, 1050x928, 3245436547657657575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEEN looking for noobs

>> No.2821661

would they hire an overseas non japanese speaker as long as they have decent skills?

>> No.2821665

Dude, come one, use logic. How the fuck you supposed to communicate with others?
>fix this
>I'm pantsu o taberu
>anon pls redraw this part

>> No.2821666

It says you need at least N2 level of Japanese.

>> No.2821670
File: 9 KB, 236x254, 262914e12a5dwojak57eefcdd4c3e9ac59563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck... I guess I'll work towards N2 level as soon as possible.

>> No.2821677


>Ok, nigger I need 20 more designs for the giganigger 3000 for the next hour better hurry up piece of shit drawfag.

>Hold on, sir.
>I'm searching my references.

>> No.2821678

>it's still unlisted

>> No.2821685


Yeah, it's quite common for concept artists to use references, fucktard

>> No.2821686
File: 117 KB, 828x558, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better stop working on your drawing skills and start disabling your chinese cartoons subs

>> No.2821688

>the point

>> No.2821693



>> No.2821698




>> No.2821735

Is drawing a meme is imagination?

>> No.2822918


Okay, Proko, calm down.

>> No.2822939

>drawing from imagination

it is a meme, just not a harmful one like style.

drawing from imagination is only an ability that saves time. same with photobashing, visual library, absolute mastery of the fundamentals, etc.
drawing something that you know how to draw is just faster and easier than figuring out how to draw something

If you want to draw/paint crazy shit, understand the fundamentals, find the appropriate references, and be diligent.
You will get to study multiple things that actually interest you, and you'll have a satisfying result by the end.
Whatever you've retained becomes a part of you. it's why every face a newfag draws looks like their last portrait study.

Instead of reference hoarding, only grab the references relevant to stuff you are actually making.
You'll develop a design sense and visual library that is very organic and avoid inbreeding.
Style is just art direction. If you want to be an artist, you most likely already have taste, it's just a matter of refining and cultivating it.
Chasing after style will only lead to a samey artstation style at best, and tumblr at worst.

I strongly recommend deleting your visual library folder if you have one and making a new one made exclusively from references you've actually used before.
As this grows, you grow. When you have a giant fucking folder filled with shit you actually know how to draw it's really satisfying.
if you want to hoard something, build up a collection of artists you admire.

Try not to fall for the inspo meme though, anything that looks neat can make interesting subject matter.
Don't spend eleventy fucking hours trying to find shit to draw. Just focus on getting the ball rolling.

But the most important thing in education, is that you actually try to do what you want to do Always apply what you've learned.
Try to draw epic chinese battle scenes, gundams, dragons, knights, and sexy anime girls or whatever, because no one will teach you that stuff.

>> No.2822982
File: 53 KB, 943x541, IMG_3264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2822995

I have almost 15 years of drawing from imagination, it feels amazing, imagine not being restrained by anything, you can just let loose and paint / draw pretty much anything, any angle, pose, view, subject, i still lack on small bits of anatomy here and there since i didn't practice it that much but i am confident in saying that in 1-2 years i can be close to the man mentioned in this thread >>2822148

If anyone wants some input or tips on how to get better at this just ask and maybe i can give some guidance.

>> No.2822996

How do I get better at this

>> No.2823010

>Drawing from imagination then using reference to patch up your mistakes afterwards
Is this the way to make it?

>> No.2823011

Can I see your work?

>> No.2823017

It sounds better than constantly grinding for nothing so it must be!

>> No.2823026

>I have almost 15 years of drawing from imagination
Am I supposed to believe this shit?
Detail process, post work or gtfo!

>> No.2823027

>implying he doesn't mean he has 15 years experience in breathing air

>> No.2823066
File: 22 KB, 343x343, smile-cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proko on life support

>> No.2823078

make a schedule, draw from ref today, be it a nature study or from a book, something you see on the street etc. then in the next 2-3 days try to replicate it from memory by drawing it many times, no polishing or anything, 10-15 minute sketches, practice this for years, there are no shortcuts, the draw boxes meme from KJG, that's it, nothing else, do this for years and you will see improvements.
The only use of reference you should be using after is to see if your drawing is missing something, put side by side then fix, its just years of years of grinding fundamentals, if you know how to draw a hand from various poses from mind and know how to better use values and render skin you don't need a "400 page gumroad 12$ buy my book it will make you a pro" to constantly look at it when someone asks you to draw them a character holding a gun sideways like they do in Compton
I won't post for various reasons, but what i can do is draw something specific for you and this thread to prove >>2823026 & >>2823027 how wrong they are.

>> No.2823080

draw a gundam barebacking godzilla

>> No.2823093
File: 1.84 MB, 320x240, very happy doggo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to hear man. Same.

If you were actually good you'd probably believe him too.

>> No.2823159


You draw with reference long enough until you don't really see any reason to have one anymore, dumb ass.

>> No.2823195
File: 28 KB, 228x600, male-figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think fully completed life drawings are essential to git gud at imagination drawing?

Example is like pic related; very detailed and finely rendered. Is it necessary to go this far when drawing from life?

>> No.2823203
File: 78 KB, 321x185, 1473397253296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is never going to die, is it? It's here to stay as a constant reminder of what nothing but grinding from life drawing without drawing from imagination can amount to.

>those swirls trying to convey form in the torso

Every time.

>> No.2823210
File: 186 KB, 939x951, 3214325345643545353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proko didn't listen Watts

What the fuck, Proko-chan?

>> No.2823217
File: 176 KB, 1250x556, guernica3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you need a photographic autismemory to work from imagination
>implying great imaginative works can't be simple
>implying working from life doesn't teach you good taste so you don't have to overcompensate with muh visual library in your imaginative work
>implying kim jung gi comes close to picasso's worst shit scribble.

proko's fine. he just keeps falling for the illustration meme. if he just did basic imaginative work of human figures instead of "Let me try to remember what the fuck a kangaroo looks like" they'd be perfectly fine

>> No.2823221


>> No.2823232

The thing you people keep forgetting when using Picasso's weird scribbles is that Picasso actually read the sticky.

>> No.2823237
File: 121 KB, 736x1097, aa74b04d5f508c63a92b47562a36250c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not forgetting that. im saying his imaginative work is what it looks like when you master academic drawing. it doesn't look like ruan jia. remember that video of ruan fucking up a basic observational drawing of the cameraman in front of him? thats what happens when you only practice illustration skills and don't have a foundation in life drawing.

Guernica is infinitely better than the most intense ruan digital painting, and it's infinitely simpler. great art isn't as complicated as illustrators make it seem. just draw from life. all those photographic imaginative realism retards aren't any good. they appeal to all the normies on /ic/ but they aren't great artists.

>> No.2823239
File: 92 KB, 600x748, LaCelestina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my favorites of his.
also this, the absolute madman. how did he do it

>> No.2823241


Not for every drawing but you should try to find a good balance between quick studies and longer efforts.

>> No.2823251

Look for Watts Atelier on cgpeers.

>> No.2823256

where is this from anon?

>> No.2823258
File: 149 KB, 882x667, Touhou-Easy-Mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claim you can draw in front of a bunch of kawaii Asian girls
>pull out pencil and paper
>"now I just need to look up pictures on my phone for reference"
>Asian girls become unimpressed and go off the fuck Chad
This is why you need to be able to draw from imagination

>> No.2823261

>not using the girl as reference and drawing her

>> No.2823278

this. you plan on impressing girls by drawing merc.wip for them? if a bitch is interested in if you can draw YOU DRAW THE BITCH

>> No.2823308

wow proko is a huge charlatan huh

>> No.2823313

He can still teach you how to draw meatbags and anatomy

>> No.2823314

tried drawing gril. made her look like shit. wouldn't let my anteater nuzzle her honey pot. :(

>> No.2823316


>> No.2823327

Hi looking for guidance pls

How much of a balance should I study life vs imaginative practices/exercises?

>> No.2823329

draw a figure

>> No.2823336


>> No.2823371
File: 416 KB, 775x900, january-19-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i as good as proko now? is my imagination meme enough?

>> No.2823375

Where exactly is this page?
Grab the book from cgpeers, didn't find this.

>> No.2823960
File: 601 KB, 2470x953, Morning practice sketches_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say about 60/40 of the time dedicated to art in favor of life studies, this isn't a 1 year's resolution thing, it takes time to store all that information into your memory and even more to properly use it afterwards.
I had cases when for weeks all i did was do studies all day for 10+ hours covering everything, anatomy, environments, characters sci-fi merc wips, ruan jia meme dragons, sakimi-kron-germ-zeronis same faces, photobashing like no tomorrow, jamie-mullins trials and errors, kjg failed practices, trying to listen to stephen's art talks in a row to motivate me back since i have meltdowns for the art not turning out the way i want when doing it from mind.
I still do it now and then.
Here is one of the sheets i usually draw every morning right after i wake up and 1-2 hours before i go to sleep, i tend to do between 4-5 of this kind of sheets everyday, each sketch in it takes 2 minutes at best and is from imagination and memories i recall, sometimes they take 10 or more minutes when there are things i didn't practice like animals for example.

>> No.2823995

I'm sorry to break it to you man, but from what you're showing here you are no where near Kim Jung gi's level. Granted, you did mention only spending 2 minutes on it, can you post work that takes longer than 2 minutes?

>> No.2823998
File: 27 KB, 512x512, 1468869403830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is that anywhere near kim jung gi level tho

>> No.2824005

> that middle character face

Kek. Your manga faces needs lots of work.

>> No.2824010

I think we really have hit the meme golden age here at /ic/. Pls tell me this is b8 or post something that took you longer than 2 minutes. From what you have shown, that doesn't look like the work of someone who has been doing art seriously for 15 years and it's light years away from being on kjg's level, not years. If you're not joking maybe this will serve as a wake up call to change up your study methods and to be more critical of your art.

>> No.2824033

>Those drawings
>15 (FIFTEEN) years

Surely you jest.

>> No.2824035

nigga that looks like my drawings and I've got nowhere near 15 years of experience.

>> No.2824039

Post your work and we will see

>> No.2824044
File: 107 KB, 736x552, 33f596e7f5e67a4cf33e9110cfc1269a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are what warm ups are supposed to look like for someone who's been drawing for 15 years

>> No.2824045
File: 1.33 MB, 3394x2340, 20161128_110227~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i draw is from my imagination. If i try to draw something specific in my mind i never like how it comes out

>> No.2824048

> Those faces


>> No.2824060

hmm, thanks for the feedback some good points and some bad ones, but how about you guys do the same process i did?
From imagination, quick doodles 5 minutes at best each sketch / doodle in the canvas, no planning in your head on what to draw, once the first line is drawn don't stop until you fill a sheet like that, it can be anything you want.
And no "but you have all those years behind you" well some of you just said i am nowhere near what 15 years should look like so prove me wrong by drawing something from imagination better than what i did in 5 minutes or less.

>> No.2824062


>> No.2824073

If anything, drawing from life is a meme

>> No.2824096

you telling me this whole time the right thing to do was draw waifus and dragons and ayys from imagination and I'd be better than proko

>> No.2824101

There's a reason most of the schools like fzd don't do life drawings

>> No.2824106
File: 36 KB, 476x353, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2824112


life drawing is a great exercise, but many people think it's some magical ritual that'll give you skill no matter what as long as you do it. That's simply not the case. The more you draw from imagination, the more effective of an exercise life drawing becomes, because you'll actually focus on memorizing things that you know will make your personal work improve. If you don't draw from imagination, you don't know what to focus on, you'll just try to memorize everything but your brain makes no lasting connections to what you have just copied

>> No.2824120

Just post your best work, nobody here is claiming to close to KJG but you. There are very little professional artists in the world if any who are anywhere near kjg in visual library. 2 artists that come to mind are sinix and peter han but even they aren't close.

>> No.2824837

Did anyone find out where you can find this book? cgpeers doesn't have this one but it has Watts' other stuff.

>> No.2824842

you should pay shekels to Watts

>> No.2824847

Please, discover more artists who aren't youtube personalities. There are artists out there who are genuinley at KJG level

>> No.2824848

I'd pay if I knew which one it was.

>> No.2824858

Lol sinix is good but come on. Find some artists mang. One that comes to mind is Karl kopinski. He has a couple short clips on his insta where he draws without construction just like kjg.

>> No.2824864


Where's your patreon? How much do you make from comissions a month?

>> No.2824875

Figure part

>> No.2824880

You're retarded.

>> No.2824881


>> No.2824882


>peter han

oh boy this better be bait
don't you realize that the average capeshit pencil artist draw better than these two? sinix is a intermediate artist, how he is one of your first picks is just mindboggling

>> No.2824890

Peter Han is actually good you contrarion faggot. And sinix isn't as good as peter but he is at a professional level, he is definitely not an intermediate artist.

>> No.2824898
File: 130 KB, 735x1086, ___71_by_sinix-daksx7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what you call professional? Come on, there are 15 year old tumblrinas that draw better than this. His mecha stuff is ok though. But to even think about his name as someone who could possible hang with KJG is just absurd

>> No.2824899

>anywhere close to KJG
Do you retards think KJG can't color or something? The level of skill difference in line control, construction, gesture, and perspective is like Goku vs Krillin here.

>> No.2824901

I didn't say he was anywhere close to kjg level. But you're being disingenuous by claiming that peter Han and sinix suck just cause they're not as good as Kim. I swear to god, if always has to be one extreme or another with you people. Kim is better than both of them but just cause they're not as good as him doesn't mean that their work is amateur or below a pro level. The original guy made the statement about sinix being like Kim not me.

>> No.2824910

This is a image board why aren't you people who are laughing at proko posting pictures so there is some credibility to what say.

>> No.2824933


Well the other guy did and he was the guy I was responding to. They don't suck, but neither of them are close to KJG level. And there are many artists that are much closer, so it's kind of weird to bring up even Peter Han as an example. Sure he is good, but he is not as good as a average Marvel artist at drawing.

>> No.2825117

how did this even happen, that kangaroo thing
I've seen him construct simple things before with ease

I can't draw anywhere near as good as he does in his videos yet I can draw a kangaroo looking thing from simple shapes easily

maybe he completely lacks imagination?

>> No.2825153

You responded to my post tho >>2824890
and Peter Han is definitely on par with the average marvel artist, what are you talking about dude? Have you seen his work?

>> No.2825212
File: 114 KB, 1155x707, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but I have seen in his early videos he constructed a camel from scratch just using shapes.

Pic related is a screenshot of his completed camel constructed from imagination. idk if he did multiple takes to make this but it's FAR better than his kangaroo shit

>> No.2825225

We have no reason to assume that that camel or anything else he draws isn't referenced. Not anymore. He could easily be looking at a picture of a camel off-screen.

>> No.2825274

Sinix didn't draw that.
The linework was done by someone called Jimmy Yin and Sinix just colored it to demonstrate post-processing techniques in one of his videos.

>> No.2825394

It's a homunculus.

>> No.2825480

To be honest, sycra gets a lot of hate but he's one of the few artists that is close to kjg level

>> No.2825517

His neuroplasticity has hardened by now. It's too late for him.

>> No.2825524

FUCK OFF, i'm 40 years old and i'm still learning things... I started last year

>> No.2825688

lol tell that to the old ladies at the painting class gitting good and shiet

>> No.2825693

>Drawing from imagination/memory means you use MENTAL reference.

Try harder.

>> No.2825694

>x artist is close to kjg level
Is this le epic new meme?

>> No.2825714


Good example. This is exactly what I would expect from Proko on that livestream. Oh well. Maybe he had a bad day or wasn't warmed up or something.

>> No.2825780


why do you sound so butthurt... Proko?

>> No.2825798
File: 14 KB, 220x320, 1484456032510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a let down anon. After what you said about imagination I felt sort of validated because I'm all for the imagination practice routine but... those drawings mane

>> No.2825968

Lmao nigga said he was close to kjg... Funniest shit I've seen on ic in a while

>> No.2825971
File: 147 KB, 352x370, ZMUu1E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two years away from kjg level