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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 13 KB, 259x194, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2820916 No.2820916 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/. Next year I'll go off to college to study either computer science or quantum physics, meaning my art understanding is very rudimentary.
I have messed around in Photoshop (I'll post some pics if anyone asks) but I don't know any big rules about paper drawing/paintings.
With this in mind, why did Adolf Hitler not get accepted in the Geneva Art School with paintings such as pic related?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.2820923

Anyone? Please?

>> No.2820929

Why won't anyone reply? I'm not baiting, I'm honestly curios.

>> No.2820936

his perspective here is borked for one thing

>> No.2820943

Wouldn't that be the kind of thing they'd teach you in school?

>> No.2820944

He had strong architectural drawings but the retard applied to a school that was geared toward more abstract art. He actually sperged out and started burning and defacing all the abstract art he could find after he came into power cause it pissed him off so much. I'm pretty sure he could've been employed as some sort of artist if he did commercial or more representational art.

>> No.2820947

How come? Isn't it just a one point perspective?

>> No.2820948

His stuff aren't that good. From what I googled, his paintings looks pale and lack character. The person who reviewed his stuff probably didn't like it either.

>> No.2820949

thats a cozy Hitler

Got any more?

>> No.2820961


I recently looked into his biography trying to understand what the fuck was the connection between the Vienna (not Geneva) Fine Arts School rejecting him and him being a fuckwit who wanted to start a war.

He had a pretty shitty life growing up and he blew the funds that his mom saved up for him to go to school on basically dicking around. I think he also sold her house from what I remember, and blew that money as well.

So he slept on park benches for awhile. He was mentally disturbed and the only person who could care to listen to his ramblings was his roommate.

His roommate went on to be a successful musician at the Vienna Conservatory, and Hitler stayed the usual drop out failure.

His attitude isn't unlike what I see around me, which makes his biography all the more fucked up.

The school rejected him on the basis that his life drawing and human form was weak. Most likely he had avoided drawing features like faces/heads, hands and feet.

They had public life drawing classes back then as well. I guess he didn't care to improve.

>> No.2820964

It's not Geneva Art school. It's Vienna Academy of Fine arts.

False, he was most likely rejected because he didn't finish high school and he only did drawing architectural drawings. He sucked at drawing figures. The reviewer believed that Hitler was better off becoming an architect than a fine artist.

>> No.2821000
File: 30 KB, 438x544, IMG_3790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I wonder why

>> No.2821002

I was ready to shit on it but just now I realized that Hitler could not have read the sticky. Poor bastard.

>> No.2821007

Hitler would fit right in with /ic/

>> No.2821013

Hitler had talent for buildings but he was shit at figures and portraits, the teachers told him he should become a drafts man instead but in order to do that he'd have to go back and complete high school which he refused to do. so he just fucked about on the streets of vienna for a couple of years painting post cards.

>> No.2821014
File: 157 KB, 687x563, Ben+garrison_4195f6_5218809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres reading the sticky, and then theres not drawing whats right in front of your fucking face.

Hitler should have just been a cartoonist and become the ben garrison of the 1930s and become popular with all the edgy /germ/tard. Its clear his writing had mass appeal judging by mein kamf.

>> No.2821343
File: 477 KB, 1104x1472, hitler-watercolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He definitely had potential.
If only he didn't give up.

>> No.2821362

Whoa, is that really watercolours? How did he get everything to look so smooth? I hate watercolours with a passion.

>> No.2821381

Because they're boring and lackluster.

Fucking /pol/tards needs to stop trying to meme him into some grand old master. It only serves to make your pleb taste painfully obvious.

>> No.2821390

Hitlar was a psycho freak, cult leader bad guy like in my animes

>> No.2821437

did art schools because so shit after him out of fear of creating a second hittler?

>> No.2821438


>> No.2821450
File: 87 KB, 555x620, andrew-loomis-fun-with-a-pencil_0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Loomis was born three years after Hitler

>> No.2821478


>> No.2821482
File: 1.12 MB, 1952x2760, le perspective problems face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler wasn't able to draw people very well and had issues with perspective in his drawings. Of course, this is the kind of thing that you would go to a formal school to learn, but oh well lol.

>> No.2821487

no spark for him :(

>> No.2821562


>> No.2821570

>Had trouble improving outside of his comfort zone.
>Didn't actually force himself to practice enough.
>Developed a strong dislike of abstract/'modern' art.

After reading this thread, I now see that the average /ic/ poster is literally Hitler.

>> No.2821610

The Jews really did it

>> No.2821613

Schiele was a fucking hack

>> No.2821615

That looks pretty good.

>> No.2821620

no most of us are literally worse than Hitler

>> No.2821621

Whos's the pipe guy?

>> No.2821625


I've seen much worse from professional artists tbqh

>> No.2821634

Shlomo Cocksukkerbergstein

>> No.2821692

you do wet on wet instead of wet on dry.

>> No.2821695

or so you tell yourself hitler buttboy

>> No.2821696

Ha ha.... very true

>> No.2821697

A lot of people hated modern art at the time. Nice try though.

>> No.2821708

This pic is so fucking retarded since those artists that graduated would never have done so with the works displayed there and it certainly wasnt encouraged by the vienna art academy st the time to make such works.
But for some reasons polcucks keep reposting it.

>> No.2821713
File: 16 KB, 320x371, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates /ic/
>can't stop visiting

>> No.2821716

Schiele is unarguably great

>> No.2821725

I dont hate /ic/, just retarded posters.

>> No.2821736

you're on 4chan buddy