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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 668 KB, 960x1280, 1 (501).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2812065 No.2812065 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys
Does whoring get you more popular as an hentai artist ? Thinking of creating a new persona / pseudo and posting new art along with selfies of me to attract people ... Worth it ?

>18 yrs old
>Makes 150$ to 200$ on good month from commission
>not me on photo

>> No.2812066

As worthy as your dignity.

>> No.2812072

If you are so desperate for money to be a whore, then do it.

>> No.2812077

Flash me bby

They will stop asking for art and want you to cam whore fulltime. You will do it because betas will pay you way more money than are making right now and women are inherently lazy.

>> No.2812089
File: 14 KB, 240x160, young-student-artist-drawing-pictures-studio-76560690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried for a month and got almost the same as when I draw but it required me to stay on my pc all day and since i got a busy schedule ... it was crap.

With art I make 200$ for like 20 hours of work
I made 200$ doing cam but struggled to get customers and wasted over 60 hours just for that amount.

>Earns better drawing
>Non nude whoring ofc

>> No.2812092

Alright, so her comes the adult question of what exactly do you want to do with your career. In general, artists live and die on their reputations. If you enjoy getting work and making money based on your personality/looks/pandering what have you, then do that. It's a thing you can do and make decent or even fantastic money doing.

If you want to be an artist for a living, then you need to have a professional online presence. Not rigid, or boring or even clean, just professional. That word means something different to every client you'll ever work for, doubly so if you want to draw porn. You can be a professional Hentai artist if you want. Plenty of people do that kind of thing, just look on Patreon. That has to be the thing you're known for though, not whoring or attention grabbing by packaging pictures of yourself with your art.

Personal recommendation: Study the industry that you want to break into. Find artists with successful business models doing the kind of work that you want to do. Ask them advice on how they got there via email or whatever they use (most people will respond). Follow that advice, and replicate their success. It's hard, and could take a couple years if you're not already drawing at high level, but it's easily doable.

Just don't live in the in between space. Either fully commit to "whoring" or become an artist that people can't ignore.

>> No.2812093
File: 264 KB, 800x585, 3ec58a7571e7d3a4227aa16bb77f5d493e1afdd2411c1254bbaf241e7459046f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korras gona whore.

How about finding decent provider and relaxing?
Or you do not need no man? You just need thousands of them?

>> No.2812095


Thanks)) Was very helpful

and I'm just looking to pay rent and stuff until I start working after my degree and my intership ( 4 more years ... ((

>> No.2812101

youre making 10$ an hour. Just fucking get a job wtf

>> No.2812152

this is my job

>> No.2812154


I can't get a job , my country is doing bad economically.

Even if i got a job i would get maximum 150$ a month. Working 8 hours a day , 25 days a month. So no thanks. Drawing gets me that much by just sitting a doing what I like.

uhu (

>> No.2812159

What country do you live in that you have the education and internet connection to retort but not a basic job opportunity?

>> No.2812160
File: 87 KB, 450x495, 1479447743931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh you mean just like everyone from the cis region

>> No.2812162

>I can't get a job

You're so full of shit. Just admit you're lazy and worthless.

>> No.2812184

OP, male stripper here who also did some porn shoots in the past.

My suggestion is think about what you really want. Why are you doing hentai anyway? For the money, or because you actually want to be a good artist? Whoring gets you popular whether you do hentai or not, so go ahead if your goal is to milk the money as much as you can. But if you want to be taken seriously, keep your looks and esp. face separate from your art. Doesn't matter if you're female or male.

Once you post pics online, it's there forever and there is nothing you can do about it. You might get more money pandering w/ your sexuality now but in the long run that's all you'll be remembered for. But of course, if money is all you want then you don't have to care about that.

If you want to eventually move into being a serious artist then just grit through the hunger, eat some ramen, and focus on getting good instead. If you're attractive enough to get attention online, you're better off finding a man who can provide for you. That's female privilege for you.

>> No.2812190

>OP, male stripper here who also did some porn shoots in the past.

god, i wish huntng humans was legal

>> No.2812211

Why ? because he's not 300 lbs like you and able to do things like that ?

>> No.2812212


Was very helpful thanks))

I won't post any face or anything. Not even nudes. It's just that i was wondering if it would attract more people to my art if they knew I was a girl.

>> No.2812214

>Whoring gets me that much by just sitting a doing what I like.


>> No.2812217


Ofcourse it will. You'll essentially be a more anonymous online version of a stripper. You build a relationship with your clients (stupid dickbrains) who somehow thinks they might have a shot at getting into your panties or win over your heart. You look sufficiently cute in your pic, you can do it.

>> No.2812218

>male stripper here
Now that is what i call dedication to the arts. Not like some whores doing they whoring activities.

>> No.2812220

>Even if i got a job i would get maximum 150$ a month. Working 8 hours a day , 25 days a month.
She makes more than MAXIMUM in her country for her skillset and yet have audacity to whine about hardships.

>> No.2812223

People here don't see to place much on it. Like all the wonderful individuals who defend furries cause they are their sugar daddys lol.

>> No.2812231

>OP, male stripper here

I hate this meme.

>> No.2812258

>Nose Bro has never travelled

>> No.2812320

How does one make $10/hr with art?

Serious question. I would love to improve while making some money

>> No.2812327

Buy a webcam for starters.

>> No.2812330


Take commisions.

Charge $10 hourly.

Obviously you have to be good.

>> No.2812339


How good do you have to be for $10 an hour?

What are some outlets where people would commision me?
What are some popular themes/genres that people would like?

I was thinking of selling illustration along the lines of caricatures/cartoons, and also prints.
It would be nice to make $10/hr as i improve, but obviously the stuff im making now isnt amazing.

The main problem i see with this is making it something steady. It would be great to make $250 a week of additional income by drawing 4-6 hours daily

>> No.2812375

>The main problem i see with this is making it something steady. It would be great to make $250 a week of additional income by drawing 4-6 hours daily

You need an audience, specifically a niche audience that will come back for more shit on the regular and will show your work to others who will also want to buy it. Furries do this. People who masturbate do this, and to a small extent people who play dungeons and dragons do this.

You need to first find at least one customer, provide them with good work, and have them show the product to their contacts (assuming they like it and it was cheap).

Also you don't charge by the hour, you just price your shit accordingly. Depending on the quality of your work, $20-$30 is reasonable for a first commission that takes you 3 hours or so to complete.

>> No.2813440

<non nude whoring ofc

There's your problem. If you want shekels, just put on a ballroom mask and slip some nips, maybe some oil prince will send a few grand.

>> No.2813447

post pics, nigress

>> No.2813460

I have wondered this myself desu.
But then quickly gave up that idea after I realized that my face would forever be associated with it if I chose to do so and I could never work in children's books which is just as lucrative, probably.

>> No.2813462

This is really good advice guys.

>> No.2813472

True. Have 0 interest in it, would rather do something more expensive but locally.

>> No.2813476

10 dollars for art as a job...
I charge 38$ per hour...

>> No.2813477

yea it does, and most of your followers are autists and pedos. Have fun signing autographs slut!


>> No.2813480

post ur work plz
Not being salty I just also work as 10 dollars an hour and wondering when I should start raising my rates. I started out at 25 but lowered it because I realized since i was starting out it was unlikely anyone was going to hire me.

>> No.2813775

in the end, you have to choose. Artist or whore what will the world remember you as?

>> No.2813778

If you ever want an actual job...

>> No.2813782
File: 103 KB, 580x416, tricky mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both? I want to see OP's tiddy

>> No.2813785

>zebra pattern bra

>> No.2813788

I wouldn't recommend it. I mean I personally wouldn't do it.
What I would recommend is to make sure people know you're a girl. Just from personal experience, if people on the internet suspect you're a girl they will give you attention, this is doubly true when it comes to hentai art. For some reason guys love the idea that their naughty art is drawn by a girl. If you would exploit that successfully I don't know why you'd need to post pictures of yourself. Just engage your audience a bit, just a bit, while making sure you're still focusing on the art.

>> No.2814071

What would your dad say?

>> No.2814091

wanna be my whore op?

>> No.2814192

You can do like some of the YouTube girl artists do. Show low cleavage and draw and paint in the studio. The sex appeal keeps me watching. Their skill keeps me learning.