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2808049 No.2808049 [Reply] [Original]

Are mechanical pencils the best for sketching?

>> No.2808203

Bic pens are actually the best for sketching

>> No.2808207

>Bic "Bigass Ink Clots all over your paper" Pens

>> No.2808214


not really, quite the opposite actually
the fine ballroll tip allows a steady constant ink to slow through, so fine that you don't get clot like a fountain or dip pen

you can also apply different value depending on how hard you press it onto paper, like a pencil

and lastly, ink trains you to get shit right in the first place

Bic pens are great pencil that have 'pencil like' qualities, and they are great for sketching

>> No.2808216

*great pens that have pencil like qualities etc

>> No.2808222

Maybe I'm doing something wrong then, because every Bic pen I've ever used, without fail, has left ink blots all over the place. I get the cheap ballpoints though

>> No.2808224

do you live in a hot country? that might be a factor in the ink flow but this is just a wild guess

>> No.2808225

No, I live in Canada. It's cold as fuck in my room right now, and really hot/humid during the summer.

I actually find Paper Mate pens much more reliable

>> No.2809379

If you are good enough, you can sketch with a turd.
Stop making excuses. Get your ass to work.

>> No.2809382

lead holders are vastly superior

>> No.2809390


>the tools don't matter meme

oh look it's another idiot on /ic/ that saw meme man do a figure drawing with a chocolate bar and instantly deluded himself into preaching the gospel of chocolate bar drawing.

don't be a fucking jackass, just because you can sketch with a turd doesn't mean you should sketch with a turd, there are better tools and worse tools for art.

>> No.2809428

I really love pencils, maybe I got used to them, but also I appreciate the quality of the material, the lead and the wood, when I'm drawing, such sensorial features really motivates me more when I'm working than using a plastic or metallic holder.

>> No.2809430

And I specially love when a pencil is made with incense cedar, or some pine trees, red cedar also but is harder to get in this days.

>> No.2809439

they've great for making clean lines but i find rendering with them is more time consuming than with a more traditional pencil.

>> No.2809697
File: 55 KB, 303x311, 1461945089717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and lastly, ink trains you to get shit right in the first place
When will this meme end? ink isn't some magical phenomenon that forces you to not fuck up, its being assiduous in your mark making, which can be done with any medium, so long as you arent a drooling retard. Treat your marks like you've only got one shot with them, and congrats! You're going to start trying to get them right the first time.

>> No.2809775

Keep saying that to yourself you procrastinating loser.

>> No.2809859

I like my 2mm lead holder desu

>> No.2809871

fucking this. it feels so good

if only we could erase

>> No.2809910

this nigga knows what's up

>> No.2809978
File: 18 KB, 380x380, pmpencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these

>> No.2810082

Adam Savage?

>> No.2810990

My African American

>> No.2812585
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Drawing traditionally I use these exclusively.

>> No.2812948

THIS. 2mm lead holders are the perfect combination of a wooden pencils thickness, and the ease of replacing lead. you can also get different grades of lead, and even different colors. they are pretty damn hard to break as well, like, you have to press REAL hard to break them. sharpening is kinda annoying though, you can use sandpaper or special 2mm sharpeners.

>> No.2812949

also just felt like adding, i love the feel of 2mm lead holders in my hand much more over other tools, not sure why, but i feel much better with one. they also flow much smoother than small sizes mech. pencils (not as good as say, a mitsubishi hi-uni, but pretty damn close)

>> No.2813018

Sharpening them is why i dropped them for mechanical pencils. Much faster continue drawing with

>> No.2813022

i see your point. heh. get it... but seriously, having a 2mm point unsharpened is fine too, some people just prefer it sharp, but im fine without it. but yea, if you definitely prefer the points, then i suppose smaller lead sizes will suit you

>> No.2813025
File: 5 KB, 100x100, 1psdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best 2mm lead holder? I've been looking for one.

>> No.2813035

My rotary lead pointer gives me a tip that's sharper than a needle in 20 seconds flat.

Whatever you find comfortable is worth buying. Staedtler Mars Technicos are very common and very good. They have a nicely knurled grip exactly where it should be. Getting a rotary lead pointer is a must as well.

>> No.2813069
File: 52 KB, 600x400, 23536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all work the same as long as they're not made extremely poorly. Get whatever is most comfortable for you. Another option would be a 2mm mechanical pencil instead of lead holder, like the Staedtler 925 or the Rotrings.

>> No.2813386

this is why we have the recent influx of shitposters.

the leaf has made his home here.

get the fuck out cuck

>> No.2813459

I'm sure you know you're butthurt

>> No.2813463

How is this a meme you fucking dickhead? Any permanent medium deletes the temptation to use an eraser. Is there anything to be confused about?

>> No.2813489

It's like you didnt even read my post, you fucking mouthbreather. Ink does not enforce assiduous mark making anymore than any other medium, its the mindset that one uses that does. Treat graphite like ink, and ignore the "temptation" and there you go. Its quite simple to grasp if you arent a weak willed moron that needs training wheels to work.

>> No.2813492


go to bed /int/ / /pol/.

>> No.2813498

whats the difference between a 2mm leadholder and a 2mm mechanical pencil? i always thought they were the same?

>> No.2813512

Lead holders normally have a clutch drop mechanism, where you hold the button for the clutch to open and you adjust the lead manually, vs the normal incremental advance mechanism in common mechanical pencils.

>> No.2813519

I think it's more common to call it a lead holder regardless of the mechanism, but that's just semantics.

I'd say clutch pencils are superior because they work better with rotary sharpeners.

>> No.2813541

Have a tissue handy to clean the pen after a dozen strokes or so, the little ball of ink is bound to happen so you have to remove it

I used lead holders for ages, they're a meme. Right now I use wooden pencils at home for sketching with soft leads (6-8B) and mechanical pencils for everything else.

I used both a Gedess sharpener and a barrel type rotary one for my leadholder, and in the first case you can't sharpen really soft leads (like 6b+) because the graphite will cake onto the carborundum ring and it will stop sharpening (graphite is a lubricant). In the second case, the lead will break because rotary sharpeners put too much torque on the lead. So you either use a bladed sharpener or sandpaper, both messy as heck. Not usable in public places.

If you don't need to shade with the side of the pencil, then mechanical pencils are vastly superior to everything else. If you're going to ink over the pencils it's actually completely pointless to use anything but a mechanical pencil.

Wooden pencils are much lighter than leadholders but they get shorter till they're not comfortable anymore. The lead is less prone to breaking because it's bound with the wood. You can sharpen them decently with just a knife (leadholders with just break if you scrape the lead). This shit is huge when you use really soft leads like 8B, leadholder leads that soft are so frail they're almost unusable.

Mechanical pencils save you tons of time over both.
I Pentel Ain Stein leads that come in 4B and they're really dark, so even the range of hardnesses available doesn't matter that much.
They're cheaper than either wooden or leadholders (in terms of length of lead you get, plus time is money)
You can sharpen them to a needle tip, just rub the lead sideways on a sheet of paper

TLDR the only practical reason not to use a mechanical pencil is
- shading with the side of the lead
- lightness of wooden pencils

>> No.2813544

That's an issue with the sharpener, not any particular fault of the mechanism. I assume you're talking about the Staedtler tub, which only really fits pencils that are similar in size to the 780.
I use a Uni pocket sharpener and it works just as well.

>> No.2813550

It's not about erasing, it's that, say, an ink fineliner won't allow you to make faint lines. While you can force yourself to use soft leads and use even pressure, using a rollerball or fineliner is a more direct way to build up confidence.

>> No.2813587

>you can't sharpen really soft leads (like 6b+) because the graphite will cake onto the carborundum ring and it will stop sharpening
The Staedtler rotary sharpener has a kind of bladed steel cone that you can clean with a toothbrush in a few seconds. I've never had to do that any more frequently than every other day though.

I use mechanical pencils or wooden pencils plus an electric sharpener. I generally agree with you, but nothing really replaces a 2mm lead holder + rotary sharpener for when I want to do pencil work when I'm not at home (but that's almost never).

>I use a Uni pocket sharpener and it works just as well.
I just looked that up and it looks pretty neat. I'm skeptical it really matches the performance of a rotary pointer which can change the angle and sharpness of the point and also sharpens extremely quickly and gently. I like mine a lot.
>I assume you're talking about the Staedtler tub, which only really fits pencils that are similar in size to the 780.
It's the only one I've ever used, but Alvin makes one with interchangeable collars that can fit different sizes.

>> No.2813598

>The Staedtler rotary sharpener has a kind of bladed steel cone that you can clean with a toothbrush in a few seconds.
That was about the gedess type sharpener, you'll be able to sharpen once or twice but afterwards there'll be so much graphite caked all over the ring that it will stop sharpening completely until you wash it

the staedtler type will just break leads that soft (6b)

>> No.2813617

>the staedtler type will just break leads that soft (6b)
I've never tried good 6B lead but I have some really shitty Chinese 4b leads that sharpen fine. The Uni pocket 2mm pointer the other anon mentioned seems like it'd work fine for lead like that though.

>> No.2813780


What. You simply use a lead sharpener. I got mine for like 10 burger cents.