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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 997 KB, 500x344, negrobot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2806213 No.2806213 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>2764639

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Keep shitposting to a minimum. Don't feed the trolls.

>2D Animation Tutorial Youtubers

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc




Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame
or just pause the video and use the , and . keys (This doesn't always work but worth a try)

>Kinovea's a cool program to use for frame-by-frame analysis too

>> No.2806320

Thanks for making a better thread.

>> No.2806324
File: 992 KB, 500x465, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else idolize Henry Thurlow?

Also, what the fuck japan, i get theres stylized, but this is ridiculous.Source: some anime

>> No.2806347

I don't even post in these but I saw that shitty other thread and it bugged me

have fun with your animation, friends

>> No.2806394

I didn't know about this man until now. He's livin' the dream.
I really do appreciate it. I'll get to posting animation wips soon.

>> No.2806489

Why the fuck would you idolize Henry? It seems like he's miserable. If anything you should idolize Bahi, gets to work from home in comfy Vienna while working at a Jap studio

>> No.2806527
File: 525 KB, 498x268, raw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think ill be the next bahi.... but I guess I could try. I am his age when he released his animation on youtube, maybe i could try that.

>> No.2806557

Doesn't Bahi make less than the domestic minimum wage to do it though? He's just as miserable lol

>> No.2806600 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 500x277, roughs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Yoshinari cut OP

>> No.2806601
File: 1.21 MB, 500x277, WipRoughs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Yoshinari cut OP

>> No.2806613 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 500x277, bleh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+abandoned petals

>> No.2806615
File: 256 KB, 500x277, petties.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+abandoned petals

>> No.2806649

bahi is in japan.

>> No.2806690

>getting upset about the quality (???) of generals

it's funny how people on this board will get their panties in a knot over every little thing

>> No.2806717

very true but thats the way of the world if you wanna work in 2d animation nowadays. you're gonna suffer no matter what and even if you do create something good it's not going to be able to last, that was the theme of Miyazaki's last film.
he went there to visit but since when does he actually live there?

anyway no more talk about meme animators it'll just derail the thread again.

>> No.2806981

If you were the one that made the other thread then fuck you, that's awful. Not funny.

>> No.2807080

A pedantic request perhaps but it could use something to give the feeling of movement to the petal section. By that I mean that It doesn't seem like i've followed the path the petal has taken as theres no background to give it context, it could easily be a cloak or cloth flapping on the spot.

>> No.2807326

you sound like a humongous idiot. the content was essentially the same as the previous general. work on the quality of your art not your own arbitrary perception of the quality of a general which is completely baseless and subjective

>> No.2807391
File: 155 KB, 320x166, Azumanga-daioh-azumanga-daioh-14818436-320-166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of being a concept artist, comic artist, and animator, are we the ones that could get away lesser drawing skills and more animation skills? Im really starting to notice how simplified anime is compared to manga (not counting pic though) Dont get me wrong, I my current drawing skills are no where up to near up to par for a studio, but I guess its a thought of relief details in anatomy and proportion isn't your strong side.

Nice job cleaning up the lines, but there is still more work to be done on it. Like on her coat, you can't really show off that you can draw clothing folds, because theres just too many lines, its hard to tell if something is a fold, or just paint lines. Also, this is a pet peeve of mine, but I personally hate flickering lines every frame. Im not sure if this is what lawyers want, but to me, flickering lines is like saying "I cant draw a perfect object that people will look at for a whole 5 secs, so im going to redraw it again every frame, so people dont think I cant draw legs". Her pose would work for something more casual. But Its not dynamic enough to impress, though the pedal cut is nice. The timing is good. But, how the fuck did she even move her legs, it looks she sort of jumped to the right cut the pedal.

>> No.2807448

animation in the west is almost never hand drawn anymore. it's either 2d rigs or 3d so yes in a sense you can get away with not being able to draw like a disney animator

but understanding how to animate classically will only ever help you with other mediums. regarding 2d rigs, if that's what you want to go into, you need to have basic puppet making knowledge and know how to animate 2d rigs and making a nice looking rig will require some drawing skills.

but i don't see why you'd even ever ask that because i highly doubt that you're a working animator or are planning on becoming one. what do you even mean "get away" ? if you have some fantasy of working as an animator in japan then i have some bad news for you. animation is simply more than just drawing. yes the designs are generally simpler but that's because they have to be so that they're animatable and the knowledge it takes to be an animator far surpasses what manga illustrators do. moreover the simplification of designs for animation are done so in a way that the characters won't look distorted when moved in 3d space. going from one panel to another in a manga there are probably going to be a lot more inconsistencies in the character than in an animation.

so no i wouldn't say it's easier to be a comic artist.

>> No.2807485

oh god, of course i try to do things classically and realistic. Rigging and western art are fucking awful. But I can't draw anything peter paul rubens tier in realism... yet. I only thought of this after studying anime. I know you have to keep things simpliefied, but even then, there are times im like, (okay this, is just too off). Im actually avoiding any rigging for now because 1) Im using outdated software and try to draw out frames for practice 2) I feel less accomplished through rigging

debatable what you said though. There is probably more errors in proportion in manga. But animation... of course the proportion is more correct, because you are always working from one frame before it. And even then, I know, especially in older anime, the animators fuck up the proportion of characters once in a while.

>so no i wouldn't say it's easier to be a comic artist.
uh, i was saying its easier to get away with anatomy errors as an animator.

>> No.2807498

>And even then, I know, especially in older anime, the animators fuck up the proportion of characters once in a while.

well of course there's going to be inconsistencies when you compare all of anime with all of manga because there's going to be stuff that's great from both and stuff that's shit from both. your question was far too open ended and yes i accidentally said comic artists as opposed to animator.

also generally older animes generally have richer animation compared to a lot of the talking head animes that are prevalent currently so idk what you're talking about


isn't very important with either. doing something in the style of peter paul rubens has a different skill set than doing something an animator would do.

>> No.2807500
File: 443 KB, 600x424, draw_papika_anim3_eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First animation hand drawn, it's hard

>> No.2807501

maybe try bouncing a ball mate

>> No.2807508

No it was not. Every previous animation thread had an example of ANIMATION in it. Really good animation, at that. The thread you made did not star an animation, moreso it contained the cancer that's steven universe. One of the least appealing-looking shows with an infamous fanbase known most notably for bullying an artist into suicide. Please contain your cancer to the /co/ generals or /trash/ where you belong rather than trying to gain acceptance by shoving your crap into people's faces where it doesn't belong and next time let someone else make the next thread.

>> No.2807509

Yeah true I should, to learn the basics but it doesn't motivate me much

>> No.2807512

Be more ambitious. Try the bouncing ball exercise like anon said. Animation's hard but fun and the results are cool.


>> No.2807516

>the picture isn't animated! wah!
>i don't like steven universe! wah!
>these conditions are inadequate for me to shitpost about animation and never actually contribute. even if i did it would probably be some shitty animu wannabe shit that's poorly done anyways

this is you rn

>> No.2807522

Be considerate towards others. I contribute to the threads, and you're the one shitposting right now.

>> No.2807527

you are too bb don't act so high and mighty.

>> No.2807529
File: 307 KB, 640x569, 954afcd16c7fa2126bd5c2b03b7783fa1380938170_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>richer animation
Im gonna request sauce from where you are getting this. I think 2000s anime is definitely better than 80s and 90s. Ive watched the miyazaki films, fist of the north star scenes, dragon ball, gunbuster, slayers and shitty ovas, and generally, the oncurring limitation is that the figures look more stiff, and especially for minor things like hair flowing and head movement. Just look at (pic) the 90s chin looks awkward like its instead while the 2000s seems more relax and nature. I do think 90s anime had more details drawn out though, But thats just what ive noticed. Feel free to point out what im missing in them though.
Wont try to sound harsh since the mistakes are painfully obvious, but okay start. Just keep learning.

>> No.2807560
File: 247 KB, 475x639, Screen Shot 2017-01-07 at 22.02.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleaning up the lines
These are the initial roughs, I still have to do clean up and colouring after adding the head/face. Also, I know I can’t draw and the final version will probably look like ass, but I still don’t see the point in trying to make things perfect on the first pass, isn’t that the whole point of roughs?

>you can't really show off that you can draw clothing folds
Yeah no I really can't draw clothing at all but it's a commission so I gotta try. The client actually just wanted like a 2 second motion of her sheathing (for a twitch sub alert), I've stupidly added all this extra shit so now I'm doing way more work than I've been paid (or have time) for.

>how the fuck did she even move her legs
She didn't, it's supposed to be going from a close up of the petal zooming out to bring her into frame, I wanted to have more of a transition but he said it was already a bit much.

>> No.2807571

>Wont try to sound harsh since the mistakes are painfully obvious, but okay start. Just keep learning.

You said absolutely nothing of value. You come off as very high and mighty. Why don't you post your work anon

>> No.2807572
File: 363 KB, 800x600, DSC_9087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, its a goal for me to have clean roughs in edition to final versions, and I cringe out how so many people draw out construction and chicken scratch on all their animation roughs. I partly blame digital for this. I think chicken scratch should be reserved for non animation side sketches to get your feet on the ground.

Maybe looking at some genga will inspire you? Look. Clean, one-stroke lines.

But anyway, holy fuk, you already have a comissions. Hurry up and make some money.

>> No.2807607

Cmon dude post your work

>> No.2807641

Probably not a first pass, even Iso can be messy

>> No.2807659

does anyone have a torrent for toonboom harmony For windows? a version newer than 10.0?

>> No.2807661

heh thanks for the fine dude. It makes feel better that even the masters take sketches, but still, the lines may be kind of sloppy, but theres no noticeable chicken scratch.

>> No.2807708

>>>>>still doesn't post his work
>>>>thinks he has any right to complain about other people's approaches to animation

no one way is any more right than the other. if someone wants to work loosely that's perfectly acceptable. glen keane is a fantastic animator and he worked incredibly loosely. keep your ill informed biases to yourself because people are stupid and will actually believe things people say on 4chan

>> No.2807750

is it dumb to think i enjoy the 00 look more since i grew up with it

>> No.2807851

Iso's roughs are still clean af though

>> No.2808018

yeah dude youre a fucking idiot

>> No.2808131

bouncing tits moe-chan

>> No.2808190

are you an animator or drawing yourself? what are you saying yourself when you draw to motivate yourself?

you do the same for everything?

>> No.2808195

>are you an animator or drawing yourself?
no that guy just criticizes from his high horse. he refuses to post his work

>> No.2808376
File: 1.75 MB, 500x281, tumblr_ne5tihb78F1tps2gfo2_500 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiming to be a nihonjin animator. As of now, ive taken a two day break from drawing because i bombed my midterm and dont want to be kicked out of college and now im just looking at genga and studying anime frames to get inspired. Its hard encouraging myself to draw while depressed about failing school desu, so now i have a lot more time to shitpost on ic.

>> No.2809358
File: 1.60 MB, 2726x1834, IMG_20170108_150746_381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't posted in one of these in minute. Storyboards

>> No.2809519

cooooool. got a blog?

>> No.2809606
File: 419 KB, 386x337, kiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crits please

>> No.2809612

These are pretty rad

>> No.2809619
File: 391 KB, 960x540, 2017 Cowgirl Kris in Jan-01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempting to get back into the groove of animation because it's been about a year and a half now and I feel like I've completely forgotten how to do the thumbnail + flipping frames process. So I'm using refs to help me get back into that way of thinking.

>> No.2809650 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 984x678, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809666
File: 133 KB, 984x678, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809680

jjfrenchie is that you.

>> No.2809681

Just some bitter anon pretending to be joel again just so he can go batshit when someone hands out critique because in his mind no one on /ic/ should be allowed to critique a pro like him, and if someone does it would automatically invalidate every critique he's ever gotten from /ic/ on his own work because logic.

Newsflash, faggot. No one's above critique.

>> No.2809724


>> No.2809756

Thanks boys

>> No.2809950

Could someone give me resources about storyboarding? I'd especially like something like a commented storyboard where the guy explain why he does that like this (instead of like that). I globally understand the theory and abstract explanation but when coming to application I'm not sure if every shot should be practical or if it's a thing to create shots for more abstract/artsy things like contemplation, rhythm, and things.

Overall I don't know if my storyboard should be boring or if I should have fun with it, putting what I'd like to see in an anime.

But I'd mostly like material talking about storyboarding, thanks.

>> No.2809957
File: 492 KB, 500x272, GtL0Skm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the sketchy outlines in for example Robin Hood to be seen as sloppy and low-quality?
I kinda like how organic they look but it would seem most people and the industry in general wouldn't agree.

>> No.2809968


>> No.2810008


>> No.2810009

If you're a beginner then it will look like an accident, but if everything else is solid, it will look like a design choice. I've seen it done well, and I'm sure it would just take a bit of practise to do.

>> No.2811096
File: 7 KB, 100x100, eau aesthetics wip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm new to animation, i'm basically copying (not tracing) a reference

>> No.2811153

There's definitely some REALLY good animation here, but I just think you need to work on your anatomy a little bit. The very beginning part of just the petal looks great

>> No.2811163

i really really like this

>> No.2811308
File: 3 KB, 100x100, walk-test-100x100-4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once really interested in animation but I was too lazy to learn drawing and that interest died.

Maybe I'll go back one day.

>> No.2811424
File: 1.55 MB, 640x475, 3d6787f4ecf103bc7f17a88886c21926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can we learn from our lord and savior?

>> No.2811426

this never gets old

>> No.2811431
File: 50 KB, 240x360, 1h1sfd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey this is the first original piece that I've done. It's meant to be an idle pose or something along those lines. I really don't like it and I could really use some pointers on any of it really.

>> No.2811612

>Hair waves too much for the amount of motion
>No idea what's going on with those sleeves
>Weight distribution doesn't seem natural for the pose

Also this isn't as important but it's better to use a program and not a website. If you need to use a website just for animation try ezgif.

>> No.2811621

you should try something a bit simpler. an idle pose seems like it's not that much, but you have a lot of different movements going on. Try some basic exercised and then move on to more complex stuff

>> No.2811623

meant for>>2811431

>> No.2811658

He looks pretty off-balance. Like, I can feel the pain in my calves form imagining trying to stand like that.

>> No.2811720

This has to be a JoJo reference

>> No.2811755

Thanks everyone for the feedback it really does help
>>2811612 Yeah you're right about the hair movement, and I was trying to make it look like his whole sweatshirt was bouncing with him but it didn't work at all. You're also right about weight distribution now that I look at it thanks. I'll also look into a program.

I've done a few basic run walk and jump cycles but none of them had as many moving parts. I agree I should've done something easier stuff and look how movement interacts with things like hair and clothes.

Fuck you're right now that you point that out, like holy shit all his weight is on his toes and his torso just stays in place. Thanks.

Lmao I wish I could make shit as exaggerated as jojo and make it work. But no reference here.

Sorry for raping the thread with this lmao. Anyone know good resources to animating things that have lots of movement? After I get this stuff down I want to try moving perspective.

>> No.2811790


Come on anon, that's just being nitpicky.


>> No.2811807

thats cute anon i like it

>> No.2811814
File: 72 KB, 1000x1000, aklsdfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently looking at LED stencil boards. Do you guys think I should get something nicer like a Yescom board with a clip? Or would Pic related suffice?

>> No.2811830

iirc crayola has an led light board

>> No.2811833

somethings weird about this. its almost as if the person with the sword is being dragged into the scene while cutting the petal. It would make more sense if you see the cut of the pedal, and then it cuts to them with the sword outstretched at their waste and they're in a pose as if having just swung the sword, and then the two halves of the petal float downward into the cut and then they do the sheathing action. Just my thoughts m8. Cause right now it looks too jarring.

>> No.2811858

true true even yoshinari is like than during first pass. Well most animators I've seen genga of.

>> No.2811865

it is sloppy and low quality, but it ended up looking decent. milt kahl was a very messy worker, and back on Robin Hood and 101 Dalmations they xeroxed a lot of the frames instead of taking them to full clean up because of budget limitations. walt hated it, but it's charming nowadays.

>> No.2811937

I agree, that's is what I had originally but the client thought the opposite.

>> No.2811997

He's been living there since 2014 or 2015.

>> No.2812045
File: 790 KB, 765x541, tumblr_n4rjv5aGoF1rb1rgoo10_r1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to work in anime in glorious nippon
>only studies genga but doesn't post

you cant at least draw right? If not get off your high horse if you can't do the thing you're trying so hard to crit (and failing at it) especially when it comes to people's first passes.
(ie, image attached. Bahi works relatively loose when starting)

Learn the basics before you talk. I see this too often on this board and it makes me cringe.

>> No.2812052
File: 11 KB, 100x100, eau aesthetics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Here is the finished version

Any advice for the smoothing or the pace?

>> No.2812119

Hello, I'm new to animation. What kind of software does pro animator use ? something like this https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/C1za4qJVIAA8ebb.mp4

>> No.2812126

Goddamn, I've been following for a while and really love your stuff. However, I think you could really benefit from sitting down and seriously studying basic anatomy, and more importantly proportion. You're too good to be held back by these things, as I know from experience they are a hell of a lot easier to learn than animation.

>> No.2812129

This is really amazing. How much times you spent on this ?

>> No.2812138


I'm pretty sure he knows, it's just a rough pass so that he can get the timing right.

>> No.2812209
File: 108 KB, 800x448, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I created another retarded animation
still WIP


>> No.2812395

desu >>2812126 is right, I definitely feel myself being held back by that stuff as well as my inability to stylize or draw faces and some other fundie stuff too, like I can trick the average person into thinking I know perspective in an animation but I don't know my Robertson for shit so there's a lot of stuff I can't construct.

(that being said, I wouldn't recommend anyone "put off" animation indefinitely until they get gud at drawing because then you'll never start, you should be doing studies in parallel, which is what I haven't been doing cause I'm stupid)

>> No.2812406

I remember medabots

good times

>> No.2812640

Pen and paper.

>> No.2812675 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 256x256, waterSeamlessLoop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at more references. the water is moving too fast yet there are no visible waves to show what's causing it to move so fast. so it should just slow it down and actually follow the movement of the lines on the surface of the water so they don't look like they are phasing in and out of existence randomly

>> No.2812959

you are easily my favorite animator, and I really needed to hear this from you, because I myself have been putting off animation to study anatomy and all that jazz. I've also been trying to study your work lately to figure out whats going on in ur head while u animate, because god damn, I aspire to be you one day.

>> No.2812982

toonboom harmony, TV paint, Adobe flash/animate(i guess).
but it doesnt really matter all that much, as long as it can draw and has a timeline.

>> No.2813021
File: 130 KB, 1000x563, big-Walker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making some walk cycles!

>> No.2813344


>> No.2813494
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, Untitled (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally started a thread instead of posting in here please critique, I also asked a question about building up stamina pls take a look at it heres another little thing I did pls also crit

>> No.2813549

Its good

>> No.2813561
File: 1012 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mvwp3qm0qZ1swqesro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres some real juicy animation in this anime
source: gurren lagann

>> No.2813614

Thanks for your opinion
have a nice day

>> No.2814236

Nice to see a shot with a bit more perspective in there. Your color design has gotten better, and you continue to produce complete shorts. Keep it up. You are ahead of more than 90% of the people in the thread.

>> No.2815300

How do you create camera shake in TB?

>> No.2815306
File: 143 KB, 575x376, Screen Shot 2017-01-14 at 00.11.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have higher standards.

>> No.2815588
File: 171 KB, 483x480, Screen Shot 2017-01-13 at 21.16.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2815610

>draw a box
>map out the face
>add facial features
>(probably a good idea to look over the animation again and fix it up)

>> No.2815620
File: 167 KB, 640x480, jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a smart enough cookie to realize that it's best to get the motions down before detailing the drawings themselves.

How do I make this feel springier? I know I could have a retraction towards the corner at the start to do so, but there's no way to show that without already having her in the shot, which ruins the spontaneity of what I was going for.

>> No.2815624

add recoil.
Maybe anticipation.
at this point i would study the 12 principles of animation. I dont particularly agree with all of them, but anticipation and recoil are important, 'specially if u wanna make it springier.

>> No.2815676

Add squash and stretch

listen to >>2815624 and study the 12 principles

>> No.2815684

i would say just do squash and stretch with the hair. not really with the body. Unless u *really* wanna

>> No.2815745
File: 434 KB, 640x480, slippery jump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, didn't have much experience with the 12 principles. I'd briefly studied McLaren's theories, and I'm noticing a little overlap between the two.

Maybe you could see I tried to do a little compression with the position of the shoulders, but because that one started with just seeing the character enter the frame, the effect is pretty weak for the sake name of the spontaneity. I'm currently experimenting with some other options for the same effect, like having the character come closer to the screen as she jumps.

In the meantime, have this one I accidentally got by fucking up trying to adjust the mid-air acceleration. I don't know how a figure would move like this, but the pre-jump motion is oddly satisfying to me even though it's a mistake.

>> No.2815746

what don't you agree about/what do you think could be left out? i'm curious as a really novice animator

>> No.2815749

Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose and Appeal to an extent.

Appeal isnt really required for animation, just for drawing imo. If you wanna make the DRAWINGS look good, then appeal is cool.

But Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose is a big one for me. People seem to think it's either one or the other. But it's not. it's not black and white. You can use it however you like. You could do straight ahead with some aspects of pose to pose, or you could do pose to pose with dabbles of straight ahead. There's not correct way to go about doing it, and frankly,it's useless.

Those 2 should not really be PRINCIPLES of animation, they should just be things to perhaps consider. there should really only be 10.

Also staging shouldnt be a principle, but something more to heavily consider. It wont make or break an animation, but it sure helps.

>> No.2815750

so i guess there should just be 9 lol

>> No.2815826
File: 1.11 MB, 500x277, 24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God what a nightmare, fingers crossed the next one turns out better.

>> No.2815832

Learn how heads/faces work, it's the most jank part of the whole thing

>> No.2815856

Anyone here experienced with Spine/Dragon Bones?

>> No.2815860

hehe xd

>> No.2815886

what program do you use?

A random fragment from my animation instructor that this makes me think of; exaggerate the poses. It's very easy to move too little but difficult to go too far. Thus it's best to start far and reign it in than to inch, by inch your way into a desired sequence.

The guy doesn't need to move, just the girls hips imo

>> No.2815901
File: 587 KB, 245x181, a0266f0ac0c05a9ed474bac4a9f6382d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2815931

Now we know why you usually only do scribbles...

>> No.2815932

True and not true, the thing im starting to realize that a lot of animators in particular get bogged down in early is construction lines, which although are good for consistency mean almost nothing if the action and posing becomes limited by the early guide lines and the clean up is then forced to adhere to the underwork without regard for actual appeal. Its worth almost doing a detailed but rough thru version of key poses to visualize more clearly how the whole action will be. Adding features to a body can drastically change the feel of an animation from its early shape stages and starting with featureless shapes the whole way thru pushes the problem of animating detail into the cleanup stage instead of planning.
The tldr:
You have to picture your final vision when constructing, especially for key posing and not just mechanically build shapes. Its worth bare bones detailing in early passes just for the sake of reference.

>> No.2815977 [DELETED] 

>You can use it however you like. You could do straight ahead with some aspects of pose to pose, or you could do pose to pose with dabbles of straight ahead. There's not correct way to go about doing it, and frankly,it's useless.
>There's not correct way to go about doing it, and frankly,it's useless.
You're mostly right.
They're used for different things, but there's absolutely no way you're going to be able to do a complex 3 minute animation by just using a straight-ahead technique.
You can't just use whichever you want.
They have their purposes and uses, but people usually use a mix of the two based on what they're animating.

Keep in mind appeal can also be applied to how the character is animated, not just how they're designed. Every frame should be appealing, not just your reference sheet.

>Also staging shouldnt be a principle, but something more to heavily consider.
Staging is very important, and even extends into film, where they have the same rules as what animators label "staging" except it's called "composition".
I could see it not mattering in short sketches, but in a narrative animation, or even just one shorter than a sketch, it's definitely very important.

>It wont make or break an animation, but it sure helps.
The same could be said for something like exaggeration or squash-and-stretch.
You don't HAVE to exaggerate a character's movements, but most of the time it will look nicer if you do.

>> No.2815980

>You can use it however you like. You could do straight ahead with some aspects of pose to pose, or you could do pose to pose with dabbles of straight ahead. There's not correct way to go about doing it, and frankly,it's useless.
>There's not correct way to go about doing it, and frankly,it's useless.
You're mostly right.
They're used for different things, but there's absolutely no way you're going to be able to do a complex 3 minute animation by just using a straight-ahead technique.
You can't just use whichever you want.
They have their purposes and uses, but people usually use a mix of the two based on what they're animating.

Also, on appeal, keep in mind appeal can also be applied to how the character is animated, not just how they're designed. Every frame should be appealing, not just your reference sheet.

>Also staging shouldnt be a principle, but something more to heavily consider.
Staging is very important, and even extends into film, where they have the same rules as what animators label "staging" except it's called "composition".
I could see it not mattering in short sketches, but in a narrative animation, or even just one longer than a sketch, it's definitely very important.

>It wont make or break an animation, but it sure helps.
The same could be said for something like exaggeration or squash-and-stretch.
You don't HAVE to exaggerate a character's movements, but most of the time it will look nicer if you do.

>> No.2816114


>> No.2816115

quality input

>> No.2816123

The quality of that comment is a reflection of the quality of that animation.

>> No.2816139

I wish people like you would leave already. You aren't giving advice and you don't give any critique. You are simply insulting him providing him with nothing. He knows it's not good, but you apparently think he needs to know exactly what your unimportant ass subjectively thinks about it.

>> No.2816239

Jesus christ anon, that head is fucking disturbing.

>> No.2816240

I'm well aware >>2815306

Yeah I'm going to take a couple weeks off animating to do some face studies and probably cloth/fold studies too then try something similar, not sure what's the best way to improve at cleanup besides doing it more, maybe trying to go straight into clean lines with no roughs (with a simpler character first).

dunno what you guys want to hear твн, "sorry for being a beginner"?

>> No.2816242
File: 16 KB, 320x240, gdfgda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post ur work

>> No.2816250

That was quick, well good to know you're working on it. Seems like you've got a pretty good grasp on your motions, just work on your portions and anatomy more I guess.
Maybe this guys stuff might give you an idea on what you could try do.

>> No.2816274

fuck me I'm like 5 years away from being this level. Can't tell if I'm inspired or crushed.

>> No.2816379

how do you dudes deal with eyestrain

I sat and animated for like 8 hours one day because i hate myself, and my eyes felt like what I can only describe as when you pull a muscle after working out or whatever. Very tense feeling.
It was very painful, and I couldn't use my pc for a few days because of it.

>> No.2816528

take a break

>> No.2816575

get flu.x

it's a cool program that has really helped with eyestrain

>> No.2816702

I actually really love the graininess of the lower-budget Disney films. That isn't to say I don't also love the more high quality ones as well, but there's just something appealing about being able to see the texture of the pencil strokes, even in a "polished" animation.

>> No.2816904

Nigga, you are setting yourself up to be super stiff.
I used to be like you. don't do it and just draw to the best of your ability and never limit your options.

>> No.2816942

yikies, now all you need is a storyboard

>> No.2816990

What programs do you use to animate?

How much did it cost you?

>> No.2816998

I do cell by cell work, not flash, and im looking for something a little more sophisticated than just movie maker :/

>> No.2817027
File: 41 KB, 800x450, D A B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried my hand at animating a super aggressive dab. i forgot how fucking fun animating is

>> No.2817364
File: 1.40 MB, 500x281, fishyfinal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very fun even if you're not very skilled.
Just read into stuff like ease-in ease-out, squash and stretch and everyone can be an expressive animator.

>> No.2817430

>clean fags btfo

>> No.2817434
File: 463 KB, 799x450, DL 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on improving at flash animations, here's a cartoon I just finished the other day. Any tips on better animation, artwork, overall?


>> No.2817472

Anyone have a link of the cracked Lazybrush for tvpaint?


>> No.2817473

you should probably just kill yourself now

>> No.2817562


>> No.2817585

this is lovely!

>> No.2817601
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, bleh gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, i'm very new to animation! could i get some tips to help with pacing and... pretty much everything? thanks!

>> No.2817619

What do you guys think about motion graphics?

>> No.2817622

Read the animation books that are always recommended.

>> No.2817663

i wouldn't listen to that guy bitching about "chicken scratch" at all. he's far too cocky and has admitted to being incredibly novice. not to mention he's never posed his work, if he has any. just ignore him.

>> No.2817717

Yep, I can safely say it's time to get started on them fundie training, to get you pushing for the next level. Some people say you should draw first then animated, but for you, you let your passion lead you through the darkness and it's showing, you basically have animation down to a science. Right now you NEED to learn fundamentals so you won't let your lack of anatomy knowledge hold you back. But don't stop animating while training, just dial it back to a few days apart so you don't get too rusty with it.

You're one of the only few anons here I can say: "I better to see you in a studio one day anon", you're a one I can tell is on the path to making it. Good luck with your studies.

>> No.2817718
File: 1.44 MB, 681x900, put-on-sweater-simp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very rough start. Actually drew these in a sketchbook. Going to start cleaning these up and tweening them.

>> No.2817719

is that pen or pencil?

>> No.2817722


Both. I'm going to clean it up and in-between it digitally.

>> No.2817729 [DELETED] 
File: 1016 KB, 2000x1125, posing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love some pointers on these. Although I'm trying to think of the basic volumes I'm still very unsure of the stucture.

>> No.2817732

In relation to what? I'm a big fan of After Effects. I love the things it can do, I've worked with it professionally, and I'm trying integrate into my animation workflow, to give me greater creative freedom.

>> No.2817733
File: 692 KB, 1500x844, posing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love some pointers on these drawings. Although I'm trying to think of the basic volumes I'm still very unsure of the stucture.

>> No.2817734

The more cartoon-ish animations, or movie kinda animations, which most of the animations here try to be or are

>> No.2817821

hey I'm kinda new here, and I would like to know which programs to use when animating, because the one I'm using right now is absolutely jack shit.

>> No.2817863
File: 136 KB, 1600x1221, Regular Show Story Test3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I was commissioned to storyboard an entire pilot for a cartoon pitch. My layout for each board looks similar to this. So I have 328 boards in all, with two panels on each board, so I'vedrawn 656 panels total. Anyway, what is the best way to send my client these boards?
I was going to save each board as a jpg, compile them into one folder and compress it and send via dropbox.

is this ok or there a better way to do this?

>> No.2817960

The things I'd change/improve would be the car scene; The car stopping seemed pretty over exaggerated given the speed it looked like it was going, it might be worth remembering that generally faster movements get less frames and slower movements get more frames. As for the movement of the characters, it seemed pretty fitting for the stoic guy to not move as much, but the jester thing looks like it needs much more varied movements when he speaks other than the simple head nods. The ending looked bretty good, quite psychedelic. But hey, I barely know anything about animation, this was just my simpleton input.

hecka nelly work though

>> No.2818063

Might wanna make a PDF version as well, if you can.

What are your feelings on making an animatic?

>> No.2818109
File: 128 KB, 595x468, bleh 3 crop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i made it a little better. i still need to work on making the hair sit still a little more

>> No.2818161

Really good advice, thanks a lot.
>hecka nelly work though

>> No.2818232
File: 621 KB, 1500x844, marshal_notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're structure and volumes are pretty okay, but the next step is paying a bit more attention to line of action and curves, especially in relation to adventure time characters. I'd also pay a bit more attention to proportion as well.

When you start to actively "structure" your work a bit more solidly, it's easy for it to get a little stiff since you're working mostly with lines. Don't be afraid of curves and don't be afraid to push your poses, either. It's a little obvious you might be a bit uncomfortable with them since the body/torso is well constructed, but the head and the neck are wildly inconsistent and off-model.

There are a few clarity issues with the drawing with a lot of unnecessary lines here and there, like cloth folds and the like, but that's more of an issue concerning the character design itself. It's good to learn to when and where to simplify your forms and line placement. (ie, cloth folds are non-existent on Marshal's torso on the sheet. It's just one form)

My thoughts are kind of all over the place here, but I hope it's at least a bit helpful.

It's best to do a PDF than a folder. Less space, and people tend to thumb through storyboards quickly.

>> No.2818241

How do I make looping flashes that I see in /f/?

>> No.2818565

Thanks a lot for the advice and taking the time to redline anon. It helps a lot to know which areas to focus on. I'll try to work on these on a regular basis and pay more attention to those necks and lines of action.

>> No.2818736
File: 91 KB, 470x470, runin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

running with a moving camera. super rough

>> No.2818746

This is neat anon, might want to try add a few in-betweens or rough up the lines to convey more movement as the camera turns.

>> No.2818950


This ending sequence has some absolutely beautiful moments of sakuga.

>> No.2819020

Best ed this season

>> No.2819040
File: 88 KB, 500x375, Flight of the bumblebee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this, currently making the next episode
So far I haven't really focused on the story that much and it is obviously a glaring issue which I'm hoping it won't be in the future now that I'm more comfortable with animating in general

Still though, any thoughts on this?
>talking about the video here but I did the gif as well


>> No.2819148


As >>2815901 shows, worrying endlessly about whether you're doing things the "right" way, rather than whether you're getting good results, is the mark of the amateur.

"Don't use photo elements."

"Don't draw 'chicken scratch'."

"Don't use 3-D models"

Don't. Don't. Don't.

I even saw some brain-damaged lug saying not to use squash and stretch.

You know what the professionals do?

They hand in their work and get paid.

>> No.2819315
File: 76 KB, 600x503, Layout_by_Caple[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be a good idea to add some kind of transition from time to time and also pan work if done correctly can add a lot to your scenes

>> No.2819319

well chicken scratch should be avoided but theres a big differences between "messy" and chicken scratch

>> No.2819366

I've already started incorporating panning into the latest one I'm working on

I haven't really considered doing any special transitions beecause I thought they'd be too cringey but no that you've mentioned it I think you're right

>> No.2819416

I like the sloppiness, kinda remind me of Mindgames.
But the stylistic choices of colors and design arent really very apealing or interesting

>> No.2819520

really nice, smooth movement, with a good rhythm.
id work on faces though.

>> No.2819546

I agree, although it's much easier to ghost and control lines traditionally, not an an excuse by any means though.

it was a commission, the guy essentially wanted this character >>2807560 with some minor changes, if I had any design skills though I could have probably still made it look good, need to work on that.

I'm a big fan of Mind Game though, that's pretty much the gold standard to me.

Thanks, going to be working on it for a while before I do anymore animating.

>> No.2819591

show us how its done

>> No.2819596

is it? the head movement is a bit jerky but as far as faces go it looks like a standard anime face to me.

>fingers crossed the next one turns out better.
it will bro, keep at it. keep finishing pieces and you'll see gains.

>> No.2819644

The face is way too contorted and misshaped even for the standard anime face.
As this anon as pointed out more clearly.

>> No.2819669

I'm the guy who animated it, I posted >>2815306 and >>2815588 before I even posted the gif so I'm well aware and totally agree.

>> No.2819679
File: 285 KB, 550x400, latentpower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2819734


And nobody here can tell what that difference is.

>> No.2819761

How old was he?

>> No.2819826


>> No.2819830
File: 4 KB, 174x174, y_tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat I guess but still

>> No.2819870

sick hand lad

>> No.2819881

maybe compare and contrast pro "messy" and beginner chicken scratch?

>> No.2820088


>> No.2820159

It's more of an intern joke, the faculty at which I'm attending classes makes us do life-drawing and the model basically looks like the gif I posted, she has gigantic boobs so as a joke I said to everybody that she could use them to fly off... and eventually I animated it lmao

>> No.2820956

Nice stuff

>> No.2820968

19 at the time of this:

>> No.2820975

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsFRYRemvV4&feature=youtu.be&t=799 23 at this time I believe (in the center)

He already worked on Space Dandy, Ping Pong and Sakamichi no Apollon

>> No.2820986

>tfw gonna be 20 in a few weeks
T-there's still hope right?

>> No.2821003
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 238472394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is not that hard really if you're dedicated. If you spend 5 hours everyday animating anime girls for the next 5 years, you're gonna have a good portfolio. Not to discredit bahi, but he didn't even colorize his animations(i think), so we'll never know how much he relied on the gray are in sketching and the final product, and ive seen multiple other youtube animators that will color in their animations, even some with the same amount of drawing skill as bahi i dare say.

Really, the only hard part about animating is the if its worth it. Animation takes the most dedicated amount of time and earns the least amount of money. Out of all the things you can do with drawing, animation definitely has least personal artistic direction even if you become a director.

>> No.2821005

Never gonna make it.

>> No.2821226

its not a race bro. You could be in ur 50s and be a fuckin newgrounds flash animator and still have all the potential in the world to be the best. Age doesnt matter for SHIT

>> No.2821229

you wont be able to impress japanese art girls and make mix breed babies if you dont git gud by 25 though....

>> No.2821241

Why did no one mention the sword turning into a fucking machete a couple of times? I know about smears and how they give the illusion of speed, but you didn't seem to do them correctly.. Work on that, also.

>> No.2821291

Yeah the timing could be better, maybe less time onscreen for the smear frames, but I don't dislike it personally

>> No.2821328

Just found


The keyframes here look different from genga, and its pretty interesting how they have americans do the character designs and keyframes, and setup the episode just enough for koreans to do the inbetweens.

>> No.2821452

does anyone have any suggestions for model sheets i can use to practice animating that's relatively simple and preferably a normal human character, i'm looking through living lines library blogspot but I can't choose one to use. or should the model from animator's survival kit

>> No.2821857


Based Kyo-ani is creating some great anime

>> No.2822035

WTF is it with this art community and wanting to do shit young. Like you HAVE to be young or else you're garbage.

Study while you're young. Practice while you're young. Fuck up while you're young. If you're still a teenager you shouldn't even be thinking about being competent unless the lifestyle has been drilled into your brain since conception.

>inb4 anon is an oldfag

Turned 22 today. Most of the people on this board are around that age. We're all fucking children. Why do you think we're here instead of doing productive things? We're fucking idiots and that's okay.

>> No.2822036

What software do you guys use to animate shit?

>> No.2822057

different strokes for different folks

i use Toonboo

>> No.2822268

Anon is an oldfag

>> No.2822368


>> No.2822375

>Hand drawn images scanned and made monochrome/transparent
>FFMPEG support set up to allow gif exporting

Probably the most roundabout way possible of doing this shit, but I'm comfortable with it.

>> No.2822481
File: 678 KB, 807x878, 1379186535701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably more frames, or stronger contrast of repetitive shadow movement moving inside the water to move slower than the surface..
Regardless this is some good water waves. Very sega-esque.

How did you go about doing this/how long? Trace over perhaps?

>> No.2822684

Anyone planning to do sinix's thing? https://youtu.be/LnQTGOtYCeE

>> No.2822701

the face is wonky but still better than 90% of "animations" on /ic/

>> No.2822709

lol wtf

>> No.2822729

yeah. Do we have to use that shitty program tho or can we do w/e?

>> No.2822739

He still lives in austria.

>> No.2822740

Does the copy of TVpaint in one of the OP's megas not work on Windows 10? It's worked on mac with wine and Windows 7 for me, but after getting 10 it just doesn't launch.

>> No.2822754
File: 10 KB, 100x100, luna_moth_noodle_animated_icon_by_keltermoontaray-dapbq9m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this really simple pixel gif.

>> No.2822756
File: 359 KB, 600x416, glass_gecko_animated_red_rock_snooter_by_keltermoontaray-dasc9l3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one. I call it red rock snooter. Lol

>> No.2822758

These have no weight and are pretty bad for animation t b h. Go back, and study how hair and fire flows for sometime, and youll see whats wrong

>> No.2822760

Why don't more people post animations here? It's just like 2-3 people every thread. Would it help if we set like a simple topic every thread, like "bouncing ball" then "walk cycle" or had some random topic like "sports" or "beach"? These threads seem pretty pointless if no one posts work.

>> No.2822766
File: 1.10 MB, 500x750, tumblr_static_8umfo3fgifc44sgs88kg44s8s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disagree. you dont really need anyone to tell you whats wrong with your work because you can figure it out on your own. These threads would be a lot better if it was more of an animation discussion and reference thread. That talked about the different tricks and tools animators use.

>> No.2822805

Nobody posts because nobody actually animates.

>you dont really need anyone to tell you whats wrong with your work because you can figure it out on your own
what is the point of the artwork critique board then?

>tricks and tools
fuck that, if we're not going to post our own work then it should be discussing/analysing pro animation.

>> No.2822824
File: 99 KB, 686x508, tmp_19447-p7P03yf-1354086402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do a lot of them, but the issue is that people here want polished content and completed projects instead of pencil tests and roughs. I don't know how to explain it, but they care more about the art style than the timing.

Nothing wrong with having high standards, but they can't expect much activity from a medium that takes weeks to months to complete a project.


I used to be huge into talking about theory, but it didn't help me much. Application and trial-and-error stuck better on me.

I'm going to ask this question anyway, how would one animate a gun shot? Would it be better to think of it as animating it like lightning?

>> No.2822858

You could just do this with pen and paper.

>> No.2822936

I liked the part where she opened her eyes.

>> No.2823022

>think of it as lightning
idk if thatll work desu, maybe when the bullet zooms across the screen (or across a long distance) maybe do a lightning effect.

>> No.2823070
File: 1.04 MB, 400x300, dribble5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im working on a trailer for my shortfilm now

>> No.2823073

I like it and it looks interesting. Keep going.

btw, blog?

>> No.2823254

Is this from mike inel's Amazing world of gumball animations?

>> No.2823588
File: 253 KB, 1000x562, hand.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can be considered a warm up I guess

>> No.2823593

the swing in the beginning on the wrist is kinda weird, i think it needs inbetweens but your forms are great! hands arent the easiest to draw even with ref but urs looks awesome

>> No.2823647

I'm doing it. It seems pretty simple and fun. If any of you guys are doing it post it in the thread. Could be a fun little group thing.

>> No.2823734
File: 890 KB, 600x338, tumblr2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2823759
File: 57 KB, 600x751, 14742876709500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, gib link to spine pro 1.7 blz :D Can't find it anywhere, since 2.0+ isn't fcking exist on the net, but this one i heard of is pretty much laying somewhere. I need to learn to get a fcking job, but trial version is a fcking piece of shi without meshes ffd and anything, that can actually help me learn it. And yes, for a pro version i need to pay zaharia 400 shekekls, but i'm a poor nigger and can't afford it. Bls, anon, lend me a hand

>> No.2823792

I like it. Super expressive and awesome pose.

>> No.2823814
File: 185 KB, 800x600, www.GIFCreator.me_M7cZS0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my progress so far; i cant really think of a way to return the stick back to the original position now

>> No.2823830
File: 590 KB, 640x480, 1462720541651.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like how the smear seems flacid like a lot of smears in cartoons

Smears in anime and older cartoon seemed more vigorous you should try to study them

Unless you like it like that

>> No.2823832


>> No.2823878
File: 246 KB, 1000x600, 1-19-17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat, good job on incorporating the arm swing thing in their. And getting it back to the starting point kinda fucked me up too, I just half assed it.
I also tried it. Fucked up the spin at the end tho so I might try to redo it later.

>> No.2823922
File: 273 KB, 469x480, 1484184677526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shaking the camera to hide how shitty your animation is

I hate anime sometimes.

>> No.2823924

Better than any of your favorite artist's animation

>> No.2823932
File: 472 KB, 700x2698, WIP700G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work in progress

>> No.2823975

TY and I'm really liking the whimsical nature of yours
I'll probably also half ass the end bit if I can't think of anything before the end of the month

>> No.2823977

i think i know what you mean and yeah it's just soft and bendy for this one but in the future I do want to animate with more force

>> No.2824049

Joke's on you, my favorite artist isn't an animator.

...so I guess you're right in that regard

>> No.2824147

Seems good, don't fuck it up anon

>> No.2824277

I want envy to put his dick in me

>> No.2824438

Looks neat, seems like you put a lot of effort in it.
But to be absolutely desu, it doesn't look like an animation I'd enjoy watching desu famalam with those walking, sitting, standing and thinking characters.

May you succeed either way.

>> No.2824507
File: 1.05 MB, 900x5118, intro900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Dialogues and other mundane parts are the hardest to wrestle with because you have to keep the audience from losing interest as you take them from one big scene to the next. Fortunately this part should span only like a minute at most, and the rest is everyone fighting eachother again.

Here's another I made, different story this time. Don't open your door to cops... unless there's a chaplain. Then you probably want to hear the news.

>> No.2824630
File: 778 KB, 511x345, animated-01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built a very rudimentary lightbox today because I wanted to try making animation by hand. Here is a very shitty 5 frame animation I did as a test. In hindsight I probably should have done a walk cycle or something instead.

>> No.2824644

whats a lightbox

>> No.2824661
File: 20 KB, 500x332, Rkk (090).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2824684

isnt that the thing you use for tracing

>> No.2824694

You're right. Smear affect is cancer. The only reason why its justified in anime is because it saves time and appeals to a certain crowd.

For those who haven't read Animators survival book, the smear effect originates from the old film not being able to process fast movement. Or was it camera. fuck, idk.

>> No.2824702

Smear isn't cancer you retard, it's a fundamental of animation. Everyone uses smears

>> No.2824720
File: 28 KB, 300x225, 263482689347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its great dude. Glad there are still people around trying to learn animation the japanese way. May i ask how you went about it? Did you do frame 1 and then frame 7? Did you number the frames? Also, you should work on hair flow and weight. Animating a camera shift without a figure moving is obsolete thanks to 3d animation. 2d animation succeeds in movement.

Also, walk cycles aren't exactly the most necessary thing to learn right away. Its actually very complicated to do proper one. So if you want, you could just stick to basic character arm or mouth movements right now.

In fact, animating emotion is probably the most required thing to be able to animate, because, what shows up in anime the most? People talking. Think about all the different ways to express someone being happy. They could smile. They could put their finger on their cheeks. They could raise the roof. And you have to learn to animate them all.

The best advice i ever heard hear was to try to animate scenes from manga.

>> No.2824728

yeah, well, that doesn't mean there aren't a large amount of people that abuse smears.... retard.

>> No.2824752
File: 183 KB, 1387x848, IMG_2403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I started with the front view (1), then side view (9), then the 45 degree view (5), then the ones in between (3 & 7). I was going to animate her turning her head back too, but since this was just a test I decided to be lazy and just go a head with scanning and then reverse it in photoshop.

>> No.2824760
File: 129 KB, 300x249, smdh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the japanese way
using a lightbox isn't japanese, what?

>best advice i ever heard was to try to animate scenes from manga

>> No.2824762
File: 640 KB, 800x800, pspt test low speed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me, the last thing I tried animating was a little perspective thingy, I got frustrated because drawing perfect perspective is more than just one, two or three vanishing points and a bunch of lines.

But it's fun to do, at least.

>> No.2824777
File: 448 KB, 434x315, tumblr_mz5mnedsh41qmlmyuo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're great. There are a lot of stupid people on /ic/, but I can feel your potential. It seems like you like to figure out things on your own without having anyone feed you shit. So always think of ways to improve yourself. So, live on, and surpass your animation peers.

I hope you are young, otherwise, this motivational text would sound retarded.

>> No.2824781

I'm an insufferable weeb.

But proud, except when I'm actually around japanese people. Then I have to hide it.

>> No.2824802 [DELETED] 

I am too, I think we all are. You just remind me of my cringey self when I was 16.

>> No.2824825

You're nice but why are you so retarded. What's the point of being so antagonistic with the good sense taught here? I know you're trying to counterbalance but you're going full retard.

>> No.2824951



>> No.2825181
File: 1.12 MB, 898x518, throw01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made another little test animation. 7 frames this time. I should have made her arc back and lean forward farther because this looks kind of stiff.

I haven't really animated much digitally either, but doing it by hand like this makes me realize how nice it is to be able to preview your animation by just pressing space.

>> No.2825192

looks neat! you should build more on this, maybe make the blocks into houses or something?

thanks. I'm an oldfag but I guess your advice is still applicable.

>> No.2825646

I guess I could build onto it, though I don't think I have the original drawings any more, and they were too small.
But I know how I did it, so I could recreate it, I stll have all my tools and lightbox.

>> No.2825679

As an animator, do you construct the pose for every frame in the movement the guy is making?

>> No.2825924
File: 145 KB, 534x1500, ayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I anime yet?

>> No.2826092

this looks good, is it official animation?

>> No.2826096

What software would you guys recommend to work on sprite animation for games?
Things needed
>export sprite sheet or frame by frame files
>controll over drawing surface size and resolution
>preferably simple intuitive interface
>reasonable price

>> No.2826100

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's by Mitsuo Iso

>> No.2826122


>> No.2826133

Is that kind of camera work popular in anime? Cause I cant recall that kind of back n forth movement, at least not with such a rigid angle

>> No.2826246

So how many people are using TVPaint here?

>> No.2826260
File: 1.99 MB, 350x315, 1468519252547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2826269

It's okay, I'd say the ball doesn't fly away fast enough and the starting position makes it seem as if she should fall to the left but all in all you've managed to capture the incompetence of a girl throwing something (or a scrawny guy)

Also, the spacing makes it a bit dull, work on that

>> No.2826285
File: 1.01 MB, 533x300, magnificent gay ass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else is a Capomontone fan here?
why is she so good?

>> No.2826288
File: 22 KB, 428x389, 1429205630047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that bothers me in the entire gif is that when he/she pulls the arrow back you can see one eye being open and when the camera zooms in on his/hers face both of the eyes are closed... Also, the eye that's open in the first shot is the left one while he/she is holding the arrow with his/hers right hand :s

I don't know a thing about aiming but shouldn't the eye with which you aim correspond to the hand that's holding the trigger/arrow?

>> No.2826355
File: 1.99 MB, 980x420, trddyjfkkghg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I unfuck this?
Am I being to ambitious too early?

>> No.2826423

Trying to not tell so much about it, in the complete sequence, he/she is closing her/his eyes out of fear before releasing the arrow. But nice observation anyways

>> No.2826425


>> No.2826443
File: 898 KB, 1000x600, output_aduOlr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any advice for structuring and layering complex animation?

this is a simple toss i did, but suppose i wanted the figure to be running, with a billowing cape, how would i go about building up to that?

is it the same as drawing (i.e. general to specific)? what should i prioritize?

>> No.2826446

make the entire character move. just animating the arm makes it look stiff. unless your going for a kill la kill low animation comedy moment?

>> No.2826477

A common technique as I understand it is (after roughs) to do one pass for hands, one for head, one for head etc. Makes it easier to get fluid correctly spaced animation than if you were to do it the entire figure frame by frame

>> No.2826492

I generally mark out small circles or dots for the parts of the scene that move the most(e.g if I was animating a bloke running I'd mark circles for knees, elbows, shoulders, crotch etc....), animate them all individually. Then I'll build a skeleton for the object I'm drawing, from the dots and make sure that looks good. Next add the bulk, then detail.

>> No.2826685

Yes. Spend the next week with an hour of life drawing and an hour of two of tiedown on it and move on.
Read The Animator's Survival Kit and try some of the earlier exercises, while starting each day with an hour of life drawing. You will git gud if you do.

>> No.2826698

Thank you, but I will definitely not have that much time in the day for all that any coming weeks until April

Can you give me specific advice on this piece? This isn't first one, I've done a few before..

>> No.2826733
File: 2.32 MB, 750x992, put-on-sweater-alt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughs. Doing cleanups now.

>> No.2826828

I'm impressed, putting on clothes is impossible for me to tackle.

>> No.2826920
File: 315 KB, 1000x1265, recruitment1000G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2826923

this is cute, I like

>> No.2826974

How do you think animation works?

>> No.2826996
File: 75 KB, 736x1145, f0e3b5c1a8afe9fa448d8f47cbd2fc6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have time to work on more than one thing then I would say work on gesture with 3 dimensional form. (from life/photo) It is what you are most lacking.
That would be the quickest way to "unfucking" your work as you said in your first post.

>> No.2827004
File: 101 KB, 455x323, HJ unfinished..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started going through basic exercises; I'm pretty trash still, but would it be beneficial to start experimenting with more complex stuff? I've been afraid that if I keep grinding out basic exercises I won't learn to do more interesting motions. I'm fully expecting to fail, but I might learn more from it. How did you experienced animators do it?





>> No.2827122

Loomis I believe is a good source?

>> No.2827144

Krita and OpenToonz.

>> No.2827154

The first day I tried to work on this, I literally couldn't come up with any poses. I tried to thumbnail out a bunch of poses and I had nothing.

It might partly have been because I was focused on compositing and 3D work, and hadn't drawn in about two weeks, but still...

Thank you. He's fun to draw.

>> No.2827171

Man you're spending way too much time on those sketch frames, It'll be disappointing if the animation doesn't turn out to be at least 2 times better

>> No.2827283

It's basically the physical solution to the "onion skin" tool in computer assisted animation. To get idea of the frames around the one youre working on

>> No.2827300

itt: the blind leading the blind

>> No.2827761
File: 570 KB, 1000x1806, introG1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah I lose myself sometimes. The less panels I have the more I get to spend on each panel.

Here's another.

>> No.2827778

show us how it's done big boy

>> No.2828492
File: 3.43 MB, 1000x1322, put-on-sweater-cleanup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on cleaning this up.

>> No.2828555

What program are you using for this?

>> No.2828612
File: 312 KB, 960x540, sinix stick flip thing rough.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my attempt so far.
>i cant really think of a way to return the stick back to the original position now
yeah I want to make mine loop but it's gonna be hard to do.

>> No.2828737

new thread

(I'm not linking to that shit, you'll find it ffs)

>> No.2829019



>> No.2829433
