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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 526 KB, 702x940, AZ4aiOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2795163 No.2795163 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this for three years worth of deliberate daily practice? Not bad right?

>> No.2795168

no idea what kind of skill you had 3 years ago and how many hours of drawing did you put into it, so it's hard to tell.
looks pretty much beginner tier. but if you started from 0 and did like 1-2 hours of practice daily, then it's somewhat a good improvement.

>> No.2795179

You're...joking right?

>> No.2795180

err no

This is not good at fucking all

>> No.2795182

30 seconds a day?

>> No.2795184

OP on suicide watch.


>> No.2795198

very bad needs more loomis read the sticky etc etc

>> No.2795225

I forgot link sorry guys


>> No.2795227


>> No.2795235

I'm not in the mood to make fun of someone who is clearly autistic. Maybe someone else will be.

>> No.2795241

This is my phobia. What went wrong? How can i avoid this?

>> No.2795243


clearly you have autism if you don't feel some level of admiration for the dude. That guys trying while you're meming of 4chan. fok awf m9.

>> No.2795244


They will be.

We have these threads almost daily and there's always plenty of people sad enough to fill them.

>> No.2795283

He stylized too soon.

>> No.2795289

Jesus, that's painful, such promise too. I think there was just too much straight up copying without understanding the fundamentals.

>> No.2795305

it's not me, found on reddit. don't get why he getting so much praise. also says he creates master studies "from first principles"


>> No.2795321
File: 338 KB, 550x500, GSvBlol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2795332

well seen as he's getting praised from normies on reddit, 4chan will serve to fill the yin from the yan

>> No.2795338
File: 6 KB, 207x212, 1482698894431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit is actually fucking insane i think

i feel blessed every day knowing i came here instead of there (god knows where i'd be)

do they not??? have an objective view of things on reddit

>> No.2795354

Reddit has some excellent artists, it's just none of them showed up here.

>> No.2795360

holy shit my sides

>> No.2795384

(If anyone is feeling generous, feel free to post this critique to reddit, I don't have an account)

The reason he failed, why the work looks flat, emotionless, and just kind of shitty, is very obvious. Instead of studying actual human anatomy and then creating his own cartoons, he's studied cartoons. The work he studied was (mostly) from people who studied actual human anatomy, which means their work had the nuances to make the characters, though stylized, present some level of depth and realism. His don't have the structure and nuance that theirs have.

The only discernible difference between the earlier webcomic pages and the latter are the addition of poorly applied line-weight. The characters are extremely flat, and the anatomy is terrible, often causing the body parts to seem to be assembled clip-art. For example, the guy at the dock, the head doesn't match the body, the body doesn't match the dock, and the eyes aren't looking at the watch. It lacks any real construction, and reeks of symbol drawing.

He says he's done studies, but he also says he just copied all the examples from his art books, rather than drawing from an actual reference. Additionally, I don't see any practice doing construction. He has a lot of decent(ish) sketches where he's copying a dynamic pose from some reference, probably giving him a false sense of confidence, then he tries to draw from his imagination and fails completely because he doesn't know how to do a proper construction.

It's obvious he's spent more time copying cartoons than real practice. His work is definitely beginner tier, and nowhere near what I would expect from someone who's been doing intelligent practice for one year, let alone daily for three.

>> No.2795394

/ic/ on suicide watch

this kid is going to branch off into anime and start making a living on patreon

>> No.2795406

The problem with reddit is the format. The hugbox can just hide all negativity and most will never see it. This means their opinions are never challenged, only reinforced, no matter who short-sighted or plainly wrong they are. There's no room for healthy debate, only mob rule. I'm sure even neutrally presented critique, like this one >>2795384, would simply be downvoted to hidden status before the vast majority of viewers ever see it.

Coddling doesn't make a good artist, and that's all reddit is. It's not a place for people who actually want to improve.

>> No.2795426

thats okay, it will be pretty bad if you used reference

>> No.2795435

wow you remind me a friend of highschool who i always thought had absolutely no talent for drawing

>> No.2795449

>Wow! Even your first drawing is amazing! It's astonishing to see the progression and the dedication you put into your drawings I'm just speechless I also would like to point out again of how you're first drawing is what would be my end result of forty years of practicing!
These guys are cruel.

>> No.2795455

Shit improvement imo. Im miles ahead in 20 months from absolute diorreah tier

>> No.2795508

Good artists looking specifically for critique might get something out of it. I know firez occasionally pops over there to clarify advice given here.

>> No.2795516

"I'd really like to take this seriously but your critique is lacking. Your use inflammatory language, I can forgive, but combined with the lack of substance, it makes me question your motivations. This makes me believe you either you don't know how to write an artistic critique, or you're just trolling.
In the future, when you offer a harsh criticism, it is proper to also recommend a detailed solution. For example, when you say " the guy at the dock, the head doesn't match the body, the body doesn't match the dock, and the eyes aren't looking at the watch". A proper extension of this criticism would be to suggest that I could use an straight-edge to make sure the eyes are converging on the focal point, the watch (they do).
Also, it's good to avoid off-the-shelf criticisms because they lack depth. Saying things, "you're drawing symbols", "learn shading", and "practice anatomy" come off as hollow when you don't go into detail.
For example. Instead of saying how "you're just drawing symbols", you could bring up how my ligne-claire-esque eyes lack the spark-of-life because I over-simplified the look giving them a flat/hollow appearance. Or you could say that my lack of highlights on the book poster strips the depth from the characters. Or you point out that the head/neck anatomy is off center in my Akira panel redraws, and that in the future I could set a more definitive center line.
By being specific it gives the artist a path forward, while also not sugar-coating the mistakes. It's important to avoid cliches in criticism because they tend to be brick walls and not really offer a source for improvement for both the critic and the critiqued .

>> No.2795526
File: 18 KB, 200x200, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blown the fuck out

>> No.2795532
File: 42 KB, 741x486, 1456458307282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You seem to be concerned that I've lost a battle, when I'm busy winning a war.

Holy shit.

I really can't believe that people like this call themselves """"""""artists"""""""""""

>> No.2795541
File: 139 KB, 306x300, 1401853694607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to lie this guy completely BLEW YOU THE FUCK OUT.

>> No.2795543

Anyone can call themselves whatever they want. It's the people who believes them that worries me.

>> No.2795549
File: 53 KB, 467x215, progress1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I hate /r/learnart

This guy suffered from aimless practice.
Always be critical of your work and do what is necessary to fix what you don't like about it.
Study every component of a drawing, such as lineweight, contrast, anatomy, exaggeration, and color. Figure out what is effective in conveying your idea and what isn't. When you don't know how something looks, study pictures and the real thing, don't just wing it.
For serious drawings, spend lots of time in the sketching stage, making sure things line up correctly. If you're doing line art, make each line with purpose and confidence. Plan your strokes ahead of time (use the 'ghosting' technique).

also, >>2795283
To stylize, one needs to know what makes a human look human. You can't do that if you don't really know what a human looks like. Same with every other thing you could possibly draw.

About pic related:
When I first started drawing in 2010, I was way too focused on having a unique and cool drawing style, so I always drew eyes as pingpong balls. Somewhere around 2013, I realized that I sucked ass at drawing and started studying dog anatomy.
PS: please forgive the sparkledog, it was not my design and I was a child pls

>> No.2795551
File: 993 KB, 596x597, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same-fagging this hard

>> No.2795558
File: 96 KB, 247x231, 1453838419206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao why are you critiquing a god damn critique? your art sucks. you have no right to critique anything.
if you are defending it instead of taking the time to fix it, you are a faggot and will never make it. case closed.
p.s. you didn't blow anyone the fuck out and caring about your image so much you samefag is another reason you will never make it :)

>> No.2795559
File: 93 KB, 321x356, 2grr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat neck

>> No.2795561

tell that to the dude on reddit. anon you quoted just reposted it here

>> No.2795567


/ic/ is so butthurt over learnart they think they're being samefagged

>> No.2795570

what's learnart?

>> No.2795572

i don't usually cringe easily but fuck this is so cringy

>> No.2795573

Everytime someone on /ic/ complains about 4chan link the fucking thread holy shit.

three goddamn years to make zero progress and it gets called INSPIRING.

This is less progress than I've made in 4 months of half assing it.

>> No.2795577

What do you expect from a group with fucking Guernica as the banner

>> No.2795583

Im not. Then again, I have the intelligence of a potato powered AI

>> No.2795590

This got downvoted by redditors lmao. The comment actually made another redditor provide actual criticism
>I wasn't going to say anything, but after seeing how OP reacted to the only bit of criticism in this hugpile, I gotta.

Every day I thank god I never came to reddit for drawing advice. I don't find this bad, I find it offensive. You studied cartoons instead of life, referenced amateurs instead of professionals, and copied nickelodeon instead of the masters. The result is 3 years of stagnation. If you wanted back pats, fine. Downvote me. But if you were legitimately seeking to improve, please seek out lessons written by professionals. (A few of my personal favorites are Micheal Hampton, Ron Lemen, and Chris Legaspi.)

And I'm not just speaking to OP here. I'm addressing this entire subreddit. This place is for "learning" and you're all actively holding each other back. All because you're afraid to share any sort of negative feedback. Because being downvoted has become synonymous with being "wrong". It's absolutely fucking disgusting and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.2795595

Post pic of current work?

>> No.2795603

>Micheal Hampton
he says he studies Hampton in the imgur link tho.

>> No.2795612

I love how it's turning into such a shitshow.

For a board that faps to anime /ic/ is getting butthurt over some random redditor for posting "ligne-claire-esque eyes" and other cartoony bullshit.

Let it go senpai.

>> No.2795614

hi op

>> No.2795617

are we raiding reddit?

>> No.2795620

He didn't understand it clearly

Guess so. It needs a raid, I feel terribly for anyone who gets stuck in an art hugbox

>> No.2795625

face it online art communities just arent good. reddit and ic BOTH suck inherently due to their format

>> No.2795633

hey woah buddy, we were all starting to feel good about shitting on reddit, but then you had to go and involve /ic/

>> No.2795638

I have SEEN people who study hampton. Their before & after art is amazing. OP studied for a whole of 2 hours and stopped.

>> No.2795639


Not the op and definitely not samefagging this shitshow. It's entertaining enough by itself.

>I feel terribly for anyone who gets stuck in an art hugbox
>face it online art communities just arent good. reddit and ic BOTH suck inherently due to their format

You'd think a subreddit that's called Learn Art would at least have a fucking sticky or something akin to /ic/'s sticky but no. Not even close. No wonder they're outputting garbage I don't think they've done any homework.

Skip the raid, toss some standard drawing and rendering books their way, otherwise they're just going to clench the hugbox further.

>> No.2795640

That's why you need a combo of both. Reddit for dick sucking and ic for ball busting. Or you can post on concept art or another art forum and get less frequent but more substantial crits there. They're usually not insulting or hate fueled like ic and they know what is required to actually git gud so they won't meaninglessly suck your dick. Only downside is that most forums are pretty dead now.

>> No.2795656
File: 39 KB, 854x854, 1481902250406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reading the comment strings of people actually trying to help this autist is the most hurtful thing of all

>> No.2795657

no shit, but /ic/ is a goddamn mile ahead of reddit.
Reddit gives out "great jobs!" for putting a mark on a page so the canned "study your fundies, your shit is bad" until you're actually half decent that you get from /ic/ are way better.

>> No.2795659

Aww senpai don't fell blue, just do what you can do. (^.^)

>> No.2795660
File: 268 KB, 750x750, 1415478587186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grow up and learn to self evaluate before you waste another three years.
>Try harder troll

The worst part is knowing he will eventually realize this was true in about 2 years.

I guess this is why there are so few great artists.

>> No.2795663

weird how even though there is shading and shit your work still looks flat. in all honesty i think you got worse. at the start your stuff was looking good, it had expression and was actually kinda appealing. but over the years your work got flat, expressionless and boring.

it seems like you focused on a bunch of shit without really refining anything as a result you just get trash. like why make fully fledged
book cover if your composition is trash, style is unappealing, and have a bad eye for color? practice each of those things individually and then try putting them all together.

i would say more but i have other things to work on, if this thread isn't dead by morning then i might give more criticism, for right now just remember to study from life (and cartoons if you like, just make sure the cartoonists are actually good) and understand what youre looking at, not just copying what you see.

>> No.2795669

No one's butthurt, we're all terrified. It haunts my darkest dreams that I might be this delusional.

>> No.2795670
File: 7 KB, 1224x102, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2795674
File: 157 KB, 388x324, 3m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading that hurt

>> No.2795675

This is why I refuse to ever allow myself to like my own art.

The only time I ever can be pleased is by the comparing of my current work to my old work.

>> No.2795689

This is 80% bullshit. Its pretty obvious you have no real experience in navigating reddit.

Yeah, /r/learnart can be seen as a good example of terribad circlejerking, but if you go to some of the other subs you'll find overall a SIGNIFICANTLY better environment for learning than /ic/.

Take /r/digitalpainting. The average post/thread on there is leagues ahead of the typical /ic/ shitposting of "lets shit on tumblr artists and DA 12 year olds, the only people worse than us", or "lets critique Ruan Jia and other artists universes ahead of us because its easier to provide insipid critique than actually paint" and on and on.

You see actually decent comments on there, with SUBSTANTIVE criticism, not banal, inflammatory insults sloppily disguised as genuine constructive criticism.

Not only that, you can get decent commentary on what you're doing RIGHT, instead of a crabs in a bucket mentality.

I'm not going to share any of the decent subreddits on here because I'd rather not have /ic/ trolls invade and shit all over what are decent art communities, but if anyone is looking for one, I advise you to take some time and explore.

/ic/ can be good for refs, linking to decent resources, and SOME critique, but otherwise its its own hugbox, but one infinitely more pathetic : shitting on the only artists they can find that are worse than them, crabs-in-a-bucket mentality, and valuing the ease of vapid criticism vs. the courage of actually producing art and putting yourself out there.

>> No.2795693

Well, that statement is true, but it definitely doesn't apply to OP.

>> No.2795694

>>>/reddit/ and stay there, fucking retard.

>> No.2795696

Ic and a select few subreddits both provide decent critique, both however have the background noise of undeserved shitting and undeserved admiration respectively

The problem is that undeserved compliments are far more damaging than undeserved insults. Learntodraw for example is miles better than Learnart, just looks at the same thread there and see the top comment, its solid critique, but below that is just a bunch of dog shit, which is what the op is lapping up based on his awful defensive attitude.

>> No.2795697

It looks like he studied hampton and drew everyday but is still shit. How do I avoid this? What exactly did he do so wrong that none of Hampton's teachings improved his art? How did he draw everyday but not improve at all?

>> No.2795698

he drew to draw. and that's it.
he didnt draw to LEARN

>> No.2795701

Reading his posts you can see his incorrect mindset.

He draws entirely out of habit and relaxes when he draws. Secondly he is suffering from sunk cost fallacy, being defensive of the hole he has dug himself into and lashing out as those who hand him a rope to climb out of rather than a bigger shovel.

Drawing should never ever be something you do mindlessly. It should always engage your mind fully. If you're too tired to think just do something mindless, dont draw and fool yourself into thinking your practicing.

>> No.2795713
File: 94 KB, 576x837, X8hXe5Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did he go from this in 2014.

>> No.2795716
File: 394 KB, 359x582, 2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this in 2016? Jesus fuck.

>> No.2795717

>butthurt that his /ic/ safe space was invaded
I hope someday you gain some self-confidence bro

That's a fair point, but I disagree. I've seen some incredibly shit critique here that are often not only completely lacking in substance, but tell them the WRONG thing(i.e person got values down very well and the critic is giving them completely wrong misinformation about how to "correct" their values"). Or people giving a correction on an "anatomy issue" that's actually a perspective issue.

Doing something right, and then being told its wrong, and "correcting it" making it wrong, is ultimately more unproductive and damaging than undeserved compliments imo.

Its clear that theres a lot of people giving "critique" on here that have no fucking idea what they're talking about

>> No.2795720

muh style

>> No.2795722

You don't need to be a fucking top chef to be a critique. Same shit applies here, if somebody tells you that somethings wrong with a picture, you bet you're ass there's something wrong with it.

>> No.2795723



>> No.2795729

They're both dogshit but the top ones are very slightly better, if only because the idea of three dimensions existing teased his frontal lobe a little

>> No.2795732

500+ claimed hand studies and that's the best he could do?

>> No.2795737

There's miles of difference between those 2. I think a huge part is that he just doesn't know how to use digital, his traditional sketches aren't great but at least they have some sense of structure, that's completely lost when he "finishes" his pieces in digital.

>> No.2795739

I've never ever seen anyone get incorrect critique and then break something desu.

If someone much worse than you is critiquing you with bad advice it's usually really obvious imo, and you can just ignore it. The only place that is a problem is /beg/ where the blind lead the blind on occasion.

Really though is someone tells you "your perspective is fucked " even if it's mostly correct and you start to practice perspective more...well that's not a bad thing.

He didn't say you had to be good, he said you had to know what you're talk about.

>> No.2795743

I think you're wrong, those trad sketches are total dog shit. They look like what I was shitting out when I was in my first month of doodling from ref.

>> No.2795745

Nothing feels worse than Mom compliments. You know how I knew when I made it? When /ic/ stopped commenting on my work. When haters have nothing to say you are on the right track.

>> No.2795746
File: 62 KB, 340x480, lYlVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for being a dumb animeposter but what makes pic related so good while op's art is so bad?

>> No.2795747

they're shit but I think they're still a lot better than his digital stuff. It's probably just cause his construction lines are still visible tho so it adds a bit more solidity to his forms which isn't there once he finishes stuff.

>> No.2795753

Three conventionality and appeal. Look at the form in the hair, the form of the hat, the competent perspective and the not wanting to die when you look at it.

It's taking a 3d figure and simplifying it
where's op's garbage is pasting together crude ugly symbols into human shapes.

>> No.2795758

Three dimentionality*

>> No.2795760

good shape language, solid sense of form, good posing, understanding of stylized anatomy, proportion, line weight, character design, expression, storytelling. The artist here actually knows what they're doing.

>> No.2795762

>>2795758 (You)
me neither, stay strong

>> No.2795763

same. I just noticed. wtf? Why would they remove the (You)s? What's even the point of shitposting without them?

>> No.2795764

>>2795762 (You)
Thank you anon

>> No.2795767

>When /ic/ stopped commenting on my work. When haters have nothing to say you are on the right track.
No, it just means you're shit is so boring and uninspired that nobody gives a fuck.
You know you're good when /ic/ complements you with a few shitposters egging on the asskissers.

>> No.2795768
File: 326 KB, 654x474, 1474137405366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we say here's your (You) now? here's your dotted underline? I feel crushed.

>> No.2795772

This. Stylization can be a big crutch. Imo dont even draw anything that doesnt that doesnt employ advanced perspective to start.

>> No.2795773

I don't think it's about stylizing too soon. If you don't start stylizing than you'll end up like Proko. The problem is not supplementing your stylization with studies of real life and equally distributing your time to both..

>> No.2795774

Eyes and mouth are shit, not even a good implementation of the anime face style. Everything else is solid though.

>> No.2795777

prokos problem isn't not stylizing it's not drawing from imagination.

>> No.2795778

You're wrong

>> No.2795781

It's both, he tried to draw johnny bravo from ref and couldn't do it. I think he has trouble wrapping his head around stylized shapes and proportions.

>> No.2795782

>At the time I didn't know I was getting roasted on /ic/.

Op is itt my mans. Say hi.

>> No.2795786


Oh I'm here.

I know I got a long ways to go. Going to keep drawing anyway,

Please continue the roast. I'll get the bbq sauce.

>> No.2795788

It's not a roast it's a sharing of a cautionary tale.

Dont waste the next three years

>> No.2795791

>Learntodraw for example is miles better than Learnart, just looks at the same thread there and see the top comment, its solid critique, but below that is just a bunch of dog shit, which is what the op is lapping up based on his awful defensive attitude.

Thank fuck, I am glad it's not as bad as I thought it was in >>2795639

They have a sensible guide - http://hubpages.com/art/drawing-FAQ

>> No.2795796
File: 134 KB, 480x640, IMG_1406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something I sketched up from imagination
Kind of bs'ed the chest fur. Gonna study that now

>> No.2795799

whoa, that's actually pretty sweet. I think it's actually better than the /ic/ sticky.

>> No.2795805

Thats not good art, its at least appealling though.

>> No.2795808

Wow, looks like learnart in it's early loomis pushing days

>> No.2795819

>loomis pushing

You make it sound like that's a bad thing

>> No.2795825

>whoa, that's actually pretty sweet. I think it's actually better than the /ic/ sticky.

It refers to the /ic/ sticky as well.

>> No.2795828
File: 6 KB, 236x214, tmp_15704-images(9)-1317519503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not a pro art critic or anything, but from where op is now is say just get a scanner and drop digital. Its not THAT useful. Work without stylization for a bit. It is extremely overrated, you dont need it in all of your life works/publications.

He only needs better anatomy in his normal work if hes going for wither hentai art or grandmaster singles. Looks like hes doing comics, so his 1st year anatomy should do. Just be more ambitious with perspective and scenes imo. Not every frame in a comic book you write needs to be gm level, since thatd take years to finish.

You shouldnt do stylized, unshaded women in 2 point perspective. Specialize in whatever artstyle you want, but dont do that. Yes i know its 90% of art and the mona lisa, but its fucking boring. If you are planning to do women singles at gm level it should look like this. Otherwise, just focus on stylized scenes/perspective and maybe writing.

>> No.2795844


Heres a shit example of why doing good scene set ups can be a very good investment of time if you wanna do comics. This art here is actually kinda bland as hell, but imagine the same monster in a very well lit building, maybe even one during day. That would take your average persons idea of comfy and fun and maybe turn it upside down. You can use scenes to convey ideas, morals, emotions. You can even simultaniously convey disgust and beauty if you want, or similar things. The better your perspective fundamentals are, the more impactful and noticeable stylization will actually be when you use it.

As for animation, forget it unless you intend to get into animation. It will always be the worst form of drawing since it is the hardest to do pragmatically. The skill of conveying an idea through simple/stylized things should be reserved for animation.

>> No.2795845
File: 5 KB, 275x183, tmp_15704-images(10)-473350701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.2795881

then how do you fucking improve?
its like, EVERY FUCKING THING is a symbol!

not that guy or OP either, just really frustrated that i don't understand any of this.

>> No.2795908

Because having "appealing" sketches does not mean you're capable of "appealing" finished artworks. It's easy to hide behind the veil of "it's just a sketch it's not done yet" without ever being able to actually finish something.

Also the sketches are shit anyway. The fact that that was cherrypicked as the best from 2014 just furthers my theory that 99% of /ic/ is stuck in some kind of sketch fetish.

>> No.2795911

Post your work that you dont think is symbolic

>> No.2795918

no, im just confused as to how everything isn't just symbols

my art is shit anyway, i've been told the same shit OP has, i just don't GET how to improve at all.

>> No.2795922

You're just still in the shit stage.
Once you do enough studies, it will all click in and all the wrong shit will stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.2795923

post work and you'll get better advice.

>> No.2795944

my shit is animu stylized shit
the thing that /ic/ doesn't want me doing

anything else i have for practice is just that same stuff, but not anime. i at least try to focus on a section of the body though. i don't have anything of that saved.

i'll see if i have something on my comp, if not i'll doodle something up tomorrow.

>> No.2795945

the wrong shit already sticks out
i understand what im doing is wrong, the problem is trying to fix it. i wish i could just unlearn art as a whole instead of being about negative X amount of years with bad habits i can't seem to break.

>> No.2796045
File: 95 KB, 911x396, eye am judging you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was a child

>> No.2796107

How old are you? Do you have/read any art books? If so which ones?

>> No.2796128

The biggest problems are that he's unable to see his own mistakes and doesn't know how to improve himself. A common pitfall is for artists to become reliant on the feedback of others and to have no direction unless given very specific set instructions. One should develop a discerning eye for their own work, not rely solely on others. Other people can only help you so much. If someone says "work on your anatomy" and you don't know what that means because it's not specific enough, you've got hell of a lot more problems than the specific problem in that specific image.

The other pitfall is lacking the necessary education or information to push yourself forward in the right direction. Stylization is not inherently bad, it's just bad when you don't know how to apply what you've been studying to the stylization. Besides copying art he likes, it doesn't look like he knew what else to study or how to apply those studies to his personal work. He's either missing information or doesn't know how to apply that information.

To avoid stagnation, educate yourself, look at what other people do to learn so you can learn better, never stop learning, always treat yourself like a student who doesn't know anything, no matter how good you get, and you'll find there's always more to learn and things you've never tried out or figured out how to apply. And most of all, become critical of your own work, since doing so develops your aesthetic sense and you get a better sense of what the hell you're trying to do. Improvement has a lot to do with how one handles themselves and their material.

>> No.2796173

A symbol is a shorthand for something. The difference between symbol drawing and non-symbol drawing is to consider what something *actually* looks like (as opposed to the symbol in your head) and then to draw it with actual volumes, relating to the volumes surrounding it.

>> No.2796180

>>2795768 (You)

>> No.2796200

Is there something wrong with what is said in that pic? I'm not good enough to know.

>> No.2796204


>> No.2796214

its its just drawing the symbol, but with volume?

>> No.2796291

It's about drawing what something actually looks like, rather than drawing what you think something looks like.
When you begin drawing, your visual library is just 2d symbols. The more you study and practice, the more you uncover the "truth" about an object and you will begin to understand what the object looks like in 3D.

>> No.2796303


>> No.2796325

this is what im having a problem understanding, i guess. i just don't see what you mean, at all.

it just sounds like your saying the same thing twice, is what i mean.

>> No.2796367

Everyone was once there anon, dont give up. like>>2795922 said it will all just click one day.
For me, every couple months rigurous practice changed one thing about my style permenently and that just kept on happening. Its just a phase.

>> No.2796368

100% correct

dunner kruger.

guys, don't even try, he doesn't understand what we are saying and he prefers hugs to real criticism.

>> No.2796371

this is shit
this is shit as well

why are you suprised? wtf, seriously?

>> No.2796399

Damn nice, gives me motivation.

>> No.2796677


>> No.2796736


>> No.2796751

I feel bad for redditors who are going to be stumbling on that commentary. I think /ic/ just redpilled the fuck out of that guy.

Thanks for this anon:


>> No.2796860


>> No.2797254
File: 82 KB, 800x532, 6759662-happy-man-offering-glass-of-beer-let-s-celebrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great way to end the year, nothing gives me more satisfaction than showing reddit that we are the superior platform. not only did we BTFO'd them in their own thread but OP might actually strive to be a better artist as result.

Thanks anons and three cheers to all on /ic/

>> No.2797270

That's gotta be the single best reddit post I've ever seen.

>> No.2797327

I actually feel a bit bad for him. I think he started to take the criticism well at least. hopefully he can lose his delusion and use his motivation to git gud

>> No.2797674
File: 328 KB, 1090x782, 1482521259065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gonna happen. People that lose 3 years when they pursue art is never going to make it.

>> No.2797742

I would have killed myself. I think i still might after i hit 35 and no successes

>> No.2798422

>Being overly specific is akin to spoon-feeding you
>Giving feedback to improve is akin to spoonfeeding
Never change /ic/

>> No.2798443
File: 80 KB, 659x372, aint nobody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being overly specific *to the point of becoming your art teacher*
Pretty sure this was the meaning. like, 'someone giving criticism shouldn't be expected to teach you all the shit you should be learning on your own'

I wouldn't ever help anyone if that was somehow normal etiquette, and everythread would be a noob getting a seminar on basic shit.

>> No.2798471

He just worded it wrong. Your ability to see mistakes for yourself is vital to self-improvement. If you can't see your own mistakes, your aesthetic sense of good and bad is underdeveloped. Having mentors and instructors help, but there is a personal level of development that has to be reached in order to develop a proper view of what is aesthetically good.

I've seen art teachers say shit like, "draw what you see" and then someone does and it sucks and the art teacher says "don't draw what you see if it's bad! Embellish it a little!" They forget, not everyone can see what is good or bad. It's a skill that needs to be developed. A proper aesthetic sense can only be developed if a person makes a personal effort to learn their own faults and deconstruct both the works of others and their own. Newbies don't yet understand what they're doing wrong and they have to learn through active, critical thinking what is wrong and why they suck on a broader level. Requiring highly specific feedback (and only that kind) destroys your critical thinking, which is vital in learning the difference between "draw what you see" and "embellish it a little". Think about it. How do you "embellish it a little"? That requires a personal answer, based on all your overall sense of aesthetics, not an answer that a teacher can give you. It's what makes you an artist. In fact, your answer will change depending on how self-critical you are.

Let's say you suck at lighting, but you're trying to utilize it to create an emotion. Somehow, you make a scene with practically nonexistent lighting. Now other people see it, say your lighting sucks, and they begin to light it in 20 different ways, one for each person trying to help you. Which is the correct lighting? None of them, because they're guessing at what you're trying to achieve. You can get lighting tips from them, but only from yourself can you learn which lighting is the one with the emotion you wanted to convey. Be self-critical.

>> No.2798473

What would be an example of three years of practice from zero?

>> No.2798474
File: 48 KB, 1200x1300, adolf trumpler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2798477


>> No.2798480

Thanks for sharing this view, I hadn't thought about it in that context before.

Look at the best work in the beginner thread.

Quickly scrolled through and picked at random:

About this good. Much better if he took it seriously, like a full time job. And he's clearly not up to this standard.

>> No.2798483

>'someone giving criticism shouldn't be expected to teach you all the shit you should be learning on your own'
There's a whole middle ground between one extreme of critique without feed back and being a teacher.
Its pointing someone in the right direction to learn properly on their own.
>You fucked up 'x', 'y', and 'z'
>You fucked up 'x', 'y'. and 'z', try doing this, or reading this to get a better understand of what the concepts you lack

>He just worded it wrong. Your ability to see mistakes for yourself is vital to self-improvement. If you can't see your own mistakes, your aesthetic sense of good and bad is underdeveloped.
I agree with for the most part, but it isnt about aesthetic sense. You're absolutely right that any artist needs to be able to see their own mistakes, not only to refine aesthetic sense like you said, but also to identify and refine /technical/ sense and skill, which is my bigger concern, that OP needs focus and direction on technical skill. The OP image has technical issues which could be ironed out with being told what he fucked up on, and being pointed in the right direction, which would benefit him far more than just telling him solely how that his art is shit and leaving him to improve it, seeing as he would have had he known what to do, which he clearly doesnt. Granted again, that is something that should one should seek to develop, but it needs to be a mix of on there own and with others. too much of either one doesn't benefit the artist.

>> No.2798485
File: 41 KB, 1243x317, Creation is more important than Studying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People that lose 3 years when they pursue art is never going to make it

>> No.2798502

I think technicalities are part of aesthetics. They overlap. It's why some stylization looks great while others create hilarious uncanny valley effects. Learning technicalities is part of learning why something is aesthetic if you ask me. Fundamentals themselves are the breakdown of people studying aesthetics and why something looks good or bad and finding shortcuts to explain a particular aesthetic. But yeah, I think people are going to get a different tone from my message depending on how they read that. Technicalities are definitely a part of it though, yes, I didn't mean to exclude that.

>> No.2799713

you need to go back to the P.I.


>> No.2799738

the jokes been done already Famla


>> No.2799752

What would an ideal, three year, improvement look like?

>> No.2799757

In his defense, it can be difficult. Sometimes you really can be "too smart to X". Lots of those comics, even marvel/dc cartoonists have fucked up ways of drawing their characters. I saw what's his face draw the joker once, and he actually starts with a C, does a backwards D, a bunch of other random as fuck lines and ends up with a perfect joker. M A D M E N

>> No.2800110
File: 425 KB, 512x512, rattlerattle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy hell this website just breeds comedy gold.

Please dude. Stop drawing cartoons and go back to basics. Save yourself you aspie fuck.

>> No.2802616 [DELETED] 

If you really cannot tell, you're probably just as bad. Sorry for the jab. Anyway, this character has a lot more fundamentals enlisted in it like the other anons have said, such as line weight, form, expression, shape language, et cetera, all of which can be found in the sticky, and its stylized well because that mangaka has been drawing bodies for well over their entire life, and knows what 'errors' they're supposed to make, and what 'errors' they aren't supposed to make. Also, the Voynich Hotel is pretty much the best I've ever read and seen. Their work is incredible.

>> No.2802620

If you really cannot tell, you're probably just as bad. Sorry for the jab. Anyway, this character has a lot more fundamentals enlisted in it like the other anons have said, such as line weight, form, expression, shape language, et cetera, all of which can be found in the sticky, and its stylized well because that mangaka has been drawing bodies for well over their entire life, and knows what 'errors' they're supposed to make, and what 'errors' they aren't supposed to make. Also, the Voynich Hotel is pretty much the best I've ever read and seen. Their work is incredible.

>> No.2802624

I don't really care about money or fame in regards to the arts. I just want to convey dank ideas through my hentai and be really good at art.

>> No.2802656
File: 78 KB, 282x300, 1482331988086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2802748


Google says Dowman Seiman.

>> No.2802802

How much anime do you watch?

>> No.2804228

don't fucking make /ic/ more visible on reddit of all places, what good will come of it? There's a certain mentality of people who prefer internet points and reputation building, and more of those people here hurt /ic/. That reddit account is just you attention whoring

>> No.2805539

This is most artists.

None of you probably realize how obnoxious you sound to normal people. This entire board is a circle jerk of arrogance, attention seeking, and needless hostility. While in most cases this would be representative of 4chan, in this case it's pretty much just the status quo among actual artists IRL, or at least anyone who was stupid enough to actually go to school for it and be poisoned by all of the pretentious assholes around them.

Artists are self-absorbed turds with inferiority complexes who project their insecurities onto other people. The truth is that most artists do art because they seek gratification from others, not out of any inherent desire to create, and most of them are bad at it. The few that are actually good at it are even more self-absorbed which mitigates any accomplishment. Armchair art critics who don't actually draw are even worse, generally they're failed artists who attempt to ease the pain of their shortcomings by being generally unpleasant.

Don't be eager to call yourself an artist. Instead be a person who likes to draw.

>> No.2806847

Unless the chans implement upwoots, the redders will adjust or leave. Remember to bully namefags.