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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2791380 No.2791380 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think you will actually make it?

>> No.2791383

Well a new year is approaching and I'm more than ever now determined to make it seeing how easy it actually is to make money by dipping my toes into commissions.

>> No.2791386

you start of with a block of marble then you chisel away everything that doesn't look like it

>> No.2791388


Yes because now I can afford a good art school.

>> No.2791397

nope... i give up

>> No.2791400


>> No.2791415

Yes, and you will to.

>> No.2791469

Idk if I am desu.
Was thinking of just going for a trade and doing art on the side

Or I could go to Uni for studio art to try to get a masters in game design at FIEA.

But I really don't know what path to take right now.

>> No.2791480

i won't stop drawing but i'm not gonna make it

>> No.2791502

Yes, because I believe in myself. And i will put every fucking Minute of my life that i have into getting better, And if I wont make it, for what ever reason, I would rather kill myself.

>> No.2791506

I don't think I'm gonna make it, I know for a fact that I'm gonna make it. It's just a matter of how much time it'll take me.

>> No.2791510

Probably, my sights are set pretty low.

>> No.2791514


>> No.2791515

Yes but I have a lot of work to do

>> No.2791528

2017 wills it.

>> No.2791536

50.000 yens per month

>> No.2791554


>> No.2791596

Yes. And we all are gonna make it unless you do nothing to do so.

>> No.2791600

I am too old for that.

>> No.2791654

Hopefully, but everybody has their own idea of making it. For a lot of people it's making a career out of it; for me it's being able to head to the draw threads on /a/ and /tg/ and take requests.

>> No.2791657

*take requests without embarrassing myself with terrible art, I mean.

>> No.2791662

To some degree, I guess.

>> No.2792155

But what if i already made it?

>> No.2792156

nah, but I'm still going to practice, if I'll make it some day anyways so be it.

>> No.2792164

I'm a 'hobbyist' so I never expect to make bank. I honestly just want to make art that I and others can enjoy. I may take longer than I want but I want it to remain something I can still find some semblance of joy in doing.

>> No.2792179
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1418407299195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw die a nobody
>tfw become world famous a century later

>> No.2792184
File: 467 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember, if you are at rock-bottom, there is only one direction left...

>> No.2792198

Further down?

>> No.2792199

he said left

>> No.2792205

Things can always get worse.

>> No.2792206

No the afterlife

>> No.2792214

I gave up.

Took me long enough that art isn't the only thing that makes me happy. It also doesn't feel that drawing 8h a day seems sustainable for my mental health.

I still do it as a hobby though, and I don't mind about"making it" or not anymore. Best decision ever.

>> No.2792220

as in left side.

>> No.2792223

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.2792245

I don't see why not. I want to get good enough to make porn and get paid for it and then i'm fine with exploring things and getting better little by little. So far I haven't encountered the thing that makes me go "well, i won't ever be able to do that". Well, that one korean(?) guy that draws whicheverthefuck from imagination is an exception but I don't feel that his specific skills really correlate with my goals.

I feel that a phrase "what one man can do another can do" is very true but only if you are interested in the smallest things of your chosen field and are willing to make very small progress. Getting better at painting allows me to perceive the world deeper which seems to have something to do with my core values which gives me energy so i feel like making it is actually a possibility for me.

>> No.2792309

Not in art, but in another medium. Yeah boy, I can feel it.

>> No.2792381

This. I just want to have fun and make someone else happy with waifu drawings.

>> No.2792404

I make it or I die trying.

>> No.2792502

He will vote left wing so communism will solve his future, duh.

>> No.2792507

I dont really think of that
Used to think so much about what job i will do to sustain myself and afford things i want
I dont give a shit anymore
I do it because it brings me happiness, the final work, the ways to improve , everything .

Meanwhile I'm trying to find a way to work, cuz I wont really base my life on art, its not stable ,and if i will never make it...welp. I still got to live

>> No.2792781

1% chance i can
if i didnt think that id just kill myself already

im so mad and saddened this happened to him

>> No.2792795
File: 622 KB, 300x186, tumblr_m8lgmdzEFn1qa2cs3o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I think I'll make it. I am pretty good and I can always get better, and I believe I have a lot to offer as an individual. Not just as an artist but also as a writer and anything else. I always try my best and I am consistent, and I've survived worse shit than feeling bad about art once in a while. Nothing intimidates me anymore.

>> No.2792875

>I am pretty good
could you, dare I say it, post your work?

>> No.2792908
File: 88 KB, 468x900, 1481276166586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2792925

It doesn't matter, to me art is an end on itself, I will keep trying aiming to make it but if it comes to the worst as long as I can keep doing art I will not commit sudoku

>> No.2792956


Only fear and sadness wait in my future.

>> No.2793017

In a childish way I do, at least on good days

>> No.2793022

My fortune cookie said, "your talents will capture you the highest status and prestige." So I guess you could say it's pretty much guaranteed.

>> No.2793029

Actually never mind. I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.2793046

hobbists reporting in

>> No.2793047

I already hit rock bottom once so it doesn't really matter. It's all or nothing, only way to make it work. I know for a fact that if I sit around second guessing myself over whether I can do it or not I won't get anywhere.

>> No.2793058
File: 202 KB, 1303x900, 01landsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is to be able to sit down somewhere and accurately put down what I'm seeing into a journal, with some personal flair to it. The knowledge that it'll be years to even a decade before I can is hard to deal with, but you have to start somewhere. And at least art is tangible and you can always find the next step forward.

>> No.2793087

>tfw have tenth guessed self and continue to

>> No.2793103

My goal is not to make it, but just to make pretty pictures.

>> No.2793186
