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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 721x838, 627c7436dcec82daec60e150288949bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2790368 No.2790368 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't know where to start, read the sticky.


For critiques about your work, go to the corresponding thread.

>>2789616 - Beginner thread
>>2790158 - Draw thread
>>2782240 - Alternative Art/Stylization General

Please refrain from making your threads if you only have a single question.

>> No.2790408

I just want to draw cute anime girls, why i can't just draw cute anime girls ?

>> No.2790455
File: 1.25 MB, 750x1000, WP_20161224_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you recommend me some books or give some general advice about working with acrylic paints?

I got on X-mas pic related: it's a tabletop box easel with some brushes, knife, palette and 18 different acrylic paints.
I can't wait to actually test it out, but I'm a bit afraid of ruining my canvas - I've never painted with real paints before, usually I work digitally. And sticky focuses more on learning how to draw, rather than how to paint traditionally.

>> No.2790500

Canvases are made to be used, experimented on, reused, thrown away, etc. Treat it like a slightly more expensive sketchbook.

If you know how to draw, then stick to your guns. Set up a reaaaally easy still life with simple lighting, and draw it on the canvas. Don't do any rendering, but rather map out where shadows will be with simple statements.

An easy way to start is to begin with the local colors of objects. So if you have a red apple, then mix a color that closely resembles the overall color of the apple. Then paint an easy shadow tone of the apple by adding some of the local color's complement. In this case green. Add in a background and more shadows if needed. Boom first painting done.

Don't worry about being accurate at this stage, get used to the PROCESS of painting. You will get more accurate and better over time by reading books and doing more paintings.

Also, keep things simple. Don't worry about edges, rather worry about getting values and graphic shapes right before getting into rendering. If you get an abstract lay in of shadow shapes to look like an eye, then rendering will be a cake walk.

>> No.2790511

Thanks! Those tips are really appreciated, especially your advice to start with local color.
When I'll finish my simple still life I'll post it in draw thread.

>> No.2791092
File: 109 KB, 361x295, Screen Shot 2016-11-27 at 11.58.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do practice figure drawing digitally without cramping up or having wrong proportions? I draw on a Macbook Air with a Wacom tablet and whenever I practice anatomy, proportions tend to be disfigured or uneven. I'm more used to figure drawing with paper and pencil, and the results from that method turn out way better than what I do digitally.

>> No.2791114

Is switching from traditional to tablet/digital difficult?

>> No.2791119

Easy if you're a painter, harder if you've never worked with a real pen.

>> No.2791166
File: 1.09 MB, 460x325, BI24AS1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a thumbnail preview in Krita of the image that is always at 100% zoom? I want this for pixel art purposes and the overview docker isn't pixel accurate and has no options.

>> No.2791210

>without cramping up
Don't draw from the wrist, try to move more from the elbow.

>having wrong proportions
More practice/studies.

>> No.2791269

any advice on drawing digitally?The transition from pencil to tablet is weird,any advice on what to do to make it feel more natural?

>> No.2791335

It's almost exactly like working in pen except you can rotate, so I recommend you learn how to rotate the page.

>> No.2791369
File: 639 KB, 1024x722, dragon_ball__fanart_genga__vegeto_by_arekkusu_art-d9v3454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are animators really able to draw keyframes with no mistakes or construction? Im looking at this and I see no pencil marks at all, and Im blown away. I know people from /ic/ could pull off a good animu face, but doing it with 100% accuracy on the first try seems impossible unless they sketch it on like a side note or something.

How much room is there for fuck ups in general for the animation business?

>> No.2791371

It isn't really all that hard. You have one dude that does it right, a few more that do the rest and a bunch of chinks that fill in everything in between. Draw goku 160 times a day and you will be able to get it right.

>> No.2791374

Shit, he's off model in that shitty fanart.

>> No.2791379
File: 158 KB, 918x1200, brom_blood_ritual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did brom make the shadow values of the skin so light? what's the idea behind it? i thought it might be to emphasize bounced light, but if that were the case the shadows on the fabric would be similarly lightened.

i've seen this in a handful paintings, and it's a curious effect.

>> No.2791627

You could try using a subwindow.

settings->configure Krita->general->multilple document setting->subwindows.

Then Window->NewView to make a 2nd view of the current window.

>> No.2791884
File: 14 KB, 125x110, 1461015658948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello friends.
i am studying "drawing the head and hands" right now, and i have a question.
to add the chin to a sphere to create a head, does that chin always have to be half of the sphere's length? it looks wrong when i do it.

>> No.2791895
File: 51 KB, 500x402, nw-riho-skth-1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, I was talking about genga in general. Even with a team of workers this amazes me.

I think im going to make it goal for me to draw stuff with one clean stroke.

I guess line economy isn't just a meme.

>> No.2791897
File: 69 KB, 579x595, GeorgeBridgmanStudiescopy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try just drawing the head with your own construction methods and make it look right on your own. Then look at loomis again and see how he did it and apply that to your work. Theres multiple ways to interpret the head shape.

>> No.2791941

how do tradfags use lineart in their paintings?

when digital artists use lineart it's not even painting, they just color it with filters.
maybe painting over the lines a bit near the end.

I'd like to know how to draw on a canvas then paint that exact drawing like on old european man would.

>> No.2791947
File: 630 KB, 1600x1200, Screen Shot 2016-12-24 at 9.41.27 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone type down whatever this book says so i can google it? also does the drawing on the right look like it was made with pen or pencil?

>> No.2792004

does ic stand for illustration critique?

>> No.2792078

It works, thanks! You da best~

>> No.2792228
File: 503 KB, 693x460, vpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I create a perspective drawing with vanishing points that lay outside the paper?
The paper I use can only be so big

>> No.2792230
File: 23 KB, 450x450, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would wearing a wrist brace without having tendonitis, carpal tunnel etc. help to avoid it happening?

>> No.2792238

I've heard somewhere in another thread that starting off with zbrush is a faster way too gitgud as it helps you visualize in 3d directly but the process is the same as 2d drawing.

Can someone refute this? Can someone elaborate more on this? I don't want to dive and learning 3d beforehand then to see it amount to nothing. (Looks at Proko...)

>> No.2792240


I know some artists in the past used post it notes and giant rulers on a drawing board for the vanishing points.

>> No.2792242


I don't think so. You ultimately get good at what you practice. If you practice 3d modeling more than you draw then you're going to get better at 3d modeling than drawing. I am sure it can be a useful additional excercise though

>> No.2792244

Just got an iPad Pro for christmas. I think e notes app is awesome for quick sketches anyone know of any decent apps. Or if it's possible to do complete works in the notes app

>> No.2792250
File: 25 KB, 550x284, basic-forms-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When drawing a head, does the chin have a specific size or can you adjust it to your liking?

>> No.2792252

You can adjust, but there's always a limit.
The beauty about drawing human heads is that you use a little formula for a basic head and then proceed to make small proportion adjustments to make different people.

>> No.2792255

To create contrast regarding clothing / accessories

>> No.2792257

I'm a begginer and cannot draw poses from imagination whatsoever. Everytime I try they are stiff and boring. Is it important to learn how to do poses at this early stage (learning gestures and basic fundamentals). If it is important how should I go about learning this?

>> No.2792260

Gesture drawing is the process of recording the action of a pose with simple lines, is that correct?

>> No.2792269

Its as important as you want it to be. If you think your poses are static, then yes, its important. Best way to practice is of course to draw draw and draw. Either use the figure drawing references from the sticky, study from film, draw from life, etc. Just remember you're trying to be loose, don't worry too much about anatomy (although keeping proportion is important of course.)

P much my dude

>> No.2792294

But it feels like, with pencil and paper, I'm able to accurately study and observe the body that I'm trying to draw to some extent. Digitally, I have no idea how I'm supposed to place the image I'm trying to study from. Do I paste it onto my canvas in the program or do I keep alt+tabbing out every so often between the program and the image? I feel like my sketches are more consistent in size when I start by not zooming in at all, but when I start zooming in, I lose the sense of scale. If that makes any sense. I can't really explain it, but it feels like I'm doing something wrong in the technical sense.

>> No.2792296

Any tips for measuring besides eyeballing it?

>> No.2792408
File: 67 KB, 550x413, viewfinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-a ruler
-a grid
-or the psedo science rectangle

>> No.2792536
File: 780 KB, 684x1000, 1480512768763-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have tips on how to do this kind of coloring and effect? I use Photoshop to do art and I was wondering if I could do it there.

>> No.2792899
File: 1.95 MB, 244x194, 1468476507324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw cutesy moeblobs
>finally get a grasp of constructing the head
>try to draw literally any other type of head
>it comes out like /beg/-tier shit and i feel like i've forgotten everything i've learned
i don't even know what to do anymore. i've been drawing for years now so i shouldn't be this much of a fucking faggot
so my question is should i go the same-face mcgee route or just kill myself? ;_;

>> No.2792933

Wouldn't hurt to copy from a reference first so you could grasp moeblob style.

>> No.2793297
File: 179 KB, 500x706, 75635345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does A1, A2, A3... B1, B2,B3 mean?
What is that grid thing for?
Is the hiragana an abbreviation for word?

Also, looking for a general key for genga and douga terminology

>> No.2793319

Any books on traditional ethnic patterns?
For example scandinavian, turkish, japanese, greek, etc.
Also folk costumes?

>> No.2793345

Any recommendations on books/resources for coloring/rendering images?
I think I'm ready to move on from just doing figure drawing and perspective.

>> No.2793357
File: 275 KB, 876x594, 69e3b11ddcb5f00b2fd79b803f8bcd9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before you check out some resources, I rec just trying to paint figures on your own visual knowledge. (hint, abuse the airbrush and low opacity). Next, check out some tutorials like pic or youtube something like "realistic painting photoshop". And then after all that, then learn about color theory and light and study the masters... like Ruan jia. And remember, there is no absolute method to painting.

As for book recs, you should check out Scott Robertson's "How to Render" its new and i know /ic/ praises his perspective book.

>> No.2793459

What advice do you guys have for a complete bigginer, I've already read the sticky and downloaded the books how should I approach practicing each day?

>> No.2793557

the letters are layers the numbers are the keyframe numbers

A1 (layer 1 key frame 1) B2 (layer 2 key frame 2)

and as for the grid thing those looks like just shitty hand written notes probly for inbetweening maybe.

>> No.2793559

not going /ic/ and asking for advice. start drawing already.

>> No.2793580


This guy's right. If you want to draw, you draw. If you want to draw but are too lazy/dispassionate, go enroll in an art school so you can get some direction and accountability.

>> No.2793596
File: 248 KB, 900x804, 14106779210_d0fb8838d4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, i tried looking into layers more. And im bit confused. So if the keyframer wants to animate a body turn, and he writes A1, A2, A3, A means its the body layer. But if the keyframer is animating the eyes closing, he would use B1, B2, B3? But... what if the eyes were closing at the same time of the body turning. Would you write A1 and B2 on the same cel?

I googled it, and I think im right. But this sounds difficult to time well. Like holy shit. I got to try this.

>> No.2793605
File: 67 KB, 581x537, sxf_x_sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends on the cut ofc, so lots of things can happen. animators will use layers so that they make it easier to animate on top of things like smoke and special effects. i dont usually see expressions on seperate layers when i look at Xsheets but im no animator.

>> No.2793606
File: 79 KB, 756x1000, Cirno.full.94293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of people might disagree with method, but i wish i had this sched when I was beginner on /ic/ back in the day.

-Draw sketches with some reference on the side to look at
-Read the books. I rec just reading Keys to Drawing, Perspective made easy, and Figure drawing for all its worth all at the same time. Dont do hardcore memorization of the books, but just read them think about how to apply what its saying to your drawings. Google anatomy and reference photos to look at.
-Reference studies

There, 4 parts. So if you have an hour to draw a day, spend 15 mins on each one.

>> No.2793610
File: 137 KB, 1250x322, 345346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fug. I got a lot of things to read about it looks.

I got the expression thing from here http://www.animanga.com/cels/info/cels.html so maybe it was a 90s technique.

>> No.2793618
File: 245 KB, 775x643, nwkbjb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i see, its less of a animating thing and more of a coloring thing. although it doesnt really matter now since its alot easier to color things.

>> No.2793619

also that is probably just talking about having a still frame while animating the features on another layer. so you dont have to recolor the entire thing

>> No.2793626

If I learn drawing humans very well, then qt anime grills is just a matter of doing the same, but in a simplified way - am I understanding this correctly?

>> No.2793633

not really a simplified way, its more of a proportion thing. the simplified thing has nothing to do with it.that sad you dont have to draw humans very well, you can jump to proportions/form and draw your qt animu grills

>> No.2793732

I started Keys To Drawing, and I'm doing this drawing crossed feet exercises. I understand what the author is trying to tell me, but I have difficulty putting it in practice.

I draw feet in shoes while looking at them and focusing on the contours and lines. But they end up lopsided or proportions aren't right. Is this normal? They will look better as I do more of the exercises, right?

>> No.2793742

if anything it could make it more likely to happen. wrist braces tighten the area around your carpel tunnel.

if you want to avoid it;

-take breaks often.
-don't use your drawing hand for the mouse. trust me, you'll adjust. in addition, or in case you don't want to switch hands, get an autoclick program.
-work out your arms, but take care not to strain them there too.
-hold the pencil as lightly as you can. draw from the elbow/shoulder, not your wrist/fingers. it is ok to use the wrist when drawing small details, but don't go too overboard and again, take breaks.
-try not to constantly dread or stress out about getting/having RSI. easier said than done of course.

also stretching is overhyped, it won't cure or fully prevent RSI.

>> No.2793744

Yes, it will. It's more important to do than to worry about the doing.

>> No.2793807
File: 3.77 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20161227_132915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related as a christmas gift, I'm wondering if anyone else has experience with watercolour pencils (even better if it's this particular brand).

I've tried them a little and so far (especially compared to my tube watercolors) the pigment is far more faded. I need to draw very hard (hard enough to indent my paper) to get a good strong colour. Is this to be expected? Also, what are some good uses for these pencils? I feel like I can always add richer pigment with my tube paints but I'd hate to see these go unused.

>> No.2793851

I have trouble focusing, what can i do to improve my ability to focus on studying and retaining that information?

>> No.2793933


the standard stuff, anon. Sleep well, eat well, exercise, get up every 30 minutes or so, and develop a sturdy routine.

or eat a Loomis MemeFocus® Energy Bar.

>> No.2793965
File: 75 KB, 530x549, 64784353786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my confidence back?

For the past 3 months, I've lost so much of it that I doodle random half-finished forms instead of completing a drawing. This has led me to do the same thing everyday to the point where it feels like I can't draw anything right anymore.

How can I get over this?

>> No.2793969


Whenever I'm feeling low on confidence I do a photostudy of a familiar subject. I keep on it until it looks good.

Usually 20-30 minutes in it looks trash and I want to quit, but once I push it for an hour or two it starts to come out looking alright and it just reminds me to stay patient.

>> No.2793989

Are there any free alternatives to flash I can use to start animating?
Keep in mind I'm on a Mac.

>> No.2794015
File: 135 KB, 1250x660, ShadersSample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bit of unique question for you guys. I'm working on a palette shader for a game, and this are my palette experiments. Some suggestions would be great.

>> No.2794124

wheres the question....?

>> No.2794131

The question is "Can you suggest to me palette shades that the player will be able to choose from?"

>> No.2794170

Thank you, I guess my question is how are skin tones supposed to be saturated. I've read before that shadows should be more saturated but I'm not sure which way to orient brighter tones. I've also read to shade not shade black, so I'm not just making darker shades.

So far tutorials on painting skin have been more helpful.

>> No.2794220
File: 283 KB, 949x961, SuperSaiyan2SonGohanPunchesaCellJuniorsHeadOff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any manga with good fight choreography to study from? besides Dragon Ball?

>> No.2794295
File: 1.31 MB, 2230x1600, 45d0995c9c7870069e6b46b24fe9533ca9428c5eb229749f5a21321f5d52932c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2794297

Fuck I fucked that up but I highly recommend Tsugumomo

>> No.2794319
File: 470 KB, 805x1200, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veritas (pic) It has one of the best fight choreographies I've read yet out of all the action ones and is one of the most underrated, or mostly unknown because it's a manwha. The artist really has a knack for good dynamism and original movements. the first couple chapters are not bad but it really rises in quality quickly. The story is a bit hard to follow sometimes though, due to all that korean nomenclature.

In the same quality category, there's also Aiki, Vinland Saga, Sun Ken Rock, Berserk and more...I would say say OPM, but it's more dynamism of movements than originality I guess.

in another category, Ajin, probably the most realistic out of them all, no fancy superpower moves out of the humans but very good showcase of realistic movements frame to frame, I don't know, consider it the death note of action or something like that.

>> No.2794337
File: 1.64 MB, 640x480, 0128754hgx4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also suggest learning from real life, you can find some pretty cool stuff online

>> No.2794342

oh of course learning from real life is always ideal, but learning from good fight scenes helps you learn good paneling for an action sequence

>> No.2794343

This style always looks ridiculous, it's great.

>> No.2794344
File: 121 KB, 729x1240, thfhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a drawing beginner and wanted to draw myself with the UT cast. My problem is that I want to come close to the "canon" sizes the characters have in the game, like Sans reaching Papyrus' shoulders. I'm 172cm tall and I figured someone who's like 135-140cm would reach my shoulder so I wanted to draw Papyrus around my own height and Sans around 135-140cm.
I want to learn how to draw heights with head sized boxes, but this whole project is giving me too much trouble because the UT characters all have such weird proportions. Any tips? I mean this has to be possible somehow.

>> No.2794417

When is it okay to use the wrist instead of the shoulder?

>> No.2794418


>> No.2794442
File: 92 KB, 1024x1006, Ov1fBLH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is light reacting like this? Is life missing a texture or something

>> No.2794462

oof, i dont think 4chan is the right place to ask that kind of question due to how much people hate undertale/fandoms.
however my advice is to just guess/estimate. if you try to get super anal about getting perfect measurements you will never actually get the drawing done, or at least wont finish it. Dont worry too much about head boxes, as long as everything is roughly in proportion it'll be fine.

basically just draw what looks right, you can always check and change proportions later if something is off.
also i recommend leaving /ic/, this place is toxic.

>> No.2794465

looks like light is just streaming between a couple of buildings

>> No.2794475

Like >>2794462 said, you're going to want to make everything look proportionally correct, but it doesn't have to be perfect. Remember that they're portrayed in kind of cartoonish proportions, and unless you can find actual measurements of what their intended height was then you're going to have to eyeball it.

Also, I'm about your height. I'd say Papyrus is taller than you. And like the other anon said, be wary of the edgy contrarians on here because they'll shit on you. This board is pretty toxic too, if you're a beginner you might want to try somewhere else for advice.

>> No.2794577

Where do you guys normally buy things from?
Do you prefer online or a certain store?

>> No.2794586

I've been looking into glass dip pens and I don't know really anything about inks is there certain types I should stay away from?

>> No.2794999

Someone have Sargent notes from Mullins site?

>> No.2795053

I got a few questions:
1. Is drawing the clothed figure any good?
2. Are classes or books better?
3. Are reference photos a crutch to learning anatomy?
4. A lot of times l, I'll make a really amateur mistake like realizing the neck's too long after the drawing is done. Should I focus more on improving mistakes or just try to refine basic skills?

>> No.2795261 [DELETED] 

Any tips on drawing big perfect circles (Diameter of 60+ cm)?

>> No.2795278

How to get along with other artists if you are not that good to be a star and you don't want to touch deviantart? Thanks

>> No.2795374

Are there any good and inexpensive colored pencils out there?

>> No.2795478

Im starting to shade simple shapes such as boxes and spheres. How do i know if im doing them right or wrong?

>> No.2795481

How inexpensive? You can look at cheap chinese sets like Raffine, but the best way to save money on good materials would be to buy a small selection of individual pencils you know you'll need rather than a huge set. I have about 10 Derwent Drawing pencils and find that good enough for most portrait sketches.

>> No.2795766

I got a lead holder and I only have 2B lead.

What other kinds should I get? I need something that's good for big, wide strokes.

>> No.2795802

Just graduated art school, realizing that it gave me a decent base but I have been continually encouraged by multiple professionals that I have met to go back to school. Only a couple have told me I have what it takes to get into the entertainment business.

I have been working my ass off and plan on applying to a couple of internships soon, but I don't know whether or not I should go back to school.

Also how do I get better at cartooning? I'm trying to do gesture drawings but it's just not working out the way I'd like it to.


>> No.2795827

some things certain stores, anything else i research then buy online

>> No.2795841


Good Qs.

>1. Is drawing the clothed figure any good?

I'll assume you mean actually drawing a figure and not a text called "Drawing the Clothed Figure."

Eventually you'll need to figure out the logic behind how folds and clothes appear and why, how to represent different kinds of materials, so yes.

To start with, focus on the nude figure. Introduce clothes when you're utterly comfortable with rendering the entire human form by itself.

>2. Are classes or books better?

Both are necessary. Make sure you vet the teacher so you can be confident they know their shit in and out. I personally go to an ARC academy but that's not for everyone, it can be a very demanding environment, but you're guaranteed to get good teachers from these due to how ARC operates.

Books wise, you'll want to repeat the exercises the book does - not trace them but try to repeat them exactly, and then apply the exercises to real life studies. This reinforces learning and gives you confidence when drawing from imagination.

Schools typically represent one unified approach to doing things with some additions, whereas with books you can get varied methods. Try them all and see which ones you like the most.

>3. Are reference photos a crutch to learning anatomy?

Not if you gain practice from it. If you do studies where you render the forms from the photo and then overlay the anatomy on top of your rendering, you're learning.

Check out Artistic Anatomy from Robert Beverly Hale, Classic Human Anatomy from Valerie Winslow, or Human Anatomy for Artists by Elliot Goldfinger.

>4. A lot of times l, I'll make a really amateur mistake like realizing the neck's too long after the drawing is done. Should I focus more on improving mistakes or just try to refine basic skills?

If you do your drawing in stages, which you should, you need to fix the error at the earliest stage possible (often called the block-in stage). Use this stage to check for proportional problems.

>> No.2795848

>overlay the anatomy

Should elaborate on this.

Take a sheet of tracing paper, put it over your rendering, and render the anatomy. Commonly you use red to represent muscle, white to represent tendons, and a neutral grey to represent bone.

>> No.2795849
File: 994 KB, 1200x1284, 55270b3e-fac4-4a21-ca7a-ae79bb9b7166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to make me sound like a weebshit /beg/tier artist, but is there any possible way to make my art appealing without learning how to draw super realistic stuff? I've been grinding my fundamentals all of this year and last and while I've been seeing improvements I've also realized that I do my best while I'm actually having fun. On top of that I can spot anatomy mistakes with my favorite artists and yet many people (myself included) still love their work. I guess I'm kind of rambling but I just wanted to get some advice from someone more experienced.

>> No.2795863

I think people tend to forget how important color really is. Color theory is a very broad subject, which I personally believe can rival almost all other artistic concepts combined.

My theory on the appeal of any given art is that it comes in two very broad (and obviously somewhat interrelated) categories. Form and color. You have to be at least 'good' at both to make 'good' work, but it's possible to make very appealing works that have a few minor mistakes on the form side if your color is superb. I think it's true the other way around as well, but I don't think people give color enough credit on its own. Obviously, even if you're a prodigy with color, but you're drawing tumblr characters, your end result is going to be shit.

My suggestion is to alter the way you practice for a little while, try new things, and specifically do some color studies.

>> No.2795870
File: 104 KB, 570x919, 1481358758186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a fairly decent self taught artist so far and this spring semester Ill be taking a figure drawing class, also my first ever art class. Any advice / tips to give me for the class?

>> No.2795874

It seems that my Art™ lacks purpose.
Where do I get it? I don't want to succumb to fanart, or, well, if I do, then I'd like to at least with some Meaning® behind.

>> No.2795882

Would really, really like some help guys.

>> No.2795894

If I were you Id go to a smaller school and get a part time. Community college can keep the loan devils away. Youll be able to practice and apply to jobs/internships without worry until you finally get that offer.

>> No.2795905

Any pointers on how to paint multiple figures in a composition, digitally? I feel like my overall process is lacking and could use some insight.

Everyone seems to be doing portraits from the waist up or spitpaint landscapes.

It's a simple "oh well, grind fundamentals" type of question but I like picking other people's processes apart and dreaming.

>> No.2795920

Try not to get a boner.
Especially if you're the model.

>> No.2796027

Is new masters academy worth it for a month? Is it possible to find their videos free elsewhere?

>> No.2796119

If I were to create a thread about landscapes, in which every individual landscape is explored at different vantage points and added on to by other Artists so that a larger environment gets made, would anyone be interested? I'd call it the "Collaborative Environments" thread

>> No.2796120

bruh, I'm freaking right now. I got an iPad and have been using it to draw for the past couple days I just tried to draw on paper and my skill level has dropped extreme amounts???? Has this happened to anyone else after using digital? Any tips I dunno what's going on

>> No.2796252
File: 10 KB, 86x152, check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2796410

If i suck at drawing boxes, i should study boxes; or draw a bunch of boxes until i gradually git bettr. Is there a scenerio when you shouldnt study, or constantly draw, a subject?

>> No.2796458

What is the proper way to make a study and what do i need to consider while making it?

>> No.2796482

Thank you. I've been taking classes at community college and continuously posting my art for critique on here :0 doing the best I can yo

>> No.2796486

how would i go about constructing boxes with exact dimensions?

suppose i want to make a bounding box for a whale or something, and i want this box to be 300 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 30 feet tall.

also, how would i go about establishing a unit of measurement within the image plane, THEN conforming shit to it?

I've noticed in my studies, that part of making believable scenes is giving everything appropriate dimensions. Figures are in an interior, for example, have everything fitted for them in a way that they can interact with just about anything in the image plane.

>> No.2796512


1. Find picture you like.
2. Copy picture you like. Don't trace.
3. Compare both pictures (Lightbox or a new layer on top).
4. Notice mistakes. (I.E: Values are too dull, neck is too long, X part is assymmetrical).
5. Learn from your mistakes. (If you fucked up X, study some books on the subject (values, anatomy...).

It's important to know that your end-goal is not to copy somebody's "style" (I call it "style" for the sake of clarity). You should be looking for your own weak spots without the crutch of drawing from imagination (I can't draw from imagination something I have never seen).

Only after you feel confortable enough, you should start drawing from imagination.

>> No.2796528
File: 112 KB, 600x565, attachment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you make a perfect square in perspective.

For your actual question you just establish a point of reference and eyeball it. If you have a person, you know they're roughly six feet tall and 2 feet wide and can use all the fancy comparative geometry you learned from How to Draw or Olsen's videos or any book on perspective to duplicate and measure those distances.

>> No.2796546

Does anyone have any tips or references I can check out in regards to time management?
I first started out strong in regards to my self-study program and was making incredible progress (at least to myself) but I had to put my studies on the backburner in order to focus on more pressing issues (was facing homelessness). I've recently gotten free of that situation and now am wanting to go back to my studies but I'm inundated with schoolwork, wageslaving, and other life issues that I feel I'll never find time again. I really want to learn to draw but I feel I'm gonna drop the ball on one or the other if I add more to my plate.

>> No.2796642
File: 198 KB, 1031x1500, 001RpDBBgy6Tat4ARxL81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me understand this? I get that it's about the temperature of the light affecting the temperature of the local color, but I'm confused and I don't speak ching chong.

>> No.2796663

I believe it's showing how different colors of light affect colors

>> No.2796675

Softer led 6b and 4b to start with and go from there.

>> No.2796690

I got a huion h610 pro recently with Krita as my program. I'm still very much a beginner(only been drawing since about June 2016) so can digital art still help with learning the basics?

>> No.2796730

How do I get better at cartoons??

>> No.2796842

it's showing the effect that light has on rgb with red being sampled the most. Different colors of light will shine depending on the time of day and atmosphere and this will affect every color it touches. The sky is not blue, the grass is not green and color is relative to what color light hits it. The closer the objects color is to becoming a compliment to the lights color, the more desaturated the color of the object will be. Mix red and green together and you get black in the perfect world, same with orange and blue, yellow and purple.

So if you had a feint blue night scene, all of your reds would be desaturated or turn into a cooler color such as purple. Remember nothing is perfect and you'll have to do some color studies to grasp the relativity of it.

>> No.2796893

live a healthy well fulfilled life, do a bunch of stuff and get out in the world. art with meaning and value comes from having people and values that you care about and believe in. what do you really care about. meaning is only part of it of course and will fall flat without good backing. you need to be able to communicate your idea/meaning clearly

>> No.2796971

It's a strong hint that you'll need the cat later on.

>> No.2796985
File: 200 KB, 1917x927, cavea2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one upscale an image "losslessly" in a timely manner? Of course upscaling a jpg or png normally blurs the image, but just by zooming in and screencapping it achieves the effect I want (see pic related).

Essentially I just want to make every pixel bigger without any interpolation. Is it something to do with the dpi? Am I just being retarded somehow?

>> No.2797042

please help ahhhhhh

>> No.2797140
File: 283 KB, 603x686, 2dd90e9f69e3b6fb4ac583379b51febaef9cfe1f1859c0445913eb08dbb2e3e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who works best on paper, am I dragging my progress by working on fundamentals/etc 100% digitally (Tablet & Monitor)?

I've been doing it as a challenge, but the setup isn't as comfortable, the results aren't nearly as consistent and I'm starting to have doubts.

Am I better off building my skills traditionally until I'm confident enough to overcome the difference in medium?

(I'll add that I've been working traditionally for life, and digitally for a few years)

>> No.2797228

PS can do literally anything any other program/traditional medium can and sometimes better.
Tbh since you have to ask this question I think you should go back to learning...

>> No.2797239

Well I am only self taught.

>> No.2797268

Work on what you want to work on ( i mean medium ) in the future.

If you like paper so much just keep working on it, and use digital for other purposes (like fixing small mistakes etc.)

>> No.2797291

Pretty sure you want to upscale using the "closest neighbour" setting.

>> No.2797336

That cat has a sidequest for you.

>> No.2797359


>> No.2797418

While studying how am I supposed to keep my hand from fucking up the proportions on the paper while my eyes are looking at the subject? Apparently I'm not supposed to draw a mental image of the subject but just look at it.

>> No.2797444


"Cartooning the human figure(?)" by Jack Hamm.

"Gesture drawing for animation" is great, too, even if you aren't going to animate.

>> No.2798375

Is loomis a meme or not, what am I suppose to take from his books?

>> No.2798418


>> No.2798419

he teaches anatomy and perspective among a few other things depending on the book. just study them and see for yourself

>> No.2798491

That exercise from keys to drawing: does it have to be feet in shoes or can I draw my hand, my cat or my dick? Doing shoes makes me angry

>> No.2800053

I'm the complete opposite as everyone else.
I can ONLY draw by imagination, create characters, monster and anything but I'm complete trash at copying
my shadows are complete trash, my perspective is a mess etc...
What the fuck should I do, I'm trying to do it relatively often but I don't seem to progress.

>> No.2800118

Are you doing that contour line exercise?

>> No.2800130

It's impossible for us to tell you what you need to work on in your art without seeing your art. You might be a complete amateur that needs to start from the basics on.

>> No.2800133

What are some good ways to keep challenging myself creatively while studying the fundamentals?

I'm setting myself up for a 1 year of fundamentals run and everything feels so methodical and study-like and boring. Any tips on how not to let myself get bored to death?

>> No.2800134

You are a free anon. Feel free to draw anything

>> No.2800143

read a book you enjoy and try and create the characters/settings.
take 2-3 animals and mash them together.
take an existing work and make the opposite of it.

>> No.2800151
File: 375 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! School Idol Project S2 - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.09_[2016.09.29_17.26.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with something simple, like a filling a page with drawings of hands at different angles from imagination. Soon, move up to arms and hands or maybe heads. Do this everyday along with studying fundamentals, and then drawing the figure will come 2nd nature.

>> No.2800154

Is drawing on the right side of the brain really all that bad?

I mean I've been working through it the last two weeks and I've improved a shitload. I know there is a lot of pseudo intellectual stuff in it. But why does it get such a bad rep around here.

>> No.2800160

Besides Deviantart, what are some websites that I can post my drawings?
Beginner to intermediate skill level.

>> No.2800840
File: 133 KB, 728x636, 1477639455389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I put my pencil on paper I get a large amount of stress hit me all at once and it makes me want to stop so bad. I don't know why it happens but does anyone else have this problem?

>> No.2800844

Why am I so shit at controlling my hand? I'm really innacurate, I can't draw decent straight lines, If I draw half of an object I can't reproduce the other part symmetrically. I even tried doing drawabox and other shitty exercise of the same kind. I see total beginners to do better, someone has the same problem? How much time do I need to resolve it?

>> No.2800944

Why is drawing from life considered so much better than using photos as reference?

>> No.2800958

Does anyone have the link to the site where you can get high-res pics from google art project? It also works only in chrome, as I remember.

>> No.2800967

You can get up and walk around the model if you're not sure about the form. Plus you see that value changes because from does too, and you see how deep different things are in space more clearly. Plus you see the whole light setting, so you can tell where are all the reflections from.
=more info

>> No.2800992

Yeah it's called stop being a pussy and work through it.

>> No.2800999

place it on the canvas next to what you're drawing or open a new window in PS with your ref, you can also use a program called pureref if you don't have that option.

and never zoom in until you have your drawing set up in regards to proportions/anatomy shit. Come on, man. Practice more gesture and proportions, use visual measuring, and really concentrate.

>> No.2801003

You should read color and light by james gurney

>> No.2801018

How do I make the quantum leap from Loomis to drawing qt animu grills?

All the weeb manga books I've found don't explain stuff nearly as well as he does.

>> No.2801020

I don't care much for people, but I do want to be able to draw structures and vehicles.

In university I took a class as part of my engineering degree where I did technical drawings for parts and turning those into 3D as well as modelling them. This was extremely easy for me and I was quite good at it, but when it comes to something more imaginary and with a lot more angles and curves I am unable to go from my 2D views to a 3D sketch.

I can sort of visualize what I want in 3D, but I can only draw it as a side front top view, any attempt to sketch it always ends up heavily distorted or just wrong. How do I get from what I see in my head to paper?

>> No.2801025

Learn perspective, how to do curves in perspective. Read Scott Robertson's How to Draw.

>> No.2801091

Me, but I still force myself and end up drawing in my comfort zone for the thousandth time and never improve.
Putting the date before drawing kinda helped some times.

>> No.2801592
File: 80 KB, 1232x734, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working from Scott Robertsons 'how to draw',

and I'm wondering if I've correctly transferred the height of box A to the 'rotated 2 point' and '1 point' perspective grids. The green lines are the ones I used to transfer the height. I'm fairly new to perspective so I am having a difficult time knowing whether it looks right or the 'cone of vision' is distorting it.

Any help or advice is appreciated- thanks!

>> No.2801625

where can i find good 3d skulls to look at?

>> No.2801699

I've been very interested in started my own comic book but have no idea where to begin. What do I absolutely need to start? Any pencil recommendations/programs/equipment/etc?

>> No.2801748

So where can I find a cracked copy of photoshop? Tried searching on google but got only virus and shit.

>> No.2801751
File: 114 KB, 800x800, 562628_1000_1_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing with colored pencils? Are there any negatives to doing this?

So far, I've noticed they seem much harder than regular HB pencils, and I actually have to apply lots of pressure to get a single, solid looking line, but I do like the variety, and it's cool to be able to draw over things using different colors.

I'm a beginner, by the way.

>> No.2801759

The obvious is that you can't get a variety of softness/hardness and it's much harder to erase.

There's blue lead (from Pentel) you could consider. I wouldn't recommend the red.

>> No.2801769

Do you want 32 bit or 64?

>> No.2801844

64, thanks

>> No.2801845
File: 1.73 MB, 2369x3326, Haeckel_Arachnida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you guys interested in biological/scientific/medical illustration? I can hardly find anything on it anywhere. What do I need to do to train myself to draw that? It should be no different than drawing anything else, right?

I'm taking classes at an atelier right now but I wonder if I'm better off just going out and trying to draw plants and shit as accurately as possible.

>> No.2801846

thanks for nothing fuckers

>> No.2801848


You should probably study biology to some degree aswell, but that goes without saying right?

>> No.2801851


you got a question, ask away

>> No.2801853
File: 2.05 MB, 2300x3300, Haeckel_Discomedusae_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to major in entomology, yeah. The university is close to the atelier so it works out, I'm just wondering if I'm wasting my time drawing and painting figures if I'm not really interested in medical illustration.

>> No.2801855

Nice, thank you very much

>> No.2801857

I know what you mean. The empty canvas can be very intimidating. I don't really have any advice on it. All I got to say is that draw without any expectations.

>> No.2801890
File: 109 KB, 730x730, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tip on how to chose different colors but that are all the same value ? Like a special color wheel or only advices ?
I like putting a lot of different colors on a same surface but I struggle at finding different colors with same value

>> No.2801897


>> No.2802015
File: 128 KB, 800x567, ikkitousen_0006_zps9a5049eb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an anime studio, I heard that in betweeners require less skill than keyframers, so im assuming that rookie is more likey to get the job of doing a douga. But, are the people who do the final clean up = coloring more skilled for less skilled than the douga or genga people? In one hand, its the final product so it requires meticulous detail, but on the other, all they are doing is just coloring over sketches. I also feel that the genga artist would have trouble placing the shading and highlight maps without any experience in rendering beforehand. I just want to know which position a rookie animator would most likely get first.

tldr: rank douga, genga, and coloring artists in terms of skill.

>> No.2802032

It varies from studio to studio. All i can say is, dissect the shows the studios have worked in. I dont understand what you mean by rendering since most animations are just literally 3 shades of colors and use batches for soft edges. shading and highlight maps? this isnt 3d. japanese animations use color seperation lines to color, nothing more to it.

>> No.2802062
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x870, ._..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone have that tutorial of that green/blue color effect of asian artists?

was something on photoshop about creating a duplicate layer, then adding an specific gradient, and reduce opacity.

something like that.

>> No.2802071

Now how should I proceed? Start, the setup, make un account and then start the crack?

>> No.2802076

You could fill a layer with a greyscale value
and add a layer on top of that set to color blend mode. Now whenever you paint on the top layer only the hue will change and the value will be similar to whatever the bottom layer is.

>> No.2802182

I'm an artist, I get commissioned.

Am I the commissionee, and the guy paying me the commissioner? Or do I have it backwards?

>> No.2802248

I see. Dont know what batching is... or really just never heard of the term before. Google isn't helping. So if someone could explain what a batch is to me would be good. I said mapping because, i thought that what the blue and red lines indicate, like you're literally plotting down where there would be a darker shade. Not aware that mapping only applies to 3d.

>> No.2802275
File: 947 KB, 2500x1211, Cushart_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the one you mean, but closest I had.

>> No.2802283

those shades on the pic you posted are shadow markups. the red and blue lines(also green is used) are what i just discussed before, color seperation lines.


video shows you the lines

batching are just functions that some programs have to edit the animation easier. It can replace color, smooth out blocky areas, change the width of the lines ect.

>> No.2802320
File: 186 KB, 1024x558, haruhi-suzumiya-haruhi-suzumiya-character-15680216-1024-576b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so overwhelmed and amazed by all the cool shit there is to learn anime animation. Like, yes, this is what im abandoning everything for!

>> No.2802378


That is how I understand the terminology, although I don't really hear the first term all too often.

>> No.2802421

Just turn off you internet before opening the setup. Install it then crack it

>> No.2802482
File: 743 KB, 616x587, charls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good pencil for light and broad strokes?

>> No.2802568

If I were to buy one bridgman book, which one should it be? Assuming I don't want the complete guide because it's a butchered mess.

>> No.2802592

how long should I draw squares, circles and triangles before I move on the spheres, cubes and pyramids/cones

>> No.2802691
File: 357 KB, 1600x1034, Sargent Muddy Alligators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides thumbnails, what are other good ways or resources to practice composition?

>> No.2802699

what is a cuck?

>> No.2802774


>> No.2802856

Got any recommendations on good anatomy books or apps to learn on my commute to work?

Also, are there any tricks or tips on memorizing the skeleton structure on the human body (along with the relationship of the muscles)?

>> No.2802871

was looking for the definition of Cuck.

>inb4 Google it ©

>> No.2803109

What's the best way to actually get myself practicing?

My job has me working a very volatile schedule so I have trouble setting aside time to do things, and when I get back from work I'm usually so tired I just want to play video games or doodle stylized stuff/smut. I want to really get better at drawing this year but I'm having a hard time forcing myself to grind out practice beyond the occasional figure drawing when a pose I see somewhere on the internet catches my eye.

>> No.2803117

have you tried getting up earlier than usual and drawing before you go to work?

>> No.2803119

That would work for my night shifts, but usually I work mornings and I already have to be up at 5 for those.

I'll give it a shot though. If I'm already up that early an hour earlier can't hurt.

>> No.2803135

any other tutorial like this one ?

>> No.2803486

Is Jack Hamm's book "Drawing Scenery Seascapes and Landscapes" any good? Is it a good book for a beginner? I'm mostly interested in the landscape part unless seascape has some fundamentals included.

>> No.2803552
File: 27 KB, 344x317, 1481076311597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've picked up on a loop in my daily practice and it's bothering me.

>Open sketchbook
>Do 2-3+ pages of fundamental X, looks objectively decent
>Do 2-3+ pages of fundamental Y, looks objectively decent
>Draw from imagination and it ranges from abstract to mediocre
>~3 Hours pass
>Wonder where I went wrong, mildly frustrated
>Think about where I want to be
>Repeat the next day

What's my problem? How can I change my approach for better results?
>inb4 draw more
Explain to the best of your ability.

>> No.2803591

Base your imaginative stuff off your studies only
Come up with a theme or a project, think about function and story, write notes and make sure you are confident with every aspect and characteristic of your imaginative subject before actually drawing it
Ask experienced artists for crtitique and use whatever technique, approach, tool and cheat that you can find

>> No.2803628

I've been working with acrylics on a small scale (altering cards) and am having trouble with maintaining a even coat of paint with my strokes. More often than not, I get strokes where all the pigment is at the edges and totally missing from the middle. I've also been having trouble blending colors softly.

>> No.2805328
File: 204 KB, 1280x933, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know the name of a guy, I think he was an art teacher from Thailand or something, and has a patreon? I'm looking for an image of his similar to this where he drew boxes in all angles/directions?

>> No.2805337
File: 196 KB, 744x999, 1466984663428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, but I have this saved. Hope it helps you in your search.

>> No.2805379
File: 211 KB, 154x122, dafa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At which height is it recommended to have your tablet?

My current table only lets me put it on the same level as the monitor and I notice I get really uncomfortable really fast and my arm hurts a bit. Is the same height as my keyboard recommended or at least acceptable?

>> No.2805416

Is Instagram a worthy platform to post my art? I have a dA and Tumblr but I'm not very good at advertising my work, and it seems Instagram is one of those platforms that does that kind of thing automatically.

>> No.2805418

twitter is also good

>> No.2805420

Twitter was terrible for me, but that's probably mostly because I despise it on many levels.

>> No.2805423

my problem with advertising my work is that I really don't mind if nobody sees my work but I NEED it so I can get clients

I'll just post something and completely forget I left it there but on twitter everything is so simple I tend to be more responsive there. Don't really use it to interact with people like it's supposed to be used

>> No.2805424

If it hurts your arm now there's no reason to try placing it at the keyboard level, that should be fine because your arm will rest at that level when you're typing anyway. I place my tablet at keyboard height too btw.

No reason to skip it in my opinion, even if you're lazy it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to upload your art there.

>> No.2805607

They've recently released anEnglish version. You can get it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Books/Sketching-Times-Inspiration-25-Artists-Sketch-Selections/9810939639/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1483717682&sr=1-2&keywords=basheer

I bought one of the volumes in Hong Kong, they're great.

>> No.2806012
File: 278 KB, 540x464, tumblr_o3ww8dx3Gq1qe83zro1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I spend a large amount of time trying to become more dexterous and getting my lines where I want them to go (i/e doing How To Draw + Drawabox exercises for hours at a time) before I go on to really learn any fundamentals or should I do that kind of thing side by side.

I just get really discouraged when I draw because my lines aren't going where I want them to.

>> No.2806017

>hours at a time

No, you are doing it wrong. It is a warm-up. Think of it as an artists jog in the morning. You do it to stay in shape and it doesn't matter if you're getting it right or not as long as you do it everyday.

>> No.2806046


Those kinds of exercises are largely a scam. You get way better practice in accuracy and penmanship in inking a drawing than drawing random straight lines

>> No.2806060

how do i into mech drawing?

>> No.2806122

by studying mechs!

>> No.2806226

Most sites and wikis seem to recommend learning 'copying' or drawing from reference before learning construction and such, is there any particular reason for that, does it even matter at all in what order you learn those skills?

>> No.2806438

I want to focus mostly on watercolor and ink.
Good books or advice?

>> No.2806450
File: 954 KB, 651x841, Drawing This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I'm trying to learn how to perceive stuff better through an artists lens and i'm reading drawing on the right side of the brain. I'm on the exercise where you draw a foreshortened hand through a viewfinder with a grid. Will it work if I just use a program to make a grid than draw that?

>> No.2806566

When doing studies is it better to draw for likeness or understanding?

>> No.2806567

The breaker as well.

>> No.2806610

Anyone worked through Keys to Drawing?

What's the point of drawing portraits using sight and measure techniques if you know you're going to be using construction later on?

>> No.2806663

I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to use the catalog. If the thread I made is still up, sorry.
Anyway, how long did it take you guys to settle into your own art style? And what advice would you give to someone having trouble keeping a consistent art style?

>> No.2806665

make a grid using lines in photoshop, then copy layer into ur reference

>> No.2806683

is 4 hours a day considered good for practice?

>> No.2806905

you're never supposed to aim for your personal style perse, you're suppose to reach a point where you acknowledge what makes your art objectively different from 100% realism.

Id say that being able to do 90% realist should be your ultimate goal, and if you draw anything less, you're still drawing in muh style(shit). Once you know the difference between 100% realistic, and your art, than you can say you have a specific style.

Anyway, i still cannot pull off something with perfect anatomy or proprtions yet.

>> No.2806965

I did.
Keys to drawing teach how to draw from life, not how to draw from imagination. Those are two different skills.

You need Loomis.

>> No.2806976

Depends on what you're drawing

>> No.2807037

So I have read the sticky, got myself a copy of Edward's book, a pencil, and a sketchbook. Now I'm kinda intimidated. I don't have the frame finder thingy Edwards says you need, is it really important?

>> No.2807063

So, some kind Anon posted this video on some thread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7cDY7YDsg
I found it easier to understand and less boring than any Loomis book. Someone has other good videos for beginners? Also would appreciate the rest of this guy's video lessons

>> No.2807079

Any advice on balancing fundamentals study and fun?

>> No.2807146

I only draw digitally and I have a dual monitor setup so when I practice fundamentals I draw on one monitor and have a stream/youtube of something I'm interested in on the other. Preferrably of something that doesn't require my full attention, like a gaming tournament on twitch or something.

>> No.2807194
File: 60 KB, 527x535, 468763786478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get my motivation back?

As soon as I draw something that I don't like the look of like this linework, it's been a habit of mine to just stop drawing afterwards. What can I do to stop this from happening?

>> No.2807211

Do you think this is a logical decision?

Cancelled my schoolism membership, sold my tablet, and threw away all of my sketchbooks.

Such a waste of time. And for what? It's completely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Art is not needed, especially in today's society where the intellect, personality, and face reigns supreme.

To be honest, the "artistic lifestyle" seems almost like a childish endeavour at this point, and I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems like the most serious artists (asides from guys who are legit conceptartists/illustrators/porn artists but they represent a very low % of dedicated lifters) are also the people with nothing else going on in their lives.
I know this was true with me, I was biggest and most serious about drawing when I was still in uni, working only 15 hours a week, and pretty much just plucking around all the time, going out, with no real life.
To all you kids out there who are getting sucked into the comerical art , try to stop yourself.
So long as you have and maintain decent facial aesthetics, you'll be fine.
Art just not worth it.

>> No.2807216


>> No.2807232

every thread until you like it

>> No.2807239


I meant balacing between drawing exercices and drawing for fun.

>> No.2807262

I'm having your same problem but here is a suggestion. After a bit of raw practice on fundamentals, try using some time to apply what you have learned drawing something you like.
For example, are you studying anatomy? Try drawing a character you like or inventing one. Are you studying persepctive? Apply what you learned by drawing a view that you like.
Of course, you shouldn't be spending too much time on things unrelated to the exercises, but doing it a bit would motivate you seeing that all that shit actually helps you reaching your goals

>> No.2807266


Yeah I could try to apply the exercices to watercolors since I want to focus on them when i'm done with the fundamentals. Thanks.

>> No.2807296
File: 51 KB, 876x773, 1480373493900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I worry whether or not that my work will appear on cringe threads?

the style I want to go for is a bit cartoony (or tumblr depending on how others see it)

I know how the stylization process works but I'm worried that I'll mess up
Also I'm still a beginner but what puts me back a little on art/illustration is whenever I see people ragging on other people's art.
I see the whole cringe thread situation as a gray zone because though it's dickish for people to pick on others, but it doesn't go onto levels of harassment (usually) or stalking the person etc.

sorry for sounding oversensitive if I do.

>> No.2807308

Well, you can always post in beg thread for feedback

>> No.2807319

i wouldn't sweat it anon. just keep drawing.

>> No.2807340

Procreate and adobe color

>> No.2808236

I'm wanting to learn how to draw on a a tablet. Do you look at the actual tablet screen as you make lines or thd computer screen when drawing from imagination?

>> No.2808237

That completely depends on the kind of tablet you get.

>> No.2808559

can i read the three first chapters of "keys to drawing" and then skip the other chapters and go to the imagination chapter/ any book about imagination?

>> No.2808578

How does drawing work? When trying to copy a reference, am I supposed to look at the reference, keep the image in my short-term memory and then look away from the reference onto my medium, "mentally projecting" the reference onto my medium, make a mark and repeat?
Because I can't manage to do that. By the time im starting to move my pencil, I have no idea what the reference looked like. Even when I'm focusing on a single line or set of lines. Do I have ADD? How do I improve on this?

>> No.2808582

no. just look at each part of the reference that you're drawing and copy each detail if you're doing a study, or only copy certain parts if you're doing your own work but need some help with certain areas you can't do by yourself, like the nose, or a certain pose, etc.

>> No.2808587
File: 1.32 MB, 1132x1696, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the arms of a non-muscular male have the same shape as a female arm? i'm trying to practice arms and when i make them do males I just make them a bit thicker but the same shape.

>> No.2808590

i dont think thats what he was asking

>> No.2808619
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x1622, bg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I recreate this background? Especially the glowing mist in the distance - I tried a seperate Layer with Lighter Color as blending method but it just won't match. I also added a (blurry) paper texture on top with a noise filter. Is there a better way or do I have to fiddle around till it works?

>> No.2808625

In general, no. The male arm is generally longer with less fat deposition and more pronounced volumes and separation, especially on wiry skellingtons.

>> No.2808653


Is this actually useful for learning, the same as normal methods, or garbage?

>> No.2808657

If you have to ask, you aren't gonna make it.

>> No.2808660

That tells me nothing.

>> No.2808664

Yes, that's how it works. Get medication. If you can't do this, you cannot learn to draw observationally which means you cannot learn to draw.

>> No.2808666

"It's not talent, it's a skill, meaning everyone can draw!"

>*Disclaimer: not everyone can draw.

>> No.2808669
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x1836, 1483899136439-2129462800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth anything

>> No.2808675

Fun fact: Disabled people are unable to do some things.
When we say "everyone is able to x", we mean "everyone who isn't dis-able-d is able to x".

>> No.2808686

Not as much as you would hope. One to two thousand bucks maybe? If you have it, just keep it. It's nice :) don't sell it for small money

>> No.2808687

Disabled people can draw. Not great, but they can and can get decent. Drawing with feet? Getting accurate at it?
I know people with severe autism who got decent.

>> No.2808692
File: 65 KB, 400x400, Fig-6a-Guillaume-Seignac-Skin-Variability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2808700

There shouldn't be an issue when using mechanical pencil leads of a different brand in mechanical pencils of another as long as they're the right size, right?

>> No.2808702

I would like to listen to art related podcasts while drawing but right now I have trouble finding something.
Can someone please give me recommendations?
I'll post tits.

>> No.2808706

When drawing from reference, you can check exactly what you did wrong. Identifying mistakes is how you learn. This is vitally important.
Drawing from imagination is just drawing from reference, your imagination being the reference. You can't construct a figure from simple forms unless you can accurately draw the simple forms you are imagining.

>> No.2808772
File: 84 KB, 1000x443, gregmanchess-princessmars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a basic skill all artists develop. It helps boost your observational skills, provide you information about lighting/values/color/form/anatomy etc, so you aren't working blindly. You can work with reference and practice construction conjointly.

>> No.2808885
File: 441 KB, 1280x960, Geometry of Nonpositively Curved Manifolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm good now, thx for your effort.
< tits

>> No.2808897
File: 35 KB, 500x386, darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question related to where to post artwork. It's mostly porn, but the problem is it's shota/loli and I'm at a loss as to where it is appropiate to post it. Exhentai? Tumblr is out of the question, deviantart obviously too, and I got banned at Hentai Foundry for something relatively innocent. Any suggestions?

>> No.2808899

Now that's a feminine penis if I've seen one

>> No.2809064

Take a look around you.
Chances are you're in a house.

Guess what someone designed your house. Someone designed your computer. Someone designed your clothes. You know that tablet? I'm sure there was a small team who designed the look of that.

ANYTHING that you see, touch, use has literally been someone elses design.

You know those cubicles that you're going to be stuck in for 40 years? Someone designed that too. Your favorite movie? A bunch of creative teams built that.

To say that art isn't important is to be completely ignorant to the world you exist within. Anything you interact with: the chair you sit in, the desktop UI, any game you can think of, product packages, clothes, shoes, cars, houses, weapons, utility items, utensils, your bed...Everything has been created by an artist.
Art is literally everywhere, and yet you choose to leave this world where your ideas are not only valued, but consumed by the public. Artists create trends, styles, and brands. While just developing pretty illustrations is totally fine, an artist can literally be the creator of anything. UX designers literally create experiences. It may not seem like art, but you are still creating the way someone interacts with something else.

I'm sorry you have to go, and you won't be missed. Sure artists arent going to cure cancer, nor are we going to mix chemicals together. But artists create experiences, and that alone is much more powerful in the long term.

Art is worth it, but it isn't for everyone. Peace man, go into business management or head towards med school. Art can be compared to these other professions because of the amount of training and influence it has on the world. Anything else and you'll be REALLY wasting your life.

>> No.2809065

Thanks, anon just what I needed.

>> No.2809081

wow you're even worse lmao

>> No.2809212

Should I start (go through the sticky) on paper and pencil or just immediately use a tablet

I live in a place where I basically share a room with someone all day who sits right next to me and don't have anywhere else to go, how do you get comfortable drawing around other people?

>> No.2809303

personally i'd start with traditional media first. when using a tablet there's this weird disconnect between the hand and eye that makes drawing initially harder which will only be compounded by the fact that you don't know how to draw.
>how do you get comfortable drawing around other people?
I think the first step is acknowledging that you suck but with consistent practice you'll improve. think about whether or not its worth it for you to suffer a bit of embarrassment now but be able to draw better in the future. after that just grow a pair and be comfortable with where you are.
>be a master at whatever level you are however little that may be; embrace what you have and continue working towards progress.
some paraphrased quote from a watt's video that helped me get comfortable with how shit I am currently.

>> No.2809305

Thanks, anon. I'm absolutely 100% embarrassed by my ability to draw, but I think I can do it now because of you.

>> No.2809311

aruurara had a lot of gif tutorials in his tumblr showing the way he made his pony paintings.

>> No.2809325

link pls; guy looks legit

>> No.2809353
File: 20 KB, 559x315, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809458

Whenever I try to draw a portrait I fuck up the proportions in some way, and I end up with shit that looks bad because I've fucked up the basics. I draw using a tablet. What book or video should I be looking into to become better at this?

>> No.2809498

do you mirror your drawings each once in a while whenever you're drawing? f not you should try it.

>> No.2809508

How many months or years of practice before I'm allowed to start drawing the original stories and characters I think about every day

>> No.2809522

Yeah its called shape design although some degree of basic anatomy would be needed otherwise your shapes won't look as good, but if you have a decent grasp of shapes then you can have not so good anatomy and proportions but yet make the drawings look good

The way you learn shape design is by studying yiur favorite artists analyze the shapes they use to draw things like hair stRands to the overall figure

>> No.2809524

Draw it whenever the fuck u want

>> No.2809528

You could literally do it now. Famous OCs like Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny character designs changed over the year before they got their final look we know today.

Draw what you think they would look initially in your head.

>> No.2809557

Is there a discord or anything else Ven is on? It's not enough for me to wait untill she updates her tumblr. It's not often enough ! I want to be able to talk with her, show her my wips. Without her thinking I'm a stalker!

>> No.2809787

Now, dude.

>> No.2809898

i am looking for the proper term for a artistic technique i would like to look into more.
the technique is to have an image split down the middle depicting different scenes on the two sides.
this is typically done with halves of two people's faces across the dividing line showing some sort of duality between them.

>> No.2809917 [DELETED] 

Also, should Loomis's Successful Drawing come before, after or alongside Vilppu's Drawing Manual? I suppose there isn't an exact order for this but some guidance would be helpful.

For reference I'm focusing on drawing in 3D and improving my knowledge of form.

>> No.2809919

Should Loomis's Successful Drawing come before, after or alongside Vilppu's Drawing Manual? I suppose there isn't an exact order for this but some guidance would be helpful.

For reference I'm focusing on drawing in 3D and improving my knowledge of form.

>> No.2809947
File: 934 KB, 2560x1600, gmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have full version of this?

>> No.2809967
File: 2.92 MB, 1400x6521, nsio learning order to human character drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809970


The progression is retarded. The 2nd level is as good as the following, it's just fewer lines. The "6th mastery" is a horrible uncanny valley abomination

>> No.2809977

Ignore this stupid post

"uncanny valley" God fucking

>> No.2809981

>The 2nd level is as good as the following

No it's not, note the additional suggestions of anatomy and form and increased dynamism overall

>The "6th mastery" is a horrible uncanny valley abomination

Probably why he put a question mark after it you autistic retard. An obviously tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of his own lack of mastery.

>> No.2810029

Ok, that's your opinion.

>> No.2810038

What exercises should I do to master the prerequisites? I've had enough of reading shitty books. I want to practice

>> No.2810043

Dynamic Sketching.
Anything involving perspective for artists.
Keys to Drawing.

>> No.2810056

Fact is that I'm really frustrated right now. I tried shit like drawabox and after drawing cubes and lines for weeks nothing changed. I tried reading shit like fun with a pencil but it's just stupid and too beginner tier. I've read half of perspective made easy but it says only obvious things. I tried copying a photo using construction lines and measuring with my pencil but it came out shit.
I'm really depressed, I keep going trogh tutorials and drawing lines but nothing changes. I think I should start doing actual stuff like anatomy and faces but seeing how shit my hand control is I understand that I'm still a beginner

>> No.2810066

Can you draw 4 boxes of the same size in different positions in the same 3D space?

Can you arrenge, tilt, see through them as you wish?

Drawabox isn't about drawing boxes, it's about understanding what happens with those boxes on 3D space. What happens when you want to rotate them. How you measure their proportions when you're tilting them, pushing them father back to a vanishing point or bringing them closer to you.

Stop being on tilt. Drink a coffee and relax, maybe some wine or beer or a scotch. Approach each exercise with a fresh mind and a desire to learn and get better.

Don't jump back and forth, pick a subject and study it. One last advice, if you're dedicating one hour to a study, you should have at least another hour to draw for fun, whatever you like. Remember why you enjoy drawing and why you're working so hard to get better.

Motivation is worthless, discipline is way better. If you can't deal with all that then you're just not gonna make it.

>> No.2810078

>Can you draw 4 boxes of the same size in different positions in the same 3D space?
I did only the first program, but I don't recall stuff about "same size" or about measuring their proportion when you push them back. The exercises where simple "draw a cube in perspective"

>> No.2810080

I don't want to bang on you since you're already bummed out but did you really pay attention to the lesson's description and exercises?

Lesson 1 exercise 3.4.

Read, apply, practice. If you can't do something as "simple" as 4 boxes of the same size in different positoins then you clearly missed the point of the lesson.

Don't give up, don't just copy mindlessly. Understand what you're drawing and why you're drawing it the way you are. What happens to the front plane of the box if you tilt it to the left? What happens to the angles? How much of the side planes will I see? What happens if I keep the box in the same position, but I push it back, or bring it closer to the viewer?

>> No.2810126

Is drawing directly from life much better than drawing from photo reference as a beginner?

>> No.2810172


i need to paste this somewhere

>> No.2810249
File: 1.00 MB, 790x980, birdthing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could anyone try to find the source for this work? would make a separate thread but didn't want to clutter, had it as a desktop since 2012 and cannot find the file for it or artists name

>> No.2810256
File: 1.21 MB, 739x1024, 1483680003235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the name of these types of pictures?
Trying to find more of them

>> No.2810278


>> No.2810483

what's the recommended size for doing a bunch of studies on one canvas? I'm talking about having good linework and space.

>> No.2810504
File: 5 KB, 355x355, 41-Udus9vGL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get out the lead stuck in the built in sharpener/pointer on a steadtler lead holder?

I was using it when someone bumped into me and the tip broke off and got stuck inside and i for the life of me cannot fucking get it out. I think my attempts have just made it worse.

>> No.2810545


Use another lead to push it out.

But man, those leads are pretty stiff. They don't break as easily.

>> No.2810547

I did try that, the other piece of lead just snapped off (but thankfully didnt get stuck) and the original piece hasn't moved.

its 2b its not even that soft ...

>> No.2810869

There was this youtube video called 'figure sketching' or something where at the start, the guy explained an exercise he did where he would draw the same box in various positions over and over.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It was really helpful.

>> No.2810978

Do software tools help or hinder a beginner? Things like stroke stabilization, perspective tools, perfect circles, etc. I feel like they hinder in the long run by teaching bad habits but they make my strokes and drawings look so much better. I can't draw a straight line or circle at all, and it bums me out how long it will take before I can make anything halfway decent.

>> No.2810983
File: 194 KB, 819x830, 1nExKKO[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, darker brown was done with tool after trying freehand.

>> No.2811111

Are there other composition cheats like the Golden Mean/Fibonacci thingie and the Rule of Thirds? I can't find any.

>> No.2811329

I'll vouch for Rapid Viz too

>> No.2811727
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was really disastisfied with how my last piece turned out so I've been trying to really improve by working on the basics again. I've been making a bunch of hands and while I obviously suck at the moment, I hope that I improve in some way in about a week's time. Afterwards, I want to do the same for other stuff. Is this a decent way to practice?

Also, what are some good exercises for practicing the methods of Loomis?

>> No.2811980

I'm a fucking idiot and I don't understand how to ink stuff at all. Is there a book or a vid I can watch that focuses on inking techniques, particularly with western comic book styling? I just really like the large portions of darkness but I can never figure out how to make the right textures for certain objects or how dark I should make something.

>> No.2811984
File: 60 KB, 212x212, tumblr_ohxqojxr9u1vl80kpo3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the tiny pic but why is the shadow edge more saturated here? when and why does this happen? is there a name for this?

>> No.2812482
File: 38 KB, 510x429, sliders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the most accurate value slider in photoshop?

The grayscale slider is quite different to the luminance (LAB) and the brightness (HSB) sliders.

Lab and HSB are quite similar, but grayscale seems to have compressed the dark values a bit (or the other two have compressed the light values).

>> No.2812510

Some anon recommended me a video series on color which went very in-depth about color theory, but i forgot to save it, anyone has it maybe? I dont remember the title, but he was showing various graphs about color at the beginning, thats the only thing i remember, sorry.

>> No.2813115

What if i am in deviant autism scribbles level and it looks like shit?

Is there a bare minimum I need to be before I should start drawing what I really want?

Do I just need to do like 50% what I want 50% suffering through practice of what matters or is there a better way