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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 64 KB, 662x500, oldandstalememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2782962 No.2782962 [Reply] [Original]

>my mom found my drawings of nude models on my computer
>now she constantly berates me and laughs at me saying that i draw porno
what the fuck am i supposed to do?
also how to hide your art to make it more related to ic

>> No.2782967


>> No.2782971

Well is she teasing you in good fun or is she actually being shitty about it?

In either case you could just explain that basically any artist worth their salt has drawn nudes and that you're uncomfortable with her saying you draw porn.

>also how to hide your art

I hide it in a folder called "art".

>> No.2782974

teasing me mostly, but she has been pretty invasive

>> No.2782981

upload your work to a private imgur account and don't leave them on the computer

>> No.2782987

She sounds like a typical modern feminist that thinks normal male sexuality is rapey and dirty.

>> No.2782990

Tell her to pose for you. In all seriousness tho, I live in a pretty religious household atm and if I got caught looking at or drawing nudes is probably be worse off than you. Here's some thingd I do: draw them when I'm alone, lock my door (although this isn't always possible), stay up super late and draw when everyone else is sleeping, and the one that works best is to just open up the nude figures on your phone and draw from there since it's much easier to conceal. As for your drawings, either draw some clothes on the figure when you're done or hide it in between a stack of all your other drawings.

Although it kinda sounds like your moms just teasing you and isn't too upset about it so maybe just try talking to her.

>> No.2782992

not gonna make it

>> No.2782993

grab her by the pussy and slam her into the wall tbqh

>> No.2782995

How does someone find something on your computer? I do not understand this at all and there's always bullshit excuses that end with "I'm too retarded to set up a guest account".

>> No.2782996

if she's just teasing then outright draw porn, and when she keeps teasing you about drawing porn, say that's exactly what you do

as somebody who loves to tease others I can say this is best way to shut her down

>> No.2783012

this is 18+ website

>> No.2783021


She already knows you look at porn on the computer to your masturbation habits because she washes your clothes and sniffs your undies. Moms know everything.

>> No.2783121

My nude drawings/sketches pays for my parents weekly grocery, My profession bought them 2 houses. They even hired a model for me that one time.

>> No.2783169

Why don't you erase the nipples
Boom, no nudes

>> No.2783180
File: 56 KB, 960x960, 1452658065155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mom brings up that one "nude fox lady" I drew
luckily it wasn't straight up porn though
>then she tells me my little sister also has been drawing "stuff like that"
It's runs in the blood.

>> No.2783212

Draw her getting fucked by you

>> No.2783214

>things that never happened

>> No.2783224

Extinguish your entire bloodline senpai

>> No.2783229

make sure you have plenty of kids

>> No.2783296

> Not sharing your nsfw drawings with your imouto.

>> No.2783309

tell her to stop self projecting
she obviously wants to be drawn naked
do god's work anon

>> No.2783764

Did you see your sister's drawing?
>yfw she's better than you at drawing furry

>> No.2783775

>now she constantly berates me
Have you learned nothing from /ic/? This is the time when you ask her: "post your work".

>> No.2783782

Are you fucking 12. if you are 18 move out you faggot. Grow some balls you waste of space

>> No.2783786

Draw actual porno, go as nasty as you can, print it out and hang it all around the apartment, then piss on her to mark your territory.

>> No.2783804

And how do you study and pay for an apartment if you have no money ?

>> No.2783841


>> No.2783866

That's exactly why I'm in 4th year in Physics you dumb fuck.
I hope you're happy with your grocery store job.

>> No.2783875

Top kek. Im the one making money here you faggot, shut the fuck up you freeloading mouthbreather. I bet I made and will continue to make more money than you ever will with your useless physics degree. Keep dreaming tho famalam.

>> No.2783884

You shouldn't have hidden them. When they're in a folder on your computer people think "wow this creep jacks off to these", when they're pinned on your wall for everyone to see, people think "this is just like my French ateliers!"

>> No.2783907
File: 26 KB, 225x350, baron zeppeli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the normie move out meme
*tips direspectfully in your direction*

>> No.2783926

If you stay with your parents til youre 30 you're a loser.

>> No.2783930

OP is pretty clear not even 18 years old. We should purge this cacner from /ic/

>> No.2783938

>if you are 18 move out you faggot

The move out at 18 meme has been financially unviable for years, anon. Housing in most of the west is like twice to three times the cost (that's with inflation accounted for) than it was for the last generation.

>> No.2783947

Just an excuse for being a lazy no skilled spoiled fag :)

>> No.2783949

There is more thing.
18 years old anon already can able to serve in army and kill people. Can marry, can drink alcohol (except US), have car.
>now she constantly berates me and laughs at me saying that i draw porno
this is not 18 year old anon 100%

>> No.2784253

Learn proper english you massive retard

>> No.2784256

Good thing I'm already a loser. Might as well move back in with the folks to save on rent

>> No.2784551

>useless degree
3000€ a month at 22 for your first job in France is fucking great you massive faggot.
>go to work
>do your job
>go get a drink with friends
>get back home
>eat dad's cuisine
>mom washed and cleaned everything
>draw tits and play vidya all night
Implying it's not the fucking dream (at least until you saved enough to be able to move out and not sleep under a bridge.

>> No.2784562

call me when you actually get the 3K job lel.
You are actually a disgrace, and you keep defending yourself. Top kek.
No wonder you havent made it. Truly a waste of oxygen.

>> No.2784568


Just saying the average wage for people out of highschool ain't what it used to be in terms of purchasing power, and if you're going to post secondary you've got two choices:
Take on excessive and unnecessary debt because it's incredibly unfeasible you will be able to afford both a home and tuition, even if you did manage to hold down a full time job (fat chance) while you did school. If you've got a great scholarship that's great, but that already means you're an outlier. If you've got parents that are ok with you living with them you're basically shooting yourself in the foot for up to a decade so you can self-indulgently masturbate to how independent you are.
2. Stay with your fucking parents like a rational individual. If you've got a good relationship with them and don't act like a complete leech this is just sensible.

The average person out of high school isn't lazier than they were 50 years ago, anon, if moving out was as financially viable people would still do it at the same rate. Personally I think purposely kneecapping your future for short-term bragging rights while you have an alternative (and yes, some people who move out at 18 don't) is more childish than living with your parents until your early to mid 20s and hitting the ground running.


What you're legally able to do is different from what is financially viable. We "can" do a lot of shortsighted things that aren't in our rational self interest.

>> No.2784569


>top kek

You're trying too hard. Either tone it down or go all in and start posting pepes.

>> No.2784575

>What's an engineer ???

>> No.2784597

not true, you can pretty much live with barely any costs
Get a van. Live in it
Go dumpster diving for food
At restaurants like McDonalds go to the toilet to fill up your waterbottle, also clean up a bit if you smell
Electricity, you can recharge your notebook/phone at a library, get a extra batterypack for when the library closes.
Live in your van for pretty much FREE, at most your monthly costs gonna be gas and occasionally food if dumpster diving aint working out. But get a parttime job for like 5hrs a week and it should be viable by ALOT

>> No.2784598

Draw actual porno and put a different one up on your fridge every day.

>> No.2784601

I'm actually 18 years old and I live with my grandmother because my local college is close to her house and I can just take a bus there.

I'm majoing in graphic design.

>> No.2784602

As someone who has done this and lived in their car, I would not recommend it at all. Also that's terrible advice about how to go about doing it, you don't take into consideration things like car insurance and phone bill, places to park and sleep where you won't get towed/asked to leave/cops called on you/van broken into, you need regular hygiene more than most people (something like like a YMCA membership works for that), you can't leave the car on while you sleep so you have to think about not having heating or AC, electricity is very tricky because libraries aren't open 24/7 and being without without a home means you will be using that phone more. Dumpster diving is stupid because you will get sick from it and you can't work while you're vomiting and shitting everywhere. Just work at a restaurant, it's guaranteed free food every shift.

At least go with something with a generator like a camper or rv that has actual living space. Sleeping in car seats really sucks for your back.

>> No.2784618

start drawing porn, youve got nothing to lose.

>> No.2784620

She wants you to draw her naked and then have wild sex on a couch. Christ OP, why can't you see that?

>> No.2784631

>using meaningless meme words
*turns 360° while tipping in all directions*

Yes you can do that but why the fuck would you? You would feed off trash just because someone told you not moving out at 18 is for losers? Come the fuck on

>> No.2784639

>lives with mummy
>draws naked loli's and mastrubates to obscure fetishes
>wonders why he doesn't have a gf yet
>thinks hes not a loser

>> No.2784655

>pretending to be a normie
>baiting on 4chan for angry NEETs to reply
>that word again
Listen there are better ways to spend time, like drawing. So why don't we all go do that

>> No.2784657

In my case, was my wife that found it.

>> No.2784659

So she got angry at you?

>> No.2784732

>having a wife that gets angry at you just because you draw stuff

>> No.2784793

That feel when that wasnt even me.
You are a loser tho, i mean theres no other word for it. What do you want me to call you. A failed attempt at life? I mean what nigga

>> No.2784795

I am an engineer. You are not. You think you'll have a job, but you wont because you're useless.

What am i trying? Im not going to call him a fucking success just because you don't agree with me. I'm right and in the real world these kinds of people are considered failures and autists. You spend your whole days living in these fucking mongoloid forums and actually start believing that fapping to fucking fur covered cartoons is normal. Jesuuuus

>> No.2784807

Sure I mean it's not like we could be drawing right now so let's get involved in this ebin internet argument even more.

Anyway, the reasons why someone should stay with their mom past 18 are their own, generalizing like every one of them is a manchild is idiotic because you don't know them. And don't say "you" because I'm not 30 or live with my mom due to my inability to leave on an emotional level. I stay here for now because I have no choice
>'loser' again
Tell me, what does it mean to "win" at life? And why do you think you can apply that opinion to someone else?

>> No.2784840
File: 27 KB, 583x583, Ca4xDZQW8AIDjRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You spend your whole days living in these fucking mongoloid forums and actually start believing that fapping to fucking fur covered cartoons is normal. Jesuuuus

Nice strawman, I like how you got this from me calling you out for behaving like your standard /b/tard shitposter. It's always pretty funny when you retards will grasp for a stereotype of 4chan posters to insult people who laugh at you while you're posting on 4chan. We get it, you're special, everyone else that browses 4chan except you are no-life neckbeards who spend every waking hour here but you just come here for fun in your spare time. You're the only one who does that. Neat, huh?

>> No.2784913

Get money own stuff fuck bitches and get good at your craft.

Other than that pointless pretty much. No point in arguing with you fucktards you always have been are and will be useless losers.

>> No.2784917

>fuck bitches
great achievement

>> No.2784919
File: 5 KB, 336x300, tumblr_inline_mshpzvItEh1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be useless but it doesn't change the fact that there is a job waiting for me :^)
>You spend your whole days living in these fucking mongoloid forums
So do you Engineer-San, stop trying to give reality checks when you are yourself an autistic browsing a chinese cartoon forum

>> No.2784921

>No point in arguing with you fucktards

We all know what the point is, you're trying to inflate your ego because you're pathetic enough to try and puff your chest on fucking 4chan.

>> No.2784924

So what, Im better than you. I make more, I dont live with my parents. Ive got friends, im swole and ive got a pretty big dick.

I dont fap to furries and I come here to fuck with you betas. Also theres no job waiting for you.

>> No.2784926

Ofc its not when you're a 30 year old virgin.

>> No.2784929

>Waaaa waaaaa I'm Alpha look at me waaaa
You're so fucking pathetic holy shit
>no job waiting for you
Whatever helps you sleep at night big boy ;^)

>> No.2784930

My girl helps me sleep at night. Another thing you will never have. Traps arent females you cuck.

>> No.2784938

>We "can" do a lot of shortsighted things that aren't in our rational self interest.
I mean there is no way for anon's story be real if he's 18 year old. Unless his mother is awful human being and he discussed with her his sexual "live" daily. How for example mother can laughing and berates at him, trying "ashamed" because of nude models on PC if he's not virgin? "Wow, nude figures! Mom, u know I put my penos in vagoo and did it in doggy style with some gurls". All mothers knows their sons have dicks and about how they fapping at porn or fuck other girls in real life. Especially i f son is already 18yo+. Story in OP is pure fiction or OP is underage. I don't belive it. It's /r9k/ tier cool story that exist only for creating another shitposting thread in /ic/.

>> No.2784943

Stop implying that much, you're hurting yourself

>> No.2784944

What the fuck are you talking about you retard

>> No.2784946

Maybe you're the real autistic kid here.

>> No.2784983

>fuck bitches
this has to be bait
anyway stay insecure and keep playing the cool guy role on the internet

>> No.2785004

I've got zero insecurities.

>> No.2785046

>So what, Im better than you. I make more, I dont live with my parents. Ive got friends, im swole and ive got a pretty big dick.

You're an insecure little bitch desperately seeking self affirmation on the internet to a bunch of anonymous shitposters.

>> No.2785229
File: 109 KB, 205x260, 1460952964834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw your sister's fursona and have her draw yours, then fuggg :DD

>> No.2786089

You got triggered pretty hard.
Why am I insecure? Because I'm better than you?
Honestly do the world a favour and kill yourself.

>> No.2786104
File: 23 KB, 283x280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm better than you
>On 4chan

You can post this on Reddit and I'd be more willing to believe it. But I don't visit Reddit.

>> No.2786175

you sound like a real confident guy having to rant about your amazing successful life to some autists on 4chan
i mean, happy people do that. scream about how happy they are, in the most angry tone they can manage. good luck with crippling depression senpai

>> No.2786202

Move together with a roomie. It's not like the amount of people wanting to live away from their parents has dwindled over the years.

>> No.2786212

>i am better than a person i know nothing about
christ, you are fucking pathetic

>> No.2786232

Great advice!
Also he can use /b/ wisdom and tell her to TITS or GTFO his study.

>> No.2786234

This guy is gonna make it. Big time.

>> No.2786242

Nice projecting cucked anti depressant devouring trap
Mad autist
Another degenerate

All you pussies can do is project your insecurities. Toppest of kekekeks. Id fuck you up just for existing if I could ever meet you.

>> No.2786426

Actually I really want to meet you.
I want to see what you look like in real life and figure out if you talk like this to other people.

>> No.2786543
File: 25 KB, 635x460, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's coming back day after to make sure those meanies who said nasty things to him get their comeuppance