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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 484 KB, 613x355, 1481220969719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2782276 No.2782276 [Reply] [Original]

Did that one anon finish the vid series? Or did anyone else watch it?

>> No.2782324
File: 63 KB, 915x256, CheckEm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2782334

Torrent pls?

>> No.2782337
File: 10 KB, 261x146, 1471477127086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon plis

>> No.2782339

Share it and I'll give you a telepathic bj.
You might not even feel it, but it'll be there.

>> No.2782345

if you use the coupon codes "artgoals" and "1year" together it costs about $25

>> No.2782353

I'm 8 and I don't have a single dollar

>> No.2782372

an easy and quick way to make money is through organized crime

>> No.2782374

Yeah, we should start with piracy, you first.

>> No.2782375

do you even have a boat?

>> No.2782378

I'll buy one with the money I get from piracy.

>> No.2782379

you wouldn't download a boat!

>> No.2782380



>> No.2782382
File: 30 KB, 657x527, CjwA6AU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want the video

>> No.2782409

I download his video only for naked fairies

>> No.2782414
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, 1481314909428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting

>> No.2782416
File: 59 KB, 260x548, 42365364576576575757575675765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2782437
File: 54 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to buy it, sounds pretty legit. I'm sure as hell not going to share it though. I'm not going to cuck myself for (You)s like some attention starved queer. Even worse are the people that actually go out of their way to scan a book they bought

>spend a shit load of time and money painstakingly slicing an expensive book up, scanning each page and uploading it somewhere

>'Thanks anon! U da best! XD' x 15

Yeah, nah. You'd have to be one astronomically pathetic faggot to spoon feed people that are not only your defacto competition but were probably trying to undermine you two threads over. Eat my ass you entitled little fucks.

>> No.2782439

At least tell me where to get it

>> No.2782441

it's impossible to not know how and where to download shit in internet unless your date birth is 1998+ and this is your first day in internet outside facebook page

>> No.2782443

Who hurted you?

>> No.2782447

Alright, tried and failed, need more pointers.

>> No.2782460

Is there a reason people want this so badly? I'm curious.

>> No.2782468

The guy was mildly succesful, it's always interesting to hear someone from the industry talk about it and share info.

>> No.2782478

>"I just got lucky lmao"

>> No.2782528

Shit I didn't mean to start a begging thread

I just remember there was someone watching it and was giving updates. I wanted to know if it was worth it to buy.

>> No.2782536

I'm going to give you all guys a free--YES I SAID FREE--guide to concept art career. You ready? Here it is:

fucking draw

>> No.2782540



>> No.2782541

eat shit

>> No.2782546

Don't worry, someone else will be kind and nullify your retarded obstinance :)

>> No.2782632

not gonna make it

>> No.2782762
File: 386 KB, 1640x1636, le sneaky sombrero face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make no mistake, buying an artists' shit they worked hard to produce solely to distribute it to spoiled fat tits NEETs and emaciated third worlders for free because you're starved for attention isn't kindness or charity. You're contributing to the culture of art having no inherent worth and you're further poisoning your own well by passing on resources to people who are your defacto competition in an already overcrowded market. If you want to be charitable donate to UNICEF or something, faggot.

>> No.2782767
File: 119 KB, 680x887, Ct_wl8tXYAAq-lu.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2782768

>and emaciated third worlders for free
Bruh, you should shitpsot about competition too. You shoudn't share knowledge for free because those shitters can become good and take best jobs. We should fight them together

>> No.2782777

hurr I'm going to help these po' wittle foreigners who can and will comfortably undercut me at every turn do so because I'm just a nice guy who wants to show the whole world how generous I am with other people's shit

>> No.2783092

Kek how many people, truly come to this board? Let alone click on this thread?

I only need one hand to count how many.

>> No.2783100

~120 active users
~400-600 lurkers
Sources: my shared files I put in the artbook thread etc

However make no mistake anything that gets shared here will quickly be scooped up by the chinese and redistributed on their blogs until it's on every file sharing blog etc. So don't underestimate /ic/s userbase.

>> No.2784746

>>2782345 dumbass faggot

>> No.2784748

lol faggot

>> No.2785915


What does the series go over? I don't like Cubebrush that much but I am willing to give anything a chance for information I might be able to get from his POV.

>> No.2785916

did you even watch the intro video on his channel

>> No.2785936

To be honest I've come to regret most of the money I spent supporting artists

>> No.2787444

I've only ever watched one other thing from Marc Brunet and it was complete trash. He's a bad artist and a worse speaker.

>> No.2787482

Does anyone have it?

>> No.2787490

He is a bad speaker, but he's decent at art. Would definitely like to hear him talk about working in concept art. Not many artist want to share it even for money
Don't expect it anytime soon

>> No.2787977

kek it's uploading now

>> No.2787986
File: 65 KB, 262x199, 1480816945406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2788006
File: 74 KB, 657x1050, big_5a35e457af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's not the worst but he's certainly not good enough to be putting out $50+ tutorials. This picture is what he uses to promote his female anatomy tutorial for fucks sakes. I can get better tuition than that from deviantart.

Also wasn't he the guy that was caught whining that people were downloading his shit on cgpeers, which led people to take a look at his profile and find that he'd been torrenting a whole bunch of other artist's tutorials?

>> No.2788211

Shit does anyone know where a good place is to upload a ~9gb zip

>> No.2788215

i usually upload things to google drive just fine

>> No.2788219

yes, I will surely git gud after watching this series. I'll just add it to my 10 tb stockpile of other art videos and once I finally watch them, I'll become a master concept artist.

>> No.2788363

Obviously practice is essential.
But if you draw with no direction or purpose you will get nowhere. These videos/books are kind of like life advice. You may not understand/need the information at this point in time. But there will be a time when knowing this info is essential, and good thing you found out a while back.

If that's a hoarder's mentality, then so be it. Good thing it's digital files though.

>> No.2788365

Why the honest fuck would anyone learn from this guy. Are you guys eyes not trained to avoid shit? This is the kind of shit that will RUIN you.

Reminder that people like him are necessary in the industry to fuck people up so as to help not steal your job.

>> No.2788396

And that's becaaause...

>> No.2788397

so far the stuff i picked up from watching him work is actually getting a grip on a decent workflow. I like his rendering but alot of his stuff is generic fantasy/cute girls.

>> No.2788541

His design sense is pretty appalling. I can't imagine him actually getting much work as a concept artist because he doesn't seem like he'd be able to tackle that many different subjects or styles.

>> No.2788571

I'm sorry what kind of industry experience do you have?
What companies have you worked for?

I agree, some of his stuff I'm surprised at the work he shows off. But in reality, >75% of the concept artist's work is never really shown to the public, nor is it ever *really* that polished. If it is, it's probably art for an art book, or promotional, or something.

>> No.2788598

Watching it now, partway through the fourth video. It's really just a reference for his workflow. He talks a lot but there is no real "how-to". He never really goes into why he makes stylistic choices, it's more like "I'm using these references to design these three things but I'm going to get it right the first time." The only thing you can get out of it is workflow, which is probably beyond what most people here need. He talks about portfolio and concept designs and which ones to make portfolio pieces but that's probably something you can get out of the Skillful Huntsman.

>> No.2788603

Google Drive
MS OneDrive
Mega.nz (best one yet, 50GB free)

>> No.2788613

>>2788598 here,
I had to stop watching because for about ten minutes he once again repeated how it was loose and he had freedom and when you work at a company you can get a little freedom, a lot of freedom, or no freedom. He then went into a bunch of examples like "It may be that you have to draw a guy, or they have to have a certain item, or their hair has to be a certain color, or...". I regret buying this meme. It's fine if you're decent at digital art and want to improve your workflow while making a concept art portfolio, but you're really not going to learn much outside of that.

>> No.2788639

mind sharing the vid?

>> No.2788816


>> No.2790209 [DELETED] 

OP Delivers

>> No.2790215

Just an update, I uploaded the videos to google drive and was about to post when I found that you could find my real name on the download page. Knowing this is 4chan, I don't dare take any chances...
So, I'm uploading the whole zip to mega right now, and then I'll share that link.

>> No.2790238
File: 48 KB, 498x569, -face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, and I'm sure a lot of people, would appreciate that.

>> No.2790772
File: 43 KB, 512x512, 1439974864253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to be removing it after Christmas Day, so get it while you can and hopefully someone else will be kind enough to spread Christmas cheer


>> No.2790783

Thank you very much! ^^

>> No.2790835

it wont let me do the whole download because it's over the "free quota" and i was at 61%
ruined lol

>> No.2790874

Same here. How do we get around this?

>> No.2790911

wait i guess. or pay

>> No.2790917

you have to register an account to get the whole thing

>> No.2790925

I have a registered account. it stopped me at 61%

>> No.2791106
File: 25 KB, 480x300, oliver-twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance someone could throw it in a torrent, or onto google drive or something? I've never been able to get large files off mega.

>> No.2791456

tfw wont be able to download the whole thing cuz mega are now jews and stop it at 5 gigs.

>> No.2791465

Mine stopped at 61%, made me wait for 3 hours, then resumed. At 67% now, I'll let you know if it actually finishes.

>> No.2791511

Use megatools or if you're a complete retard MegaDownloader

>> No.2791520

I download the whole zip file. I tried to extract it but 7zip and winrar says it's corrupt. Going to try again.

>> No.2791585

I don't get it, why do I need to download third party software to use a site that only does uploading and downloading?

>> No.2791588

I got stopped out again and have to wait another 3 hours.

>> No.2791602

That's why I hate dealing with mega.nz

>> No.2791609

You don't, you stupid faggot, just let it download.

>> No.2791856

i got the same result. no Christmas miracles here lol.
8gb zip file and its corrupt.

>> No.2791864

Damn, I'm re-downloading it just to make sure.
If it isn't corrupt this time, ill upload a torrent of it. ^^

>> No.2791867

alright best of luck man. if i end up with the file i'll dump it on my resource list with all my ctrl paint tutorials i just give out lol.

>> No.2791871

Thx senpai

>> No.2791907

I've downloaded it twice, waiting hours for the quota to refresh. Both copies were corrupt.

>> No.2792019

Alright, so I'm not sure why the zip is fucking corrupted. SO, as a result, I'm going to upload each video file as its own mediafire link (never had trouble with mediafire).

Sorry guys that it's this hard/taking forever, I would totally just send over the google docs link, but I'm too much of a pussy to let others see my real name.

>> No.2792023

Thank you

>> No.2792036

you da real MVP

>> No.2792038

*tips hat in sign of respect*

>> No.2792042

*teleports behind you*
nothin personnel kid

>> No.2792068

Could make a new google account if that would be easier for you.

>> No.2792085

I would still have to upload everything again which takes forever since each file is pretty large.
Here's the next part:

>> No.2792086

This is fine, thanks again ^^

I might be getting Proko's anatomy lessons soon. Ill share them here.

>> No.2792105

>have all NMA vids
>have all matessi vids
>3mbps upload on a good day

>> No.2792121

I haven't had time to actually watch them yet, but I downloaded and scrubbed through both of these, they seem to be perfect. Thanks, comrade.

>> No.2792151

Thanks even if you can only upload these two I appreciate this

>> No.2792154

Thanks a lot man, merry Christmas.

>> No.2792187

is the mega?

>> No.2792188


>> No.2792189

Yes,don't use the MEGA

>> No.2792193

>is the mega?
Is the mega corrupted?

>> No.2792195


>> No.2792197

posted in the wrong thread, if it wasn't obvious

still waiting on parts 3-6

>> No.2793003

Still going?

>> No.2793014

dunno if he is or not. but i've got part 1&2 download and uploaded to google drive as we go.

>> No.2793274

Ok so I had videos 3-7 uploading, but then something happened and I guess I accidentally closed the upload screen. Videos 6 and 7 got uploaded though, so I'll give you those.

3-5 are the biggest ones and take forever to upload/process so please be patient and I'll stop being a jackass and closing the windows.


>> No.2793278


arent they on cgpeers?

>> No.2793282
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1481744856414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas you amazing bastard.

>> No.2793324

I downloaded the first part and it's just a nigger talking over a slide-show. Is that it? Is it even worth getting the rest?

>> No.2793326

Just get them anyway. Anon is uploading them for free. It goes over a lot of the pipeline when it comes to a serious concept art career and the process that goes with it but I have to admit he isn't the best presenter when it comes to this and his voice isn't the cleanest to listen to (then again most artists aren't).

>> No.2793458

much appreciated friendo

>> No.2793532

Thanks your a good Man

>> No.2794228

I'm so mad at my computer.
Had it run all night, and part 3 failed to upload (yet I can click on it and share the link).
Part 4 should be fine, but maybe there's a chance part 3 could work?


>> No.2794266

part 3 works. thanks mate. only 5 left.
in return here's all the ctrl paint lessons i have access to.

>> No.2794271

Thanks again ^^

>> No.2794303

Were exactly would you go to buy this?

>> No.2794307

on marc's website cubebrush.co
not com

>> No.2794331
File: 159 KB, 289x289, 52574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I was wondering if there are any psd files?

>> No.2794474

Alright this SHOULD be the final video needing to be uploaded.

If any of them don't work, let me know.

>> No.2794476

Many thank friend.

>> No.2794495

gonna watch through them all tonight. i'll see if they play all the way through.

>> No.2794518

Thanks for this.

>> No.2794870
File: 654 KB, 1536x2048, Upa Lantern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a gold mine, thank you so much.
Have an amazing 2017, man.

>> No.2794901
File: 156 KB, 377x343, 1452871656602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many thanks op and ctrl paint friend!

>> No.2794967

Thank you!
Part 3 stops a few minutes in though

>> No.2794979

I still haven't watch it yet, but I did open it and scrub through. Seems to work just fine on VLC. You may need to download it again, or maybe there's a spot that stops that you can skip past and it resumes.

>> No.2795183

Anything needed to be reuploaded?

>> No.2795470

everything dl'd pretty well for me just a few hours ago

>> No.2795952

>It's shit

people actually paid for this

>> No.2796919

Kek whatever man
Stay delusional