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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 913 KB, 1132x1920, tumblr_ohyr5uSR251rjiugko4_r3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2775407 No.2775407 [Reply] [Original]

>my art hasn't improved in 6 months
>barely pulling $600 a month in commissions
>will never be as good as my idol Brekkist
>losing roommate in February and I need more money until I find a replacement

>> No.2775419

>getting money from drawing
you already made it you fucking retard, you dont realize how many people dont get shit for their work

>> No.2775455
File: 61 KB, 540x539, im god 4897435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art hasn't improved in 2 years
>broke & unemployed
>will never be good
>roommate is mom

You are taught singularity.
Singularity is death worship and damnation of humanity.

>> No.2775457

Depression is for people who would rather waste time bitching instead of inproving.

Dont waste another second you fool.

>> No.2775458

>le Brekkist astroturf thread

>tfw Kep will never come back because Brek broke her heart with his little babydick-and also because of that one butthurt faggot


>> No.2775461
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>> No.2775464
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>Brek broke her heart
Surely you jest

>> No.2775466

>>roommate is mom


>> No.2775474

what did he mean by this

>> No.2775518

>my arts been improving all year
>still millions of light years away from my goals

>> No.2775520

speaking from experience I see. We have a very depressed Asian man who obsesses over hentai.

>> No.2775523 [DELETED] 

Her and Brek broke up is the rumor. That's why she's gone MIA and quit art.

I'm pretty sure they met online drawing porn together any "relationship" that meets that way is doomed to fail just a bunch of losers the both of them.

>> No.2775535
File: 29 KB, 500x318, tricky mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that post, you can't hide from me n*gga.

>> No.2775541 [DELETED] 

>>2775474 #
Her and Brek broke up is the rumor on Tumblr. That's why she's gone MIA and quit art all together.

I'm pretty sure they met online drawing porn together any "relationship" that meets that way is doomed to fail just a bunch of losers the both of them. As much as I like Brek's art it's sad he met someone online.

>> No.2775557

Her and Brek broke up is the rumor. That's why she's gone MIA and quit art all together. He's way better off without her riding his coat tails.

>> No.2775565
File: 518 KB, 600x890, donk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better off
>went from making like $1,200 on P*treon a month to <$400


>> No.2775576

He gets 3K likes in his images.

>> No.2775612

>tfw too beginner to be classified as 'good'
>tfw also too good to drop art entirely

I don't like the idea of wasting the time I put into the only skill I have.

>> No.2775633

Holy shit even if I made $500 a month I could live luxuriously here in India

>> No.2775640


>> No.2775654

depression is the only thing keeping me chasing this silly dream instead of getting a real job

>> No.2775696

>>barely pulling $600 a month in commissions

Get out of nyc or san fran

>> No.2775957

Good for Brek, she's a racist anyway if you look at her older Tumblr.

>> No.2775969

>eyes are looking at camera
>iris' are elliptical

why is this person your idol

>> No.2776036

Show your art. Yeah, that's what I thought.

>> No.2776040
File: 36 KB, 750x422, a 60 year old lesbian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crybaby nigga~

>> No.2776046


>> No.2776049

>malaysiafag still being jelly

>> No.2776152


>> No.2776158

It's probably because you draw janky hentai and flavor of the month characters. Be glad you somehow make enough money to get by and know that you're on a very short fuse.

>> No.2776160

get out of the big cities you tard.

>> No.2776195
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>pulling $600 a month in commissions

>> No.2776254


>> No.2776261

>depression general
>barely pulling $600 a month in commissions
viper kill yourself

>> No.2776289

Why do niggers even make "cum" versions of drawings?
Do people honestly want to look at fucking jizz while they're jerking off?

>> No.2776303
File: 8 KB, 203x152, cameron_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw imagine its your own jizz on the girl

>> No.2776617

You imagine it's your cum, oh and cum is sexy.

>> No.2776634


girl detected. my ex was obsessed with cum. i still think she was molested as a child.

>> No.2776636

I'm pretty far behind, but I think if I can pull together and maybe get adequate in the next two years then I could make some money with commissions.

Otherwise I'll have to jump off a bridge or something. I'm old... Er.

>> No.2776736

How good is your art?
I could commission you something that'll help you with your rent.

>> No.2776797

>be really busy during school year
>still draw for at least an hour everyday
>sometimes even to the detriment of my uni work
>super depressed this whole time but so busy that I just end up pushing it to the side and don't really feel the brunt of it
>can't wait until semester ends so I get free time to draw
>aiming for extra productive days, know I can do it cause I've done 6-8 hour days in the past
>semester ends
>have entire day free
>not really invested in any TV shows, no movies look interesting, haven't been enjoying vidya either even though I have a backlog of a bunch of newer games I picked up
>no friends either so all I have to fill up my time with is drawing during my off time
>depression kicks in in full force
>can barely do anything now
>drawing only a little bit more than I was during school even though I was planning on at least 6 hour days
>just wasting all my time either feeling sorry for myself, shitposting, or thinking about how I should be drawing instead of drawing
I'm not gonna make it my family

>> No.2776825
File: 930 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20161118_040957924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be miserable for most of my life
>At the age of 16 decide to start drawing
>Start feeling less miserable
>be 18 now
>Drawings haven't really improved in a few months
>If anything they've gotten worse
>They also weren't really good to begin with
>Star feeling miserable again

How do I improve my art ?I want to draw something that doesnt look like something drawn by a drunk Friedrich engles or a mentally retarded Chris chan

Pic related it's probably the best thing I've done in months

>> No.2776832

Her Tumblr says she's still practicing art and is on hiatus.
It also says not to believe any rumors.

>> No.2776833

Have you tried studying?

>> No.2776834

>How do I improve my art ?
Stop drawing commie memes.

>> No.2776835


i was bored and i was browsing /lit/ at the time

>> No.2776848

Everything you wrote goes for me as well, and I fucking hate myself for it.
It sucks but you need to stay strong and fight your way through that phase, you're the only one who can pull yourself out of there.
Good luck!

>> No.2776867

Is Kep too ugly to become a cam whore or something? She should go the route of that Swimsuit Succubus chick. Her art sucks. If she's good looking enough she can take poor quality pictures of herself while virgin weebs throw money at her. She's racist, but so are most virgin weebs. They would be more willing to support her.

>> No.2776870
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>idolizing an amateur with no real impressive accomplishments
Are you 12?

>> No.2776871

You probably need this time to recharge. It's not surprising that you'd be burnt out after all that. It's okay.

>> No.2776875

>be god tier artist at the time
>grow in leaps and bounds without doing much while everyone else works hard and falls behind
>get cocky as fuck
>graduate with 60% average
>put all my chips into being accepted with high prestige art university
>they laugh in my face
>they accept the SJW with 95% average and beginner skill level instead of me
>get denied
>shit community college offers me a secondary program to become a museum curator
>rip up portfolio in fit of rage
>every single moment thinking of art
>mind riddled with doubt
>haven't drawn in 3 months
>admit that i could've easily prevented this
>have to rebuild portfolio

>> No.2776908
File: 580 KB, 501x635, 1479694394171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw its what you love most thats driving you over the edge

>> No.2777163

>jizz is sexy
If you're mentally ill maybe

>> No.2777174

lul virgin

>> No.2777185

whats going on here? who's "kep" damn it!

>> No.2777225

>>my art hasn't improved in 6 months
Don't say that, every little thing counts as experience, just keep at it.

>will never be as good as my idol Brekkist
Don't be as good as someone else, be as good as yourself.

>> No.2777255


Most 'prestigious art universities' are an overpriced joke, so there's a good chance you dodged a bullet. Just take whatever you can that will give you time to practice your ass off. College is a shit format for learning art anyway, do Jeff Watts online course, new masters academy, gnomon, it's all amazing stuff. You already have everything available to become a good artist, just get to work, quit fucking around and sulking.

>> No.2777262

How cheap is rent out there? Unless he remains a roommate I don't think it can go much lower than 500, and he still meeds to feed himself after.

>> No.2777267

>Swimsuit Succubus chick

>> No.2777290
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, Oface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at art
>think it's not very good
>open sketchbook from september
>feel much better

>> No.2777414

why do the human body have to be so damn complicated fucking hell

>> No.2777449

Why is drawing so complicated, that's a better question.

>> No.2777461

>go back to drawing
>feel like shit again
and the cycle continues

>> No.2777469
File: 62 KB, 513x576, aliensu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people always say learning to draw is fun? it's not fun at first. the way I see it is, the real fun happens at the winner's circle, and the beginner is just trying to get there. the road there is just getting a decent grasp of the fundamentals (shapes, perspective, lines, curves, proportions/measuring, basic colours), and once you get all of that down you get to come into the circle and actually have fun and make satisfying work.

but there really is nothing to do but grind the way there. gotta keep going for that future fun I will have. that's the way I see it anyways

>> No.2777472

>astroturfing this hard

>> No.2777482

It took me years to find the fun in grinding, but honestly it just a matter of finding joy in SOMETHING while working your ass off. Honestly, I find joy in being ripped to shreds here and trying to improve past my bullshit. Take your bitterness, turn it to motivation, feel good in that you're using your shitty feelings to get where you want.

>> No.2777483

Oh fuck you OP.
I haven't been hired for a commission in at least 6 months.
Art hasn't improved, barely have 80 followers on instagram, had to shut down my main art blog because of sjws and trolls killing all business.
Have to work a dead end 5 day a week job that prevents me from being motivated to work on comics and art at all. You can fuck off.

>> No.2777488

I think it's a combination of frustration because you don't have the skill to draw what you want to draw and fundamentals being fucking boring to learn and grind through. I reckon a lot of people on 4chan in general suffer from depression or some other mental illness so that can meddle with the process as well. I assume the fun comes once you reach the point where you can draw from your imagination and shit at a level that's presentable

>> No.2777490

But it isn't the drawing part that's the problem, it's knowing where to put all the slight bumps under the skin.
And it doesn't help when muscles are stacked on top of each other and varies in thickness and direction depending on pose.

>> No.2777505

Little did he know that there is no future fun.
your practice should be intrinsecally fun, retard

>> No.2777519

lul mentally ill closet fag

>> No.2777538

Post your fun.

>> No.2777547
File: 38 KB, 967x849, 1476721730087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having fun.
What am I doing wrong senpai pls help

>> No.2777550
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>> No.2777943
File: 13 KB, 447x384, 1416418917533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there!

>> No.2777980

Unplug the internet.

>> No.2777995

Art universities (be it fine art, music, film or whatever) WANT you to be a beginner. They do not want firmed, skillful people because they can't do shit with them, and the classroom environment was never meant for people of different knowledge/skill levels.

Your portfolio is supposed to show them you have something interesting they can work with and develop, there's nothing less interesting than a "finished" work, especially when you are not really as good as you think (you're not).

You were supposed to metaphorically show them a good, intriguing thumbnail, and you showed up with a merc_wip thinking you're the best shit ever.

>> No.2778087

dude you flying faggot, try working full time and earning $500, No time to sleep, No lunch breaks, No benefits or extra time to work on your career.
You pampered whiny bitch

>> No.2778283


Why would anybody want to be an art school fag?

>> No.2778303

Isn't that your fault tho?

>> No.2778305


Didn't this used to have Keppok listed too? Did they really break up?

>> No.2778485

>Get at the point where making money from art will be an option.
>Would like to do commission but wont do it because I don't want to touch other people's IPs.
>Want to start my own comic.
>No money for publishing.
>When earning money from art I will lose my access to welfare money.
I want to publish stuff and make money off it, it can be a huge success but risking stable income is just not worth it.

>> No.2778488

>when country is at the point that it supports not doing anything

>> No.2778490

Just do a webcomic and go the long term patreon money route. Having a successful self-published print comic is very unlikely these days.

>> No.2778498

It's a great deal because you will no longer rely on sweet talking to be hired and have your money depend on it.
I was thinking of making a print on demand comic but patreon or donations might be better for a web comic.

>> No.2778562
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you don't have to tell the tax office

>> No.2778563


this. by the time your income will be significant or raise any suspicions you'll also be making enough to drop the welfare.

i consider hopping back on welfare every day because i would rather be able to do personal work in order to build a portfolio that gets me well-paying-work than to keep grinding commercial garbage art that i have no real interest in. but i don't have time for both. it's a death trap.

>> No.2778607

Well, the important thing is to get people to read your comic and find out that you exist. You can always find ways to monetize it later on.

>> No.2778613

That only works if you have a bank account in Switzerland or something, or else they find out.
Yeah, but I need a legit Photoshop first and copyright all my stuff.

>> No.2778617

Can't you keep your moneys on paypal without them knowing?
>I need a legit Photoshop first
why (genuinely asking)

>> No.2778626

>Can't you keep your moneys on paypal without them knowing?
I was thinking the same but you never know if they find out.
>why (genuinely asking)
Because you need a license on your name. They surely will ask for this when registering digital files.

>> No.2778650

I think as long as you don't make too much money you should be ok, when you make enough you can still register as a business.
>Because you need a license on your name
I thought so...also I just checked, are adobe products on a monthly subscription now, wtf?
I just came up with a masterplan tho: what if you draw in photoshop what you need and then import it to a cheaper program like SAI?

>> No.2778806

who is "they" and what do you mean by registering digital files?

>> No.2778815

>I thought so...also I just checked, are adobe products on a monthly subscription now, wtf?
Yeah, they no longer sell boxed Photoshop with unlimited license.
Registering digital files to the copyright office.

>> No.2778817

What? Anon said prestigious university. Schools want the best they can get, so they can say James Jean/Craig Mullins graduated from their program, even if said person learned everything himself and got nothing out of their program.

>> No.2778839

>Registering digital files to the copyright office.

What the hell are you talking about? Do you actually think digital artists send all their work they want to upload to the fucking copyright office? All you need to copyright is the name of your comic. The art you create is automatically copyrighted the moment you upload it.

>> No.2778851

But registering it is still a layer of extra protection. If content gets more popular it's more likely people will try to steal it.

>> No.2778855

post your work

>> No.2778864

I mean, do what you think is necessary, but it seems like a lot of unnecessary work to me. Comic pages are not really a priority for art thieves in the first place. They usually steal illustrations and concept art.

>> No.2778881

Not registering it should still offer protection but I'm just too paranoid that my work gets stolen even when it's not impressive good. Not many people know my art but if some more popular site uploads it I wont have many options to do anything about it if it's not registered.

>> No.2778883
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>> No.2778886


>> No.2779144

Yes they broke up. She went MIA and hasn't been heard from anyone in months.

My guess she got depressed, quit art altogether and wouldn't shock me if she killed herself.

>> No.2779150

>$388 per month

Fucking L-O-L.

>> No.2779156

>tfw could live comfortably for 388 a month
>really comfortably
guiz I might make it

>> No.2779158

Is $388 a low amount? Seems like a lot, 86 backers.

>> No.2779182

that's the joke, it is a lot

>> No.2779260
File: 172 KB, 500x509, 65330695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have huge crush on guy
>talk regularly, all is well
>he draws something new and it gets popular
>act like everything is normal but secretly I lost all the motivation I gathered since the last time
>get lost in conflicting emotions and have mental breakdown
>repeat until seppuku

somebody release me from this hell

>> No.2779266 [DELETED] 


>> No.2779268

>literally SHIT MYSELF

I'd get that checked out.

>> No.2779271


What do you mean by a lot? You could make that in a week at a McJob.

>> No.2779275

I don't think my insurance covers envious shitting

>> No.2779279

yeah or by drawing degenerate furshit at home drinking tea and being comfy in general. and it's still a lot of money, I could live off that.

>> No.2779295


>> No.2779300

Which one used to be called Mandragoria?
God I wish (s)he would draw Hilda and Patricia Wagon again

>> No.2779363


>> No.2779383

No, they do not.

Stop thinking art schools are just another mcuniversity with drawing, you stupid faggot.

Art schools alway have and will operate on having connections > showing a speck of talent in otherwise naive work > """skill""".
Even completing a folio prep/entrance exam course (which can take over 12 months) is primarily about getting the instructor to recc you, getting to understand what to show in your work os secondary, which is why you only go to an instructor you know is connected to the shool, if not a professor.

The hurr durr you just need to be good meme needs to die, it was never true for art.

>> No.2779401

why censor patreon

>> No.2779466
File: 37 KB, 640x478, 8317371381310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get results out of my drawings
Not even bad ones

>> No.2779514

Thought Kep just kind of was kicking back with Brek. Both of them weren't really putting out too much work for awhile. Didn't know they broke up.

I figured she fell to the pressures of insecurity and just stopped doing Patreon with Brek. They both have self-confidence problems, so I can see one or the other dipping out of the Patreon. More likely Kep since Brek was doing comics was before her.

Didn't know it was a full-on break up. Well good for him.

>> No.2779535

We're just guessing, nobody really knows fampaisano

>> No.2779578

Keppok could just be suffering of depression and it's affecting her work to a stopping point. When everyone just calls you the knock-off of your partner I'm sure it eats away at you.

If they broke up I doubt Brekkist would have the comics they collaborated together on still all over his tumblr. Also they still mutual follow on Twitter. Usually when you break up from living with someone. You purge your social media of that person.

>> No.2779651

Are you actually drawing?
Not doodles in class, like actually spending time practicing. You wont get good by drawing this shit in your notebook during class. Your 18 stop being depressed just apply yourself

>> No.2779865

Jesus Christ mod and/or janitors please delete this thread. Do your jobs and stop drama.

>> No.2779887

There is no problem with the thread it's just a couple people in the thread that I have totally derailed it

>> No.2779941

Yeah, we should all get to know each other better, maybe go see rogue one. Do you guys like Spiderman?

>> No.2779950

Don't get my hopes up, nigga.

>> No.2779953

So you back another artist? Go fuck yourself faggot.

>> No.2779970

>I could live off that.
>live off 400 a month
What 3rd world country do you live in? Do you have bills? I make shy of 400 in a week at my day job. Living paycheck to paycheck is not living "comfortably". That's barely getting by.

>> No.2779972

Not him, but with 400 dollars a month I would be fucking rich.

>> No.2779976

Were they really making that much at one point? I thought their patreon was always making chump change. They barely ever do anything with it. Their comics were pretty boring.

>> No.2779977

They broke up that's why it stopped. Read the thread.

>> No.2779980

>getting regular commissions and improving, things going well. Working on indie projects etc. Planning on applying for studio work later this year.
>been lucky enough to be unemployed for the last 4 months, able to make major gains and work on my portfolio.
>neet renting from parents
>suddenly parents lose jobs, close family members are hospitalized so we now have huge medical bills
>I will need to get a full time job by new years or we could lose the house
> I'm schizo with a panic disorder and working a regular job has been hell in the past so this will be fun.
>goodbye drawing 40 hours a week and that fast improvement.
>goodbye money I had been saving to move out

It's crappy but i just need to try and keep drawing in the time I will have. This might be a set back but things will hopefully improve in a few months

>> No.2779981

My point was I didn't know they were even making over 1k. Their work wasn't worth it. Their smut comics were dull and boring. I don't care if they broke up. I was talking about their work quality.

>> No.2779983

Making pocket money from commissions isn't 'making it'

>> No.2779984

Draw furry then

>> No.2780000

I would draw my mother sucking hitler's cock if someone was paying me. The problem is finding a retard willing to do that.

>> No.2780011

nah, they never made 1200. they reached 650something per page at one point. never more than that.
if that's chump change, then good for you kek.

>> No.2780052

draw some random r34 zootopia furry, post to furaffinity.net (I'd recommend a different name if you plan on trying to work seriously at some point).

>> No.2780061

Anyone else think this drama shit is cancer?

>> No.2780080

How would you know if you are ready to post shit online? Just go out there and do it?

>> No.2780082

just draw and post shit.

>> No.2780095

>be Keppok
>be a good artist
>people like your art
>be female
>people on /ic/ hate you for being female

You people are fucking pathetic. I'm female as well, are you gonna hate me?

>> No.2780102

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.2780105

>implying it's not the female who are hating female artist

>> No.2780115

Grow up.
Why would I hate female artists? The artist community is mostly made up a men, we need more female artists.

>> No.2780121

>confusing your tulpas with actual people

>> No.2780126
File: 100 KB, 1254x261, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2780128

Because women suck at everything they fucking do, that's why. The few women artists who doesn't are a fucking miracle and should implant a penis ASAP.

>> No.2780130

>be Keppok
>be good artists
Stop this meme. Liking Keppok's work just shows you have no valuable standards. Fuck off. There are many female artists I like and their quality destroys Keppok's degenerate trash.

>> No.2780131

>should implant a penis
Futafaggots pls go

>> No.2780134

check some >https://boards.fireden.net/ic/search/text/Keppok/
/ic/ is /pol/ residence. Enjoy your stay

>> No.2780143
File: 35 KB, 252x260, 202923048482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cyber bullying
>actually effective
This is what happens when you don't have a life outside of circle jerking on the internet. What a losers.

>> No.2780174

Post your work.

>> No.2780176

I wouldn't care about Keppok if he wasn't a /pol/ poster. I'm pretty sure he's a real racist and I'm not making a meme. I think he really hates non-whites.

>> No.2780180

How did this turn into a drama and artist bashing thread?

>> No.2780198

>feemales encroachin on muh internet websites reee!

Jesus you guys are sad

>> No.2780202
File: 2.90 MB, 420x237, IMG_4786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why'd you have to remind me anon

>> No.2780203

>OP makes thread
>thread is derailed in minutes

Never change /ic/.

>> No.2780230
File: 66 KB, 167x195, 1471668781268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just remembered a terrible sprite animation I submitted to albinoblacksheep in 2005 and I checked today and it's still there
it's a unique kind of feel.

>> No.2780255


> the way I see it is, the real fun happens at the winner's circle

I disagree strongly.

For me, the fun came when I just stopped caring for a while about getting good. Instead of focussing on working myself to the bone until I lived up to an imagined standard, I put my energy in to finding something I enjoy, and doing that. I sat down and put thought in to my work, since I found mindless drawing is wasteful. It resulted in me having fun with the process, and making me want to draw more. It made me remember why I got in to drawing, and why I wanted to get good. As well, drawing only stuff I liked eventually made me realize where I was obviously stumbling, and a restlessness grew in my heart. I want to draw more than just one niche, and I started grabbing a bunch of dusty old books to restart studying my fundamentals.

But in all this, I didn't feel the depression and self deprecation I used to feel. Rather, what I felt was desire, a tug in a different direction. Can this be called inspiration? I don't know, but I know I felt it. Unfortunately I fell ill while this was happening, which killed progress, but I think it's a testament to the mindset that the desire to draw remained in me, where as my "gotta get gud to make it" attitude (Among other things) resulted in me nearly giving up the practice. It convinced me that I needed to have fun with art, and making art. I could not take enjoyment out of the equation, or I'd just end up joyless and my work would end up soulless.

There are some people where the "no fun allowed" mindset work. That's good for them, but I found it just was not for me.

>> No.2780262
File: 71 KB, 360x205, wake me up inside (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art has barely improved in 5 years
>no sticky nor tutorial nor method seems to click with me, repetition does nothing
>picked up Japanese in January
>organize an efficient study routine
>already able to read and even write/speak a little
>in 3 years I'll be effortlessly speaking 日本語

I'm tired, very tired. But I refuse to quit. Even if I have to become a talentless hack.
I am now reading "Drawing in the Digital Age", by Wei Xu, and trying to find new angles to look at and make sense out of this bunch of crap.

>> No.2780280

post your work

>> No.2780292

Why? He didn't even claim to have gotten good, just to have found a direction/motivation to practice.

>> No.2780319

Post your work

>> No.2780329


That sounds fun. Where do you begin to study Japanese?

>> No.2780337
File: 588 KB, 500x431, 1470595523117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At >>>/int/djt
The fact I was able to quantify Japanese in words, grammatical points and kanji lists and then give myself a clear-cut goal for the year made me go forward.

With drawing, I see no way to properly subdivide the content and work in incremental steps, no matter which guide I follow. Bruteforcing, analyzing, going for 3D fundamentals or for muscle memory lines and shapes...

The lack of reference points and estimates give me no metrics to properly plan and no incentive to keep going, and I might as well be walking in circles at this point.

>> No.2780422

austria, we are fucking rich buddy

>> No.2780438

OP here. Thanks for ruining my thread guys and turning it into drama shit. Real nice, you guys are great artists (sarcasm)

>> No.2781101

>we need more female artists
no we don't, genitals don't denote skill in anything, this opinion in literally any profession is vapid trash

>> No.2781102

in case you aren't the same person see this>>2781101

>> No.2781118

The last thing I want is autistic /ic/ posters asking for my blog. Keppok's art is trash. It always was. When you try to carbon copy random unaccomplished amateurs online, you aren't going to get good results. All you can do is pander to dickbrains.

>> No.2781123

>All you can do is pander to dickbrains.
so basically everyone except those poor asexual individuals. I feel sorry for people who can't get it up. old, or just not into sexy stuff?

>> No.2781161

>if you're not sex deprived or a desperate virgin you're sexually inept
Pornfag detected. You're in denial of your addiction.

>> No.2781249
File: 693 KB, 1200x662, 1472399038003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely pulling $600 a month in commissions

As someone with no money, go fuck yourself I wish I could get $600 in commissions a year you lucky fuck.