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2774005 No.2774005 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone ever pretended to be a girl? did you start getting more followers on tumblr and more patreon bux as result? what kind of stuff do you draw?

serious question. tell me your story

>> No.2774006

I pretend I'm a girl all the time, but not really for anything art related

>> No.2774145

don't do the tumblr-fame thing myself but there is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL pretending to be a girl doesn't improve exposure and patreon bucks by atleast 33%. By the time you are famous and autists obsess over you and find out you're a fraud, you'll be sitting comfortably at 4k/month on patreon and won't give a fuck anymore.

if you do hentai or furries this is absolutely the way to go.

>> No.2774149

It'd be really difficult to work out whether women actually do make more as artists than men. You couldn't really do any kind of accurate statistical analysis because there aren't really that many great female artists compared to male artists... but I've always gotten the general sense that women get more attention online in a general sense, especially in social media, which would presumably translate to more tumblr/patreon followers or whatever for their art.

If I were to start doing porn for money... yeah, I'd probably assume a female persona, or at least keep my sex secret and let people assume whatever they want.

>> No.2774159


then why dont all the porn dudes like bbc chan and fdseason just claim to be chicks

>> No.2774178

In my experience I get much more attention as a male than many female artists. Mainly because I'm sexy and get a lot of gays or females chasing me. I think it's less about pretending to be a certain sex and more about just making people aware that you're super attractive.

>> No.2774184
File: 30 KB, 657x527, 1481158101879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are relatively attractive but dont want to post pics or podcasts online because you know that someone will recognize you from gay porn somewhere

>> No.2774202

>im not successful with my art

keep dreaming r9k-san
your skill is what matters
if you actually did something well, you would attract an audience

>> No.2774224

Still, females get more attention online.
If I were to draw hentai, I would keep my gender secret.

>> No.2774297

>tfw will never be a little girl

>> No.2774330

Isn't the trend of millenials nowadays is to proclaim yourself as a non-binary and what other 87 sexual orientation you are.

>> No.2774375

Nah, it's all just the new bisexual, without the stigma of being a filthy bisexual who will dump you to marry some gash to please his parents.

>> No.2774382

I'm not even sure you want -that- crowd as followers. Sounds like they could cause problems accusing you of objectification, cultural appropriation etc. if you did porn/hentai.

>> No.2774385

salty gay detected

>> No.2774391

I identify as a flesh-covered skeleton shitlord, shitlord.

In all seriousness, it's the same trendy progressive bullshit with a new name that takes even less commitment to get the same amount of attention.

Those faggots don't fap. Only real degenerates do that.

>> No.2774442

Damn, I need to take advantage of having tits more often.

>> No.2774454

Tits won't make your art good anon and it won't even make people like you. You'll just be living a lie. I keep telling you people this.

>> No.2774477

Obviously my charming personality and knee drawing abilities are what will get people to like me, I just forget being cute is the icing on the cake. I've never explicitly associated my appearance with my artwork because I want to be known for my work and the skills I've cultivated first and foremost.

It's really funny though, because it feels like the opposite. I'm only open about being female when it comes to things targeted towards women (make-up, fashion, etc.). Most of the artist I follow on patreon and other platforms are men.

>> No.2774660


>I'm a male stripper.

>> No.2776447
File: 51 KB, 564x564, 8349170234c311b9512bd0f82213ce7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not with that attitude


>> No.2776459

he said girl, not lady
shoo old woman

>> No.2776490
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