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2772126 No.2772126 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else ever get those thoughts? Art is my main squeeze, but the closer I get to transferring to an art school, the more I feel like it's pointless, I should just continue to self-study and get a degree in a trade that's lucrative out the door.

>> No.2772131

Do what makes you happy. Money past supporting your expenses isn't going to make you any happier. If doing a trade and having art as a hobby would make you happy, do that. Or do art as a career. If you have the choice, you should put your own happiness first.

>> No.2772135

Not gonna make it.

>> No.2772139

>Money past supporting your expenses isn't going to make you any happier.

Not OP, but this is not true, at least for me and many others. Knowing that I have money in the bank in case of hard times, or having extra money for silly things like getting drinks or buying gifts and misc goods that you don't need but want help leaps and bounds with being happy. Having enough for your basic needs is first base.

>> No.2772140

That's usually my line of thinking. If I'm being honest, I'm dating an engineer who makes several times as much as I do while currently being a student and working several jobs to make ends meet. (There's also a ten-year age gap between us, so I get spooked when I feel like I'm going to be a sugar baby the rest of my life. I don't want that, I want to work my ass off doing things I love and be successful.)

Right now art makes me happy, I know I can play my cards right to make ends meet to the degree I want and need, it just... it's finals week and I'm second-guessing my everything. I have a ways to go and it seems so far away.

>> No.2772336

I already gave up my field to become an artist, giving this up as well would make me pretty spineless. I'm sure if I gave up now it would hunt me in the future, resulting in a midlife crisis.

>> No.2772346

>Money past supporting your expenses isn't going to make you any happier.
>expenses are a fixed number

>increase living standard
>expenses increase
>better living standard makes you happier

>> No.2772349

You really shuold avoid art as a career. I think you should try to convince yourself it's wrong and other careers are better. If then and only then you still feel like pursuing art, by all means do

>> No.2772354

Use every advantage that you can get, if you are going for art stay out of the art industry for as long as you can so you don't end up wasting time on e bottom rungs.

>> No.2772356
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>not accruing tens of thousands of dollars in art school debt
>"giving up"

Pick one

>> No.2772358

Best wishes. Kick some ass with your endeavors, it takes guts to leave one field to art, imo.

You know, I've never considered this. Honestly pretty solid a career woes advice. Thanks.

>> No.2772363

I draw in my free time, I was gonna be an art major. Switched to stem and do what I love in the time I have off.

I dunno if you love something don't make it your career. It gets stale and you lose all motivation to do it when you get to your 40's and 50's.

>> No.2772376

Things like this are ultimately what made me reconsider a degree in art. That and classes weren't really fundamental, they were kind of a waste of time. So, avoiding debt that doesn't pay itself sounds ideal.

>> No.2772378

The number of artist that move to STEM is hilarious to me (myself included)

>> No.2772388

Fellow STEMfag here, I agree. The only thing appealing to me, in the sense of doing art as a job and having no emotional connection with the product, would be industrial design, and the burnout rate there is even worse. At least when you draw that dildo caddy 250 different ways and have them all scrutinized, it's not coming from the "abloobloo it's like muh child" imaginative storytime safe space that art comes from.

>> No.2772402

Art and stem are closer in the reasons people like doing them than people give them credit for.

>> No.2772415
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There's a certain beauty when they come together.

>> No.2772477

>convince yourself to leave art
>but if you don't leave art
>then it's okay
That makes no sense. If you really wanted to convince yourself, you would regardless of anything. Even if it meant killing yourself to not become an artist, you couldn't go back.

>> No.2772480

another woman who fell for money, wew lad

>> No.2772544

>I'm dating an engineer who makes several times as much as I do while currently being a student and working several jobs to make ends meet.

So this engineer dude who is ten years your senior and makes more than you just sits around idly while you work "several jobs to make ends meet". I am guessing he's also getting your pussy that's ten years beyond his league and at the same time for free because you want to be an "independent woman and an equal". You're cucking him, girl. You gotta let him be a man and help you for once.

Also you're getting the short end of a stick. If you're going to date an older ugly dude who isn't even helping you towards your future you might as well date a cute young guy who'll also take care of you so you can take that free time to work on your art.

baka when women don't know how to use the ATM they got between their legs.

>> No.2772549



>> No.2772561
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I'd rather not.

>> No.2772685

cant a anon dream?

; - ;

>> No.2772707

Dreams are my area of expertise.

I guess we can shit on the lulzy interpretive social sciences together. Too much of my undergrad was spent explaining that no, that is not in fact how people work at all, and here's 30 peer-reviewed studies that support it.

>> No.2772885

Same guy, they day I switched my major was awful. It made me cry, like my childhood dream was smashed into pieces.

Now I'm picking it back up again. Because I made a promise over 10 years ago to a nice old art teacher who taught me more about life than my parents.

>> No.2772911
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Art major here, went to a tech school for CG. Kinda-sorta regret it(but not really) cause of the administration is jacked and really holds the major back from getting what the students need and a lot of the time the classes, for me, were chaff, because I really wanted to focus on 3D modeling but they were teaching me near everything but 3D till my last year and a half there. And the quality of that was prettty eh and the work most students make is beginner tier(myself included). BUT, I made some good friends out of it that share similar passions and hobbies, which is very nice, had some great professors that sparked my enjoyment of drawing again since I had some sort of weird inferiority complex when compared to my sister, and learned a thing or two about unrelated things from these great professors. The good definitely outweighed the bad for me. But not everyone will share the same experience.

Sometimes I do wonder what it'd be like if I went to something STEM related just to have a stable career and make money, but when I really thought about it, I could never see an older me doing anything of the sort, mostly due to the fact that I never really had any interest in these fields or subjects, beyond the minimal curiosity I had in them for the sake of just passing a class and that really hasn't changed. In light of this I have recently come to the conclusion that this is just where I want to be, it's practically the only thing that's able to get me out of bed now.

But this is all my choice, I don't think those that choose not to pursue their dream and go down the route of a more stable lifestyle aren't wrong. There was one guy in the major who was very upset and bitter when the professors told him that he wouldn't be making 75-100k out of college as a 3D generalist.

tl;dr Make sure your priorities line up w/art if you want to pursue the field, but don't fee like you're betraying yourself if your or doing something you'll regret if you choose another path.

>> No.2772956

Bullshit for sheeple.
I'm infinitely happier since I left posh Malibu for Middlebury.

>> No.2772958
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>4th year Physics student
>Hope to get a not so bad job so I can spend time becoming a better artist

>> No.2772960

Pls tell me you're autistic.

>> No.2772966

>Sometimes I do wonder what it'd be like if I went to something STEM related just to have a stable career and make money,
You wouldn't have either.
STEM is not for anybody, it requieres the same passion as art to reach the good jobs, and it's becoming ridiculously over-saturated because people think it's easy money, or worse, the only way to make money.

What happened to lawyers, real estate and graphic designers in the 00's is about to happen to STEM and everyone who isn't in because they love it and are willing to walk the extra mile, is gonna be making less than a good artist by this time next decade.

>> No.2772972

well that is depressing

>> No.2772973

It is and that's why depression is higher than its ever been.

>> No.2772976

I'd be good living in a cuckshed if i had god-tier art skills.

>> No.2772978

>it's becoming ridiculously over-saturated because people think it's easy money, or worse, the only way to make money.

This, since it's getting so oversaturated, some companies are trying to pull that unpaid internship shit. Since there's so many STEM people here I am just gonna say it.

If you take an unpaid internship you are a cuck. You're also giving a hand in fucking up the rest of the industry because companies rather get your shitty labor for free than hire competent trained workers, and the latter's fate will soon be your fate if you even get that far.

Taking free internships in STEM fields is like being an artist working for free "for the exposure". It's complete bullshit. Some of us have bills to pay and time is our blood. We're not giving it up that easy.

If I was an employer and I saw a free internship on your resume, I would laugh because I would see what a privileged cuck you are.

>> No.2772987

It's only depressing for stemfags

>> No.2772990

That's a good thing that internships have to be paid if they're more than 10 weeks in France.
I have to do a 3 months internship starting April, and I just can't imagine working for 3 months without being paid.

>> No.2772991

Science should not be done for money.
Real scientists do science because it's their passion and they want to share it with the world.

You should be happy companies are even willing to provide you with the opportunity to get some experience doing science in a professional environment and get your name out there if the project goes commercial with success.

You're just a deluded, entitled child if you think you deserve to be paid for your science. Have you even looked into the science industry lately? A 3rd worlder is willing to do the same science for basically free, and soon captchas will teach AI how to do science on its own, and you pathetic sci-fi nerd virgins will be left to work the corner for Jamal.

>> No.2773012

>Science should not be done for money.
Implying we don't like in a world where money is literally the only reason why people do anything they do and everyone who isn't motivated to do so ends up killing himself?

>> No.2773016

The only thing that should be done for money is trolling.

>> No.2773017
File: 55 KB, 625x332, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i see what you did there

Art should not be done for money.
Real artists draw because it's their passion and they want to share it with the world.

You should be happy companies are even willing to provide you with the opportunity to get some experience doing art in a professional environment and get your name out there if the project goes commercial with success.

You're just a deluded, entitled child if you think you deserve to be paid for your work. Have you even looked into the entertainment industry lately? A 3rd worlder is willing to do the same work for basically free, and soon captchas will teach AI how to draw on its own, and you pathetic sci-fi nerd virgins will be left to work the corner for Jamal.

>> No.2773018

Wow that went completely over my head

>> No.2773055

STEM is more than just science. Pure science may be at the top of the pyramid, but it is also by far the smallest of the four, anyone can see that.

>> No.2773090

What if I could be happy doing almost anything? Happiness doesn't "need" anything, it's just inside your head, and given the right mindset most people can achieve it with very little.
I understand that some people may not be able to think like that, but for those who can it poses an interesting problem. Do you try and serve the desires of your future ("regrets") or your past ("dreams")? Do you try and improve the happiness of people close to you, or try and pick a direction where you can achieve the most? Perhaps you even need to make yourself superficially unhappy in order to move forward, which seems to defeat the original point.

>> No.2773288

>tfw wished to live a life like this
>tfw not bootiful and sexy
>tfw no bf to call me sugar baby and let me draw and makes ends meet
>tfw a dude

>> No.2773828

don't go to an art school for shit's sake, spend your money on a real degree, not a fucking cardboard shack that produces homeless flakes who have a taco-bell centric career.

>> No.2773893

>he thinks it's about the degree
This is why you're never going to make it.

>> No.2773900

Except there are good art schools, and if you can afford it without getting under a mountain of debt it's worth it.

>> No.2773907

But it also produces world-class professionals. There's also two sides to everything, anon. Come on.

>> No.2774293
File: 258 KB, 351x364, 1443733580294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see this type of thinking everywhere I go. This ''no no no, dont do this for the money youre better off doing ____.''

>dont do art for the money youll end up miserable
ok i guess ill just go for a STEM degree then
>no no no, science shouldn't be done for the money, STEM is saturated anyways do business instead
o-ok I'll major in business inst-
>dont major in business, its so over saturated and so hard to get into without connections or sucking someones dick off for a promotion, if you wana make money be a lawyer
i'll try to become a lawye-
>dont do that, being a lawyer isnt what it used to be its so saturated, become a doctor instead
ill be a doctor instead
>dont go into the medicine field if you dont have a passion for it! we dont make a lot of money if you want money do ___

and literally just loops back and forth over and over

>> No.2774314

....no it doesn't a doctor is 10x more sustainable so is a lawyer lol don't try to roll all of those hardcore ass degree plans under your shitty theatrical one.

The only way anyone should listen to this guy is if you're already a proven genius or your parents are willing to take care of you into your 40s if this is not the case. Go get your ass a certification in a technical field and make money to truly support your passion

>> No.2774316

There are some things that come to mind

>the money isn't there like it used to be
>shitheads in it for the nonexistent money are terrible colleagues
>fuck off, we're full

>> No.2774544

good luck with not wanting to kill yourself in medschool not to mention all the insurance, school loans,and taxes being taken out of your pay once you invest 3-5 more years after medschool lol

>> No.2775261

Oh dear, it's like the fucking world itself is oversaturared.
All industries are full to the brim, even crime, if you're not giving it your 110% you're not making money and not gonna live a life worth living.

If you're gonna give it your 110% and do what needs to be done for success, you're gonna be successful no matter if you're an artist or a doctor.

There is no easy ways out anymore, the 50's are long gone.

>> No.2775269

>even crime
>tfw never gonna make it anywhere
Well shit.

>> No.2775879

That's if you can score enough on the MCATs which is getting more cutthroat year after year. And don't forget the years of residency IF you graduate med school, and then the license exams (which is curved so 30% are guaranteed to fail, you might end up spending an extra year trying to pass). After all this, you'll most likely end up working for a medical group or another doctor while pajeets/changs on H1Bs compete for your wages. 10 years later you might save up enough (after you pay off student loans) to start your own practice, but even then you'll most likely be moving to another area away from your family and friends.

You'll be a middle aged worn out man at this point.

>> No.2775996

couldnt have said it better myself

>time for art when?

>> No.2776167

OP here, it's been nice hearing about how all of you've been handling "making it" verses "fucking it". I've decided to stick with pursuing art a little longer. Not necessarily academically, but I'm good at hustling and content with working simultaneously while grinding out artwork and improving.

Hope everything works out for you guys too.