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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 359 KB, 900x1196, LEGO Boy 05 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2768767 No.2768767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches

C&C welcome

>> No.2768774

try not using paint straight from the tube. mix new colors, maybe not even fully mixed, and apply them that way. there needs to be a depth of color that gives the impression of improvisation. if you are mixing new colors you are bound to get a slightly new version of the same color every time which makes it more visually interesting.

>> No.2768786
File: 265 KB, 1348x813, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is it that my pictures keep getting reddish color when I upload them to 4chan?

It's always making my artworks look mediocre, when it looks so much better in person, and on other online sites such as Facebook, tumblr, deviantart, blogger, etc.

>> No.2768788


It's not the website that's making your work look like utter trash.

sage and hide

>> No.2768794

You don't know how difficult it was to paint this painting. I am completely happy with it now.

Maybe you are just a tad bit jealous?

Maybe it's not my painting that is trash, but your mouth and thoughts are full of trash. My paintings sometimes make viewers reveal something about themselves.

>> No.2768796

It's an improvement in the sense that you didn't do the same identical face you do in every other painting.

>> No.2768799
File: 38 KB, 450x495, 1451354390800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe you are just a tad bit jealous?

You are possibly the last person I would want to be, artistically. I'd rather be Illustrat, and that isn't a compliment to him.

>> No.2768816
File: 1.54 MB, 1484x1113, contrasting colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should have sculpted paint more to make features more pronounced. Also it's a waste because such painting is a perfect opportunity for incomporating a color illusion of some sorts, you could have gone for some with dots and make very interesting and "dancing" painting.

Here you have, non butthurt response. Anyway, I like this painting for a concept, but you stopped there and it leaves a bad aftertaste, like you would rely on 1 quirk and that's all.

>> No.2768819

what are you doing for studies these days, you know, to improve?

>> No.2768823
File: 227 KB, 957x1192, Realism IV 01 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improve? I don't need to "improve" my art. I will keep developing it, and learning new techniques, but I am pretty happy with where my style is headed.

stuff like this

>> No.2768824
File: 470 KB, 1283x1600, Realism III 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this,

but I consider these mere studies, not true and complete works of art.

>> No.2768829

That's a great idea!

I was too busy experimenting with color that I couldn't plan ahead meticulously such a grid system. btw, this painting weighs 10 pounds, and is 40 x 30 inches. Ugh. I hope it sells for a lot of money.

>> No.2768830

not paintings, drawings. paintings don't make you better at painting, drawings do.

>> No.2768833
File: 881 KB, 1128x1600, Two Bathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does drawing make you better at painting?

I don't draw, and when I do, I draw like this. Experiment.

>> No.2768835


Btw, did you already sell some of your stuff? How are you doing that - through website, auctions or straight in galleries?

>> No.2768836


>paintings don't make you better at painting

This statement is retarded on whole new level. I understand what you meant - that better drawing can help you paint better - but shiiiit, man, no, just, no.

>> No.2768839

I sold the most in the year 2015. Like 8 pieces. In 2016, for some strange reason, I sold very few works of art. The best price I got was $1000 for a piece titled Hawaiian Beauty.

At a show a friend bought my work for $250.
Then I sold 2 works for $200 each last week via online. I hope to sell a lot more at a one night show at a gallery in Brooklyn next week, where 5 of my works were accepted.

I think I will have a better year in 2017.

>> No.2768846


That's quite cool. Have you compared your 2016 paintings with 2015 ones? Maybe market doesn't like the direction you went into.

>> No.2768848
File: 34 KB, 960x498, 1473100805498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>paintings don't make you better at painting, drawings do.

Not a day goes by where I don't see some retard on /ic/ take a valid concept (like "learning to draw well will help your painting workflow") and then skew it hilariously into retarded advice like that.

>> No.2768853

Yes the ones that sold were very abstract, small, and affordable, at $100 a piece.

I like drawing beautiful women and experimenting with abstract colors and shapes. And getting bigger. So these haven't sold very well. Especially because some of them are nude.

But good advice!

>> No.2768884

you might be charging too much for your paintings then

>> No.2768912

id charge about 500 for this. it's big but it's not particularly good.

i'd stay away from larger canvases. stay within 18"x24"-24"x32 you don't know how to fill a canvas yet. you're too impatient.

>> No.2768988
File: 143 KB, 640x517, Korean Tiger Fights the Japanese Samurai 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done plenty of works in large canvases. Many of them 40 x 30 inches. Some of them are as big as 62 x 48 inches.

>> No.2768989
File: 154 KB, 458x640, Homo Pulchrus 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one
This is 60 x 45 inches

>> No.2768995

but they're pretty boring. big brush strokes, boring compositions, no light and dark to speak of or either too much light or too much dark.

these aren't as strong as the smaller pieces you do. you are putting the cart before the horse. these are fine as experiments to see if you can fill a canvas convincingly but so far the answer is no.

>> No.2769007

You just labeled them as boring, but they are not.
They are some of my best works ever.
My instructor told me that the second large painting (60 x 45 inches) is really really strong painting. She said exact opposite of what you said. It has good colors and strong composition.

You just labeled a bunch of things that are negative. Why?

And no light and dark? It's not realism. It's expressionism, my friend. It has light and dark through brighter and darker colors. You can manipulate light and dark through colors as well as adding black or white.

Too light? Too dark? So I must abide by your very thin and narrow definition of what's acceptable?

I could care less about your opinion, my friend.

My instructors give me all the right feedback. They are more reliable than some of you jealous lot who just want to put mud on my face and ruin my reputation.

>> No.2769012
File: 148 KB, 640x491, 1592 The Year of the Water Dragon 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my friends who have already succeeded as artists, as well as instructors, who, obviously, have already succeeded immensely in their field, encouraged me to go big. Big canvases help bring out the strength in you. It's really hard to paint small.

So far the answer is no ? Pff. You give the worst advice ever. Thank you so much.

>> No.2769013

>I could care less about your opinion, my friend.

then why do you post here? to get compliments? fuck off already, can't you see that we hate you?

>> No.2769019

I want legitimate advice. Not "advice" to ruin me, ruin my reputation, put mud on my face, and steer me off course.

You admit that you hate me. Then why give me such advice, unless I am right about the sinister nature of your comments?

I don't back down from a challenge. Ever.

My friends have given me legit advice. A friend told me to remove a green spot on the face because it was distracting. The torso was too small compared to the face. Etc. Etc. So I corrected them according to his advice.

Sometimes I am not sure if the work is good or not.

I need a confirmation from another artist that the works is good, and I shouldn't mess it up by fixing it or throwing it away.

So all these help. I am not here just to get compliments.

Again, you try to fling mud on my face, which won't work, because I will reply to every instance of you trying to put me in the negative light that is false.

>> No.2769025
File: 435 KB, 1000x750, december-6-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k well when you can draw this well ill be happy to listen to you. just giving some advice. your time would be better spent learning realism since you haven't mastered it yet. unless you can draw anything freehand exactly how it looks, and get everything right on the first shot, you'll never be as successful as you want to be. there's no shortcuts to being a great artist.

trust me. i'm nowhere near doing what i just described, but i'm a lot closer than you because at the very least im trying.

>> No.2769045

You do have far better drawing skill than me, I can tell you that. But drawing and technical skill is not everything in art. You appear to have a very narrow understanding of what art is. Is it a contest of skill? A dojo where you master one level and move onto the next? Wrong.

Anyone can be an artist with the vision that they have created and the niche they found.

Some art requires less technical skill than others. Some people enjoy art that requires a lot of technical skill. Some people find them limiting or constraining and too rigid, and would prefer to find other ways or styles of creating art.

I mastered semi-realism. According to my friend who has been painting for 20~25 years, I was in the same workshop as she was, and she said I was quick and absorbed immediately everything the instructor had to offer in the semi-realism style. He could not teach me any more than what he taught me, and I mastered it. And I am happy with it.

As long as I get the basic proportions down, and the correct color, fill them into abstract geometric shapes, I have something to understand and analyze forms and colors with, which are everything in this world and universe. I am done with that. I am now ready to move onto other things.

You can do realism if you'd like because you seem to enjoy it and it's your forte. But I don't need to be competing neck and neck with you in that arena because I already found other things (styles and subject matters) that I really enjoy and cherish, way before I came here or saw your art, and nothing will change this fact. I don't need to be expending all of my energy into developing a technique that I know I won't use, and I know I probably won't be good at any ways, as much as some of the really skilled artists in that field or arena. Art is not a dojo. It requires skill, but it's not a test to compare who's better than who, and by how much, in what way, and to make a world ranking. No. Everyone is free. Free to do what they wish.

>> No.2769051

Okay maybe it's not semi-realism. It's abstract realism? I don't know what to call it. Maybe it's just realism.

Anyways, I worship Frank Auerbach. You worship some other artists. We are different.

You telling me to do realism won't affect me in any ways because I am already devoted to a particular style or artist that I am completely absorbed with.

And your saying you are a lot closer to succeeding than I am because you already mastered realism is false statement.

That just shows how narrow your understanding is of art.. my friend

>> No.2769053

but even my abstract work is much more powerful than the things you produce. and its because my drawing is stronger. what is stopping you from just digging in and learning realism if it's what's going to improve your overall work? if you are an artist, you should be able to create any kind of artwork. you can't really think you've mastered anything yet. i know i havent.

>> No.2769062
File: 882 KB, 1000x793, december-1-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k you are honestly going to tell me this painting isn't a million times stronger than anything you've posted so far. and this was something i crapped out in 2 days...

if your goal is to do abstracted portraits of beautiful women first of all you need beautiful women who are going to sit for paintings so you can abstract them, but good luck getting any models with your current skill level. there is nothing sexy about your "realism" pieces.

>> No.2769068

This back and forth between cumbum and brian is hilarious to watch. Two delusional people thinking the other is insane. It reminds me of those experiments where they put multiple people who thought they were Jesus into a room together, and they all individually came to the conclusion the others were faking it.

>> No.2769075

brian: draw better
chunbum: no


>> No.2769082

I have no idea about what you are saying. I don't understand this kind of art.

It's very decorative. Too decorative in fact to be a real statement about abstraction and visual language.

I want to experiment and come up with a new visual language, like cubism, impressionism, etc. A visual system of abstract composition, expression with form and color, and depiction.

Art is about experimentation. Not a contest of skill.

>> No.2769099

god forbid a wall decoration be decorative. you know art is for decorating homes right?

>> No.2769106

Some art is. Not all art.

My art is definitely not just a decorative form of art. It's experimental. It's a statement.

>> No.2769114

Not exactly what I like but good job.

I know it's kinda hard to estimate but how long did that take you to produce this paint ?

>> No.2769115

I don't understand, is this a joke i'm not getting? Is this painter well known here?

>> No.2769119

2 days - about 20 hours?

>> No.2769149

Kinda neat.
Now, if you like what you're doing, don't listen too much of the people here. They like nothing but their very restrictive 2 choices of artists and they spit on everything else.
Plus, for some reason they seem even more rude at some hours.

I'm not a fan, I'm not really a good artist but heh, as long as you have fun.

>> No.2769163

reminds me of when we'd make the retards fight in gym class

>> No.2769168

Yeah I recognize this sentiment from long time ago. You told me to have fun before.

Thank you for it :)

>> No.2769177
File: 243 KB, 714x950, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God, your attitude is so insufferable.

>Maybe you are just a tad bit jealous?
>I don't need to 'improve' my art
>I could care less about your opinion, my friend

Do you realize how you come across to people?
I apologize for not commenting on your artwork (and I would if you had a better attitude), but I don't want to help someone who is so rude and arrogant.

If you want to make it as an artist you have to learn how to be more amicable.
I respect that you are dedicating time to working on art and I'm a big fan of neo-expressionism too, but come on cut the ego please.

>> No.2769203

It is not ego and arrogance but respect i have for self and the art i create that i try to defend myself and my art against people trying to stomp down on

>> No.2769211

Bro you literally said that you don't need to improve your art.. if that isn't arrogant I don't know what is. Every single artist has room for improvement. You're not exempt.

People aren't trying to "stomp your art down" because they're just hateful and malicous. They simply don't like your artwork for whatever reason. You'll have to accept that. You don't need to prove anything to them.

>> No.2769339

Chumbum is back! I almost missed you bum, back in your hay day you were the most reliable source of laughs on this board, clearly not much has changed except that everyone forgot who you are.
As usual your stuff is crap but I actually like your OP this time, the arm and shoulder ruins it though

>> No.2769372
File: 398 KB, 948x1264, LEGO Boy 06 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I have room to improve. I just don't want to improve the way Bryan put it - honing your skill like you are in a dojo, and comparing yourself to other people constantly, seeing who's inferior and who's superior.

Here is final revision of the LEGO Boy

>> No.2769375

I weep for all the wasted canvas. Could have been donated to some broke art student actually trying to make it.

You haven't mastered anything. Only a fucking moron would make that claim. Even people that are widely regarded as masters don't think they've mastered a particular art. People ARE giving you legit advice. You're just too delusional and high off the paint fumes from your shit-ass finger painted shit smears to realize that you're delusional.

>> No.2769377


They have not sold well because they are shit. The reason that some of your abstracts did sell is because they do not represent anything and the people who bought them enjoy to pretend the intellectual2deep4u.

>> No.2769385

Well it's just a word choice. Everyone has different standards of what they think is mastering something. I don't have as strict and rigorous standard as the masters who are historically significant

>> No.2769386

They were not in fact intellectual and too deep, no. In fact, they were very playful and borderline child-like.

>> No.2769388


Learn to read.

>> No.2769390

Which is why you will never be significant. Not historically. Not ever. Not even on DeviantTard.

>> No.2769393

And I will, if I follow all of your steps of leveling up and beefing up my techniques, this and that, this and that, etc?

I don't want to get stressed over art. Art is free. I just want something new to contribute to the table. That's the way to succeed in the art world. Having something new and unique to say.

Not necessarily repeating things already done by masters in the past.

But thank you for your encouragement.

>> No.2769395


Well for one, maybe you'll actually improve.

> Have something new and unique to say.
Nothing you've done is remotely unique in any way whatsoever.

> I don't want to get stressed over art.
Then stop drawing. Anything worth doing will sometimes be stressful.

>> No.2769396

"chunbums painting thread" how self obsessed are you, you untalented little shit?
this entire thread is a shitshow. this is why we need mods who actually do their fucking job. chunbum, you are cancer. your drawings are bad. why do you keep posting them when you KNOW people are going to criticize them? you are not impressing anyone. you are just a self obsessed ,autistic wannabe retard who will never fucking make it.

>> No.2769398

You've got this right. Too many people here can't distinguish between commercial art and fine art.

>> No.2769399

That might be true, but this doesn't change the fact OP is shit. This has nothing to do with commercial or fine art. This barely qualifies as art.

>> No.2769402

What you say makes no sense.

I will keep painting, but I don't want to get stressed with painting. Why do you ask me to do something that is stressful, then when I don't want to do it, you say quit whatever that I am doing?

I can just keep on making and creating, and not need to stop anything, and be stress free. Great idea? Maybe you need to try it yourself.

All of my instructors and friends say my art is really great. You say my art sucks?

Maybe it's because you are just a realism- maniacally obsessed monster. Just like I am a Doritos monster. :)

>> No.2769404

Actually, a lot "worse" shit than this qualifies as art, whether we like it or not.

>> No.2769406

Okay, tru. Was mostly expressing that this is shit tier. But yeah you're right, anything qualifies as art.

But is that really the standard we wanna live by? "Qualifies as art." YUP. I'VE MADE IT :D I'd rather just admit I'm shit so I can change it.

>> No.2769407

Right, if you want to do stress free no-improvement shit tier painting then do so. But stop expecting people to pander to your delicate feefees and tell you that you're not shit at painting.

Get the fuck of ic if you wanna just be mediocre.

As for realism, bitch I draw comics.

>> No.2769410
File: 216 KB, 462x435, 1480930882169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're applying apple standards to oranges, here, which is stupid and a waste of time. Instead of getting triggered by abstraction, go improve your own skills, maybe?

>> No.2769414
File: 14 KB, 300x169, Smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you're right. It's more like comparing apples to air though, since you have no standards whatsoever.

And I am. It's called figure drawing, brah.

>> No.2769415

It's not bad art. It's good art. If you can't appreciate it, then you don't know about art. Period.

It's a free type of art. It may not require as much technical skill as other types of art, but it's still a valid form of art, and it has a vision that is far more original than some of the art that you are advocating. Extremely proficient technical skill is not relevant to this sort of art. It's just not relevant. It would not apply. It couldn't possibly improve the painting in any way.

Koreans are really good with honing their technical skill in art, but they suck in being original and creative. And they can barely get into good schools in America, usually with help of a teacher, which is cheating. I got into a top school with no prior learning, no training, and no preparation - just with a small portfolio of things I had accumulated over the years.

If you know so much about art, you should be able to appreciate my art. If not, then you probably don't know much and can't appreciate much outside your narrow understanding of what is good and bad art. And you probably couldn't get into to the schools I got accepted to when I applied.

>> No.2769416

> Koreans are really good with honing their technical skill in art, but they suck in being original and creative. And they can barely get into good schools in America, usually with help of a teacher, which is cheating. I got into a top school with no prior learning, no training, and no preparation - just with a small portfolio of things I had accumulated over the years.

Post your acceptance letters. Or at least your transcript.

>> No.2769417
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1367080995431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's always making my artworks look mediocre

>> No.2769418

I already posted my student ID card from the school I used to attend long time ago. You can look it up if you want. I don't need to post them again and expose myself further.

When I applied several years ago, I got scholarship offer from Parsons, and was accepted to SAIC and RISD.

>> No.2769419
File: 51 KB, 400x558, 1478650724301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't have to like art to understand it, weebfag. Crazy, I know.

>> No.2769422

Post your shit. Talk is cheap.

There's plenty of art I don't like but respect. Just not yours.

Haven't you ever wondered why... everyone on ic has basically told you the same shit?

Clearly you keep coming back here expecting validation of some sort. Why? If you really think everyone else is just wrong, then why waste your time here?

Orrrr....OR. Maybe. You keep posting here because you're trying to convince yourself that you don't suck?

>> No.2769425


As I said, you can look it up if you want. It's a student ID card that I posted on /ic/ few years ago. I won't post it again.

I already know I am good. Your guess is wrong.. completely.

>> No.2769428

Do you even know how the fuck image boards even work? Gimme a sauce. I ain't diving through image boards to validate YOUR claim. LOL.

It's not a guess. It's a fact. I know how people like you think. I'm curious, how's your relationship with your father?

>> No.2769429
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1464703158833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP. I just know better than to mindlessly parrot a mongolian basket weaving forum with objectively questionable taste.

>> No.2769430

At first I thought that it wasn't OP, but a troll that hijacked his thread, but now...

>> No.2769432

Surrreee ;)

>> No.2769434


>It's a student ID card that I posted on /ic/ few years ago. I won't post it again.

So you needed to invoke authority to explain away being talentless a *few years ago* and you're still this shit?

>> No.2769437

It's the same bunch as now that asked me to post my student id, so I posted it to shut them up.

>> No.2769438

I'm learning that this person is apparently an old meme around here.

I mean, does one really expect changes? This surprises me not one bit. I'm sure in 5 years Chunchodie here will still be posting his toddleresque paint spatterings.

>> No.2769439

>unwarranted self-assurance

You must be 18+ to post on 4chan

>> No.2769440

Post your shit.

>> No.2769441

Look it up.

>> No.2769444
File: 504 KB, 1285x1600, After the Curtain 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2769445
File: 42 KB, 279x350, last-winter-maiden-chunbum-park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2769446
File: 856 KB, 2194x1600, emotesrbadk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2769450
File: 5 KB, 164x152, 1438490219370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you're both awful people.

>> No.2769453
File: 287 KB, 976x1218, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Chunchodie's an awful artist.

>> No.2769455
File: 232 KB, 951x1189, Green Tea Icecream I 03 - small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are some of my less successful artworks, and I revised them several times.

Thank you for looking at worst of people and ignoring their best.

>> No.2769458
File: 3.01 MB, 1920x1079, 2016-12-08 06_58_34-Chunbum - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


different anon here
presented with no commentary
because none is necessary

>> No.2769459

What constitutes best? That skittle abortion you uploaded in the OP?

How many revisions of this piece did you make? And you still gave her elephantitis in her wrist? That's just cruel.

>> No.2769460
File: 33 KB, 1920x1080, safe-search-on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2769464

stop giving cumbum attention man

>> No.2769488

your writing is better than you art. Maybe you should be a writer instead

>> No.2769521

My instructors tell me my art is good. I am fine as a fine artist

>> No.2769523

Bro, 1v1 me discord art battle faggot

>> No.2769526

You are saying you are a faggot? I don't get what you are saying

>> No.2769534

>put mud on my face

Boys, I think we've got a new meme on our hands here. This is up there with "Flash me."

>> No.2769536

Yeah I'm on Brian's side for this one

>> No.2769559

It's interesting and powerful on some level.

How far can you take this technique?

>> No.2769563
File: 481 KB, 1287x1600, The LEGO Girl 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look in the thread for the updated version of the painting. I also painted like this.

>> No.2769565
File: 632 KB, 1281x1600, Flowers I 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.2769567
File: 527 KB, 1283x1600, Flowers II 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this as well

>> No.2769568

I think the stripes are distracting from and diluting the complex visual arrangements of dabs in the face, which gives this painting its psychological intensity.

>> No.2769571

My friend actually told me the same thing. I will think about it. Thanks

>> No.2769608

Jesus christ the way you just cake on the paint. You are being very wasteful for no reason at all. Maybe learn to draw and paint some day hm?

>> No.2769611


Me again. Forgot to mention that impasto can look nice but this is not the case in any of your shit, your brushwork is too uneconomical for that.

>> No.2769620

I would disagree.
I sold one of the impasto paintings for $350

>> No.2769621

Wait are troll artists a thing now? Or is Chunbum just a retard?

>> No.2769624

I am neither of them. I am simply sharing my art and getting feedback.

You might be both?

>> No.2769638


He is a retard with delusions of grandeur, so that is the worst kind of retard. I wish he had stayed off here, 'sbeen nice and quiet.

>> No.2769639

Your figurative studies show at least some decent brushwork and shape design, but unfortunately that doesn't carry over to these paintings. There's no structure, everything feels sloppy. Most of the texture in the background just looks unappealing and completely detract from the panting. It looks like you're adding shit for the sake of filling up space, without even thinking about what that does to your compositions.
Shame too, because I actually like the ideas. But good ideas don't flourish when the execution is this poor and the results this ugly. If you're happy churning out subpar work for a few bucks then good for you, but don't pretend like you actually care about creating art.
You say you want to explore and create new things but your comments make it obvious that you have no desire to actually get better or put any effort into those things. That's just sad.

>> No.2769648

I did put effort and i have devoted my whole life to painting. That's why I did the realism studies.

Of course the lessons learned with realism don't apply with expressionism. It's struggle with emotional aspect of color and color theory, not merely depiction of form through light and dark. And they used completely different tools. One a brush and another a palette knife. It's unreasonable to expect similar outcome with both

>> No.2769650

ouch...got some attitude too. you're toxic m8 have a nice day.

>> No.2769654

how much for a painting? I'm considering a purchase of one of you pieces. these are professionally executed and the skill behind your brush work cannot go unnoticed. Do you have any framed work?

>> No.2769656
File: 1004 KB, 1996x1168, IMG_0163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not going to start a new thread because i can feel for chunbum in that any attempt to please /ic/ is fruitless ; so ill post my art here to ask the following:

How does chunbums art compare to mine in pros and cons ? How are they similar and different? (in b4 theyre both shit) What can chunbum learn from me and what can i learn from chunbum?

and then what do you consider good art /ic/? I'm legitimately asking ; please post a reference in what you consider to be successful art (not perfection, just a piece you prefer to mine or chunbums)

I'm open to a new direction because the semester is over for me. (finally)

>> No.2769666

you guys are both trolls.

>> No.2769669

From the tone of the comments i doubt that you would want to buy. Go check out vangoart where I am selling my stuff

>> No.2769670


>> No.2769693

Your skills & attitude are everything I would be ashamed to become later, I'm 17 and when I see you I think I would be easy to become an artist if the only thing I have to do is mediocre work like that but at the same time I would prefer to die if one day people see myself as I see you

>> No.2769698

don't bother voicing your opinion to me. I am who I am and if you don't like it, that's your problem.

>> No.2769756

This isn't me. Someone is trying to make me look ridiculous

>> No.2769757

because you draw like that , you're shit at painting , coming from a painter who draws more than paint s:) fucking faggot

>> No.2769762

You can draw more than you paint if you want. I won't be doing that. I love painting. I don't like drawing. It's my choice

>> No.2769764

>Someone is trying to make me look ridiculous
god forbid

>> No.2769766


Don't worry my man, you're making yourself look plenty ridiculous.

>> No.2769773

dubz never lie.

>> No.2769783

i give you about 2 more years of painting before you completely give up. the problem with spending time painting from imagination, and never drawing to improve your work, is that you never get better and art is all about escalation. prices can only increase when the paintings improve, and if you think your paintings are perfect as they are you will start charging more for them arbitrarily. you've already done that on your shop website. $5000 for a painting that looks identical to one priced at $200. it's completely random.

when you start pricing paintings higher just because you've spent more time painting and not because the paintings are getting better it gives buyers a sense that you are entitled. I mean what's stopping you from charging $30,000 for a painting, or even $100,000. it's so random. the paintings don't stand on their own merits so you have to sell the idea of you as an artist instead of the art itself.

And you as an artist isn't exactly a compelling life story. You went to the most expensive art school in the world which is a luxury only afforded to people with money. You didn't get a full ride or anything you were just one of many students. You aren't morally interesting. I'm guessing you aren't celibate, or have interesting views on sexuaility, you're just any other guy.

You're digging yourself in a hole by acting the way you do and refusing to improve.

>> No.2769799

who goes to school for art seriously?

wtf do your town a favor and get a fucking job, that pays.

>> No.2769811

not that anon or cumbum, but I went to school for art. unlike cumbum I actually graduated, and I got a scholarship so I wasn't just wasting mommy and daddy's money. learned a lot of shit, what kind of philistine shits on art education?

>> No.2769829

It's not abstract art, it's "I paint and draw like shit so I say It's done on purpose"

>> No.2769831

I priced one at 5k because it was the best work i did, and one at 200 because it's one of my lesser works. They don't look identical.

I am not entitled.

So going to a good school automatically makes you not compelling as an artist? I could have gone to Parsons on scholarship but I decided risd was better, and it probably was. It was amazing. And i am going back to school to finish my degree.

These are really none of your concerns. Just relax and enjoy the art.

Also, i am improving myself constantly. I experiment with new techniques, styles and I have found my uniqye style and niche. I am completely happy with where I am headed

>> No.2769837

art education's not bad, but it's not something to brag about if you think about what you are saying for more than two seconds. like i said, chunbum had no scholarship, he attended the most expensive art school in the country because he told his parents he wanted to, not necessarily because the school wanted him. they just wanted his parent's money. they weren't fighting with other schools to get him to attend.

I'm sure if we saw the work of the students that associate themselves with chunbum they would all be right at his level. chunbum isn't the best artist at his school, but him and his amateurish group of friends probably think they are the best students there, and are just misunderstood.

I went to art school for about a year and I know his type. He's too fascinated with the idea of being an artist to actually make art.

>> No.2769840

>does shitty impasto once
>thinks he invented it
>"but it took me so long"
but it looks like shit

>> No.2769846

yeah I agree with all of that but it doesn't change the fact that "who goes 2 art school srsly?" is a fucking retarded thing to say.

>> No.2769892

If i had prepared 2-3 years like other typical students who try to get into risd but can't I probably would have gotten a scholarship. But i left university and suddenly and immediately applied for art schools. And Parsons offered me scholarship.

And my painting professor compared my paintings to Picasso, and my painting was hung on display at the Memorial hall. I was a top student.

But why do you care about these details again? They are not your concern. It's really none of your business. You should just enjoy the art and chill and relax instead of hating.

Bryan I liked your Facebook page because I think you are pretty good. Could I expect you to do the same? Probably not. Why? Because you appear to be a hater and competitor. Not a member of brotherhood of artists that I am part of.

Art school is totally worth it. If you think otherwise you are a true idiot.

>> No.2769946

Oh this is a nice one. What is it called?

>> No.2769953

>I probably would have gotten a scholarship
I probably would be a billionaire and pro-MMA fighter if things worked out differently. and an astronaut. probably
>And my painting professor compared my paintings to Picasso, and my painting was hung on display at the Memorial hall
cringing so hard. I hope you don't put that lame ass student show on your CV.
>You should just enjoy the art
You should make enjoyable art.

>> No.2769955

That is scary as fuck, Jesus Christ. Glue some googly eyes on it, for fuck sake, you're making me shit myself

>> No.2769966

you just don't get it anon. if chunbum had worked hard for the 3 years leading up to art school, and the 3 years he spent there painting, he could've been really really good by now. you just don't understand his potential. we're lucky he graces us with any paintings at all

>> No.2769971

this is awesome
i really like it
are you selling any website?

>> No.2769972

and if he had wheels he'd be a misunderstood avant garde wagon.


>> No.2769979

you got $4000?

>> No.2769982

>'lesser works'


>> No.2769985



(i seriously hope you're not trolling i never get compliments here >>)

>> No.2769989
File: 210 KB, 1417x2048, FB_IMG_1476234177530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just had posted this one in another thread, I finished this paint like one month ago.
Mixed media in paper prepared with gesso

>> No.2769995


all trash. put some god damn pride into your shit. just being honest. it's not hard to see your a fraud.

>> No.2770035 [DELETED] 

Post your ref? She looks kind of derpy anon, eyes and mouth are tiny, nose looks crooked. The face is oddly round yet you are overemphasising certain features like the obicularis oris and the neck muscles.

>> No.2770070

Not a troll. I like it, it reminds me of childhood, for some reason.

I'm no art expert (or enthousiast), but I think the color is real nice, real calming.

It's a cute painting.

>> No.2770099

Each one of those dots are a whole tube of paint.

>> No.2770106

that's what I was thinking. what a waste.

>> No.2770171

If you buy paint in bulk it's cheaper

>> No.2770452

its marketing nothing else you don't know what you are talking about all art is marketing thats why
the skill and the price are relative to the amount the market will bear. which is far more dependent on the marketing of the artist or the piece. you are a self indulgent idealist if you believe otherwise

>> No.2770456

Exactly. The actual skill is just the topping on the marketing cake.

>> No.2770462

yeah but you two probably don't have the "icing" so wtf. market yourself all you want you'll need good artwork to actually succeed. good marketing is only temporary, fundamental skill is a tangible, sustainable thing. good luck trying to make a living selling art to your 20 something friends forever. they'll grow up, make money, and be able to afford actually good art.

>> No.2770594
File: 705 KB, 1200x1598, c3f32733991664.56c15804ef8ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I am here to say that actually good art is my art.

My friends absolutely love my art. Their reaction to my art is completely different from yours.

>> No.2770602


Oh god stop I can't I'm laughing so hard my sides could split.

>> No.2770607


You ever considered that they react the way they do because they are your friends and don't want to hurt your poor fee-fees? You're an insufferable cunt on an image board, let alone in real life. i'd kiss your ass too if it meant I'd be spared of your masaive god complex.

Your art is shit. Strangers on the internet are giving it to you straight because they could not care less about your ego.

You can either drop the attitude and work on your art, or forever stay complete and utter shit riding on mommy and daddy's tailcoats because you sure as fuck are not getting anywhere with your paint-slatherings as they are now except.

>> No.2770613
File: 114 KB, 466x640, Magna Est Veritas Et Praevalebit 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. there have been people who friended me in school precisely because they were so impressed by my art. Two of my friends bought my art.

They love my art period.

>> No.2770770

>Two of my friends bought my art.
Oh god this is sad. Let me guess, your mom also thinks your art is great and hangs it on the fridge

>> No.2770879

You are the sad one for failing to understand art like mine

My art is too big to be hung on a fridge

>> No.2770887

It's difficult to tell when it's cumbum responding and when it's someone pretending to be cumbum to make him look retarded.

>> No.2770987

An elephant could do better.

>> No.2770992

>when it's someone pretending to be cumbum to make him look less retarded.

Fixed it for yas
No-one & nothing can make him appear MORE retarded.

>> No.2771060

>They love my art period.
Ugh. Painting in menstrual blood is so overdone.

>> No.2771085

Dude it was better before. You must study. Trust me, you will get soooo much better and its totally worth it.

>> No.2771113
File: 956 KB, 1200x894, december-9-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so do you think this painting is better than your paintings in this thread or do we just have different goals, and you are trying to make more of a statement and your work is important, and my work is just trying to be decorative.

>> No.2771128


Brian your ellipses are fucked.

>> No.2771137

This is a nice painting. I like the way you handled the glass.

>> No.2771154

I like this painting too, but my paintings are good too. You can't compare apples and oranges, my friend.

That's simply not why and how I want to paint.

Also van Gogh was a very sentimental and passionate painter. I am not sure if your painting is as passionate and sentimental as van Gogh. It does have good harmony with color and light though

>> No.2771173

OP needs to stop trying so hard. Anyway, art in this age is largely ignored by the general population if it isn't fan art, hyperrealism, or some edgy-but-obvious commentary on the human condition. Little LEGO boys and girls don't have a snowball's chance in hell.

>> No.2771181

Then you obviously haven't been to New York City, the center of the art world. It's where I plan to make my mark.

>> No.2771187

you are so painfully naive. and what happens if nobody is interested when you get there? what's plan b?

>> No.2771193

I am already here. My friend had her very first show at a pristine location in New York City. My other friend from Korea had his show in NYC twice now, and will come back next year for a third. That was amazingggg

>> No.2771230


>> No.2771233

i dont even know what to say to you anymore. you are so proud of your little pile of dirt.

>> No.2771236

don't say shit to him. most people on this board have learned that lesson already. his ego is as overgrown as gorillastrat's, there's no talking to him. let him keep making shit and going nowhere in the art world.

>> No.2771263

You talk as if you know a lot about the art world, but your taste in art is so poor. Has anyone on /ic/ actually succeeded in getting shows and making real connections with curators, collectors, gallery owners, instructors, etc? Nope. My friends have though, and I am going to listen to them. And they all tell me that my art is good.

The friend who did her first show in NYC yesterday (I went to its opening) is the friend who bought my painting btw

I can't brag about my own success because I am still a small fry, but I am slowly getting there. Slowly but surely.

>> No.2771266
File: 215 KB, 720x698, pegasus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right on the verge! anyday now you'll be making masterpieces! you are the new basquiat! expressionism has never seen someone like you before! i can't wait until you finally decide to try the clock definitely isn't ticking you can take your sweet ass time!

i've shown other artists your work and they all couldn't believe you were in your 20s. they thought you were in your mid teens. you are so far behind everyone else and you think that makes you special. it just makes you lazy.

>> No.2771272

>but your taste in art is so poor.
you know absolutely nothing about my taste in art, other than the fact that I don't like the shit you make.

I've had shows in actual galleries and am in contact with the director of contemporary art at a museum in my state regarding an upcoming show. I pay all of my own bills, and all of that money comes from selling my art. be honest- you still live with momma and get an allowance, don't you?

>> No.2771274

I am not the one with the ego. It's your own stinking ego that's making you blind to the merits of my own paintings. It's your jealousy that's making you deny my achievements.

I am far behind everyone else? Show me your work. Post something better. Show me something with mad crazy skill, experimental vision, something bold and original, etc etc. Nope, the best I've seen is an imitation of van Gogh which, while done with good technical skill and understanding of color, has no heart, no mind, and no thesis.

I also had shows in galleries too, although they weren't any big name galleries, and I plan to work my way up the ladder.

Too bad the competition you face in your native state is not as fierce as the one I face in NYC. If I applied for shows in other states, I would easily get into all of them.

But I doubt that your work is any good, if you think my work isn't good either, because you have very limited understanding of art and what is good art and bad art.

And I know you will absolutely absolutely refuse to show your work because you are a coward and you have nothing to show. For all I know, you could be bluffing, and you know what, you will be better at making excuses than making actual art.

>> No.2771277

i mean i still live with my parents, but i painted >>2771113
and in a year i'll probably be able to start thinking about moving out. but it's never going to happen for chunbum. his parents must be incredibly nervous about his prospects for a future. his work is so flimsy. if he didn't think it was perfect he'd have a chance to improve but he really genuinely thinks this is all he needs.

thats what i hate. the only thing that makes his work interesting is that he thinks it's interesting. his love of his work is so much funnier than even his worst painting because he is willing to defend anything and everything he makes. but it's also the thing stopping him from improving. if he didn't think his art was good, he'd sit down and get better, but he thinks it's perfect. So every week we've gotta deal with another shitty painting and the same defense. it's vaguely interesting now, but by the time he's 30 his weird attempts at cultivating a cult of personality around himself will seem even more infantile and pathetic. he's what every non-artist thinks of young artists and the reason gallery owners sigh when an artist in their 20s walks into a gallery to talk to them.

>> No.2771278

>If I applied for shows in other states, I would easily get into all of them.>If i had prepared 2-3 years like other typical students who try to get into risd but can't I probably would have gotten a scholarship
so many fucking excuses

and again, you know fuck-all about my tastes in art. I don't just like realism, I like abstract expressionism, the german expressionists, lots of contemporary painters, etc.

You have this desperate need to dismiss any opinion that isn't praise though, so keep pretending everyone who doesn't like your slop is closed minded.

fuck why am I still responding to this joker

>> No.2771286

brian I hate your fucking guts and you're probably even more insufferable as a human being than cumbum, but I'll grant that you have a MUCH better chance of "making it" than he does, and your analysis of his work is correct.

you occasionally make good work, even if you're fucked in the head. cumbum is just fucked.

>> No.2771294

I didn't defend every one of my artworks. I admitted that some of my art was mediocre, and they weren't my best. Why focus on my mediocre works, when there are many other paintings that are so much better?

The point is that you won't even accept my best works, so we can't even have a valid discussion when you are hating my very best works for dubious reasons.

You may like expressionism and contemporary art, but your soul is sold to the devil of realism which is why you will find every reason to criticize and attack works of artists who aren't established yet because you just hate them inside. You don't have the guts to attack and criticize established artists, but you attack me because I am not established, not because my works aren't good.

It's either that or you are lying.

And my instructors and my friends say that my works are good, and I am headed in the right direction. They've already made it. You, mr. experts of /ic/, have not.

>> No.2771303

>your soul is sold to the devil of realism
baseless accusation, I'm much fonder of the modernists than realists. keeping looking for excuses instead of admitting you need work.

>my instructors and my friends say that my works are good
kek. okay buddy, well if your friends and people you pay say nice things about your work then it must be flawless. Given their (supposed) endorsement, it's a wonder you're still a total failure.

>> No.2771306

Why doesn't what I am saying enter your head and register properly? Maybe something is wrong with your brain?

They bought my art. They are considering to buy my art. They love my art. They aren't just saying these things to be nice. They actually buying and considering to buy my art.

And my instructor has 18 pieces in the permanent collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. She sold 1 this year as well.

She says my art is good.

>> No.2771310


In fact, she loves my art and I am one of her favorite students. She says I am wild and I love paint. And I must fulfill my destiny by doing what I must do. She loves me and my art.

>> No.2771312

and their opinion mean fuck-all to anyone but you. arguments from authority are a form of logical fallacy, so no one gives a shit what teacher thinks little buddy.

you sold a fucking painting, wow. I remember it was a big accomplishment when I sold my first painting. as a teenager. what percentage of rent, auto insurance, health insurance, electric bill, etc. do you pay with your art? give me a number. do you still live with your parents? I've watched you churn this shit out for years and go NOWHERE.

it's just sad that you have to rely on (unverifiable) arguments from authority instead of the merits of your own work. if it's as good as you say it is, people here would recognize it. and it has nothing to do with people just reacting to your shitty personality. I hate brian but I have no problem admitting he is capable of making good paintings.

>> No.2771313

>all this insecure
Truly the dynamic duo of /ic/

>> No.2771319

Okay I rely on authority instead of merits of my work?

I already know my work has merit, even before I heard compliments from my instructors and friends who have already succeeded in the art world. they already made it. You guys have not.

Who are you to define the merits of my work?

I already knew my work was good before I heard them tell me it's good. It's merely an affirmation. It has merit.

Again, who are you to define what has merit and what doesn't? And if it's not the people who have already succeeded who define merit, then who does?

Some nobody mr. expert loser wannabe artist on /ic/ ???

No thanks.

>> No.2771326

>I already know my work has merit
well aware you're full of yourself
>you guys haven't made it
projecting much?
>but they affirmed what I already believed
that's called confirmation bias. you've had plenty of negative feedback that you conveniently ignore.
>Some nobody mr. expert loser wannabe artist on /ic/
You should put that on your business cards

>> No.2771331

If I did people wouldn't believe it because they think I am cool.

Truth is self -evident. I am an artist. You are not.

>> No.2771336

all right, well you just keep being cool, letting mommy pay your bills, and telling yourself you'll be a great artist someday. and if you think so little of everyone on /ic/, do us all a favor and stop posting your shit here. go circlejerk with gorillastrat on deviantart and come back here when you've made it.

>> No.2771337

So umm like what does it mean?

>> No.2771338

Who pays your bills? Do you need a place to stay for the winter? Are you eating enough? At the very least, I have the connections to get you the medications and therapy you can't afford.

>> No.2771341 [DELETED] 

he's ignored that question twice already, it's pretty evident his lives with mama. I guess he wasted all her money on art classes and now she can't afford to get him medicated.


>> No.2771344

he's ignored that question twice already, it's pretty evident he lives with mama. I guess he wasted all her money on art classes and now she can't afford to get him medicated.


>> No.2771354

That's really none of your concern.

Just show your work, cowards. Bryan is the only real artist who's shown works here other than me. Is there no one else? :)

>> No.2771358

I see this too much. A kid comes in on court order and you find out his parents had been supporting him for years and letting him drift into fantasy in a safe environment (online, community college, art schools) with no opportunity. Then they cut him off when it doesn't pan out, not realizing there is an obvious underlying issue they've ignored his entirely life.

It's surprisingly common. They come in homeless, sometimes after a violent incident with the parents, and have no job skills and an underlying issue that takes all of 5 minutes to figure out. HFA, personality disorders, schizophrenia, OCD---you name it, I've seen it. It's really sad. Then I have to write up the report and input it into the database for the study and it makes me hate them.