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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2768174 No.2768174 [Reply] [Original]

How do I create orignial characters as good design wise and likebale as Steven Universe ones?

>> No.2768188

make em tumblr-tier

>> No.2768190
File: 22 KB, 342x395, 14955791_1893031254252152_9033914614086211463_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2768194

Learn design

>> No.2768215

draw bad designs.

>> No.2768217

Ew, disgusting. If you consider that bland forgettable tumblr shit actual "good" design you need to take your bad taste and get off of this board immediately.

>> No.2768257

1. Make it simple enough so that even the biggest tumblr downie can draw it and feel good about him/her/xirself

2. Introduce the "faux creativity" element that lets said downies share and create their own OC's without ever actually requiring any talent. I.e. each character represents an animal/type of gemstone/extraterrestrial object/type of food/famous musician/video game console etc

3. Come up with a canon way to combine already existing elements in case downies can't even open a wiki page in search for new objects. Fusions and evolutions are a good example but they are already overused as fuck so maybe something like characters being able interact with each other's weapons differently or borrow elemental magic from each other or something like this

4. Ship the living shit out of everything from the earliest stages

>> No.2768294

Is everyone salty because of the actual content and the fanbase...? Judging the designs on their own, they meet criteria of good design...like the characters being recognizable by sillhoulette.

>> No.2768318

Rant kinda on the side (I'm totally uninterested in "Steven's Universe"):

The more I got into art and programming in general, the more I see that one things is crucial (from my original discipline, engineering) - good design.

Goddamn, good design and proper workflow changes so much in whatever you do. I see it also in artists who started to do /gd/ and then came back to art - they are a lot better, their decisions are a lot more focused, images and paintings read just better.

I'm really looking towards Robertson's book "How to Design".

>> No.2768319


>> No.2768375

The Mangaka of Dragon Ball was also a graphic designer first

>> No.2768379

is steven universe the new sonic?

>> No.2768396
File: 856 KB, 1920x1080, Bismuth_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all just jealous that you'll never come up with a design as ingenious as Bismuth.

>> No.2768493

It's a case where the side characters are not so great. But the the two main ones have good designs.

You know whichc cartoon has great designs for all characters? Simpsons.

>> No.2768501

Is there any chance of a serious discussion about character design or should I create a new thread?

>> No.2768513

Make Them all space lesbians and a fat mexican

>> No.2768517

>How do I create orignial characters as good design wise and likebale as Steven Universe ones?

Shit taste b8

>> No.2770679

You give them generic traits and base their proportions on it.

Snobby rules by the book stick in the mud

tall black woman

disgusting fat woman

impressionable overweight child

>> No.2770686

The 3 main gems have objectively great designs. All the human characters and all the other gems are awful.

>> No.2770689

Despite the fact that I hate SU and think it's a hideous eyesore I do like Rebecca Sugar a lot.

Pug Davis was great.

>> No.2770690

Their designs aren't the problem, it's the show's inconsistent artstyle

>> No.2770693

Oh yeah that's shit. The only well made elements are the designs of the 3 gems and the backgrounds. Can't even talk about the color palette anymore since it devolved into a clusterfuck as new characters arrives

>> No.2770762
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> aunt jemima gem
> Good in any way