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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2766732 No.2766732 [Reply] [Original]

Since the last thread was deleted due to /pol/ shitposters, let's try this again.

How do you draw everyday? Obviously, it's not as simple as "Just do it" or "Stop being lazy." How do you block out all the panic attacks and such that come with drawing? How do you not lose your temper when nothing comes out the way you want? What's some good advice other than "practice until you don't suck anymore"?

>> No.2766739

Set aside time each day to draw, maybe an hour or two. In that time don't just stare at a blank piece of paper, but rather make some clear goals that are within your skill level. An easy way to start for example might be to get some anatomy books, and then copy out a few plates and read some pages. Do this each day and after a while you will have a decent understanding of anatomy. Then move onto figure drawing, you can use photos and a timer to do "poses" of different lengths. Or do a self portrait in a mirror. Or any of thousands of other exercises or ways of doing creative work. Just break down art into manageable chunks so you focus on learning a single isolated thing at a time that you can put all your attention to. Anxiety mostly comes from being overwhelmed so do baby steps in a logical fashion and eventually you will have walked quite a distance.

If you find anxiety comes from being too concerned with the results of each drawing, you can draw on printer paper and throw it out after each session. That way whether it is good or not is irrelevant and you can focus on learning and the process more.

>> No.2766744

Thanks. I like the advice, but here's my problem: I've tried setting aside time specifically to draw countless times. I've ever tried periods as short as 5 minutes. Every time, I get so overwhelmed that I break down. I don't know what to do anymore. I tried medications, but that only made it worse.

>> No.2766747

What overwhelms you? Are you an absolute beginner? Maybe try something like Keys to Drawing or Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain then. They will hand hold you at the very beginning stages.

>> No.2766750

for me what works is three rules:
> draw when you can get any time in your day to do so
this means actually putting pen on paper, even if all you're doing is making lines or practicing boxes
>go outside your comfort zone
try new things pretty much each time you draw so you can learn new skills, this is pretty standard advice
>most of your drawings will be shit, especially when you're trying out new things
it's natural, the great masters had times when they pumped out garbage. but the garbage is worthwhile because you can see how you improved in the span of a few months (or maybe even weeks). i got comfortable with my shitty drawing and suddenly could see things i did that i LIKED. just ease into it, broseph

>> No.2766754

I've been drawing for a year and a half. I've read those books, and they basically did nothing for me. I want to be able to draw 12 hours a day, but how can I do that when I can't even draw for 5 minutes ONE day?! Then everyone tells me to give up, that I'm a genetic failure, that I'll never make it, and sometimes to kill myself (which I'd like to do if my fucking anxiety wasn't stopping me). I've tried counseling, and they basically told me "Things may never get any better." What am I supposed to do with that? I don't want to give up! I want to draw, damn it!

>> No.2766757

Not your blog.


>> No.2766762

Newfag please go.

>> No.2766765

>I want to draw, damn it!
Then draw you piece of shit. You can't just say you want to draw and then NOT draw because you'd rather find excuses on a board like 4chan. Just go draw you fucking scumbag. Or maybe you don't enjoy drawing? You figure it out, you're an adult.

>> No.2766768

Just report and hide.

>> No.2766770

>Then draw you piece of shit
Spoken like someone without ever having to break the mold.

>> No.2766773 [DELETED] 

>Report all threads I don't like! >:(
Hello, Reddit.

>> No.2766781

Someone decipher this code for me.

Also get to work fucko. You want to draw, right? No you don't you piece of shit. If you did, guess what you'd be doing? Oh, right, drawing.

>> No.2766783

>Someone with no reading comprehension trying to talk about logic
I wish /pol/ wouldn't shit up /ic/ threads.

>> No.2766789

No, it makes zero literary sense.

Spoken like someone...
without ever having to break the mold?

Spoken like something from someone who has never had to break the mold?

What in the seven hells does that have to do with what I said?

>> No.2766795

You may need to pass high school English, then. I don't know how to teach someone with such shit reading comprehension.

>> No.2766798

>feeding the attention whore shitposter
>boo hoo I want to draw but I don't, wat do
Report and go draw, you stupid faggot.

I hope to God you're not bumping this shit.

>> No.2766800


You warm yourself up to doing it by drawing studies while listening to podcasts (like Sleepycabin) or on gesture drawing sites like quickposes. Once you're done with studies, you apply your knowledge into personal work. If you don't understand it, then redo it again.

Are you Actinfutility from the discord by any chance? You sound like him.

You just have to read and draw from books too mainly the plates.

>> No.2766802

>Just draw
Did you even read the OP? You've literally never had to work hard in your life. Who are you to shit on anyone else?

>> No.2766804

Thanks for the input. I appreciate it.

>> No.2766810


Don't take it to heart. The only reason why the OP makes these shit threads is because people respond to him. Even if you respond to him with good advice, he won't act on that advice and ask more questions instead.

I'm a dumbass for spending time to give him advice that he easily rejects.

>> No.2766814

>You've literally never had to work hard in your life
I'll admit you got a laugh from me.

>> No.2766816

>Just draw
>Why won't he take my advice?! ;-;

>> No.2766817

>he keeps asking questions, so don't respond to him
Not him, but nigga do you know what you just wrote?

>> No.2766818

God I am starving. I can see my bones. I want to eat so bad. There's a giant plate of food right beside me, and it looks delicious. I'm just so scared to take that first bite. Every time I think about it I just can't take it! The thought of it haunts my very existence. Am I just supposed to die? Why can't I eat this food? I really really want to eat. I'm so hungry. Help me anon.

>> No.2766827

This is literally in no way, shape or form even similar to my situation. Gb2 Reddit.

>> No.2766831


You have to get comfy and push yourself with enough pauses not to burnout.

>> No.2766833

>panic attacks
go to a doctor

>> No.2766836

>Signs of autism: laughing at inappropriate situations

>> No.2766839

I'll do my best.

>> No.2766842

>Signs of being an idiot
>Making completely baseless assumptions about literally everyone you meet on the Internet

>> No.2766844

I literally just gave you one of the signs of autism that you exhibit. Awww. This must be the first time anyone's given you an opinion outside your echo chamber.

>> No.2766845

>feeding the moron
this is why this board is shit

>> No.2766850

What kind of pleasure do you get from being useless irl and trolling people online all day? Is your life so meaningless that trolling people actually makes you think you have some kind of value in this world? Genuinely curious.

>> No.2766851

Did OP piss in your cereal or something? Why are you so assblasted about it? If you want a place where everyone agrees with everything you say, just go to /pol/.

>> No.2766852
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>Moving the goalpost AND ad hominem
Holy shit you are desperate.

>> No.2766856


>> No.2766859

Do you even know what a strawman is? Stop trolling and go back to your hugbox.

>> No.2766875

Hugbox, strawman, tumblr, safespace lul, hugbox
Sorry I am trying to speak in a way that your kind will understand

>> No.2766943
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>> No.2766952

Hi OP I recommend you use random loose paper so you don't feel pressured in to drawing perfect in the sketchbook. Feel free to use like class notes or line paper. Also I recommend you draw outside. Draw some real people and nature, bonus if you get some sun. Lastly if you're studying anatomy, painting, etc I recommend you do that in the library/coffee shop so you can't get distracted. Good luck.

>> No.2766959
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>> No.2766962
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>Draw everyday
>Don't get any better
>Don't even know if I'm getting better, but drawing cylinders in perspective
>Keep chasing the magic fundamental form dragon that might not even exist

It's such a vague fundamental
I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish aside from doing mental gymnastics.

I'm not even sure if I'm making progress now that I've hit a certain point.

I'm rotating 3D forms around in my head all day to make something that looks close to the real deal, but I don't know if I'm progressing, or if I'll be marked by a total regression if I quit doing it.

>> No.2766965
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>Draw-a-box guy is way ahead of me
>Everything he makes is shit

It's the worst feeling.
I don't even know if he can really draw, but I've based my entire chase for better forms off of his preachings.

>> No.2766967

Mental gymnastics is how you train your mind to really see instead of vague images that you think are perfect.

>> No.2766969

Will the training stay with me?
Will it become innate?

>> No.2766973


It isn't his reading comprehension, it's the fucking moron who wrote it not understanding English. Maybe you're a lazy asshole who wants people to jump through mental hoops because you can't comprehend how to construct a sentence, but don't push "needs high school English" on others because you're fucking dumb as a rock.

>> No.2766974
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2 things that have always worked for me:

Find something you love to draw and just draw that when you're not inspired. To me, it was always zombies and monsters and that sort of thing. No matter how unmotivated I feel... I can always draw some horrible undead creature. It's always fun.

Also, collect art. I have probably 30 gigs of pictures on my hd. It's like... gardening. I'm always saving pictures, trying to find higher res versions of my favorites, following artists, going through my archives and pruning all the shit that I used to think was great and now doesn't inspire me. If I spend 30 minutes just tending my picture garden, I get enough inspiration to keep me drawing for the next 6 hours.

>> No.2766985

DAE find it necessary to hide 80+ /ic/ threads just to tolerate this board?

>> No.2766997

It's people like you that make meme comics justifiable.

>> No.2767006

I come here to shitpost. It helps me relax, watching "artistes" lose their shit.

>> No.2767012
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>panic attacks
>lose your temper
Lmfao we've got a nut case everyone.

If you're so pathetic that you get panic attacks over FUCKING DRAWING please just quit, because if you don't enjoy the simble act of drawing you with a 95% chance wont make it.

Now you might ask "How do I develop this love for drawing?" You draw a lot, and by doing so come to appreciate the hard work and skill that goes into art. And after that you simply never want to stop.

Personally i've been drawing atleast 1 hour every day since I started getting into art, which was in July of 2014.
Get over yourself and get to the drawing board anon!

>> No.2767013

>tfw the Feng Zhu himself replies to you

>> No.2767023
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>tfw you draw 16 hours a day

>> No.2767068


Thing is... If you haven't had a panic attack about drawing you probably have not even begun this shit kid.

Granted there are plenty of people who are highly resilient to stress. But artists (including many successful artists) are notoriously plagued with high anxiety traits, cluster B personalities and mental illness in general.

Many people at the top have gone through serious psychological turmoil. Many directly report it if you are paying attention.

With regards to OP...

Get as broad a grounding in psychology as you can... Reconstruct your personality from the ground up.

These two guys will give you a great, broad overview via youtube...

Robert Sapolsky (human behavioural biology lectures on youtube and his writing on depression and stress.
Jordan Peterson (Take his "personality and its transformations" and "maps of meaning" courses on youtube, absolute goldmine, life changing).
Evaluate yourself rigorously for all the psychological disorders. Pursue any that seem to fit.

Your childhood programming that will in all probability be largely responsible for your problems. Evaluate your relationship with your parents in great detail. How did they treat you and how has that been the template for how you feel now?

Start listening to people who deal with and thrive under high stress... I like listening to this Ex navy seal commander Jocko Willink.

If are not smart enough or don't have several years to gradually understand and reconstruct yourself... Becoming competent in a hard, somewhat dangerous, social, physical pursuit will work wonders without any need to understand why. Martial arts (bjj, mua thai, boxing), rock climbing stuff like that. Weightlifting.

Drawing is not even half the battle, it is more that you need to figure out how to function as a human. If you do that drawing is not such a big deal.

If you are fucked up you can't do this, so don't be afraid to make unfucking yourself your dual goal along with drawing.

>> No.2767076


Also if you want to learn how to draw and render.. try learning some 3d (blender etc). Just a couple of months of frustration and you can pick up enough to work wonders. You can rapidly make whatever it was you were trying to represent in a pure conceptual playground and critique yourself.

And if you are in the basement it is death to your development, get the fuck out of there and talk to other artists.

Good luck.

>> No.2767082

That's the wrong place to ask a question about "panic attacks and such". Try asking on tumblr.

>> No.2767083
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what even is this thread dude

why are there 56 replies in here

>> No.2767090

>you haven't even begun
Since November last year I've been putting in 5-9 hrs a day maybe 4-8 days that have been a bit under 5 hrs over this past year, I've never felt burned out, I've never wanted to quit, I've never had this infamous "anxiety" attack that a lot of artists are talking about, I've enjoyed every. Single. Second.
I feel bad for you if you feel like shit, but if art itself is what makes you feel shit please do yourself a favor and stop.

>> No.2767100

I bet your art is really good and you make a lot of money too.

>> No.2767105

I'm piss poor and my art is garbage, thing is right, I don't give a single fuck about the short term nor do I care about how shit I am. I'm simply focused on getting better and having fun doing so.
Once you accept the idea, and truly understand, that you will not create anything of value in your first 5~ years it all becomes a lot easier and you start not caring about the level you're at rn. As long as you keep on improving and don't stagnate you'll be golden.

>> No.2767112
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Hey OP! My whole summer was like this. I spent like a month barely drawing at all. I'm in 2,5years of doing art now and get the panic attacks now instead of every day like in the summer every few days or a week, so now I manage to make 12-16hours when I don't get them. You just have to keep going! It's difficult but you have to go for it! Start with stuff that's less difficult to fuck up and go from there. Do stuff that you can learn with resources, figures, anatomy, perspective,values etc. Just don't give up. If you keep going you will make it!

>> No.2767118

>the panic attacks
Not gonna make it.

>> No.2767172

>Obviously, it's not as simple as "Just do it" or "Stop being lazy."
Actually it is. And from the way you pushed the blame on to something else and haven't even considered looking at your own behavior, I'm hesitant to even post this because you sound like the kind of person that likes to have something to complain about but hates fixing their issues.

Stop lying to yourself and stop making the problem about something it isn't: It's not that it's not simple enough to draw everyday, or that it's too hard to keep it up, It's about willpower and drive.

Willpower your way through it when it gets tough. You may break down and cry some day when you're just plain sick of looking at your drawing and don't want to finish it; maybe your pet dies, you accidentally set your pony cum jar on the radiator and boil it, you just "don't feel like it today", you're "too stressed", etc... the excuses go on and on. And yes your problem is you make too may excuses.

Unless you have drawn and neglected to take breaks for so long that you get tendonitis or carpal tunnel and risk inflicting lasting physical damage to yourself, you DO NOT STOP DRAWING DAILY. No matter what.

It can be a hard thing to do some days. But you will get through it. You will get in the habit, and you'll work to keep it up. Miss a day? Fine, whatever, make your goal that you won't miss another one and do better tomorrow.

>B-but you dont understand, i have anxiety, the problem can't possibly be me! it can't be that easy!

Yeah, you have anxiety... so do I and a lot of other people I know who draw every day. It is frustrating and intimidating sometimes, but the more you draw the better you'll get. Drawing can even feel therapeutic after you get in the habit.

Just fucking try and stop pussying out.

>> No.2767183
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I'll leave you with the following quote, maybe it'll make something click for you if you don't just ignore it. Whether you suck it up and just start drawing or keep wallowing in your self-made problems is up to you now. Hopefully you at least stop bitching about your psychosomatic art problem on a critique board.

"Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit. Most people I know who do interesting, creative work went through years of this. We know our work doesn’t have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you are just starting out or you are still in this phase, you gotta know its normal and the most important thing you can do is do a lot of work. Put yourself on a deadline so that every week you will finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap, and your work will be as good as your ambitions. And I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I’ve ever met. It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take awhile. You’ve just gotta fight your way through."

-Ira Glass

>> No.2767221

thanks anon, not op but it's relevant to me

>> No.2767291

Maybe you should look into therapy OP?

>> No.2767340
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For somebody under so little stress, you certainly sound a little too angry.
I think there are two fundamentally different paths to success in art.

One path is about proving your worth to the world and yourself. Discipline works best in this case. Proving that you are strong enough to overcome the perils of hard work and your own doubts. Its mainly about breaking your old self and becoming something to be proud of.

The other path is about having something important to share with the world. Motivation comes not from your desire to prove something, but from understanding that unless you can hone your voice properly, you will never be heard.

Its really important to understand early on which path is yours, because what works for one path, doesnt work for the other and vice versa.

>> No.2767346

>for somebody under so little stress, you certainly sound a little too angry.
I'm not angry per se, I'm just dumbfounded over the fact that there are people this weak. Like I'd understand if you had the mentality of OP if you were say someone with loads of loans, minimum wage job, sick parents and your wife just divorced you. Then I'd take his side for sure, but when we're simply talking about the craft of drawing I get a bit triggered when someone complains this much, and I've seen so many people complain about art recently that I just have had enough.
If op, or anyone else for that matter feels like drawing is eating away at their soul, for Christ sake stop, or do what I did and try out a bunch of shit and stick with what you love the most.
The idea that you hate doing something but keep on doing it every day seems extremely counter productive in my opinion and will hurt you dearly in the long run

>> No.2767347

This, panic attacks and temper tantrums are not normal results of someone sitting around drawing. Get some help with your shit before you worry about getting good at drawing, OP.

>> No.2767353

Is that image supposed to look flat?
It looks like a theater play, she is in front of a painted wall

>> No.2767354

Can you elaborate on the things you've tried out? Did you try other things besides art or did you find something in art that you loved the most?

>> No.2767368
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Story time with anon~
Ok right, so when I was young I actually hated drawing, never drew in art class, never drew in my spare time. When I was 13 I for some reason I wanted to become a tattoo artist, but I thought I could become one without drawing. When I realized that wasn't the case I instead wanted to become a piercer, which also changed a few months later.
A year or two later I watched the documentary Jiro Dreams of sushi, where they basically say "Find a craft, and spend your entire life perfecting said craft" So I had an epiphany, I wanted to work in games. So I went and searched for what job inside a game studio paid the best. Which was Lead game designer. So I started getting into programming, started learning Unity but later realized that wasn't for me either. So I got into 3D modelling, did that for a year. BUT THEN I saw a movie called "Rio 2" the one with the birds, and I suddenly got the urge of becoming an animator. Tried 3D animation for 2 weeks, quit. BUT AFTER THAT I found something called Storyboarding. And I was SOLD. So I started drawing some cartoons, had fun, until i stumbled upon.. Kill La Kill, which was just so new to me since it was the first anime I ever watched, and after finishing KLK I wanted to draw anime, so that's what I did for a good 8 months. Later that year I was browsing some gaming site and found some Destiny concept art. I was hooked. So i started doing some shitty concept art attempts and tried getting into painting. And a few months after that I found a piece by Ruan Jia. Which inspired me to become an illustrator, which is still where I'm at, enjoying every second

>> No.2767396

Basically you're a flip flopper and you'll be doing something else in a couple of months. You can't stick to anything, and you probably won't revisit any of those past flings. I think a lot of people are like that, but it isn't amazing, because eventually you end up with nothing left to do as you get older. I'm not sure how old you are, but probably mid 20s if I had to guess. You have a lot of life left. Experimenting is natural, but eventually you're going to hit a brick wall when you've already taste tested everything.

>> No.2767410
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guess you could say that, but I doubt it. I just recently hit a brick wall of realizing I was severly colorblind, which for a short week made me want to switch back to concept work, but i've decided to stick with illustration since it's what I have the most fun doing. There's just something really appealing and fun about working on the same piece for a few weeks. We'll see in a few months or a year if you're wrong or right but in my honest opinion I think I've found what I want to spend the rest of my life doing, hope you do the same anon <3

>> No.2767417
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Thanks for sharing.

A piece of advice. Try to reflect upon the works of art you have enjoyed so far. Its only natural to have role models, but eventually you will have to find your own path. The reason you've enjoyed rio was probably because of the works of nathan fowkes, who is a master of color, composition and setting the mood. Kill la Kill's creators are great at character gesture and composition. Ruan Jia is a master of color, composition and design.

Try to think of art in those terms, instead of falling in love with particular artists (along with their faults) and it will be easier to find what you truly enjoy. And having discovered that, finding motivation will be easier as well.

>> No.2767425
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well said

>> No.2767716

I wish I was a NEET too.