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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 313 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_oh5uvfUz741qa9abso4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2765795 No.2765795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it what tumblr looks like?
From Loish's blog

>> No.2765796


is there an inverse correlation between skill and appearance when it comes to cartooning?

>> No.2765800
File: 851 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_obc0luGdfx1qa9abso1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I think Loish's characters resembles here a lot. (Nose form, length between eyes, lips, etc.)

>> No.2765803


>> No.2765804


>Loish's character resemble an IDEALIZED her

She's ugly IRL so she copes by drawing herself pretty, as well as drawing pretty girls. Try messaging a fat artist "why do you draw yourself skinny?" the rage is amazing.

>> No.2765807

sure she's not a 10/10, but she is obviously attractive and has lived the life of a pretty girl.

>> No.2765809


eye of the beholder, I guess

>> No.2765810

That's not how I see it, you fuckin faggot

>> No.2765811



>> No.2765812

by your logic, you either draw ugly stuff, or you draw pretty stuff because you're ugly.

>> No.2765813
File: 109 KB, 960x960, loish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 31 one, so she's obviously past here window of beauty, but I think she would have more than enough experience with being pretty and people worshiping her for her looks growing up.

Keep in mind that people have lower standards when judging a person IRL and not just a collection of photos online.

>> No.2765814

Say that to my face and not online
, see what happens

>> No.2765817

>that pic
>the weak should fear the strong

>> No.2765818

I'm a pretty girl in real life, so I better draw my online persona as a really ugly old hag or people will just assume I'm a fat ugly in denial.

>> No.2765819


I'm only applying this logic to chicks that draw tumblr-style art

>> No.2765825

>I'm a pretty girl in real life,
I often feel like pretty people obsess more with prettiness in their art, as that is what they've been rewarded for growing up.

Plus they have tons of experience seeing it in the mirror everyday

>> No.2765826

let's see what you basement dwellers all look like :^)

>> No.2765827

It's funny you say that, because it's the opposite for me. I know on a factual level that I'm pretty based on what people expect a pretty person to look like on a basic level, and I've been told it plenty, but I actually hate the way I look. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are like that. I am a complete perfectionist though especially when it comes to the faces, but I don't know how much influence my upbringing had on that.

>> No.2765828

Fuck you, burger, we don't even have basements.


>> No.2765829

But, do you draw pretty or ugly gals?

>> No.2765831

I'd say making characters pretty is always a goal whether it's male or female. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though. I usually like men a bit gruff and rough looking. Maybe pretty isn't the right word, but appealing? Depends on the subject, but I mostly draw my guys very handsome and most of my females tend to end up very normal looking. To be honest I don't really draw myself, and I don't have a reason to.

>> No.2765834

>I'd say making characters pretty is always a goal whether it's male or female.
So you do not go against my theory, you follow it exactly.

>> No.2765838

But by a large margin, isn't it normal that an artist would want to portray their characters in a way that makes them appealing or attractive? Unless you want to make a specific type of character that wouldn't fit such a thing.

>> No.2765839
File: 12 KB, 645x773, 1470471495259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty people obsess more with prettiness in their art

I haven't noticed it. There's a lot of homely artists who try to make their art aesthetic.

>I actually hate the way I look.

Ugly duckling here. I kinda hate being pretty, because that's what people talk about the most and my other traits get overlooked. I miss being an ugly duckling who nobody bothered so I just surfed through life. Now when people talk to me, I realize a lot of them are watching me intensely or hitting on me, and I am flattered but don't know how to respond to the extra attention. Then this makes me self conscious about my looks and when I am angry with my art, I used to go "at least I am good at other things, at least I am attractive". Then during very dark moments I have a nervous breakdown telling myself that I am neither good at art, not good at anything, nor that attractive after all.

I also often compare my appearance to other artists that I see as competition. "yeah he can draw but he's ugly as fuck and that ain't changing. I am way cuter, and I can always get better at art."

>> No.2765842

>But by a large margin
But you are certainly not doing "the opposite", as you claimed
>appealing or attractive
I wouldn't say so, a lot of concept art is far from pretty, some people like gore, fight sequences, landscapes, abstract art etc. And even in character designs such as Steven Universe, being attractive doesn't really seem to be the main part.

>> No.2765844

>Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though

As an artist you should know better than spouting this dumb normie feel good shit. The base line of what we find attractive and beautiful is instinctively ingrained into our DNA and very much measurable on an objective scale. Namely indicators of health, youth and symmetry. Personal, subjective taste and preferences only come into play on a small scale, it doesn't overwrite our basic instict.

>> No.2765845
File: 225 KB, 590x518, 1416954943125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those hair curves
>those scratchy lines
>that retarded concave animu face
i'm literally shaking right now.

>> No.2765848
File: 3.09 MB, 480x600, ezgif.com-3dc609e88d[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People think Loish is attractive

Seriously? For some reason her upper lip is too short, exposing her gums wayy to much, that's why she usually covers her mouth in pics.

Jaw Cooper tho, that is a real art waifu, and draws 100 times better than Loish.

>> No.2765850


second row is pretty good, first row is retarded

but she nailed the krenz

>> No.2765851

>ugly duckling
>nobody bothered

Hate to break it to you but if you were legit ugly people would've bothered.

Fuck, I hate people living life on easy mode whining about it.

>> No.2765853

Guess I am weird then.

What I mean is that for instance I like monster people and creepy shit like girls and guys with multiple arms, fins, other weird things that are most certainly not ingrained into our DNA. At least I hope not, because I don't think anyone in my family ever found freaks, fish, zombies, or weird mutants to be beautiful or attractive. Some people find loli and shota characters attractive, others do not. Some people like furry people. Others, hate the idea and think they are completely repulsive. There are millions of examples. Beauty and attraction isn't simply a matter of what you read in reader's digest or time magazine about symmetry and child bearing hips. There's an impossible equation that neither you nor I have the answer to.

>> No.2765855

>tfw you realize everyone here is a loish fan and they're raging with jealous emotions.

I'm not a loish fan I'm just about to go to work and I'm bored. what?

>> No.2765857

would marry/10

>> No.2765858

she honors her name

>> No.2765859


>> No.2765862
File: 348 KB, 1600x1196, deathwing4-full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2765864

I'm to intelligent to be a "fan" of anybody on this planet.

>> No.2765865

Intelligent people don't have to claim their own intelligence, oddly enough.

>> No.2765866

>Guess I am weird then.
Not really, you follow the common form quite well. I'm getting pretty strong readings on pretty girl and attention whore.

those are not uncommon though, especially not here.

>I like monster people and creepy shit like girls and guys with multiple arms, fins, other weird things

I'm still pretty sure that these exhibit symmetry and health withing their own parameter, or you wish for release from the curse which is a pretty exterior which causes people to ignore whats on the inside.

>> No.2765870

It's 6 am and I'm browsing a Ugandan cow welding forum, reading the comments of autistic, basement dwelling retards argue over whether some random animu artist is hot or not. Please kill me.

>> No.2765871

>animu artist

>> No.2765872

don't be so harsh on yourself.

>> No.2765874

>don't have to

I agree it isn't necessary, but I still can if I want to.

>> No.2765875

>Jaw Cooper

Yeah she's pretty cute, even cuter in person and down to earth too. I used to talk to her a lot whenever she came in to get her stuff framed and cut before exhibitions. I gave her discounts so she'd visit more often rather than take her business elsewhere.

>living life on easy mode whining about it.

My life wasn't easy. I was on my own. Nobody helps, and when they do help, it's because they want something. Usually sex or something, and I am not talking about from women. Nothing is free.

I used to be a stripper before I left my old life and started all over. Left all my art friends and acquientences behind including Cooper. A couple of my old art friends found me online because they recognized sketches, sculptures, and paintings of me (I work as a figure drawing model). I still have very NSFW videos and pictures of me floating around the internet. This is why I don't have facebook and I stay indoor most of the time just drawing. I don't talk to people much anymore. I still go to the gym and invite people into my house to draw me (they pay me), but I am a NEET otherwise. Life ain't easy.

>> No.2765876

>I'm getting pretty strong readings on pretty girl and attention whore.

Feels like something personal is coming out.

>curse which is a pretty exterior which causes people to ignore whats on the inside.

The only individuals I really see are my dogs and my cat, and I don't think they give a shit as long as I feed and pamper them. I've always avoided people since I'm uncomfortable around them.

I feel like this is getting away from the art topic somehow.

>> No.2765881

>I've always avoided people since I'm uncomfortable around them.
Cause they get obsessed with you and don't see you for who you are.

>I feel like this is getting away from the art topic somehow.
I mean, you are not wrong, but you were wrong to shit on my theory when you didn't have any strong arguments to disprove it.

>> No.2765885

>but you were wrong to shit on my theory when you didn't have any strong arguments to disprove it.

I feel like you get into a lot of internet arguments. Sorry, I don't. This is just a simple discussion for me, it's odd that you see it in such a combative light. I'm happy to just say you're the winner and stop the discussion though, it's not a big deal to me really.

>> No.2765886

>I feel like you get into a lot of internet arguments.
I sure do, just as I feel like you sperg out to get attention without really working for it.

I mean, you said you do the opposite of drawing pretty and being pretty, then when describing what you do, that is exactly it, why would you say that, you can't be so dumb that you don't see that that first remark was odd and out of place?

>> No.2765887

So the worst things that has happened in your life is that people won't give you shit for free and you have to eat up whoring yourself on the internet.

Life sure can be cruel.

>> No.2765888

Someone is really trying to rustle some jimmies. Is this place usually so trollish?

>> No.2765889

You are not linking to the trolls though, mr. safe space.

>> No.2765894

>I often feel like pretty people obsess more with prettiness in their art, as that is what they've been rewarded for growing up.
I'm gonna share a story related to this.

When I was a kid, people around were telling that I was beautiful, and I thought they were right. And I drew only beautiful characters.

Now that I grew up, I realised that I'm actually ugly but I still draw beautiful characters.

>> No.2765895

Can the special snowflake bright unnatural hair dye fad please stop now.

>> No.2765896


*around me

*telling me

>> No.2765901


>I used to talk to her a lot whenever she came in to get her stuff framed and cut before exhibitions


>> No.2765908

What a shit thread

'Would tell me that' is better

*I've grown up
*I realise

Sorry that I corrected you without invitation but since you corrected yourself first I figure there's a chance that English isn't your first language and/or you want to improve it. If not, ignore me.

>> No.2765909

Someone needs to redline that thing on the right.

>> No.2765910

It's a stylistic choice faggot.

>> No.2765911


it's not the worst thing. it's that beauty is virtually useless when it comes to the important things, like getting better at art. at least for guys.


Not anymore, it was a long time ago. I didn't know she got so popular so it's a pleasant surprise to see her name. Her work is a lot better in person, photos online don't do them much justice.

She's the one who got me to fall in love with gouache.

>> No.2765912

>I also often compare my appearance to other artists that I see as competition. "yeah he can draw but he's ugly as fuck and that ain't changing. I am way cuter, and I can always get better at art."

Does Wes Burt make you want to kill yourself then?

>> No.2765913

thank you for me helping me. and I'm french.

>> No.2765917
File: 366 KB, 661x918, self_portrait_day_2014_by_miles_johnston-d854l1o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions artist but doesnt post pic

idk who that is but miles johnston tho?

>> No.2765920

>like getting better at art. at least for guys.
Wait, I can use my looks to get better at art? Why didn't someone tell me.

>> No.2765921

I dunno. I don't understand the obsession with big asses that has become so popular. It's like wanting to fuck a horse or something. Buncha weirdos.

I don't like big tits either though. Or makeup. Or prissy done-up hair. Or dresses or heels. Or tattoos. People do so much dumb shit that ruins their looks.

plane-jane kinda tomboyish chicks are the best. For dudes... uh pretty boys are pretty disgusting. Girls tend to like to draw pretty boys with fairly muscular "otter bods". They make guys really effeminate. really gay. It's weird.

>> No.2765922
File: 20 KB, 500x300, 14671086_1149944088429722_2397396825732444095_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Miles Johnston

That guy is a massive kuck, don't even mention him.

>pro immigration
>pro muslims
>atheist and makes fun of christians


>> No.2765923

>it's not the worst thing. it's that beauty is virtually useless when it comes to the important things, like getting better at art. at least for guys.
And ugliness is better how?
Artwise you're in the same boat as the rest of us faggot.

What separates you from the average uggo is that people will treat you better throughout your life in every regard, all the time. The fact that you don't consider this part important just shows how pampered you are.

>> No.2765928

How exactly am I treated better? Go ahead and tell me since you obviously know me better than myself. You clearly have an image in your head of the kind of life every attractive person lives, and it's a pretty grand one from the sound of it. Go on, tell me how amazing I am and how much support I've had through my entire life because of nothing other than my looks.

>> No.2765930

I don't know, anon, I'm a fat ugly neet and I've never been treated with anything but respect and praise.

>> No.2765931
File: 20 KB, 480x360, MrLusciousMane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know Wes Burt but knows Miles Johnston
Da fuq?

>> No.2765933


>> No.2765937

Yeah to be honest if a pretty girl tells me she draws I will assume she is absolute shit. And she probably is. Girls are pretty useless unless they are ugly, then they become like men and learn how to actually do stuff.

>> No.2765939

Which one is a Loish?

>> No.2765942

Let's say someone treats me better in line at a convenience store or when I'm buying clothes. Maybe a guy winks at me or makes some kind of stupid sound when I walk by. That's amazing. Those things are completely positive and have greatly helped me become the person that I am. Except not, because even though I'm attractive I'm also socially retarded and people around me are nervous because they can tell I'm nervous. If all it has done for me is get me attention that I don't even want, then how exactly is that helping me? Is it supposed to motivate me to know that more guys want to stick their dicks in me than the average person? Because that's not how it works. It never helped me get a job or write a resume, it never helped me with anything that a good persuasive talker whether attractive or not could attain much easier.

>> No.2765944


>> No.2765945


i was talking about in general not just art. being good looking won't mean you don't have to work as hard to improve your skills, for example. being good looking doesn't help you become stronger and smarter. your looks won't help you for shit in the post apocalypse.

however looks can open gates by changing how others perceive you. it can even close gates if you're ugly, unfortunately. i've been on both ends. i've grown into my looks during my late teen years. the benefit of ugliness is that you can take people at face value. If it makes a difference, I was never fat. I was just weird looking as a youngster.

>That guy is a massive kuck, don't even mention him.

idk his political views and he probably can't lift more than me, but he's both attractive and relatively good at drawing.

>> No.2765947

>Girls are pretty useless unless they are ugly
That's one of the most 4chan things I've ever read.

>> No.2765949


>> No.2765950
File: 103 KB, 647x782, ugly-vs-hot-guy-double-standards-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this oblivious
I suggest you watch the Youtube link I posted in its entirety.

>> No.2765951
File: 5 KB, 184x184, heyoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could deliver.

>> No.2765953

>being good looking won't mean you don't have to work as hard to improve your skill
Maybe not, but it will make you more likely to succeed commercially.
>your looks won't help you for shit in the post apocalypse.
People will be more inclined to help you.
> i've been on both ends.
If people didn't actively go out of their way to shit on you you weren't ugly at all.

>> No.2765956

This seems to be about getting laid. Look at this objectively. Would you want to fuck the fat greasy guy who clearly has a terrible diet and probably no self control who is wearing a t-shirt in a very unprofessional photo, or the handsome and clean hunk wearing a nice sweater with his hair done nicely, who is obviously caring of his body and looks and bothered to post a very professional looking photo? What do you want from me? Also the text is probably a little accurate even though it's also completely tactless, a bit biased, sexist and silly in typical 4chan style.

Now, if it isn't about getting laid, and you take it into a professional environment like a job interview, it's the same thing. He looks like a slob with no self control who doesn't take care of himself. If they have the same credentials, or even similar, you're going to hire the good looking guy clearly. His presentation is just much better in general. So what are you trying to say? It's unfair that slobs get treated like slobs?

>> No.2765957

Ahh, thanks. I have no idea who she is.

>> No.2765958
File: 1.32 MB, 300x191, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard of wes, but never saw a pic of him. In that pic he looks average, not particularly attractive. Miles on the other hand, I've seen him around since he started his first sketchbook on conceptart.org. I remember when he was hilariously bad and I started drawing around the same time. He drew every day and became pro, I drew everyday until I became homeless and then became a stripper. I would look his art up sometimes and see cringy selfies of him on facebook before my fb blew up with my porn pics and I gave up on social media altogether. He sure loved to take a lot of selfies and draw a lot of self portraits, that guy.

yeah pretty much. if you're an ugly guy, everything you do is considered creepy and suspicious. If you're a handsome guy, you're considered mysterious and cute.

>> No.2765960


>> No.2765961

This entire thread is like a huge case of victim complex.

I wore my sonic shirt to an interview, and I am only 100 lbs overweight. My hair is tied into a ponytail with a rubberband. God, why do they think I'm creepy? Why did I not get the job? Just because that other guy was so good looking. And that female was so hot! She got the job for sure. I bet she actually took time to prepare for the interview too, she even had nice looking clothes! Why am I so unfortunate?

Damn, I think I'll go troll random people on 4chan to blow off some steam.

>> No.2765962

You are probably a decent person then. The deal is that people don't really care about whats on the inside with pretty people, and it's not necessarily a blessing.

>> No.2765964
File: 168 KB, 600x400, 1478606875854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at local comic con yesterday
>selling prints
>whenever a cute girl passed by I made a drawing for her

Those who say attractiveness doesn't matter are lying to themselves, I did this subconsciously, because it felt good having cute girls pose for me

fuck off canadians

>> No.2765965

Attractive people are also much more likely to be the object of extreme jealousy and acquire tons of hate and people who despise them for it or want to see them fail. You have to factor that into it as well.

>> No.2765968

but it literally didn't help them in any way. I didn't even want the fucking picture you creepy bastard. Why do all these creepers keep drawing me? Why can't they just fuck off?

>> No.2765969

>become like men and learn how to actually do stuff.
Most men are failures too though, just look around you, it's not gender specific:^)

There are several "pretty girls" who have definitely made an effort to actually do stuff, take Clinton as an example.

>> No.2765970

/r/ successful fat ugly artists

>> No.2765972


James Zapata is as ugly as you can get

>> No.2765973

Doxy, prolly

>> No.2765976

Its just the usual anime Kitsch. It could resemble anyone

>> No.2765978

Actually looks really good with a haircut and he has a nice bod.

>> No.2765982
File: 244 KB, 650x650, Photo_605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you talking about? he's fine. he can actually be good looking if he worked out and cut.

it's people like adam hughes and jjfrenchie who are hopeless

>> No.2765983

post his photo?

>> No.2765984

That guy isn't even bad. He looks a little bear mode, some people are into that. Have you people never seen ugly people before?

>> No.2765985

None even going back to the old masters 90% of them were attractive.
Ugly fucks BTFO

>> No.2765986
File: 77 KB, 700x781, Keith Thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatya all think about this guy?

>> No.2765988
File: 200 KB, 600x600, DSC_9518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this well-groomed fellow then? Do you think employers will think of him as charismatic and driven? Do you think girls will give him their time of their day?
>What do you want from me?
I want you to stop whining about your minute peeves coming from having one of the biggest social advantages a person possibly can have and realize you've been handed a golden fucking hand at life.

>> No.2765990

>hey jjfrenchie isnt so bad he's just a bear ^_^
>omg look at loish what an ugly bitch!!

/ic/ logic

>> No.2765991

very beta though

>> No.2765992

I mean they both look fine to me, what is this high school?

Each employer is vastly different. So it depends which employer it is, who is doing the interview, what kind of person, credentials and demographic they're looking for, etc. It isn't black and white like you seem to think it is. He looks smart to me, and I wouldn't judge him without talking to him first or knowing something about who he is and what he is after.

Also I wouldn't try to take stabs at my life, you literally know nothing about me or how I live.

>> No.2765994


>> No.2765995
File: 340 KB, 363x600, U76WBy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta disagree with you right there. this chick here is only 23 and look at her work: http://mariamenshikova.com/

>> No.2765998

I dunno what the fuck you're on about but that fella's pretty cute.

>> No.2766001

Would you date him?
>you literally know nothing about me or how I live.
You've literally whined about people being attracted to you. If you're in a position to consider this a problem you are for a fact spoiled as fuck.

>> No.2766002

This looks like typical MUH STYLE most girls do nothing impressive , women aren't capable of artistic achievement , name atleast 5 women artists that did their own thing and reached some sort of amazing level without looking like other male artist's

>> No.2766005

>did their own thing and reached some sort of amazing level without looking like other male artist's

inb4 sakimichan

>> No.2766006

just a random anon passing by, want to mention I look somehow like that guy and that's what I am being told by others too, that I am cute

makes it easy to fall under the radar, so it's useful in certain situation, but also hard to be taken serious if you want, people will hardly want to hear your opinion

>inb4 fuck off, you don't bring anything to the discussion

>> No.2766007

Well, sakimichan is still making 60,000 USD per month, and she has been for years now. I'd call that achievement. You probably don't count music or acting as an art based on your apparent bias, so I'll just inform you that there are tons of successful female artists in nearly any field. A quick google search will tell you that much.

Personally I'm into bigger guys, but he isn't ugly by any means. Also yeah, I whine about people being attracted to me. Being a magnet is not always a good thing. In fact, if you're not into the attention it's actually a curse.

>> No.2766008

>without looking like other male artist's
This really is a little unfair considering that the woman has been kept by force behind the stove for 99% of human existence.

>> No.2766009

It's more than a little unfair. It's like they were raised by and taught sexist doctrines since they were children, or their mothers were terrible people or something really bad. I'm not sure why they feel that way, but it's more than a little unfair. It's a completely warped view of reality based on an obvious bias.

>> No.2766010

There was a whole thread about woman artists a year or so ago

>> No.2766011

>Personally I'm into bigger guys
Of course.
>Also yeah, I whine about people being attracted to me. Being a magnet is not always a good thing. In fact, if you're not into the attention it's actually a curse.
That is easy as fuck to prevent. There are hundreds of ways to become less attractive if you wanted to.
Yet you won't do it. Why is that?
Could it be that subconsciously you're aware that you'd get treated the same way as all those uggos you deem inferior?
Which is to say: Badly.

>> No.2766012

It's ok I guess. Not my cup of tea. Too graphic design/editorial illustration kinda stuff. Too hip for me. I'd be more surprised by some of it is "darker" than I would expect from a girl as girly looking as that.

Also, she is Russian Master Race.

>> No.2766014
File: 79 KB, 716x768, BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making lots of money
Im talking purely from the point of view of technique, not financial. And Sakimi is competent at best. Im talking strictly painting no other art forms.

> I'm into bigger guys
You like big guys
Tumblr is that way >>>>>

And i bet they weren't that impressive

>> No.2766016

>the woman has been kept by force behind the stove for 99% of human existence.
that was their decision. Because women are less expandable it's in their subconscious to look out for comfort to raise their pups into. Which is not to be looked down upon. It was the role of the men to seek out danger and expand the safe zone for cups, and as a casualty women too because they spend the time with raising them

Now women are looking for a part of the men' job because with industrialization jobs are becoming safer and safer, and having your own income adds another layer of comfort..

The role of the woman and man in society becoming less and less set apart is the future, and personally, I embrace the future.

>> No.2766017

There were a bunch of awesome artists I've never heard about before and it reached bumplimit. Mods deleted troll posts and the whole thread was useful overall.

>> No.2766020

>That is easy as fuck to prevent. There are hundreds of ways to become less attractive if you wanted to.
>Yet you won't do it. Why is that?

I literally don't need to make myself ugly because I don't interact with people, like I already said. I guess the ghosts around here are treating me better because they think I'm cute, or maybe my animals are giving me more attention because I'm attractive. Maybe the cashier at the store that I shop at once a month after midnight thinks I'm attractive so he'll try and start up a conversation with me, except I'm probably too busy internally calming myself down to notice what he's saying and just awkwardly say a couple of short words to end it quickly.

Also when did I say ugly people were inferior? I never said anyone was ugly. Also probably last post because I have to get my beauty sleep, please don't hate me for saying beauty.

>> No.2766026

Interesting. I didn't mean it in a demeaning way, I said cute because he's not classically 'hot' or anything, but he has a nice face and based on appearance alone (not that it means anything) he resembles a STEM major, so I'd probably assume he was reasonably intelligent and his opinion was worth listening to. Mind you, it's contextual and I guess how you're treated by others has a lot to do with your own demeanor along with appearance.

He could probably look more conventionally attractive with a better haircut/clothing style.

>> No.2766029

>I literally don't need to make myself ugly because I don't interact with people, like I already said. I guess the ghosts around here are treating me better because they think I'm cute, or maybe my animals are giving me more attention because I'm attractive. Maybe the cashier at the store that I shop at once a month after midnight thinks I'm attractive so he'll try and start up a conversation with me, except I'm probably too busy internally calming myself down to notice what he's saying and just awkwardly say a couple of short words to end it quickly.
A few posts ago this was a problem. And now somehow it isn't. You're being extremely inconsistent.

>Also when did I say ugly people were inferior?
>I also often compare my appearance to other artists that I see as competition. "yeah he can draw but he's ugly as fuck and that ain't changing. I am way cuter, and I can always get better at art."

Fucking stop pushing your dumb narrative of being dealt an awful life.
If you are good looking and not living in a third world country the only way your life could suck is through extremely shitty life choices and even then recovering would be easy as shit as nearly every person you meet would be more or less willing to support you.

>> No.2766034

you sound like me. I dunno how many times I've been too socially retarded to pick up on a girl flirting with me. Used to have a lady friend to help me decipher that shit. Or have had friends ask me why I am always single. "It doesn't make sense!" Feel too weird around people to pick up on some things I think. Become borderline autistic or some shit. Live alone with my cats. But it suits me just fine! Until I have to deal with family always trying to fix me or whatever. Ugh. Fuckin' normos.

>> No.2766035

I hate to inform you, but even attractive people can have shitty lives.

Also that poster wasn't me. There has been at least 3 different people in a similar situation replying to this nonsense. Also I promise you my life is shittier than yours in at least 5 different ways.

>> No.2766037

Whew, not them but do you really think that's the only way someone's life could suck? I guess nobody suffers from mental illness, tragedy, poverty, disability or any sort of medical condition where you live? I'm not sure why you're so bitter about one person sharing their personal experience. They never even said anything about their life being awful.

>> No.2766039

Are you 15? I'm going to need examples of how badly uggos are treated.

>> No.2766041

>he'll try and start up a conversation with me, except I'm probably too busy internally calming myself down to notice what he's saying and just awkwardly say a couple of short words to end it quickly.

I remember a girl hit on me in a bus once, but I realize it after I got home. Just now, with you saying that, I realize why I always was so bad with talking with others. I do not pay attention to what others say because I am too busy thinking about embarrassing myself. That also explains why I become better at talking with and understanding others once I decided I don't care what the other think about me. So if there is something to take out of that, that is.

don't worry, no offense taken. it's strange the fact that by looking a lot like him, you described so well how others see me. I don't consider myself smart or anything, I am the most average I can think of, but others treat me a lot like I am some kind of bookworm when I am not, the fact that I am over analytical of things does help tho sell that idea

>He could probably look more conventionally attractive with a better haircut/clothing style.
strangely enough, now that I have a job and started to pay attention to my cloths, I do feel I get different looks on the street. I still don't know what do to about my hair. It's curly enough to destroy any kind of normal haircut, but not curly enough like that guy. It's look all the time like I just woke up

>> No.2766042

>the halo effect is nonsense
Yeah you know, it's only fact proven in hundreds of scientific studies. But what is science compared to a delicious woe-is-me narrative am I right?

>> No.2766044

Ask /r9k/.

>> No.2766056

I posted heavily on /r9k/ for like half a year, think most of their (our? still working on it) problems are in the self confidence and social skills department- people can smell that shit. I've seen some ugly mfs with jobs, spouses/families and pretty normal lives in general. Looks help you out but if you're not super model tier you got to work to get somewhere.

>> No.2766078

True, but if in 99% of the art history only men were allowed to express themselves, if aspiring artists find inspirations some where it's most likely a male artist.

It's very true that many girls play the dumb card and never make an effort, just as neckbeards believe that just because they were born slightly intelligent, that's an achievement. It all comes to naught if effort isn't applied, and applying effort is something the human, or any animal really, intrinsically seem to avoid doing.

To sum it up, I'm not saying that most girls can't draw, I'm just saying that neither can most guys, and females lack role models in their gender to aspire towards.

Besides, don't most ugly girls just become sjw these days, not really seeing much effort or rationality put into play there either.

>> No.2766093

Let me answer that question with another question. Is Andrew Dobson a 10/10?

>> No.2766100

I hate it so much when they draw that little dip under the jaw. In 0.3 seconds it tells you that this person started off with anime, doesn't know what the human head looks like tilted up nor did they ever study human anatomy.

>> No.2766109

Man, being ugly totally fucked up my younger years. I always had an inferiority complex for everyone, I felt like nobody could ever take me seriously, whatever I did I'd always be inferior to them. So I started "whoring" myself as a clown, making everything laugh at me, it was the only way I would get some attention, but things got worse, at the end of the high school I lost any semblance of seriousness, I become a joke for everyone and I still hadn't friends nor people appreciating me, I was fake and still unliked.
But now things changed, now I'm HEPHAESTUS, the ugly god of the forge, my works are more shining and durable than any good looking person out there, I'm nothing more than an empty vessel, my look doesn't matter, I LIVE THROUGH MY ART

>> No.2766163

>I want you to stop whining about your minute peeves coming from having one of the biggest social advantages a person possibly can have and realize you've been handed a golden fucking hand at life.
Seconding this. Stop blaming the gifts you've been given for your problems. Being beautiful obviously doesn't guarantee you'll be happy, but almost everyone will treat you better for it and the positives far outweigh the negatives. Consider that maybe your mindset is the problem, and not all the things you're talking about that are out of your control.

>> No.2766183

its shit senpai
not even normie-tier aesthetic

>> No.2766194 [DELETED] 
File: 353 KB, 1269x1600, Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? That "little dip" under the jaw is the simplified representation of the shape created by the tooth cylinder you dumbfuck. Has nothing whatsoever to do with anime. Maybe you should take your own advice and study some anatomy of the human head before trying to act like a smartass.

>> No.2766195

>someone actually gives a rational explanation to the retard
>he just posts a meme and responds with another meme
is this the power of /pol/tards?

>> No.2766209

HAHAHAAHAHHAHA, I believe I started that, saying that female artists were never great, and that the elite was purely male...

>> No.2766225

Dip under the jaw? What are you referring to?

>> No.2766228

what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.2766270

You mean the slight concave that represents the cheek fat? It happens irl, not everyone has man jaws

>> No.2766440

Drawing fat guys is fun though. I would be more likely to draw myself as close to how I look than some skinny bean pole fuck. I would probably draw myself fatter than I actually am.

>> No.2766450

You have to realize you're an outlier. In general attractive people will be treated better than unattractive people in pretty much every regard. You will be treated better as a customer, you will be treated better in non romantic personal interactions, you will be treated better by an employer.

In general.

You specifically may be an outlier.

>> No.2766451

>your looks won't help you for shit in the post apocalypse.

I don't mean to pile on, but this is wrong.

You looking attractive can mean the difference between someone assuming you have nefarious intentions and shooting you and assuming you may not have nefarious intentions and not shooting you on sight.

There is a reason "the Face" is the name for the archetype of diplomatic character in pretty much every fictional medium.

>> No.2766452

well I think Loish is the cutest thing alive so I don't care if she draws EVERYTHING to look like her...

>> No.2766453

>Hey let me misrepresent reality!

Attractiveness is also a factor in work relationships and career advancement after two hypothetical people (one "ugly", one "attractive") are already working.

Not being conventionally attractive isn't a hard ceiling, but it is a barrier to many things in life which involve social interaction. This includes interactions in the work place.

It's the same with having a non WASP name. You won't be barred for life from employment, but it will be a barrier to getting hired.

>> No.2766454

Honestly with a little grooming this dude would look better than average.

>> No.2766456


she is not ugly by any stretch of the term

>> No.2766457


He's one of the most alpha dudes I've met, he is ridiculously confident. Girls pretty much eat out of his palm.

>> No.2766460

Not that anon but jumping in here:

The difference in risk for men and women is significant.

Most women historically could find some type of support that was not dependent on their own ability to produce value because the ability to reproduce has an inherent value. Most men couldn't do so because men don't necessarily have an inherent value to society at large.

>> No.2766502

not enough asian chubsters desu

>> No.2766508

who is loish?

is that her in the middle?

I would totally fuck the guts outta her. How can you say that she's ugly?

>this is now a fucking jealous fat girl thread

>> No.2766557

That's why men are called the disposable sex.

>> No.2766661

>white, anglo-saxon, protestant

>bees kill wasps by burying them under a mass of bees until they die
>/pol/ was right

>> No.2766670

I never realized there were so many women on

This actually explains a lot.

>> No.2766673

>thinking a /pol/ bait thread is filled with women

>> No.2766699

>tumblr gossip
>/pol/ bait
You must be new here.

>> No.2766715

>the OP is mocking tumblr, asking if tumblr looks like a group of people with colored hair and generally newer fashion styles - things that /pol/ hates
>thread devolves into "bu-but males r better becuz (insert /pol/ talking point), and judging female artists based on looks

>tumblr gossip
Ya ok bud, you keep telling yourself that

>> No.2766719

>popular artist bashing thread thinly veiled as tumblr shitposting
>literally immediately turns into people attacking the looks of a popular female artist
>soon turns into attentionwhoring "being pretty is a curse" drivel
>le /pol/ boogeyman
It's women.

>> No.2766722

>the OP is mocking tumblr, asking if tumblr looks like a group of people with colored hair and generally newer fashion styles - things that /pol/ hates
Anon, you're projecting at maximum intensity.

Seriously, this shit is so bad here, they just the other month made a rule against it.
It's Jealousy: the thread.

>> No.2766777

The line below the lower lip?

>> No.2766791

Crimson Chin mofo on the right

>> No.2766826
File: 68 KB, 500x533, 234234324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoken like a person who truly doesn't know what the human head looks and has never studied anatomy

>> No.2766829
File: 295 KB, 1002x566, sub_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about KJG he's pretty buff in person

>> No.2766837

>Loish stakjer still creating threads about her

>> No.2766838

Are asian men even attractive to anyone not asian?
Even the asian people I respect I can't imagine anyone finding sexually attractive.

>> No.2766841
File: 186 KB, 487x683, Cyuich1UkAAzK0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about the asian grills then

her twitter: https://twitter.com/TB_sojinchoi/

>> No.2766846

They mostly look very similar. I know people say it's the same for every race looking at other races, but Asians literally all look very similar. They have similar facial features which are very smooth and flat. They have very similar eyes and 9.8 times out of 10 the exact same hair and eye color. Most of them have the same hair type and texture, and the majority have very very similar skin tone with no variation. Asians are the most generic and similar looking race out of every race on the planet.

>> No.2766848

Jap grills are creepy irl 2bh

They honestly look like automatons up close
Their eyes are a window into nothingness

>> No.2766849
File: 141 KB, 1200x802, 14808583011030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 54 yo asian man for u bitch boy

>> No.2766853

How can you have wrinkles and look aged when your face is literally a flat plane stretched across some very small facial structures? No wonder they look young for so long. It actually makes sense. I don't think that's a good thing though, inside they're still old and they still have the same issues as old people.

>> No.2766854

>I know people say it's the same for every race looking at other races
Yeah, I live in a country with a black population of maybe 100, and I never thought they all look the same.
Meanwhile, sometimes I literally lose track of who is who in asian movies if they switch clothes or wear hats unless the actors are iconic, like Bruce Lee, Takeshi Kitano, Jet Li or Donnie Yen.

>> No.2766855
File: 23 KB, 387x450, 2r2bqcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother Sharp for u

>> No.2766860

>asians think this is attractive
>literally looks like a greasy hobo

>> No.2766862
File: 50 KB, 487x648, brother-sharp-photoshop-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he's actually hobo lmao

>> No.2766864

Ok, I'll admit it, they seem strong in the hobo category then.

Rich Men: White > Black > Asian
Poor Men: Black > White > Asian
Homeless Men: Asian >> Black/White


>> No.2766869

I don't give a fuck actualy, /pol/tard. Call them subhumans or whatever

>> No.2766879
File: 136 KB, 1500x1000, soeymilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2766886

The secret about asian women is they're ugly as fuck without makeup and massive amounts of eyeliner and shit. Trust me on this one. it's why all asian men are into little girls.

>> No.2766889

>he doesn't think asians are attractive
>must be /pol/
Protip: Asians are the least desirable males on the planet if we ignore aboriginals.

>> No.2766899

How can you be this lacking in self awareness?

>> No.2766902

Troll had an unsuccessful thread so they are coming here to do their handiwork. Get a fucking life already.

>> No.2766908
File: 1.81 MB, 2159x2879, 1420351307420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are a lot of male artists /fit/?

I'm not complaining, but still.

>> No.2766915
File: 25 KB, 274x280, 1454904049912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halfus can be pretty qt. But other than than, not really.


>> No.2766916

because you sitting 24/7
I lost muscle tone ones. Can't even walk 200 meters. Lower legs start hurts and turns into stones. Never again

>> No.2766921

>I lost muscle tone
>muscle tone
You're not /fit/.

>> No.2766928


So you made some stupid decisions and suddenly your life is hard because you're pretty? Imagine how much harder it would have been to be as dumb as you and ugly.

>> No.2766936
File: 751 KB, 1500x1000, 1a60e9320da3fe39aec038a198f37a1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean kpop boys have legions of thirsty fans all over the planet.

>> No.2766938

Traps, shemales and fuccbois don't count.

>> No.2767097

She's pretty tumblr herself. She made a big ass rant about body shaming all cause she saw her art used on a fitness instagram.

>> No.2767098

[citation needed]

>> No.2767130
File: 553 KB, 980x648, spoonfeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2767133


>> No.2767135

fat body but skinny head?

>> No.2767161

Seriously. I thought /ic/ was a bunch of sissy faggots with all its whiny posts about self doubt and whatnot. But it turns out /ic/ just has no dick at all.

>> No.2767162

>But it turns out /ic/ just has no dick at all.

You forgot to post your fedora neckbeard reaction image.

>> No.2767167


>> No.2767169
File: 42 KB, 479x286, dicklessictan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2767174

Deja was a qt and I think he aged badly because he was sick not because he was inherently bad looking. Bill Justice was a hunk, Chuck Jones too.

>> No.2767176

Yes tumblr is jealous ugly fatty central, why do you think they hate beauty and heterosexuality so much?

>> No.2767181

>#Microtransaction me all your money, nerd.

>> No.2767186

"beauty" is not "in the eye of the beholder". But it's not a static pyramid to the absolute top either. Aesthetics are a spectrum, ugly people are ugly no matter how you put it. The obese, maimed, diseased, deform and damaged are not beautiful no matter how much fetishists and ugly people themselves may disagree. But just because that well groomed shaniqua at the apex of youth and health doesn't appeal to you personally because you like chinese children, doesn't mean she's ugly either.

Every race and mix has a set of genetic traits that will distinguish them as the best, so long as they stay healthy those people will always be the most beautiful. Then the healthy but ordinary, then the unhealthy but extraordinary, then the unhealthy and ordinary, then the severely unhealthy.

>> No.2767190

>it's not the worst thing. it's that beauty is virtually useless when it comes to the important things, like getting better at art. at least for guys.
I literally get free shit because I'm handsome.
If you don't get an easier threatment than others, you're not beautiful, or you're such a terrible person that your beauty becomes a detriment.

>> No.2767194

>Each employer is vastly different. So it depends which employer it is, who is doing the interview, what kind of person, credentials and demographic they're looking for, etc.
Various universities have performed experiments on this and when curriculums are similar, the handsomer/taller man will get hired 100% of the time.

>> No.2767195

What if a man is more handsome yet shorter than a taller man who is also handsome, but not as handsome?

>Also I think you're being stupid but I'll talk to you because you're probably lonely irl.

>> No.2767197

Women were only "opressed" during the Victorian and early Edwardian eras. Before and after they've always been allowed to have hobbies and jobs, it's just that some jobs like actor, miner and sailor implied being surrounded by men in concealed spaces for months on end and of course they wouldn't be allowed to do that for their own safety.

Women are useless because whining about being victims has always been productive for them. While men have to man up and do shit themselves or be ostracized.

>> No.2767204

Literally projecting.
She feels fat so she tries to make fat girls look pretty.

>> No.2767206

Height is a man's most attractive quality unless he's literally deformed. A shorter man can't be more handsome.

>> No.2767208

Good because I am 6'4
Guys taller than me look like freaks to be honest, and guys shorter are not worth being around for most girls since they can have me.

>> No.2767209

If a man is tall and handsome, a shorter man will not be more handsome because he's fucking shorter.

>hurr durr what if a girl with crooked teeth is prettier than a girl who is also pretty but has straight teeth

>> No.2767211

When will these manlets learn?

>> No.2767214

My neighbor's 7'2" and the sharpest man in a suit I've ever seen. No homo (but yes, actually).
I'm 6'6" myself.and feel perfectly normal around here. Lots of macedonians and scots, only short people around are non-whites.

>> No.2767215

Anything under 6'4 is a manlet, anything over 6'4 is a literal freak who will die earlier because their cardiovascular system has to work harder and will break down sooner. It's just science bro. Women prefer men of a reasonable height.

>> No.2767218

As a short girl, anything over 6'2 or so is absolutely not acceptable to me.

>> No.2767222

>6'4 is the manlet cutoff
>if you're taller than me, you're a freak
kek how convenient

>manlet gymnastics

>> No.2767224

>As a short girl, anything over 6'2 or so is absolutely not attainable to me.
Keep your inferior mablet genes away from my posterity.

>> No.2767225

Hey if you want an amazon bitch that's your thing.

>> No.2767226

Oh, and I hear trannies are generally tall enough for people like you so that widens your options even more.

>> No.2767227

>observe the femlet in its natural habitat
>it copes with its inferiority and undesirable mating status by adding the word "bitch" when describing preferable traits in order to mask its pain

>> No.2767228

I wasn't being serious, but since I feel like you are here's a question.

Ever kissed anyone other than your mommy?

>> No.2767231

Tall women are shit, theyr acceptable margin is even worse than men. 5'5" or under they'll give your kids obesity, 5'7" or taller they'll give them osteoporosis.

5'6" women and 6'2" men is patrician tier.

>> No.2767233

I tend to agree that super tall guys are not attractive at all. They look like walking polls or treemen to me. I'm not sure where these 4channers get that super tall guys are super attractive are they just insecure or something, it's really weird and only seems to happen here from what I can tell. Are neckbeards just generally taller? Does that mean tall people are more likely to be degenerates?

>> No.2767234

>thrown into an impotent rage by the male's dismissive attitude towards its mating potential, the femlet panically questions the male's sexuality, hoping with all its being it can trick him into giving it his seed and saving it from being a complete failure by giving it healthy, tall offspring

>a timid manlet joins the fray, hoping against all hope his desperate "being a manlet is actually good" gambit will pay off and result in the femlet redirecting its attention from the superior specimen

>> No.2767235

if you tip your fedora any harder your head is going to fall off.

>> No.2767238

I like tiny women. They are the best for spooning with. Can get into fetal position. Can get a nice wrap around goin on. And if they give you any lip, you can just scoop em up and punt em across the yard.

>> No.2767242

I like that I can sit on their face and make them rim me, and their tiny limbs are not able to deal any damage when they start flailing them around.

>> No.2767243

My boyfriend does this with me. When we cuddle at night it's absolutely terrible, because his body gets super hot and it's a million degrees under the covers. It feels good at first but after a couple of minutes it feels like I'm in some kind of hellish prison. Then he treats me like I'm some kind of pillow and won't let me leave. Please have respect for little people.

>> No.2767251

The weak should fear the strong.
Nature created you to be a living fleshlight, embrace it.

Or find a manlet bf so you can beat him into submission idk

>> No.2767253

It's funny that you say that, because honestly I like to imagine him just holding me against himself forcefully, pulling down my pants and having his way with me. I'm secretly super sub but I don't tell anyone. I'm too scared to tell him I feel that way obviously, but I'm always disappointed because I know nothing is going to happen.

>> No.2767269

>watch movie with d/s subplot / start reading a d/s erotic novel around him / gossip how jenny is totally into weird rape roleplaying and you have no idea if you could do that
>make him think it was his idea
>oh wow anon, this is just sudden, I mean if you really want to, you can totally rape me
>oh my god, I never thought I could enjoy something like that, you're just so good, let's do that again
Tricking men into having their way with your body is like, suuuuuper hard

>> No.2767294

You sound like you want to be considered a victim, too.

>> No.2767296

You make it sound easy, but in reality it's actually a lot harder for me. Besides we haven't really done it yet, and I don't want to make him feel super weird by being all crazy and kinky all of a sudden. I don't think he would like that kind of thing. He isn't the super horndog type. I mean, I could technically make a drawing of something related and leave it around the house for him to find, but I dunno.

>> No.2767510

low test, numale, autist: The post

>> No.2767530

>qt good girl
>been loved by teachers
>other kids hate you because of that
>grow up
>same situation in college and office
>literally no friends
>women won't be friends with you because of jelousy
>men only want sex not friendship
>everyone thinks you have life and a bf
>go in shell
>became an artist

>> No.2767532


>> No.2767544

>men only want sex not friendship
Protip: men don't want friendship with women, period. You're not special.

>> No.2767547

>>women won't be friends with you because of jelousy
you're a delusional cunt, that's why :^)

>> No.2767553
File: 38 KB, 525x458, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw my online persona

>> No.2767599

>competent at best.

This nigga :D

>> No.2767672
File: 325 KB, 1496x686, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs loomis, not even memeing.

>> No.2767674

i like your lines. blog?

>> No.2767676

>autist fell for the loomis meme

>> No.2767865

6'4" is the worst height.
The world is made for manlets, from furniture to airplanes, everything is made for the 5'10" lilliput expatriate. At 6'4" you already run into trouble and hazard dealing with shit that isn't designed for you, but are still a puny manlet compared to the true 6'10" patricians and 7'2" lords of maleness.

>> No.2767870

>>women won't be friends with you because they're women
>>men only want sex not friendship with women because women are shit friends
Fixed that for you

>> No.2767871

who let /r9k/ out of the cage?

>> No.2767873
File: 349 KB, 176x164, 0t3b9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style over substance, that's why she's making it and you aren't

>> No.2767874

Of course you just had to pick the one drawing with the best volumetric construction of the six. It wouldn't be /ic/ otherwise.

>> No.2767900

I like the bottom middle one the best. Fuck people trying to make 2D characters look realistic, 3D looks bad in real life and even worse on paper. I never understood artists obsession with making people look real in the past, why make a mediocre looking product that looks really realistically mediocre when you can create perfection?

>> No.2767938

>implying this board isnt a shithole infested with cucked, skinnyfat little bitches from r9k

>> No.2767940

It's like you're implying fit people or fat people can't be absolute cunts.