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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 12 KB, 200x200, shadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2761639 No.2761639 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing that this talentless hentai artist gets more money and attention than you ever will?

>> No.2761643
File: 71 KB, 179x258, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a successful eye in the porn art industry

just proves that all you have to do is be able to draw shit no one else will

>> No.2761645

An inspiration.

>> No.2761647

mods please remove and ban

>> No.2761651


I have no strong feelings in any direction. It does allow me to see what does and doesn't work in the industry, so I am thankful it exists to give me a valuable lesson.

>> No.2761661

As someone who talks to him, he actually admits he's not great, but he knows that edge and output are what work for him.

Ya'll are just salty about having to work normie jobs.

>> No.2761665

Hopeful, honestly - if he can make it, anyone can.

>> No.2761732
File: 591 KB, 1077x571, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>gets more money and attention than you ever will?
Pffft, gaining more attention from drawing degenerate trash isn't groovy, daddio. Especially when that degenerate trash is borderline illegal in your state(California). I know you lurk these threads while you draw, Shad. You're not slick, nigga.

>But any publicity is good publicity!
Nah, it's not when you're being accused of being a pedophilic slob in the United States. Why risk the chance for people to ruin your life down the road from purposely drawing negative attention to yourself for a quick laugh? Is it really worth it, you were already well known(kind of) before you posted those "drawings". Genuine question, man.

>They're just drawings, relax
FUCK YOU. Stay the fuck AWAY from ME, FREAKS.

>> No.2761752

We get it, you're trying hard to bait. It's just that it's getting a little too obvious and embarrassing. Please sit down and think about your life.

>> No.2761756

Not even close to bait. Go suck on Shadman's dick until it caves the back of your head.

>Please sit down and think about your life.
You must have this website confused with another.

>> No.2761758

>i dont like the truth!
>b-bait everyone! BAIIITTT


>> No.2761759

Are these threads reportable yet?

>> No.2761761

No, but his Patreon is. :^)

>> No.2761777

I go to sleep at night happy knowing I'm a better person than he.

>> No.2761799

I think it's pretty cool. If he can have an audience while not being technically proefficient, that means there's hope for everyone in this board.

>> No.2761956
File: 11 KB, 198x251, YVvK9L1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for him. Why the hell should anyone care?

>> No.2761959

Delicious butthurt.

>> No.2761974

Im glad for him.
But I'm more famous and making more money AND I don't draw degenerate trash, which by the way makes you instantly undesirable in the face of real people in real situations.

You will never know who I am.

Feels good man.

>> No.2761985

>You will never know who I am.
Are you sure about that, David?

>> No.2761994

never heard of him. sounds like we have different goals.

>> No.2762006

>implying drawing in general doesn't make you instantly a weirdo in the eyes of normies

>> No.2762039

Mods please go to darkwebnet.org and put a hit on anon and anon's faggot family

>> No.2762046


Where do you think you are? Chicks with dicks, woah so crazy!

>> No.2762053

>Where do you think you are?
On an imageboard with self-aware degenerates. Shadman is a degenerate slob, big difference.

>> No.2762129

Did you know him before he became famous ?

>> No.2762150

I don't get the hate,atleast he isn't hiding behind a paywall like other (not really great) artists. People support him because they want to after all.

>> No.2762152


Hurrrr muh pedestal

Probably a boring life though. The kind of people who cry about degeneracy are the kind of people who try to convince themselves they're celibate/sexually under-fulfilled because they're not desirable people themselves.

Hope you're making six figures so you can pay off those art school loans in under a decade.

>> No.2762154


>> No.2762183

Yeah, I guess

>> No.2762206

>just proves that all you have to do is be able to draw shit no one else will

There are so many artists that complain about not receiving enough commissions while having the have the longest "These are the things I don't draw" sections in their commission info

>> No.2762221
File: 100 KB, 720x400, 1480340480148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are so many artists that complain about not receiving enough commissions while having the have the longest "These are the things I don't draw" sections in their commission info

I never understood why most artists do that. I mean, I can sort of understand if the commissioner's idea is over the top(hyper inflation, cock vore, dismemberment, etc), but why deny potential customers services for basic shit that include anal, homosexuals/lesbians, hypnotism, or "rough" sex. What the hell is holding them back?

>> No.2762481

hypnotism? thats not even sex

>> No.2762484
File: 942 KB, 1200x1000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2762487

and yet, some people refuse to do it

>> No.2762493

Hypnotism is rape, yo. Almost as bad as drawing a man buying a woman a drink.

>> No.2762495

>hyper inflation, cock vore,
They're not that over the top :3

>> No.2762588

>There are so many artists that complain about not receiving enough commissions while having the have the longest "These are the things I don't draw" sections in their commission info

>Draw this as a comic
>post on tumblr
>trigger artists
>get more e-famous

>> No.2762641


I wish I had a third of the talent this Weirdo has, honestly, I feel like shit, I have never made a single good drawing in my life, and i can fap to Shadman stuff just fine.

>> No.2762659

I still don't get how anyone can fap to this stuff. There's always a sea of better artists that draw what this guy does a million times better. His "edge" is entirely contrived. How did he ever take of among all of the other shitty newgrounds artists?

>> No.2762690

>There's always a sea of better artists that draw what this guy does a million times better.
C-can you name some?

>> No.2763185

>expecting neets fapping to horse cocks to appreciate technical skill
News flash for you 99% of population have no clue about what goes into our work. Illustrators sell their names not their work. Entire body of post-modern art is living example.

>> No.2763195

you don't know my future, anon.

>> No.2763196
File: 16 KB, 480x330, smile-guy-feature11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking correct perspective and skillfull brushwork is what makes porn fapable

>> No.2763384

That pussy wouldn't even do the Keemstar drawing he said he'd do.

>> No.2763389

I make a good living off my art and couldn't care less about shad's mediocre shit. If you are bad and unsuccessful at art you shouldn't project this onto everybody else too. Get some help.

>> No.2763393

I know anon, I know. It's your dick that makes porn fappable, right? Your dick, that thinks instead of your actual brain. Pathetic.

>> No.2763458

damn those progressions are good

>> No.2763529

>tfw too intelligent for porn: the post

>> No.2763547
File: 52 KB, 533x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost as bad as drawing a man buying a woman a drink.

>> No.2763574

Well for me he made the raven porn, I liked it

>> No.2765028

I don't give a fuck. World is full of talentless shits with no talent that got rich and succesfull just by luck.
But for everyone of those talentless shits there are millions of others who will never make it because they are too busy dying of grief while waiting for a miracle to happen.

>> No.2765029


I mean. He's not the only one. I'm a really bad artist.

But I'm also not Shadman. So that's alright with me.

>> No.2765035


Huh. Well shit. Guess I should stop browsing and get to work.

>> No.2765036

It's an inspiration. It proves you don't have to be a prodigy to make some money.

>> No.2765210

I want to emulate him.

>> No.2765227

This board is and will continue to be undying proof that artists are the most bitter people.

>> No.2765234


Do you just not go to other boards?

It would blow your fucking mind what /v/ thinks of video games.

>> No.2765241
File: 5 KB, 243x207, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets more money and attention than you ever will?
>than you ever will?
>ever will
Says who?

>> No.2765268

>less than 1% of human on one image board catered to artfags, means all of humanity's artists are "bitter people"
>said by said "bitter anon" over here complaining over nothing
As someone who's usually abnormally nice to people, kindly fuck off you prick for generalizing like a faggot.

>> No.2765275

I actually dont go on /v/ im sure it's cancer.

But I can imagine it's a type of really self entitled cancer not a anger towards other artists being successful/marketable while sitting on their ass not improving type cancer right? I could be wrong maybe there is some shitty game "designers" there doing the same thing , but what im saying probably applies to all types of artists whether they draw make music design games or whatever I just notice it more on this board then I have on ones i have been on

>> No.2765280


You should go to /co/ then.

You're typing an awful lot, but you know this is typical human behavior. You've had friends, right? Talked to people?

Know what "gossip" is? Turn on the tv?

>But I can imagine it's a type of really self entitled cancer not a anger towards other artists being successful/marketable while sitting on their ass not improving type cancer right?

YEP! How about an analogy? /v/ talks about Youtubers who are known for playing video games in the same way artists talk about other artists.

You have a job, right? Ever talk to the other employees? Maybe, maaaaaybe they might talk about people who are in the same business in a similar manner?

You live in a closer world, anon.

>> No.2765282

Not all clearly come on anon that's not what I meant. I dont think its a stretch that people who do any form of art could be the most bitter overall if someone did numbers on it. based on how many are in debt, don't make it, and if they do usually make the least money for most effort put in? dont take it so personal anon nobody means all

>> No.2765286

yeah your right about how its just differently placed bitterness. But I do think overall this line of work tends to build jealousy towards your peers on a bigger scale

>> No.2765292

by this line of work I mean
anything that involves content creation for that matter to clarify

>> No.2765753
File: 1004 KB, 4381x2863, 1477796818373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I have this weird thing where ill sometimes zoom in on the lines of a well drawn doujin and basically fap to the line weight.

I wish I was joking.

>> No.2765806

Let me explain this to you. It's very basic so pay attention.

He draws more than them. He draws more interesting and off the wall shit than them. He isn't afraid to do loli, bestiality, anything that people want. He isn't going to puss out, it's just art after all. He isn't afraid of what people think of him. He probably knows most of his work isn't the best, but guess what? He's posting that shit like a madman. People don't want to polish their dicks to one beautifully rendered picture a month when they can polish their dicks to 20 crazy off the wall fetish infused pictures a month. You can overlook a couple of little mistakes when you aren't waiting a god damn week for an artist you like to post a picture that you might not even like.

>> No.2765808

>that artists are the most bitter people.
bro have you seen /agdg/ though?

>> No.2766127

The thing that pisses me off about Shad is that everyone only ever criticizes his content for being too grotesque and rude, when the real problem is that his art is all around fucking terrible. But all I see people doing is "Wahh you draw swastikas and little girls I'm offended"

I want to see somebody like modeseven tear him a fucking new one on his anatomy and rendering

>> No.2766146

I can only do this to particularly well drawn hands.

>> No.2766169

The princess peach one is by "Incase"
I downloaded an archive of his art, boiiiiiiiii
his old stuff is pretty bad

>> No.2766279

The first one? How'd he do it? His before art looks like a retards art

>> No.2766300
File: 60 KB, 489x750, tumblr_mh3pvq4DSH1s2jpm5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When the least bitter person is a pedo furfag leaf trolling everyone with itch.io analytics and progress, there's a problem.

>> No.2766477

modeseven has improved a ton and hes a great artist but he was definitely a lot better than that even 4-5 years ago. Looks like a joke picture.

>> No.2766497


Underrated trips of truth

>> No.2766523
File: 11 KB, 234x200, 5489210+_9291d47a8889314f6f8475d86dc765d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually I have this weird thing where ill sometimes zoom in on the lines of a well drawn doujin and basically fap to the line weight.

>> No.2766524

forgot to ask, any recommendation

>> No.2766530

>I want to see somebody like modeseven tear him a fucking new one on his anatomy and rendering

He's just a normal human being. Every single artist is varying degrees of good. It isn't his fault people love the stuff he does. He should be proud of that. Why are you all so bitter?

>> No.2766644
File: 888 KB, 1000x2094, 2016-12-05-nancy-wheeler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to admit, Shad is getting better and better each day. He's starting to get really good borderline great.

>> No.2766650

Wink? Wink???

>> No.2766680

Butthole twitch. Are you a virgin?

>> No.2766685

Alright, the anus muscles flex, alright. I get that.

But WINK? Seriously? Come on...

>> No.2766724

How else would you imply it twitching in a still image?

>> No.2766725

You've never seen a butthole wink?

>> No.2766726


>> No.2766734

Yes, but word choice for effects is a thing. Winking is what female horses do when they're in heat. Bronies love using it for their art, and it makes sense. It's just weird and out of place here. Make it a sound effect, show some motion lines, anything other than putting the word WINK by it.

>> No.2766741

also, horses don't wink, they whinny
also stop talking with ponyfags you dumb cunt

>> No.2766743

Who is this character? She's really cute, damn Shad's getting really good.

>> No.2766745

It's called vaginal winking look it up scum.

>> No.2766748

>knows the workings of horse vagina
no john, you're the scum

>> No.2766756

Horses actually have really nice backsides incase you didn't notice. But go on and deny it to save face.. it's 4chan though so you actually have no face. Just so you know.


>> No.2766759

If you ever wanted to know what a black womans vagina looks like, it's a lot better than having to get up close and personal with the real thing.

>> No.2766761

I donate $10 to his Patreon and I buy a lot of his posters. I think he's a great artist.

>> No.2766763

I worked as a dairy farmer, I know what black women's vaginas look like.

>> No.2766766

His technique is mediocre at best, but he's one of the rare artists that make good porn.

>> No.2766792

Mediocre? He's maybe 1 of the top 10 western based internet artists.

>> No.2766805

Nigga, he's not even in the top 10 western porn artists, skill-wise.

His porn is good, his drawings are not.

>> No.2766809

Name 10 better. I'll wait.

>> No.2766830
File: 521 KB, 992x1215, 2016-08-02-you-pokemon-go-girl-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, I'm not gonna play your fucking game like a retard only for you to go "nuh-uh I disagree".

If you think this is the 0.X% of "western internet artists", (and I hope the porn part was implied), you probably don't even draw.

He has the porn part down, like the expressions, but his shit is not even above average.
Like, he himself says he can't draw and is not a good artist and he made fun of people who try to get good at art multiple times.

Stop being a fanboy.

>> No.2766834

You seem really jealous of his popularity and skill.

>> No.2766843

I'm jelly of his popularity, but skill? lolno

I'm one of the 10% of /ic/ that likes shad.
I draw with his streams as background noise, because he is a cool guy.

Seriously, he himself says he is not good.
He literally said he has no idea what he is doing most of the time.

If you rate art by how interesting or entertaining it is, he is a good artist, I agree.
Skilled, he is not.

I'm gonna stop replying now because you sound retarded btw

>> No.2766847

Your use of the words "nigga" and "nigger" have no place in this thread and show your intelligence level.

>> No.2766861

You must be new to 4chan

>> No.2766945

Modeseven is weird.
I asked him did he ever study at an art school once and he didn't give me a straight answer at all. Just said some pseudo inspirational that he absorbs everything from interacting with everyone he meets.
Like wtf???I didn't ask for an advice animal, just a yes or no question. Just say you don't have a life or a job and just draw all day.

>> No.2766975


nigga wut?

>> No.2767000

This isn't Tumblr, faggot-ass nigger. Go back to your safe space and never come back.

>> No.2767004
File: 74 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 grand a month for making a video a month about a video game.

Try again.

>> No.2767065

I feel happy for him and glad to see another person earning his bread through art.

>> No.2767086

Carl is the better guro artist, even if he does draw only one girl with varying hairstyles.

>> No.2767756

This image makes to want to watch Stranger Things. Is it any good?

>> No.2768238

Can someone please explain to me Shad's fetish for nazis?

>> No.2768345

He's just a shock artist pseudo-inttelectual edgelord. Whoa look nazis are you offended yet?

>> No.2768397

Shad's style is just so unappealing to me.... It's unbelievable unsexy and kind of repulsive in some cases (tho the example here isn't among the worst). And I'm just talking style here, not subject matters. But different folks and all that I guess...

>> No.2768457

that's exactly how it works though
doesn't matter if it's stupid or not you idiot

>> No.2768476

Yeah, but his videos are interesting

>> No.2768616
File: 358 KB, 500x357, 1479397888837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2768700

>that projection
He's not a pseudo-intellectual at all, you dumb shit, what the fuck are you even on about?

>> No.2769309

you're gonna make it, anon.

>> No.2769311

Apparently Polish people are better at art that we thought.

>> No.2769324


>> No.2769363

I don't give a fuck.