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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 50 KB, 480x640, PHOTO_20161128_101713_fx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2758672 No.2758672 [Reply] [Original]

Started doing drawabox. Rate, critique, join in.
Opinions on drawabox?

>> No.2758676
File: 67 KB, 480x640, PHOTO_20161128_101706_fx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2758678

literally ISIS.

>> No.2758680

Drawabox = ISIS

>> No.2758702

stop wasting time here after every little thing you do.
you're doing great keep it up

>> No.2758911

congrats, you achieved literally nothing.

>> No.2760810
File: 34 KB, 989x768, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dot connection is a legit warm-up though, even Robertson advises it

>> No.2760852


>> No.2760859


>> No.2761861

I'm almost positive the guy doesn't directly support ISIS

Any proof of this?

>> No.2762828

shut up you fucking cuck who cares that scott roberston draws lines who the fuck doesnt draw lines i bet you dont even draw fucking pleb post your work ill show you that you cant even draw lol

>> No.2764951

keep up the good work anon, just follow the draw-a-box formula and you'll be fine

>draw a box is bad meme

my guess is that you guys know that he has streamlined and made learning drawing easy so you make fun of it so that you feel better about yourselves and simultaneously keep others from git gud so that you also feel better about yourself

it's official. people are so fucking stupid that they use the word cuck for things that have nothing to do with sex.

IN A NUTSHELL; draw-a-box is legit stuff, people who get angry at it are just basement dwelling serial masturbating doesn't-have-a-social-life-outside-of-the-internet-having trolls

>> No.2764955
File: 30 KB, 400x369, one thrust man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude let me open an entirely new thread instead of posting in the beginner's thread
>dude let me post pictures of fucking boxes and have you critique them

you have eyes retard, use them and determine if the boxes look accurate to you

>> No.2764981

Ive done the whole course three times in the last 18 months. The second time was when i learned the most. It ramps up too quickly for a true beginer imo but worth pushing through

>> No.2764989


It's not your responsibility to try hard because there doesn't seem to be enough dumbshit trolling in /ic/. Trust me, there is.

I don't know why people on /ic/ are like this.

>> No.2765319
File: 199 KB, 1275x836, frazetta example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know why people in /ic/ are like this

it's the same exact reason why every time you post art that you would think looks great on this board there are 3 obligatorily retarded anons who say that the art sucks or it's ''just alright''

putting other people down makes you feel superior,it's been like that since the beginning of time

pic related;the first time i saw this image on /ic/ the people who posted replies to it all said that it was ''just ugly'' yet gave no legitimate reasons as to why

>> No.2765325

It has a bland thumbnail I didn't really want to lcick, the composition doesn't draw you in any particular direction, the pose on the monkey doesn't feel dynamic from the ass down, the background looks about 2 feet away and there's no nipples on the chick. It's anodyne.

What you think looks great says a lot about you and right now it's saying you like shitty frazettas and acting like your opinion is the only one that matters.

>> No.2765369

>tl: I don't like it because there are Africans in the picture despite the piece being technically skilled

>> No.2766040

I'm glad you replied to me because you actually prove my point more than i expected

>complains about people who act like only there opinion matters in art
>literally acts as if only their opinion matters 1 sentence earlier

>composition does't draw you into any particular direction
you just exposed yourself. anyone who is serious about art would no that ''being drawn into a direction'' is in no way a requirement. there is a lot going on in the picture so why the hell would the artist want you to focus on one thing?

>pose on the monkey doesn't feel dynamic from the butt down
your /pol attitude aside, doesn't "feel" dynamic is a fairly weak argument. also something tells me you don't know anything about wielding spears.

>Background looks about 2 feet away
Hills And Perspective, How Do They Work?

>the girl has no nipples.
sorry mate but that's also just your personal opinion,The artist chose to render it in a particular way and you don't like the way he did it,that's all. It's also obvious that you don't give a shit about being ''anatomically correct'' because you would also have pointed out how the girl and the black guy to the right almost appear to have no eye balls.

so basically /ic/ trolls think that if Illustrated art doesn't fit into a narrow lane of what they consider to be great it's automatically bad? i'm glad i finally have some insight on how you assholes think but it's like you guys are trying to turn art into math,you want clear cut answers for everything art related and if it doesn't fit into what you think is good it automatically is ''shit''

>> No.2766045

Oops, i forgot ONE more thing

>it's anodyne
this is probably the biggest load of bullshit that you tried to slide past me,and i have to be honest you almost got away with it, but to say that this picture is bland and inoffensive is so blatantly just your opinion that i'm not even sure that i can your reply seriously anymore.The image is only anodyne if you can't think of things other than puting down good art on 4chan

Implications of The art Piece
>what the fuck is a white woman doing in Africa naked with some tribesmen?
>lions don't just sneak up on you in an open plain, how the fuck did they get in that situation?
>lions normally hunt together, to see a single lioness hunting alone is atypical...were they hunting the lion?

and since identify with /pol i'll put these just for you
>We Wuz Kangs
>Where The White Woman At
>African Lives Matter

>> No.2766047
File: 66 KB, 383x500, dynamik_legged_spear_thrower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frazetta is a shit

>> No.2766060
File: 64 KB, 800x536, lice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L/ic/e wont go away unless you you treat them directly, doctors recommend a heavy dose of facts and logic

>needs to have a super duper spooper cool thumbnail for my short attention span and ADHD to be able to care enough to click
you're quite the artist anon, good luck, you're gunna need it.

>Frazetta is shit
okay seriously, who would ever take you seriously? other than L/ic/e?

>> No.2766081

Congrats, they warmed up. What did they warm up for? Oh, nothing.

>> No.2766088
File: 150 KB, 500x347, Well he's not wrong....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at all depends on the person. i'm sure there are people why use it to legitimately warm up to something better, and there are people who warm up just so that they feel like they ''did something'' and not do actual art

>> No.2766089

But OP clearly did nothing other than warmups and did nothing to apply that information in a way that will help retain it or make it useful. That's the problem that the Drawabox formula has, it has no real pacing and no actual teacher over you. I took the actual Dynamic Sketching class and the first week was all the warmups to make sure you were doing it right and then it was implied that you continued to do them throughout the rest of the weeks. Beginners start Drawabox and believe that the warmups are an actual exercise and that they should perfect it before moving on.

>> No.2766094

i'm not saying your wrong, infact i agree with you. but again, it's the different for different people. if you just jump into the drawabox lessons and don't read what the author has to say about the warm ups than your going to end up like OP. but if you pay close attention to the written material AND the visual material than you should do fine

>> No.2766463 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 720x1151, IMG_20161205_170747~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my lines anons.

>> No.2767522

anon, we both know you have garbage art at best and you can't even draw at worst. but what YOU dont know is that your never going to be a good artist in any sense of the word. kys.

>> No.2768909

>dating warmups