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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 675 KB, 1400x1400, hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2755535 No.2755535 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
>have fun

Last Thread >>2748229

>> No.2755536

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2755538

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


>> No.2755545

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.2755554

We are not going to make it.

>> No.2755571

>LAS still exists
daily reminder that none of you are ever going to make it

>> No.2755574
File: 28 KB, 487x423, RUUUUUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2755578

>A lazy day. I watched this house flipping show
marathon all day and doodled
Was it Flip or Flop, Lava? That one always sucks me in for some reason.

>> No.2755579


>> No.2755581
File: 69 KB, 720x500, nudemanviolentlyattacksunsuspectingwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get a critique on my work, i was struggling to see the mistakes i was making during my drawing. Here's the reference i used.

>> No.2755583
File: 95 KB, 990x500, One-branch-of-the-lava-stream-drips-down-small-cliff-at-head-of-bench-and-one-flows-onto-bench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now you are copying the reference, instead of understanding how the volumes in the body act and constructing the figure. Try studying gestures and anatomy more. Keep it up

>> No.2755588

This would make for a great study

>> No.2755599

Thank you for the advice, ill look into those subjects more deeply and hopefully have an easier time with my drawings in the future.

>> No.2755602
File: 385 KB, 1000x667, fuckyouniche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I'll start.

>> No.2755606

>fuck you niche

>> No.2755608

He asked me to draw this on stream a few weeks bak

>> No.2755692

how was your thanksgiving lassies?

>> No.2755704


>> No.2755708

I wasted the whole day playing games.

>> No.2755716

Spent the day with a guy who worked for disney as a 2D animator. Had fries and chicken. Not in a thanksgiving country

>> No.2755724

spent the day reading web novels

>> No.2755741

It was thanksgiving today?

>> No.2755742


>> No.2755797


>> No.2755801

some already have

>> No.2755802

nice animation tom!

>> No.2755816

Cute witch, Whizzard.

>> No.2755819

Just got home and I realized what time it was. I don't have time to draw, so for the first time in 321 days, I'm not posting. I'm really disappointed in myself for forgetting after drawing everyday for almost a year. How did I forget? My quality has been dropping a lot because I've been putting off drawing. Nothing left to say really.

- yotsuyu

>> No.2755820


>> No.2755821

its black friday and yesterday was thanksgiving
its kind of hard to keep things up during hectic holiday shit
321 consecutive days is nothing to scoff at
your work is good and I hope you stay

>> No.2755823

>tfw I've been submitting low effort tier shit for so long now. I'm sorry guise. I gotta step it up mang.

>> No.2755826


>> No.2755827

flawless down D:

>> No.2755828


>> No.2755830


>> No.2755832

Please keep drawing with us after this. If you can still draw 'today' in your time zone then you'll still have drawn every day. LAS might not say so, but you'll know you've done it.

>> No.2755833

shootout to tom and luci, your submissions caught my eyes today

>> No.2755835

hey, now you're like the majority of the rest of us flawed plebs, least you aren't eliminated

speaking of, what happened innnaaa?

>> No.2755837

What happened iinaa?

>> No.2755841

I think we should pardon iinaa; it looks like she/he didn't manage to upload in time.

>> No.2755842

dude, lmao

>> No.2755848

4chan thinks im banned for some fucking reason, so using mobile now that i remembered i have one.

Long story short: kept drawing over deadline, half because i didnt look at the clock, half because im still used to deadline being at 2am instead of 1 am.
Sort of bummed out about all that, but i know i deserved it for a long time.
Back to the drawingboard..

>> No.2755856


>> No.2755857
File: 490 KB, 1400x854, flawlessfour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Yotsuyu. The last Flawless to fall was Rad, on November 5th.

I could start doing a leaderboard too if you guys want to remember what order people fell in?

#1 - ?
#2 - ?
#3 - ?
#4 - ?
#5 - Yotsuyu
#6 - Rad
#7 - Santi
#8 - Lokki
#9 - Soroneir
#10 - Alm0nde
#11 - Anon313
#12 - Cyan
#13 - JerryBreem
#14 - W
#15 - Eldrick
#16 - EyeSeeUK
#17 - DanielM
#18 - Aestro
#19 - 7
#20 - Aimai
#21 - FmMood
#22 - VitaminNeko

Surviving flawless - Tom, Choob, Saucy, Fluffable.

>> No.2755865

I'd rather know how many dropped on accident and are still submitting

>> No.2755874

Don't have stats on why/how people fell, but ex-flawless who are still submitting are:


>> No.2755895

That Tom guy's killing everyone near him, watch out fluffable

>> No.2755925

or is it the other way around?

>> No.2755930
File: 37 KB, 250x250, mnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2755998

>Yotsuyu actually falling
What but how

>> No.2756001

read, nigga >>2755819

it's barely two scrolls up

>> No.2756003

Yeah, I saw it shortly after I posted. I just got home and haven't read the thread today.

>> No.2756006

>Losing drive to draw
>drawing less and less
>using less critical thinking g when I do draw
>not enjoying it as much
>used to feel like I'll make it 100% but now uncertain
>don't think I'm making any progress
>constant headaches all day
>feel tired and sleepy even with 8 hours of full sleep
Is my spark fizzing out? How do I fix this? I'm almost an entire year in, I can't let it all go to waste.

>> No.2756011

You push through it. Not even kidding. It's a crucial moment in your growth where it really tests you and if you give up, you might give up forever.

>> No.2756016

It's ok to take a break, you shouldn't let the pressure of this competition dictate your life.

>> No.2756018

Thanksgiving? You mean Thursday?
It was ok, just an average day really.

-A leaf

>> No.2756019

stop using photos.

>> No.2756020


>> No.2756024

No sorry ;_;

>> No.2756072

change it up mate. do a creative piece/make yourself an actual project instead of studies/doodling

>> No.2756201

Wa... Wait a minute... The name of the thread...

>> No.2756235



>> No.2756237
File: 61 KB, 156x267, 1440634735377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innocent, you are amazing, but why so many cubes?

Beautiful study, Lokki.

>> No.2756326

Hey imvisitingearth cool landscape buddy

>> No.2756358

Big dumb comments ahoy.

tom, nice expressions. I would say not to be afraid to push the facial gestures with conventionally anime barbie dolls in extreme situations - if the character is established as conventionally attractive, then the expressions do little to change that.

A lot of people avoid the cheek muscle delineation at all costs, but you can sell it. You can also do shit like that Lisa Silverman reaction in Persona 2 where she goes full cartoon. Nice work anyhow.

Nelli, when you're finished studying muscles maybe you could study how to freehand a straight line ooooooo

Soroneir, shoulder muscles tend to look pretty retarded when in any position higher than shoulder height so good work selling those poses.

CRT, kinda doing the bare minimum here, dude. Like one day you'll submit a character, and the next you'll submit it dressed. I mean, it's just kinda underwhelming.

iinnaa, what am I even looking at.

amaxan1, that's a pretty cool effect I guess. I bought some coloured pencils and I couldn't get them darker than your average dead baby joke so good work getting a set with some actual fucking value.

Also what's with the 1. Was amaxan really already taken in a competition with like 8 participants?

>> No.2756381

The way you comment just makes me want to fuck you up

>> No.2756384

Try it, pretty boy, I'll put you in the fucking ground.

>> No.2756387

Im sure you will Mike Tyson

>> No.2756389
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, crying animu girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2756393

Oh, I'll knock you down all right. And then, when you're down, I'm gonna suck your dick, else my name isn't Choob.

>> No.2756438

>pressure of this competition
kek, its just 30 minutes of your day and most drops out are because people either forget or stop caring

youve made strides since the beginning, keep it up my nigga

>> No.2756527

nice stuff today tripfag, looks appealing :)

>> No.2756598
File: 783 KB, 1024x594, stars_cosmos_by_sauraxy-dapshg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to think of this.

>> No.2756721
File: 273 KB, 1200x732, 1457173810777 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget them
Their names aren't important
You don't remember losers

>> No.2756727

>tfw successful people are really just ignorant people who aren't thankful towards all the others who failed

>> No.2756740



>> No.2756773

hi everyone,i'm new to this kind of threads,and i was thinking,do you need a centain level of skill to join?

>> No.2756774

Yeah, you have to be able to draw for 30 minutes.

>> No.2756778

>do you need a centain level of skill to join?
No, anyone can join of any skill level, just make your work looks like it took at least 30 minutes to draw.

>> No.2756791

https://picarto.tv/artscrub live

>> No.2756795

>still haven't drawn yet

>> No.2756815
File: 17 KB, 315x315, 1480124085591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Agape studies, Soroneir

>> No.2756823
File: 58 KB, 1243x317, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yMTEyNDk5Mjg0ODYyNTY2NDAvMjQ4MjMyNjk0NjQxNTkwMjc0L1JNSHUxdjAucG5nIn0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2756829

A bit hyperbolic. I do agree that wallowing in the comfortable achievement of study will not improve your imaginative work until you seek to apply it.

>> No.2756835

what happened bondagefairy????

>> No.2756836

I believe every artist has to go through the mistake of fucking up themselves or else the lesson isn't learned. This advice is useless to beginners who will just take advantage of it and use it as an excuse for their incompetence.

>> No.2756837

Choob, please read this over and over until it sinks in.

>> No.2756838

>falling for the tehmeh meme

>> No.2756843
File: 128 KB, 230x211, 1357007761103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2756853

a lot of the submissions today have been lesser effort strangely enough

>> No.2756857

It's a Saturday after a holiday. Only nerds are at home drawing.

>> No.2756867

Most of the Lassies put in the bare minimum and as such you won't see much improvement or progress.

Half an hour is enough to not get stared at on the LAS, folks, it's not enough to actually improve.

>> No.2756896
File: 28 KB, 109x123, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palindrome streak!

>> No.2756911

I haven't been putting that much time in lately cause of reasons but even when I was putting in a couple hours a day, my submissions wouldn't really show that. If I'm doing studies of heads or figures for example, I'll just do a bunch of pages of them and then post a random page on las before the deadline. So that doesn't really show how much work I did for the day.

>> No.2757064

>kinda doing the bare minimum here

I know. November's a tough month to do, well, anything over here. Extra work during the day, extra work in the evenings, driving for all the hours for family holiday nonsense...

Should ease up a bit come December. As it stands now I'm giving up on precious sleep to fit minimum effort stuff in, which is neither good for study or quality. Should ease up in a few days, though.

>> No.2757329

Hey /las/sers, someone want a commission from me, do you have that link with a lot of info about art commissions and how to work with them on Paypal? Thanks.

>> No.2757333

I would advise just bashing out some referenced/life stuff if you're that pressed for time.

>> No.2757343
File: 849 KB, 694x3618, paypal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2757348

wew, wonder if paypal will ever crack down on this transaction method some how

>> No.2757352

It wasn't going to be furry but thanks, this is very helpfull!

>> No.2757354

is vector stuff accepted? (illustrator, inkscape etc)

>> No.2757357
File: 168 KB, 700x676, __kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_space_jin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool stuff today, Rorg!

>> No.2757360

do you have examples?

>> No.2757365


>> No.2757369

I'm not sure, actually. Let's see what other users think.

>> No.2757416

Thanks! Trying to do more process/design type stuff instead of deleting it all.

>also made the OP pic


>> No.2757449


Ah nevermind, I don't care. Most of the submitters don't even visit these fucking threads. I may as well join them.

>> No.2757451


>> No.2757457

good, good :D

>> No.2757460


>> No.2757461


>> No.2757466


>> No.2757479


>> No.2757481

just to see what you can stand before you doo

as the devil pleases give up the faith that you love

>> No.2757505
File: 60 KB, 256x256, Reisen Bran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom: Nice expressions, and your Kira is super sexy OuO.

Rozzle: Very cute, and you did well with the gradients.

>> No.2757526

I though the same about Rozzle's, I wish I knew how to paint like that.
Any good tutorials to do that?

>> No.2757528

Cath going for the UNF and halfway succeeding. Too bad I hate that Midna cunt.

>> No.2757569
File: 1.01 MB, 400x300, 1376273587119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating Midna

>> No.2757572

with a passion. At least in r34.
I dont even have anything against the loli bodytype, but I really hate the skin and the tatoos and her head.

>> No.2757680


>> No.2757753


Just came on to post and saw that for some reason my submission from yesterday didn't go through. No idea why, but here is the post I made: http://imgur.com/btBpV5v

Clearly showing I posted it yesterday before the deadline etc.

Dunno if lava is fixing this stuff, but yeah, that was my post from yesterday. feeling kinda pissed that it didn't go through

>> No.2757782

>Dunno if lava is fixing this stuff
he doesn't care about redeeming anymore, it got too annoying or something

>> No.2757809

Surely it wouldn't be too hard to implement something which can be submitted to be checked by peers to see if it's legit.

But this is lava we are talking about...

>> No.2757813

Good effort Blooves, you're on the right track. Just be careful with your perspective, some of it is kinda off. Also try ghosting your lines a couple times before you actually make the mark, that'll help you get a more precise and accurate line. Oh, and something that helped me when I was doing that stuff was to go over my page with a red pen and a ruler and I would try to correct my perspective to see how I fucked it up. Keep it up.

>> No.2757816


>> No.2757824
File: 464 KB, 2500x630, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one looks better for coloring and shading with

>> No.2757826

They all look terrible to be honest.

>> No.2757830



Be patient with your shading, don't half ass it.

>> No.2757841

They all look bad bro, keep practicing.

>> No.2757867

>tfw submitted too late so now the comment anons won't see my stuff

>> No.2757884

at least do comments yourself you ungrateful fuck

>> No.2757888

I did. I do em a bit earlier than I post just in case.

>> No.2757967

talk to him on his tumbrl.

>> No.2758016


>> No.2758051

Naf - gorgeous work

Eddcer - I love you dude but I really think you should revisit your anatomy, especially the torso and abdomen areas.

lordslump - your construction is way off. try and experiment with different brush presets and methods, you're wasting time just drawing with single strokes in a random way

>> No.2758313

why do these threads always die after the deadline while every other thread in /ic/ usually keeps going, just a little slower?

>> No.2758318

/las/ is a small percentage of /ic/.

>> No.2758325

True. They used to be way more active tho. Not sure if people just lost interest in posting or if we have way less people than a couple months ago.

>> No.2758327

There is obviously way less people. People have been eliminated. This is the future that you asked for.

>> No.2758331

Yeah, I figured more people would keep going after they got eliminated but I guess not. Oh well.

>> No.2758463
File: 453 KB, 900x1620, gradient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely not good, but I can go more in depth if you want or point you to some other artist/videos.

>> No.2758486
File: 620 KB, 1000x681, 1473886566858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start this erryday thing again?

I remember photoing my ''''''''''art''''''''''' and uploading every day was such a pain. Were it straight from my computer like a lot of people's I'd probably have never stopped in the first place.

>> No.2758493


>> No.2758506


>> No.2758540

do it

>> No.2758548

You are wellcome here anytime you want.

>> No.2758557

hey as long as you draw everyday, being apart of LAS or not won't matter.

>> No.2758564

It depends on the rendering you want.
And this >>2757830

>> No.2758573

Cute figures, Kinder.

Nelli, you fucked up the neck, It's totally missing.

You are doing good, cacklepotato, nice colors.

HumanBean, you have to work on your construction, even with those details the drawins look flat.

>> No.2758614




>> No.2758623

Neat. Thanks.

>> No.2758775

Hey thanks man, yes I've been winging it for far too long, its time to do more studies

>> No.2758811

aCupOfTea ! I really like your atmosphere. Thank you, i steal it for tomorrow.

>> No.2758846

amaxin here thx for compliment :)
the pencil is called noor hardtmuth polycolor. i actually just accidentally stepped on 3 of them and broke them in 6

>> No.2758895

pihori do something else for allah's sake

>> No.2758899

it'd be neat if he would finally make some lewds at least.

>> No.2758905

Yeah, phiori should really put in some effort, it'd be nice to see them actually improve

>> No.2758964

Thanks man!

>> No.2758970

man i feel so unfocused today, really burned out from the holiday

>> No.2759050
File: 14 KB, 400x300, explodinghead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay feels like i have finally snapped. But in a good way. Let's see how long this feeling is going to last.

I have been so god-damn disappointed in myself. It's time to turn the tide.

>> No.2759059

You made a great study. How come it's this blurry?

>> No.2759079

this sounds good

>> No.2759133


are you bi-polar?

>> No.2759154

Make a challenge then, comrade.

>> No.2759176

sorry about being so late to see this but thank you, yeah i had a mini breakthrough today realizing a pretty big mistake with the box perspective lines so the quality might change a little then i can go in an fix up to see how far off i am.

>> No.2759244


>> No.2759256


>> No.2759263


>> No.2759282


>> No.2759283


>> No.2759291

Get them on LAS, I'll call it in.

>> No.2759353
File: 35 KB, 728x546, aid670105-728px-Cope-With-Frustration-Step-17-Version-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fook do I git gud? been a year already mang!

>> No.2759356
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, 1479572985254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw some robots are cars mane.

Or some animals.

>> No.2759357

>What do you want to git gud at specifically
e.g. fantasy illustration, comics, enviro design, etc
>Who are your fav artists
>Show current level
>Say how much time you spend arting and what this time is spent on

Also maybe

>what do you dread/avoid/procrastinate the most in art

>> No.2759358

use more than one medium
something that helps you understand objects in space in addition to drawing/painting

>> No.2759360

>that desktop reflection
it got me, especially when her hair is actually not like in the reflection

>> No.2759420
File: 235 KB, 600x800, 1480377775744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me where i messed this picture up? Its pretty horse face like i hate it..

>> No.2759448


overlay the image with your reference once in a while to check if you're getting the landmarks/proportions down? i mean right now she kind of looks like mrs. potato head, flat and oblong face with no real delineation between the cheek and chin, also the eyes are very small and far apart. but idk maybe you are just drawing a matronly eastern european woman

>> No.2759460

Kek. Thanks.

>> No.2759464

>no comments today
So did everyone get eliminated?

>> No.2759487

Yeah, we're all dead, so you can stop submitting now.

>> No.2759501

Is Cath our new JMGN?

>> No.2759550

What is JMGN? It seems to be important.

>> No.2759551


>> No.2759556

A man.
A myth.
A meme.

>> No.2759558

Google tells me
Jewelry Makers Guild of Nigeria
Or another cringe thing related to a NSFW patreon. Not nice to Cath.

>> No.2759565

Search the nick on LAS

>> No.2759660


on now.

>> No.2759668

>instantly notice colouring error

fuck, oh well I don't care.

Anyway, some comments

yotsuyu, really enjoy the expression/fluidity of your poses and today's no exception.

CRT, your colour blocking is super crisp but I can see that it took some time. With stronger lineart it will definitely not take as long. You're essentially colouring to invisible, more detailed lineart as it is. Keep it up though.

tabascoshrimp, really like the rendering on the cloth/scarf study. The specularity seems very high but obviously that's just a material decision. Nice work.

>> No.2759757

innocent, i really dig that picture. why did you make it a perfectly straight block though

>> No.2759766
File: 8 KB, 195x258, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since >>2759079 didn't create a challenge I just made one


join or you'll never make it

>> No.2759771

can this count to the daily submission?

>> No.2759782

The eyes effect would have less impact in perspective. I'm lazy.

CoinHero, did you find Noah Bradley master class video ?

>> No.2759787

yes, just make sure you upload all your heads to an imgur gallery by the end of the month (or something like that)

>> No.2759916

Sasori, you tagged your image as topic related but I'm not seeing how it relates to it

>> No.2759920

im guessing its because they reflect one of the characters faces in a mirror

>> No.2759921

oh that's a mirror, I thought it was just another perspective of the girl
sorry m8

>> No.2759998

does it have to be a human head?
do i have to post the head every day? or just make a collage of 30 heads?

>> No.2760003

marvolo the study you did today looks very nice.

>> No.2760011

It's been a while since I've seen Feng.

>> No.2760015
File: 340 KB, 600x583, 1fb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He disappeared after what he did to Crit Sensei

>> No.2760028

>Clit Creeper
stay away with that shit meme

>> No.2760029
File: 502 KB, 1188x800, proportion problems for potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally did this with a mouse.

>> No.2760047


now she looks like a slightly less matronly eastern european woman

>> No.2760052
File: 69 KB, 800x450, 18kxy5bbtul32jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mind your zoom

>> No.2760057


>> No.2760058

which one of these is the most "accurate" or true to what a human eye would create?

>> No.2760059
File: 62 KB, 330x330, wewlad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated my skull

>> No.2760065

Update more. Nice progress

>> No.2760066

the forehead. you're right.

>> No.2760069

It depend on the diagonal of the sensor, usually ~45mm.

>> No.2760070


why don't you go look at you're mom and tell me

>> No.2760073

y-you mean I'm not really ugly and it's the cameras fault people are repulsed by me?
I wish I could update my skull

>> No.2760076

thanks, i won't be able to update more though.

>> No.2760077


I'm sure being naturally ugly isn't complimented any by the camera.

>> No.2760098

u ugly

>> No.2760129

Did bondagefairy get redeemed or did Lava ignore it?

>> No.2760131

BF's flawless streak is broken, probably ignored

>> No.2760150

Choob, whats going on?

>> No.2760153
File: 366 KB, 1578x792, DkxDz2w - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just started working to understand simple forms and i ran into an issue when i tried to make a light switch, because the switch seems to be set on a different vanishing point and i was wondering if there is a way to know where the vanishing point should be and if so where i could go to read more into it to better understand how this works. my explanation might have been shit so i used red lines to try and illustrate what im talking about. also sorry if the photo or file size is messed up its my first time posting an image.

>> No.2760158

Guesstimate the angle at which the switch is at. I assume it's 70 degrees or so.

>> No.2760172

It would be in three point perspective if that's what you mean. It might throw you off since you're doing two point.

>> No.2760212

Eddcer: Today's submission looks super dank, even though it doesn't have tits.

Also, I noticed that drawing spontaneously, rather than at the scheduled time, increases the quality of my work.
How do I keep the flow of spontaneous art, while keeping the structure of scheduled art?

>> No.2760238

wow blooves, 235 views


>> No.2760282


>> No.2760295

he made his submission public so it showed up on the "new" section of imgur and random people could see it. Lad got 3 upvotes which is actually breddy gud since people just get downvoted most of the time.

>> No.2760300


>> No.2760302

Is this the secret to success?

>> No.2760304

It's a gamble. Either you get ignored and snag a negligible amount of up or downvotes or you get shit on by normies. They don't fuck around either, they go in for the kill. I one of the better artists on las accidentally made his submission public and then the normies roasted him.

It's up to you if you wanna take the risk lad.

>> No.2760307

link? I laugh at some normie stupidity

>> No.2760314


>> No.2760317


>> No.2760324

Can't remember the las one but here's one from reddit I saw a while back. The dudes not that good but the comments are vicious.


>> No.2760328

I remember this, some anons made a thread about it here back then

>> No.2760355

>art is like pimping out a vehicles, you do it for the fun and not the money.

why do I even read those comments when I know I will be triggered?

>> No.2760357

Where was that comment? I didn't even scroll that far and I definitely didn't see that.

>> No.2760361

I closed the tap, but it's definitely in there. If you want to look for it that's not with what the comments starts with, but with what it ends

>> No.2760381

Yeah, the thing that irks me the most is that everyone is dismissing him and acting like improving at art isn't a thing. Or there was some dude in the comments saying that "he doesn't have an eye for art" even though the dude's using basic perspective + construction.

I think things worked out okay for him though, I remember hearing something about him getting a job or internship at Aardman and I think he's in animation school now so good for him.

>> No.2760421


oh fuck that thread triggered me so badly lol

dropped out of uni

I'm okay enough for freelance and I have a second job...I'm doing fine... but still, just knowing that people judge you so harshly for not finishing school makes you cringe...

I better get really damn good

>> No.2760422

Those aren't people, anon. They're monsters.

>> No.2760443

holy fucking shit lmao

>> No.2760448


I duno, I get their mentality and why they think this way.

but the reality is that most of them are rich kids whose parents are paying for schooling :s or they're taking out massive loans

one reason I didn't go to art school and finish my degree is because I couldn't afford it

>> No.2760452

How's life working out for you now? Is this whole "do work with art on the side" thing actually viable in the short run?

>> No.2760460


of course it's viable! yes, my life is fine.

I don't know if it was the "short run" though, because it still took me 4 years to get good enough for any decently paid work

it actually covered my living expenses
completely last month, so the money I made from part time job was just fluff..

thinking of stopping freelance for a bit though so I can do a new portfolio and apply to better companies

no, I'm not ballin' or going on shopping sprees, lol, but I have my own place, my own life, and all is well :)

>> No.2760485

>reality is that most of them are rich kids whose parents are paying for schooling :s or they're taking out massive loans
I don't think so. I think it's just the mentality that the vast majority of people have these days. I bet you all of those people had some sort of dream that they wanted to achieve and they all failed and quickly gave up if they even bothered to try. But they don't view it as giving up, they view it as "growing up." I think that to them, realizing that you can't achieve your dreams and coming to terms with it is an essential part of growing up so they get really pissed when they see someone do their own thing. They've basically bought into the whole "do a STEM degree and grind away for the rest of your life" meme so they don't understand why someone would willingly leave that behind to pursue some fanatical dream.

>> No.2760488

Who started this
>"do a STEM degree and grind away for the rest of your life" meme

>> No.2760490

So dreams really are possible then? Everyone has just been lying to me? Well, gee willy. I feel a lot better now.

>> No.2760501

Dreams are possible but that doesn't mean you're guaranteed to make it. Obviously perusing something like art is a huge risk. However, there are a lot of people who would be much happier perusing and failing at art than they would be working an office job that has decent pay. It's up to you to decide if the risk is worth it. I think Bill Burr said something about this too, like he would be much happier sleeping on a friends couch barely making ends meet while perusing comedy than he would be if he had a cushy office job with a nice house and a wife + kids. It's more about doing what makes you happy instead of doing what society expects of you.

>> No.2760503

how do you fuck up persuing three times in on sentence, m8

>> No.2760505

is this b8

>> No.2760509

haha shit. I misspelled pursue and it auto-corrected to peruse. i have no excuse other than me being a retard.

>> No.2760518

no I found a random picture on the chinese pinterest and added some whale thing to it.Whats Noah Bradleys master class video should I check it out?

>> No.2760523
File: 2.02 MB, 2480x3508, Poster Design 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I'm Engin, posted on /ic/ for a couple years but never really got involved with anything done here. I'm gonna be streaming from 9.30am and onwards today and working towards gettin gud.



>> No.2760528

I guess you can do animal heads if you have a structured approach. and no you don't have to post a head everyday, just make sure you have 30 at the end

>> No.2760546
File: 759 KB, 545x518, firefox_2016-11-20_03-29-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you enjoy art you cant fail at it other than financially. and desu you can get by with little money if youre not trapped in the materialistic world.

just make friends that have money

>> No.2760553

>just make friends that have money
I never thought about that. Damn, you're a god damn genius, anon.

>> No.2760563
File: 130 KB, 1000x750, lduimc_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I got today at work my boss told me not to come at work from tomorrow

because he's the one who decide when we get our vacation and for how long

long story short for the next month I will be full ''neet''. If I still post rushed 30 min drawings do me a favor and slap my shit.

>> No.2760564

>tfw have no idea who this is
I have a month to figure it out then I figure.

>> No.2760565

hint: I have a streak of 34 days

>> No.2760575

ball of water

>> No.2760577

>working on submission for multiple hours
>finally finished
>trying to press screenshot button on keyboard so I can make a quick las thumbnail
>super dark in my room
>half asleep
>can't really see keyboard, reach for prntscr
>power button right above screenshot button
>press power button
>all my work is gone

>> No.2760579

look in my opinion if you wanna rush drawings thats fine. sooner or later you'll feel the urge to slow down just for the sake of variety.
dont even worry about it, you know

>> No.2760581

I remember when I had a keyboard with -sleep-shitdown-hibernate- right where you describe

I took out the keys from the keyboard since the single time I was using them was when bumping them by mistake. I advice to do the same

>> No.2760599

100 spheres, 100 cubes,
10 studies
every day

las will be a joke after that

>> No.2760601

>100 spheres
wouldn't cylinders be better/more practical?

>> No.2760603

200 basic shapes (cube, sphere, pyramid/cone, cylinder), your choice

>> No.2760673


just fuck my work up senpai

>> No.2760674

Streaming now: https://picarto.tv/Engin

>> No.2760710

Friskybeast got me.

>> No.2760757

Dog ate my submission.

>> No.2760790

one more day till december

>> No.2760794

close to my birthday
closer to 25
closer to death

>> No.2760795


>> No.2760817

Here have some comments.

Friskybeast, I don't know why I didn't question that the source was doctoredand just thought it was a chick with big tits pulling a retarded face.

Anyway the value shifts in the source are way more abrupt - it's not direct lighting, but there's plenty of cast lighting, and you've washed it all out.

Glueman - animator? That's it, that's the comment.

Nem0, found you, you've misunderstood the point of gesture drawing. It's not "see how fast you can block in and render a drawing" it's "capture the motion of the ocean and push it if you feel like it". You don't bother with rendering or details, it's entirely an exercise in aiding construction.

Also you don't render traditionally if you want to capture movement, you gotta make good use of soft transitions over rocky contours to help sell the movement.

Everyone else who visits these threads - I love you.
To everyone who doesn't - do us all a favour and have your name left in the thread so people know not to waste their fucking time commenting on you, you don't deserve love or respect or food.

>> No.2760819

>To everyone who doesn't - do us all a favour and have your name left in the thread so people know not to waste their fucking time commenting on you, you don't deserve love or respect or food.

>> No.2760825

I visit these threads but I don't want to comment for a lot of reasons but I appreciate your feedback.

>> No.2760907

>However, there are a lot of people who would be much happier perusing and failing at art than they would be working an office job that has decent pay. It's up to you to decide if the risk is worth it

>> No.2760912

OH SHIT MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW. I can't believe I forgot.

>> No.2760915

Kill yourself you autist

>> No.2760919

Okay lassies how do I make 2 million from art in the next 15 years?

>> No.2760920


>> No.2760921

Become a creative director?

>> No.2760922

modern art furry porn

>> No.2760923

start sucking cocks


>> No.2760924

selling slightly used sketchbooks

>> No.2760937


have a young girl kiss each sketch you make with lipstick as a signature and attach photo

>> No.2760954
File: 26 KB, 235x235, 1453048704239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2760979

humanbean dont eat cats dog

>> No.2761014

oshit pihori drew a cube, its time to step it up

>> No.2761025

so Im goin through Hampton's figure book, currently at the arms, and for the forearms he recommends some sort of supplemental reading. I was lookin through loomis but the copy I have the pictures are kinda scanned poorly so I can't really make out the images, anyone got any other authors who go into good detail on the arm?

>> No.2761059


>> No.2761062

paint a gun, use it to rob banks

>> No.2761094
File: 771 KB, 900x1200, 1439966769133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money making with furry porn
To anyone who may have sold art at conventions and/or sells commissions can you give me some figures on the money made in those areas?

From my guesses I assume if I was a pretty popular artist I'd be able to sell about 80 prints at $40 average. If I go to 4 conventions a year that adds up only $12,000 and that's not including the cost of going to the con which probably knocks off almost half of that.

With custom commissions I reckon if I'm popular enough I could do about 1 $100 commission every 2-3 weeks adding up to 26-52 commissions a year earning a total of $2600-5200.
From that looking at the amount of work I'd need to do, I'd still be making less that half as much as least.

If I do both loads of commissions a year and do successful at commissions I could be making around $15,000 which is barely minimum wage. And that doesn't consider the cost living, travel, conventions, etc

There will be no money left at the end of the day and I would be better working at McDonalds.

I think prints and other non tailored art has the potential to make far more money and be more accessible as they can be sold faster, more reliable and cheaper.

Do you think I should be focusing on art that can be mass produced rather than what JMGN did with tailored commissions?
The sky's the limit, large comics are sold by the thousands and make millions

Are there any major errors in my assumptions?

>> No.2761095

>Still haven't gotten any comments today


Nice fur manadabes. Looks a little out of place tho since it's so rendered compared to everything else. Did you actually render the fur tho? It looks super real, although fur is pretty easy to render... Good job

Also nice style glueman. Got a neat cartoony aesthetic to it.

>> No.2761123


Nelli here, forgive me for slacking off. I got hit with a lot of IRL skool stuff recently.

>> No.2761136

Nelli that dude jacking off looks damn good

>> No.2761138

What're you in school for/what year?

>> No.2761180

>Are there any major errors in my assumptions?
Yes. Furries are far more loose with their money and willing to pay for their OC.

>> No.2761187

With all these commets I almost regret stopping to post

>> No.2761199

Friendly reminder that the 30 heads in 30 days challenge closes in an hour if you still want to join it.

>> No.2761238

Buy a bunch of $100 abstract paintings from literal who's and convince rich people they're worth thousands.

>> No.2761264

if you could convince rich people to buy shit paintings why not just try to sell something that's easier to sell?

>> No.2761277

Is this the secret to quick and easy art gains?


>> No.2761293

Name something easier to get and easier to hock to rich people than abstract art.

>> No.2761295

I joined but I already submitted something today, so I'll start on some heads tomorrow hope that's okay

>> No.2761299

is that sinix tom?

>> No.2761301

Your mom

>> No.2761304

>To everyone who doesn't - do us all a favour and have your name left in the thread
But how will they know

>> No.2761318

So the head challenge's starting, shall someone post 1 head here a day and people can choose to include that one in their study-a-day?

>> No.2761336
File: 921 KB, 1200x966, 1476544914983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one that might be extra nice for a color study

>> No.2761359

so we have to spend at least 30 minutes on each head correct?

>> No.2761361


>> No.2761364

>tfw gonna submit 29 minute heads

>> No.2761366

y-you monster D:

>> No.2761368

yeah, I tried to stylize too much without laying the proper foundation. Also rushed it a bit. Thanks for the input.
Are dogs okay?

>> No.2761444
File: 328 KB, 450x350, 3f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2761463


EE/Junior and CS/Senior.

>> No.2761468

Double major? Damn son. How do you juggle that with art? I'm struggling with just 1 major.

>> No.2761476

stremin https://picarto.tv/N4F

>> No.2761516

who drew this?

>> No.2761548

>tfw no one on /ic/ majors in art

>> No.2761553

>tfw there's people on /ic/ doing tough majors or working full time jobs that and are still better than you
I don't know how they do it.

Oh and I think it's cause majoring in art isn't really all that beneficial aside from a handful of schools and even then it's crazy expensive. The best thing is just to get mentorships, self teach or go to ateliers.

>> No.2761556

I major in art

Of course it's right as I am about to graduate, that I start putting in effort though to git gud instead of the 4+ years I've been here.

>> No.2761562

I've done some research into it and seeing what the Chinese and Korean students can do, I can see how some people may be able to pull off crazy feats.

Sure it's not as beneficial if you went to a crazy expensive school, but you could say the same to just about any major. If you're just going to self-teach you could have just majored in art and got time to do that anyways. It's not like they force you to learn something, you do the learning yourself.

For people who want to do art, but are constantly doing something else, it's so weird in my eyes. But if they don't regret it, then whatever.

>> No.2761689

Viktor, what kind of paper do you use? I like the texture.

>> No.2761737


Well my point is that I feel as if the whole commission style way of working doesn't have much of a future, at most you could make 40k a year. You can only produce a certain amount a year and you can only sell up to a certain amount, there's a limit to how much you can make and it's not very much. With selling things like comics, prints, etc all you have to do is print more to sell more, if you're making consistent money with a set of products you could even take a break from drawing for the entire year and you'd still have the potential to make far more than working 7 days a week doing commissions non stop.

Assuming my assumptions on how much people spend on this kind of stuff are right custom tailored commissions are a dead end pursuit.

It's true that custom commissions are certainly better for creating intimate popularity. Selling products makes everyone just a customer.
Hard/WetBlush seem to do very well with this product style way of working.

>> No.2761790

Creepy AAphk.

>> No.2761924

The way I see it, you need to combine the two. So if you wanted to start out supporting yourself with art, you need to be doing 80% commissions, 20% work for passive income (books, prints, etc). Once the passive income begins to trickle in money, you will have more money coming in to shift the balance. Say 50% commissions 50% passives. The trouble is that I'm not sure if it's possible to go 100% passive with just prints and artbooks.

The thing is though, is the more stuff you sell, the more you can sell things for. In theory at least. The more popular and in-demand your services are, then the more you should be able to reasonably charge for your work. So you might leave your passive stuff at about the same price, but increase your commission prices to double or triple what you started at. That means one job now pays you the same as three jobs before, which saves more time for working on other art income sources.

And if you can use commission pieces for prints or in your books, then that is all the better. You'd just have to mention in your terms that you retain all rights to your image to use as you please.

>> No.2761941

better start practicing "you want fries with that?"

>> No.2761943

I used to spend all of my free time having hours of conversations with my dozens of friends
but then when I started drawing more I had to start ignoring them, spend less time chatting
Now I almost never chat with anyone, and some of my friends have removed me because they think I don't care about them anymore
Even then, I still had to sacrifice lots of gaming time and such. It's all about prioritizing and cutting down/out things that you might still love but are just less important overall.

>> No.2761945


>> No.2762051

He is saying the anon he is responding to has no future in art and should prepare themselves to work in a fast food franchise.

>> No.2762119

but that anon advocated against majoring in art.

>> No.2762243

Merry Xmas Runnerman1

>> No.2762253

joyeux anniversaire runnerman1

>> No.2762268

High level for this session!
Happy birthday runnerman1, hope you get some Loomis books.

>> No.2762288

happy birthday runnerman1

>> No.2762294
File: 272 KB, 1024x768, cute-sleeping-anime-girl-wallpaper__yvt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody was eliminated. Good job chums.
>No tokens used.

>> No.2762295

How do we know it's Runnermans birthday?

>> No.2762297


>> No.2762314

Happy Birthday Runnerman1 You are now one year closer to escaping this hell and experiencing the sweet sweet joy of death.
His submission breh

>> No.2762315

i-if i draw a birthday cake will you wish me a happy birthday?

>> No.2762316

no, end your life, santi

>> No.2762317


>> No.2762337

Does santi even submit anymore?

>> No.2762340

nope, site says he hasn't visited for 4 weeks

>> No.2762350

Anybody know of a good site to dl comicbooks?

>> No.2762352

>new LAS replacement site is finally active
>better than old LAS in every way
>suddenly Lava is back and active
>oh he has so much to do, he's a new man
>W the Betrayer destroys the new haven of LAS
>his competition gone, Lava fades away once more

Why do you continue to support this embodiment of Sloth? Why do you continue to believe his lies? He cares not for you. He only hungers for desperate people who will read his blog in hopes of a site update.

>> No.2762355

He's a lemur, not a sloth

>> No.2762371

You can read'em for free (not download) on here http://readcomicbooksonline.com/..

Also I think piratebay usually has them but it might be better to check out /co/ They usually have "WIN-O" Threads going on where they give out links to all the good stuff, kinda like our book threads.
You're like 7 years late with that comment. But it was kinda weird, people kept bitching about Lava not posting and then when he finally posted he got like 2-3 replies and no one else cared. Then he just disappeared again. Oh and I think W took down the site because he didn't want to work on it, Lava was just an excuse. I think he said it would take more time than he was willing to put in to work on the site so he decided to stop.

>> No.2762378

he should be a sloth t b h, kek

>> No.2762391

Thanks for the tips friend.

>> No.2762453
File: 406 KB, 800x733, 1480560790646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2762461

What's up with all the artscrub posting? Is this a discord meme or something?

>> No.2762465

Ain't artscrub that 16 yr old with massive talent?

>> No.2762475


>> No.2762501

dude he's freaking FIVE YEARS OLD

how the FUCK can we compete???

>> No.2762592
File: 83 KB, 600x573, 1324753975001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we were all gonna make it...

>> No.2762656
File: 467 KB, 2000x1313, WP_20161202_11_03_43_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can use a thing called auxiliary perspective.

It can be a real pain to set up if you are drawing traditionally, as you can see from this example I drew. Maybe with big paper you could do it all on one page, but you will need to tape paper together if you don't have big enough paper.

1.Draw your normal vanishing point 1 and 2.

2. raw a straight vertical line up or down, so it hits either vp 1 or 2.

3.Add auxiliary vanishing point, in my example I named it vp 3 and 4.

(I also had to just guess where vp 4 was, because it would have been too down to fit even two papers. But you could find it, by just taping more and more paper together.)

4. use it to draw the incline planes you have.

Also heres some more to read:


>> No.2762725
File: 1.65 MB, 1578x792, yjur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your perspective is mostly fine, what's wrong is the shape of your switch
Here I've drawn next to yours the shape of your switch, as you can see it's not very good particularly the end of the switch. You can have the angle of that at any angle, it doesn't affect the function but it doesn't look nice and makes the perspective look funny. The position of the switch is off, assuming it's held on by some sort of circle, by flipping the switch down it would look like this. Here I drawn what I think would be a better way to approach drawing this switch.

>> No.2762735


>> No.2762795

>tfw learning

>> No.2762813


>> No.2762838

Good work HumanBean, I particularly enjoy the piggy, beady eyes.

>> No.2762873

Soroneir, do you paint your light directly in color dodge ?

>> No.2763091

Do people want ded back?

>> No.2763096

if it's hosted by someone that isn't w

>> No.2763099

I'm dependable don't worry about it friend, not one bit.

>> No.2763104



>> No.2763111

I wouldn't trust any faggot that makes a LAS/DED site now. Apparently the only people that are willing to make them are also incredibly unreliable.

>> No.2763112

>tfw you get burnt so many times you're unwilling to try anyone else
come on, just 1 more, you know what they say, 2's a party 3's a crowd or something

>> No.2763115

>you know what they say, 2's a party 3's a crowd or something
3rd time lucky.

>> No.2763149

too close to home.

>> No.2763154

Thank you family

>> No.2763163

Hey thanks guys! I turned 24 yesterday, was a good day.

>> No.2763165

1 year left

>> No.2763169

>mfw 27
>mfw just started.
i have already failed.

>> No.2763171

> hope you get some Loomis books.

Also fucking thank you!!! I've been trying to think of a gift. I hate PDF,and art books is totally perfect for what I need. Have any recommendations?

>> No.2763176

Ask for some nude sketching sessions.
As for the books, it depends on what you want to focus and your country.

>> No.2763187

I'm looking for a perspective book, an art composition study book, and maybe beginner to digital/how to color & shade book. I'm in Canada

>> No.2763191
File: 613 KB, 320x240, Oh-stop-it-you-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 already

>> No.2763202

"Famous artists cours", Gurney "color&light", Robertson "How to render". But your certainly have them in pdf.

>> No.2763203

how to draw by robertson
framed ink
colour and light by gurney

>> No.2763226

I have all the Loomis books, Vilppu Drawing manual, and How to Draw by Scott robertson in PDF.

>> No.2763233

You should def get hampton