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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 258 KB, 600x852, Draw!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2751838 No.2751838 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>2745191
Post your current drawing here and be an asshole to others!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, DOWNSIZED TO AROUND 1000 PIXELS WIDE, ROTATED TO THE CORRECT ORIENTATION, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one and then kill yourself.
>dA /ic/ group :
>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:
>>General resources :
>http://sites.google.com/site/4chanic/ >http://sites.google.com/site/artandwhatnot/
>>fellowBro's books :
>>more gay ass books:
>>Figure Drawing Tool:
>>Photoshop Brushes

>> No.2751868

Hey thats a nice study who did it.

>> No.2751869
File: 3.09 MB, 5312x2988, 20161121_231253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 hours from live model.

>> No.2751871
File: 129 KB, 608x1080, 1022201642054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2751873
File: 269 KB, 1000x1140, amanorecap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2751874
File: 301 KB, 844x1080, 1022201642441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also shopped this one up a bit

>> No.2751875

Does she holds her wrist because it's broken ?

>> No.2751877


>> No.2751878

Redline? I dont see it.

>> No.2751920
File: 136 KB, 680x962, happyharpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2751923

Answer me you fuckers i need to know

>> No.2751955
File: 300 KB, 967x827, nose_tutorial_by_felicemelancholie-d53z0xu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have asked in the last thread but does anyone have a source on a video tutorial or a regular step by step explanation of this process?

>> No.2751957
File: 1.14 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_0718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with my ~10 min life drawing? It seems pretty lifeless

>> No.2751960

Oops, on phone, sorry

>> No.2751965
File: 140 KB, 850x1162, elf001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2751966

It seems you don't use ink to correct your mistakes, but to affirm them.
You mention it's a 10 minutes drawing, use this time to focus on one part instead of making the whole body. Concerning the anatomy, you already know what's wrong since you can compare to your model.

>> No.2751975
File: 122 KB, 582x1034, 3c289803-c459-41ff-94fe-f70ad5ae32ee_20161122080950366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2751976

why is a female his head

>> No.2751997

on top of girls without a leg, that's his fetish too
dont judge him

>> No.2752011
File: 265 KB, 1920x2560, LXLRB5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reference doodle

>> No.2752013

Thank you! Erudite as always /ic/, I'll take this on board next time.

>> No.2752019

Boasting that you can ride a bicycle isn't impressive when you just immediately fall over.

>> No.2752021

Powerful, so powerful the blade made his ear go up one floor. Joking, the ear is well placed. Why is the knife behind him, it's a weird background.

>> No.2752025

I like you anon.

>> No.2752076
File: 62 KB, 1600x1200, Mask1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to finally get into digital.
Critique as hard as you'd smash that MF like button!

>> No.2752079

Since your signature is RVB why is your doodle black and white ?
>not going to /beg/
Humility is a good fundamental.

>> No.2752080

shit. this should have been our banner.

>> No.2752095

Im sorry for not going to beginner. I am not a beginner in the physical arts and I assumed.. probably not the best assumption but what ever.
Also please explain, what does RVB mean?

>> No.2752104

It was someone from last thread. I don't recall if they left any sort of blog but you can check warosu. The thread is there I was just looking at it yesterday.

>> No.2752144
File: 305 KB, 950x442, dropoff (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2752150

Can't you just use your fucking brain and learn how to draw a nose?

>> No.2752164

I haven't gone through all the videos to be able to give you a specific one, but I'd bet there is a video or a couple of videos explaining this step by step on ctrlpaint.com . You may have to go through a few videos for it like I said but all of them are pretty short and easy to follow, about 3-5 minutes of specific techniques. If any place would have it I'd try there first.

>> No.2752172

Thanks mate

>> No.2752193
File: 3.61 MB, 3850x2947, Elsa Frozen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get a crit

>> No.2752210

Yes. Stop chicken scratching and symbol drawing.
Faces are too wide and poses are copied.
Learn anatomy.
Foreshortening is not bad. Also resize images please, it gives me cancer

>> No.2752222
File: 175 KB, 1000x748, IMG_20161122_133623-1000x748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2752223
File: 159 KB, 748x1000, IMG_20161122_133630-748x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cruddy values on the last on, shitty mark making on both.

>> No.2752224

Thanks for the crits but I don't see whats wrong with the anatomy. What is a symbol here, all my forms albeit stylized are full functional 3d, and correct for their purpose. please be specific here because while im not disagreeing I dont see it.

>> No.2752236

Symbols : The eyes, the hairs. Anatomy : Look at this shitty neck and the arms's muscles.

>> No.2752237

numbers don't make you better.

Just sayin


>> No.2752246

I would slightly disagree with this anon in one aspect: the foreshortening is bad. The places where it doesn't immediately look bad appear to be copied, the arms and hands look like they were lifted from a few pictures of Jean Grey I've seen. On the heads where you tried to do it yourself though it shows. Learning how to construct perspective would help with this. Once you get better with drawing objects like cubes in perspective, you can start drawing heads and other body parts within the boxes and aligning them to help create the illusion of depth and foreshortening.

>> No.2752252

Yeah, its passable tho is what i meant.

Your lips are symbols for example.
Actually most of your features are symbols, because you dont understand the skull underneath yet.

>> No.2752272

you are allocating time poorly. you seem unconcerned with likeness so all that rendering on the face comes across as superfluous. it looks kinda nice, but it's superfluous.

try to do a drawing that gives you enough information to do a painting. if I was personally making this into a painting i'd find the hands completely uninformative, the legs useless information-wise, and it'd basically be impossible from the bust up. this could be a small portrait but not a full figure painting.

i'd also say work on specificity of the contours. the legs in particular are ridiculously simple. they look like bowling pins. and the form you represented with the hatching doesn't help. it's good you are trying to represent form specific to the drawing you are doing, but it's still overly simple. the leg on top almost looks like an abstract shape in my periphery when i look at her face.

i could keep critting but i'll stop. overall i think it's ok for three hours if not a bit too stylistic.

>> No.2752273
File: 327 KB, 1300x900, valuefigure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been studying at my own pace but I figured some feedback would be nice.

>> No.2752277

your drawings look like bad tutorials

>> No.2752279
File: 180 KB, 1197x759, Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 1.46.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ref. make me cry

>> No.2752281

They're alright actually. I think you should probably study some photographs of real people or do some life drawing if you have a chance. These are basically drawn as simplifications of the body that are used to help people understand it better, but they are not the true forms of things.

Otherwise there are some slight proportions errors like tiny heads and bit torsos. In terms of posing maybe try getting some more twists in there as right now they are pretty stiff as everything is aligned.

>> No.2752288

Not using reference isn't something to be proud of or even to strive for. Not needing to copy it verbatim is one thing, but when you're still learning you should use it to learn to draw things properly. When you've drawn from life or from reference enough you can start being inventive and relegate reference only to when you want help filling in details of something you don't need to bother memorizing inside and out like clothing detail or cars or something. Right now you're not close to that point and you should study as much reference as you can as thoroughly as you can and build up your observational skills so you can move on to construction and then invention.

>> No.2752289

Gotcha, thanks man.

>> No.2752290

Made me cry too.
Use ref?

>> No.2752307

What do you mean?

>> No.2752361

Thanks for the thoughts mate appreciate the critique

>> No.2752425
File: 233 KB, 1071x900, 870580786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2752453
File: 3.47 MB, 3850x2947, Elsa Frozen redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed some things m8s, pls pls pls respond!

>> No.2752458

why is it 3850x2947

also my eyes pain from looking at this

>> No.2752471
File: 4 KB, 160x90, cryingwojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dimensions would you perfer eye pain chan?

>> No.2752474

600x800 or so

>> No.2752483

if you post it on web there are no reasons to go above 1000px by side
also blue line mite b cool at devianart, but we are here for forms and lines so overlay it with black or grey. no one will crit if you can barely watch it for 3 seconds.

>> No.2752590
File: 140 KB, 809x1000, Kyres official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i please get some fresh eyes on this. thanks

>> No.2752597


>> No.2752610

His head is too small for his body and his face is way too small for his head. The raised arm is oddly proportioned because you tried to make it fit those other skewed proportions.

>> No.2752653



>> No.2752659

This is quite appealing to me. The eyes are a bit heavy handed though and her left eye is sinking in. You really want to make sure to position the iris/pupil correctly.

>> No.2752675
File: 450 KB, 751x1000, november-22-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse the shitty photo. 3 hour session with pencils and blending stumps

>> No.2752680

also: draw bigger. if you want like actual advice just draw bigger

>> No.2752714
File: 525 KB, 1159x754, want 2 die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love how you shaded this, gave me a yoshinari vibe

>> No.2752722

Gonna throw you a bone and say that it's looking really good.

>> No.2752731
File: 238 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20161122_220308_171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit discouraged to continue, fucked up the shading.

>> No.2752741

that one went over me

how could i go about fixing it? is it really that skewed?

>> No.2752748

It's incredibly skewed, yes. There are of course digital tricks you could do to make it more reasonable but aside from the fact I doubt that would look good in the end, I strongly recommend you draw it over again and try to pay closer attention to measuring and proportions. Doing something a second time can teach so much and a lot of times goes smoother than the first attempt did. I think that would benefit you more.

>> No.2752750

it looks alright to me, but the blue lines on white background hurt my eyes. if you did a proper linework it'd be easier for me to see if anything is wrong with it.

>> No.2752754

it would be more like the 3rd but fuck it, why not. LETS GO!!

>> No.2752755

That's the spirit. Good luck, use reference.

>> No.2753017
File: 366 KB, 798x1000, mecanic en robot 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753052
File: 558 KB, 590x900, rocks2ndstudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it, before uploading it to my blog, thanks!


>> No.2753101
File: 160 KB, 580x820, happyharpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime i start a painting is like a forget how i did it last time
does it look finished?

>> No.2753112

dude, proportions are way fucking off. Those are gigantic hands. Head looks also a little too big.

>> No.2753140

There are some good parts and some others that are, well, awful. Keep going I guess.

>> No.2753186

she's 7 and a half heads tall if you account for her slouching and her legs outstretched. it can be easy to misread the size of hands if you are newer to drawing. usually at the start you'll be drawing hands way too small ( at least i used to), but this is the size hands usually are. if you want to argue i could've made her hands a bit more feminine i can get behind that critique but I was more concerned with representing them as they are than worrying about what was most aesthetic.

what are the good parts and what are the awful parts?

>> No.2753204

You always claim you care about drawing things as they are not as you imagine them but everything you draw always looks wrong. When I look at a person they don't look wrong, if I draw them as they are the drawing shouldn't look wrong either. Nothing you say ever makes sense.

>> No.2753210


Stop being defensive, that anon was right about his critique. Your proportions are still in noob territory.

>> No.2753229

the problem with this board is everyone gets to pretend they're an expert but it's pretty easy to tell when someone's a beginner. "proportion and anatomy" are dead give aways. saying something is "wrong" without being able to articulate why is a dead give away.

>> No.2753261
File: 1.59 MB, 1430x2130, VIDAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna finish this today

>> No.2753264

you gave your robot womanly birthing hips

>> No.2753268

hell yea boiii

>> No.2753279

add beminine benis now

>> No.2753299
File: 291 KB, 751x1000, briang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should figure out how it works.

I feel like you got lazy on this, specially on the belly, half of the upper and lower limbs and the shadowing. You need to hatch more carefully aswell, pay deeper attention to form and light.

>> No.2753302

People always tell you exactly what's wrong in your drawings and you still never listen to them. You just do what you did here >>2753186
I could list every single thing that looks wrong in all of your drawings and you'd have an excuse for each one of them and dismiss me with some ad hominem like you always do to everyone else. You just spend all day drawing incorrectly and moving the goalpost for critique in circles. Truly the most pointless activity I've ever seen someone engage in and on a daily basis no less.

>> No.2753303
File: 181 KB, 738x1095, таня.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753306
File: 384 KB, 1061x1920, 10232016132351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows my anatomy on this?

>> No.2753310

I don't think you need the blue rimlight, it's not really contributing to the mood of the piece.

>> No.2753312

not bad but look at her back leg and imagine the bones, her femur is almost twice the length of her tibia, the top/bottom leg proportions should be closer to 50/50

>> No.2753317

Noice, I like it. But it seems her left leg is floating or isn't correctly linked to the rest of the body.

>> No.2753325

Left thigh is too long, lower leg too short, not to mention her left calf is THICC as fuck.

Right lower leg looks weird with that bit of bulge just below the knee must mean she has a massive tibialis anterior muscle. That or her lower legs in a bit of an odd angle to really accentuate the roundness of it but seeing as how it's a profile shot and that would just be an awkward pose, it won't be as round.

Left foot heel is tad too large.

She's got some mean slumped shoulders, especially her left which looks like you tries to fit in because you think it'd be that visible but you forgot about the anatomy and the comfortability of the pose which in this particular aspect doesn't look comfortable at all.

>> No.2753328

Would be nice if you could place more element such as graffiti or vandalism at the wall

>> No.2753344

you circled some things and said "you got lazy". i did that drawing in a 3 hour session. by comparison, >>2751871
that was another anon's three hour drawing session

"all you do is ad hominem" and then all you do in your post is ad hominem

anatomy is pretty staid. observe contours more closely. don't be afraid of putting contours that don't adhere to your understanding of anatomy. draw what you see and not what you think you see, even if it looks "wrong".

also draw bigger and push values. draw faster. put more graphite on the paper. and if you do the initial outline and it comes out too small on the paper don't be afraid to erase the whole thing and redo it bigger. you drew it once you can draw it again. it's worth it even if you have to pick up the pace during the rest of the drawing. im not entirely sure if this is a figure drawing or not though. even if it's not draw your figures bigger.

>> No.2753353

Do you even know what ad hominem means? It means insulting the person you're arguing with instead of rebutting their points. I didn't use any ad hominem anywhere in my post, the fact that I'm dissecting your behaviour and saying why I find it unproductive is not the same as me just calling you names like you always do when you call people beginners and amateurs without even knowing what their art looks like and any of the other names you call someone when you don't like the fact they're actually critiquing you rather than patting your ass. Your reply doesn't counter any of my points, you basically just said "I know you are but what am I". I was wrong before, the most pointless activity is trying to talk any sense into you.

>> No.2753354

>I was wrong before, the most pointless activity is trying to talk any sense into you.
Exactly. Don't even bother with Brian. He's either delusional and never going to listen, or he's a master troll who just wants to rustle people's jimmies. I can't tell which it is, but in any case it is not worth getting into it with him.

>> No.2753355

why do 99.832% of you insist on critiquing me and not my artwork

>> No.2753362

You, dont listen to these >>2752277
two fucking retards.

Your gestures are very nice, sense of weight and balance are on point, anatomy seems correct, propotions are also nice, a bit exaggerated, but you already know that. The way you're going is great, please dont listen to any of this bullshit here.

I'll bet my sweet ass on the fact that >>2752281
this nigga draws worse than you.

Keep it up famalam, im right there with you

>> No.2753371

People do criticize your mediocre artwork. The problem is that you don't listen. So there's no point.

Are you for real or just a sockpuppet? Many here just want to git gud, and Brian is the exact nightmare of what you don't want to be. Because when you receive critique, there's always the possibility that the crit is unwarranted/stupid/whatever, so you have to trust your sensibility when taking it into account. In some non-clear-cut cases you have to trust that you ain't delusional. But this guy embraces the delusion like it's aphrodite and he sure as hell won't let her go.

>> No.2753373

You're right, I shouldn't have wasted my time and I'll stop now. He doesn't listen when people critique his drawings, of course he wouldn't listen when people point out he doesn't listen. What a waste of everything.

>> No.2753374

Anon both of those posts are Brian.

>> No.2753376

>to git gud, and Brian is the exact nightmare of what you don't want

What the fuck did i just read. Who are you talking to

>> No.2753378

yeah shitposting while working isn't working so well. not enough brainpower left.

>> No.2753385

My circles are more precise than my words since I'm not a native speaker. If you can't recognize you got fugging lazy on those circled areas, your case is definitely lost. And I was talking about yours there, why do you bring his up?

>> No.2753395

I forgive you anon although you did it again, 76 was him too.

>> No.2753397

how are you still working on this lmao

hasnt it been like a month or some shit?

>> No.2753398

thank you anon. truly you are my greatest ally.

>> No.2753401

No problem. We need to help each other keep our sanity in these times.

>> No.2753403

Shouldn't the board have a rule to quarantine him to a thread? Seriously, half of the threads are polluted by his ramblings.

>> No.2753407

We were doing that for a while, when I stopped coming here. I don't know what happened to bring things back to how they were at first since I wasn't here. I guess all we can do is try as hard as possible not to pay attention to him and just pray for the people who don't know any better and either accidentally try to critique him or don't realize when he's the one giving them "advice".

>> No.2753429

why are you posting here?

notice how nobody else had responded to this. that's because it's a good painting and no body cares about you cause they're jealous cunts..

why are you asking /ic for advice dude lmao

>> No.2753434

hey man, it's not so true. There are a number of anatomical problems (just look at the neck), the lightning is inconsistent (strongly defined at some point, diffused elsewhere, like the chicken legs), occlusion shadow are not there (there's rim lightning on the arm hidden by the wing!)
Also, the wings are just not finished, as well as the rock with green lego blocks.

Why don't you give a crit yourself? Are you a jealous cunt?

>> No.2753436
File: 29 KB, 552x369, stop-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are all fucking cancer. It takes two to tango.

> I guess all we can do is try as hard as possible not to pay attention to him and just pray for the people who don't know any better and either accidentally try to critique him or don't realize when he's the one giving them "advice".

You don't need to pray. Just fucking point out bad advice in general, it doesn't matter who's giving it. This is something you should normally be trying to do.

>anatomy is pretty staid. observe contours more closely.
This isn't bad advice. You all act like Brian is going to fuck someone's head up. As if everything Brian is going to say is bound to be fucking crap. Hilarious. You're afraid of him giving people bad advice, yet there he is giving people advice, and you didn't feel like correcting it.

If you fucking crit him, and he tries to argue with you, fucking drop it. Be the bigger man. Just FUCKING END IT THERE. You fuckers are EMPOWERING him by alienating him. STOP IT.

>> No.2753447

By your logic we shouldn't even point out when he's giving bad advice then. Out of context "carefully observe contours" doesn't seem like bad advice but what he means is essentially anon should do a blind contour drawing. Draw every bump and curve and shape he can see, irrespective of proportion and structure or anything to do with making the drawing look believable, in favor of capturing as much detail as possible which is what he does. Clearly the anon who drew that picture is aiming for believability so besides being bad advice for that reason it's bad advice because drawing straight from contour with no construction leads to bad habits and distorted drawings that don't appear 3D. But if we take time out to say that, Brian is going to come back and turn it into an argument and start mud slinging again, and you know it. So it's either not reply to anything he says at all or let it continue to be the shitshow it's been for the past few years.

>> No.2753465

its just the divide between traditional fine artists and digital illustrators. crits are usually focused on things that aren't worth doing as a traditional artist like erasing entire swaths of a drawing and redoing them. if i came here for crit everytime i darkened a value or put a contour i'd never finish anything so like you i post things that are more or less finished for my current skill level, but what needs critiquing are things outside of just anatomy and proportion which are the hardest things to alter.

im one of the few people on this board that can crit traditional work on things like texture, composition, value, and line quality (although thats probably where im least knowledgable) in pencil just because ive used that medium for longer than most anons. if a digital anon doesn't know the limitations and capabilities of a particular medium its ridiculous to take critique from them. No traditional artist in history was fluent in every medium, so why would i take the word of someone who hasn't worked in any of them?

In particular what I focus on are oil paints and pencil. I'd never critique a watercolor, acrylic, sculpture, ink ( although im trying to learn slowly), pastel, etc. on the specifics of the medium. I have no clue how those things work because I don't do them enough.

I crit your work because I can draw with pencil. I might not know a every bone on the body like the back of my hand but i can tell when you aren't pushing pencils to what they are capable of.

so don't listen to people that just shit talk me i try my best with crits that im applicable to.

>> No.2753468

>By your logic we shouldn't even point out when he's giving bad advice then.

That's not my logic. I said: "Just fucking point out bad advice in general, it doesn't matter who's giving it. This is something you should normally be trying to do."

> he means is essentially anon should do a blind contour drawing. Draw every bump and curve and shape he can see, irrespective of proportion and structure or anything to do with making the drawing look believable

No, you're extrapolating because you're thinking of what Brian would do with the drawing. That drawing he crit'd shows enormous disrespect for real-life through simplifying everything into beautiful smooth contours, it has almost zero real anatomy observed because the artist wasn't looking hard enough.

Purely constructing things can also lead to bad habits, like putting in Hampton memes into your drawing that aren't actually occurring in real life. The marriage between construction and observation of contour and reality is what the anon should be looking for, and is something that artists like Vilppu or Hampton talk about. He never told the anon to ignore construction.

>But if we take time out to say that, Brian is going to come back and turn it into an argument and start mud slinging again, and you know it.

And if he were to, just fucking let him. It turns into an argument because you get into a battle with him. Let him have his fucking opinion, and move on. Have you never heard of walking away from arguments? If you let him dominate the critique sphere, you are disrespecting the artists being critiqued. All that matters is you put your critique out there as well and to say you disagree with him.

>> No.2753472

I didn't have to extrapolate, he said as much himself in the post. You only took the first part, you ignored the other sentences where he said don't be afraid of putting down contours that don't adhere to anatomy and drawing what you see even if it looks wrong. In any case you're now basically saying what I already said which was to carry on and ignore him. If I give a critique and he does like he did in >>2753362
calling me or whoever a "retard" and whatnot, there'd be no point replying because I'd have already given my critique. If he gives someone a wrong critique, instead of mentioning anything about his critique I could give my own separately and say what I think is right. I see no downside to treating his posts as if they don't exist and you haven't convinced me otherwise.

>> No.2753481

lmaooo fuck off!! i took two weeks off hahaha

>> No.2753486

that other post wasn't me. i say retard but i never say "famalam".

as far as
>he means is essentially anon should do a blind contour drawing. Draw every bump and curve and shape he can see, irrespective of proportion and structure or anything to do with making the drawing look believable

that is exactly what im saying. you won't learn anatomy by drawing what you think someone should look like. what happens when you have to draw someone who is overweight and you don't get to see every muscle and bone on their body? you have to learn to be adaptable and you become adaptable by learning to draw literally what you are looking at.

I'm not even out of that phase of learning yet! i still have to draw things exactly how I see them even if they look "wrong". I've only this year started to draw things more aesthetically and less strictly observational and even then just barely.

>> No.2753488

it's not like it is with digital where you learn your texture cubes or whatever those are and then you can draw all the obese furry porn you want. traditional is totally different. it takes much longer to learn how to execute a traditional drawing properly in a short period of time.

>> No.2753491

I wasn't the anon who made that drawing. Anyways, you are still part of the problem. If people give you a shit or vague critiques right off on the start, nothing's gonna come from probing them.

You're killing me here. I quoted the first part of the crit, but I read the entire thing and considered all of it while making my comments.

But it turns out I was wrong anyways. +1 for you.

> I see no downside to treating his posts as if they don't exist and you haven't convinced me otherwise.

I don't see a downside either. Happy day, you have the same idea I do.

And this is the problem with your guys headhunting. You think Brian's a boogeyman, so you assume someone giving bad advice or someone being rude is Brian.

>> No.2753493
File: 428 KB, 2048x1567, 15110420_225431641213498_946316177172137926_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool here it is, thanks man

soup homo-dachis

>> No.2753523
File: 325 KB, 815x498, Reply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my final reply. I made it an image file to save on posts and so anyone who's as tired of this as I am can easily skim past without reading it if they want.

>> No.2753551
File: 406 KB, 700x1000, mattewerk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys like this kinda stuff?

>> No.2753552

If you're using photo textures at least make sure they are in perspective correctly.

>> No.2753557

yea true. fuck i'm never gon make it. lol

>> No.2753571

>How is vowing to ignore him being a headhunter?

There's still some stuff I want to say, but none of it really matters, haha. I'll just say that you got the context wrong when I was talking about the headhunting. It was out of context and had nothing to do with the vow to ignore. This'll be my final reply as well.

>> No.2753601


>> No.2753603

genuinely bad

draw more guys

>> No.2753606

aww did someone say something mean about your art so youre taking it out here?

>> No.2753609

no firez, theres a thing called anonymity so why would anyone get mad? i mean only you do i guess since apparently youre to sensitive about your beginner work.

>> No.2753616

I just want to add onto this: on the bottom torso there's like no room between the shoulder blades for the trapezius so it looks like it's not even there. And I don't know whether to call it a perspective issue or anatomy issue but the left arm looks gigantic compared to the other and the shoulder is coming from out of the middle of what should be a shoulder blade instead of where the shoulder socket should be. That's not even getting into how completely wrong the triceps are drawn. It probably won't do any good considering who we're dealing with here which is why I didn't say something sooner but who knows, maybe if he hears it from more than one person it'll get through.

>> No.2753622

brian stfu. just because you hit an "artists block" , it doesn't help when you're being rude to others.

>> No.2753646
File: 47 KB, 577x581, ss+(2016-11-23+at+09.14.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753681
File: 98 KB, 781x608, 102320162049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753688
File: 495 KB, 524x800, rocks2ndstudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol wut?

Anyway, I hope this is better

>> No.2753707 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1500x1026, dusk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753731


The neck is off, the ear is too high and the rose is too far off the head

>> No.2753758
File: 668 KB, 900x616, dusk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2753759
File: 646 KB, 900x616, dusk2o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can't decide between these two skies

>> No.2753762 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 471x800, Sans titre3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also resumed this one, after realizing how bad the cornea and iris were depicted before plus other stuff

>> No.2753780
File: 276 KB, 1384x1327, rsz_slime_study_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study of my desk buddy

>> No.2753820

your colors are still muddy and your edges need a lot of work. also values need work

>> No.2753827

I'm not done, I just wanted to get some opinions on it first

>> No.2753831

I like this one. There's a directionality to the way the light hits the cloud that's appealing to me.

>> No.2753912
File: 163 KB, 1080x788, 1024201611720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red is best

>> No.2753922

There are so many idiots in this thread its mesmerizing really. People that can't draw giving critiques to people that can draw. Fucking boggles the mind. If you are anywhere near intermediate/advanced level, you need to get out of /ic or stop taking any advice from anyone from here. Sure, there are some people that are actually good here, but you will never find them, because they very rarely give out advice. What you get instead is some neckbeard loli fan, that can draw cubes in perspective trying to educate you on how to be an old master. Based on his experience reading books. That's all I have to say. Good luck and I sincerely hope you make it.

>> No.2753927

is this copypasta

>> No.2753938
File: 1.08 MB, 1020x1040, solo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique pls thanks

>> No.2753949

No i think we finally broke brian

>> No.2753954

This is why I didn't even want to say anything. I'm not Brian, I don't know why you'd think so since he gives no flying fucks about correct anatomy or structure, just like Firez and apparently just like you. Fuck this place so hard.

>> No.2753955


>> No.2753956
File: 751 KB, 1191x842, angels-and-demons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this

>> No.2753958


>> No.2753959
File: 443 KB, 1242x1300, 1402176527619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck this place so hard.
Welcome to /ic/, i'll be you're guide.

>> No.2753964

>luke, did i ever tell you about /ic/? its this place that we arent allowed to go to because its entire population hates star wars despite the films we were born in being highly innovative. did i also tell you these people gather at this place /ic/ for the sake of art? anyways there's this guy there that did a digital paint of me (we call these holo paintings around here luke) and it was actually quite nice. he was a good friend. then some asshole who hates star wars tried to undermine his efforts by calling it "photocopy/10". i dont know what this has to do with division luke but i m sure this snide remark was completely uncalled for. he was a bad friend.

>> No.2754013

Noice, good work anon, gotta say that brush is pretty cool

Jeez, got a blog? That stuff is pretty good

>> No.2754050
File: 883 KB, 2400x2400, IMG_0902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest shitty photocopy. why do I even bother..

>> No.2754057
File: 102 KB, 786x944, 5c8cd6a78410ae9a5f36917bed45bf9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typing all that crap just to say you're salty

>> No.2754063
File: 393 KB, 640x360, 1466168657454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I said your hands were too big, and you said, no your eyes are wrong.

When something looks off, even if I were some none drawing normie, the viewer is always right. (Also I am not the only one who it appears that the proportions are off)
And you claim that you want to represent what you are seeing but you are drawing heavily stylized. Like, man.

>> No.2754065
File: 46 KB, 445x372, FaDMVKDvcvA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't paint for shit
>call xeroxs people better than you
that's timeless

>> No.2754071


thnk you

>> No.2754073
File: 1.59 MB, 1460x920, rg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redid a painting from the late middle ages with more accurate proportions. critique pls thanks mates

>> No.2754074

its a meme from /tv/ you fucking tard

>> No.2754092
File: 164 KB, 1509x1009, dfjnbdsajgbnfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of your rendering seems kinda matte, with all the different coloured parts the same sort of material. Its a robot! Play with materials a bit more, maybe make the darker structural components more reflective and bounce light from its blue outer layers to make the painting more cohesive and interesting.

>> No.2754121
File: 193 KB, 876x514, ss+(2016-11-24+at+09.24.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perspectives hard

>> No.2754158
File: 308 KB, 800x842, A12365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working in this portrait

>> No.2754168
File: 125 KB, 700x1100, ff7ac-sephiroth-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to compare your drawing to something similar, and fix what you made wrong. Making your drawing less flat is a great starting point.

I hope this can help you.

>> No.2754177


>> No.2754195

i like it :) looks great, please keep going :D

>> No.2754227
File: 431 KB, 848x1200, 11-24-16-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lecture doodles 1/2

>> No.2754228
File: 482 KB, 848x1200, 11-24-16-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lecture doodles 2/2

>> No.2754231

I'll check some similar images, thanks for the feedback anon.

>> No.2754505

Dig it. I would have made the face to actually face us because i barely noticed it. I like the concept though and your style in general.

>> No.2754515


what are you drawing on? IpadPro?

>> No.2754535

Yep, procreate

>> No.2754591
File: 324 KB, 866x630, fox02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fox dude

i like it, though it feels a little empty. you've got some nice detail on all the melty stuff but there's not a whole lot else goin on

there's very little contrast in values here, it looks like nothing goes darker than 50% black. look at OP's pic and how dark the darks get and how bright the whites are, the contrast is what makes it stand out and read so well.

>> No.2754624

I don't know where else to ask and I don't want to make a new thread so I'll ask here; I've been hired by a black guy to draw a picture of him he plans to use as a profile picture on social media. Problem is, he insists that the background has to be a solid dark grey (almost black), what the hell can I do to make him stand out against it, especially at smaller sizes? So far all I've come up with is to draw a white outline around him but it kinda makes it look like a sticker then.

>> No.2754631
File: 187 KB, 768x641, 11165137_10204510154697188_8228542928772859462_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

convince me that this is shit.

>> No.2754636

Obsolete printer/Photocopy

>> No.2754647

I don't need to convince you of anything. You already know it is. The real question is why are you not posting in /beg/?

>> No.2754648

I am too good for /beg/

>> No.2754658

too diluted for /beg/ is more like it. I've seen people post in there who work cleaner and stronger than you. I don't know if someone told you that you were good, or if you were dropped on the head as a kid, but shed the illusion of self-grandeur and go where people can actually help you

>> No.2754666


>> No.2754674

thank you. Also, checked

>> No.2754679

>mfw when I didn't see it
Ah shit. Welp, hope I'm not cursed now.

>> No.2754680
File: 105 KB, 960x960, 7zhP313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this snappy
>not posting work
sorry that I am better than you, maybe you're the one who doesnt belong here.

>> No.2754683


>> No.2754697

I like how you made the cloth less stiff and the face less symbol drawy

>> No.2754707

you sure got me.Wow.

perhaps, for your own improvement, you should take your defenses down for a minute and actually let it get through to you that you're not amazing. Nobody here is. We are all learning. And this self-defensive attitude is more toxic to you than procrastination.

I don't usually post in the draw thread since I belong in beginner thread. I just saw your work, saw that you were posting in the wrong place (like I used to) and saw your self-pity bait comment to try to reel in critique. I used to be like you until it got to me that I was posting in the wrong place and that's why nobody would really help me. I started going to /beg/ , posting my work without the "I know this is bad, and started getting good crit

so let's knock this off and both go back to /beg/. We're just clogging up this thread

>> No.2754719

I dig this. Nice lighting

>> No.2754747
File: 138 KB, 605x798, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another boring study

>> No.2754756

Your rendering of the legs isn't very readable, it belies the form, especially on that back leg. Also, why is that back thigh so much longer if it is going back in perspective? her hip sway doesn't account for this
my two cents. This is a compliment I think, but no reason to fault you for searching out critique in a place where people may be honest with you.

>> No.2754771

yeah but it's cool though

>> No.2754784

Mind sharing which books you have been studying from?

>> No.2754811
File: 118 KB, 480x416, gu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yellow is a nice touch. I see you've used a smaller brush for the hair but I think it'd work better with finer details for the focal points (eyes, mouth)

>> No.2754814

This is really nice. Was this a master/photo study? If so would you mind sharing the source? I've been wanting to do some painting studies lately and I can't decide who or what I should study.

>> No.2754815

You should spend more time drawing and learning about the rest of the figure. It is clear you can construct a head to some degree, or have put time into learning about it, but your stylizing is not occurring consistently through the figure. Your hands also suffer from a floaty or constructed feeling. It is due time for you to revisit them.

>> No.2754816

*unconstructed feeling/you're confused about them.

>> No.2754826

when you're saying the stylization is not occurring consistently through the figure are you talking about the shape language being all over the place or just not enough efficiently/knowledgable stylized anatomy?

>> No.2754836

I can specify more. The left and the right drawing are consistent throughout the drawing, it feels like the same person drew the entire drawing. Consistency is a fundamental element of an individual drawing, so the differences or inconsistency between multiple drawings/compositions do not effect their individual merit.

The middle drawing feels like you handed off to someone to finish the drawing from the shoulder down. The shape language is elongated in the second figure, the elongated torso, arms, and neck so I don't think it's the shape language causing this. I think it's most likely the last thing you mentioned, being the efficiently/knowledgeable stylized anatomy. And also likely the lack of concern for light/shade from the shoulder-down.

>> No.2754851

lol what the fuck i thought this was a random shitpost

i thought firez was well known for his shitty art not his shitty attitude

Well, since I'm nice; and eons above in anatomical knowledge- I'll critique these Rob Liefeld tier trashbag pieces.

Guy on left- has the sternal extremities of his clavicles about an eyeballed foot above the abdominal section of his pectorals (basic proportions should be easy at your stage).

The triceps long and medial head connect way too far up onto his scapula, and it makes it look like the tricep is overtaking his deltoid (when the anterior head of the deltoid goes over both insertion points of the triceps).

His right forearm is fucked. Your shitty tubular bicep wedges between nothing. The epicondile of the ulna is placed so far down it looks like someone is bending his forearm back.

Guy at bottom- has a collapsed trapezius. The right portion is infinitesimally smaller compared to the left side. You left the entire bottom portion of the back as a clean slate, which I really can't say anything about since it seems intentional; though if it's not you're a fucking idiot ahahaha.

The trapezius doesn't form over your deltoid in any way. which is what your illustration is clearly showing. The teres major doesn't connect to the anterior deltoid- and the teres minor doesn't connect to the head of the humerus; it connects to the frontal portion of the humerus. Your lack of rendering on the triceps is probably due to your inane understanding of any of the forms of these muscles.

His serratus and chest are closer to his pelvis than his head (lmao).

tl;dr- firez is a fucking retard

>> No.2754853

it's cool that you noticed that.
I did the first three doodles while listening to music but a podcast came on as I redid the head for the middle one so I most definitely became distraught and lost in another mindset
when I eventually looked at it it seemed inconsistent to me so that's most likely the reason

I'll be doing a lot of more hard studies of bodies and anatomy since I feel more comfortable in doing basic shapes and arranging volumes as of late

>> No.2754863

post your work. show me you know how the metabolism muscle fits into the elbow shaft cause BOY your post is not how good artists critique artwork

>> No.2754866

if he's going to be a dismiss people like a fucking manbaby then i'm going to dismiss his amateur ass self

>> No.2754874

You might as well he wouldn't take your advice whether you were nice as an angel or worse than the shittiest shitposter. That's why I ended up hating him. I used to not get why people hated him and I defended him but one time I tried to gently suggest he try something and he snapped at me like a catty bitch talking to the hired help. I noped right on over to the Fuck Firez camp.

>> No.2754882

nice. you nailed the soft texture

>> No.2754900
File: 962 KB, 1396x1046, sketch3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been using clip studio for some time now for lineart and inking, but for some reason haven't had the courage to attempt any painting in it and been reverting back to photoshop for that. Did some comfort zone rendering stuff and I have to say painting is a blast in clip studio. Love they way brushtrokes blend.

>> No.2754929

Hear hear anon it's a damn joy to draw in it. Too bad my color knowledge is too shit to do much with it yet. I really like what you've got going on there, especially the bold light and shadow colors on the pumpkin.

>> No.2754947
File: 410 KB, 663x1266, girlsitting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 25 min quick sketch that I worked on building up from gesture lines, bones structure and then I add the form and light plus shadow. A quick sketch to practice for when I go to museums.

>> No.2754950
File: 105 KB, 1080x608, 1024201622722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my "goldfish" spaceship concept.

>> No.2754979

is this porn?

>> No.2754989
File: 185 KB, 1440x818, Strigoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to beef up my (digital)painting abilities, how does everything look? Are my values and tone alright? Criticism welcome! (Also, way older version of this piece for comparison in the middle)

>> No.2754991
File: 185 KB, 1440x818, Strigoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that fiddly bit by her eye

>> No.2754995

Lol i know. Goddammit why does everything i draw look like porn?

>> No.2755002
File: 515 KB, 524x800, rocks2ndstudy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's weird but thanks, I guess I tried

Thank you, btw her left lower leg is a bit short also the left sock could wrap a bit better around the foot just like the right one

>> No.2755005
File: 102 KB, 471x800, Sans titre3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also resumed this one after leaving it for a while

>> No.2755010

can someone draw a girl I imagined being born as my daughter.

it was a little girl with 3 huge eyes that were on top of the head all around the mouth was in the middle. there was no nose or if there was it was disfigured and merged with mouth

>> No.2755011

I gotta say, this is pretty good! One quick question, whats the best way that you find to paint cast shadows? I usually have trouble with those, and you got them down pat.

>> No.2755021
File: 222 KB, 1084x730, 1479213140624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this kind of stuff? I would say avoid using pen pressure (only controlling opacity with your keyboard), use a square-ish brush, usually cast shadows in enviroments have purple-ish hue which can be applied via an overlay layer, there is also in some instances an increase of saturation on the border of those shadows

I would strongly suggest trying to study these, I had never used this method before but studying both convinced me that this is a better approach than what I was doing before

>> No.2755037
File: 743 KB, 806x1280, simpclnsktch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch. Fun, might go through and fix the awful hand and foreshortening/gesture. Maybe belong in /alt/ but whatever.


You gave the rocks a purplish like reflected light but it's a bit out of place since you don't have an apparent source (I see it in the ref, but not in your painting)


I think your focal points would benefit from a bit of sharpness. I love the colors and render, but some better defined edges and sharpness on the face may help it pop out more. Just a suggestion.


The colors seem a bit washed out. You could add some more reds in several places, but I like it honestly. Thomas Cranmer would be proud.

>> No.2755043

Pure symbol drawing. Go to beg, read the sticky, ...
Almost no fundamentals. Go to beg, read the sticky, ...
Good brushstrokes, nice style, but colors are very jarring.
Pretty cool, except for the fact it has a right hand on a left arm.

>> No.2755052

Where is his giant dick.


>> No.2755100

Kill yourself. Also post your work, maybe you have no right to post critiques.

Post your work. Good anatomical knowledge, but i know autists that spout anatomical names and have no idea how to draw anything. So until you prove you can, you can fuck right off.

>> No.2755211

>I would say avoid using pen pressure (only controlling opacity with your keyboard)

and that folks is how you know this guy is a beginner

>> No.2755230

what's your deal fucktard?

>> No.2755237

In case your retard brain didnt get it, he was trying to say that you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. Faggot.

>> No.2755244

I get that idiot.
What's the issue with advising someone to remove opacity from the pen pressure setting? Lots of pros do it, Feng Zhu recommends it all the time.
So if you don't agree don't just insult, give an argument.

>> No.2755362
File: 167 KB, 823x1193, VGVEasuXlMo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2755378
File: 142 KB, 823x1193, VGVEasuXlMo[1]2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few pointers... try to get sharper value contrasts, and less wobbly lines (like the flag).
Also it's really flat, fix that.

>> No.2755391

Made it worse. Good job.

>> No.2755394

Its retarded advice thats why

>> No.2755726
File: 750 KB, 475x718, ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my ref, usually getting the refs from


>> No.2755734

Thank you anon. I hope I can find some good pics to study there. I'm sick of being shit at color.

>> No.2755770
File: 771 KB, 773x1000, november-25-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much should i charge for this? I was thinking $2500-$3000

it's 22"x28" started it in July and more or less finished it yesterday. might change the color of the left hand but i kinda like it with the blue in it.

i'd like some kind of crit on the brown/yellow/magenta background and if there's anything I could change about it. Specifically should I get rid of the colors on the right side and make it more flatly earth tones. I think as it is it looks a little too much like fireworks or something...

>> No.2755779

thanks, amazing site

>> No.2755799

I would pay good money to see someone put white paint over it

>> No.2755811

this is a reference goldmine!

>> No.2755871

i like it

>> No.2755872
File: 341 KB, 660x779, military guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2755876
File: 899 KB, 783x1000, november-25-2016-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme 10 grand and you can jerk off to it every night if that's what you want

i went for more of the grey brown in the background, and kinda suggested some darker shapes behind her.

>> No.2755884
File: 768 KB, 994x950, magnumopis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part should I focus on next?

>> No.2755894

focus on learning how to draw

>> No.2755896

Faces and head

>> No.2755903

I think the bg was better without the shapes.

>> No.2755905

in person it looked kinda like a smeared mustard and ketchup on it so it had to change one way or another

>> No.2755908
File: 1.19 MB, 823x1193, 478934579837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rendering and strokes look pretty rushed.
That background is pretty half assed.
Arms are 2 heads length (minus hands)
You had to choose the most expressionless photo of her you could find too.


>> No.2756023

is there something better than the smudge tool for blending in photoshop? like a more powerful blur? this software feels lacking for digital painting I don't get why its so popular

>> No.2756035

Most people do the majority of blending by manually blending by colorpicking intermediate colours and laying it between where they want, and using brushes that are pressure sensitive for opacity. You also can use soft edged brushes. Alternative the mixer brush can blend but it's got lots of bells and whistles so most people don't bother learning it properly. Also the smudge tool I find varies a lot depending on what brush you are using, so maybe try some different ones out.

>> No.2756044

This is beautiful, went through the whole previous thread just to save this image, whoever did it I want your blog.

>> No.2756052

Mixer brush. But like other anon said, it takes a lot of experimentation. Sometimes I've gotten it to make some really nice natural oils looking stuff. Sometimes I fiddle about with it for a while and can't get it to do shit. I need to stop being retarded and just figure that shit out.

Smudge tool can be really nice with a brush that has a little scattering applied to it. Definitely easy to overdo it though.

>> No.2756082

smudge is gay as fuck and you should avoid it if you want to be good. same applies to burn tool and other shit. work with hard brushes and mix manually or die trying.

>> No.2756083

>I was thinking $2500-$3000
Considering that you quickly shit out everything you do without any real work that'd be highway robbery

>> No.2756116

Confirmed for beginner tier.

>> No.2756117


>> No.2756120

the reflection behind the door looks like another door handle, so it's hard to tell if we're looking at a coupe or a sedan. the taillights are out of line with the rest of the car--in particular, I think the left one is a bit low. This makes it look too narrow for a coupe that isn't a vw bug.
cars are hard to draw though, you'll get it w/ practice

>> No.2756127


>> No.2756156
File: 168 KB, 503x713, 20161126_013009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I will definitely try to do that maybe even cropping away a huge parr of The bg, it seems a bit tacky at this point

Btw I really like that eagle

firez-tbr.tumblr.com. Thanks!

>> No.2756176

Marry me?

>> No.2756206

i thought this was sun ken rock

>> No.2756209
File: 128 KB, 209x457, 1478108869119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is cooler than being cool

>> No.2756215
File: 724 KB, 959x1357, cl2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2756242
File: 697 KB, 959x1357, cl3sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2756353
File: 166 KB, 1200x817, tumblr_mqp0vdpmFR1syb85xo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working as an intern concept artist in a studio for the last couple of months. it's ok, but I found out that another studio in my city is looking for some artists too and I'd much prefer to work there.
I am new to this business, would it be a dick move to my studio to apply at the other studio? it's very possible that my colleagues might hear about my application because all the studios are well connected.
as an intern I can barerly survive with my salary, but I am not in for the money.

>> No.2756359

are you a retard? Talk to them.
If money is a problem, and thus you say you're looking for another studio, they either have to let you do it (potentially recommend you) or raise your salary to keep you.
If it's not one of these two, they are either dicks or you're not good enough.
In that case it's harder to say what you should do, it really depends on the situation.

>> No.2756379

Who the author on that? Looks great

>> No.2756388

first 10 results on google search are the author. you're one lazy fuck.

>> No.2756401

I'm new at digital art, but I would love to know what brush OP used?

>> No.2756429
File: 2.45 MB, 2200x4148, oajsnflvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime scum here

>> No.2756445
File: 45 KB, 720x405, frosty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2756448

every post in here is absolutely terrible lol.

>> No.2756483

something only a beginner would say.
go back >>2753416

>> No.2756488

thats a really high bellybutton

>> No.2756496

That design is way too Sycra for my tastes

>> No.2756648

Left girl's anatomy is all wonky and right's face is terrible and flat.

breasts on both look bad as well, i don't think the fabric would fold to the shape and under it like that.

>> No.2756651

whats up with all these salty faggots all suddenly in this thread

>> No.2756653
File: 382 KB, 900x665, kmette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need tips. I heard this is a good place for that.

>> No.2756678

quit being lazy

>> No.2756689
File: 142 KB, 887x960, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly shit, that's a fucking bible.
Thanks based anon

>> No.2756692
File: 120 KB, 480x720, ohih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, wrong pic lol

>> No.2756698

You should imagine the drawing as a whole. It feels like you piece together each elements.

>> No.2756699
File: 410 KB, 792x1009, 20161126_152638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another proko study

>> No.2756708
File: 493 KB, 1200x750, babickinOblubenyKocurikFin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandma's favourite kitten

>> No.2756712


proko is a really bad standard to aspire to

>> No.2756762
File: 2.85 MB, 2947x3850, november face study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz crit guys
I need to make it

>> No.2756772
File: 1.09 MB, 828x828, 1467749306214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2756801
File: 491 KB, 1000x785, november-26-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started a new painting. gonna make it into a figure probably gonna just add a simple head to it.

palette is magenta, lemon yellow, turquoise, prussian blue, and van dyke brown mixed with magenta.

>> No.2756816

I like it, you should work more on the eyes tho. They seem a bit flat . And you probably could synthetize har in a better way

>> No.2756818

If the illusion only works in the thumbnail, does that mean it failed?

>> No.2756840

good art can be viewed at any distance

>> No.2756850

Have you ever heard of Chuck Close? Or Pointilism? Impressionism?

>> No.2756854

? what do you mean? those look good up close too

>> No.2756860

Yes but the illusion of the image can only be seen from a certain distance which was the point. It wasn't about whether it looked good up close it was asking if a piece is failed if the image is only clearly visible when it's smaller even though there are literal art styles developed around achieving that.

>> No.2756861


There is the saying, "any painting looks good from afar". Which, while it is obviously a hyperbole, is kinda is true.

>> No.2756864


It's not true though, lots of bad artists or beginners have bad thumbnails. Actually the one thing you can do during to know if you are doing things right or wrong is standing up and getting like 2-3 meters away and look from the distance at your painting. (also I guess taking a break and getting back to painting after 30 minutes of doing something else, having a "fresh eye")

>> No.2756866

shut up fat boy. you're one to talk, bitch.

>> No.2756868

This is so true. I've started zooming way way out on things I draw lately, until they're about the size of thumbnails here. It's helped me catch a lot of problems.

>> No.2756869

I don't know of a single painting that looks bad from afar looking good up close, so I suppose in terms of something to aim for.

>> No.2756901
File: 14 KB, 412x574, DigitalHead1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying "digital" done in infinite painter on my Galaxy Note... anything for android that is more comparable to PS?

>> No.2756923
File: 599 KB, 651x344, questioningnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one piling up pictures to make a drawing, loser

>> No.2756935
File: 320 KB, 1000x1000, 2016-11-26 1-1resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips on drawing hands? Im thinking about taking a break from fundies and starting to get back into anatomy studies. Thoughts?

>> No.2756938

Learn construction.

>> No.2756947

oh right. I should just be doing everything from "IMAGINATION". Like a fucking amateur.

>> No.2756970

lol, what the fuck
chumbum pls go

>> No.2756971

No, you just should learn to draw instead of copy/paste. Loser.

>> No.2756972


I'll be back.

>> No.2757042
File: 519 KB, 848x1200, 1480007226412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to place your features more consistently

>> No.2757069

Thanks senpai, my eyes are always super flat so I will push it more. My hair is still stuck in anime hell.

Does anyone have a good way to think about hair? I try to do the Krenz thing, where its layers and drapery esq. I don't think Its working for me though.

>> No.2757076

Senpai thats da bomb
thats lit
that drawing is straight fire
smkoing art
anon bringing the heat
blowing up the spot
hot to death

>> No.2757084
File: 1.92 MB, 2550x3510, Scan_201605вспрь.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya, i kinda fucked this up

>> No.2757284

could you elaborate a little more? ive been stuck in a rut for a month now, i could really use some help. pretty please

>> No.2757290
File: 1.23 MB, 2595x1810, 1027201631042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is taking forever.

>> No.2757298

New bread: >>2757297

New bread: >>2757297

New bread: >>2757297

>> No.2757302
File: 167 KB, 620x864, qibfvsdkbfvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the exact purpose of this picture but I think you pay too much attention on details that don't bring anything other than complexity. It distracts a viewer from what is important- the girl

>> No.2757374
File: 420 KB, 500x678, selfportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2757665

really? wow, thanks!! painter is a lot of fun! I wish that I could follow some of the photoshop tuts though...