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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2751258 No.2751258 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2751260

art posters
shit posters (you)

>> No.2751265

Not gonna make it as a good luck sign.

>> No.2751266

There's the sob-why-is-/ic/-so-mean-and-elitist side.

And then there's the side with actual taste.

>> No.2751271

people who can't draw
people who can draw but doesn't come here

>> No.2751305

And the lowly beginner hoard

>> No.2751310

Pretty sure the former don't exist and are just d/ic/ks fucking around.

>> No.2751329


>People who stopped awhile back, just looking to shoot the shit without any strings attached
>People who genuinely mean well and post critique and legitimately want to share what they know to help others

>> No.2751346
File: 133 KB, 500x374, RgYSjmD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0. Anime people

1. People who want to learn how to make art

2. People who give advice

3. People who give good advice.

4. Those art history fuckers, you know who you are.

Learn to know the difference..

>> No.2751564

01 concept art ("not art")
02 anime (mostly digital, includes the bulk of alt-style)
03 lewd (usually anime, sometimes furry)
04 furry (infamous)
05 pixels (don't know why they bother)
06 graffiti (usually makes own threads. large pictures. often non-native invasive pest to the board)
07 black art
08 early-mid 20th century-inspired illustration
09 fantasy-inspired illustration (Frazetta)
10 modern art history (smug college students/graduates, can't draw)
11 alla prima (Sargent, cliques with bargue clique sometimes)
12 bargue (often cliques with Russian school followers)
13 art theory (rare)
14 baroque (Bernini, Caravaggio. cliques with bargue and Repin fans)
15 fan art (usually on tumblr; on the follower count grind)
16 acrylic (often new)
17 comic
18 van gogh-inspired (mostly histrionics)
19 high school surrealism (large image size posts)
20 abstract (often makes their own threads, paints mostly in acrylic, sometimes high school class doodles)
21 omni-traditional (wields various tools)

>> No.2751567

>Black art

Go to fucking bed Illastrat

>> No.2751731

hey i'd fall into the modern art history group and i can draw pretty dadgum well. can barely paint at all though

>> No.2751740

>pixels (don't know why they bother)
They do seem to be under the delusion that their medium doesn't require fundies or skill, it's weird.

>> No.2751743

01, 08, 09, and 11 are basically one group. Also as a fan of Russian schools/artists I don't clique with filthy Bargue hacks.

>> No.2751761

>Big 3:
Contemporary digital illustration:
Sorta mushy amorphous blob of a non-clique that forms the bulk of /ic/ and easily interchanges with other cliques. The normies of /ic/, NGMI central.

Hardcore traditional illustration:
Like most religions, has dozens of different sections and bisections and whatever. Delusional.

Usually just passing through. I've yet to hear anyone who didn't have a solid base before coming to /ic/ surviving /ic/.

>Specific cliques:
/pol/ redpillers and memesters not included, who aren't even /beg/ and should fuck off.

>pixel art
>graffiti art
Just keep to themselves. Absolutely terrible at art. Will always be terrible at art.

>abstract art
Not really a clique, just sorta make themselves known whenever an abstract art hate thread comes up. Yes, very few people on /ic/ like that shit, that was readily apparent fucking years ago.

"You just don't get it" - their motto.

>art history students
A more insufferable version of the above.

>anime autists
Bleed into other threads for whatever reason because anime is literally all they care about. Weirdos but whatever. Usually /beg/ or near /beg/.

Don't dare venture outside of the porn threads. Porn beginners may as well be their own clique. See abstract for how well they're liked.

>fundie grinders
Pages and pages of grinding out hands, faces, bargue plates whatever. Dead inside and lack any sort of goal of driving force beyond self-hatred. Like a leveled /beg/ loser.

>The Various Schools of Traditional
Like Europe or Asia, you can barely tell them apart and they all vehemently hate each other for no apparent reason.

>Contemporary Traditional
Comic artists, traditional focused asian artists, Frazetta fanboys and the like go here. Destined to a life of mediocrity.

>Concept artist hopefuls
See above, but more pathetic.

Dissecting this post for a place to identify and win the name-game. You can't, just git gud or die trying, don't bother with /ic/ politics.

>> No.2751770

20th century illustration cliques, the fantasy variants, and alla prima heads often come to learn of the artists from the same circle of influential people, and these people are often concept artists, oddly enough. It's why we see so much digital studies of Sargent. They can branch out though, and there's plenty of alla prima people who don't know anything about the concept art world.

>> No.2751815

Activate your d/ic/k but get ready to take it up the ass.

>Alternative art/ stylization general /AASG/
The only thing longer then that name is the number of post that don't contain work.

>Beginner /beg/
Inner monologue is something like "today I ascend" when they post their work.

>Porn thread
I'd fap to that.

>Last Artist Standing /LAS/
What the fuck is going on here? You join only to find out they don't even know.

>Progress thread
The greatest people you'll ever meet (or so their images would have you believe)

>cringe thread
The worst

>reference thread
You need a guy being shot out a flaming canon, with a mix of sadness and fear on their face, and a whale off in the distance ready to swallow them in profile view. Let me just check... yup 2 folders of exactly that.

>art book thread
They AREN'T hoarders! Yes, they ARE going to read through all those books.

There's also
>animation thread
>age insecurity thread

>> No.2751839

LAS is the club without any supervisor where all its members pretend they are doing something but really they just laze around and go home early.

>> No.2751842

>Beginner /beg/
>Inner monologue is something like "today I ascend" when they post their work.

Nailed it. One of these days they'll tell me I'm good enough to leave.

>> No.2751853

>>art book thread
>They AREN'T hoarders! Yes, they ARE going to read through all those books.

I do save all I I find there knowing very well I am not going to read all. But when I do have time I do actually read what interest me. I don't bother with sorting what I save and what not because space is not a problem, but good internet connection is. Also torrents sites come and go, and ppl stop seeding after a while, so what is easy to find now might not be in the future.

I do organize my shit, each folder opens in another 20, so finding or knowing where to find something is easy for me.

>> No.2751879

You keep on telling yourself that. But you are literally not going to make it.

>> No.2751886

>>reference thread
Where 100% of the references are about the human body, something you could just as well reference from the mirror.

Literally no mechanical references, no animals, no scenery, architecture, weaponry, armor, no nothing. One of the more useless circlejerks on the board.

>> No.2751979
File: 85 KB, 564x587, 1473489202182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've saved tons of great refs from those threads. Interesting humans, clothes, architecture, landscapes, you name it.

>> No.2752016
File: 288 KB, 769x1903, IMG_0674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of idiots mainly

>> No.2752068

how do you even find a thread on this board if you filter them all?

>> No.2752070

He found this one, so the answer is obvious; the filters don't work.

>> No.2752072

>you can't filter """"""" """"""" and t. posts

>> No.2752119

You should stay on your hugbox.

>> No.2752134

Why the fuck are you even here? Do just just stare at an empty catalogue waiting for a new thread to hide?

>> No.2752238

>>The Various Schools of Traditional
>Like Europe or Asia, you can barely tell them apart and they all vehemently hate each other for no apparent reason.
Different kind of people. Different kind of qualities. It's always been the case throughout history, and I'd disagree that you can hardly tell them apart. They also use different tools these from the others these days, or vastly different methods with the same.

Most digitals are aiming for the same few goals, almost all of which have large followings with influential figure heads.

>> No.2752245

>the side with actual taste

Hahahahaha is this actually how you see yourself?

>I'm that guy who "critiques" art on a Burmese paper-mache forum and doesn't actually know how to draw

Kill yourself please.

>> No.2752249

I broke it down for you:

-Actual artists who are decent and trying to improve and also give meaningful critiques (10%)
-Actual artists who think they're way better than they are but still at least actually post art (10%)
-people who actually give meaningful feedback, whether they can draw or not (10%)
-Fedora posters who talk shit and don't know how to draw (70%)

>inb4 "stop whining"

you know I'm right.

>> No.2755322

People who bump useless thread?

>> No.2755469

Those are the worst.

>> No.2755512

>Can't share youtube tutorials
>Can't talk about animation
>Can't fucking talk about critique (what the hell dude)

Serious question, what are tour main threads in here?

>> No.2755516


>> No.2755517

Tower girls thread

>monster tiddy afficionados

>> No.2755526

To be fair, monster titties are a pretty compelling argument

>> No.2755532


Draw and reference threads, the former is supposed to be used for critique. I have little interest in anything else, and am tired of seeing spread-eagle anime tgirls for the eightieth time

>> No.2755534

k then

>> No.2755637

hahaha this

>> No.2756014

And here is the sob-why-is-/ic/-so-mean-and-elitist side.

Whats the matter champ, someone didn't like your Naruto drawings?

>> No.2756084

I want to be the very best

>> No.2756085

wrong thread >>2756007

>> No.2757278

a) Gonna make it

2) Not gonna make it

>> No.2757353

>I've yet to hear anyone who didn't have a solid base before coming to /ic/ surviving /ic/.
I know a few people, including myself.

>> No.2757371

I'm addicted to cough syrup!

>> No.2757379

>people who post
>people who lurk, then post
>people who lurk

believe it or not, there's probably at least 3 brad rigney tier artists here who we don't even know exist, reading every artbook, doing all the work, etc.