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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 168 KB, 446x794, napoleon__s_trisha_portrait_by_hexideviant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2748196 No.2748196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did your art skills get you the girl/guy?

>> No.2748203

When I went to art camp. . .

>> No.2748206

I have a tendency to want to draw guys I have a crush on. It seems to push them away, sadly.

>> No.2748207

Nope, it was my soft hair

>> No.2748212

I like the shading on the upper lip, how long did it take you?

>> No.2748216

They help set the bait quite well, but I couldn't reel anyone in because I'm literally retarded.
The only ones that wanted something with me were heavy breathing morbidly obese girls that thought I was into yaoi when I was a teenager.

>> No.2748322

kinda helped me get my first gf

>> No.2748326
File: 471 KB, 512x288, 1478269423102.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking from true experience, it got me a girl way the fuck out of my league. she said my art had huge meaning to her. she must've been hit in the head

>> No.2748329

Well, you don't need to be ugly to have bad taste

>> No.2748350

its true

>> No.2748381

It did it but I never thought i would end up NTR'ing someone. The poor Nu-male. Worth it.

>> No.2749219


Story time

>> No.2749370

fucking art cucks

>> No.2749372

that means you just suck

>> No.2749373

post art, i need to start punching above my weight

>> No.2749374

This. That sounds like a story, Anon.

Art killed my relationship. I spent to much time gittin gud and not talking to anyone that I lost my love and friends. Probably a good thing though since he turned out to be an asshole.

>> No.2749375

Same here, especially with this one guy right now. I don't show him though, because it'll probably weird him out.

>> No.2749416

It's irrelevant since I spend most of my time among various studying artists (grills included), most of witch are better than me.

>> No.2749427

Nah the drawings were good. I think they just thought it meant I was more into them than they were comfortable with starting out.
Yeah don't show him. Never show him. Don't hide it necessarily but don't bring it up to him. Guys always say they'll be flattered by that kind of thing but they never are it just scares them.

>> No.2750423

I drew an ok looking picture of this girl when she first started liking me. Don't really like drawing from photos but if you have the ability to make a semi realistic drawing girls like it. She posted it on her facebook and her friend said i used an app

>> No.2750434

you are probably a whore and he lost interest in you because of that

>> No.2750437

>since he turned out to be an asshole

wow! >>2750434 did really turned out to be an asshole

>> No.2750462

What? I said probably, knowing that women almost always tell half truth. Maybe he was an asshole because he saw that you are not a good partner? That you dont give a fuck about him the same way he does? Its all bullshit in the end, I dont fucking care

>> No.2750710

Let's just leave it at I learned the Nu-male was also an artist, and also saw he did a picture of her. I just spent time doing a better picture, loomis be praised.

>> No.2750737

Doesn't really matter how well you draw when you're a morbidly obese NEET shutin.

Well just regular obese now, I suppose.

>> No.2751438
File: 88 KB, 655x800, flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i call this one "bold and brash"

>> No.2751444

There never was a girl, that's why I draw.

>> No.2751455

My bf becomes really bashful and nervous when I try to draw him, starts fidgeting/moving and looking around until I tell him to forget it. It's super cute but damn.

>> No.2751464

I sometimes worry how I will marry if I become an artist. Does this mean I have to marry artists?

>> No.2751475

No, you'll probably just end up shagging one anyway since your social circle becomes just other artists.

>> No.2752036

It actually did. She was blown away the first time she me draw, then again we were like 15. But I got a lot better and she loved me for it. Dated for a few years but my art skills definitely helped seal the deal.

>> No.2752100

That's really cute. Maybe the problem was that I drew them on my own without them posing for it. But they were just little doodles, not full on "draw me like your French girls" portraits or anything.

Slightly unrelated, sometimes I worry about >>2751464 too. Specifically if I date a guy who's also an artist and whether that would interfere with things. It seems to me many artists are very competitive, I can't help wondering if either one of us being more skilled than the other would cause jealousy? I only know one artist couple but they seem to be of equal skill and have literally the same job so I think it works.

>> No.2752105


I once spray painting the side of the roof, of one of the tallest building in my city that we should start over. (I was friendzoned for years, wanted to date, always jealous of each other but never timed up) now we have been dating for almost 4 years, probably gonna propose soon.

>> No.2752117
File: 771 KB, 960x708, chad artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't give a shit if you're good or not (they can't tell anyway), they just care about whether you're Chad.

>> No.2752796
File: 35 KB, 600x400, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no comprtetive, skilled more than me, artist gf, whos skill would motivate me to git gud and with whom i would have competitions on drawing stuff

>> No.2752829

do you actually think those are legit drawings?

>> No.2752833

It's just render spamming.

>> No.2752972

>when you think copying photos is actually doing work

>> No.2753003

He's a confident person but gets shy when I stare him down that way even though he's wearing clothes, it confuses me. I would love to get him when he's wearing nothing but that's not happening unless he's passed out drunk and he's always face down when he's drunk.

I've always wondered what being with another artist would be like too, might be really dramatic or really lovely.

>> No.2753004

It is work, you're just ripping off the art of some photographer

>> No.2753008

My confidence in the arts made me get laid for the first time. Too bad she didn't like me that much and I ended up going depressed.

Also I always find girls who are worse than me in arts and this makes me lose interest in them.

>> No.2753009

>going depressed

>> No.2753013

I was fairly popular before I started art, now I rarely go out and hence don't meet any new girls. Wouldn't say art cockblocked me though, it's my choice and I'd rather spend my time grabbing a pencil than grabbing pussies.

>> No.2753015

Probably yes. I met my boyfriend because he followed my art blog. Been drawing anime porn for him ever since.

>> No.2753021

Yeah i know. It was my first time having a relationship and first time having sex. It's natural to be humiliated by your self-esteem.

It didn't last long, fortunately for me. I should probably get over it pretty quick.

>> No.2753022

i dont think it helped me too much, but it did give me the cute nerd vibe, and I think he was used to the typical vapid 20 something year old.

have a very masculine boyfriend with a good mix of alpha and beta traits who is delicious.want to marry. very buff and manly hng

would personally never date an artist. the average one is super beta and scrawny (work out guys, this is how you get laid). it's also kind of a turn off if they're in the same career as me

Also weird things usually happen and I've seen it ruin some friend's careers.I think it can work if both people are on the same page. It works with my friend (who is very successful) and her bf, but she's the dominant one in the relationship and I don't want that.

>> No.2753059

Drawing her as a fantasy character and writing some interactive stories turned my 10/10 childhood best friend into my girlfriend of 5 years, we only split up because she went to university overseas.

Coincidentially keeping the character around for a serious project ruined another relationship because that girl was mad jelly of a fictional character.

>> No.2753131

Yes, but indirectly as I met her at art school.

>> No.2753135

no, she has a bf :( still it gives me another source of motivation to git gud enough to steal his grill

>> No.2753193

It sounds good in theory. I would definitely rather have a bf who was as driven in his art than not driven at all, but knowing myself I think it could only work if we weren't competing in any way. It's one of my faults that I tend to take competition a little too much to heart.
I think I would love a guy who gets shy and uncomfortable when I stare at him, it'd be so cute. Maybe I'm just weird. But yeah dating an artist could be good. On one hand you'd have someone who understands what you do and maybe someone to collab with. On the other though artists can be kind of all over the map emotionally, I know I am personally. That could definitely kick up some huge drama at times. And I was wrong before I know another artist couple and they seem to work well together because they each do different branches of art that they can combine like an assembly line so they're always making projects together. That'd be a good dynamic.

>> No.2753217

> I can't help wondering if either one of us being more skilled than the other would cause jealousy?

Mature and well adjusted people will rationalise that being envious of your partner for being better than you at a skill you can also improve at is silly. Someone who feels envy over that is likely to do so in other things as well so being an artist is not part of the problem.

Now for some anecodatal experiences.
My girlfriend is an artist too and we live together, our work is not comparable because we are both our own people and persue different goals despite being in the same career.

>> No.2753386

>well competitions really motivate me. i would even settle for just artist friend as all my irl friends dont care about nor do art

>> No.2753388

didnt mean to greentext fuck phone

>> No.2753391

That's a good point actually. I have a group of friends I draw with semi-regularly and I love that. We do compete a little but it's all in friendly competition to get each other to improve and stay motivated. That's something I would never want to give up. I've thought a couple of times about maybe trying to date someone from that group but it's probably better not to fuck up the circle. If anything went wrong in the relationship and I felt like I couldn't hang out with them anymore that'd fuck my shit right up.

>> No.2753394
File: 38 KB, 411x613, 1468523670594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once got a blowjob for designing a tatto for a girl

>> No.2753405


>> No.2753430
File: 1.21 MB, 1060x1600, 1476563912528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In college, share room with a normie
>This cute girl was his fuckbuddy
>Pretty decent girl, doesn't look like a whore or anything, kinda jealous of him
>One day she notices me drawing an inktober
>Woah you're so good at drawing anon
>Asks me if I could design a tattoo for her
>Wants a generic phoenix
>Say sure I'll get to it
>One day they were supposed to go to grab coffee or something
>My roomate is studying at the library
>She shows up, asks if he's home
>Tell her no
>She goes in and asks me to see the progress on the tattoo design
>She's way too close when I'm showing her the drawing, tits pressed against my back
>Kisses me on the cheek, then we make out
>Starts giving head
>What is this I don't even
>After a few minutes she leaves

Luckiest day of my life

>> No.2753458


Wow, you're a no spine shit head.

>> No.2753475
File: 5 KB, 160x172, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a whore, not me

>> No.2753476

Yea, should've taken control and torn that pussy up.

>> No.2753492

He doesn't look like Chad, he looks like Art Fabio.

>> No.2753528

More like belongs in my ass.

>> No.2753538


>> No.2753542

>obsessed with ex
>draw her face on a figure study of a naked chick
>send it to her
>get probation, community service, and my name on the sex offender list.

>> No.2753663
File: 62 KB, 388x388, 1479873534637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek'd. there was a girl in my animation class that i really liked and she seemed to dig me. I drew her during a lecture and showed it to her at the end of class. now she seems to avoid me at all costs

>> No.2753720


>> No.2753735

I don't think drawing has ever helped me with anything. I was super shit in high school but would occasionally get compliments if people looked over my notebook. I'm in college and still shit but a lot better than I used to be (good by normie standards) and I actually get less comments from it. No one really cares I think.

>> No.2753740

Are you me?

>> No.2753844

yeah i agree with you. maybe that is the reason i come here

>> No.2753846

Possibly. I haven't been able to hang with that group of mine in a while, I think that's why I started coming back here. Shit gets lonely man.

>> No.2753883
File: 19 KB, 387x484, please take it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least i hope we make it anon. good luck pal

>> No.2753890
File: 107 KB, 504x504, A-Single-Tear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, same to you.

>> No.2753942

For women, men go from cute little toy at ages 0-12, to akward shit that needs guidance at 13-16, to potential rapist unless it's Chad or Tyrone and I'm being a slut at 17-29, to interesting stranger/atm beta provider at 30+.

Focus on bettering yourself and unless you're a "my wife's son" or supreme gentleman type, you'll get the attention you desserve in the near future.